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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 69

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new gondorians.png
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orcslam is a religion of peace edition
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Just battered the gf
You all say Europe is dead, but that's not technically true. Its only dead for the classes, that's the lot of you. Your richer counter parts living it up in gated communities have not a criminal in sight.

Oh... question...

Would alcohol improve this thread?
Just convinced a roastie on tinder to drive 3 hours to meet my fake "Chad" profile lmao
enjoy this meme
Keep having big dry poos lads, it hurts when it comes out haah.
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it's adorable that she tries to look mature in her fetish gear
like a toddler in her mothers heels
fuck she's actually really hot
need an ariana gf
>isis want to bomb THIS
morning lads

morning nonce
Low standards.

>He wants a midget who likes like a chipmunk.

Just look at how prominent her skull is. Disgusting, Do not want.
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out of your league sunshine
literally too childlike for me
fuck off permavirgin
To be honest she looks like she was hit by a bomb when you see the picture of what she looked like before she turned into a semen slurping slag
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>Just look at how prominent her skull is. Disgusting, Do not want.
2 euro coins look like eggs
Dumb cunts
Recycle this afterwards
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Nothing, she a midget. Her body remain young while her head kept growing.
that arm
>the moment she was lost to goldbergsteinrockerfella
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leftypol OUT
need a thigh high gf

how would you feel about a thighhigh bf
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First for Assyrian qts
>should of
oh, you're stupid
carry on
VERY happy
pics x
Might become an airbnb host

Thoughts? Sharing my home with strangers for money?
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>you arrive in south wales
you've been spamming that image for months mate
nobody really cares
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is nude?
is piss?
of course he is, he's a yank
make sure you're allowed to sublet or else you'll get kicked out yourself
idiot doesnt even know his own stereotypes

south wales = england
north wales = desolate wasteland
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>BNP got 564,331 votes in 2010
>BNP got 1,667 votes in 2015

wew, talk about a collapse.

UKIP got 3,881,129 in 2015, I wonder how they'll do now.
Wtf I love lycamobile now
thats a lot of turbo rorkes


>free uni
>brilliant scenery
>low cost of living
>lowest unemployment in UK
>Englandcucks still glad that they pay £700 a week to share a room with a Pakistani family of 8 to attend their £9000 a year uni
I remember when the BNP were actually a political force
Makes me ashamed to be british that people actually voted for those jokes
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US is not Baka, the Rebs is.

Also, a health to all anime posters. Salut
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>you will NEVER experience full communism in your lifetime
>half a million
wew why?
I'll be surprised if they get more than 500000. They're completely irrelevant now.
this doesn't look pre-arranged at all
if your uni doesnt cost £9k then you go to a shit uni T B H
might tuck in early tonight c:
shit left-wing governments always create a surge in far-right parties, it's weird

the rise of the Front National in France came from Hollande's shit socialist government
BNP died because of infighting

Where did this meme expression even come from?
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*tucks you in and kisses your forehead*
*social democratic party
anime is innocent
>free uni
Because you're fucking milking Westminster for all it's worth, Scotland are the biggest scroungers in the UK
got no bacon or bread so im just eating some fried eggs with some BBQ sauce
who here /povvo/
*tucks you in so tight you can't move*
*leaves the light on*
night night
why won't momentum just fuck off?
Rorkes don't specifically see an image of a Muslim actively protesting terrorism
>they support terrorism
Rorkes see image of a Muslim protesting terrorism
>hmmm seems staged

Yeah, they got together to denounce it, what's your point? No point doing it in the front room of the imams house!
i hate scottish accents and northern english accents, they're disgusting
cant even imagine going to a <$60k/year uni, must be grim
Work in 6 hours
Might do a quick 'cide
I study medicine at one of the best unis in the UK for it and pay nothing for tuition
in england uni fees are capped at £9k

Oxford has £9400 per year fees, and thats the #1 uni in the world right now, for example
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Why can't the Saxon man jive?
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me at dinner
Mate can ya give me a quick 'urder first? Haha nothing serious just want to die haha
slight smile
>wew why?
Gordon Brown's government
Financial crash
I think new zeeland accents are superior to yours
REALLY like this gimmick
Get it right
Vote Greg Knight
Lets hold hands and jump in front of a train
careful la I got a 3 day ban for posting all these legs

would gladly share more otherwise
lone warg attacks
the bnp seemed unstoppable around 2007-2009
no you don't, you're just saying that because you're butthurt about my opinion
>one of the best unis in the UK

Northern English and Scots are comfy.

Robert Burns is truly comfy
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Scotland GDP per Capita.png
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Scotland produced a surplus between the '70s and the early 2000s and (even excluding oil) pays the most tax per head than any area outside of London and the South East
>unis in yankland unironically cost $60k for domestic students
pathetic country top to bottom and they're actually proud of it
utterly bizarre
no i'm serious, new zeeland women sound so cute

aussie accent only works for men, too boisterious for women

I'm more of a reifag
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>and (even excluding oil) pays the most tax per head
yeah bullshit source please
nz accents make girls sound fat even if they aren't desu
need a corbyn government to facilitate the rise of a proper far-right party to replace the tories
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Does Ausland have ONE universally recognized top University?
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>tfw no bigdicked Aussie bf to dominate me
Guarantee Edinburgh or St Andrews is better than whatever dire former poly you go to
hmm indeed
Has janny banndd me for posting cute boy legs?
yes they have multiple you utter thicko
Need a gf that will let me fiddle with her while she sleeps and NOT go absolutely mental if she wakes up whilst I'm doing it

I can touch your tits while you're awake but not when you're sound asleep? fuck off, bint
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"sound fat"

hahahahahahaha what?
Most northern accents are just friendly and comfy af
Is there ONE yank uni. student who isn't going to be paying off their tuition into their 40s, 50s, 60s?
never thought i'd see the day they allowed dogkins into the police force
o x b r i d g e

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I don't believe
>huge deficit

>spending more than they bring in

Good job boys
very gay
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is nottingham considered northern? because i find thailad's accent tolerable
contraversial opinion time:
nothing wrong with coppers goofing around and having a bit of fun on the beat
it humanises them and fosters better community links

I wasted an anime on you
will be voting for this party

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i very sad
You have a terrible habit of quoting things out of context btw
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You know very well
whats up?
can always smell cigarette smoke yet nobody is smoking near me

believe my nose is defective
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Definitely not. The north begins at Stoke.
i'll correct it for you lad
*decks you*
are you smoking
Fair enough, nothing in Scotland matches Oxbridge. Most students in England aren't paying £9K a year to go there though.

Not like there's a massive UK deficit either is there?
someone name an animal
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kiwis (the people)
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>deficit twice size of UK's
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Lads, does anybody else immediately get acne, eyebags and "dirty" looking skin after smoking two or three cigs?

I smoke very rarely, only with mates, but I swear it fucks up my skin every time I do
ENTP here

waddup boys
elephant seal (the first animal i think of when i see a yank flag)
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*goes dogging*
have so many ambitions but i'm too fucking lazy to achieve them haha
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Extreme Measures with Trevor Eve, Friday at 9, on BBC1
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view from the Wales flat
Steppe mammoth
m8 I'm font like you wouldn't believe, if only you knew the crazy shit i've been up to the last couple of weeks

good times
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post vagina
When will you be like the cool marxist kids?
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Anything in the top 40 is worth the money, below that and it's an absolute fucking waste. Wouldn't catch me dead paying 9 grand to go to a polytechnic shithole to learn art or sports coaching.
Are those Varg's ancestors?
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wish i was born blind and deaf
want to lock out this world
what does istp mean? t.istp lad
ahh yes a myers briggs episode
It gets bright pretty early in Wales
surely you would know as an istp
Did you think I just wasn't going to read your linkspam, bumfluff? They say nothing remotely like what you claimed, quite the opposite
From Factfind
>On this occasion, Mr Salmond's numbers do add up - with one important caveat. Amidst all the discussion of separation, there's one asset that both parties are claiming as their own - North Sea oil.
>And how you allocate this 'black gold' makes a huge difference to the health of a country's finances.
>If the total revenue is shared equally among the nations of the UK according to their population size, then the same experimental statistics show that Scotland would have been taking out more than it had been putting in, compared to the other countries in the UK.
From the IFS
>North Sea oil and gas aside, tax revenue in Scotland (£7,100 per person in 2012–13) looks much more like that in the UK as a whole (£7,300). Scots do pay £290 per year less in income tax on average, partly because incomes in Scotland are more equally distributed, with fewer of the very high-income individuals who provide such a large share of income tax revenue in the UK as a whole.
Also for added lelz
>But Scots contribute slightly more in VAT and in alcohol and tobacco taxes.
Anyone else get annoyed that the tories constantly equate government debt with household debt?

Debt's pretty good for a government and the economy unless it gets to Zimbabwe-tier junk-bond level. No government debt would massively hinder the economy.
Can't remember what it even was apart from it was introvert
atleast 3 diff girls
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i love The Stig
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Did you think I was going to read your textwall, bumfluff? Well, you're about to be sorely disappointed to find I shan't be doing that.
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such and ENFJ thing to say
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love pints hate economists not stupid just just dont like them simple as
Recently quit but hangovers are definitely far worse when smoking.

Never gave me acne though, just dried out my skin somewhat
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love wales
Harsh but fair
how was your week?
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just asserted dominance over the bull today, feeling proud
prefer donkeys
If people don't think they're literally saving the country from economic disaster then why would they vote for them?
thats scotland sweaty x
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infp senpai
>actually read through articles someone posted on a tibetan autism support group

he's taken you for a right mug
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no it isnt
I vary between ENTJ and ENTP depending on my mood.
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you arrive in cardiff
man I should go camping there some time this month

I'll bring a tent, 100 kit kats and a water botttle and I'll live like a hobo in the Welsh mountains for 2 weeks
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no personality test can... accurately... express my insanity...
Any other istp masterrace itt?
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wales is best during the winter tho tbf
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craigslist banter
Anyone whos personality starts with E can FONT
got banned from runescape for calling someone a ballbagmuncher
millennial woes is asmr
Got some lad banned from runescape for calling me a ballbagmuncher
free armour trimming
Lizzie's dead lads
you are a ball bag muncher
drop party
Told a girl I was chatting to that she was "a fellow kindred spirit" and she didn't know what it meant

Fucking roasties
dad is muslim and he laughs at muslims with beards and calls them ISIS
your dad uses taqiyya on you lad
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honestly he was the most adorable brit

HOPE your fasting
careers fair tomorrow

what do?
Sounds like someone needs to get out the country
Calling the custodian
underage need to leave
fuck off arrogant student
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Israeli palestinian conflict? Two state solution? Arab spring? Couldn't care less mate. Give us another pint.
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graduating with a 2:1 this summer lads
just be yourself
it's quite endearing actually that we the British have a characteristic sentimentality and protective nature for children, it's especially true for the working class

brits HATE nonces with a passion, moreso than other countries I feel. we also hate child-attackers
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is britainese leav the Reich (EU) really?
i think many people has opposition it.
is that that bloke who got doxxed by that newspaper (y'know one of the rasheed ones)?
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we stared leaving back in march i think, so we've got 2 years of negotiation before its done
>your best mate will never do this
going to concoct a rustlers
am 22
make me
yes to kicking back the football
yes to posing for a "selfie"
no to engaging in fetishistic acts in public
How does your best mate look like lad
Exactly what an underage would say get 'im janny
Would Corbyn honestly be worse than May? Is he like an old Left type or just a champagne socialist?
Then why we inviting hundreds of thousands of them in?
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optimum weed to tobacco ratio
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doing a lauren's take on london
she seems genuinely upset desu

>yes to posing for a "selfie"
because the elites aren't proper brits
Champange socialist unfortunately
How do ordinary people get redpilled like that? Especially random normie women
yank trap has been set i see
>she seems genuinely upset desu
you were expecting her to be yelling "I TOLD YOU SO RETARDS"?
This article never fails to make me sick to the core

might have mono
It's not a gimmick, you fucking tool
Don't care about this cuckservative
err why does tht matter
haha, benders
most normies are like that
you just assume that far left mongs represent all normies
they don't
couldve been eating that nice cold pizza from the fridge instead, if you had only gotten 2 on tuesday
she's not a cuckservative anymore that's why she left the rebel

she's full alt-right now
Corbyn is based.
No reason just curious desu you don't have to say anything if you don't want to
>he fell for the meme
Anyone else really fucking hate /brit/, but cannot, for some reason, keep coming back here?
Alt right? Like the neo nazi kind or the libertarian kind? Either way don't care about her opinion desu
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so THIS is the power of anarchism
kinda hot desu
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Even if britain leave the EU, you can't prevention any terrorism. because recently terrorism was by homegrown terrorism.
many terrorist is 2nd gen immigrants.
i really like /brit/ and thats the reason i keep coming back
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Anarkiddies? Not a fan
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Fuck Thatcher it's her fault most of them are over here
some posters here are funny and i'm anonymous so i wont feel guilty or bad when i inevitably leave never to come back again :^)
I used to really like it here but now not so much because there's multiple unironic communists and mentally people that dress in womens clothes and post pictures of themselves. Just longing for the day they leave or kill themselves.
they see a revenue source and jump right on it
when i lived in italy drank wine nearly every single day as it was only 1-2 euros per 750ml bottle
wtf do not use a single negative when you mean to use a double
all me
>multiple unironic communists
the state of you
Leftists are retarded.
have to admit i've got islamophobia

don't really agree that it's an irrational fear though, i'd argue it's very rational
I'm one unironically but I don't sperg out about politics. Only the occasional corbyn meme x
mean :(
STFU bender
Daily reminder that TRUE leftism has never been tried before.
chewing gum vigorously
It's not an irational fear when they are trying to kill you
when is the voting place emptiest
Paki bastards downvoted my posts.
*closes reddit tabs*
tony blair was a true leftist in every sense of the word
not him personally
that's dellusion
State of you
not islamophobia because phobia implies fear
just don't like them simple as. want them gone. deport them all desu
don't see what your point is but I can only assume you are one of the things I listed so you can go bag to fucking your gaping arsehole with a massive karl marx dildo you cunt
hello 4chan loyalist
Thank you for your service
Please calm down. im native Japanese.
merkel isn't bad all. i said many terrorist is 2nd gen immigrants.
britains accepted Pakis before EU accept syrian refugees.
They live in the UK, their children grew up in it too.
>implies fear
yeah not gonna lie i am scared of pakis

see a gang of them in the streets and i think they could be nonces

see a scruffy bastard carrying a big backpack or getting into a truck and i can't say i don't keep an eye out just in case he tries anything
Don't lie you sperg about politics and rampantly sweetie post to anyone who disagrees with you, fucking cretinous goit
phobia doesn't imply fear that's just straight up what the word means
true rightism has never been tried
reddit is only good for niche porn sweetie x
I sweetie post but I don't post about politics that's someone else sweetie x
phobia implies irrational fear or aversion. The aversion or fear is not irrational, so Islamaphobia is just a made up nonsense word
its not that real communism has never been tried its that communism has simply never been achieved
doesnt matter still just dont like em. love pints
>i said many terrorist is 2nd gen immigrants.
Yes and I said Thatcher let them in, they're the second generation immigrants you're talking about
mussolini wasn't a real fascist
You are mentally ill, and you will die alone.
good lad
Nazism wasn't real fascism
communism just isn't needed right now

need an ideology that can deal with the paki problem
>Not voting sinn fein
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>he doesn't know sweetie posting is ironic
fucking hell fuck off newcunt
national socialism
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>it's a Truman is angry about life and is taking his frustrations out on a friendly anon episode
Absolutely we do, ethno-nationalist surge when?
>you can't prevent* any terrorism
>recent attack was by homegrown terrorists*
>many terrorists are* 2nd gen immigrants
(not meaning to be rude, i assume you're practising english and would prefer to have mistakes corrected)

the EU was not considered a source of terrorists, just too many workers competing for too few jobs. terrorism had little to do with it (but the leftys will tell you it was because of racism due to terrorism)
National communism is a thing
communism did solve it
rigorous atheism
Paki's are only a problem because you think they are.
watching mr thoRAX
Of course I know it's ironic you fucking bent twat. I was here when the aussie started pushing it. Putting it at the end of every post, unironically believing in communism, and being a fucking goit posting drivel here til the early hours is what makes you mentally ill.
bet i could take on an antifa horde of weak leftists and take down 10 before being subdued
late night wank done and dusted
love a bit of jillian janson
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INTJs report in

prez of my student society and did a bit of cheeky political maneuvering today
IEDs have no religion
hmm no
they'd still be a problem even if i didn't think they were

most of their victims are people who shilled for multiculturalism and tolerance on social media before they got murdered

state atheism is a problem in itself
doesn't lead to terrorism, no. but it does lead to cultural misery and depression
That's a really good film and always made me do a think. Probnably my fav Jim Carrey film.

I'm not angry about life I'm angry about commies and lefties posting drivel in /brit/ all day and night. It's a legitimate concern and I wont hear otherwise
Thread posts: 316
Thread images: 69

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