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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 74

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bedtime edition

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thingken ov doin a poo
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maybe I'm old fashioned but if you can't run more than 5 miles in under 32 minutes, regardless of muscle mass, you're not "/fit/" imo.
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voting snp lads tbqh
bizarro bernie sanders

mi6ico is here
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>maybe I'm old fashioned but if you can't run more than 5 miles in under 32 minutes, regardless of muscle mass, you're not "/fit/" imo.
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Pirate scumbags
need her inside me
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Can't sleep

Someone give me a podcast or something to listen to to lull me to sleep
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need a top tier slag
theres no wrong choice when it comes to keions, greetings to you and yours
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why does cara love black men so much
perfect webm
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he was too young
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doing an existential anguish
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i've had slags like 2 and 4 hit on me on the street, was quite a scary experience.

one tried necking me before, she has that stupid pink lipstick on.
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Think I might make /leftypol/ my new home when /brit/ is slow it's extremely easy to piss these rasheeds off
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>LITERALLY orcs vs humans
ah yes, kevin macdonald
proof that evopsych can be used to support anything you want it to
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>things that never happened
>>>/leftyp - *see >>75484771's post*
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>took me 10 minutes to get it up
lads I had the most bizarre dream and I need help figuring out what it meant

>kneeling in the bedroom of a mansion or something
>right by the door, which is shut
>three podgy splats of my own shit are stuck to the door in a row
>each one is fashioned into a kind of very fat nipple
>my own sperm tipped each of these nipples
>carefully licked the sperm off without my tongue touching the shit

literally what does it mean
>ugh I fuckin hate chad, beta uprising when?
>omg I love the right wing, look at this picture of an aryan adonis who fucks all the chicks

Make up your minds mates
hate neolibs but cant decide if they belong in a gulag or concentration camp
consistently fascinating how right wingers are obsessed with medieval imagery, fantasy and romantic myths
unironically has, I'm tall and good looking.

I'm only a subnormie because I'm beta as fuck.
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they belong on a holiday to cambodia
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r isis gay or sumfing
they can actually do work there
post this on leftypol
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>left compares everything to harry potter
Looks better as a chick
just did a meme post on leftypol

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don't care, they're funny
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you're thinking of neoliberals

jk rowling hates the left
hate you all
I mean the bomb was never gonna hit ariana
the others weren't, this was. doesn't make them funny in general tho
It's a /pol/ thread where each month they take a beloved film or TV series and turn it into a symbol of the alt-right and watch twitter retards sperg over it. They've done Harry Potter, Star Wars etc.
kek i made this months ago
Hmm asmr is not my cup of tea thanks anyway
bought some led lamps
house looks disgusting now
/r9k/ betas are sheeds
Well then you're thinking of the alt right, real conservatives hate the alt-right
Prefer the upskirt desu
i didn't know, pretty good gimmick
bit gay desu
Good lad
nonce twats. she's literally 12
no shit, i'm a christian democrat
probably not
but apparently her mum was still there and helped usher fans away and help them and stuff
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consistently fascinating how left wingers are obsessed with gender binaries, fidget spinners and sonic the hedgehog
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>the sue gookposter is a leftypol runt
and I reported every one of his posts to get him banned
i remember the boycott star wars 7 phase
that was pure autism
Which one would you rather have as a gf (male) ?
He isn't, they hate him he's just pissing them off lmao
can I just put this out here, I'm friends with a lot of hot females and if you think you pure waifu in uni has not shagged more than 15 guys, you're lying to yourself and you know it.

if you think she hasn't developed feelings for 1/3rd of these guys and get blown off, you're also lying to yourself.

people like sex, get over it.
ah yes. leftypol raids and all of a sudden there are nonces everywhere. what a coincidence.
yeah you're right
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>real conservatives
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Shiieeeeett mayne dem racis techas gotza go
Everything they don't like is leftypol
communism works, but it only works for collectivist races like the various asian races

europeans are too individualistic
absolutely reeks of projection this post does
it's a masked way of saying i want the railways renationalised
>expecting autismodicki not to be retarded
>europeans are too individualistic
well duh, they live in liberal capitalist societies
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cool pepe.png
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>tfw found a pure 17 year old waifu
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>What do I have to do to make it onto your drunk dial list?

What exactly does this mean?
i've had a couple oneitus in my uni time

i've also shagged some people's oneitus.

it's the way the world goes round.
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quiet leftypol
yes that's why China immediately flourished upon switching to capitalism
dont care
Tell her when you get drunk you only normally call ex-flings for booty calls and see what happens.
wow such a scientific graph
nordics aren't. they're very socialist, forget the term for deriding someone as thinking they are better than the community
she'll be shagging 5 guys a week by the time she's 19 after her first scumbag boyfriend.
Is it bad that I prefer porn of Western cartoons over porn of Chinese cartoons?
lickydicky seems like an unironic cuck
tall poppy syndrome or do you mean some unpronouncable german word?
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She doesn't even shave at all, she must be really pure desu
I thought you were a virgin lol
He is
ye, AWALT, look it up on /r/TheRedPill (inb4fedora)
don't think you've found the one, you haven't.
what should i eat lads
might have to filter 190 kg again
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would rather form a strong family unit than leave a personal legacy tbqh

my unironic ideal life is just being the stoic and respected grandfather sitting at the head of a large family dinner, adored by several sons and daughters and my many grandchildren
can't see myself ever losing my virginity, never mind having a family
families don't do that.
want to give out blowjobs but don't want to get aids
my dads old company is burning
get out of here with your cuckit shit
they do at extended family gatherings
there's more casual conversation, light-hearted drinking, laughing and the kids are running around playing and yelling
sick of still getting fucking spots on my face lads
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how do i become this
>it's a lickdicki gets drunk and has another epiphany about women episode
Imagine being such a runt that you drink so much that you lose control and start dialling random people

Ugh, normies
Testosterone blockers
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'nime lads
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>yfw le dick sucky is MGTOW
He's incel at best
don't say I didn't tell you
urgh, ok then. live your fantasy out
he's got a better beard than i could ever grow
What's incel?
use a condom
damn it man, call the firemen asap
pirate genetics
I don't have any fucking idea
>tfw have a family exactly like that
>i was the autist who would go to a room by myself to post on my phone as soon as i finished dinner rather than make social conversation

hate family meals and hate going out to restaurants
me and the lads

it's like r9k but worse
A battery brand
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>involuntarily celibate
I promise I won't link reddit again but https://www.reddit.com/r/Incels/ this is literally lisicki
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basically this
there's something inherently impotent about marxists

like they know that if they tried to compete against anyone, they'd fail. because they know that other people are better than them
huge fire anybody in eyjafjörður could see it

He's right, you know...
You lads scared off lickdicki
there are already 4-5 firetrucks there
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>If you are suicidal, please go to /r/suicidewatch. If you need help, check out /r/anxiety and /r/depression.

nice to know, then
Soviets weren't Marxists after 1920
it's a nordic word, not german. i'm talking about the nordics
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Me having a cold one and watching the fire
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>the true worth of a race is determined by their prowess on the battlefie-
do you really think you're the same as a russian grunt peasant who just happened to be fighting under a communist regime? who, according to modern day communists, "wasn't real communism"?
how do you figure that one out
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>do you really think you're the same as a russian grunt peasant who just happened to be fighting under a communist regime
sure. ww2 was primarily caused by the fear of communism sweeping europe.
>who, according to modern day communists, "wasn't real communism"?
it was though. at least to 1956.
they were a sort of non-orthodox marxists, revisionists if you like
what a lad. am a fan of icelad. can i come to iceland and drink beers with icelad at building fires?
Business idea: Scribble the ISIS flag on the voting card
pretty sure it was caused when germany invaded poland
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>*blank* with *blank* characteristics
>what a lad
what a compliment
come here lad and we will have some cold ones
why do Brits drink warm beer?
it wasn't achieved communism, they were notionally working towards it

i don't see why this is so difficult for people to understand, they were communists, but they didn't achieve communism and their method of getting there was always questionable.

i'm not even a communist but it drives me insane to apparently be the only person on earth who understands this simple linguistic nuance.
I would imagine all the ones are cold ones in iceland, lad? am i right? haha!
Shut up
that was a small affair. germany vs the ussr on the eastern front was where 85% of ww2 was fought
i have some room remp slots on my garage if u want

Don't ever, EVER reply to me again you disgusting yank specimen
i fucking detest you all
I said shut up
need a cuddly cat for a pet
Good fuck off
writing an X in the labour box works too
Learned the term moggie today whilst reading Daily Mail
yeah that might make me feel a bit more at home tbph. how will i keep it room temp when we go whale watching, though, lad?
got called a moggie at kmart
the sentiment is mutual
cats aren't good pets, unless you have problem with rats
Throw Theresa May in the CorBIN!
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That's it, you were warned. You'll be sorry. This will be my last communication with you I'm afraid. Going to have to turn my back
could ya give me a you if ya saved this
*plays Baby Come Back on my boom box towards your window*
>Lopapeysa or Icelandic sweater is an Icelandic style of sweater originating in early or mid-20th century

A beer jumper?
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lmao gonna play this at work tomoz
Immigration is only an issue because politicians and the media say it's an issue
>>Lopapeysa or Icelandic sweater is an Icelandic style of sweater originating in early or mid-20th century
idfk ijm too druhnjk
Says the desert continent.
nobody really believes this
some people say this because it makes themselves feel god
Replace kittens in a blender with
>I think we should let all the terrorists in

and you have the same arguement reversed. dumb lefty twat
I mean, it works every way.

The point isn't left or right, the point is that all centrists have to die.
got called a sodding barmpot in asda
ah what right-wingers think centrists are
might start a /brit/ society in uni
True, I get on with my life perfectly fine
>elephant want to put the kittens in a blender
centrist =/= bipartisan
*emigrates into your bed*
jeremy corbyn is secretly a turbo rorke
I tolerate you
just saw a video of a sexy girl disembowling a live kitten
bill clinton was a cunt
blair was a cunt

the 90s were a mistake
might start a /brit/ student association at my uni
centrists are the pussy's politician
might drop out of uni to start a /brit/ association on /int/
like fuck that would happen there. Your feminist and sjws would end it.
have you seen that one where they guy puts several kittens into a vacuum bag?
brit is a marxist general though
why do married women become right-wing and single mothers become left-wing?
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lefty rorke was right
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>why do people who have a husband to provide for them want to pull the ladder up on everyone else.
The realities of child-rearing while alone.
making a cheeky 20 course meal
why should we be paying fat unskilled yanks mountains of dosh to do such menial work?
single mothers become married to the state, as welfare begins to provide for them to replace a husband
/brit/ is a hetero/rorke general.
2 scoops were'nt enough
I'm a homororke
Right wing woman actually care about their kids so they tend to stay in a relationship even long after they've grown tired of their partner. Left wing woman see their kids as piggy banks.
my mum is left wing
don't reply to me
i'm a rorke and i'm proud of it
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>tfw if Corbyn wasn't such a mess on immigration and many other social issues he would be somewhat appealing
pls daddy dont abuse me i love you
>accidentally came while edging
night ruined
ready to pummel this australian
bizzaro rorkesheed
*brings you a switch*
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your own country should come first.
underrated post
keynes was a dolt
>not realising that it would basically be natsoc if it was that way
Career is the pinnacle of femininity. Motherhood is second place.
>We WILL make a deal with the EU
At least May knows you've got to appear to be willing to walk away without one.
Femininity is a social construct.
Haha nerd!
thai chicANO
t. yankmong who thinks krugman is actually a keynesian
Corbyn-migrants =/=/ natsoc you dumb cunt
krugman is a dolt
Hi, where did you go?
Futile grandstanding to appeal to gobshites.
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>tfw both the Conservatives and Labour support the snooper's charter and you don't have a preferential voting system
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>tfw thailad returned
Forgot about the EU for a minute

How are the ladyboys?
i hate everyone who isn't white
Western European women should have the choice to reproduce into their 30s.
>your country
subjecting it to decline while rewarding the mediocre?
>he posts anywhere other than /brit/
>he doesn't /tv/ shitpost
dealing with the real life
comparative advantage is a meme:
>he doesn't post weekly bait threads on /pol/
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>I hate everyone who isn't white
just scrolled through the catalog in /tv/ and saw some benders so I closed it out
I'm not good at baiting /pol/. I usually bait /int/ instead
Perhaps.. either way it's a better starting position than 'well in the end, we're going to have to accept something' regardless of the sincerity.
>Forgot about the EU
dunno why people are so concerned about 'muh train tickets' etc. when the country is about to undergo a massive shift. The only way you should be voting is by who you want to lead Brexit. A bloke that can't lead a party or the ice queen bitch.
>How are the ladyboys?
>he 'doras himself

>not funposting on /co/
well, shaliday, fellow alt-righter!
Nothing about that was alt-right
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any kekistanis here?
having some clean water

/tv/ is a shitboard anyway. It either gets derailed by /pol/yps, redditors and bane posting is discouraged.

I can't remember the last dubs thread that the board had. It was the shit.
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Milo get out
>it's a romanticising alcoholism episode
really shouldn't do this but it would really help me convince myself i was a tragic hero
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me on the right.jpg
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alltaf blautur enn aldreii skakkur
There's literally nothing wrong with democratic socialism, it works for nordic countries, why wouldn't it work for the UK?
germans are inherently evil
>Any Kekistanis here?
too many poor people and wogs
Iceland is irrelevant
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>>it's a romanticising alcoholism episode
>really shouldn't do this but it would really help me convince myself i was a tragic hero
not a fan
>respect everyone attempting to make their cunt better.
>hate us skimming the cream in the name of diversity leaving developing cunts developing longer
know this italian girl who considers herself nonwhite

don't understand it

Because Brits are class-cucks
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>too many poor people and wogs
inb4 foy
>even the Trump supporters look at him with hatred
that's social democracy, not democratic socialism.

the problem is that neoliberals in the IMF and elsewhere really want to wreck it, they got their claws into the nordics in the 90s
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/brit/? you mean /abbu al-sayeed bin mohammed/
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>In his book "Prime Minister", Donoughue [PMs aide] commented: ‘We were not being paranoid in 1976 in our suspicion that the IMF was capable of launching economic “remedies” which would destroy Governments (especially Governments of the left). A year later in November 1977 the IMF mission to Portugal (including a senior member of the 1976 mission to the UK) refused to grant a credit tranche to the socialist minority Government led by Mr Soares because he would not make immediate savage economies, which would certainly have brought down his administration and allowed back into power the old anti-Democratic parties of the far right. An internal IMF briefing, which we saw among diplomatic papers in Downing Street at that time, stated quite brutally that the IMF policy was to create a foreign exchange crisis over the next two months. The IMF staff explicitly asked the Western Governments of the United States, Germany, Japan and Britain to withhold financial and economic aid in order to create a foreign exchange crisis which would bring the Soares Government to its knees and so force it to accept the harsh IMF prescription.’

>I then spoke also to one or two friends in Washington, on the State Department side, who were convinced that something was going on and there was some agitation in Downing Street. What this adds up to I don’t know but I was intrigued a year or so later when in Downing Street we happened to come across a telex relating to the IMF in Portugal which actually specifically said that this economic crisis might possibly be a means whereby an undesirable, which meant socialist, government might be replaced by something a bit more acceptable …there was no doubt that I think some people, on an individual basis …did raise the possibility of getting rid of the Labour government. When I spoke to Ed Yeo he told me that a domestic deficit of more than 3% was not just a question of economics but was a moral issue reflecting the immorality of our government
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brit/pol/ is shit tonight, for some reason we have non-brits posting. HOW IS EVERYONE LADS?
never respond to anime posters. doesn't matter what the comment is
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Chinese monkeys
/cum/? you mean /josé jamal yung tyson rodríguez park/
fine, what about you
you're a dumb spic
/brit/meet up in Cabo when?
post toot
/arg/? you mean /las falkands son inglese/
fuck nigger ass
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sucking my nigger mate

Is nowhere sacred?
the only thing wrong is they didn't do far enough
the fact that there were labour movements and communists at all allowed to flourish during the cold war was bad enough
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o i



fuck off toff
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me too. not even because i hate anime but because they never post anything of any value on any level, ever.
Screen just went orange
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Hello Gab-chan
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The Labour party pays me to post here.
fucking lol if socialists ever take power again it'll be because people decide capitalism doesn't work thanks to IMF insanity
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Nu thread
Fair enough desu, I'm voting UKIP (pic related).

I'd shill for Labour if they paid me though.
just hacked some yank runt and made his screen go orange


Get it right you dumb yank
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>Forgot pic
Your arse. You're gloriously far right Thailad.
i was using "ass" as the alternative term for donkey you twat
Can someone confirm that im talking to people from other countries across the planet in a matter of seconds?
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amazing picture

also we're over here:
nah i'm just down the road
I wonder what the odds are you and I will unknowingly come across eachother in the future.
Me in the back with the cape
Thread posts: 323
Thread images: 74

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