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/cum/ Canada USA Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 103

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people that did literally nothing wrong-edition
_ _ _ _ Drumpf
ahm isch
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>kids born now will never experience dodgeball or red rover in school because of safety culture

honestly feel bad for the poor fucks
doing a respressing my sexuality
Impossible for me to fall asleep on my back lying flat

Sitting on a recliner no problem
imagine being born in california and every single one of your classmates is a chicano
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>tfw no Canadian bf
don't worry they're already fucking each other by the end of elementary school so they have plenty to do
>not doing that stuff outside of school
Just like fights desu
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>tfw I'll never be a cute Japanese school girl
>tfw I'll always be an ugly Nigger

Why is God so cruel buds
imagine being porn in pennsylvania and being raised without electricity or cars
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how can you have porn where there's no electricity?
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Hello Wisconsin
>implying the amish don't have electricity or cars
they're jews, they have everything, they just pretend they don't own it
can't imagine electricity actually made society happier
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>he didnt raid the porno aisle of a corner store the day he turned 18
I've played dodgeball, was good at dodging because of my flimsy, tall body but my upper body muscles were lacking in strength so I couldn't throw hard as I should've.
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Hello, how are you?
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how do we stop drunk driving buds?
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Tired. How are you?
autonomous vehicles
electric fwd cars
hyrdogen cars are too dangerous because hindenburg
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Ban Assault drinking just like we do guns
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can you delete this post thank you
state of you
beetje homo oetz
delete this please x
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Sad becauae no gf
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Got a new gun today
hou je bek
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can you delethe that?
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kkr homotje wa7ed flikkertje
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I believe in you
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Thanks anon
>good goy since 2016
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>tfw no conway's younger sister gf
>tfw everyone is showing off their new guns but I can't

Imagine a picture of a Remington 870p on a bed for me buds
*assassinates (You)*
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I bet you're qt. You can get a gf easy

Maybe if you weren't such a fucking spastic
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>You can get a gf easy
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Send ur resume
I can be your gf anon
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>he knows how to talk to girls
dont listen to the optimist
*sends u my resume*
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>Maybe if you weren't such a fucking spastic
I'm just a humble farmer, pard. Simple livin', spasms ain't my kinda life.
gonna sell my runescape gold

>be in club wrestling in 3rd grade
>every Friday is dodgeball night
>get pelted by highschoolers and dads
>walk out bright red and hurting every night

it put hair on my chest i tell you what, now the highschoolers can't even do certain drills because they were "to violent". The world is changing, and I have an uneasy feeling about the way its going.

gimme 5M, senpai
She has a bf anyway
stomach masterrace
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I want to go to a Hatsune Miku concert, lads.

Apparently I missed one in Toronto last year. I'd have gone if I heard about it.

You were being sarcastic... r-right?
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hehe, I wonder who he is
Anyone here play Overwatch? Is Gold a good rank?
I know who he is
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missing this weather
Big fan of cloudy weather
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are you coming
do you even play runescape
You only think you know
best weather 2bh
>titsntimestamp.pdf not attached

I've met him
How does the 99 cent store stay in business
Everything they sell costs 3 cents to manufacter
Allow me to reintroduce myself then
She isn't dating a nigger sweetie ;)
I know, she's dating me
>sweetie posting


Going kk right now, gona stake my loot till max or broke, then sell or cry. how much are you getting for it atm?
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my autism radar cant handle this
ewww, stop beign so creepy, gosh
>all the northie state flags look the same
>even the counties
bout $1.30 per million

WY@, fampai
Do you have any siblings?
>american flag, blue flag with yellowish crest, white flag with blackish crest
Girlfriends love hot chocolate.

t. expert
grand exchange world 86
not like it makes a difference if I use the wrong one
I like hot chocolate
can someone get me a baconator from Wendy's

ill buy you a frostie

is that members? I havent played in a while
on old school
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Fuck you.

fug, I dont have membership anymore
i want a little more than a frosty
Will you be my girlfriend?
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just dropped this thing on the ground and the runt didn't say a thing
ok just go to world 16 then
tfw never got into Runescape as a kid
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hey fists of flames, turn your trip back on
bout to watch the Wire episode 3 with my egg and ham sandwich
good show so far
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Why don't you fuck them instead?

I'm already someone else's girlfriend
Pretty sure fist of flames had a few different names before but i forgot what they were, does anyone remember?
>you will never go back to december 10 2007
Gonna eat a Philly Cheese Steak hotpocket and listen to music
Good hotpocket so far
Lucky guy

Shit took my childhood and is the reason I'm socially fucked
same lol
Because that's disgusting, this isnt the south

>Philly Cheese Steak
good taste
wonder if some chink hacked my acct again
I genuinely don't know who you're talking about.
Great posts, I'll document these posts in my teenage mutant ninja turtles notepad
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You can fuck my eldest sister, everyone else has
What's she like? Is she cute?
The original image of that face haunts me.
Good lord this apartment complex is pissing me off
I'm trying to pay rent for the summer as a sublease and after calling them 3 times and sending 2 emails I still dont have an account so I can pay rent
Eh, I'm sorry, I'm sure she'll turn around one day
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Doubt it
I voted for (((Sandersberg))) in the primary but Drumpf in the election
Can't say I care about how easy she is. I just want to know if she's cute.
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Why is it always women being racist?
>I voted for (((Sandersberg)))

She's cute tho
There's actually a nice hot chocolate place in the town at my university. Probably be a cute date spot.

Wanna go bae?
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This woman said nothing wrong.
Tell her some guy in Portland said hi
Put the roastie out of her misery, do it Jaime.
God bless

You cant go much further with this image meme
There is nothing wrong with people being promiscuous when they're young
Kinda wish I never got into garbage picking

Some of my clothes still smell after washing. I also think something crawled up my ass the other day, my ass tickled
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no ;_;

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I wish I could be promiscuous in my youth
someone's following me in runescape is it you
You know I'm right, Conway
You'd be a little slut if you lived in an area with more gay men
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won't be reading a word of this
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*runs away like a coward*

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me this year.
>being the big spoon
How to spot a pleb 101
Me a couple days ago
im back
Me on the left

Just be warned that I sleep in the nude
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>im back
That's my gimmick.
just my willy sucked by a slag x
Did you put your benis inside of her bagina?
>Keyboard warrior
>Literally whos
>Saving Western civilization
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ate another entire bag of chips for the second night in a row
stop being such a faggot holy shit kill yourself, sodomite
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You need help
Pennsylvania's a cool guy
hey guys ham and egg sandwich guy here

the only mustard i had was honey dijon which was alright
so logically i assumed dijon would be good as well, but that is one disgusting piece of mustard

what other mustards are there??
Am I a cool guy?
no we didnt have a condom so she left
>get a job
>pay the loan back over 15 years

Where's Dick Masterson?
*puts an avatar in video format and talks about memes*
Are Bitcoins and trading in that type of things worth it?

Is anybody familiar with it?
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This is the wrong time to buy no-coiner

probably not
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Yellow mustard
Brown mustard
Honey mustard
Spicy mustard
German mustard
English mustard
Whole grain mustard
There are probably more but those are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head.
Why didn't you have a condom?
>what other mustards are there??
honey mustard is the only one worth your time
t. knower

Pls explain why.
I don't see what could go wrong with it. It's basically a digital "gold" and it has a limit on how many can be "mined". In theory it shouldn't be different than precious metals as long as people want to trade with it.
I think you're cool
w-why does florence have a giant adams apple
Thanks. I think you're cool too. Can't say that I'm a fan of California, though
because i barley get any action so i never buy any
well, I guess if electricity died it could be useless
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Because b8coin just exploded in value and you missed your chance to buy in
said I wasn't going to drink today but now i kinda wanna know what it tastes like.
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How do I talk to women?
high test

>Hi my name is anon, what's yours?
that's a lot of muastard
it's easy
pretend you're a gay
Walk up to one and start talking to her.
you just do it, dont even think about it
>said I wasn't going to drink today but now i kinda wanna know what it tastes like.
haha me too lad
got to go see my mummy tomorrow though :^)

Should I talk about Anime?
You're talking to one right now sweetie :))
if you like it sure then why not
best to not try and be someone else, or you'll end up unhappy
*vapes at you*
No. Even if she likes anime, don't just start talking about it as your starter.
times that would be appropriate:

>youre in anime club at college
>youre at an anime expo
>shes wearing an anime shirt
>theres an anime pin on her bag

otherwise, dont bring up niche shit like anime
How do I secure a blowjob from a woman
Don't drink and drive

feels bad man.jpg

But it should still increase in value in the future, right?


I'm still really tempted to invest at least some in it.
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>tfw you are a smart person and know that while the best condiments are mustard and mayonnaise, the only thing that should go on a sausage or hotdog is sauerkraut
its ok i'll finish my drink before i drive
Wait for it to crash again, then buy in. If you think you'll hesitate because it may crash further, wait until it stops falling for a while or until it starts increasing.
i never realized mario says see you later gay bowser in the n64 game

how did they allow this
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our guy1.jpg
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Tell them you listen to the Savage Nation, chicks love Michael Weinar

Not without crashing in value somewhere in the future
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Euro Politicians.jpg
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Reminder this is what the EU does to people
im not actually going to drink you weenie

is there any cost to buying in/changing back and forth?
I walked next to a cute girl, almost all the way across campus this morning

It was just me and her, but I didn't say hi

I understand your points, I'll investigate more and look for more information about a potential crash before doing something stupid.
If gravity didn't exist I'd literally weigh 16 pounds.

It's gravity's fault I'm fat.
finally somebody agrees with me
Not from what I know. It works like buying any other precious metals.
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Europe is in a swamp, and extra-European forces dispose of former European nations as their colonies.

In this book are the precise, organic foundations of the Western soul, and in particular, its Imperative at this present stage. Either Europe will become totally integrated, or it will pass entirely out of history, its peoples will be dispersed, its efforts and brains will be at the disposal forever of extra-European forces. This is shown herein, not by abstract formulae and intellectualized theories, but organically and historically. The conclusions therefore are not arbitrary, not a subject for choosing or rejecting, but absolutely compelling to minds which wish to take part in affairs. The real author is the Spirit of the Age, and its commands do not admit of argumentation, and their sanction is the crushing might of History, bringing defeat, humiliation, death and chaos.

I condemn here at the outset the miserable plans of retarded souls to “unite” Europe as an economic area for purposes of exploitation by and defense of the Imperialism of extra-European forces. The integration of Europe is not a subject for plans, but for expression. It needs but to be recognized, and the perpetuation of nineteenth century economic thinking is entirely incapable here. Not trade and banking, not importing and exporting, but Heroism alone can liberate that integrated soul of Europe which lies under the financial trickery of retarders, the petty-stateism of party-politicians, and the occupying armies of extra-European forces.
Someone just thanked me for saving them in a video game :3
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>being so fat that you still weigh anything without the law of physics that actually gives stuff weight
what service do you use to buy with? don't really trust paypal tbqh
guess if i really gave a fuck i could go to /biz/ and join in the pumps and dumps
Watchya guys doin tomorrow?
why doesnt Alabama have a state lottery?
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So what do I say after I introduce myself?
There are bitcoin exchanges.
I'm off work. Maybe I should continue learning Korean. I gave up on Japanese.
same thing I do every day
tell them that you think they have nice toes. people love compliments.
Gambling is degenerate

Might go to Hot Springs
Some creep walked next to me all the way across campus

He didn't talk, just did the virgin walk and was breathing heavily

I had my phone ready to call the cops in case he tried to rape me
Why'd you give on Japanese
fug my toof hurts
ugh why do men have to be so creepy
Ask her how many kids she wants to have. If it's anything less than 4 then stop talking to her and move on
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used a few pick up lines on one of those men hating femenazi to get some bloodshed going
was not the reaction i was expecting
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instincts > being a lesbian
Is that how you met your gf
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Shall be heading on over to the qt's house
kinda. but she's not a femmenazi
>found the Grindr app downloaded on my moms phone

>use grindr
>get aids
can't make this shit up

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Plot twist: She was using it to moderate you
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aglio e olio for dinner
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Post your epic get screenshot
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Isn't grindr for gay men?
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where to find gf like this?
want some coffee to satisfy addicction urges but already have trouble sleeping
what do i do
Plastic surgeons office
Everything about that picture is Reddit, from the usage of Reddit flags to the "le epic screenshot ready for reposting" format
Neck yourself
New Zealand
I want an Asian gf so badly.
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*crits your scrub ass*
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I have freckles.
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>Everything about that picture is Reddit, from the usage of Reddit flags to the "le epic screenshot ready for reposting" format
Neck yourself
>not Canada


I thought I could move to Vancouver and have a good time...
just masturbated again, being an accelerationist is great, opened up so many new doors for me
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*makes you kneel*
i'm in the same boat as you bud
i'm gonna start smoking weed again
try maybe drinking decaf or non-caffeinated soda
As long as it's >4 hours until you plan to go to sleep, you'll be fine
Just take lots of benadryl
I have rosecea and just shitty skin in general
What did you masturbate too?
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Look into your future, boys.
I wish I had an Asian gf
Canada it is, i'm cumming for your women leafs
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>being dyslexic
lamo yuo dbum cnut
Nice get
That dude's just retarded. It;s rule #1 that when a girl says she wants nothing, she actually wants you to get her something.
do you get that from drankin too much?
amateur homosexual pornography
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>Copy pasting the text instead of just highlighting it and pressing the reply button
Spotted the redditor
>Just take lots of benadryl
>start seeing shit
yeah i've heard about that, doesn't sound fun
>thinks he's getting a halfway decent asian gf without loads of money
Same bro
Feels bad theres no cure for it
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All the Asian girls here only date Asian men. Hope you're Asian.
I saw a photo of the Asian qt wearing one of those Chinese dresses and I see it every time I close my eyes now
but I'm a 5'9 white guy
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Uhh, you said you werent gay a few days ago
>you just bought bae a hot chocolate
>she gives you this look

what do?
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rip my headphones
I have a dangerous fetish for asians, but don't respect them generally
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Why aren't you investing in crypto?
Me and George Bush have the same hairline
Except he's like 40 or whatever in that picture and I'm only 20
That's just a meme
I've taken up to 400 miligrams before and didn't see shit
Yes but it's only temporary in that case
I'm stuck with this shit
Fuck my shit up, I'd almost feel bad to have kids my genes are so shitty
Proceed to procreate multiple times during the night.
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But who will make me cookies! And milkie!
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>when the gravity stops working.jpg
Make out with her and put my hand on her inner thigh
I don't have a fetish for any race and don't disregard women because of their race
ask to suck her dick
that was monday and im not
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Chink wife.png
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>muh submissive slant gf
Fellow rosacea bro the answer lies in racemixing with a dark skin qt
Now only if I could get laid
I'm 24 and my hairline is worse lol
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>asian with green eyes
Why arent you charging your phone?
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>don't disregard women because of their race
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You guys are so nice.
it's very relaxing famalm
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Mr Bean funny face.png
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The guy looks like a fucking twink, of course his gf is beating the fuck out of him
Reminds me of that old dubbed over Japanese game show that would air on Spike TV.
We're on page 2, Denmark.
325 now
bammbs limits is gonbe
Any east coast here? Rain is comfy
Thread posts: 327
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