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/balt/ > /ausnz/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 77

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You are all alone edition.
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nth for everything
2D women are NOT important.
if u dont pack a 9 dont even walk up to me
thread theme

real thread theme

t. thread theme guy
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actual thread theme

t. actual thread theme guy
why there's a nigger in this general?
Thread theme song
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>fuel was 17 cents a litre yesterday
>go to fill my tank up and it's now 39 cents
(Garbage post)
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kārums bateman.jpg
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GP (good post) and GC (good culture)
(Garbage post)
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Have you eaten all your choccy eggs yet lads ?
22nd. post
Got a stockpile in my wardrobe.
women of the third dimension are not important
What do you mean? I only ate hard-boiled eggs on Easter.
How do i start a conversation (i know what i'm going to talk) with qt without looking like autist or behaving like one?
>/balt/ > /ausnz/


What're ya tryin ta say?
>>fuel was 17 cents a litre yesterday
>>go to fill my tank up and it's now 39 cents
Where is fuel 39 cents a litre? Are you a time traveler?
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take a guess
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EP (excellent post)
ask her about her favorite anime
NEED an aggressive gf so i can tame her (if you know what i mean lads ;^) )
Is anyone familiar with getting fucked in the ass? I'm straight but the idea is kinda hot to me.

That's not very nice.

Please apologize.
>I'm straight but
every time
That's autistic , i'm sure she doesn't watch anime neither do I
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just ask her about the thing you want to talk to

dont have to say hello every time you retard


OFFICIAL thread theme song

t. official guy
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Would you kindly?
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Kindly what?
Good culture, and yes, what do you need pal?
also youre an autist so why not behave like one?
i mean you cant even talk to someone over text
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>they never played bioshock

>he plays video games
Perhaps you need to be, *corrected*
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Andrew Ryan.jpg
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A man chooses, a slave obeys
i can , i'm just little shy
>it's €1.17 here
i want to kms
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And this is my final offer
The End
theres literally nothing that can go wrong over text and youre too scared to text her LOL
A man conquers, a slave chooses.
Well that's not too kind.
It's 1.26€ here
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this general is absolute shit 2bh
don't know why yall keep coming here
i mean in real life conversation

i can text her , i did like 2 days ago
shut up mikoto
stupid lith
liths are a failed nation in gods eyes
oh then just literally ask her

still thats autistic that u need help with this

>2 days ago

while ur thinking about texting her shes already outside with someone
turn off proxy kunt
€1.17 is the cheapest good 95 i've seen
98 in statoil is probably closer to your prices
also, our prices don't include road tax
these posts are coming straight from god

final thread theme
why is mikoto so autistic, autistic beyond the comprehension
why is lithuania such a failed state, failed beyond the comprehension
It's 1.26 for 95 at a random cheap gas station.

Also Circle K* ftfy
If you ever needed proof that not having a dad fucks you up, there you go.
stop being so autistic mikoto
In this case she's not worthy of you.
lith more like shit
yes he is totally the living proof of that
we still have statoil for now
why can't i find prices on estonian neste/circle k websites?

cheapest high quality petrol
do you makita listen to tool?
I wish we could get rid of mikoto from this general for good.
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On april 4, 1975 a company called Microsoft will be founded. Buy as much stock as you can as soon as you can. Nearing the millennium you sell and buy up Apple stock. In the second half of 2010 convert it all to bitcoin cryptocurrency. I will contact you to collect my 30% share.
That image is too lewd, please remove it
how is it lewd, only hand holding and that is allowed
Nobody post below this line until I will arive

>h*nd h*lding
>not lewd

chose one
i post the word of god i think i know better
How does one get a Holy See vpn that isn't banned.
Mikoto magix
We are Satan's minions here.
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Freedom has a price that many aren't brave enough to pay
Francis, stop this:
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I am god so I know better
>mom comes
>mom: what you watching
>me: a girl lick a rubber ear
>mom: i want you out this house by tomorrow
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Reminder that if you have a BMI below 25, you should immediately go to Germany and claim your free beneftis and monetary compensation, since they will mistake you for an Auschwitz survivor.
>t. fatty
>answering to someone asking such questions
>not autistic
reminder that all of you are below me until you post 3 2000 character posts in a row completely made up by yourself
>he is fat and watches anime

not surprised
>AVERAGE day in Poland
>anime shitposter is fat
wow, I bet no one could have seen that coming
Look at all the bullshit I been through
If I take you home, will you tell the truth
Look at all the bullshit I been through
If I take you home, will you tell the truth
Momma take this mothafuckin' block off
Tryna reach you everyday, collect calls
Never get through, and I go through withdrawals
Say who told you that I wanted this door
To slam shut, I just wanted to vent or
Ask you if you give me your rent for
A attorney, I can pay you back more
Soon as I get out, yea every rack is yours
Commissary running low, I need help
Not too much, I hustle up the rest myself
K Dot wrote me saying Marcus got killed
If you knew me, then you know how bad I feel
Quisha prove me wrong, and never came to visit
And I heard she fucking on some other nigga
And my niggas left me in the dark, blind
Mama just get back at me this last time
Look at all the bullshit I been through
If I take you home, will you tell the truth
Mama take this mothafuckin' block off
That's on the date the day I take the block off
Pulled up, and they put me in them cop cars
Please believe me, This ain't easy by far
You forgot you're talking to your only son
Remember when you put me in that relay run
I was racing, chasing dreams to be the best
You had taught me that the very day I won
All I need is you to give me same support
Investigation saying that the same report
From a witness just might testify in court
DA say I take a deal, or take a loss
I ain't built for all them god damn numbers
God's will, say a prayer for me mama
If you can't, then open up the phone lines
Mama just get back at me this last time
Dante, if I stress to take the block off
That's the day the state had take them locks off
I could only help but do so much
Bettering yourself, your own crutch
Look at your reflection tell me who you see
Who is your protection, G-O-D
No it's not neglection, I have just accepted
Your fate and what its gon' be
Remember all the nights that I cried
Thinking that my only son just died
Peeking through the window, kicking.
>dopalacze samo zdrowie
top bantz
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I could lift you up with one arm
i didn't.
>t. insecure manlet that does calisthenics
And then what, eat me?
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K that made me laugh
G, Grab that motherfucker by the fucking throat
5, Bullets in your motherfucking chest fo'sho
9, bodies dropping down to the fucking floor
Anna got me clickin' grab my gauge and then I let it blow
Gun play
Don't talk yo shit motherfucker just run my fade
Guns spray
Throw the body in the ditch
Leaving no fucking witness mane, no fucking game
You working with bustas', those suckas be lame
I came from the mud with dust on my brain
You hopin' I die but I'm wishing the same
Jump in my whip and I'm thinking about a suicide
The devil is talking he's telling me that I should hop in and ride
Gun at my hip and I promise nobody is gonna survive
Step in my room and listen to demons we all gonna die
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Is this what aussies are like in bed?
is this a mikoto
no they just lie there texting their friends about how she's getting fucked right now. maybe change facebook status to penetrated
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>tfw ended up on the weird part of youtube
youre australian shouldnt you know
what is a carpal tunnel?
mikoto is a good boy
big wrist pain
He's not.
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sipping tea.jpg
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i just want what i deserve

bottom of the bottle

swerving on the road full throttle

fuck this prescription that shit never work

im sorry mama i aint really happy like the rest
hmm i don't want that
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How's everyone's day going?
omg i can relate to that song so well 2bh
good also nice image
Mikoto "daddy issues" episode again
Please cease
trippy motherfucker from the westside
real friends

how many of us?
left the screen door open for a minute to get tea and dad ragequit
grumpy old men i mean what was a fucking sabertooth going to walk in or something? makes no fucking sense
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why do balts pretend to suffer? your countries are great I visited all of them.
fuck the church up by drinking at the communion
He didn't want the mozzies to come in.
who ya real friends when we all came from the bottom?
spillin free wine now my tux is ruined
I just clogged my toilet with 2 pieces of pizza. I tried to pull them out but only pushed them further in. I am now going to wait a few hours until they are soaked through and then attempt to flush the toilet again.
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I'm glad you like it :)
Oh no!
it's defense against muslims
must have been a shitty pizza
FUUUARK I'm so fucking tired of living in this piece of shit country with 600€ salary per month. Kiwis and Kangaroofuckers down under make 5x of that by doing nothing. Fuck this life REEEEEEEEEE

saved, even if proxy. Cba.
The fuck you putting pizza down the toilet for ?
It would rot in the bin and attract flies and smell bad. I often flush old food down the toilet.
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It'll get better don't you worry my friend!
Was so close to losing my v's
>at little get together with mates
>girl is there who has said she's into me before
>just broke up with her bf like a couple days ago
>get drunk, just having a good time
>she goes to bed
>that was my bed too so join
>spooning for a bit
>best way I can describe what happened is sex without actual sex
>fuck load of kissing
>a lot of groping
>sucking on dem' titties
>flipping back and forth from her on bottom to her on top grinding
>went to take of the pants but she was like "nah, too soon after breakup"

Wasn't too fussed because that's fair enough, and I had a little case of whisky dick so it would've taken me a second to get hard anyway. Still, each party I've gone to lately I've been getting closer and closer lads; bound to happen at one point
honestly unless your garbage isn't picked up weekly i can't see that being as much as a problem as ritually clogging your toilet. bins should smell terrible you should reconsider
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Mozzie coil.jpg
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Ah yes, the smell of a burning mozzie coil.
the weather here is freezing right now i've been been out in the backyard a couple hours a day and haven't seen one
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bill u be by bf oppa
LA time
back in the lab
I said don't post below the line until I will arrive
Why can't you just follow simple instructions
i feel like im the only one not pretending
im not out of control im just not in (((their))) control
kinda looks like a feminine man
this generations closest thing to einstein so dont worry about me im fine
cik labi jūs šovakar izskatāties
cant wait to ascend to the immortal plane
Tam-di-dam-di-dam badabadiiah badabadiiah
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>the "orange peel" in that cars paint
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>Exam tomorrow
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a-am i khute oppa?
opa gangnam style op op op op
you are boring mikoto
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mikoto is one of the most dedicated and skilled posters ever, maybe even the greatest of all time. 4chan is a multiplayer game but he plays single player on maximum diffilculty
>t. mikoto

this is so true..
mikoto plays 7D chess while we play 2d checkers
it really makes u think how i used to post is now the staple for any kind of weebposting...
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*clears throat*
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Hi, i'm back.

what's going on here
You mean writing random shit and attaching an anime image?
I'm sure this has not been done once during the history of this site.
i mean not having a ponytail and not writing like youre from reddit

kys autist
hi ekreman, what's new
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Laughing 2_1.jpg
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>tfw you'll never be a perfect daddy for mikoto
nu es saku tu esi bomzis
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lol, just lol.jpg
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>when I see mikoto virgin walking
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>be mikoto
>be virgin autist
mikoto is the best thing happened to this general.
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more like virgin autist who like to cry at night
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i-i'm not ekreman
>being so fucking jelly over mikoto's fame
hehe. you'll never be as cool as mikoto
>listens to nigger rap
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ahh yes mikoto I know him
isn't he the famous virgin autist of the /balt/?
i love myself

>jealous of my superior musical taste
Decided do go to the gym lads, because you called me fat.
At least one positve thing this general has contributed to my life
I am almost convinced Mikoto is actually the only person posting here..

superior isn't it?
are you fat? post stats/pics
I love mikoto lol
dont have to go to the gym just eat less and stop drinking jewish cum
actually listen to something good and youll see the light

what do you listen to?
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isn't he is actually a nigger?
me too
(also I'm mikoto and I responded to myself)
hi mikoto
i listen to micro waves
Good job fattie
what happened between lithuania and mikoto?
why lithuania is so mad at him?)
t. love intrigues
oh look at me I'm mikoto I'm super super famous
famous at sucking that dick
doxxed him yesterday
proof rap is good
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I'm the mikoto, no one is more autistic than I'm
And I'm proud of it
Good. Get stronk.
Stop mistaking me for the reaction image guy and let me exercise in peace
hopsin is utter trash

what the fuck
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Autism is my middle name
t. mikoto
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>Hey isn't that a shit lying on the floor?
>I'm gonna eat that
t. mikoto
who doxxed whom? pls tell me about doxxed person, i love doxxings and dramas and intrigues
i come to life in my fast fast car
>not listening to Recording of 1000 Maggots in sticky wet mud.
no fuck u sasha
pls pls pls :3
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>I want to get impregnated by a big black bull
t. mikoto
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> /balt/
mikotos off his meds and on his proxy again...
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Best goosebumps books coming through
>still using phone in the middle of the workout
your not gonna make it
there was that goosebumps film with jack black
was is any good?
Mikoto went to cry in his room
very good, I'm gonna teach him a lesson
thats mikoto
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you are also a mikoto
I am m*koto
rori should be illegal
Gotta take small breaks between different exercises lad
Also posting while on the treadmill is.pretty redpilled
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one of the tags is inverted nipples, I am both confused are aroused
read all this and you won't be wasting your time. also jogging is for fags sprint or gtfo
it will be absolutely horrible to start with but go slow and you'll be fine
https://desuarchive.org/int/thread/48968335/#q48968335 my oldest post in the archives :(
why do 5x5 when u can just do 25x1??????
mikoto pls do you even go to the gym
yes i do actually
where are all the estonians again
nah don't believe you, lying meme faggot
Still dead.
but i do go to the gym
i do SS
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they better come back to life.

do you also just lurk here?
o jeez ok lol
west side
Yes but I post without trip mostly.
reporting in
I think mikito needs his own thread that no one else can post in. To contain his autism posting to one thread & not have it shit up the general one.

And your thoughts ?
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>Yes but I post without trip mostly.

good anon, how's your day? :^)
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Latvian SS.png
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>i do SS
but it wouldn't even post there
u dont control me
u dont control me
u dont control me
I just woke up. I feel a bit shitty because I got really drunk yesterday.

How are you?
u dont control me
mosquito needs to shud teh fug ub xD
dont call me mikoto it just shows ur level of intellect
Mikito triggered.
How do we keep him in 'his' general?
my dicc is extra thicc
Every time he tries to post in this general it redirects him to his containment thread. A nice thought anyway.
his proxies would block out the sun. he would hack into the 4chan mainframe and assume direct control, destroying the website as we know it
>implying i havent already done so
it's impossible to keep him in his containment thread
i have a thought
>find mikoto
>lock him up in prison so he won't post again ever
haha technical malfunction
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quite fine today I guess, nothing too good but not too bad either. So it's a quite good day actually.
Mikoto is biological malfunction
Reminder to manlets: the more muscular you get the smaller you look
>>the more muscular you get the smaller you look
wolverine was 5'5 :^)
hmm its really warm inside plastic bottles
Eventually you'll be invisible.
so a woman literally got raped and the rapist got away with it in germany because the judge said it couldve been just rough sex in the turks mind
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you can't assume their age, even if they look like little girls
>baltic posters on /pol/
latvians are the worst
yep, future looking brighter all the time
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another perv
sending police to Dunedin right now
loli is literally an excuse to be a lazy faggot and draw less

no distinguishing features, mostly straight lines and nothing distinct about the body

prove me wrong. only total talently hacks draw lolicon shit
I dunno
I'm not into lolicon so I wouldn't know the answer
>>I'm not into lolicon so I wouldn't know the answer

have i implicated myself in some way here. SHE SAID SHE WAS 30
do drawings often talk to you?
But she said that she was twenty??
then everyone will migrate to the mikoto's thread.
what's with everyone hating mikoto?
he must be really cutie :3
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being a lolicon is better than being a lesbian
mikoto does ss so he probably looks like an incredibly chubby trex and is probably a manlet
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not into yuri as well 2bhwy
>mikoto does ss
Latvians ARE pretty famous for that
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Yuri is the only pure thing.
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cute gif :3
mikoto isn't latvian, he's russian
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what's the difference?
>only listens to nigger rap
>doesn't have a dad
sure he's not black?
Latvians have six toes
He is a nigger inside probably

but you have a point
dead thread
im 2 meters tall newfag
ive posted proof
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1MB, 270x480px
Soon to be even deader as I am going to bed, goodnight everyone
All are at Discord.
You're welcome to join!
discord is fuckin gay
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goodbye, friend
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Thread posts: 321
Thread images: 77

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