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Thread replies: 342
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bog butter ed
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really makes u think
don't like you
That old eire thread is really interesting to read. Makes you think.
If it's the same lad, he has issues.
>it's here
apparently they have commieblocks in dublin
i thought all the poor people just lived in those ugly types of attached housing like the one my nana lives in

Makes me think what a change from normal
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>Makes you think
About what?
ye might just go to bed need to be up early tomorrow anyway
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Never realised it was the same lad who always did /balt/ posts on other threads as the first reply, thought it was just a /balt/ meme in general, or they liked doing it because they're somewhat [s4s] like if that makes any sense.
>mid july
>/eire/ organises meetup at the foot of ben nevis
>gaggle of skinny teenagers memeing at eachother
>frogweeb is talking utter shite about 20th century battleships
>his loyal coterie obsequiously lap up his dreary history lesson
>other anons collectively ignore the dryshite
>suddenly there is the noise of spurs clinking, step by step
>adventure anon steps from the shadows into the light, eyes squiting in the piercing sun
>lights his fag
>twiddles it in his mouth the same way Clint does
>"So any of you boys ready to climb a mountain?"

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You've won this time, but you will never stop Europhilia.
Are there any carabus clathratus there though? That's the important thing.
and then i show up and batter the lot of yis
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>being sexually aroused by the EU
You think bibliophiles fuck books?

I'm not ready for these feels

"ben nevis eh? 2 miles up and 2 miles down! last one into the pub buys the first round! HIGH HO SILVER!"
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Yes. That's why the pages are sticky.
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You are the /abhorrence/ you protest.
What do you guys think about darkness into light?
It's nice to believe in hope filled message and solidarity but does it actually help a depressed person in any way?
I should question what kind of libraries you've been visiting.

Meet me at the top of carrauntoohil tomorrow at noon yank

dont bring your crew, no fish hooking
I think it's just to raise awareness.

Can't say if it actually helps anyone. I'm sceptical myself.
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Last time I was on the Iowa,she didn't have as many female curves
Maybe I like the dark

feelgood bullshit for people who have it all already

not particularly impressed
>does it actually help a depressed person in any way?
I wonder this too whenever there's these mental health awareness things. They always get the biggest normalfags like footballers and women to talk about how they felt a bit sad one time or their bf left them, with no one acknowledging people like us, the real losers.
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You some kind of emo or something?
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>Froggy bookfucking is abhorrent!
>From my point of view slagposters are abhorrent!
>Then you are lost!
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Iowa is all about the curves.

Reeks of virtue signalling, but I feel like there might actually be a lot of genuine people there too.
It seemed like most there either lost someone to suicide or were a survivor/knew someone who attempted suicide. Which is very reactive awareness and maybe turned it more into commemoration and success stories rather than actually raising awareness at specific causes.
In the mind of a depressed suicidal person does knowing other people conquered it actually help? Would it not make them feel more worthless for their continued failure to do so?
Ok lads thats enough depressing shite. Lets do something together, something real and manly
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First you get me to wank to pictures of anthropomorphised boats, now just boats.
What do you want us to do? How about we do some urbex.
>In the mind of a depressed suicidal person does knowing other people conquered it actually help? Would it not make them feel more worthless for their continued failure to do so?
I would think so.

But I presume it's intended to raise awareness around mental health and suicidal thoughts and to normalize seeking help before the fact.
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How about we travel to Iceland and carve "/eire/" into the most westernly cliff face?

No cars allowed. We must march.
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>tfw the Panama canal is 110ft wide and the Iowa class are 108ft wide
Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
Who are young and alive

Driving in your car
I never, never want to go home
Because I haven't got one anymore

Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people
And I want to see light
>I feel like there might actually be a lot of genuine people there too
A lot of the people there are family of people who killed themselves. I wouldn't feel right criticising them because a lot of them are probably still struggling to get over it. Then again the footage I saw on the news was mostly children, and one baby (who brings a baby out in the middle of the night for this?), jumping around with bright lights so I don't know.
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>this post legitimately aroused me
It's an interesting one, the same people tend to be happy to label angry and irritated internet commenters as "basement dwellers", "trolls", "scum", "virgins" etc without any real interest to understand the source of their unhappiness.
Thinking of Ryan Tubridy as an example who frequently uses the most degrading terms to describe those making critical Twitter comments and yet is very vocal in his support of mental health issues.
I think to a degree giving meaningful support and help to those with mental health involves an ability to tolerate and look beyond some unsavory or erratic behaviour.
it raises money towards the issue so its good
but i feel like a lot of people that talk about depression and mental health haven't a clue and just trot out the same few things
People might kill themselves for reasons other than being a lonely virgin loser though.
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There is not much of that in Ireland, though when I was a kid growing up in Dublin I used to hear about a medieval thief who had an underground lair in the smithfield area of Dublin. Apparently there are still underground areas not marked on any maps and I have not been able to find any discussion of it on the internet but I KNOW its there.


Maybe something on the island within a days drive max would be more achieveable
>I missed my chance to lick on one of Iowa's cannons
Regretting some decisions in my life desu
You could go full Clockword Orange on a farmer somewhere in the middle of nowhere?
be there or be quare, koosh-bwa
Parents who probably think they're instilling empathetic values on their children by involving them. They are, but I wonder how many understand supporting good principles and qualities are largely worthless compared to demonstrating them.
I doubt many of them care. Children that young just like going out like that as an excuse to stay up late and play outside. Any kids too old to play are the moody kind who'd rather stay at home.
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>A lot of the people there are family of people who killed themselves
Exactly, hence why I would feel bad branding it as virtue signalling. But you can be sure there were plenty of people there just for the Facebook photos and such.

>each of the 9 16-inch guns on an Iowa-class battleship can fire a 860kg to 1,220kg shell to a maximum distance of 38km at a speed of nearly 900m/s

The thoughts occurred to me on occasion, "on the end of this peninsula it would take the cops 1 hour to get here".
Hey I'd be lying if I said I didnt think about it
if you don't live in the western hemisphere, you should kys tb h
>but i feel like a lot of people that talk about depression and mental health haven't a clue and just trot out the same few things
I think that as well. The type of things I've read on 4chan and even /eire/ relating to depression and suicide are to a degree of severity, detail and discomfort that I've never seen talked about in those accounts that are featured in the media.
You'd probably get shot before you can enter the property
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>The type of things I've read on 4chan and even /eire/ relating to depression and suicide are to a degree of severity, detail and discomfort that I've never seen talked about in those accounts that are featured in the media.
That's why people talking about depression on talk shows and such is always incredibly cringeworthy, because it's this safe, diluted portrayal of the illness for public consumption. Most normalfags would not be prepared to accept, never mind understand, the reality of serious depression.
>There is not much of that in Ireland, though when I was a kid growing up in Dublin I used to hear about a medieval thief who had an underground lair in the smithfield area of Dublin. Apparently there are still underground areas not marked on any maps and I have not been able to find any discussion of it on the internet but I KNOW its there.
Yeah there's fuck all here, mainly because people here are fairly dispersed here more than other countries so many things don't become, and probably something to do with property rights too along with security at a lot of potential sites. There's a few tunnels in Dublin anyway, there's a few service tunnels along the Liffey, and maybe a few smaller ones too. Something was found in Broadstone a few years ago which isn't that far from Smithfield, we've nothing like the Odessa catacombs though. There's not much discussion on the internet with it either, as people generally don't tell anyone they're going except within a group who also go, there's a thread on /x/ about urbex but it's mostly American stuff.
>That's why people talking about depression on talk shows and such is always incredibly cringeworthy, because it's this safe, diluted portrayal of the illness for public consumption. Most normalfags would not be prepared to accept, never mind understand, the reality of serious depression.
It seems so. Glad I'm not alone in thinking that.
theres a reason so many young men kill themselves compared to women
women are rarely alone like us. If i opened my phonebook I'd have no friend I could text about any problems I have.
I have a few drinking buddies but thats it. I'm not depressed but I feel like i've been getting more and more melancholic these last few months.
People always say "its a permanent solution to a temporary problem". Is it really? Is there always light at the end of the tunnel? Sometimes I feel like there isn't
>Most normalfags would not be prepared to accept, never mind understand, the reality of serious depression.

I think this is a bit of a dismissive and unempathetic comment.

What makes normalfags different? Why can't they have never been seriously depressed?
>People always say "its a permanent solution to a temporary problem"
While I wouldn't dream of advocating suicide, whoever says that is incredibly naive and ignorant. If you genuinely have depression, it doesn't just go away - you just get better at managing it. If you're determined and lucky, you may be able to manage it to the point where it seems like it has gone away, but it will always be lurking under the surface threatening a relapse if you let your guard down.

Granted that's just my opinion based on my own experiences and what I've read about the illness.

>What makes normalfags different? Why can't they have never been seriously depressed?
It's widely considered that having a mental illness of some sort is a pre-requisite for being a non-normalfag. That said, I wouldn't take my use of the word in my previous post too seriously; I was only using it as a placeholder for people who have never experienced proper depression.
I was in the LÉ Aisling once.
It's the closest I've been to being with a woman.
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You always have us, anon.

Real talk though: it's time to toughen up. I used to feel the same way. Never had any proper friends, only social contact was through internet chat rooms and 4chan. But I learned to deal with it eventually.

Is it general lonliness or is something else altogether the source of your misery?

There isn't really. People here are being a bit maudlin. You can be a catastrophic, miserable loser without browing 4chan. In fact it's probably worse since internet boards like this serve as a kind of support group.
I tried to convert a video of me on top of a mountain in 60 mph winds but 4chan wont allow it even though its a webm, some bullshit about "audio streams"
>some bullshit about "audio streams"
Most boards don't allow webms with audio. Upload it to somewhere like pomf or mymixtape and post the link here if you need sound.
Only /gif/ and /wsg/ can play sound webms. Also make sure it's under 4MB.
You sound like you need help.
angrylad was right

state of this thread
Still angry that you're not Angrylad?
i am tough. In fact my outer shell is too tough. Even If my mam trys to talk to me about my feelings I barely even know what to say because i'm so unused to talking about them
I just feel hopelessness for the future. I'm stuck doing a course for a job that i'll hate but I need to finish it out. No gf or real friends so it'll be very hard for me to move out. I'll be living alone till my late 20s it seems. My parents even joke about it which makes me feel like a complete loser
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Probably. But I have no intention of getting it.

But it's /realautismhours/ now. What do you expect?
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This is what happens when you let the animepoofs have their way. I tried to warn you.
>women are rarely alone like us. If i opened my phonebook I'd have no friend I could text about any problems I have.
I have a few drinking buddies but thats it. I'm not depressed but I feel like i've been getting more and more melancholic these last few months.
That's the biggest reason anyway, isolation can fuck with you, particularly somewhere like here which attracts the "losers" in normal life who have little to no contacts with anyone, which is probably why people here are much worse, personally I haven't gone out with anyone all year and there's plenty more here who are even worse than that.
>People always say "its a permanent solution to a temporary problem". Is it really? Is there always light at the end of the tunnel? Sometimes I feel like there isn't
That's bullshit anyway, there's plenty of tools that can get you out of these situations, but you have to keep them up for good, as people who have depression normally have it pop up throughout their loves, although you can live a relatively normal life if you can use the right tools, similar enough to someone with type 1 diabetes who will never have a completely normal life as they'll have to keep taking insulin injections for good and can't eat whatever they like.
They added it to /r/ and /wsr/ a few months ago just to make people use them I think.
Think we all need it desu.
>But I have no intention of getting it.
From my experience that's the biggest barrier too, if you don't want to improve yourself which is very easy to think when in you're in that state you probably won't get better, you gen get a load of support but you have to make the main contribution to getting better.

Dont worry about it too much, this is actual life when you move into your mid-late 20's. You will be alone and have to have balls. Fuck your parents btw, different generation and practically mesolithic
All I can say to you is that I'm in the same boat and that I bet thousands of other young people are. That's life I guess.

That's a fairly defeatist analogy. Maybe everyone needs insulin injections and some are better at acquiring them than others
I believe the level of normalfaggotry is at what point they tell you this. If it's anything below you showing them your noose/pills/razors/gun then they're a normalfag.
>From my experience that's the biggest barrier too, if you don't want to improve yourself which is very easy to think when in you're in that state you probably won't get better
Very true. Then again, similar to how I hide my autism, nobody knows about my trouble with depression either.

I'm not sure I follow.
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>not depressed
>But I have no intention of getting it.
I disagree with your assertion that it doesn't go away. It's a mental state like any other and depression is a natural occurrence in life for everyone.

Just because you're depressed once doesn't mean if it returns it's the "same" depression, or if it is a persistent mental state then it hasn't been resolved yet.

So that said, I've no idea why you don't want to get help, that's your prerogative, but it's illogical to express an unwillingness to get help and an assertion that it can't be helped unless in your o any case there is a specific and interminable reason, in which case I'd advocate suicide (not suggesting it to you, just in general).

this sites wont let me compress it down below 4mb, oh well
depression isn't real

I have free will

fuck the jews
If they say you need help when you tell them a dark joke, they're a normalfag.
If they say you need help when you tell them you're depressed, they're a normalfag.
If they say you need help when you tell them you think about killing yourself, they're a normalfag.
Only when you actually give them an actual reason to be concerned, like suicide implements, then they can suggest getting help without being a normalfag.
Ask /wsg/ they have guides on this I think.

bitches you were calling me a "normie" earlier even though I've had depression since before you were born most likely.
Life is what you make it, if you are so pissed off then go out on a random adventure and fuck the consequences since you want to die anyway.
Thats always how I found my love of life, and the realization that life is worth living so you can see more of this.
If you are stuck in a rut, you need to get the fuck out of it.
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I was walking my dog through a field at dusk half an hour ago and at one point before I realized what was happening he grabbed a baby rabbit out of the brush and broke its back with his jaws ;_;

I had to put it out of its misery. Sometimes it's easy to forget how cruel the nature of our existence really is.
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>depression is a natural occurrence in life for everyone.
There's a difference between "I feel depressed" and full-on, medically diagnosed depression.

>So that said, I've no idea why you don't want to get help, that's your prerogative, but it's illogical to express an unwillingness to get help
I've no idea either, but if I had to guess I'd say it stems from intense self-loathing that has convinced me that I don't deserve to be happy. Also a serious lack of motivation to do anything that might be difficult.

Thats nothing, I met some yank tourists earleir and slipped their bodies into the foam just because I could. Guess the Norweigan police have a real whodunit on their hands :)
shouldve brought the rabbit home to cook with. rabbit meat's pretty delish
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>That's a fairly defeatist analogy. Maybe everyone needs insulin injections and some are better at acquiring them than others
In what way? I thought I was being pretty positive with that honestly, although I probably came off as defeatist, I tried to mean that you can get back on track but you have to keep a tab on it. You're right about some people are better at adapting though. I might be misinterpreting your comment though.
>Then again, similar to how I hide my autism, nobody knows about my trouble with depression either.
Honestly at this stage from what you've posted here it seems like you don't have anyone to really hide it from anyway. Even then as the main barrier is yourself if you have the will to get better you might possibly be able to do something, even something like forcing yourself to go to bed earlier and get a regular sleeping pattern is something.
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>how I hide my autism
Stop appropriating my condition. You only call yourself autistic because you like anime, which nobody knows about, and you're not very social. You still had friends, that you lived with I might add, you can still handle working, you can still deal with the pressures of living away from home, in another country, you can still go shopping and overall live a completely independent life.
Don't use a condition you have no diagnosis in to excuse what you do or how you act.
I like rabbit stew as much as the next fellow and have gone hunting on a few occasions but it still irks me to see baby animals get mauled to death.
>medically diagnosed depression.
>neuroscientists attempting to rob me of my rational autonomy


Dont be styling in your trendy depression and expect the world to give a fuck
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Free will is a spook and consciousness is just a bag of tricks
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I said I'm not depressed you /strange/ child.
you sound pretty traumatized

Then why are you posting anime avatars onto 4chan at 2am on a saturday night?
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>Honestly at this stage from what you've posted here it seems like you don't have anyone to really hide it from anyway
True. Just my parents really.

Autism and "Autism" are two different things. I'm perfectly aware of the distinction between the two (as are most people here) and it is not my intention to appropriate anything.

Also, I don't use my autism as an excuse for anything. I blame myself for every bad decision I make because I know that I should be capable of making better ones.

I know right
Back in the day, our ancestors had to kill them to survive
I'm not traumatized for fucks sake mate I crushed the thing's skull with my boot to end its suffering. It's just got me having a think is all
are you thinking about life and death right now or something? existential thoughts?
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>True. Just my parents really.
If that's the case do you have much to lose if you did open up? I think you said you're coming back here in a month or two, so you might not get much done out there with regards to yourself, but maybe if you can get past the barrier of showing weakness or dissapointment possibly open up to your parents if you feel you can sometime after you return? I know that can be pretty difficult though, or maybe seek some other form of support if you think that could help either? If you have nothing to lose it might be something to at least consider.

I recently saw a dead sheep by the road if that helps
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>I blame myself for every bad decision I make because I know that I should be capable of making better ones.
God you're way too hard on yourself. Your decision is your decision. You made them and you should accept them. I'm sure you couldn't have fucked up too badly in the past, you can speak three languages, you're skilled in whatever it is you do, you have an old employer begging you to return home when most of us have trouble even finding a job.
Just accept that some things would have gone to shit no matter what you decided. If you have to just go the complete opposite way and blame everyone and everything else for your problems instead, it might take some of the burden off you at least.
there was a dead racoon in the streets that was roadkill. i tried to avoid it, but was too late and ran over its smooshed dead body again. i felt like i disrespected it's life by doing so

This. I told my parents I was depressed and they were relieved that I actualy came forward with what was plainly obvious to all, its the first step.
Mainly just thinking about Schopenhauer's "On the Suffering of the World"
Parents can be tricky. Mothers tend to overreact and think OH MY GOD MY DARLING'S SUICIDAL or they downplay the issue and don't quite get how being depressed works so their solution is to put on the kettle and tell you to chin up. Or you get the one that thinks your problems will be solved if you go out with her friend Bríd from work's daughter, not realising that Bríd's daughter would most definitely reject you.
And fathers, tend not to care much. Only time you'll see emotion from them is when you die.

A few weeks ago I was driving and ran over a badger that was running across the rod. I *hope* I kiled it outright and it didnt suffer, but I didnt stop because the person behind me would have crashed into my ass.
Believe me my friend, death comes to us all and when it comes there is no time to worry about formalities.

I think you are afraid to get hurt
There was a dead badger on the road in my village a few weeks ago, was this near the pitch?
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There is nothing to be gained from opening up to my parents. As much as I respect them, I keep them at a healthy distance from my personal life so that I can carefully curate their image of me as much as possible in an attempt to compensate for the other ways in which I have disappointed them.

Besides, as I've said here before, I've accepted depression as part of my life so I don't intend to do anything about it. Which is why I always get annoyed with myself when I so willingly bring it up here; you lads give helpful and well-meaning advice that I'm gonna straight up ignore every time. I don't know why I do it to be honest.

>you can speak three languages
I only speak one of those fluently to be fair.

I know you lads mean well, but I am not gonna change. There's a part of me that won't let that happen, even if the results of the change were to have a positive impact on my life. I'm prepared to just carry on with things as they are, and in recent times I've come to terms with that.
>There's a difference between "I feel depressed" and full-on, medically diagnosed depression.
What is the difference? I dislike your use of "full-on" to qualify the distinction. People can be "full-on" depressed without being diagnozed.

>but if I had to guess I'd say it stems from intense self-loathing that has convinced me that I don't deserve to be happy. Also a serious lack of motivation to do anything that might be difficult.
Well then I'd say you've identified some of the reasons for your depression and it is immensely apparent that it can be helped.

This cognitive catch-22 you have surrounding your unwillingness to resolve your depression because you think you deserve to be depressed, to punish yourself, is a self fulfilling prophecy, which is quite common and can be solved with anti-depressants, therapy exploring as to why and then follow-on CBT.
oh, when i read your post, i was thinking about this delish rattlesnake+rabbit hot dog i ate last year

but i got the perfect song for you


when in was in HS, one of my friend borrowed another friend's car cause she had a free period during that time. well, she ended up running over a cat. she thought it was a rock, until she saw blood and a the dead body the next morning

i've been hurt plenty. i'm not afraid of pain. it builds character

>And fathers, tend not to care much. Only time you'll see emotion from them is when you die.

I gotchu bro, this song will explain all, or not: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwNuQulK6N0

>basically saying "I dont know either" and thats that

I think when you come to same crossroads your parents came to you can say you are an adult


It was in the middle of nowhere, Ireland is a relatively big country. I was and am guilty for doing that poor guy in but it was him or me
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>Mothers tend to overreact and think OH MY GOD MY DARLING'S SUICIDAL or they downplay the issue and don't quite get how being depressed works so their solution is to put on the kettle and tell you to chin up
Which is exactly how my mother would react.

I'm not quite sure how my father react though.

>What is the difference? I dislike your use of "full-on" to qualify the distinction. People can be "full-on" depressed without being diagnozed.
I probably could have chosen my words there better to fair. My point was that there is a difference between saying "I feel depressed" when one goes through a period of temporary sadness and the medically recognised mental illness that is depression.

>can be solved with anti-depressants
Tried them both before.

What's that?
It can probably vary from person to person though, in my case my mom saw that anon wasn't his usual self and asked then so I was a bit lucky in that regard.
Can agree with that too, my mom was similar to the first two points you mentioned, she asked if I was suicidal indirectly and sort of had that attitude with the kettle but I felt it was certainly better than nothing and at least she had good intentions, and I feel she has learned a bit over time too. I'd agree about fathers too, my dad doesn't even really know that I have something like this.
>There is nothing to be gained from opening up to my parents. As much as I respect them, I keep them at a healthy distance from my personal life so that I can carefully curate their image of me as much as possible in an attempt to compensate for the other ways in which I have disappointed them.
Goddammit you're at it again, why do you need to keep up the image and think you're a disapointment, this >>74514556 is right. As I said earlier you don't really have much to lose either, but as you also said if you accept you won't get better you won't, we are the biggest barriers to ourselves.
you're a miserable paedo fucking stupid cunt, an absolute fucking medically certified weirdo cunt, just fuck off you absolute waste of space christ almighty you are a whiney attention seeking fuck

FUCK off

Of course it varies, my family is the type that never heard of depression even thougn its a family trait
>I can carefully curate their image of me as much as possible in an attempt to compensate for the other ways in which I have disappointed them
M8, fuck parents. You're not an heir to some massive estate (I imagine, I swear if there's two richBOYs in /éire/) you shouldn't have to live up to much.
How do you even know they're disappointed in you? I hope they don't say something like "We are very disappointed in you son" and if they do then they're not the kind of people you should care about appeasing.
>only I know what it's like to be depressed, everyone else is a lying phony
off yourself already, diet JD Salinger
CBT stands for cock and ball torture: it's a common non-pharmaceutical treatment for depression and other psychiatric disorders.
Seems you've already decided upon a definition of depression you think gratifies you and decided to maintain it.

>Tried them both before.
Try them again.

>What's that?
Cognitive behavioural therapy.
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>FUCK off
Common practice is to capitalise the "off" rather than the "Fuck".

>M8, fuck parents
But my parents are great people and I have massive respect for them.

>How do you even know they're disappointed in you?
Because I'm disappointed in me. I know what was expected of me by them and I have failed in meeting many of those expectations.

>I hope they don't say something like "We are very disappointed in you son" and if they do then they're not the kind of people you should care about appeasing.
They wouldn't dream of it.

>Seems you've already decided upon a definition of depression you think gratifies you and decided to maintain it.
But it's the medically correct definition.
You've never provided a definition, just assumed the "right" one.
>CBT, What's that?
Cognative Behavioral Therapy, which is all about changing thinking patterns, thoughts and beliefs that you might have which from what you seem like here could beneficial. It's the main form of therapy people get most of the time, if you never even heard of it before you probably got shit therapy.
Yeah a lot of families are like that too, I suspect it's in my family too, probably all of them to an extent but it's always swept under the rug bar for one person I know who has severe problems.
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>my family is the type that never heard of depression even thougn its a family trait
That's interesting. So there's a history of depression in the family but nobody acknowledges it?

>Try them again.
I'm not quite fond of the idea of chemically altering my mental state of being.
lol if you tried anti depressants once your chemistry is fucked anyway
According to your "medically correct" definition it already is altered. Negatively.
Bit disingenuous to portray yourself as stoic while using public chatrooms as a private support group.
We'll be needing substantial proofs for this bold claim
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Both commonly referred to as "depression", but only one is a mental illness. The other is a mood (which can be a symptom of the mental illness though)

Add being a hypocrite to my list of faults. As I've said though, I don't really like discussing this topic here as other well-meaning anons offer advice that smarter people than me would take on board.
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>>How do you even know they're disappointed in you?
>Because I'm disappointed in me.
Lad this is literally all in your head, you've practically admitted it. Your parents aren't judging you, they're happy their son is happy (or so they think). But the main reason you're not happy is because you think you're not living up to their non-existent expectations. Parents might say shit like they want grandchildren but yours don't sound like the type to disown you if you don't get married.
I don't know what more you think they could want from you. No I shouldn't say that, parents, good parents at least like I imagine yours to be, don't want anything FROM their kids they want things FOR them. They want you to be happy and successful, not to live up some great standard of achievement. I really don't know what sort of expectations you think they have.

My uncle killed himself and they called it an accident instead of suicide because that would have been too shameful for the family to say that one of them was not tough enough to carry on suffering in silence.
Thats the old way, we dont live in that world now in 2017.
You seem proud to be depressed desu.

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>like I imagine yours to be
In your imagination, are you the top or the bottom?
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Even if it was years ago?

At least it's naturally who I am though.

Why? And why would anybody be proud of being depressed? It's a rather serious defect.
>Add being a hypocrite to my list of faults
Everyone's a hypocrite sometimes. Unless you're chronically contradicting yourself it's not a big deal. I'm sorry if you said that as a joke and I'm over analyzing your words.
>it's naturally who I am
I can naturally get cancer. It's not wrong to treat it.
Whatever lad.

Don't actually believe you're depressed anymore.
Even recently enough within the last 5 years a lad I knew in secondary school did the same and it was labelled as an accident under the death report as there was no proven evidence that it was a suicide attempt, although everyone did know what happened, so it is changing to an extent.
This sort of stuff gets to you when you have depression and you have altered views of the world around you and its opinion of you, that's why CBT would be good for him, seeing as he's never even heard of it before.
Why do you care? He's a cunt anyway and such a spastic he doesn't take sound advice, he likes being useless, he prides himself on it, may as well be talking to a brick wall instead. Anime has completely fucked """""him"""""
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Lads, I feel like the thread has become too much about me. This is what the other anons complain about and when the thread is like this I understand where they are coming from.

Is there anything else we can discuss during /realautismhours/?

Thats just to shield the family from other peoples judgement, its shit but that Ireland. I will stand up and say "I dont give a fuck what you think", problem is thats too much for them.
they cant deal with it.
I dont pity them, I wonder what kind of fucked up shit happened to them that they have to block it all out?

Mountain climbing and adventures, go!
>Lads, I feel like the thread has become too much about me
Answer my post about your parent's expectations first, I really don't get how you seem to revere them and fear their disapproval yet also think of them as kind good-hearted people, which they probably are.

>Is there anything else we can discuss during /realautismhours/?
I'd be up for talking about myself but my brain's too tired to think correctly.
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It's really common in rural Ireland, especially in the economically deprived areas. All those "farm accidents" where there are inconsistent stories about how the deceased actually died.
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It's probably a leftover from the old days when they wouldn't let you be buried in a church graveyard if you committed suicide.
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The creation of /cunts/. Also everything in >>74515633
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>I really don't get how you seem to revere them and fear their disapproval yet also think of them as kind good-hearted people, which they probably are.
I don't know either, lad. I like to self-analyse myself and my actions, but even I can't answer that one for you.

>I'd be up for talking about myself but my brain's too tired to think correctly.
Ah g'wan, I'll listen anyway.

I'd say that's definitely a big part of it. But I also think there's something more to it considering the sheer amount of shame and suppression regarding suicide in Ireland. That said, are we any worse than other European countries when it comes to discussing suicide?

Its not a nice life to live in rural Ireland, indeed is any life? You just do it or you dont.
I urge all suicidal members of the community to venture out on to the atlantic in shit weather and very soon they will find their will to live. I always though about doing it but am now resolutely against it, I will die when I die.
>Ah g'wan, I'll listen anyway.
Okay but I don't even know what to talk about.
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Yourself as you said you would. Life story, current condition, what you want to do, I don't fucking know.
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What's the biggest problem/issue in your life right now? I waxed lyrical about mine, so we might as well turn the table.
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It's amazing how much nature improves your mood. I feel bad that we'll lose more open spaces and forests when the population gets bigger.
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>tfw grew up in the countryside
>now set to spend the rest of my life in cities
I don't dislike urban life, but I now realise that I took my childhood in the countryside for granted.
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Hi I'm new to theses threads. What are the essential things to know to be a true patrician of the generals? Plz be nice.

I firmly believe that man has to live in nature, and cooping him up in shite is the 99% cause of suicide.
For thousands of years our ancestors lived wild and did whatever the fuck, so why should we be able to all of a sudden endure this consumerist serf lifestyle?

bee yourself
>Life story
Very happy early childhood, went to school, hated it, still overwhelmingly angry about things that happened 10 years ago, the rest is a blur.

>current condition
Annoyed that gif looks like it should be animated.

>what you want to do
Absolutely no idea. Want to make money but think I'll hate menial labour.

>What's the biggest problem/issue in your life right now?
I've talked about this before but my brother and his fiance moved in downstairs and I'm getting sick of his shit. Lately he's been trying to stop me using his doors to go outside.

Don't feel bad, I didn't start liking the country around me until I was a teenager. It's the biggest reason why I don't want to move out now.
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>It's amazing how much nature improves your mood.
It's probably because that's how we evolved and learned to adapt over years, now that we don't really have the same need to survive and be out in nature that has fucked us up, we didn't evolve to shitpost on Indonesian tinsmithing forums at three in the morning.
Spread the word that we may not be here for much longer and enjoy our new home on /cunts/.
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>and cooping him up in shite is the 99% cause of suicide.
Why is rural suicide so prevalent then?

>I've talked about this before but my brother and his fiance moved in downstairs and I'm getting sick of his shit
Oh you're that anon. I remember being quite annoyed and confused (about the layout of your house) when you first explained that accommodation situation to me.
What do the Irish nationalists think of the Outer Hebrides? Linguistically and historically related to the Irish celts.
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Nazis on parade..jpg
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Okey. will do
Someday I'll do out the blueprints in MS Paint, it's honestly a confusing layout due to the fact it was a much smaller house 100 years ago and they kept putting extensions on.
Insult people from Dublin at every opportunity.
If you disagree with someone accuse them of being a West Brit.
If the poster with a French flag doesn't post every few hours assume he is dead, and make sure you spam posts about his death until he posts again.
Ignore posters with American flags.
Post anime as much as possible.

Don't post Nazi shit. Or any right-wing content in general, unless it is anime.

>Why is rural suicide so prevalent then?

these poor souls cant see the light and are trapped by their tiny horizons. I'm not religious but I will take a moment to reflect on it
Post lots of Nazi shit.
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I just want to be myself.
>be myself
Don't do that. The guy who told you that is a West Brit, and probably from Dublin.
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Is this why no one learns Irish properly in schools?
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It's too late. The fire rises.
Does anyone have any more questions for me or are we just /NSDAP/ now?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years
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I would, but I think I might fall asleep at any minute.
I've noticed someone's been copying posts I make.

I don't mind I just wonder why.
If I'm a wizard then begging for death.
If I'm not a wizard then about to wake up.

If you're still interested in my situation, or have more questions regarding my home's bizarre architecture, then feel free to ask in another thread. I'm almost always on here.
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>If you're still interested in my situation, or have more questions regarding my home's bizarre architecture, then feel free to ask in another thread. I'm almost always on here.
Will do, Houselad.
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Very creative.
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It's almost 5am.
Though my sleep schedule's fucked at the moment so don't expect me in any morning or daytime thread.
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Whaddya think lads
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The actual article was posted in the last thread.

It's a load of horseshite.
>our real friends
Spain, France, Turkey and Scotland?
Meant to quote: >>74516773
Either you're being unusually spiteful or this is another example of everyone in this thread being unable to reply correctly.
Germany likes you guys since reunification as well

wait, what?
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I made as mistake: >>74516840
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>as mistake
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Well, that was the Ottoman empire, surely some of the aid came from other parts and cultures than just Turkey.
Fairly sure it was the sultan's idea.
I've always wondered what political machinations were behind this but I've never bothered to look into it enough.

All I know is that the Brits were opposed to the ascension of the Russians in the area at the expense of the Ottomans, wonder if that had anything to so with it.
Optimistically I think it was just plain good-hearted charity. The brits didn't want foreign aid because they were offering more than the queen donated and they didn't want her to be shown up.
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It came at a period where British-Ottoman shared a very close diplomatic/military relationship - possibly the closest they ever did. The Brits wanted to keep the ailing Ottoman empire propped up as a regional power to maintain the European balance of power. This led to the Brits intervening on multiple occasions during the mid-1800's against the Russians and Egyptians on behalf of the Ottomans.

I'm not sure what diplomatic goal the Sultan might have had with what he did in 1847.
hahah yeah man i love those massive trawlers in our waters
they're alright, tried to help us in the past
>muh famine aid

haha yeah man cheers for the """"bailout""""
it's almost like neither the U.K. or the EU has been ireland's friend in the pastm
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Just burped and a bit of puke came up.
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Think I might hit the hay.
More like clit the gay haha.


>The brits didn't want foreign aid because they were offering more than the queen donated and they didn't want her to be shown up.

That sounds like Fenian propaganda.
At the same time, that also sounds very British.
Fuck off Victoria.
Of my knowledge of American stereotypes of the British I've found them to be inaccurate.
I disagree.
My head feels fuzzy.
Stupid Clondalkin rats
Morning. Hope you are going to Sunday mass.
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Fascist éire is inevitable.

Rally soon.
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Why fascist of all ideologies?
Working on Sundays is the best because all the 9-5 monday-friday normies aren't in.
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>After months I summon up the courage to tell my parents about my issues
>Sit them down. Inform them I've been suffering with anxiety attacks which has affected my sleep and are getting progressively worse
>They stare blankly at me before my Dad suggests "try getting more exercise so you're tired enough to sleep."
>Neither of them ever mention the conversation again
You're an adult (presumably since we're on 4chan). You don't need your parent's help for anything. Go to the GP yourself and tell him this. You will get help and possibly medication if you wish.
I never once told my parents when I first started getting psychiatric help. I mean as an adult.
As a child I had to go but they just pretended it was all normal and nothing was wrong with me. Never spoke to me about it.
I've heard that doctors will simply ask you a checklist of questions relating to mental illness, the outcome of which I'm certain will lead to a recommendation for medication. Medication from what I've heard from others has a high rate of negative side effects and can make things worse rather than better.
Depends on how good your doctor is. Most GP's are very sympathetic and will just refer you to a psychiatrist who will then assess you and stuff for medication.
You don't have to go on it. They'll discuss it with you and try find the best plan that suits.

I was quite open to medication from the beginning. First meds he started me on didn't do shit. Second and third were good though and still help me to this day.
Some have negative effects but mine are minimal.
thanks, I'll think about it.
Either way you will actually get proper professional help in multiple forms. Your parent's aren't going to solve or do anything for you other than A: have sympathy and cushion you or in your case B: Tell you to get over it and never speak to you again.
What medications do you guys take?
I'm on lamictal, valdoxan and strattera.
Do you have a medical card? €2.50 per med is good deal.
What condition do you have?
For my part I only take Claritrine as I'm slightly allergic to pollen.
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That Stephen Fry business is pretty hilarious, lads.
>being investigated for "blasphemy"
>all he did was call god an absolute madman
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>Gardaí launch blasphemy probe into Stephen Fry comments on 'The Meaning of Life'
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>Giving a maternity hospital to nuns
>Forced participation in Dail prayer
>Investigating claims of blasphemy
>Voting Saudi Arabia onto the women's rights UN commission.
An embarrassing time to be Irish. Would be nice if we could have a citizens assembly for everything from now on instead of allowing the out of touch FG and FF to continue humiliating its people.
Stephen will be delighted at the attention and the whole world will have a nice long laugh at backwards Ireland.
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>Voting Saudi Arabia onto the women's rights UN commission.
This is the only truly embarrassing thing from my perspective. The rest of the stuff is a case of people making mountains out of molehills.

It is funny watching leftists having meltdowns on Twitter though. You'd swear we lived in a religious theocracy by the way they're going on.

The Blasphemy law is a joke, so we might as well get a laugh out of it. Nobody has ever been convicted under it and nobody ever will. It simply exists because the government was too lazy to hold a referendum to change a small detail of the constitution.
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>be nice if we could have a citizens assembly for everything from now on
Funny how the left criticised the Citizens Assembly before it delivered its final result.
Now it's the best thing since sliced bread and condoms.
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>Funny how the left criticised the Citizens Assembly before it delivered its final result.
>Now it's the best thing since sliced bread and condoms.
>Leftists being massive hypocrites
Nothing new there.
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Attempting to give a maternity hospital to a religious organisation who will prevent particular medical procedures on their land is absolute insanity. The public voice is once more the one of reason and it looks like Simon Harris is going to have to reconsider.
>Funny how the left criticised the Citizens Assembly before it delivered its final result.
Bit of a generalisation. Everyone criticised it because it was fulfilling a role that our elected politicians are supposed to perform.
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>The public voice is once more the one of reason and it looks like Simon Harris is going to have to reconsider.
100,000 signatures on an online petition =/= the public voice. I'd say the "silent majority" don't reall care.

>Everyone criticised it because it was fulfilling a role that our elected politicians are supposed to perform.
Not what he was referring to. Leftists shat all over it on the first day of results because it didn't recommend repealing the 8th, and then praised it to the high heavens for its surprisingly liberal stance on abortion conditions the next day. One day it was an undemocratic patriarchal conspiracy to keep women down, the next it was the democratic voice of modern Ireland.
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>I'd say the "silent majority" don't reall care.
Based on nothing. The vast majority would like a state where medical experts have full autonomy on medical practices. Why would anyone want a state hospital who would refuse to conduct medical practices allowed by state law and recommended by medical experts. It's illogical.

>One day it was an undemocratic patriarchal conspiracy to keep women down, the next it was the democratic voice of modern Ireland.
You're generalising millions of people from a vocal few. I seem to recall you and a few others in this thread on the first day of results posting sentiments along the lines of "Liberals BTFO" before now switching tact to decrediting the process so maybe lets not throw stones at the knee jerkers.

The outcome is balanced and still more conservative than the UK. You're very far removed from the concerns of women if you thought little would change from the assembly.
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>The vast majority would like a state where medical experts have full autonomy on medical practices
To quote you: "Based on nothing".

>I seem to recall you and a few others in this thread on the first day of results posting sentiments along the lines of "Liberals BTFO" before now switching tact to decrediting the process so maybe lets not throw stones at the knee jerkers.
Hold on now; I never once discredited the Citizen's Assembly or its process. I was unhappy with parts of the day 2 results and I bitched about hypocritical leftists, but that's it. Don't make bullshit claims.

>You're very far removed from the concerns of women if you thought little would change from the assembly.
I knew things would change as a result of the Assembly - that was my fear. But I didn't oppose the existence of the Assembly or its role.
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>To quote you: "Based on nothing".
Medical experts having autonomy to conduct legal medical practices is a logical position however. Believing a religious entity should have the power to overrule doctors is a difficult one to justify. Feel free if you like but I don't think you can, your point of view seems along the "ah shure its grand, leave it alone" line of thought.

>Hold on now; I never once discredited the Citizen's Assembly or its process. I was unhappy with parts of the day 2 results and I bitched about hypocritical leftists, but that's it. Don't make bullshit claims.
Apologies if you didn't on this occasion but you frequently dismiss and degrade sentiment from various avenues of public discourse, from street protests, to online petitions, to opinion polls, to social media as unrepresentative lunatics preferring to believe in silent majorities who defy all opinion barometers but conform to your views.
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Is this the 16th century?
Why are people throwing a shitfit over this?
Le pen will win

frogweeb BTFO
Macron with 65-70 desu
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>your point of view seems along the "ah shure its grand, leave it alone" line of thought.
Pretty much. Hence my "mountains out of molehills" remark. Personally I would prefer if the state ran the hospital either directly or indirectly, but I don't care enough about the issue to oppose the current set-up and I believe that most Irish people are of the same opinion.

>but you frequently dismiss and degrade sentiment from various avenues of public discourse
>from street protests

>online petitions

>opinion polls
Eh, I don't attempt to discredit them wholesale, but I do often query their methods of sampling and representation. And after what transpired with Trump, I am curious as to whether people answer polls honestly when they hold a socially unacceptable opinion on a controversial issue.

> preferring to believe in silent majorities who defy all opinion barometers but conform to your views.
The silent majority doesn't always conform to my views, but I do believe in its existence on many issues.
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>Pretty much. Hence my "mountains out of molehills" remark. Personally I would prefer if the state ran the hospital either directly or indirectly, but I don't care enough about the issue to oppose the current set-up and I believe that most Irish people are of the same opinion.
Simon Harris clearly believes enough care to stall his plans to either backtrack or search for a compromise.

In terms of street protests I'm sure you were similarly dismissive of the water protests but thankfully enough people cared to cause a change.
Bipolar, ADHD, ASD. Supposedly
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It's a quirk in the law that will never actually see anybody ever convicted for blasphemy. Basically there is something in the constitutions about blasphemy being wrong, and in 2009 (I think) the government got caught on the hop when somebody realised that there was no legislation pertaining to that detail of the constitution. So instead of holding a referendum to remove/replace that seemingly irrelevant and unenforced part of the constitution, the government hastily enacted legislation that gave made certain forms of blasphemy illegal. But it's a lame duck, placeholder law - there was even a suggestion from somebody in government of just having a nominal fine of €1 for blasphemy charges there recently.

All in all, pretty funny desu.

>Simon Harris clearly believes enough care to stall his plans to either backtrack or search for a compromise.
Something tells with that such a compromise won't be what the vocal leftists want.

>In terms of street protests I'm sure you were similarly dismissive of the water protests but thankfully enough people cared to cause a change.
I oppose people who reject any form of water charges (because they are idiots), but I do agree that Irish Water is a mess. Thanks to the protests we now have an utter clusterfuck of a situation where everything regarding water charges is up in the air and we are running the risk of contravening EU law.
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You really don't need to be leftist to believe medical experts should rule the roost on medical facilities.

>Thanks to the protests we now have an utter clusterfuck of a situation where everything regarding water charges is up in the air and we are running the risk of contravening EU law.
We're heading towards a situation where standard water usage is covered by general taxation, excessive water usage is charged through metering and privatisation of our water utility will be legislated against which in my view is an ideal and fair outcome.
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grand le based atheist man gets in the media spotlight and lefties get a laugh
smells of a false flag from someone pushing an agenda to remove the law, and a clever way of doing it too
>standard water usage is covered by general taxation
Why not just charge people for water and give every household an allowance?
Only issue I had with the water thing was the potential privatization of Irish Water.
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plus with the maternity shite going on its a good way of changing fickle public opinion; the layers that people operate under to manipulate the system is pretty impressive
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>We're heading towards a situation where standard water usage is covered by general taxation, excessive water usage is charged through metering and privatisation of our water utility will be legislated against which in my view is an ideal and fair outcome.
Exactly. Which is why I said Irish water was a mess (as well as the prospect of double taxation that you mentioned). But lets me honest here; there were a lot of people in those water charge protests that were completely opposed to paying for water at all.

To be fair, the law is bullshit - it should never have been enacted. But people acting like we're a Catholic theocracy because it exists are both sensationalist and ignorant.
The target of Stephen Fry is ideal as well since the British media will take an interest in it. Seemingly little motivates Irish people than the Brits laughing at them.
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>mfw used to be a walking stereotype of a rabid atheist in like 2009 following all the meme popsci atheist men
>mfw actually genuinely considered buying a fedora and guy fawkes mask when chanology rolled around
dodged a bullet as well since I had great access to the internet and a webcam
Good post.
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>Exactly. Which is why I said Irish water was a mess (as well as the prospect of double taxation that you mentioned). But lets me honest here; there were a lot of people in those water charge protests that were completely opposed to paying for water at all.
I didn't agree with the AAA's stance against excessive usage but I definitely felt far more aligned to Paul Murphy's position than Phil Hogan or Alan Kelly's. I expect most people did which is why FF eventually leaned to that side after a good, long stint on the fence.
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>He doesn't own a guy fawkes mask
Are you even legion?
I have a lot of respect for Ruth Coppinger. She's a tough cookie and always articulates her point really well.
But the train of thought from everyone including those in the dail is just xD le AAA tallaght girl xdxdxdxd nobody take her seriously
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>irish """"""""""politics"""""""""""""
don't think I've ever heard a stimulating conversation about water charges
Better than falling for the alt-right meme.
>using the term alt-right seriously
it was always just some faggot taking credit for shitposting on /pol/
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>I expect most people did which is why FF eventually leaned to that side after a good, long stint on the fence.
I still find that decision by FF to be bizarre. They know better than anybody that they need to toe the EU line. Despite being on the fence for so long, they always agreed that water charges were a legal requirement. They weren't in la-la fantasy land like Paul Murphy and his ilk, where the rule of law doesn't apply if you shout loud enough.

Speaking of Paul Murphy, I think he does more damage than good to some of the more palatable causes he fronts. Many non-leftists hate him so much (myself included admittedly) that they will refuse to listen to anything he says on any issue. He's just a loudmouthed baldy wanker.
too real
"We did it reddit!" literally became "we did it /pol/!"
I like her as well. I remember her having an interview on RTE before where she outlined a policy that took place in 80's France relating to the closure of a factory and the government stepping in to take over the factory, maintain jobs and re-privatise later. But the RTE guy kept skewing and sensationalising the idea into "You want to nationalise Dell?" "Should we nationalise Dominos Pizza too? haha"
Do you support mutation in other languages?
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well there was a confluence between the two during the election, it's taking its time to wear off but I think the redditors are trickling out honestly
very impressive how they've managed to stick out on the trump general

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>she outlined a policy that took place in 80's France relating to the closure of a factory and the government stepping in to take over the factory, maintain jobs and re-privatise later
I vaguely reading about that policy in France during the 80's - wasn't it broadly considered a failure?
I was more talking about the mindset on /pol/, not so much the userbase. As in, it may not be the same kind of reddit-based internet users who post on /pol/, but if 4chan and racism were less popular or well-known, the userbase of /pol/ would line up behind social justice or atheism or what have you. Nihil novi sub sole.
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Paul Murphy is a necessary evil for vocalising dissent. We have a parliament full of nodding dogs or those with a mandate focused on very narrow local issues.
The presence of the likes of Paul Murphy, Clare Daly, Catherine Murphy are in my opinion incredibly valuable since they provide an unaffiliated voice for the people against the establishment. I think they're among the very, very few people in this country who exist in politics to serve the public rather than their career interests. Even if I don't always agree with them all the time, I admire and respect them for their sincerity.
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>Even if I don't always agree with them all the time, I admire and respect them for their sincerity.
>Paul Murphy
He just says what his electorate wants to hear. I hate him more than the Healy Raes and Mick Wallace.

I think Clare Daly is a far better example of the sort of credible anti-establishment TD.
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well that's a large assumption based on nothing
>if 4chan and racism were less popular or well-known
are you saying if racism were less popular in real life (as though it were) and 4chan weren't as well known to people as it is that 4chan would have less racism because it'd be smaller and then conform to societal norms for some reason?
or did you mean to put an 'or' between 4chan and racism in this post, which would make slightly more sense but still be a weird statement
>I have a lot of respect for Ruth Coppinger
Is this a meme? I sometimes think she is living in some sort of dream land. She regularly appears on Prime Time, says "we should do X" and has little in the way of facts or figures to back it up. She will then spend the remaining fifteen minutes of the debate attacking whatever FF/FG TD is on the show, attempting to paint them as some sort of demon, despite them having actual facts/figures. She is way too idealistic, which I suppose is a left-wing trait in many ways.
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>I vaguely reading about that policy in France during the 80's - wasn't it broadly considered a failure?
Fair to say it was if it never made it out of the eighties though my understanding of it was that it was successful from the point of view of maintaining employment and infrastructure although it was unpopular with corporations due to the threat of being taken into state ownership.
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I suppose when determining the success of any policy like that, the criteria for success can vary depending on your perspective. Maintaining jobs and infrastructure would definitely be positives (very much in line with Mitterrand's early economic policies during the 80's), but if I recall correctly, a lot of the corporations that were nationalised and then later reprivatised came out of nationalisation in a very uncompetitive state.
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He was involved in activism long before politics and I felt his tenacity was to be admired with regards both jobbridge and water charges. I don't think you could claim he was jumping on a popular bandwagon for either, he was very much part of instigating resistance towards those policies.
I was saying that, had they not found in 4chan "le funny secret club" styling itself as avant-garde and brave, rebellious truth-seekers, they would glom onto other, less fringe and edgy echo chambers than /pol/.

In essence, what I'm saying is that the meme of the fedora created the alt-right, because the people who were atheist chauvinists became racist/nationalist chauvinists instead because blaming the world's problems on fundies and basing your whole worldview on the fantasy of a perfect all-atheist society became unfashionable, while the avenue of blaming all the world's problems on Jews and non-whites and imagining an all-white utopia still had the potential to shock and outrage people.

So now it's still bottom-feeders who base their lives in reddit's world of internet politics, it's just that they're the bottom-feeders of the bottom-feeders, since they're behind the curve and the real place for edgy losers is /pol/.

And honestly you're underestimating the popularity or at least the influence of 4chan. Facebook and normie-dom are awash with memes that are more avant-garde and postmodern than a lot of 4chan memes at the height of the era when fedoras were still relevant.
>having to be reminded of Stephen Fry's interview
I forgot what a massive fedora faggot he was.
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>She is way too idealistic, which I suppose is a left-wing trait in many ways.
The idealism of the left wing in Ireland is both what attracts almost religious support from their die-hard supporters and also prevents them from ever attaining mainstream appeal.

>He was involved in activism long before politics and I felt his tenacity was to be admired with regards both jobbridge and water charges
As Jeremy Corbyn is learning the hard way, activism and mainstream politics are two very different kettles of fish.

But look, Paul Murphy could be the second coming of Christ, and I'd still hate him because he's an insufferable cunt who (along with loud-mouth extraordinaire Richard Boyd-Barrett) thinks that bitching the loudest about everything the government does while not offering any realistic solutions makes him a champion of the working class. Politics is about pragmatism and concession, and he doesn't seem to know the meaning of those words.
The thing that draws people to left-wing "idealism" is the evident failure of the "radical centrist" (ie: pure establishment) governments to stop corruption and poor management, which they excuse with propaganda of varying subtlety that amounts to: "we're the establishment, ergo we must be the best at being in control, even if you don't like us and we're not perfect".
It makes sense why the opposition to that would boil itself down to "we're not in control and therefore not screwing things up, therefore the reason things are screwed up is because we're not in control". Same kind of illogic that motivates the kind of radicalism talked about in this post >>74529578
true for a lot of people just subconsciously wanting to be counter-culture I'm sure but not for the majority
pointless to try and discern since anything said on the matter here would obviously just be speculation, I assume that everyone came to their beliefs through a variety of different circumstances and influences rather than a single one as you suggest
the belief that moderate centrism is the only true course for people who aren't "edgy losers" is also pervasive through your post, is that something you'd consider yourself?

>Facebook and normie-dom are awash with memes that are more avant-garde and postmodern than a lot of 4chan memes at the height of the era when fedoras were still relevant.
not sure what you mean by this at all
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>The thing that draws people to left-wing "idealism" is the evident failure of the "radical centrist" (ie: pure establishment) governments
>It makes sense why the opposition to that would boil itself down to "we're not in control and therefore not screwing things up, therefore the reason things are screwed up is because we're not in control"
Of course - I fully understand how naturally that sentiment can arise. But I believe that sort of mindset is flawed if your ideals could never practically work even if diluted by the realities of being in power (one of the reasons I have no time for Communists). Some of those on the far left in Ireland seem to have no grasp on how economics work for example, or the fact that we are obliged to adhere to the supremacy of EU law. I can't speak about the far right in Ireland because we don't really have a far right scene.

>not sure what you mean by this at all
He's saying that he has shit taste in memes.
>pointless to try and discern since anything said on the matter here would obviously just be speculation, I assume that everyone came to their beliefs through a variety of different circumstances and influences rather than a single one as you suggest
That's not really what I was saying. I was more saying that the instinct present in a lot of people to be a "brave, edgy rebel" (ironically one inculcated by Hollywood) leads a certain type of people to gratify themselves with semi-illusory political activity.
This is facilitated or made possible by the internet because the also semi-illusory transformation of online communication into a "movement" combating other "movements" also triggers the tribal/herd instinct in people and gives them the sense of vicarious power that comes from belonging to the strong collective.

>the belief that moderate centrism is the only true course for people who aren't "edgy losers" is also pervasive through your post, is that something you'd consider yourself?
No, centrists are either too lazy/indifferent/weak-minded to form an opinion, or are trying to stay inoffensive to everyone, a more clever position than deliberately getting outraged and making enemies for the hell of it.
The better state of being is not being dependent on cultural movements for your opinion, worldview and mindset.
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>the belief that moderate centrism is the only true course for people who aren't "edgy losers" is also pervasive through your post, is that something you'd consider yourself?
Not him obviously, but this is something I've struggled to reconcile with myself. I quick to throw out "edgy" accusations due to my inherent belief that all politics must convene in the centre within any functioning democracy. From my perspective, anybody who is trying to upend this ostensibly consensus and collaborative-based approach to politics is obviously a trouble-maker. But at the same time, despite being broadly centrist myself (in terms of both holding centrist views and holding a mix of both right and left wing views - hence why I always end up in the centre of those political compass tests), I hold some views that could be described by others as "edgy". In the past I have also supported some movements and politicians that have sought to disregard the centrist approach.

In terms of my own political views, this is the greatest source of cogitative dissonance.
*I am sometimes quick
Holy shit it's so hot. I'm melting here. Had any 99s yet lads? What's your favourite ice cream from the freezer?
white magnum? cheap ones from iceland
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/our guy/ made it lads
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>What's your favourite ice cream from the freezer?
Can't beat a Twister. Or if I'm feeling fancy, a strawberry Cornetto (although Cornettos aren't as fancy now as they were when I was younger as they both reduced their size and price).
It's weird, when I was outside earlier I was roasting but then the slightest breeze came and froze me. I'm not used to this sort of weather.
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>>Facebook and normie-dom are awash with memes that are more avant-garde and postmodern than a lot of 4chan memes at the height of the era when fedoras were still relevant.
>not sure what you mean by this at all
Look at a 2000s 4chan meme like Rickrolling, and compare it to the type of "shitposting" groups that people like on facebook nowadays.
The former is tame as hell nowadays, it's like something a granny would do on facebook for april fool's day, the latter sometimes approach the avant-gardism of current 4chan.

>He's saying that he has shit taste in memes.
I'm just saying that normie memes aren't rage comics or captioned cats anymore, they have much more obvious 4chan-style influence in terms of style and philosophy. African Americans are in large part responsible for this thanks to the prominence of black celebrities and their use of social media. A bit like how jazz caused a stir a hundred years ago.

>tfw they will teach meme history courses like they teach art history
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Magnum are doing tubs now, similar to Ben & Jerry. I recommend.

>reduced their size
There is always that King Cornetto, or whatever it is called. The big one.
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Always fucking bothered me that when you open a Cornetto the wrapper takes the layer of chocolate off the side.

My favourite stays Loop the Loop, the flavours compliment eachother way better than the Twister.
My favourite Cornetto would be mint. I was never fond of the nuts on the vanilla. I like nuts but I hate them with chocolate, even though you can barely taste them. Matter of principle I suppose.

>King Cornetto
Are those the ones with the plastic tops?
>plastic tops
Yes, and the blue wrapper.
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>The former is tame as hell nowadays, it's like something a granny would do on facebook for april fool's day, the latter sometimes approach the avant-gardism of current 4chan.
4chan always produced a healthy mix of tame and edgy memes though. In fact, the only changes in 4chan meme production in recent years has been a reduction on variety and less tame ones.

>they have much more obvious 4chan-style influence in terms of style and philosophy
True, but they still feel like knock-offs.

>Magnum are doing tubs now, similar to Ben & Jerry. I recommend.
Can you get it in the flavour of the white Magnum? (I forget its name)

>There is always that King Cornetto, or whatever it is called. The big one.
Not too fond of that. I only like the mint and strawberry ones.
>all politics must convene in the centre within any functioning democracy.
You're not wrong, it's just that that and democracy aren't indisputable or inviolable in their status as the normal, "good" political system/philosophy, and opposing "radicalism" to get it to work is a dead-end or a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>hence why I always end up in the centre of those political compass tests
I think they aren't really good at mapping the variety that exists in "right-wing" thought. It might be more use to look at the top right square (and a bit of the top left) as being an x-y axis in its own right.
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>get it in the flavour of the white Magnum
Yes. You let them melt for a while and then press the sides of the tub to break up the chocolate inside. They are also only €3 I think, though that might be a limited offer, compared to €7 for Ben & Jerry.
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>You let them melt for a while and then press the sides of the tub to break up the chocolate inside
Oh sweet Jesus, I need to get that.

Thank you, HB viral marketing team.
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Stop taking memes from the Irish Simpsons fans (or whatever it's called) Facebook page.
This must be one of those edgy facebook memes I've been hearing about.
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>HB viral marketing team
I wish. Either way the ice cream and chocolate are of very good quality.
It was pretty good, plus there need to be more anti-Brexit memes making fun of the English and their delusions.

Well, it's political, so it's not the best example, but yeah.
Too many words in the second panel.
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>It was pretty good
No, it was fucking garbage, remove yourself from /int/.
>They are also only €3 I think, though that might be a limited offer, compared to €7 for Ben & Jerry.
Most places will cycle a sale between Ben and Jerry's, Hagen Das, and Magnum. Though summer might change all that.
Personally I'm sick of Ben and Jerry's, their flavours are either overpowering forms of one flavour, or clusterfucks of weird flavours, and the texture of the ice cream is usually poor.

I agree. The Frinkiac font is also shit.
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>Poi's hair is the same colour as a white Magnum
>eyes (in Kai Ni form) same colour as HB logo
I'm on to you.
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For tub ice cream. Loop the loop for ice pops.
>tfw not getting paid to viral market shit to /éire/
I agree, constant anime and captioned reaction images from years ago are much better.
While we're on the topic of viral marketing, Lindt is the best chocolate brand. Their white chocolate is insane.
>don't want to go out walking now
>worried the sun will be gone by the time I do
Come watch eurovision opening ceremony cringe..

Slugs killed one of my flowers lads. Laid out a good few pellets to deal with them.
It won't be gone for another few billion years.
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Lindt chocolate is divine, but christ is it heavy going. I ate an entire Lindt Easter egg in one sitting once and afterwards I felt like my arteries were packed with chocolate. I could barely move.

Is it just the first semi-final tonight?
I dunno, MET office told me to expect the supernova by Wednesday.
Well a farmer told me it will be 4-5 billion years and I trust him.
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>It won't be gone for another few billion years.
>Lindt chocolate is divine, but christ is it heavy going. I ate an entire Lindt Easter egg in one sitting once and afterwards I felt like my arteries were packed with chocolate. I could barely move.
>Not wanting to slip into a chocolate coma
>Is it just the first semi-final tonight?
No, it's the opening cermony. Ireland are in the second semi on Thursday, but >we will do shit as we're just sending another well connected person from Louis Walsh and RTE. France can vote in that semi final though if you want to vote.
>teacher used to say that prayer that said "world without end"
>I'd interject and say that the world will end when the sun explodes
I can't imagine how much smartassier kids have gotten since the internet.
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>No, it's the opening cermony
Is the opening ceremony not held on the night of the first semi-final?

What's the story with Russia? I heard that this Eurovision has the potential to get very political.

>I'd interject and say that the world will end when the sun explodes
>implying space Travellers won't load the planet onto the back of a flatbed space Transit take her
to the next solar system over to be stripped for copper
Might wait another while for the hay then.
Fucked up the greentext somehow.
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Slugs or snails?
The best way to deal with snails is garlic butter
t.Chef Ramsay
Wonder if the UK will be booed this year on Eurovision.
>Slugs or snails?
Not sure, I don't see them. They're coming out at night.

>best way to deal with snails is garlic butter
I don't even know what that is, I imagine pellets are cheaper this year.
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Hopefully, would be a good laugh.
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Doesn't the prayer refer to heaven?
People in general seem to have a very hard time even thinking in terms of the existence of non-physical things. I wonder if the struggle is just from lack of intelligence or how materialist the culture has become that the idea is foreign to people.

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Either way, it would be hard for them to get less votes than they normally do.
>Doesn't the prayer refer to heaven?
Can't remember, this was years ago. Suppose that makes more sense considering the Bible does talk about the end of the world.

>how materialist the culture has become
I was VERY materialistic as a child.
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>I don't even know what that is
Pic related
Well that wasn't what I was expecting. I suppose I wouldn't go near a place either if it was scattered with human remains.
What's that? You want the new thread to be in /bant/? Ok, give me a minute.
The only other way I know to get rid of slugs is that ducks love eating them
>This subtle attempt to encourage someone to make a new int thread
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I know, mine loved them.
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R.I.P Ducko
She went missing a few weeks ago, I honestly don't know where she could've gone. If a fox took here there would be feathers, she wasn't able to fly and she couldn't get out like the chicken could. I choose to believe she tunneled out and now enjoys here life down by the lake with plenty of duck friends.
Made a back up so we don't get lost when /bant/éire/ dies. At least keep it bumped.



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