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Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 47

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new lauren https://youtu.be/HFW0z0Y5TR4 edition
ani-may not
>letting autismo yank make the new
When did philosophers get so attractive?
Things /brit/ needs LESS of:
>Blog-type chitchat
>Smug “ironic” posts

Things /brit/ needs MORE of:
>Deano memes
>Hungarian posters
>Paki slags
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cross section lads
eating some dark chocolate
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January 30 - Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

February 9 – The Oxford Union student debating society in England passes a resolution stating, "That this House will in no circumstances fight for its King and country."

March 4 - Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) is sworn in as the 32nd President of the United States

April 26 - The Gestapo secret police are established in Nazi Germany by Hermann Göring.

May 26 – The Nazi Party in Germany introduces a law to legalize eugenic sterilization.

July 14 – In Nazi Germany, the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring is enacted, allowing compulsory sterilization of citizens suffering from a list of alleged genetic disorders.

July 15 - Signing of the Four-Power Pact by Britain, France, Germany and Italy.

August 12 – Winston Churchill makes his first public speech
learn something new every day
Can I have some?
>>Blog-type chitchat
>>Smug “ironic” posts
literally all me
>>Deano memes
>>Hungarian posters
>>Paki slags
literally none me
Looks tasty lol
better be 85%+
percocet molly percocet
When men stopped oppressing womens intellect as much
name jeff
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Neighbours playing very loud negro music.

Can't focus on my anime.
between the ages of 15 and 23 i went on holiday with my parents and spent nearly all the time looking for places away from them to do a wank

things got worse when i didn't have to share a hotel room with my brother. i would be naked the whole time
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brilliant menes
simone weil was peng
>no beetroot
a shit burger
didnt have any lindt stuff left, stuck with cadbury 86%
Tory leadership election today lads
It's being held right next to and at the same time as Canada's largest anime convention
two boys kissing each other is more pornographic than a straight kiss or older people kissing. should be banned in the media
Positively OBSESSED with girls' bumholes
love anime, hate the tories not racist just dont like em simple as
I seriously don't think these Islamic terrorists are true representations of Islam. All these bombings are just a fad because people have nothing better to do and feel they need a purpose. It's like the transgender meme. Sprung up out of nowhere, people are just doing it because, then it will die down eventually and get replaced with a new meme

Reminder that playing this song is a hate crime
what are these dogs? they don't look nice
Positively OBSESSED with synthwave

good lad
always boggles the mind when i see some fat pasty lad with a 7+/10 gf

oh just piss off
Good lad
nothing wrong with giving your mates a cheeky one
another proof that looking nice isnt everything and that if incels cant get gfs its not because they dont look good its because they're mental runts
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irritating voice
really want my willy in her though
Young Brits have always been poofters tho. Fathers would pay small fortunes to send their sons to boarding schools just so they could experience the joys of teenaged gay sex.
seize the means of karaoke
>lauren southern
cooked too much rice lads
Girls will go for people they find funny and amusing , disregarding looks and other personality

really want to lick one
if you make less than £45k then there's no point living in london
whats the difference between girls bumholes and lads bumholes
REALLY want to forcibly impregnate Megumin tbqhwyl
Indeed, also finger it as well. Though I'm indifferent towards sticking my willy in there oddly enough.
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Lads, I think Germans are learning to banter.

>when a yank tries to give backchat in /brit/
We're interbreeding with Brits, Canadians and Aussies to create the perfect shitposting Lebensborn.
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the gf
no they aren't hans

they will find you funny and amusing if you're good looking, but an ugly guy saying the exact same thing would be a creep
I don't know what I expected.
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coorked too much lice rads
ngl lads some girl have bum hair too
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The original song is shit, that remix is decent though
they differ in shape

look at first pic

willy did a twitch at the end
need a 'vie to watch
Imagine the brown log she must push out of that arsehole every day. The sweat dripping from her brow as she heaves, damning it to Hell as it tears her sphincter. The smell alone would no doubt leave most people reeling in abject horror and the only thing she's done to clean it away is wipe repeatedly with a few thin bits of dry paper. Yum.
Christ you are fucking mentally ill
fengkuei boys
the only difference is length of perineum

that little bit of skin isn't on all girls and some girls have big fat sphincters like guys

Read a book instead of burying your pineal under hollywood cultural poison
can i post?
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Is he ok
On $55k/yr
Ah yes. Saturday night /brit/. Quality stuff.
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is the UK a 1st world country?
He's never been ok
stranger by the lake
looks like a nonce film
I missed out on young teenage gay sex
I never said anything about banter. I said shitposting.
I'm spending my Saturday night in my pyjamas with a lovely lady, a bottle of Shiraz and a tub of Haagen Daz. The lady in question is the lovely Miss Jane Austen, and I'm staying in reading Mansfield Park. Haha!

piss off then
whats the point? i dont have a high IQ
nah theyre 17-18
fuck off you disgusting jerry wanker
bit gay
Reminder that this is every girl you've ever known or will know
Windows open, not helping one bit. Twenty eight degrees still. Please advise.
Saw "The Last Emperor" a few days ago
It's pretty good 2bh
unless she's fat girls don't generally do big poos since they're smaller and dont need to eat as much as men
bertolucci is peng
This is the video he finally broke. Worth a watch
Open windows on opposite sides of the space to create a through-draft. If one window is under direct sunlight, close it and open another to stop hot air blowing through.

Put an electic fan facing out at one window to cycle sweaty air out, another at the other side pointing in to bring in fresh air faster
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girls do massive poos lad
stop recommending chink films . literally don't care about them
Had food poisoning the last time I saw this. Felt like I had to finish it, but also felt like it would never end.
and you know because?
would really appreciate a glasses gf
Washed up Lauren eh?
It's in English you dumb cunt
only in exceptional circumstances (sickness)
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some strong shit
i don't
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enjoy being unnecessarily mean and rude to people on 4chan lads
Oh haha sorry about that! I'll try again later

muslim women take poos that last 9 months
don't care for chink people. not racist, just can't empathise with them. simple as
*jizzs on your back*
*sends 10 officers and an attack helicopter to your house*
should be illegal to have a dog barking all the time
me too
can't understand why redditors don't get this
literally whats the point in their etiquette . it's exhausting enough irl
programming my arduino :))))))))) genuinely having lots of fun just making it blink in patterns. i get to skip the section in the book about C since i already know it ;) and people say girls can't code
got my arse out but my willy covered
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hes talking with a rasheeda about marriage. not interesting AT ALL
should it be legal to have a dog Dagenham all the time? haha
IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
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WE won the FA Cup lads
fedora bait
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ahh yes
uuuhhhhhh... is this a euphemism?
channel 565


>>75348812 #

Should it be legal to have a dog UPMINSTER all the time? haha
are you gonna take your mother up the arse?
never again shall my veins seethe with skag
I will strangle you all slowly in your sleep
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ah yes cryptocurrency
only bottom right is cute
Already did ;)
howling remembering the runt who said it would magically keep going up
SCREAMING at the smug australian dickhead who was showing off his cryptodogshit
I know, I know I've let you down...
come back when you've won one of these kid
anyone got the koding with karlie image where she's just hammering on the keyboard in the command prompt?
HOLLERING at this for some reason
Even Villa are a bigger club than Arsenal lol
yes, i have it
laughing because i don't understand this
>The chief imam of the mosque where Manchester bomber Salman Abedi worshipped fought with militants in Libya, it was reported last night
ah yes
hate soccer
love rugby league
simple as
just injected krokodil up my bum haha
can someone explain why this always happens?
literally don't understand a single word but it's still funny
feeling a bit ill
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come back when you go back in time and win it first kid
so he fought against ISIS? not seeing a problem here Rorke, just a good british lad doing his bit
Didn't open the picture but I'm screeching
downloading red orchestra 2 presently
love you a bit
Mum's getting drunk with her mates. She asked me why I'm not going out and why I don't have any mates. Called me a weirdo. She asked if I wanted to come clubbing with all of them. She's going to come home with another man tonight.
That's Bayern Munich you silly yank
wow so im gonna have to say this again and again :
he fought for peace ok ? islam is a religion of peace
me on the right
want to trim my pubes but dont have any scissors in my room. trying to figure out if i can swiss army it
didn't even glance at this post but I'm wholeheartedly howling
the same militants the west funded
never trimmed the ol pubes, me
bums against the wall lads
Naw lad I'm saying UTF cuz they won it twice

Under a certain Nigel Clough
bent over backwards at this combination of pixels
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tell her she's a degenerate
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>You think living in North Korea is hard, try being a fuckin' bear
How old is she?
back from the hairdressers lads
Did being in the EU give the government a good excuse to bring in white Christians over anyone else? Now they won't have a politically correct justification for not allowing certain nationalities in. And don't say that they shouldn't let anyone in, because either party knows that they'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they shrink the workforce.
>NIGEL clough
don't reply to me or discuss football EVER again
tories are going to lose ground this election because a lot of what people were voting for in the last one was that they do the referendum. now it's done there's less need for them

You should've gone faggot, probably could have shagged one of her MILF friends
*glances at this post in my peripheral vision*
*starts laughing uncontrollably*
*a shy glimpse of confusion shows on my laughing face*
go on rorke, show us the mail article headline you just read
How old are you lad?
northerners everybody
why do you have so much sympathy for suicide bombers
*gets schwifty*
by hairdressers i meant my living room

the gf cuts it for me (:

They all think I'm weird and I'm not really into any of them.
uh-oh, you caught me!
*virgin-wanks into a sock while listening to ITAOTS*
mam was older than that when she had me and my sister
>lives with his mum
>and his mum's a slag
classic max

Drink a pint of bleach desu lad
Older women are invariably the thirstiest hoes around and have way lower standards as well

She had me as a teenager and I ruined her life.
Having a missing session for Bionicles

Miss 'em, lads
She had you when she was 10?
the """working""" class
watching some old archive videos and they've got a 1989 government PSA about case managers with russell crowe in it
bit surprised
Yeah, probably better to just stay in your room and not even try I guess
>Mum had you when she was 10

Yeah nah stop fucking lying, you're obviously an underrage cunt
need a qt gf to cuddle
she loves you anon when was the last time you told her you loved her too?
Keep reading FONT as 'Fuck Off Nationalist Twat' for some reason
mind if the gf is a hairy manlet?
buy one
post it then
Bionicles were what the poor kids got for Christmas because their parents couldn't afford the good Transformer toys
the french rorke is a hairy manlet
yeeeeeeeees good goy work until you drop dead at the age of 68 yeeees dont worry we will replace you with a nice young rasheed all hail the magic economy beast

This isn't me
Same, need one for the summer otherwise a 'cide looks likely
wonder how long i can get away with sporting the ol jugend for

reckon it might look a bit weird when i hit late thirties
but reckon it'd look cool again when i hit fifty
We prefer FOJT if you don't mind

*raises paw*
hes credited as "Injured employee"
this is me
nah lad you're FOKT
VERY bored lads
It's a me
This is also acceptable
>wagecucking until fucking 70
i want OFF noseberg's wild ride
Post willy or sing us a sea shanty
Stop impersonating me
Tell your gf to come over, that always works for me
anyone remember the cuckio meme?
i wonder who could be behind this?
shut up you crying faggot
so are all frogs
does anyone remember the cuckold mario meme?
what hairdresser is open until 9pm
Thinking about the time my mate asked to borrow 2 condoms

Still convinced it was a set up to see if I had condoms
All night Ramadan special
That's extremely offensive, hair colour is a non-voluntary physical characteristic and your post is therefore hate speech as defined by the Equality Act 2010

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by the time they were my age, my parents already had me, and my brother was on the way

i've never had a gf and still live at home
see >>75349408
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good lad
Retirement age here was risen to 67 a few months ago haha
Got a job in a bank with a few of my pals lads

whats the next step ingetting a so called gf
My parents bought their first house at my age. I still live at home with them
Think about this all the time.
I'm 26. My dad had me when he was 23. By the time he was 26 he was buying a 4 bed detached house in the home counties for £120k
lads that still live at home are a bit sad
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Dad's been married to mum for 25 years and he's still an autistic sperg around her side of the family

I never stood a chance
I work in retail banking. It's hell. I miss working in Morrisons where I used to work.
living at home would be hell on earth
get along ok with the 'rents but once you've tasted freedom you can't go back to living with dad & mum life
kek mine is too
5 days off
>mate offered me some free md last night to come out with the lads
>declined and just shitposted on here instead
utter state of me
need a mate who would just hang out with me, smoke weed and play vidya sometimes. please apply below.
working in a supermarket seems comfy apart from seeing people you know
niggers are so cringeworthy
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Fair shake.jpg
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>tfw born in the middle of November, about nine months after Valentine's Day
Macron wouldn't be president if that were the case.
Boyle, Susan Boyle
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>tfw born on the 21st of august, almost exactly 9 months after christmas
i was new years eve sex
born 9 months after nothing in particular me
I didn't mean all frogs are rorkes
I meant all frogs are hairy manlets
I was gay sex
quite interesting that
You are now imagining your mum in her special Christmas lingerie telling your da to unwrap his "present"
>tfw born in May
>parents were on holiday in Portugal the August prior
yeah wish you hadnt said that mate
alri lads
dad died before i was born so stuff like this doesnt work so well
Your birthday is VERY close to mine, just so you know, this was my post >>75350003. Given that we already share a very close birthday, I think you're a good candidate. What do you reckon?
>born March 31
>was NYE sex
how am I just realising this now?
Only in the south.
Dire chat, really dire.
two pakis asked me for a fag earlier, the fucking cheek of it in the week of the manny attack
wasn't even smoking at the time either although I did have fags on me but told em to fuck off regardless
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This isn't a chat it's a thread
Love emojis
Hate pepe
>tfw planned baby
>tfw other two brothers were not planned
>tfw my parents were literally having sex for the soul purpose of procreation for my conception

feels good.
liked this post
>Mother became pregnant on February 25th 1990
>Gave birth to me on September 30th 1993
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was born after me ma and da had sex after me da's da's funeral
Thread posts: 308
Thread images: 47

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