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>21° How do mediterraneanfags do it

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How do mediterraneanfags do it
That is winter in the South of Spain
if you dont like the summer go live on antartica
t. medniggers
22C here makes me want to kill myself
Mediterranean climate is the best

croats are slavic subhumans
it's that time of the year where northern gays start complaining about perfectly mild temperatures

literally can't wait for all of those threads

>Be Dutch but go to Switzerland on vacation
>''Oh the weather's gotta be nice and cool over here''

FUCK. Please tell me Norway is actually cold and not secretly subsaharan climate too.
The south of Spain is hotter than Middle east kek. More like literal Sandniggers

Basically this. 21º is fucking winter.
i live in Provence, it's 31° right now

everything is alright
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Anything above 15 degrees is torture.
First day here that I can comfortably be outside without having a heatstroke for over a month.
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How about you check out a real summer
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whiny cucks btfo
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That's not summer. That's hell.
I rather have -40°
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Check out my summer, it's been snowing for days.
Better than burning heat though.
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>population 85
you have electricity?
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>you have electricity?
Yes. And 100/100 mbit internet, no crime, no pollution etc
You guys are fags. Temperatures under 25°C should be genocided
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its 25 now, was colder a few days ago
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FACT: It's way too fucking hot here
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>if it wasn't for the Atlantic current, my country would be hovering around 2°C during the summer time
literally shaking right now!
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I'll warm you up, babe ;)
14C is the best temperature. Prove me wrong.
This is correct
What's this meme about people from anywhere that isn't Mediterranean Europe complaining about muh hot temperatures? Anything under 30 is bearable unless you are an aspie that has spent the better part of his life living in a basement. I personally like hot weather and I am as pale as a fucking ghost.
Fucking based.
imagine 42C
Isn't it even colder in the Netherlands?
At least you have something resembling winter
18 to 22 is best
30 with light rain is definitely the comfy
That's tad bit too hot lad.
Once again mongs from hot countries not understanding that buildings in cold countries are designed to keep heat in so when it's over 20 degrees it's quite uncomfortable tbqh
Visit here
The hotter will get today is 26C and that's a fresh temperature here
That's why you try staying outdoors in the summer.
humid + hot isn't very comfy 2bh

30 with wind is bearable, 30 without wind is already hot, 28 with breeze is kinda comfy though
I am Greek detected
Una mierda, ojalá
that was really hard dumb french subhuman
So it is cold and boring. How many suicides?
T. Norteño que habla sin saber una puta mierda.
dumb irish subhuman
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This thursday
The Italian guy knows.
hahahah btfo
Si soy de huelva. En invierno no hace 21 grados ni de coña
Tienes el puto mar atlántico pegado a tu culo portugués in denial. Claro que allí no hace puto calor, si es el lugar en toda Andalucía donde menos calor hace.
>a hairy brown midget calling me a subhuman

Pay debts
im not french
you subhuman
you literally pay for arabs to fuck your shithole

hue boy is Brazilian property
stop this cultural appropriation
mohammed please
I am a Greek you useless subhuman
You sure are, T*rk.
Come on m8 it's better now, yesterday it was 35°C and I live in the top floor of an apartement.

Just drink cold beer all day like me.
Here some tips from a pro.

Drink hot tea. I mean really hot, borderline burning your lips.
Wear something under your shirt. Preferably cotton. And change it every day of course.
Don't turn on AC at fuck fucking freezer mode, that way you're asking for your body to fuck itself hard when you leave your house.
Try to take sun bathes about 15-25 minutes a day. Cover your head tho. (I know it's a pain for you cotton-girls, but man up).
And under no fucking circumstances drink cold water/soda/anything. Just don't.
Remind yourself that you're a fuckin waternigger and go to beach.

Love the sun and it will love you back, m8.
>Remind yourself that you're a fuckin waternigger and go to beach.
This. I live right by the beach. I remember my cousin's grandfather mentioning something about Central Asian drinking hot tea in summer weather, but what is the point of that?
You sweat and it works like as a cooling system.
And that's the point of cotton something under the shirt, it absorbs sweat so you won't reek.
>Drink hot tea. I mean really hot, borderline burning your lips.

tea with mint, the menthol has a cooling effect
dumb turkish subhumans drink it in summer and think that the sweat will cool them down

it was tested and proven that it has not effects except that turkish subhumans stink more than before
My nigga.
Also it's refreshing, and brings a pleasuring taste to your mouth for quite a time.
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Falso, viaja más por tu país, palurdo inculto.
Everything except the bit about AC is retarded advice
Not even in the Canary Islands
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>I know it's a pain for you cotton-girls
>Remind yourself that you're a fuckin waternigger and go to beach.

what are you doing boyo
>Don't turn on AC at fuck fucking freezer mode
We don't have AC, you mong.
Why else do you think we suffer when it's above 25°C?
Dude, he doesen't live in a desert climate, so it all works.
In your case you can just cover your body in a clay and repeat when it becomes solid.
>We don't have AC, you mong.
So go buy it, you faggot.
It takes 30 minutes and one fuckin drill to install.
And like €1500 for one room.

It's fucking expensive.
21 is cold desu

28°C is perfect

>tfw white
>nice tan

21 degrees is the best temperature to live in.
That's not the problem, could afford it if I wanted. But it's just not worth it, as we barely have days that are that hot.

I'm also not the OP and don't complain that much, only when it's above 30°C and I'm not used to it yet.
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temperate climate masterace
Mediterranean is best
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Too cold. Ideally 25 if there's absolutely no wind, 30-35 if there is wind.
Where I used to live, there have been summers with 40C, 35C in shadow. I hate everything over 20C but don't be such a pussy or the morrocans will rape you.
that's a very chilly and probably rainy morning around here
21 is nice and cool
que temperatura hace en el sur de españa en invierno? yo visite valencia durante una ola de calor y pensaba que me moria
En el interior en los sitios calurosos como Córdoba o Sevilla, un día normal de invierno con sol, unos 12-15º de máxima y de mínima 6º. Si es un día nublado y de frió, pues entorno a 9º de máxima y 0º de mínima. En montaña obviamente las temperaturas son mucho mas bajas, y en la costa la variación es algo menor por lo que la temperatura media es mas suave,
Temperature itself doesn't mean shit. What matters is the climate, humidity, weather and so on.
When I travelled to the -stan region in Russia, -30C there was kinda meh and not that cold. But here in Estonia -30C is so cold that your skin actually starts to hurt because of it.
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Pic related
no sabia que fuese tan bajo
con lo que esta pegando el cambio climatico no es muy diferente de las temperaturas de galicia estas navidades
im used to a very humid region and when i went to madrid my lips literally got cut from the sudden change and air dryness after living over 10 years in a wet area
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>21 and 50% humidity
50 is comfy tier, it's once you start getting 80%+ that things get hellish
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>-1C wind chill
>21 degrees

That's freezing lmao
kek ¿Para qué voy a ir a gastarme el dinero en ver a los mismos tontos de siempre haciendo el snowflake?; He ido a otros países en Europa como Portugal, Alemania, Italia y UK entre otros, pero nunca me molesté o molestaré en ir a otra parte de España. Y si Paco, esto no es Siberia y no hace tanto frío en invierno. La mayoría de los días se está a unos 20º , aunque hace mucho viento y eso le incluyes la humedad y da la sensación de que hace más frío.
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14°C right now.
21° is literally perfect weather
>room temperature

are you normal?
hay muchas cosas bonitas para ver en españa
a mi no me gustan un pelo los andaluces pero fui a ver cosas romanas, castillos, museos, y no me arrepiento un pelo
tampoco habia nada que me llamase en extremadura pero la cantidad de ruinas y restos arqueologicos de los romanos es cojonuda.
solo me falta por ver murcia y cataluña creo
>a mi no me gustan un pelo los andaluces

El sentimiento es mutuo, mejor cada uno en su casa y Dios en la de todos.

>hay muchas cosas bonitas para ver en españa

También las hay fuera, y son mucho más exóticas e interesantes. Para ver cuatro ruinas celtas y un par de castillos en mitad de la nada en Castilla, antes prefiero irme a Escocia o países que sigan siendo mayoritariamente celtas y no unos WE WUZ
que mal informado estas, te aseguro que hasta las comunidades mas esteriles de españa tienen mas historia y arte que cualquier parte de escocia o escandinavia
no se si es que no conoces mucho la historia de la peninsula, pero te falta muchisimo por ver, aunque seguramente no tengas el interes por molestarte a hacerlo. una pena la verdad

por lo menos visita el museo del prado en madrid. los museos de arte en madrid son acojonantemente buenos. no viste el guérnica en todo su esplendor si no estuviste delante de la version a tamaño real de 3 metros de alto y 7 de ancho.
>si es que no conoces mucho la historia de la peninsula

Si conozco la historia de la pocilga en la que desgraciadamente tuve que nacer, Paco. Vivo en una ciudad que fue fundada por Fenicios, que fue parte de Roma y una de las zonas más ricas y prósperas durante milenios y ahora somos un estercolero. Saber la historia de lo que fuimos me hace deprimirme aún más, al saber que me tuvo que tocar la peor época para vivir en Andalucía. Medina de Sidonia tuvo que haber cortado el cáncer antes de que extendiera.....

>no viste el guérnica en todo su esplendor

Un monumento al victimismo vasco, ¿Cómo no?; Porque por lo que veo, los únicos que sufrieron en la puta guerra fueron los catalanes y los vascos....
Looks comfy desu.
Comfy desu honest, i remember those days at my grandma's house drinking lemonade in her Hamaca

>stay inside on in the shadow when the sun is high
>take cold drinks.... drink a lot
>go outside only in the eraly morning and late afternoon
>use the night hours to have fun, sex or go out drinking
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>30C in Paris yesterday

fuck this fucking bullshit heat and I just came back from two years in Australia
how do i summon med bro, he could be my ugly cousin whos father married some iberian whore
doesnt it smell like dogshit in france or something? why go back?
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cuz you cunts wouldnt let me leave there any longer, I had two working holidays visas.

I could have looked harder for a sponsorship but I liked partying and jumping from jobs to jobs too much
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*live jesus fucking christ
It is.
>How many suicides?
3 in 15 years.
>3 in 15 years.
>1/425 commit suicde every year
>127 suicides per milllion in Sweden
>18.5 times the national average
looks, bad lad
And still people move here all the time. Tourists flow in like crazy. I moved here from Stockholm.
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I like it.
Anyway even if you don't like it think about that this is the time of the year when girls start to dress like that.
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>can't sleep because it's too hot
we had 30 degrees this weekend too
This is comfy
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The worst (nearby city got blasted most yesterday) is over for now
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Their hot weather is not as humid.
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>bed sheets stuck on your body like a glove when you wake up

Give me autumn or give me death.
A fellow patrician
It's the same temperature of my fridge.
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>it's not even fucking june yet and we have heat waves already
>it's another little snow bitches crying because one sun wave traveled hundreds of thousands of kilometers and touched their skin causing it to irredemiably melt, greatly confusing and enraging them episode
>Don't turn on AC at fuck fucking freezer mode

why use an AC when I can open a window?
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-2° this morning
Yeah, I bet being half moor really helps you to repeal all these sun rays
>how do meds do it

we easily get 35-40 ºC for 2/3 months, some places in Iberia can get to 50ºC, this is embarassing desu

and why don't northeners have AC? it's not that expensive...

>no consigue pensar fuera de terminos políticos
>"puta españa blabla"
ah que eres tonto, haberlo dicho antes que no quedaba claro

t. every snownigger ever
Shit is fucking hurts. -25 is unironically more comfy than 25
i never saw snow, what about it?
sure babby
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It was goddamn fucking 35 celsium today, thankfully my superior Hellenic genes helped me prevent any injury

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stop shaving only the side of your head
It's comfy. It absorbs all noise and dust so it's almost zero noise here during winter
buzz off moor
what's hot for you? below 10 is too cold for me
basically it's like frozen water
i had beautiful curls when i was young like AleXANDEr my ancestor... but its now all straight i need to get this haircut then
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>The south of Spain is hotter than Middle east
Hell itself is not hotter than the middle east
You are gradually getting used to it though. You have every day 30°C in April, 35 in May, 40 in June... here it can jump from 15 to 40 in July within a few days, no time to acclimatise
Germany is weird and only weirdos live there
It's 21 here as well. Our summers aren't much hotter than yours. It is like 28-30 degrees on average on coastal places.
Did you know Swedecucks stole this pic and put their own flag on it? Truly they have no shame.
That's basically California most days of the year.
why are europoors such fucking pussies lol it was 80 degrees yesterday and It was perfect went down to the beach and cracked some brews
>Completo imbécil, pretencioso, neoprogre barato de cultura de película de Almodovar.
Espero que cuando salgas de Cadiz y vivas en la quinta puñeta donde "hay cultura" según tu (aunque sea de hace dos días) , seas mas feliz al menos con tu miserable existencia. Todo esto porque tus padres simplemente sigan unas tradiciones (ni mejores, ni peores, simplemente con las que crecieron) y no comprendan tus gilipolleces de moderno insoportable a la vanguardia.
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>Completo imbécil
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>Drink hot tea. I mean really hot
>Wear something under your shirt. Preferably cotton
>under no fucking circumstances drink cold water

Son, are you trying to kill half of /int/?
my teacher was soldier and he told us that when he was in some desert shithole drinking cold beer just made them more thirsty, Russians told them they need to drink everything warm, so he drank warm beer for like 3 months. It was worst period of his life
15 degrees almost kills me alone, summers are hell.

>small place
>still live in commieblocks
why this?
turkic subhumans influenced russians a lot
>+30 soon
>This is only winter
Jesus Christ, do you have 70 °C in August?
5 nights and 10 days is best temp
Isn't that because beer dehydrates you because of alcohol not that it is cold?
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21 centigrade. Ha! I need a jacket.
Uhh sweetie I was in Sevilla last winter and it reached 20+ a couple of times around christmas
Are you American? December-February is our summer
german education
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P U N I S H E D brisbane
Give Mayan hammocks
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>all this complaining
>go see yesterdays highs
>it's fucking nothing
That's a cold winter day in Veracruz.
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15-20 celsius is the perfect summer temperature. Only cucks and silly Southeners will disagree.
if a mosquito muncher says so you better beleeb it
Mosquito muncher?
scandinavian summer is 15° with clouds of mosquitoes and midnight sun, it's actually pretty awful, especially in swampland Finland.

it's quite possibly the worst kind of summer in Europe to be honest.
The problem here is the goddamn humidity all the fucking time..without that it would be a bit more bearable
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Depends on the day. Also I don't see the problem with this. I think my post made clear that 15° is better than 30° or whatever you imagine a good Summer weather to be like.
>Clouds of mosquitoes
You have a wide range of choices for dealing with mosquitoes. If you prepare, they won't be a problem.
>Midnight sun
How is this a bad thing?
>especially in swampland Finland
>he has never experienced the joy of swamp soccer
>he has never jumped into a refreshingly cool lake after bathing in the sauna
>he has never barbecued with friends under the midnight sun

shaking my damn head
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>trust me it's good

yeah nah not really
I'm not expecting you to trust me to be honest. There's no way you'll ever see the light, so I mostly just pity you.
le smug mosquito eater dot exe
I usually slap them or use a repellent.
No wonder you Italians have trouble with them though, if you try to deal with the problem by eating them all.
is it true you can get a meal worth of proteins if you run through a field in Finland with your mouth open?
Same thing in Latvia, this is why people here are latter than 170cm on average.
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It's the mosquitos messing with my ability to write coherently, I apologise, please conquer my country and colonise it so I can become a Latin.
>the 35 in summer and -30 in winter
>there's no lake, river, sea or ocean near his city
>there is, but it is fucking 15 degree in hottest month
I hereby declare you a honorary latin, please stop eating insects though.
i thought russians weren't pussies
Can I tell people that I was Romans and stuff now?
yes you waz triumvirates n shiet, you have to let the world know.
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Today it's nice outside. Was 29°C last week, almost died.
>dat difference
*starts a civil war*
*invades Gaul*
*gets stabbed by the senate*
excellent post

abysmal post
that's literally a cold day here.
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Rate my May so far cum skins, and tell me how better it is than your own May
[angry mosquito noises intensify]
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im from mosquito politician mafia and i will kill you in your sleep tomorrow if you do not delete all your posts inmediately amigo
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>cold day
Kek. Cold day here.
> -45°C and windchill adding another -10°C.
Sorry I will delete the posts right away.
I'd fucking die. Can't stand the cold.
I prefer the cold actually. Summer is just torture for me.
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It was 26 a few days ago.
Is that what hell is like?
auschwitz ovens?
I experienced that years ago in Tunisia, (well not 45° but 43°/44°), it was dry heat so it's not as bad as humid heat, you have to stay in the shade and keep hydrated basically, the heat is pretty scorching when standing under the sun, doing it for too long will literally numb your thoughts.
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quite hot here, dammit i wish i was an opuntia
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More like why do we as a species keep settling in environments that clearly do not support human life unless heavy modifications and precautions are applied?
No animals are this stupid
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>mfw i live in the hottest northern region in Italy
>mfw all week is gonna be 30-33°C and have 2 exams to prepare.
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>tfw the min for the next couple of days is going to be -2
No, you are right
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Someone stop this madness
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Slightly above average
fuck, very similar to my own, even slightly warmer, you live in a southwest valley or something????
this shithole is too hottttttkö
fufkgeg ermany
fuk germany
gfuck germay
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SW yes, but slightly above 200m.
The ocean is far away here though, so we have little https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasonal_lag , that's why under certain circumstance we can occasionally be the warmest place in Europe for a day in March/April/May
It usually gets cold again quickly around September though
Is the Ramadan food withdrawal messing with your typing abilities, Ikibey?
Thanks for posting my golden lel
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>19º high today

How do swampniggers do it
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Autumn here
None of you actually live in the red areas, you live in the yellow and pink ones.

Which is what we get in Summer here, 31-37
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Y'all are weak it's 27 here and that is NICE
I thought it said midgetville for a second there
The US is just unreasonably hot during the summer though
File: aa.png (23KB, 641x191px) Image search: [Google]
23KB, 641x191px
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