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What is your cunt or region's delicia? Here in Kurpfalz

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Thread replies: 299
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What is your cunt or region's delicia?

Here in Kurpfalz it is Saumagen (Pig's stomach, something like a German haggis)
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Everyone loves this
You foregut the Í in delícia fag
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Pig's gut stuffed with potatoes
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Tripe soup
Here in the mountains it's oscypek. It's smoked cheese made out of sheep milk. It's much better than normal cheese in my opinion
dormouse stew
Doesn't sound bad at all
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looks interesting
Doesn't sound like uma delícia...
We eat grasshoppers, ant eggs and worms.
>inb4 triggered border dwellers say we don't
>inb4 triggered border dweller call me a subhuman
We have tacos made with beef/pork tongue, guts, cheeks and brain
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Kieler Sprotten

They are little smoked fish
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Aged Würchwitzer mite cheese.
Eine Delikatesse!
Nigger dicks
Around here we like to eat OP's mom's puss
is that a cat?
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Cheese burgers

Guinea pig (cuy) I think
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fried pig brain

it melts like butter in your mouth
That actually sounds like it could be super tasty.
I forgot, fried pork rinds
The grasshoppers and worms are fried, I assume?
hyi saatana
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Fried fish entrails - especially the semen... strings(?) from male karps.
Doesn't get much worse than that.
>eur*peans actually eat this shit and its just not a meme
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Worms can be eaten alive or alcohol poisoned just before you eat them
Grasshoppers are grilled in a flat metal sheet called comal
>alcohol poisoned
So you drown them in a bottle of tequila and then eat them raw? Interesting
No, in mezcal, the patricians alcoholic beverage
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bacon cake or onion cake, one of the best snacks in the world
This is unironically one of the best soups I ever ate.
>find rock with anus
>somehow think that it might be a great idea to eat it
pls explain
also this. not very original but good and traditional
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That's normal food not umas delícias
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it's pretty hard to eat it all
spicy sausage made of minced pork stuffed into pig intestines also called medisterpolse
I didn't know it was danish.
Good stuff.
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True that
We also have leverpostej

It's delicious. The taste is related to sea urchin to give you an idea.
> old worlders considering new world food traditionally theirs
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Kaszanka - a sausage made of grains, blood, and sometimes offal. Unironically delicious.
We call them prietas, in other spanish speaking countries they call them morcillas.
Still weird that people considered eating it, but I guess there was a time when there wasn't much choice. Will try it if I get the chance.
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What is special about it? The spicy part?
Looks like an normal Bratwurstschnecke.
It's a bit of an acquired taste. But try it if you get the chance. I know that it's exported to japan and sweden. People eat it raw in general when they make ceviche but I don't eat raw seafood.
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Looks like a normal mussel. Don't see anything wrong with it
what? that's a fucking piece of amber
fucking shitposting leaf


Look harder
the fuck is it then? caramel? a snail?
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A rotten human toe
That is "available" in some certain bar, right?

Yep, in Dawson City, Yukon.
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new jersey's food is the taylor ham egg and cheese sandwich. if you ever hear it called a """"pork roll"""", that person is from (((south jersey))) and should not be listened to.
we are also known for putting french fries in fat sandwiches apparenetly.
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Excellent posts lads
That looks disgusting, why couldn't you just've posted Schweinshaxe or something, that shit's der Hammer

Also I'm Swedish, so meatballs

I have no picture so use your imagination: OOoOoOoO (different sized meatballs)
>That looks disgusting
that's the joke.
Someone post it
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>all my cunt's delicias are unquestionably accepted as high cuisine all over the world
French privilège I guess
>Established in 1973, the Sourtoe Cocktail has become a Dawson City tradition and is exactly what is sounds like: an actual human toe that has been dehydrated and preserved in salt is used to garnish a drink of your choice.
>The first toe is said to have belonged to a miner and rum runner named Louie Liken, who had his frostbitten appendage amputated in the 1920s. Liken preserved it in a jar of alcohol in his cabin for memories. Roughly 50 years later, in 1973, Yukon local Captain Dick Stevenson found the jar containing the toe while cleaning a cabin. Captain Dick brought the toe down to the Sourdough Saloon and started plunking it into the drinks of those who were brave enough. Thus, the Sourtoe Cocktail Club was formed.

blacked, blacked, not blacked, blacked, not blacked, blacked, not blacked, blacked.

also, the meatballs are great.
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snails and fry frogs
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haram as fuck
isn't that french cuisine though
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tfw too uma delicia to look at.
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trippa (cow's interiors)
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>not pajata (intestines of newborn lamb with the half-digested milk still inside
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Better picture
I would go there just to be spanked desu.
these are eaten cold with garlic and parsley, it's typical of Veneto
It has a strong iodine flavor
that's from around rome
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Spaniards love that and this, I don't find them so amazing.
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We call ours "moronga", pic is a taco de moronga
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boiled chicken legs is super tasty

It's funny how the whole world thinks Italian food is pizza and pasta, when in reality it's all snails, frogs cow gut and chicken legs
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This is a fungus that grows on corn
We also eat that, in soups
What does it taste like?
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its a dim flavour, kinda sweet, very unique
the texture is like other mushrooms
this are ant's larvae
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In Lithuania pig ear is a pretty popular dish, either as a whole ear, or cut into small stripes like in the picture, while accompanying a beer or vodka.
chicken blood rice with vinegar
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these are cacti
I can only eat raw nopales, i can't stand a cooked one. Am i a failed mexican?
Was meant for >>74557457
Eso es mondongo pendejo
We call them guatitas.
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Goat stomach stuffed with meat and other things
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Fried goat intestine
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sanguinaccio is a cake made with pig blood.
in the end it looks like a normal cake though

nowdays few selected old ladies knows this recipe
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final result
Unironically looking scrumptious
Disgusting food thread?

We have Beuschel.

It's sheep and/or pig lungs, liver, stomach and other (edible) slaughterhouse waste served with a thick strong sauce to mask the taste, look and smell. It was a way for poor people to get animal protein but isn't eaten anymore for obvious reasons (though some places started making it again for people who get a kick out of trying nasty food).
Eating bird's blood is the most surprising thing on this thread for me.
We have a similar dish to OP's here in Brazil, called “buchada de bode”. Basically the same, but with goat meat and a ton of spices.
>disgusting contents of a pig's stomach
so the pigs eat pickles? why not clean it up first??
I don't think our dishes have anything particulary weird that can't be found on other countries, but since we have a lot of beef, there are a few dishes involving cow's tongue, brains, a kind of stomach broth, blood sausage, various intestines, kidneys and that's about it.
Fuck you mane, now i want tacos de cabeza and in my shitty city everything closes past 7:00pm

Brain and eye tacos are my fav after suadero and pastor
Basically chorizo
Americans shouldn't be listened when it comes to cousine/art/politics/economics

Fuck off with your torta de huevo
Medula is far superior my dude
Idk man, the spainards do it better a la vizcaina
>vergacruzano detected

We call it pancita and in the bajio they call it menudo
Mondongo es pedazo de verga
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Caracoles (snails)
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blood filloas in Galicia after ritually killing the pork in San Fermín
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Maple syrup poured on snow.

its delightful with a cooked wine or coffee.
nice proxy
US of A
That's a ranchería, not a city
Where the fuck can't you get tacos after 7?
bon appétit cuntz
don't know what that beaner shit you said is but what i posted is a taylor ham egg and cheese sandwich, it's good
>find rock with anus
>somehow think that it might be a great idea to eat it
/b/tards have existed long before 4chan.
Doesn't get more Canadian than this.
>You die thin but you die clean
the things you faggots eat!
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Or "Beaver Tails" but that's usually a Winterlude event thing, especially in Ottawa (our Capital).

I've been watching some hunting/trapping videos lately, and I've noticed a lot of Indians posting butthurt comments about peace and not hurting animals.

It used to be that these comments came from butthurt frustrated white bois, but I guess they don't anymore

tldr uncuck your faggoty vegetarian habits
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Would you marry an Indian dude? Make those mixed babies with him?
Pollo arrollado
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Pennsylvania here, chipped ham
everything in this thread looks like absolute shite
more than the 'hurting animals' thing.. I'm disgusted by the things you put down your throat.
Fried frogs, they're delicious
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That was NOT the pic I meant to send
isn't this a french thing?
You sick fuck
They don't have the copyright you know.
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Glasgow's finest cuisine
Congratulations everything in here looks disgusting would not eat these "delicias"
just imagine
it will be illegal to eat this in your country soon because it's haram
i just such an insanely high level of metabolism that i can live off of milk
Please tell me you don't do this too, Mr. Poo:
oil here is much cheaper and doing this aerobics would be costlier than that.
rooster testicle stew
living in a muslim paradise
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Ever asked yourselfwhy it is so cheap?
Anyways, your people eat a lot of.. fanzy stuff. Pic realted.
you just elected Macron.
You are not eligible to say shit about muslims.
yeah.. totally..
some tribals in remote places eat this shit.. BTW, there are tribes in Andaman Islands who are cannibals.
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raw pork aka mett
it's delicious
is it halal?
Don't even ask.
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>mfw had kanapki mit metka today
absolutely. 100% halal pork
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sounds like a rich breakfast
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culinary master race coming through
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lots of slavs migrated to the region I live
>retards posting normal, tasty foods
you missed the point of this thread.

Pic related isn't from my country, but it's a popular dish in China and other parts of Asia. It's called balut. It's a fertilised chicken/duck egg that gets prepared, thus rendering the embryo and the rest of the egg fit for consumption
>you missed the point of this thread.
I assumed 'delicia' just meant 'delicacy'?
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the stench though
Have you been living under a rock for the past couple of days? Uma delicia is ironic
Forgot the pic for Balut btw
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>>Have you been living under a rock for the past couple of days?
first time on /int/ in probably a month 2bh
you're too good for 4chan

please leave

you live in american town
plenty of things to do
leave this abyss of boredom and despair
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we prefer pigtounge
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deep fried butter
Imminent heart attack follows
Stay classy, America
average people here are too poor to something special so we just stuff papper with tiny pieces of meat
and eggs also
ant eggs i mean
stupid 4chan doesn't let me post ant symbol
>ant eggs
Salted beer dregs
you can find them in the woods in ant houses under trees.
but be careful some ants can sting you
have you considered chicken eggs?
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i guess this is the weirdest uma delicia we eat...
yes but they are not free
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oh and this, kinda
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Don't knock it till you've tried it mate, not dissimilar in concept to fish eggs
find wild chickens?
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what is it filled with?
pic related is pigs head but we use all kinds of stuff
pig feet and ears i think
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pig tongue stew
really good

>all these sausages and stew lookalikes
>no paprika

absolutely disgusting, you all need paprika
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i love fishing them out in the summer and eating them with bread

one of my staple summer snacks
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man halt dein behindertes maul du dummer wichser und lies dir nächstes mal den thread durch bevor du sinnlose scheiße postest
ate that shit once in a sushi bar, almost vomited
>with bread
voglio assaggiarne un po' da quasi dieci anni no joke
>sushi bar
yea it tastes like shit, the fresh ones have a smoked salmon taste to me

i'm a pussy ok
What are the sides?
>he doesn't eat his spikeballs with bread
looks like cherries and mashed peas
I wonder why there are no asian posters

>with bread
Goetta. Basically sausage with more oats and stuff and not in a casing.
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bull benis
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Thanks man.
My contribution is a Levantine Arabic dish called Kibbeh Nayeh (Raw Kebab). It's a mixture of raw lamb meat, burgul wheat and multiple spices.
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Fucking Europeans
I raise you bull testicles.
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This one is 10/10 food.
Especially straight from the cooking pot while it's still warm.

Or grilled, the pig intestine testine gets crunchy.
It's best when prepared on butter in a pan.
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Czarna polewka or czernina.
Duck blood and poultry broth, with vinegar and sugar

Great sour-sweet taste
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Farcement. It's a potato and prunes cake wrapped in bacon.
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Pölsa. Swedish haggis, pretty much. It's unironically pretty good.
How's that cardiac arrest coming along?
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What could one make of this monkey?
excellent, would recommend
el peruANO
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We just call them triangles. They contain cow's meat and potato, and they are delicious.
I wish it was my dick
fucking rare
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You want your dick chopped off and also beheaded?
No, i wish they swallowed it like they did to the fish, you fucking savage.
Deep-fried poolak dick. Uma delicia.
sopa de kaka uma delicia
Looks like some dry jam in milk.
stfu and eat some rape indian
Canadian Maritimes
>Flipper Pie
>Clam Chowder
>Poutine râpée
No one eats snails but you.
>intestines of newborn lamb with the half-digested milk still inside
That's seriously disgusting as fuck
unironically good
Do Chileans say mamaguevo? Is mamaguevo a common thing to say over there?
that's just cuisine there's not only french who eat frogs and snails
nope. I think that's a caribean thing
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>eating dick
as expected from a polish

drown that motherfucker in cognac and then it him whole.
that'll show him.

in greece we eat them a lot too. not cold though.

alien dinosaur toes?

that looks like cancer but since it's practically a mushroom iwouldtry/10

all mexicans are failed mexicans

what a fucking trap. looks like a tart.

that actually looks pretty epic

who the fuck eats insects? do you live in fucking africa?

sack of vomit filled with vomit

do you actually eat that?

cannibalism much?

never had that... as good as fish eggs?

never had bull things but rooster and sheep are pretty nice.

sorry we eat other things than chocolate

my guess too

so for my entry i give you kokorechi / kοkορέτσι. sheep liver and kidneys wrapped with sheep intestine.

first time in /int/ guys. really entertained
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>it's just malt pudding

Well that's dissapointing, the memes made me believe something worse
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i wish i was southern european
I used to harvest periwinkles (sea snails) they are popular in North America too.
Dude have you seen the south americans?
They love to eat anus, just grab a girls booty and suck out the poopoo.

Uma deliciá
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>alien dinosaur toes?
I'm really mad we never got to taste these
wenn man euch lässt, esst ihr auch alles mit grie Soss,LOL
da fehlt Pfeffer, geht aber auch ohne
die spinnen die Amis
If ayyys landed in rural France, nobody would know about it because they'd get cooked and eaten immediately and their landing ship would get stripped to fix tin roofs.
Aren't those super expensive?
It's a bit more expensive than the average seafood but nothing crazy.
post mondongo
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I suppose it's callos. A stew starring cow tripes as main ingredient.

Well, you can get shitty pastor tacos until 1:00am but most taquerias close at 8:00pm, specially the ones whoch sell good tacos,like de cabeza and barbacoa
A torta de huevo is a sandwich made with a french roll with ham and eggs, ofc americans put "cheese" on everything
>tfw our only arab immigrants are christian lebanese
Feels good mane
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>not posting holodets
Isnt pigfeet normal to eat? We pressure vook them with white vinegar or some shit like that and the eat it with oregano or dice them and eat them in tostadas

É uma delicía
They think their delicias are normal everyday food
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raw beef > raw pork, though.

ate pic related yesterday, uma delicia.
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>do you actually eat that?
Nope, like I said it's a snack popular in China, and, as far as I remember, Indonesia
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Why this doesn't have been posted yet i wonder
(i hated this when little, i still hate it on my 23)
fuck no
I see barbacoa as tacos you can only eat while there's sunlight
I think it's weird you can't get head at 1am
>get head at 1am
Well ...

Not but really, this place is a shithole with shit food, idk why this is supposedly a culinary city when the best thing around is Los Arcos which you can find like 3 times in Insrugentes
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t. florida.jpg
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It's actually not that bad. It's like a chewier chicken
i always wanted to try some aligator meatballs, a friend told me that it taste like fish or shrimp (or maybe those where the eggs)
Why would that be bad? 'Gatorcue is next level.
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>haven't seen any swede post anything
>oh right
>our food is the most plain shit in the world, so plain that you can't call it national cause it's so plain
>At least we invented pic related, I love putting plain shit on it.

Our food has three color: green, white/yellow and brown/red.
that's five colors.
Stop being such a self hating cuck. You think that will get you brownie points from the big Americans, or something? Pathetic fag. Kys, my man. And by my man I mean never my man. Begå självmord.
all the green shit we put on everything doesn't even taste anything
>get head at 1am
>Well ...
La zona rosa no cuenta :^)
Maybe go to Mexico or Guadalajara
that pic kinda proves his point with the colors though
Nope, at least Italy, Spain and France eat both things.
They are like eating sea, I can see why people would not like them, but I love it. Too expensive tough.
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Angulas Una Delicia.jpg
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100% sugar.
That there's only about three?
Drier than gypsum plaster
The only delicacy I know is sushi. Raw food is gross but sushi can be ok

What the heck is that
If I eat this will I become high test??
That's aspic.
Sürströmming would be uma delicia
>Dawson City

The cold freezes the brain.
Callos in Spain and one of favorite tapas
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Is that cured?
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