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/cum/ Canadia Estados Unidos Mejico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 67

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500k starting with a theater degree -edition
i understand that joke
You'd be lucky if a theater degree got you a job in the first place. Another BS "degree" designed to take the money off of idiots who just want to go to college to have fun.

thats the joke, you nitwit
Listen to denpa music when you drink, like I do.
It makes everything great.

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Biggest threat by country.jpg
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>tfw you don't hate America on /int/
t. bitter that he isn't educated

re link it. i lost it when i migrated threads, and i can't be arsed to go back
Filtering this Sonoma County poster so I don't have to deal with his abhorrent bait. 3/10, put some thought into it next time

But I don't. Be strong for me

wtf r u a fag??
>Its not enough that I have regional flags, I must also enter my county into the name field
would you say my bait is better, much better, or much much better than his?
Ha you seriously thought i took that seriously? That post was more aimed at the concept of college being mostly a place where kids waste their money on shitty degrees.
I only linked this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX_baFXsS5Q
and this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgXpVEj3Y9I
I think the first one qualifies as denpa.
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is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?
>bitter that he isnt educated

Lol the uneducated will always outnumber the educated, and therefore will wield political and physical power. I mean, the "educated" supported Clinton in the election.
stay mad I bet you're poor and don't own 5 wineries in the most beautiful county in the best state loser
Somalia is the greatest threat facing the world.

Kenya knows what's up.
They have wineries in San Bernardino County?
It isn't quite as good as Henrico's because I can't tell when he's serious or not
sure, if you consider people with 105 IQs and BAs "educated"
all the money, voted for drumpf
Is that bitter virgin still here?
Money, money, money.
No, I left ages ago
Yeah, it's you.

Get a fucking life.
Exactly. When they mean "educated", they mean people who went to college.

Plus, anyone who has money should have voted for Trump. I mean, his policies benefit them the most.
NEED people to talk to on Steam or your preferred messenger lads
I would but I am painfully awkward
before i send, are you actually a fag?
Ah so you are here

Can you imagine being such a loser that you unironically hate women?
Oh wait you don't have to imagine.
nice meme
My posts have been excellent today.

I give my self a rather modest 9.8/10
What a shame, high school isn't acceptable for education. The synapses are steadily reaching operating temperature
wew newguy don't get him started
Yes but I won't send you gay shit if that's what you're worried about

It's fine
inverse log scale?

Id add you, but homosexuality is a sin
It's not me, you dumb shit.

What about my post could have made you think that it's me. You're pathetic.
that's literally all i'm worried about

no bully. i'm new to flags
been a cum-lover for longer than i care to admit

I understand
kys scale

you're the worst poster here
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>been a cum-lover for longer than i care to admit
High school is perfectly fine imo, but these college kids and grads think that it isn't.
gib stem
don't work her up too much. she's not very bright

i'm quite fond of my posts. i'm very much enjoying the ... discussion here
BIT disturbed right now. I think I may have drank a bit too much to the point where my eyes no longer align properly.
Bit annoying. Might have to wear my medical eyepatch for this.
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how do I get rid of this transparent corner thing
don't use steam regularly.
discord borosk#5449
shut up

have you tried turning it off and on again
have you tried restarting your personal computer
someone post a greentext
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>tfw I noticed it in his screenshot
install a superior operating system.
i suggest ubuntu, fedora, mint or some other easy to use linux distro
ask the finn guy when he shows up, he can probably help you
Sometimes I keep clicking on the icon that caused it to stop it.
Otherwise just log off and back on again.

but if I restart, I cant watch my animes
If he plays a lot of vidya, that won't be an option unless he's dual-booting.
Linux is absolutely superior, though, in any other case.
looks to me like he's on /cum/ right now. not gaming.
dual booting is easy. every "gaymer" should do it
You're right, he could literally just download Mint or whatever right now and dual-boot within 30 minutes.
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i can't believe i'm internet friends with a homo
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>professor emailed me yesterday
>wants to set up an appointment
he can call me bright all he wants I don't want to do grad school
you have no friends
you're not cut out for it anyways
You can't escape now
Who are you internet friends with :3 ?
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Korean before after.png
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Before or after /cum/?
Don't be mean, you asshole.
that's why I don't want to do it
my professor likes me because I did well in his course, but I'd lose my mind if I had to turn my bullshit into something meaningful
The befores are more attractive.
>first message when I logged into Discord was "Bringing back Szechuan Sauce"
Now I remember why I uninstalled it
[spoiler]Left is actually cuter.[/spoiler]
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fuck you steve balmer.png
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how do I get rid of this white text corner thing
You only think that because you like men
install gentoo
have you not been in this thread?

>said the biggest bully who came into MY thread and started insulting people

that's the struggle for everyone, including your professors. the first step to accomplishing something is to believe in yourself. the next step is to know how to try something, anything at all really.
if you don't want to do it, you'll never succeed.
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>tfw running Windows 95 because I'm an OG nigga
I-I like a stronger jaw. I'm sure a lot of straight men are into that.
fuck you
>have you not been in this thread?
I'm not even fully self-aware right now. I'm alone drinking and listening to denpa so go figure.

wheres the neither option
>running a 32bit OS
it's like you hate computing

no u

it's the other fag. not you. if you want my big brain dick, hmu on discord, twink
(i'm not gay tho)
>tfw no knoxville bf
on the left she looks like a model

on the right she looks like a somali with yellow skin
majoras mask is really good make wow
Well I also don't know if I want to be there another 2-4 years
I might want to try and make some money first and see what happens.
Also university bureaucracy is annoying
before is good because strong jawline like a man
>not running Windows 95
It's like you hate comfy
ideally you'll be going to a different school for graduate work.
they try really hard to keep students out of bureaucracy shit. if a student is funded, there is almost nothing that can happen to remove that funding. you won't suffer funfortunate budget cuts
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I'm sorry for being such a bully
i am
not big into religion, but thank GOD i wasn't born with the fag mental illness
I still love you
it's ok.
i forgive you.
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>looks like a somali with yellow skin
pssh not like I could ever like an Alabamian anyway
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its disgusting that you dont shit up dixie with your faggotry because they actually dont tolerate it so you take it here
Just finished all the Imperial Cult quests in Morrowind ama
I don't shit up /dixie/ because I actually like the people who post there
but /dixie/ loves you quebec
Well considering it's already too late for the fall, I might as well make the best of it and find some work for. Maybe get some side projects going in my area of interest so I look like a reasonable candidate.
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fuck trump
baby twumpy gonna cry

fucking faggot

imagine if i was small and really cute
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Well if anyone can...
say that to my face and see what happens
i could beat up anyone here
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Do NOT shit on my bro Terry. He's been around for a few years on YouTube and is completely fine.
Dammit, Metokur/Aristocrat/whatever.
congay is dead to me
i love terry
Alabamian more like Albanian

What's the fucking difference LMOA
Just finished Breaking Bad ama
you could beat up my dick anytime, fag
You still love me, right?
You guys are a bunch of loser bitter women hating virgins
My ex used to call me a faggot right after he finished. Sometimes I think about that.

I never liked you
His new vlogs are something else, I tell ya.
fukken rekt
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Why did his "deadly" cancer take so damn long to do stuff?
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A grill (with bf) told me I'm her best friend
Please just kill me now this isn't funny any more
i wonder if hes gonna get hurt soon
i mean after the HEY NIGGER episode
stop being mean to congay. he is probably sad because he didn't tell his mom his deepest secret on this most sacred day
Didn't the show happen over a year and a half tho
low effort bait.
try harder next time

*vomits eternally*

wtf i hate congay now
It receded like Aaron Paul's hairline
Unlike Aaron Paul's hairline though it eventually came back
I haven't seen my mom since I was 2 months old
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nice meme
is there a way to delete your steam without losing your games
yeah pnw is based
i don't understand this meem
I got my mom a bouquet of flowers what did you worthless fucks do?
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My mom is dead you insensitive prick

y r u all so mean to me
restarting made the corner thing go away, thanks buds

giftcards and lunch
holland is on the other side of france
i got her a certificate for a massage parlor and spa
but she had me evicted from my house, so i wish i didn't
Yeah, seriously. I wasn't expecting him to just spout something like that. I wouldn't be surprised if he's assaulted anytime soon.

Else, maybe that's just how he normally acts.
he did more than>>74863267
Odd meme but I like it.
I'm going to my old high school to help out tomorrow. excited but nervous
i think this danpa is turning me gay
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It's making you a man.
I wasn't a weeb when I was a kid.
what happened to me
arkansas help. give me your best image. i need to write an essay on it
i really like this picture
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1MB, 1100x1200px
Fuck off, you told me you didn't like my last image and it hurt my feelings
drove up there this morning to surprise her
bought flowers
brothers, dad and I cooked breakfast
pitched in for her new sewing machine
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oh I'm sorry
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i do NOT like this picture
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Too late now nigger

What kind of picture do you need
Goku is honestly the greatest hero ever. so good and pure and powerful
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>/cum/ quality continues to deteriorate
Unironically yes

The Ontario airport used to be one massive vineyard, and there are still a couple wineries tucked into the neighborhoods of Rancho Cucamonga.

but gohan is better
>all those americans in one place

How will HoC S5 turn out to be?
S3 was a disappointment
S4 was fairly good
Hope they don't jinx it
VERY lewd
anime is for stupid losers

>S4 was fairly good
Bullshit, I couldn't even force myself to watch that
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peak performance.png
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extra reminder
Despite whatcom, this is actually a decent thread.

You're kidding, right? Goten is objectively better than both of them.
sup fags
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I need an image that can be "analyzed". I need to write 3-4 pages on the image. they recommended an ad or a movie poster
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>he rates goten
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Black Scorpion.jpg
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My goodness, even the ancients drew such paintings representing the insufferable amphibian...
He is the cause of my nightmares.
Well i did say fairly
But yeah they can't even compete with high standards of s1 and s2
first fag posting
then 'boon posting
then 'boon fag posting
i'm outta here. kys every one
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I'm thinking this
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Here you go
I plan on it f@m.
did it again
ugh I NEED a negress side thot
It takes time but you'll turn into a fag sooner or later
4chan does that to people
Robocop is the greatest movie ever made and I dare anybody to prove otherwise
only the original
Posting here prevents me from doing what I truly want tonight.
Which is something I'm not sure of yet, but if I knew, I'd be doing it.

well of course

its not like somebody would be stupid enough to remake it
>acknowledging remakes of Verhoeven films

If people continue to do this shit with the Starship Troopers remake then I'm going to FREAK
superhero movies are for the braindead
movies are for the braindead
>he thinks robocop is a superhero

oh I am laffin
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post choons that will remind me im ronery
why are your state flags the same? just blue with dots

Not even the same shade of blue, you brainlet
>being able to tell colors apart
Roastie pls leave
i dont like movies very much to begin with
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That's what I want to know.
sorry Virginia, I'll look closer next time
I'm not Virginia
you gotta be clackin my ass
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>tfw no one to talk to since Albania went to bed
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>buttcum county
I kind of want to jack off tonight but I also feel too depressed
are you me?

I don't believe so as I don't remember posting this
clacked tfo*
excellent post (kys)
Clack ys*
kys (excellent post)
you people are useless
trump is a stupid poopy pants baby

this is interesting. what view would you take on it? how the use of edited frog pictures during the most recent presidential election btfo'd normies?
excellent post (kms)
im useless
you should seriously just own it and tell people to clack themselves, get clacked, you're gonna clack their ass etc. then it can't be used against you as much.
george lincoln rockwell was a misunderstood hero
That's actually the gayest thing I've ever heard.

don't give him this advice! then I will have no purpose here
>"Ayo this finna where we watch some info an shieet, DeMarckwan'te sometimes light that shit up when he straight clownin'"
*rips bong*
what if we
*writes a blog at starbucks*
what if we
*listens to nirvana*
what if we like
>That's actually the gayest thing I've ever heard.
we literally had fags discussing taking other mens virginity last thread
I support Cascadian independence
Can't wait to see PNW cities get firebombed
haha lol now I'm embracing the joke

*sucks your cock*

pls don't get cum in my eyes
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i find that those between the ages of 20 and 25 are the worst fucking people in the world
good idea i like it
whoa, don't embrace it that much now *rips cock out of your vicegripped lips*
more asian qt's
also, of course because thats college age when we think we know everything
Stop destroying America
*rips bong*
what if we
*writes a blog at Peet's coffee & tea*
what if we
*listens to Wipers*
what if we like

The original post was a horrible Seattle-centric abomination. I fixed it for Oregonians.
my plan finally worked
only seattle is bad. the rest of the state is pretty alright
who the fug are the wipers
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Does the ACLU still defend things like Nazis, Klansmen, pedophile organizations, black supremacists and the Westboro Baptist church anymore?
yeah, no one even like starbucks. woods is better
>PNW cities
What did I just say

The rest of the state can be dude weed lmao lolbertarians for all I care
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>implying the cherry poppin daddies aren't the best Oregon band
well by the technical definition of city I do live in a city.
thinking about life (mostly sex)
>well by the technical definition of city I do live in a city.
Then you deserve to be firebombed
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Did ya forget about me, anon?
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12,000 people will die because of you
Wish I was an Asian girl

I'm willing to make that sacrifice
wtf i love yukon now?
I think I have a concussion, I have a horrible headache and feel like I'm about to faint and can't stand straight. did go headfirst into the boards playing hockey with some friends earlier.

do you just sleep it off?
not a fan of these wipers
Stop posting crying wojak
Should I get an enchilada or some tamales?
I am prepared to die for my country
Do it already.

probably shouldve gotten dinner
That's a dude
That's disgusting
basically yes. Rest and recovery is the best medicine
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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for spartan children.
Don't do this >>74864052
I'm not ready to say goodbye
fucking white trash
Broke my glasses and I don't know how I'm going to drive home tomorrow
Kill yourself
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also wrong
asian girls get to watch all the anime they want and marry a nice white man
not until you grant me my final wish ol clackers
I can't disagree with official Mexican approval.
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Wonder Woman.jpg
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Just saw an advance screening of Wonder Woman, pic related. I can't believe the jews are promoting cucking so openly now!
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I'm squidward!

Terrible post.

I'm the only poster good enough to pull off a successful kys post
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I claim this thread for asian honies
clackermass is a good poster
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>Just saw an advance screening of Wonder Woman
Now why in the fuck would you do that?
good, don't really want to go to see a foctors because its just a waste of time. fugg my head really hurts though. I feel sick

memes aside, 70's WW is a trip

if you thought 60's batman was campy, you should watch it
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>download (1).jpg
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Gonna go to bed buds

Goodnight :3
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wherefore art thou Bucks County?
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night friend
*plays you a melody on my flute*
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clacka my savior and Lord
goodnight. I'm going to drink some sleepytime tea then hit the hay
trader joe may be a hippie garbage fest, but they have good tea and mozzarella sticks
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I've got a flute you can play a melody on

And by flute I mean my dick
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>reddit flags
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something wrong with everything
Sleep tight!
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good thing Im dumb and stocked up on extra pesto sauce, or I couldnt make pasta
what happens if a mexican mixes with an asian?
Buddha is not a god. In fact, he was most likely atheistic himself.
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You get this
>he was most likely atheistic himself
Buddha said he saw Indian gods
Thread posts: 315
Thread images: 67

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