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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 49

futurism edition
just ate a whole cucumber ama
will be on for 2 hours~~
plymouth is actually an alright place
north africa was a mistake
Deadlifts tomorrow lads

genuinely HYPED

110kg this time (pls no bully)
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how? it's fucking horrible
give it to us then

superb edition
Post hijackings and crashes
Desperately wish that Americans were smarter as a collective
i bathe it with vinegar makes it much better
well for one

her heart


to another

and no other


will do
love this song
>fake snap
panhead fuck off your twitter isnt funny
are you Mac?
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pure kino
the pursuit for perfection always leads to fascism
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she has really gotten big

one of my favourites
fair play
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>be me
>go outside for a smoke
>pass some girls smoking
>go around corner out of sight but there
>stacey #1: hahaha why did we go quiet
>stacey #2: hahaaha there's always one to mention it

what did they mean by this?
are you the lad who said he'd been playing tft recently

love this story

sheeds BTFO
Is pan head amongst us??
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awful gimmick
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more to love

incels are desperate to be offended by whatever an attractive male does
The pengest munch

How can taramasalata be so good?
For an example of how slow a response an errant airliner would get in the US pre 9/11


Last transmission at 1327
First intercept at 1454 (by an unarmed jet that happened to be airborne nearby)
Armed intercept at 1613
Ran out of fuel and crashed 1713
Any man who must say "I am the King" is no true King.
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Absolutely fucking hate this country sometimes.
looks fucking shit
nah, sorry mate
but why do you keep writing Mac's lyrics?

are you him?
I am not the King

t. True King

Knew you were a runt, but this is a bit much.

Hello Deano
>teehee there's someone passing by let's exchange random looks at each other and stifle giggles
Females are silly creatures. Disregard them.
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>tfw cock is 6.3 erect
feels good being in the 95th percentile
serial killers btfo
i am actually
Oh shit lads the fucking Moors Murderer just died
mine is 6.5 lad. shame I'm an ugly sperg.
Edinburgh vue cinema lad see the below
can't you get arrested for recording corporations activities in country UK?
Doing a Grimes listen. Review: not great
Mac Demarco
what the fuck does this thing do
>tfw only 75kg diddlies
how do you not know I smoke?

how new are you

i can't help but feel alpha as f rn
i'm not a blonker
don't know who that is mate
sex outside marriage is immoral
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I'm not the vue cinema lad I'm the other one

never used kik before but I'll give it a go
thats where the dip goes idiot
stops the pizza from touching the top of the box/stops the box collapsing
how could you not figure this out
haven't deadlifted regularly for probably 7 months still can pull 135kgx5
Goodnight, sweet prince
literally me
how much of a slut do you have to be to get a stomach piercing?

I think it stops the pizza getting stuck to the top of the box
david bowie died???
could heem every girl itt
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>tfw bench more than I squat
picnic table for ants
110 isn't too bad depending on rep range/bodyweight/how long you've been lifting
lift and eat
keep it up la, don't rush though...tweaked my back trying 100kg after a few weeks in the gym (several months ago).

Should be lifting higher than 110 now but don't train seriously enough.
very 70s with the fucking septum and navel piercing
have you tried not sitting on the box?
how are you using his lyrics lad

or maybe it's just very common? idk, just want to know why you keep posting them
morrissey is dead?
you need to stretch more lad
>it's a tiny table

genius Lol
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Taken from us too soon

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good night sweet prince

gone too soon x
salam alaykum
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Burke, an aircraft cleaning specialist, had been recently terminated by USAir for petty theft of $69 from in-flight cocktail receipts

Burke wrote a message on an airsickness bag. It is not known if he gave the message to Thomson to read before shooting him:

"Hi Ray. I think it's sort of ironical that we end up like this. I asked for some leniency for my family. Remember? Well, I got none and you'll get none

At that point, the CVR recorded the cockpit door opening and Flight Attendant Deborah Neil telling the cockpit crew, "We have a problem!" Captain Lindamood replied, "What's the problem?" A shot was heard as Burke shot the flight attendant dead, and announced "I'm the problem."

He then fired two more rounds. Most likely, he shot the pilot and copilot once each, incapacitating them, if not outright killing them. Several seconds later, the CVR picked up increasing windscreen noise as the airplane pitched down and accelerated. The remains of the flight data recorder (FDR) indicated Burke had pushed the control column forward into a dive.

The plane was estimated to have crashed slightly faster than the speed of sound, at around 770 mph (1,240 km/h), disintegrating instantly. Based on the deformation of the hardened steel black box data recorder case, the aircraft experienced a deceleration of 5,000 times the force of gravity (G-force)
who's lyrics?
didn't rik mayal already die

ah shit

rest in peace
6'2 76kg, usually 6-8 reps. Been lifting ~3 days a week for 6 months hehe
RIP Frank Skinner
form is obviously shite
Imagine being so unaware that you didn't see this literally just posted
h-hey, should I spread the rumour that Mac Demarco goes on the infamous person known as 4chan?
>A shot was heard as Burke shot the flight attendant dead, and announced "I'm the problem."

Gotta admit, that's pretty cool
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what are some godtier english audiobooks?

Need british accent to relax.
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Only been lifting for a month. I'm currently bulking on 3000kcal a day. I'm a 6'5 skelly and hate it, been happy with my progress though, I've been increasing my weights by at least 2.5kg each session. Can't wait to hit 2pl8
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gf just had a little cry saying I'm the nicest bf she's ever had. Not gonna lie, was pretty proud. Love her to bits I do.
lower rep range to 5 consistently. deadlift is a strength lift
here you go la

just listen to radio 4
*changes my name to an unpronounceable symbol*
aye heard that, what stretches are good for squats?

salam brother

bench form or squat form? yeah I'm 6'5 and I find squatting really difficult to get right
ah not bad at all then la
ignore the /fit/izens who will probably e-stat now about pulling 4pl8 the first time they touched a barbell.
you can build strength in volume, there's no reason to not do sets of 8 unless you're a turbo meming fat powerlifter
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Absolute madman
alri an
Where is he buried, lads?
Personally get better results from lifting only 3 days a week. Not sure why.
dangerous faggot
unrivalled banter from the headmaster
picnic > your favourite chocolate bar
>niggers are hum-
On the moors
rock the casbah
squat. It takes not training squat or horrendous form to get it lower than bench. watch alan thrall vids on it
5 is preferable for strength
how did they find the note on the sickbag if it was in a passenger plane that crashed at 770mph
good response
prude scum

the pengest compositions
not trying to get you down byt skinny teenage girls can deadlift 182.5kg lads

Imagine a parent actually doing that

Fucking hell
let's go dig him up

he snapchatted it just before impact
got to admit morrisey was a bit edgy for naming it "suffer little children"

choon coming through
i am so, so, so fucked for exams

i'm coping with the stress by constant posting on 4chan and watching youtube, and all that does is make me procrastinate even longer
jokes, only jokes

he's a cool dude
>and had also been suspected of other thefts including receipts totaling thousands of dollars
Prefer the one about the girlfriend.

Over the moor, take me to the moor
Dig a shallow grave
And I'll lay me down

Lesley-Anne, with your pretty white beads
Oh John, you'll never be a man
And you'll never see your home again
Oh Manchester, so much to answer for

Edward, see those alluring lights ?
Tonight will be your very last night
do you ever get a sense of some sort of timeline of "collapse" or sudden decline, like some sort of massive cultural event. I find it pretty clear listening to music. For instance, The Beach Boys are pre-collapse and The Smiths are post-collapse. What was the historical event?
it's from a bible passage https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+19%3A14&version=KJV

should have been shot long time ago
Prefer the one about the skateboard.
racists accused my boy (who was on the flight to spread the word of God) of theft he didn't do
someone tell me about this 4chan website

never used it before but heard about it
the 1973 oil crisis
>He had previously worked for an airline in Rochester, New York, where he was a suspect in a drug-smuggling ring that was bringing cocaine from Jamaica to Rochester via the airline
add me
fuck off you stupid nonce, stop talking shite
yeah I know but i think morrisey was well aware people would hear the title and wouldn't immediately think "oh that's from that bible passage about caring for children"
>5'9 tall, weights 76kg can deadlift 180kg

is this meant to be impressive?
You really need to elucidate on this more.
gay chatroom.
Imagine being in prison for 51 years
can someone post the video of the canadian autist getting mad because reddit called him ugly
need mo money fo dem programz
Musically, it was 1976/77 and Punk
can someone explain why they design extension cords in a way that you can't plug in two things next to each other?
>yeah I know
No you didn't.
fuck off capitalist

For a 72kg woman, 140kg is an elite deadlift, so yes, I would say so.

the beach boys were mid collapse hence all the charlie manson shit
she can deadlift more than you runt boy
seems a bit of an unnecessary response mate, bit rude if im honest
There was a shift in music (maybe in other culture too but desu i don't watch enough old films to comment) that seemed like an abandonment of an older outlook on life. I want to find out when that abandonment happened and what caused it
>There was a shift in music (maybe in other culture too but desu i don't watch enough old films to comment) that seemed like an abandonment of an older outlook on life. I want to find out when that abandonment happened and what caused it

the 1973 oil crisis
war science?
Can we all be nice to each other please
yes i did because i read about it the first time i heard the title of the song
now fuck off you vile little slug and do not EVER question me again
Stop lying, you thick, uncultured bastard
*opens your rucksack and puts my empty crisp packet in it*
Off on my holidays in a few hours lads

*recoils in terror*
oh, hi
thinly veiled anti-semitic post
pussied out on killing myself again tonight lads

went to this level crossing that's not far from my house and stood next to the tracks, saw the train approaching but couldn't do it
never kissed a girl
why would i lie about this you fat fucking mess
you make me SICK
What happened to the passengers
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Because you were shown up as a fucking dunderhead and tired to save face.
keep getting matches on tinder but really cba to talk to them
skanky bitch

plane crash lad you here haha
good lad, now go and get therapy instead
There's bloody rats or mice in the ceiling, lads

I gotta get up there and lay some traps, but it's hot and spooky
everything before 1970 seemed like a lawless corrupt shithole
bit jealous of dane/german/swedish anon if i'm honest

must be amazing to be so self assured you can just hope around without worrying about money or work
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>deadlifts sub 200kg
Carbon monoxide poisoning seems to be the best way. We could rent a car and find somewhere idyllic.
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next Elliot
better check it out soon because it could be far worse, I read about a wasp nest accumulating up there in someone's place and eventually it crashed through the fucking ceiling
i literally had read about it before but morrisey was still and edgy cunt for choosing that title.
It's like when a kid says bitch and then says "WHAT IT JUST MEANS A GIRL DOG"
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Which Pepe would you say best expresses your emotional state right now?

They hit the ground at 770mph
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The high point of Apollonian music was progressive rock's popularity. The high point of Dionysian music was the surge of proto-Punk, Punk, and depressive pop-rock like The Smiths afterwards. Classic rap is perhaps the tragic music, combining elements of both. It is both melodic and disruptive. Modern pop music, electronic music, is neutral, vapid.
pepe is dead
is 200kg the "strong" benchmark? I keep losing track of it, my 1rm is 220kg and i still feel like it's bitch weight and im a weakling
pre-aids freddy mercury was a bit of a porker

I'm just worried about them chewing everything

Fuck knows how they got up there

Either that, or its a fucking goblin
No one believes you, thicko.
Great bantz from columbus

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fantastic patter
Me again (6'2 76kg)

I eat 2800kcal and 160g of protein on lifting days, this about right?

about 2400-2500 and 100-130g on non-lifting days.
They were compensated with lots of airmiles
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People at work thought I was lying about deadlifting 190kg
kino hardcut at 1:05
Business Idea: Herd 'vloggers' into gas chambers and proceed to gas them

Spin off idea: vlog the process

How much do you weigh?

I guarantee, if you feel weak at 200kg, then you could be pulling elite level weight and still feel like a hitch

Most people can't even pull 150 if their life depended on it
Getting drunk and blasting tunes from my laptop speakers
in the whip waiting for the weedman listening to choons via bluetooth
poor lad. he's not that bad
I'm 6'3" and 76kg, slightly skinnier than you

also I don't lift at all hah
This lad would genuinely not be that bad looking if he had a proper haircut, got in shape and cleared up his skin
>english people trying to be funny

dad's side of the family has males with full heads of hair but can't grow facial hair
mum's side of the family has males who can grow thick beards but there's a balding gene

as of right now, i have a full head of hair and can't grow a beard. if i end up going bald in the future, i will have inherited the worse genes of both sides of the family :(
I may not agree with what you say, but I would die for your right to say good things about me
I'm constantly experience major deju vu
It's quite scary now lads
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b-but i (probably) have more muscle than you la, so potentially skinnier haha

Jealous of that inch though.
Holy shit, today:

>have mexican boss
>tell him about Hitler and how Im a nazi
>redpill him on race realism
>he agrees and finds it interesting

but then..

>I ask "why come here? wouldnt you like it better if you lived in mexico"

>him: "Yes, but If I went there I could never come back to America because Im not a citizen"

My boss is a fucking illegal. Should I report him to ICE?
It's only a peagout 207 mate
I have a full head of hair and can grow a beard (although I've never bothered to do so, gets too itchy after about a week)
who the fuck is ian brady
actually an extremely good yank post

Oh god

Think I'm a racist, lads lol
of course

your balding genes come from your mums dad
was going to describe someone but then realised that was ian huntley
i always fall for this shit
He's playing you you silly yank probably stalling for time while the fuzz arrives to haul you away

Unless he's a complete spastic he wouldn't admit such a thing to somebody that just revealed they were a nazi race '''''''realist''''''; he's legal and baiting you to test your loyalty.

I cum in your mums dad

fuck off child
why the fuck do i have all sorts of weird pics in my temp folder, never seen this shit before
Does he own the company your work for or is he just an underboss? Worth thinking about, you should report him really though.
buying a new car on wednesday that I dont even want lmao
>double reddit spacing
he's going all out lads
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>Having difficulty conceiving naturally, they eventually went to an adoption agency in Mississippi, and told workers there they only wanted to adopt 'non-Caucasian' children.

>'We did this with the deeply held conviction that if the Lord wanted us to have a fully Caucasian child my wife would conceive naturally,' Aaron explained.

Fucking state of that country
how do I trim facial hair
want to creampie josie against her will
they're saved at random, i think a lot of them are avatars of other people (like on steam or youtube or something)
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Harmony is a new type of sex doll - one that can move and talk.
I use hair clippers with no guard on. It works but sometimes the 'stache looks thicker than the rest.
Did you ever see this?

that would make sense, thanks
Don't want this
sounds utterly terrifying desu
that's the whole point
you don't have a say
you shave it off you little hippie cunt
i want to lick josie's feet and pits, drink her piss and eat her hot steamy logs.

anyone else?
we have a dark future ahead
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Would actually love a wife and kids 2bh
red flags for women:

>dyed hair
>hipster/goth/punk/stoner fashion
>swears a lot
>gets too drunk
>has too many female friends
>has any straight male friends
>doesn't have a good relationship with her family
>doesn't like kids
>doesn't like animals
>is very political
>calls herself a feminist
>likes the kardashians/jenners
>reads women magazines
>doesn't have a job
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Business idea: bring the 'work in X hours' gimmick to the masses.

I'll lease a fleet of cars and attach loud-speakers to them, blasting out the amount of time left until 9am the following work-day. The cars would circle popular leisure spots (pubs, parks on sunny days, beaches, high streets).

Not sure on revenue streams yet, but as with all new startups, growth comes first.
I don't understand my wife at all.

We only have sex a few times a year because she says it hurts since I'm too big (4 inches) but she constantly stays late at work even though she hates her job.
just came to a lovely video of a latina putting a dildo in her arse
>captain kirk browses /tv/ and is aware of baneposting

what a time to be alive
Can't see a way out of this one
Would a strawberry flavoured Cornetto brand icecream cone change your mind?
ass is way too flirty too
i had a panic attack after smoking a joint, i told my therapist about it and she said it sounded more like a psychotic break than a panic attack and now she keeps asking me voices or if i think people are plotting against me

haha what the actual fuck is my life
schizophrenia here i come, oh joy
Read a 'dit post about how this person's friend was a cousin of Shatner and that this cousin's claimed he and his entire family despised Shatner for his cruel and erratic behavior like how he treated his wife terribly.
hate corbyn but his manifesto is very tempting
fantastic idea
the ol' 'cide
More of a mint sort of bloke
gf doesn't do any of these

Agree those are all red flags, here are some more:

>rides horses
>too into pets/animals
>picky eater
>unironic selfies or snapchat filters (dog tongue etc.)
>instagrams her food in restaurants
>uses phone regularly whilst conversing with others
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Fuck tottenham
remember to film daily videos for us lad, you can be the next Tim

Sounds like she's gaslighting you

Lmao classic

I've had a couple panic attacks with weed, mostly sstemming from a big one I had whilst on acid

But got over it, really, did think I was crazy for a short while x
lord of the dance, the rings or the flies?
scandal of the decade: Corbyn's manifesto is a word-for-word copy of the communist manifesto
>panic attack

you nearly went green lad

Its exactly like a panic attack and probably brought on the attack because of you overthinking

happened to me on sat night but managed to fight it off
Out of my price range unfortunately, would some toothpaste do
had a similar thing happen to me, hallucinated that i had cut my foot open and was bleeding.
If it makes you feel better i've not had any similar incidents since, I just don't smoke weed at all any more cos it's not nice
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a spectre is haunting /brit/

the spectre of radical centrism
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every two weeks my hair gets knotty
might see me in a barbers in totty
it's skepta the african hottie

pffftt i've taken acid 35 times smoked weed about 1000 times and i'm fine
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going to roll a spliff shortly
there's nothing wrong with smoking or riding horses you virgins
business idea: genetically engineer a combination of the giraffe and elephant, call it the giraffiphant
>toy story was the first 3D film

most definitely not
I'll settle for scraping the paste out of your gob with my bellend
not a virgin. tbqh, a few of the red flags i listed are things i don't like about my gf that i'll avoid for whatever future gfs i have

smoking is a dirty habit
did you just read that article about pixar in the atlantic?
sometimes when i'm in long periods of stress i feel no connection to my body, my past, or even my thoughts, like i'm trapped inside someone's life and it's all fake and i want to die to make it stop. if i think about it too hard now it'll happen again probably so i won't, pretty grim experience though
it's called gasfiring actually mate
horse girls are posh to the extent that they're stuffy, repressed and neurotic most of the time. Supposedly this translates to being good in the sack, but don't hang around afterwards.
are you really?
love rummaging through second hand books
my uncle's girlfriend's sister's husband is the VP at a major cybersecurity firm and he says he's going to be introducing me to him during the holidays this year. got straight A's in school, wonder if he might hire me to a position i would not acquire if i didn't have a connection with him hmmm
found myself watching a documentary about autist virgins trying to get laid

very, very glad i lost my virginity at 18 and didn't end up as a freak in school
Think I'm may have a disease lads. When I'm anxious I keep seeing glimpses of people walking into the room (the people I'm anxious about). I hallucinated someone calling my name this morning (no one was home). I could swear I once heard my cat form a meow into my name. When I was a young child I would tell my parents I see floating jellybeans and also hear nonexistent music.
>load up /brit/ before bed
>vulnerable guy telling of getting gastighted by his therapist (and friends?)

Christ alive.
dipping rich teas in hot sweetened milk x
Choon lads

I bet you're the richfag
exact same here lad, sometimes i have to play music really loud and focus on it because "reality" freaks me out too much
thank fuck for alcohol and cigarettes

It's every time i smoke weed though, one night i watched this video on repeat because i thought he was talking to me and trying to explain God and reality to me
i shit you not

yeah i've made peace with the the brrghghrhan proproprinomnmdrdrumns
smoking is sexy and increases iq

i guess the perception of horseriders is different here than it is there. sure some are posh but i grew up around loads of them and most were just normal farm girls.
need a 2d gf





>smoking is sexy and increases iq

t. a fucking leaf
neither of the Edinburgh lads added me on kik :(
Stupid fucking twat. No one use this dunce's thread when he links it.
>there was a third who also didnt add you
haha x
Thread posts: 314
Thread images: 49

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