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Why do modern humans, specially westerners, lack so much perspective?

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Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 35

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Everything was better back then.jpg
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Why do modern humans, specially westerners, lack so much perspective?
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The EU is a bad thing.jpg
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White privilege
It's always scary to lose #1 spot and be at the mercy of people you used to abuse just a moment ago.
i don't think fingols are going to be taking over the world anytime soon.
nukes and ameriga had a bigger effect desu
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American LARP.png
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y hermano?
what's that got to do with the eu?
Nothing really, but you are still wrong. Most of them literally can't go to war due to how much interconnected their countries are. The EU was created for that specific reason.


>inb4 but they are liberal leftists funded by soros and stuff
because your 'perspective' is useless trash. now is the time that counts, and we should deal with present challenges with absolute conviction.

"well atleast it's not as shit as 100 years ago!" is useless rethoric. be rid of it and maybe mexico wont be shit.

also you should learn that corralation is not causality
do you collect infographics in your freetime? /pol/ tier sadness
I know correlation is not causality, and never implied such a thing. I'm just amazed at the amount of people who claim the thins written in the filenames ITT.

Among other things, it takes less than 1 second to save a single one of them. /pol/ on the other hand, posts fake infographics made by them.
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latin america is violent
How does this correlates to LA not being violent?
Well, you can see that Yugoslav people were very peaceful before communism
It doesn't. I'm just fed up of Europeans telling me that they always were the least violent people in the world.
you posted deads from a world war as a proof the average civil latin american isn't violent...
and then you got BTFO by this post
Never claimed it is not.

No, I didn't.
not quite sure the EU is the cause of peace, I'd say the efficiency and capability of modern weapons has more to do with that
Well some of what is claimed is true in nuanced context. What you're doing is cherrypicking mostly unrelated graphs and statistics that don't prove anything.
I'm not trying to prove anything tho
EU is fucking trash, and i can say so since im not westerner
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yes you did. you see carlos, taking out your anger that was caused by US politicians such as donald trump on us europeans doesn't make any sense as we don't even think about you.
then why provide images with retarded filenames?
>Europeans always were the least violent people in the world
That should have been the filename instead
Other than the "Latin American" thing, none of the other filenames are wrong desu.


And no, I didn't.
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>posts pic of deaths from world war 2
>names it "latin america is violent"
>denies comparing a world war to latin america
Fix your inferiority complex
i guess the other poster was right, you are /pol/ tier retarded. context and nuance are completely lost on you
I mean, for all the violence we have now, it pales in comparison to you. It is not even close.

is what you are saying that we are more violent by nature? please dont be so retarded.
No, I am making fun of this ideas:

>Why are Latin Americans so violent, is it because they are shitskins? (asked by an European)
>You see, us Europeans are civilized, we have been at peace for the grandiose amount of 50 years in our entire history
>Is it the aztec genes?

Which I hear a lot, and of course are bullshit. If you don't say any these things, I don't know why are you even arguing.
We have a history, if that's what you're implying. I don't know why you're seeing it as a bad thing as you, your country and culture wouldn't exist if it weren't for us.

- Homicide rates
My country wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Denmark? Wow, that is new.
And it will never reach the 73 million mark desu.
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>go to /pol/
>see some people shit talk mexicans
>better make a shitpost thread on /int/ and fill it with dumb images that'll show them

hmm maybe /pol/ is right about these mexicans..
>implying i need to go to /pol/ in order to see those things
Even IRL, it is like your entire population forgot about it, and are LARPing as if Europe was always an utopia. I repeat, always.
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We were talking Europeans in general, you forgot?
When you're the cultural, economic and political centre of the world, the losses and wins are bigger than anywhere else.
Luxembourg is pure.
don't act like you know the population here. the internet is seperate from reality. nobody gives a shit about mexico here. nobody considers this place an 'utopia'. lay-off the internet memes
Do you keep replying to get more Euro pics you can cry yourself to sleep with?
the guy got his burritos in a twist because his gf got stolen by an european or something
I went there in the 2006 world cup working for a Mexican t.v station as part of the crew. I travelled through out the EU, plus I get to see tourists every single day.

I only see you and a dutch anon crying about the pics, for some reason.
cool bro, well i wish you the best i hope you can get your gf back one day
If it can cheer you up, this European building is from your capital.
It was built by the Spaniards over the ruins of the main Aztec temple. Very symbolic!
I have no problems with Europe, or the European side of Mexico, just general delusions.

I was expecting more Americans in the thread in fact, I really fail to see why you two are butthurt over the pics and filenames, lel
>Sheltered people are sheltered, why are they so sheltered?
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i'm not so much "butthurt", more amazed that every image you post is even more retarded than the last. every post just gets dumber and dumber and the irony is that you do the exact same as people on /pol/, the guys that you probably dispise.
Was everything better back then?
Hasn't the EU kept Europe peaceful for the most part?
Are terrorist attacks a new thing in Europe?
Do only people from brown countries immigrate?
Didn't only the WW2 killed more people than what Mexicans could ever hope to kill in our entire history and beyond, without counting ALL the other wars that were in Europe's history?
Did human history started with Europe in 1400 or so?

Because if you say I am wrong, I would like to see how. And if I am not (which I am not) I don't get why you are butthurt over it.
>The EU has anything to do with this and not nukes ending warfare between developed countries worldwide
I guess we can thank the EU for the USSR and US never going to war too, and China never settling the score with Japan.

>The main aim of the EEC, as stated in its preamble, was to "preserve peace and liberty and to lay the foundations of an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe"

That is the main reason it even exists.
>Mexican intellectual thinks the EU wasn't created to make Germany great again
>Was everything better back then?

in some parts yes, in others no

>Hasn't the EU kept Europe peaceful for the most part?

No, it crystallized the tensions between countries and every major crisis within the EU just add onto a new balkan-like powder keg that will surely explode if things doesn't change
Are terrorist attacks a new thing in Europe?

>Do only people from brown countries immigrate?

legally? mostly Illegally? Yes

>Didn't only the WW2 killed more people than what Mexicans could ever hope to kill in our entire history and beyond, without counting ALL the other wars that were in Europe's history?

considering how easy it is for governments to produce WMDs that aren't nukes, mexico could potentially kill hundreds of millions if it wanted (before getting obliterated from earth's surface ofc)

>Did human history started with Europe in 1400 or so?

no, your point?

let me ask you a question. why do you peoples always fall back into victimhood whenever westerners doesn't bow down to your feets?
>Are terrorist attacks a new thing in Europe?

modern terrorism? Yes. It's not nutjobs anarchists throwing bombs in cafes anymore, it's country-like organisations killing hundred/thousands
I think we need to crack down on democracy and widespread education and literacy. Democracy is a scam and this educate-the-masses nonsense is part of the sales pitch.
If the beaners are so great
Why don't you want to keep them?
Except that none of your claims are backed by reality, as opposed, to you know, the entire history of statistics posted ITT.
Or some of them are things I didn't even say.
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>Illegal immigrants
>30 million people

Please tell me this is fake
The border isn't just crossed by Mexicans Paco
The pic addresses that fact several times.
It's almost like the mere threat of deportation was enough to chase some of the parasites out.
>not backed by reality
>What is the refugee crisis
>What is the debt crisis

not even counting the rampant inequalities in regulations and quotas that makes farmers and fishers go apeshit every few years. Stop the butthurt, chicano. It'll lead you nowhere here.
>>What is the refugee crisis
Not related to any of the thins I claimed?
>What is the debt crisis
Not a war

It's almost as if the trend was like that since 2008. Or as if the pic was made before Trump even won.
Oh never mind >>73691981 directly contradicts these statistics
>ITT: Some spic is triggered that one of his presidents used purge-like tactics to kill drug dealers

kek nice one paco



Drug dealers hadn't even been mentioned in the pics, but now that you do. Here.
She just needs liposuction on everywhere but the tits
>putting up random criterias on a whim to refutes things and fail.

jesus christ son, i just showed you exemples that proves i don't base my claims on thin air. you really are one triggered paco.
lol proving that you are violent people???
It is not my fault that you are arguing against things I didn't say.
>post image showing that the mexican government killed tens of thousands of their own people in a war with cartels
>wonders why people are calling his country violent
But I am not wondering why people think we are violent. I wondering why people think we are exceptional at being so.
You lirerally just posted a photo of statistics of people killing eachother???
And are those statistics close to something exceptional? We are talking about a 10 year war here.
So you post a photo of a practically semi-civil war, and you wonder why people think you're violent? You don't have autism, right??
It seems that you are not capable of reading, so I'll say it again. But this time in a slow manner: I am not wondering why people think we are violent
>You're not capable of reading
"I wondering why people think we are exceptional at being so"
I've told you why and you give me a runaround. I think you have autism.
So how is that exceptional compared to other wars in history?
It's not? No one was saying it was exceptional, but central american countries have super-high murder rates AND you just said there's an 11 year civil war going on. Dude it's fucking obvious.
>It's not
There you go
No you mong, it's a fucking meme and you don't have any sense to know apparently.
>It is quite possible that those who arrived most recently are most likely to be undocumented, giving them the greatest incentive to avoid contact with law enforcement for even minor offenses, as such contact is likely to increase the likelihood that their illegal status is revealed.
>Lower incarceration rates are literally because illegals don't get caught as often

>Hispanic immigrants are more likely to commit crimes that natives
>Almost all illegal immigrant crime (88%) is done by Hispanics

Yet more reasons to build that wall
Because your murder statistics are only comparable to civil wars?
>Most of them literally can't go to war due to how much interconnected their countries are
never stopped them before. and nope, sorry, but nukes have effectively made major, conventional conflicts between modern powers obsolete. a large part of that is due to nato as well.
What are you even arguing against right now?
Lower incarceration rates are literally because illegals don't get caught as often because the are afraid to commit crimes, so they commit less crimes, and the times they do commit them is 98% non-violent, like not stopping on a red light or smoking a joint.
The murder statistics are counting that civil war. And a murder rate of 15 is not something unheard of either, without even counting a civil war going on.

Well, it does now, and it is doing a great job at it.
People exagerate your violence in your countries as a joke you fucking dolt.
>because the are afraid to commit crimes
>The murder statistics are counting that civil war.
There's a civil war in Merxico? I thought it was jut a bunch of cartels.
>shitcan wants the whole world to be as shit as south america
Oh so it's just a joke then. Alright.
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>There's a civil war in Merxico?
>Well, it does now, and it is doing a great job at it.
nato, pidorland and minuteman+topol have made peace very easy for europe yes.
>its a war esse were totally calm
>The murder statistics are counting that civil war.
are they now?

>And a murder rate of 15 is not something unheard of either
abhorrent by civilised standards.
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>going to """"""""""""""""""war"""""""""""""""""" with a bunch dealers
And the EU is a great part of that reason. NATO was created to counterbalance The USSR/Russia, not to create peace in Europe. Europeans are perfectly capable of going to war amongst themselves without Russia.

Again, something I didn't say. And Brazil is unironically twice as dangerous without literal soldiers fighting in the streets.

>are they now?
It always was like that?
>abhorrent by civilised standards.

>all of them are dead
>its a war but it only happens in mexico tho not in brazil or colombia therefore were safe and youre not
It happens in Colombia against farc, not in Brazil. And no, the police is not the same thing as the army. And favelados are not the same thing as FARC, cartels or hezbollah.
>they are not the same thing because you said so
lol you never fought the farcs(the only actual paramilitary group) unlike us your cartels are as much as a paramilitar force as favela nigger you doofus stop being a retard
FARCs do have ties with Mexican cartels, and Mexican cartels have a bigger armament than FARC, they even have anti-aircraft turrets, and much worse.

>drug lords who control a business that creates 300 billion dollars a year is the same as a favelado
>all of them are dead
>he says, just after posting a picture where most of them are marked "Captured"
Well you´re obviously just baiting so I'm out
>FARCs do have ties with Mexican cartels, and Mexican cartels have a bigger armament than FARC, they even have anti-aircraft turrets, and much worse.
i dont know if youre actually just dumb but you know that we and colombia share the same jungle where they are, and you do know that the ''favelados'' own the same weaponry as your cartels, i dunno why you pretend one is a war and the other one isnt
So the big ones are captured and the grunts are not.

>I'm out
Good, you were only moving the goalpost anyway.
or how the favelados are expanding to paraguay and venezuela, but only your cartels are special for some reason
I don't need to pretend anything. Colombia is involved in the Mexican Drug war as well. And it doesn't matter how much you meme, a favelado is not the same thing as the people who control the most profitable business in the world. And even if they were the same thing, you are still twice as dangerous, while Mexico is not a safe place.
damn youre really dumb
>armies of people with military grade equipment who are fighting military helicopters and vehicles, and who also have close ties to FARC, among other criminal organizations in the entire world (they just captured an italian mafia boss here) are the same thing as three unorganized people living on a favela

Yes man, they are the same.

are you legitmely retarded and never looked up any news of other southamerican countries or are you just shitposting
i mean it
>It always was like that?
homicide statistics are usually counted separately from active conflicts. the drug war is kind of a loose term anyways.
I have, and I have seen your police gunning down two or three people on motorcycles, sometimes using police helicopters. Or riots in prisons. Not entire armies of fortified toyotas fighting Apache helicopters. And favelados are not even close to making billions of dollars.

>homicide statistics are usually counted separately from active conflicts
I know, that doesn't happen here.
ah yes mexico is special
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>your country and culture wouldn't exist if it weren't for us.
if only

>Tenochtitlan was founded on an islet in the western part of the lake in the year 1325. Around it, the Aztecs created a large artificial island using a system similar to the creation of chinampas. To overcome the problems of drinking water, the Aztecs built a system of dams to separate the salty waters of the lake from the rain water of the effluents. It also permitted them to control the level of the lake. The city also had an inner system of channels that helped to control the water.

>During Cortés' siege of Tenochtitlan in 1521, the dams were destroyed, and never rebuilt, so flooding became a big problem for the new Mexico City built over Tenochtitlan.

>Mexico City suffered from periodic floods; in 1604 the lake flooded the city, with an even more severe flood following in 1607. Under the direction of Enrico Martínez, a drain was built to control the level of the lake, but in 1629 another flood kept most of the city covered for five years.

>Eventually the lake was drained by the channels and a tunnel to the Pánuco River, but even that could not stop floods, since by then most of the city was under the water table. The flooding could not be completely controlled until 1967, with the construction of a Deep Drainage System.

>The ecological consequences of the draining were enormous. Parts of the valleys were turned semi-arid, and even today Mexico City suffers for lack of water. Due to overdrafting that is depleting the aquifer beneath the city, Mexico City is estimated to have dropped 10 meters in the last century. Furthermore, because soft lake sediments underlie most of Mexico City, the city has proven vulnerable to soil liquefaction during earthquakes, most notably in the 1985 earthquake when hundreds of buildings collapsed and 45 000 of lives were lost.
>And the EU is a great part of that reason.
not necessarily, the state of modern europe was largely shaped during the cold war and was greatly influenced by the tension between nato and the warsaw pact. a huge reason modern, industrialised nations haven't engaged in massive armed conflict with each other recently is because it's become too costly to do, especially with nuclear weapons on the table.
Your armed forces are not in a declared war, and they are not out there seeking to exterminate favelados.
>but our favelados attacked the army one or two times instead of being in a literal war every single day for the last 10 years
There's nothing more pathetic than a mestizo mutt pretending to be an aztec or a spaniard.
Of course NATO and nuclear weapons are a part of the peace in Europe, bu the EU is even more so, it even was it's original intent.
is that why were the coutry that kills them the most in the entire world
ah yes only mexico have problems with foreing mafias
>I know, that doesn't happen here.
proof? or do you consider all organised crime related homicides to be a part of the (2006) mexican drug war?
>mexicans are so delusional that they think cartel violence is a civil war
no no no he thinks only mexican related cartel violence is a civil war not the others
I don't know if you are being sarcastic, but yes. 8 times more than any other army, and 30 times more when you talk about the special forces.


>do you consider all organised crime related homicides to be a part of the (2006) mexican drug war?
Not all murders are part of the war, but all causalities in the war are counted in the murder rate yes.

Already told you, even if you consider it the same (which is not) you are still twice as dangerous.
>About 3,000 people were killed by the military between 2007 and 2012
we kill that in an year,
>Already told you, even if you consider it the same (which is not) you are still twice as dangerous.
yes we are and i dont try to pass it as a ''civil war were actually totally safe''
>were actually totally safe
Things I never said. And it is a war, and you don't really have it, like it or not.
if we dont you dont retard
in an economic sense it's had an impact but intergovernmental organisations are not as significant as you think. for example ww2 and the spanish civil war happened under the nose of the league of nations. and where was the eu during the yugoslav wars, chechnya, or the war in donbass?


Who are the commanders and leaders in the Brazilian Favelado War?
oh yes a wikipedia page thanks
Who are the commanders and leaders in the Brazilian Favelado War?
look up pcc, comando vermelho, look up politicians involved on it, you just dont want to see because you want to feel special, but if you are in a civil war than the entire south american continent is also in one
You are saying it is a war, not me, you look up for it, and then come back.
im done


It says absolutely nothing about conflicts with your army. And no, I don't need to prove your claims, you need to prove your claims.
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>Very symbolic!

>”These people had no letters nor script, neither knew to write nor read. They communicated with images and paintings and all their history and books were recorded in figures and images, with which they knew about their ancestors and had memory of what they did and what they left recorded for more than a thousand years before the Spanish arrived to this land.”

>”Most of these books and recordings were burnt as other idolatries”, but many of them are still hidden. ”After we came to this land to preach our fate we gathered many young men in our homes and taught them to write, read and sing. As they did well we ensured to teach them grammar and a school in Santiago de Tlatelolco was built for this purpose. This school received the most able young men from all the neighboring towns. ”

>”The Spanish and clergymen who knew about this laughed and mocked, being sure that no one could teach grammar to people so unskillful, but working with them for two or three years they came to understand every art and subject of grammar and speak Latin, both written and spoken and even to write heroic verses. ”

>”As the secular and ecclesiastic clergymen saw this they became frightened of such thing being possible: I was the one who worked with them for the first four years and taught them about Latin and its knowledge. ”
>”As they saw that this project would continue and that they were improving, and they had ability for more, the clerics started to disapprove the school and object about the risks of idolatry this implied. ”
- Florentine Codex by Friar Bernardino de Sahagun, Tenth Book, Inform of the author
The College of Tlatelolco closed 5 years after Sahagun's death
Only because of niggers. Immigrants disproportionately commit more crime than the native population in almost every country. The exceptions are the USA and Australia.
It still doesn't matter, 98% of their crimes are non-violent. And they are not usually responsible for any of this.
>Virginia Tech shooting

Spaniards got raped by Arabs, and IIRC the ones that came to America were more Arab than average.

Not their fault they act like religion of peace.
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What about it?
Even if hispanic immigrants are cool, and they're not, their children rapidly become a problem that needs to be dealt with.
>San Bernardino attack
>Farook was born in Chicago, Illinois
>IIRC the ones that came to America were more Arab than average
Conquistadors were from all the Mediterranean (Portuguese, Genoese, Venetians, Byzantines, Maltese, French, etc), but they acted on the name of the Spanish monarchy in order to legitimize their conquest.
Ironically, the most ruthless conquistador, Pedro de Alvarado, was blonde/redhead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacre_in_the_Great_Temple
Interesting how butthurt people are getting by this Mexican simply posting objective facts

blondeness/redheadedness doesn't preclude you from having a high degree of west Asian ancestry tho
he's just using the same rehashed liberal arguments.
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>Malik was a Pakistani-born lawful permanent resident of the United States.
Criminal from another country?
No, but what is your point?

>but muh libruls
This. Good stuff OP.
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>two of the deadliest single attacks in burger history
>foreign born perpetrators
A bloody sharter?
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>Someone defending/complimenting a Mexican flag
>It's always an American
Really inspires further thought...
I still fail to see your point.

Already posted >>73689168
t. chi
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>I still fail to see your point.
A Mexican intellectual?
NATO isn't the EU.
That has more to do with the US and the Soviets running the continent for 50 years
So what was your point?

I know.

And the EU had nothing to do with it?
>And the EU had nothing to do with it?
Very little
Those are some dubious claims, sir.
You've been making some dubious assertions
>And the EU had nothing to do with it?
Minimal role at most, when you compare it to NATO, nuclear deterrance, etc.

The Cold War was between America and their allies vs the Soviets and their allies, if Europe wasn't at war them it was because America and Russia didn't want war.
There have been wars in Europe after NATO was created. None of them in the EU tho


In fact, the US/USSR conflict didn't stopped wars elsewhere in the world either, where the Cold War was not that cold, in Africa, Asia and Latin America, but promoted the wars instead.
How many of those involved NATO members vs Warsaw pact members?
A ton of wars in the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. I don't know, Vietnam, Korea, Syria right now.
>most of those are episodes of civil unrest or the Soviets invading people they wanted in their bloc
>the only intra-NATO conflicts are things like the Cod War
>none of them are shooting wars between NATO and the Warsaw Pact
ok bud
Vietnam, Korea and Syria aren't part of NATO.
The Cold War was not cold in a lot of parts.
And they are also not part of the EU, what is your point? They were still the scenario of wars because of the Cold War, amongst USA and USSR/Russia.
The point is you don't understand how alliances like NATO and the Warsaw pact work.

It's not the same thing as the US sending ground troops to Korea and Vietnam, and the soviets funding the communists but not being officially involved.
>None of them in the EU tho
irrelevant, your initial argument was that the eu was entirely or mostly responsible for bringing peace to europe, and now your saying all those modern wars don't count because they weren't between eu member states?
I understand, and I am not saying NATO was not part of the peace. But it certainly wasn't the only thing, and the EU helped that a lot. There were a lot of times we were seconds away from nuclear destruction, because of NATO.
The EU brought peace to Europe, it didn't stopped ALL wars, but it did stopped the war between its member states. On the other hand, the Cold War almost gets everyone killed several times.

There was zero chance of any war between the current members of the EU even if the EU had never existed because they were first and foremost military allies against the Soviet bloc.
So military allies within EU members have never in their entire history switched sides. Is that what you are saying?
Tough luck switching sides when that requires a revolution to change from a capitalist system to a socialist one.
The Cold War was a lot more ideological than any other conflict.
Very true :(

t. Norman/czech mutt
Like it happened in Latin America.
it didn't, post war politics, nukes, and non-eu demobilisation did. most capable countries after ww2 with the exception of the ussr, us, and maybe the uk had their militaries completely gutted, and were made subservient to foreign powers.

>On the other hand, the Cold War almost gets everyone killed several times
"almost" going to war is preferable to war.
The EU did not bring peace to Europe, the occupation of G*rmany by the U.S. and UK and France brought peace.

That along with the very attitudes of the people in Europe which are shaped by cultural and genetic factors and economic realities. It was not feasible or worth it to fight Mass industrial wars between European powers nor was there a will.

That being said the EU is bringing the continent back onto course for a fast boil if something doesn't change soon. Especially with the lack of convincing external enemies and the surplus of internal ones.

Idk why I'm explaining this to a Mexican intellectual. Even huemonkeys are less retarded than you. You have hot women though lol
I'm already tired arguing over a subject that is agreed upon experts around the world. See ya later folks.
>t was not feasible or worth it to fight Mass industrial wars between European powers nor was there a will.
It literally happened twice before the EU existed. They are called "world wars".
>agreed upon
Stop being deluded, you're wrong. To begin with the EU was only possible because of post-WW2 alliances between all the major powers in western Europe, aligned with the US.
bit of a cop out but okay, cya.
Yes, and that is why it is not feasible to fight mass industrial wars in Europe for little national gain. Keep up you retarded beaner
To clarify, Europe as an economic whole was exhausted after fighting two World Wars like it did, it was normal before then for such events to happen once every century in a pretty stable cyclical cycle. Too many good men died in both wars thus making the reduction and redistribution of less value.

Also you were being highly disingenuous, I was referring to the post-ww2-World. But I don't expect inferior beings like you to argue in good faith.
nato has dragged members into wars
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Mexico is not white, you people need to learn when to use that pasta.
>Mexico is not white
nice meme
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