[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]

/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 334
Thread images: 68

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sleep edition
Gastric flu?
where the fuck are you cunts
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cum lol
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gewd morning
Very bad thread
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Mornin' /cum/bums
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>website has an anti-adblock script
>close tab and never visit site again
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>he doesn't have an anti-anti-adblock extension
I need a nap.
wrote an autistic email to my next semester professor that I now regret
got half a mind to totally uproot my life and live in Germany for like 1 year
is it doable buds? Don't know the first thing about how I'd get started out
new board for /cum/
ah yes, /b/ 7.0
about what?
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we have to do a major group project before graduating and this class is part 1 of that. I asked about how she selects the group members but sort of autistically pushed that I wanted to be a specific role in the group.
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Me in the middle
literally 0 reason for this
>no redditflags
the hero we need
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im back from work you guys
just wait for the script to get updated
Official /bant/ /cum/ thread

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make me fuccboi

also my breakfast got here at like 7:30am wtf i guess one good thing about this unit
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How do I use this power?
You get transferred?
yeah to a diff unit in an older part and not a private room and fat people everywhere and reeee
Kek how many people are you sharing a room with?
i have autism
I know
same, bud. enable the undo feature on gmail and think before you say dumb stuff
just one fat lady atm
havbe to walk through a room with a really fat bitch and i dont know if she has clothes on under the blanket shes under just to get to the bathroom. fucking gay yo.
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>tfw no savant super powers
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This is a normie thread. Take your poor mannerisms and inability to make eye contact and get out.
Honestly I could be peer pressured into anything
I'll do whatever to be liked
But nobody's ever offered me any drugs
Nobody wants to deal with a sperg on drugs
I unironically got an Aspergers diagnosis when I was 10 because I didn't want to play with the other kids
the 3rd useless board made by hiro, why does he do this?
How will trump ever recover?
Literally going to pretend bant dosen't exist
glad those /pol/tards are finally gone
Fuck off nigger loving potato
Fuck off shitty namefag
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Me too bud.

Also fuck Maryland and Baltimore.


you're gonna get in trouble for that
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I have a structured settlement but i need cash now!
I'm above the law
*starts singing an anime song*
its my money and i need it now
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*hugs denmark*

I know I bully you sometimes but you're alright
What's that anime song Denmark is singing from?
simply epic
boku no pico
Get out
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>your guy wannabe telling others to get out
need a good post apocalyptic movie to watch that i haven't seen before buds
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uhh mad max fury road?
Stake Land was surprisingly good. I was initially turned off by the vampire zombies theme, but it's pretty atmospheric and tense
have viewed that previously
viewed but only half payed attention to it

>look up the road on imdb
>doesn't have a "people who liked this also liked..." box
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Reminder: pineapples belong on pizzas
Surprised and pissed as fuck that the Jews haven't been wiped out yet.
pineapples burn my mouth
Good post.
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Just for you

>those baby pieces of Canadian bacon
Not even mad about the pineapples, but this had me fuming.
Just for you

does being a neet bring the best existence possible?
are you a neet if you enjoy your job and don't really consider it work?
depends if you're able to afford it

I did it once

It was fantastic
are you currently not a neet? what happened?
Neets have the highest suicide rate
not anymore

My source of funds ended
I have the ultimate NEET plan.
i would contribute but i dont have the courage
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Convince me to get out of bed
Protip: You cant
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>Getting sick again
>Such a wageslave I'll feel bad for leaving work early
Fucking why...
Whats eternity club
haven't masturbated in almost a week boys

just move into a new flat with 4 people, it's tiny and no privacy not even in my room as i share with someone. Feels kinda good i haven't masturbated because i used to so much but i miss looking at cute naked girls
apparently some gay club for people who have gotten top 10 posts on rebbit or some shit, they don't want people to spread their discord and shit but it seems pretty dead so I dont think anybody cares enough to spam it anyway
>no redditflags on the new board
1. Go work your ass off now
2. Accumulate a shit ton of money
3. Buy a house in 5-10 years (fully paid, can be in butt fuck for all i care)
4. Retire and be a NEET all day everyday
5. ????
6. Profit

Is there a problem?
Hadn't masterbated in 2 months.

Broke my stroke yesterday when I tapped 3 times after another.(Note: 1st was without porn, 2nd with porn and it made me feel like shit so I forced the 3rd fap without porn)

Man it felt good
is ur gf not putting out or something?
Buncha fags in this thread
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I found a robot friend!
there is one (1) fag in this thread and it is you

maybe you should go back to r9k then friendo
hahah good one

Too busy for a gf and the girls i'm attracted to are beyond my pay level
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>this and every /cum/ thread
Sounds autistic
I have been in /cum/ since March 2016 friend.
Give me one reason I should own a house and work when I already can be a NEET all day everyday already without either of those things
chocolate milk is good
>nurses all too busy coddling old fat fucks to do a single fucking thing for me
So no one can say shit to you cuz you've put in the work

But at this point, where you are, you look like a fucking loser leech

I'm just as NEET as you(you really think any of us want to fucking work?) but I've realized I want my ego to be at ease while I do what i love(being a NEET)
ask the nurse for a hand ;)
>asking fat old nurse for a handy
no thx i prefer my hand
maybe you should go home you leech
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Has there ever been a more overrated and overhyped meme food product than this?
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>So no one can say shit to you cuz you've put in the work
>But at this point, where you are, you look like a fucking loser leech
>I'm just as NEET as you(you really think any of us want to fucking work?) but I've realized I want my ego to be at ease while I do what i love(being a NEET)

Unlike you I'm not a slave to society's expectations, I'm free from work and also free in the mind
>would rather have a guy jerk you off than a woman

Because NEET life is shit. Get a roommate that has a friendly chemistry with you and has similar interests. You two can rent a little apartment together. You both could work six hours and NEET out the rest of the time. The only difference is that you won't be alone.
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rebbit meme food.png
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it's honestly not that good
kill yourself
i hope for this every day

not gay if its urself
Prime rib. It's good but overhyped to Hell.
I actually graduated from college, worked at a real job for a few years, and now I'm with another bud in an apartment working top comfy part time (20hrs a week)
Agreed. It's typically made too salty
bacon & eggs is a timeless classic that has existed and will continue to exist long before and after Reddit.

sriracha is simply bad
>nurse doesn't disconnect me from my IV and instead just starts pumping saline
>stop pump and disconnect myself
jesus christ i fuckikng hate this place more and more every day
Reply to this post or I'll kill myself
stop making bad posts using my flag you obnoxious piece of shit
Going to miss that anon
Then you have good life my friend. Find a femanon and you will have a great life.
So explain to me how you're a NEET again?
t. baconlets
only muslims, jews and fags dont like bacon
I'm a different anon
Fine. Enjoy your filthy (you)
try not to die in there
T-thanks anon
I give fuck all about society.

But I do give a fuck about my parents and their ease of mind.

And whether you like it or not, you owe them. Least you can do is make them feel like their son isn't an utter failure.

But you seem like a selfish character, so I doubt you understand such a concept.
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My parents still think I work at my previous job and I live in a different state. I still call my mom every weekend too, no harm no foul
stop trying to justify your pursuit of material possessions via slave labor you autistic runt
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just removed all my internet cookies by accident
Is there anyone here who was homeschooled?
If so, you're faggots
Honestly on paper is it just the exact same thing as int but NSFW?
I'm imagining a more normie and filthy redditor version of int and int becomes a ded board
>buying a house to avoid disturbance is materialism

You're a special kind of retard
Sriracha is pretty good, but it can be easily replaced with hot sauce
will there be a reddit version of /cum/ there?
NSFW but without porn
Don't think they'll find out eventually?
Extremely doubtful
Business idea: beat up neets and take their neetbux
>touching neets
that's how you become one you know
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someone on /cum/ needs to make it and buy us a compound ffs
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business idea: split the united states into two countries, the spanish speaking western runts (texas to california) and the english speaking patricians of the east
Should I watch this video?
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>made with caffeinated cheese
for when janny is just too busy janning to sleep
are extraflags broken?
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the couver.jpg
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ah yes
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>hmm? why yes i do go to /bant/
Not necessarily.

What happens there?
Has the caffeine text been shopped into the picture?
*devours feces*
nah, i'm sure the type of people who eat slim jim hotpockets would love caffeinated cheese
absolutely nothing?
i don't even know what is about
vancouver truly is disgusting

i've probably unknowingly stepped over corpses many times walking down vancouver streets
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*sees you eating feces*
the camera is looking down on a mans penis as he starts to masturbate, we see his flaccid penis as he pulls back his foreskin. The penis is clear for about half a minute and he repeated the action twice,as practice of masturbation .. One of the male characters was completely naked with appearance of penis , testicles and buttocks for a period of 30 seconds ... A female character is topless for a long time and then had sex with a man (the intercourse act is not seen but introductions suggest it) ... a ladie asks the male main character of the movie not to ejaculate inside the woman .. female main character in the movie is naked from the back and wash herself examining the menstrual cycle (buttocks are clear for a long time) .. pubic hair and the labia majora are clear in one of the scenes for one of the women who is trying to make abortion... Old women is swimming completely naked .. Two ladies are completely naked wrapping themselves by hot water in a try to warmth a man
*accidentally posts a selfie of me instead of a anime reaction pic*
>that feeling when no relationship with a person of the female persuasion
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2017-03-05 04.18.32.png
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>be american
>create new board because you cant handle




my feet smell
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Post your favorite songs to work out to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=042yyvj_dhI
ugh, what's that smell?
smells like cheese and maple syrup!

Ive tried making a workout playlist but nothing seems to work

/mu/ says Death grips but it doesnt click
I don't even listen to music when I work out
frumunda cheese?
Another war, another profit, another jewish business trick,
Another season, another reason, for makin' whoopee
A lotta dough, a lotta gold, the British Empire's being sold,
We're in the money, thanks to Frankie, we're makin' whoopee
Washington is our ghetto, Roosevelt our king,
Democracy is our motto, think what a war can bring!
We throw our German names away, we are the kikes of USA,
You are the goys folks, we are the boys folks, we're makin' whoopee
can you see my flag?
if you listen to music you need to kill yourself honestly
I only listen to Kim Mitchell
kayo dot
no but i can see others'
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>American americans in america doing america
Looks like a good time
i have a date in 90 minutes at a park with jewish qt. wish me luck buds
good luck
At work all day
Tomorrow I find the gf
Tell her she has a nice nose
maybe its just firefox or something
works on my machine
reinstall everything from a clean state, or switch to chromium
I'm developing quite a nice musky aroma.
yes, very masculine indeed.
>blames the software when it works for tons of other people
wonder what the variable here is
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it's time
works fine for me
Is he getting out already?
Footlong on wheat meatball sub, double meat with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and cucumbers
shall I buy some NOS

good sips
He has the best instrumentals

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>He has the best instrumentals
I'm sorry my plebian friend, but that superlative belongs to nujabes thank thou very much
repetitive but nice
come post in my /bant/ thread

Good afternoon, /cum/.
*devours a hot pocket in 2 bites*

great snack
Fuck you and your thread, you maple motherfucker.
Hi Morocco
thanks for telling us janny
Hi United States, any niggers shot today?
A couple here and there, I'm sure

How could you devolve from mighty Vikings into shit-skin loving faggots?
not even worth the reply
hell, not even worth in putting his post number
>Inputting his post number
>He writes the post numbers figure after figure

You need to go back, son.

um could you not
Business idea: pretend to be gay and pretend to date one of those flaming gay guys who has loads of girlfriends as a way to get close to saud girls and then bang them
need some skype contacts pleas e
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Hi mou :)
>could you not
>thinking Louisiana doesn't fit there too
Only three (3) hours left until my class with the Asian girl.
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>that driver guy flopping over like a fucking ragdoll

My sides hurt worse than his head
Quel est le nom de la tartelette à cheveux courts?
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Don't care
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Qu'est-ce que c'est?
>in any position to talk about patrician
USA should be francophone country
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>I don't like Drake
>Pretty women can get through the hardships of life by just being pretty.

Man, fuck life and its unjustice.
Sweden should be an Islamic caliphate.
Oh wait.
everyday we stray further from gods light
>dont jerk off for a day
>decide to jerk off
>now my dick hurts because of inflamed urethra
>know if I take a piss itll hurt way more for 30 minutes

Not happy buds
Like your countries ideas of self preservation.
should probably eat breakfast so I dont starve
literally me

except dinner instead of breakfast
Dubs confirm, eat you son of a bitch
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Why is public transportation bad again?
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wojak 31.jpg
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going to eat second lunch as soon as I finish this chocolate bar
>you now remember that posters in /cum/ are actually real people
You know who else likes public services? Commies, that's who
haha fatty
Because you have to be near people
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toronto 4.jpg
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only the dregs of society use it

im not

im an ai designed just for this
>posters in /cum/ are actually real people
highly unlikely there are that many retarded autists on this planet
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ah yes

southern california
Should we move /cum/ hq to /bant/?

>wanting an influx of /b/tards

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doesn't work for me
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Post lewd comments on my buddy's brand new site

frick off
>these two roasties are trying to kill the guy that is helping them in this movie
reeee its just like real life
feel like having a gf
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I can be your gf, anon
>OITNB S5 leaked
oh baby
it's 12:30
time to binge drink
>they're making a tv version of the mist
what did they mean by this
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It's high quality entertainment you dumb west coaster
*smokes weed despite the fact that i already know you are going to fedorapost me*
Your lives are insignificant no matter what language you speak.
i know
that's why i'm drinking at 12:30pm
>ywn bang J-Lo in her prime
how do i deal with this feel
Thinks he is a boss just because his mother tongue happens to be English. Anglo please!!!
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>*smokes weed*
Bunch of low life deplorables that's what you are!!
I don't know what you are implying here but don't play psychological games with me please!!
Why else would you be here?
Jesus Christ, that looks disgusting.
Call JG WentWorth! [spoiler]Are those ads on all over the country?[/spoiler]
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>this dutch homo fishing for yous
i hate myself and wish i would die
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>caffeinated cheese
going to the bank, you guys want anything?

a gf
hotpockets please
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A burger
Maple syrup and a little quick please!!
never mind it just started raining
are you allergic to water?
Effay af
Don't bully burger. He isn't worth it.
Stop posting EVA stuff.
I don't want to be reminded.
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might die out there
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reckon one burger patty is enough
My son back
>Rainfall warning
The absolute state of canadians
One of the most interesting things about the series.
fuck you btw
no thredsplitting
>be Californian
>die of drought
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Your police cars don't look as fancy as ours (European)
>almost diie of drought
>almost die of flooding
make up your mind calfornians
tomorrow i'm going to tell every mexican in the thread happy cinco de mayo even though none of them really celebrate it
>torontostani still thinks we're in a drought

striped soccer mom vans arent intimidating
Completely normal
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take that back
>intimidating your citizens
I don't follow the meteorological news from irrelevant states
So you serve and protect by looking as angry and scary as possible?
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Our police is very intimidating tho.
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sup guys
if it stops someone from committing a crime, it's good
fact: if you don't side with the police you're a criminal. simple as that
fuck wypipo
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>police ask to do a cavity search of me
>try to politely decline
>o-ok officer
>they find my buttplug and laugh at me
make a new one thread slaves
just pulled the battery otu of my phone
no drunk textin g for me
>anons are so afraid of thread splitting, nobody will make a new one
Thread posts: 334
Thread images: 68

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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