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Thread replies: 299
Thread images: 53

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Queen of Brit
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had a giggle at this post
might binge watch simpsons season 4
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Radical centrists are winning around the world

Far-left and far-right autists cannot stop the neoliberal revolution
Thailad my dads a marxist as well pretty sure he's old x
doing a listen
If Churchill hadn't led us during WW2 he would be remembered as a mediocre cuckservative PM
listening to asmr because the gf wont whisper anything in my ear
>not THE Queen

you gotta be kidding me...
worst thread of all time
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kpop desu lads
trudeau and merkel are not radcen
NEED a short and thick gf.

what does he say at 0:58? that guy's ________________
finished the exam
failed the exam
Don't think you understand what radcen is 2bh
If you're young and right wing, you have no heart.
If you're old and [far]left wing, you have no brain.

Sorry to hear about your dad, mate.
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>riley reid
ludwig von baitoven! wagwan bredrin? hiring, firing and perspiring still?
>whiter than pol
Makes you think
bad luck mate i absolutely smashed mine lmao
"that guy's eyes are red raw he looks stoned"
what should I have for dinner
he was a character though with some great quips
>leftypol is racist

fuck off
/brit/ is a civic nationalist rorke general
>If you're young and right wing, you have no heart.
>If you're old and [far]left wing, you have no brain.

What about if you're radical centrist?
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fuck off desu matt
Oh fuck off don't act superior for being a centrist
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might be getting results in 5 days
those are radical centrist policies
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Good lad
you have no heart?
This man is a Ehrenmann
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just watched my first anime
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Not a racist x
fuck off
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will be viewed with the same hatred in the future as with hitler and mussolini today
t. time traveller
im gonna fish in your waters and you cant stop me
im on the jewish hollywood cabal's payroll to subvert rorkism on /brit/ and encourage acceptance of diversity by rating anti-british films set in the caribbean highly
You shall inherit the earth.
nah, I'd love to be a sensible left winger but it's cancer now, so I'll align with whatever is pushing the left back.
why are the ones on the left blurry
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I need a pair of glasses. What style should I choose that don't make me look like a numale beta? All the styles I like have been co-opted by hipsters. I used to wear glasses similar to Michael Douglas' in Falling Down, but that's now a vintage hipster cuck style
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will I have a gf in the future?
>nah, I'd love to be a sensible left winger but it's cancer now, so I'll align with whatever is pushing the left back.
sargon lives in thailand?
very effective camoflague
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>The Tories have done very well trying to reduce the last Labour government's debt
Cos they're camouflaged
if you're far left you're pretty anti white racist. you also assume other races need babying and special treatment which is also racist. lefties are unironically much more racist than most moderate rorkes.
the key to not looking like a numale beta is to have chiseled facial aesthetics. you can wear any glasses and it doesn't matter. i wear hipster glasses bc i got them online for cheap but i pull them off bc i have a bigass jaw
big fan of this post
computer says no
not racist just dont like em simple as
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Thailad who are you voting for
>i'm an immigrant and i think immigration is good
Every televised political debate in Britain since the 80s.
>tfw the tranny spammer is the new janny
I'm flattered.

definitely old on the 4chan perspective.
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government mandated gfs for all
upstairs toilet brush holder has literally an inch deep puddle of shit water in it haha
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he's a civic nationalist, he wants British workers to stop being undercut by immigrants imported by capitalists

he doesn't want more pakis just equality for the ones already born here
thailad is in his 40s
>nah, I'd love to be a sensible left winger but it's cancer now, so I'll align with whatever is pushing the left back.
Bet you think the left is just SJWs fuck off sargonite
just wear those cheap thin framed ones
you'll look like a virgin nerd but at least you won't look like a hipster twat
clearly SHE is doing a false flag psy op to make us think she isnt the janny . discusting
Can't register, Have a proxy voter in an incredibly safe Tory seat, so UKIP.
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The richest 1% already pay 30% of all income tax. At what point will they be paying their ''''''''''''fair share''''''''''''? Or is it as I suspect and the left, deep down, really sees no limit whatsoever to the amount they can tax them?
he's no finished he's only 28
corbyn wanted the IRA to win, doesn't like the monarchy and wants to give back the falklands

very nationalist
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who /spoilingtheballot/ here
Corbyn harps on about food banks, but the truth is most people spend their benefit money on drugs, alcohol & gambling.
old on the 4chan perspective is late 20's, which is actually still quite young in reality.
not entirely convinced leftypol actually exists
>listening to an audio book but the reader has an annoying voice

REEEing pretty hard.

You need only have 2 qualities for this particular job
>being able to read and speak
>having a listenable voice

this nigga im listening to sound like microsoft mike ffs
>unironically voting UKIP

>equality for pakis
Does that mean we can rape their kids for decades and get away with it?
Meet Mr. McDonnell, he's a Shadow chancellor, and would be in charge of economic policy of the UK.
Pay people more and they will pay more income tax

economy fixed
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>yellow tories
Why does the left obsess with food banks? It's a good thing we have them as opposed to letting poor people starve
Just imagine what kind of state of mind you'd have to be in, to watch all the Tory 'dark ads' and swallow every point as the plain truth.
There's a reason why they're targeted at old blinkered farts who don't know how to navigate websites. Oh and uneducated people.
I'd believe it, never liked the nonce but the turbororke storyline is painful to watch
only argument i've heard is that she'll likely be sacked if they win the election, which is a shit argument in and of itself
Good that those lads can get along even though (judging by their hand signs) they're all from different gangs.
Lies. he wants Immigration to remain the same, and he said he "want's our beautiful multicultural society to continue to flourish and grow" he also said Terrorists aren't Muslims and dont represent Islam.
Anyone else like to be stimulated upstairs as well as downstairs?
who gives a fuking shit
clap yourselves
thread after thread after thread after thread of this boring fucking /pol/ gibberish cowshite my god you literally never stop being gay virgins
Stop being against your own class interests stop it NOW
What style do you mean? Could you post a pic please?
How do I clap myself?
Why are people voting for the Tories? Don't get it.
good post
>he would flight to the death
If only
who will be the next leaders of the parties?

my guess:
>Conservatives: Boris Johnson or Amber Rudd
>Labour: Yvette Cooper
>LibDems: Norman Lamb
>UKIP: Suzanne Evans
>SNP: Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh
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Pain is Better When You Feel Pretty

London doesn't start Artemis with a warmup. She wants to hear him groan in pain from her first lash at him and she succeeds. But he doesn't seem to be enjoying it as much as he should. London knows from personal experience that pain feels better for a masochist who the masochist feels attractive, so London decides that Artemis would enjoy himself more if she replaced his boring athletic socks with some pretty heels. To make the heels fun she has placed bottle caps inside them so the balls of his feet will be pressed into the hard, sharp metal. He already seems to be enjoying himself more.

London secures Artemis to the stage with an anal lock and has Artemis dress in lingerie and stockings. He completes his makeup while she torments him with a cane and electricity. Artemis gets tougher the more girly he appears. This is no surprise to someone like London who knows that for a man to even get close to being as tough as a woman he has to take on the persona of one. He is then bent over a table and notices that he has not done as good a job grooming as she expects of her men. She proceeds to fix this problem by waxing the hair off his taint. He squirms and squeals as she rips hair in strips off his sensitive skin. When she is finally satisfied she rewards him with a hard spanking and an even harder caning. Finally London secures Artemis' cock and balls before she proceeds to vibrate and fuck his pristine, hairless ass.
My dad's in the top tax bracket so I'm not really being a class traitor am I?
the richest 1% also get the vast majority of wealth and income generated, only fair they pay the most tax
proper brexit


Their manifesto is surprisingly good, if I gave you it with a labour cover you'd probably love it too. Apart from the sensible immigration policy part, perhaps.
fuck fuck fuck just realised how lonely I am
calle karen
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>earn 16k
>live with mummy and pay £50 a month rent
>save £100 a month
>spend the rest of my money on alcohol, weed, fags, gambling and fast food
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go with the neocon look
What makes you think they'll do a proper Brexit. Both May and Boris Johnson were remain until last year. Corbyn has wanted Brexit his whole career.
How new is this cunt?>>75621183
>Oldham West and Royton 2017 candidates
>GLENNY Christopher (The Conservative Party Candidate)
>HARKNESS Garth (Liberal Democrats)
>KEATING Ruth (UK Independence Party (UKIP))
>KING Adam (Green Party)
>McMAHON Jim (Labour and Co-operative Party)
going to vote for our Jim
But it's a leftypol raid. The rampant political discussion has only been non stop since they started raiding and spamming corbyn shit, gayposting, generally shitting everything up as best they can. blame them.
>if I gave you it with a labour cover you'd probably love it too

doubt that since I'm a Sinn Fein voter
makes the loony left cry on television
their manifesto
why are boys so narcissistic
Because they're working, tax-paying adults
If your conservative candidate did not support Brexit you should vote UKIP
>voting UKIP in 2017
Lmfao imagine being this much of a chav
Corbyn has taken hard brexit off the table and has publicly admitted in the end he's not willing to walk away with no deal.

That's just bad negotiation without even being given the chance.
... me Timothy James Farron TV debate selfie on the 3rd May 2017...
the IRA were terrorists, they killed 650 civilians. anyway Mr. Corbyn, why won't you murder millions of civilians in an act of macho rage?
this leftypol thing is probably the biggest effect I've ever made on /brit/
there is no discord or organised raid
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**blocks your path**
Shall be voting conservative in a labour stronghold ;)
leftypol doesnt fucking exist you deaf dumb and blind gigarunt its just autistic twats on here with no friends who talk about politics all day and night because they feel socially unfulfilled
is this real
>i'm working class trust me i'm not on 138k/year nor did i grow up well off
Are you? trannyspamming has been going on for months, you fucking pathetic newcunt.
>UKIP: Suzanne Evans
please no
nice try leftypol
Macron is a snake.
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Yorkshire folk are bloodthirsty cunts
actually /brit/ both created and destroyed leftypol discord several times over because of the sheer lack of competition from labour.
>it's a good negotiating tactic to be a belligerent arsehole when we need a deal more than the EU does
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Hahaha fucking spics
hurr durr da leftypol are takin over!!!
well it does actually exist but they were never raiding us
what actually happened was /brit/ ended up raiding there (small, dying community)
Even he PM doesnt get that much
go to infinity chan, got to leftypol, find /brit/. i'd link it but you can't link that site here.
No, i'm leftypol
you are the joke
>yanks and pseudo-yanks still going on about the leftypol raid discord even though they have no proof it exists
I honestly don't understand your point, the IRA murdered civilians to home to get a united Ireland. This is true.

If our country is destroyed with Nukes we should relate agains the country that attacked us, if we don't MAD doesn't work. This is true.
Voting Labour in a Tory marginal tehe
>no proof we exist
>no proof it exists

uh oh
hang the poor
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It was about as bad as i expected. If i've managed to claw the 50% necessary i'd be happy but i doubt it
>tfw got confused and spent about half an hour deriving all the suvat equations cos i forgot the derivative of position is just velocity
>newcunt gets caught out
>"b-but it's irony you paki reeeee"

Fuck off back to plebbit, you silly fucking earthworm.
would like to witness a nuclear holocaust from a safe location desu
shame the chances of that happening are 0
>weekday and early hours /brit/ when all the workers, students and productive members of society are busy and the general is full of parasitic NEETs
>incredibly right-wing, bitter, autistic, repetetive, hateful

>weekend and evening /brit/ when the workers, students and productive members of society outnumber parasitic NEETs
>the general is left-wing, funny, interesting, avant-garde; rorkes autistically and furiously post 'fuck off leftypol' but it's futile and all they can do is bash their keyboards in anger

makes you think........
It is though, power politics is real.

It's not difficult to understand. May might be completely unwilling to walk away with no deal, but she knows admitting is it retarded. Corbyn has basically said. "well, in the end I'll take whatever you give us." Terrible position to put yourself in.
spider just crawled on my lightswitch and its getting dark
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>hang the poor
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Think I might become a leftie lads

Going to volunteer at soup kitchens, go on marches, wear left-unity badges, that kind of shite.

Just want some friends really.
>thinking it's leftypol

it's aisha and her numale mates
they've been lurking here ever since they found out about us
now they're shilling for corbz
that's not how negotiation of international treaty's actually works you duffer
he lives in london
130k is average
>upper class """genetics"""
honestly rorkes are finished
we've gained control
New Zealand la
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>this fucking squirming newcunt
why not become a rightie and go on marches with Britain First
>Going to volunteer at soup kitchens
helping the homeless isn't an exclusively lefty thing lad, I volunteer for the homeless and I wouldn't consider myself a lefty (apart from economically)
>According to data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the median gross annual wage for people working in inner London is £34,473
anything else you want to embarrass yourself with?
Never posted on reddit.
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Will being a leftie get me a gf?
Yeah, because these people are totally willing to go in for a sensible, mutually beneficial deal. They haven't gone full Dr. Evil and plucked 100 Billion pounds out of thin air. Very sensible, mature group the EU dictators.
'we' isn't leftypol sweetie
i wonder if that's true
leftypol census poll


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>aisha typing a single character on a site where she can't post her ugly mug for adoring followers to praise to the heavens

Dont' think so mate
people working in inner london != people living in inner london
A spectre is haunting /brit/ - the spectre of /leftypol/
It's a good tactic if the EU would actually be scared of that happening. On balance they want a deal, but if they have to walk away without one and make an example out of us they'd be more than happy to.

Corbyn has shown a much more friendly face to the EU than May which is the best tactic when you're the smallest party with the most to lose. Brexit negotiations should basically be about damage control from our point of view, and finding a way to stay in as many European institutions as possible.
not meming but it's literally impossible to live on less than 50k in central london
rorkes IN

rorkes IN

rorkes IN

rorkes IN

rorkes IN

rorkes IN
business idea: get a job at the callcentre poley works at
leftypol poll


Corbyn is our guy

An acceptable price to pay in exchange for the valuable cultural contributions of british muslims
how are you AS levels going lad
I browse /brit/ at many different times of day and I can honestly say I've never seen it left-wing

There are times when there are more lefties posting, but even at the most left-leaning hours they are still outnumbered by rorkes 2 to 1
>They haven't gone full Dr. Evil and plucked 100 Billion pounds out of thin air. Very sensible, mature group the EU dictators.

yeah you've gone off the deep end mate
in dark times like this, /brit/ needs a hero, /brit/ needs machine jew
not a chav
Because they're all bald, angry pintmen in their 40s and I'm an effeminate, soft-spoken student who doesn't like the taste of beer
spiders disappeared from the lightswitch but i dont know where
Daaaaaa Chaampiooooooons
>tfw leftwing, hate immigrants, love pints
Anyway you look at it, you've thrown out a card you can no longer play. Don't underestimate the UK. Loads is sold to US, look at Ireland, they're fucked if they can't sell us things.
ahh yes, not biased whatsoever
love pints, love corbyn
Leftism = mental AIDS
small but vocal minority
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Love are Riley
Nigga you ded
Hello nazi
Yeah, that's not actually a point though is it? People say things like this when they have nothing to come back with.
Where do you volunteer la?

Volunteered a couple of times but the hobos would always talk to me and I couldn't talk back properly cos of the 'tism and the manager asked me to leave because I was "making the guests uncomfortable".

State of me
bf just gave me HIV
think i'd like to give it back
I'm not furthering a discussion with someone ranting and raving about "eu dictators"
newcunt is reddit spacing
had an extremely generic tasting lunchtime pint (lager) which i can't even remember the name of
I'll sort this error by opening a few good ol' Becks - not british but alright
any kopparberg mental cases in?
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Why does JC hate jews so much?
I'm a traditional left wing person
standing up for the rights of the british worker and supporting socialism for british people
That's unironically my hope
brb converting 4chan to christianity
*spews utter shite*
>only pays £50 a month

You fucking lucky cunt. I still have to pay £200 a month even though I'm fucking unemployed.
>jewish news
>but if they have to walk away without one and make an example out of us they'd be more than happy to.

We can make life extremely difficult for them too, everyone would be a loser in this event, they wont do it. they know if they push the UK to walk away from negotiations things will get very messy very publicly. They also know as long as Trump is in charge we have Americas backing.

The absolute worst think we could do is say p-p-please mr EU, don't be too hard hard on us. We'll do whatever you want, we're really sorry about leaving. Which is basically what corbyn is doing.
i'm a first year degree student im just shit at engineering
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>we've activated a whole new section
found him near some clothes and squashed him, don't want that on my mind when im putting on my socks
Obviously I was being hyperbolic, no need to get like that sweetheart x

I'm sure you can find a point if you try.
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>literally being so autistic you make mentally ill homeless people uncomfortable

so you're a national socialist
am a moderate rorke and my gf loves drumpf

very convenient tbqh
We're not negotiating with Ireland, we're negotiating with the EU. They unequivocally have the upper hand and will walk away from a deal and fuck us over if they have to.

If we quibble over what we have to pay they'll have no qualms about shutting the door and letting us shiver outside for a few years and waiting for us to come back in a few years begging for any kind of deal.
economically right
socially right
thailad is very logical. no wonder he's an IT geek
think its considered rape to fuck someone who's braindead la
by outright definition, sure
cute lesbian couple
what was it like being raised by jewish parents
economically right
socially left

don't remember asking
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alrigh lads?
wish nazis didnt ruin national socialism
cant trust g*rmans to do anything, always fuck it up
bet she's a dumb blonde haha
>moderate rorkism
we're too smart for this general mate
*necks pint of English wine*
Economically right
Socially radcen
need a rorke gf. live in a labour stonghold though haha
Everyone would be a loser but we'd be by far the biggest loser.

The best thing we'd be able to do is stop acting like a belligerent, uncooperative arsehole, state our absolute desire to make a good deal and stay as close to the EU as possible.
s-stop bullying me
it was to do with radial motion or something, not just "i launch a projectile at x angle with 200 n of force where does it land" shit
fiscally fascist and socially socialist
haven't asked her but she's normally pro-environment so i don't imagine she likes that

bit mean
So what you're saying is how it'll affect their member states won't even be considered? Germany losing us as a trade partner would be devastating to their economy, they'll survive, you're right. For what though? The only argument is they're against a mature settlement.
economically left
socially right
Will if the very top 1% have trillions of pounds 30% is too fucking small.

The majority of the 1% have their wealth inherited anyway.
pondering on this post i am
>tfw turbo rorke and gf still surprises me with her vitriol against Muslims sometimes

Good feel
me too haha x)
maybe we could be each other's? not in a gay way though
No they wont. They will suffer as greatly as us if they walk away.
she's an arty brunette tbqh
Fucking hell why did we leave the EU? Such a ridiculous idea. Letting a load of chavs decide our future haha what were we playing at
okay as long as it's not in a gay way though haha
love this feeling when you find someone else with rorke views, especially when you're like me on a lefty uni campus
thick solid tight
Yeah fuck those people who live already tough lives trying to have some escapism. We can't all summer in fucking Florance.
GOOD lad
More money for the NHS lad
yeah it's weird
>Manchester attack
Me: Guess this is what happens now that we've let so many in over the decades
Her: we need to bomb them all
Me: wew
Quite nice actually. They've got all my savings worked out for me so I should have a decent amount by the time I'm 40.
Google images. Leftypol shill.
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We're for the working class! Yeah, fuck the elite.

Wait what? The working class voted in a way we don't like?!!! OMG they're not even university educated those fucking plebs!
It really wouldn't be devastating to Germany's economy for us to walk away without a deal. They still have the rest of the EU to deal with.
>old people who grew up during WW2 were pro-remain

really gets the noggin cogs turning
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>ah yes would MUCH rather have a gloablist leftie degenerate plant like trudeau who hates his own country
VERY good lad
Bet she has a really strong regional accent, all rorkes do.


There's some pretty big numbers for some giant companies turning in zeros. That's not good, this is how the world really works.
*sucks you off heterosexually*
People that old are senile as fuck and will listen to whatever their TV tells them
already voted so all this chat of politics is a bit boring

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the BLOODY daily mail??!??!?!
Haha almost exactly the same thing happened with me

>Manchester attacks
>never really discussed terrorism or politics before before
>Me: Hmm, not very good is it
>Her, out of nowhere: Muslims shouldn't be allowed in European countries. They should go back to their desert. I hate them so much.

Just stared at her lmao
People unironically don't know what's best for them. The average voter is incredibly uninformed. Look at interviews with average Brexiteers on the street and they just registered myths about the EU - same with remainers tbf.

Referendums are shit.
left leaning
hate racists
hate /pol/
like brown people
like black people
like yellow people
don't like french canadians
like immigration
like liberty
like equality
don't like reactionaries
don't like people who base their opinions to be the opposite of the group they hate
like castlevania
smarter people than you are very excited for Brexit lad
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She probably got gang raped by them mate. Loads of women have been.
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my gf started going on about racial differences in intelligence the other day.

dropped in a cheeky 'yeah but women are also thicker' ngl
i want to leave the UK.

i have no particular alleigance to the UK anymore to my potential alleigance to virtually any other western cunt.
sad enough making up you have gf on the internet but extremely sad to imagine her as racist
Some people are born to be peasants and want to keep the gentry on top.
>i don't want to believe this is true so you must be making it up

absolute state
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Me lads
These people are all hard left
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