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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 99

God's other son edition
Fuck Drumpf
and fuck me please
Fuck this world
come come fuck apart in here
doin' a normie Fri night
Fuck neocons
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can we reasonably defend cum on easter or is it a zero sum game

It never gets old.
>In essence, running a game in Game Mode tells Windows that you’d like to focus on the game in terms of system resources. If you have processor or RAM-intensive programs like Chrome running in the background on the Windows desktop, those applications will be de-prioritized in favor of the game running in the foreground.
>current year
>not contributing to the extinction of the white race by breeding a 10/10 negress
Are you guys even trying?
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>cali's r9k pic got removed
BASED janny is watching over us y'all
*bows in respect*
i respect u jan jan
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are you referring to this?

Is it related to r9k?
let's see what quebec has to say on this post
i want to be held
>cucks county
it's the kinda of house I lived in when I was a kid. 5 acres with a tiny double wide with a 3 acre field.
>you'd just need a rural job I assume
I'll work in town, it'll be like a 20 minute drive in. no too bad.
LA is paying $647 million for Chinese rail cars. How do Commiefornians justify this?
What a cute bird
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its fast
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Thankfully the shitposting is usually relegated to new threads rather than raiding us. If they decide to target us well see you Monday.
the latter
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>Cucks County
yeah, it's some high schooler who posted a lot on r9k. she acquired a lot of orbiters, and eventually stalkers, she got addicted to drugs, and things got worse, now she is recovering and hopefully will be on a good path, but she still has r9k stalkers who try and find her

maybe janny can defend us
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>tfw no gf to cuddle with
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>Mexican faggots in my /cum/
You should buy domestic for infrastructure projects. All that money is leaving your country.

Do Californians not understand nationalism?
Heh, I didn't know any of this

Do you have that famous youtube video she made??
it's a lonely long weekend
hmm. I was just happy to have a qt girl pic for dub attempts, but it seems like it's more trouble than it's worth.
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>i respect u jan jan
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You don't have permission to bully him.
wish I had something to do......

something to celebrate......
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the annex.jpg
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inner suburbs are the best part of north america
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i like this image more
he's doing God's work
No. I don't get involved in r9k stuff. again, she's a high schooler so it's pretty creepy all those guys are following her, but she did constantly post and seek attention. it's a mess

jus keepin ya in da loop f a m
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to another easter spent alone
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average arkansawyers.jpg
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>Q: Why do all the trees in California lean north? >A: Oregon Sucks
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high schooler means she's no older than 17??
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>tfw you are protected :)
/pol/ is starting to make me think usa is evil, what do?
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>you will see the existence of North Korea wiped out in your lifetime
Think china will move in and eat the whole peninsula up?
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> 2.2 million for a run down house in a bad neighbourhood


doubt it, china wants a buffer state from american military bases
Stop browsing /pol/

It's infested with underage twats
idk I only have heard things. when some of the stalkers acquired some wrongful pics of her, the police got involved I think

I don't know anything beyond that. it's r9k's realm
nothing will likely come from this, china will probably make them calm down
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learn to form your own opinions vs. absorbing whatever is thrown at you like the fat ass sponge you are
really? pol seems incredibly US-centric. the US posters there are by far the most aggressive and rabidly ultranationalistic
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>550 sq ft
>$2400 rent
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anime portal.jpg
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Should I watch Your Name tonight or tomorrow?

/pol/ used to be dominated by ron paul fags that wanted to legalize weed and hated neo-cons
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actually have pictures of my great grandparents like this
that was during the last meme election rotation
what year was that around? I entered pol around 2015
are califags fleeing their shithole the new okies?
>hated neo-cons

pretty sure they hated everyone. /brit/ the board
the syrian intervention ignited the anti-war crowd in /pol/
Who are you going with???
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ron paul revolution.jpg
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ron paul revolution so 2012
pic related
They're much much worse.
the picture i posted, the fact that we're on /cum/ and that the dates are flexible should answer that question
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>tfw around for the rise and fall of the libertarian meme party
I know you said they leave after a while, but is the influx of people, overall, still alot? I saw rental hikes for pdx have decreased to 0%, when at this time last year pdx was the hottest market with 20% rental hikes every month. are things dying down, or are those new apartments just meeting the demand?
steel pipe screens fucking suck, they're really rigid and gunk up after 5 bowls

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>see this
what do?
based Ito
>read how rare staph blood infections are
why god
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me irl
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>where's the sunshine?
>huh, no pinkberry on every corner?
>75? better get a jacket
>my neighbor mows his own lawn, fucking townie
>metro area of 2 million? where's the city life?
>dropped my wallet and someone picked it up for me, fucking loser
Apartment construction is finally catching up. I think the same thing is happening to Seattle.

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there are strict urban growth boundaries
expanding the cities are basically impossible
can you densify easily enough then to meet housing demand?
On the toilet AGAIN.
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>the Trumpetting eill being glorious prosperity to this world
>Emperor Trump praise KEK
>meme magic
>the toadster meme!
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>tfw haven't evolved yet
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does it take em a long time to rule on changing the boundaries? def seems like they are now very hesitant about changing them

that's good

put a bird on them! :DDL :X:X::X:X:X: :XDDD lel
lol what a gay
i imagine him making the Clint Eastwood disgusted face when he receives those
I've grown up and matured a little since November and I think I'm finally #WithHer
the ideal gf
Quebec derives 95% of its electrical power from hydroelectric sources. We're on our way to becoming an environmental superpower, especially with our timber and fresh water supplies
>environmental superpower
hell yeah but those toothpaste underwater windmill bastards in their place
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Portland is definitely trying, but it can take forever to get buildings through the pipeline in here.

This part of Portland was probably all built in the last 10 years.
<3 Quebec and I'm not even french
>tfw have adult acne and can't even go back home to family because i can't help but feel they think their son is an embarrassment and disgusting

epic :^)
think about it, the places that aren't developed now are going to look like that last example in the future.
depends on counsels and current property owners
most people don't want increase density too much or are happy owning a very valuable piece of land as it stands
they decide every six years on an expansion process
the next one comes up in 2018 for portland
they're also rapidly running out of space to expand on as it's basically impossible to convert properly zoned land into a different zoning so that they can't just bulldoze farms
Neat. I really like what you guys are doing with urbanism for the west coast. Your light rail system seems pretty cool.
Once electric cars become standards quebec will have incredibly low emissions. Since the kyoto protocol was signed quebec and BC i believe are the only provinces that have lowered emission.
where you from? maritimes? bc? ontario?
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why bulldoze oregon farms when you can bulldoze washington's claim to the southern border?

push portland north

smother mt st helens with strip clubs so it never erupts again

build until tacoma and olympia are part of the pdx core

then take seattle

(haters fuck off)
ugly raccoon bitch
fuck ontario
imagine living in one of those flat, featureless midwestern states
id probably kill myself lool
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My mom doesnt want to see the Your Name movie with me
southern ontario outside of the GT(H)A is nice
that's pretty good news. america won't be able to pull that off until they make electric vehicles so efficient that F-150s can be entirely electric
can you get banned from google

like all of google

search, youtube, chrome, gmail, all of it
make advertizement-esque comments for yahoo
It's pretty much impossible to escape the botnet if you try
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can you not watch it alone?
It would be weird to go by myself
you need to become more confident
people are still rightly skeptic towards urbanizing the right way
don't want to replicate scaremento
Remember when Mexicans used to post in /cum/?
seriously, where did they all go?
No singles policy
what do you mean?
I heard this was an actual thing in the UK. How ironic that the nation that released 1984 now features the same asocial intolerance as big brother
They were probably Guatemalans
a lot of these laws that make urban expansion hard were made in response to the how california handled population growth
endless single family sprawl?
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My bench press is improving
Fuck off Randy
Hot tub time machine 1 is a comfy movie outside the 80s theme. I want to sit in my uncles basement and spend all my time playing second life bro
people still worry about that here
Mr Lahey, is this you talking or the liquor?
skim milk > spicy food
Liquors calling the shots now Randy
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Where do you live? I can go watch it right now by myself.
their general is like 2 arkansas posters. why don't they rejoin us? we don't have a lot, but they have even less
>utah isn't dry but some random county in south dakota is

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That graphic isn't very good for a number of reasons. I haven't looked into it for about five years but it doesn't really communicate reality. Alcohol laws are more varied and diverse than that simple illustration can account for.
Should I watch ted (keep in mind it's on CMT so censored) or some Seinfeld? Or youtube something on my phone
I didnt know Anthony Fantano was a racemixer
At least there's a containment general for the arkansawyers.
Who created /cum/?
My balls
Women are faggots because they like dicks.
Would anybody like to play Garry's Mod with me?
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>get me out of here
become sherry >>73604711
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I hate windows.png
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This is actual poetry.
>I hate windows.png

take the GNU pill
>forced updates
I just want to follow up and say that this updater let me postpone for 4 hours, and now I am going to be asked again every hour. I'm going to just get windows 7 again fuck this.
Too bad Mia Khalifa retired before doing an Israel-Palestine themed porno.
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laughing anime.png
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What the- ...Anon, are you home alone on a Friday night? AGAIN? pfffffffffffftthAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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I hate windows2.png
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nvm I can postpone it for a week I'm retarded

I have been considering this and I am lazy
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>Hurry up, anon! You've been pestering me all week about watching Your Name and we're going to be late!
drake slid into mia khalifa's DMs and got shut down lmfaooo what a cuck
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I'm alone as well

but I have a butt load of CAS 100 work to do
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[sweating intensifies].png
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>why the fuck are you going to the movies with no pants on
who else is ready for the semester to end in two weeks so they can go home and have their mother speculate about why they don't have a gf and their sexuality while their father complains about them having shitty grades?

i know i am
Everyone is saying the Easter spam is going to be awful but last year I literally didn't even see any of it because of Australian timezones

If anything the Euros have to deal with it more than we do
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go habs.png
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ok fireball tastes exactly like candy
Oregonians seem very obsessed with California. Probably stems from some kind of inferiority complex.
my roommate has fallen asleep in his bed with his boots on

hes been like this since 730
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batter up.jpg
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1 - 9

Fifth time

Canada go home
he's been like this since two minutes from now?
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i'm lost, i'm a ghost.png
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In order to cope with asocial behavior, many individuals, especially those with avoidant personality disorder, develop an inner world of fantasy and imagination to entertain themselves when feeling rejected by peers. Asocial people may frequently imagine themselves in situations where they are accepted by others or have succeeded at an activity.
what kind of boots is he wearing? are they goodyear welted?

try to find the brand if possible
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idk he told me once
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well fuck
I have an inner fantasy world that people cringe at when I tell them about (basically I make my own countries, alternate lives, etc.), but I'm not "avoidant". I have no problem approaching strangers, I just don't feel like doing it a lot

the one criticism I have of personality disorders is that they sometimes take a person's regular behavior and brand it as unusual. I guess that's where the additional diagnostic of it having to be debilitating comes in
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Holy Saturday in less than 90 minutes now

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My fantasy world involves me actually being successful in life and having a nice house out in the country with a big fireplace and a collection of guns and some dogs
I really want that
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Delete this right now
hardee's/carl's jr > wendy's
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>carl's jr > wendy's
I write fantasy stories in my head which are an amalgamation of Lovecraft and Tolkien while taking inspiration from media such as movies, RPGs and anime. I'd probably start writing it down if I knew it'd be going somewhere. Currently have about 100 years of history between several nations done so far.
we don't have either of those

We just have McDonalds, KFC, Subway and Burger KANGZ.

Does Wendy's taste nice?
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Stop eating fast food.
>blocking them
why? the dude should know it's all good fun and the people love a little humorous drama now and then. just killed a good PR opportunity

also chick fil a is the superior choice
it's the second best fast food burger chain

way better than burger king or mcdonald's
Wendy's is GOAT
Unfrozen beef patties and vegetable which are pretty good, not as fresh as Burger King but still good. Their small fries are also a medium everywhere else.
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Poo Gays vs Kim.jpg
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Wouldn't be surprised if this happens again
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my inner worlds are pretty built up too, and sometimes I consider writing a book but I would be absolute garbage at character development. the conversations would be cardboard incarnate

sounds like you're pretty good at writing though. maybe give it a shot

tell that to the noon HUB line
They ought to just replace that one whole section of the HUB with a giant chic-fil-a.
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>Paha "If I like the vag dick in the but doesn't make me a fag" Sapa
word. nobody likes chick fil a

I want to try that shake place though. the one all the women go to
i knew he was a homo when he admited to being an orioles fan
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>Jew Hempshire
MEANT to write mcdonalds
Pro tip: The people who head these twitters are just a group of fresh out of college millennials. Only reason they're there is because the boomer higher ups see twitter as a magical gateway into the hearts and pockets of other millennials.
They're literally immature kids,
don't expose your genitals
new /cum/ anthem
nah they're controlled by the CEOs
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holy shit youre right
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Why do Canadians hate themselves?
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>want to buy weed
>forced to hang out with roommate's weirdass friend in order to get it
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dancing doggo.gif
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cuz they suck at baseball
that's funny dog
actually asians are the second most talented baseball players on earth

we wuz baseball n shiet
cause theyre the only other nation who gives a shit about it
like dae ho lee?
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just about ready to fucking hang myself 2bh lads
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我们打好球 b( ̄▽ ̄)d 打很好
are you asian?
>Upload one (1) little 2GB file to the internet
>IP throttles me for a full 24 hours to make me pay for this crime
why is this allowed
what is throttling?
I am teaching myself chinese, though
cool. ever consider a mandarin class as an elective? do you want to work in business w/ the chinese
I smell a pussy
What I'm about to do to ur boipucci
Gibe de kiss
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me in the back.webm
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I'm thinking about minoring in chinese, ye. Would like to travel abroad and maybe impress some locals, lol
It's a fun language to learn, just really fucking hard
wasted another whole day
>I'm thinking about minoring in chinese
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>wonder why cum is slow on a friday night
>/dixie/ is back up
Could the FUCKING your groups stop coming in for a minute I want to take a picture without 500 permed chink grannies in training jackets fffffs
I'm minoring in russian
it's fucking impossible but lots of cute girls in class
I really want to learn russian, too. How are you liking it?
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What a shitty thread.
Gettin real tired of this hospital buds
What's worse is I can't even leave the unit and I'm under a psych hold cause I went insane the first night I was here
>I'm minoring in russian
good luck. sort of unlucky in the sense a huge portion of azns here are korean so you can't practice, but I do know a few. How long have you been studying it?

see >>73605802
it's fun. though my professor is from russia so though she's good. I've taken 2 semesters of lang classes, a culture class, and I'm in a russian film class.
I think it's a fun language to learn
Very believable desu
oh, I was considering taking russian, but I decided against it.

if you do take that path and enroll in basic russian, there is apparently one good prof and one crabby/arrogant one. check rate my professor when choosing
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In the last 2 days i almost die drowned, my skin got sunburn and and now my knee hurts like hell.

never going outside again
Rare flag
what all normalfags deserve
fantastic post
>tfw no gf
Now some fucking chink sat next to me for a picture lmao
Jays are 1-9
Why would you want a niggerorangutan girlfriend
quintessential placer county post
Been at it for four months now. It's pretty neat when I can sort of make out what some of the chinese kids are saying.

I dint see you doing much better, casanova
Let's find Placer a gf

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thats because i live in my own personal hell where everyone is always at least 5 years older than me
you say that about every thread even mine

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whats ur friday night like
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surely there's more to life.png
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why are his nipples censored?
>tfw don't possess $1,999.00
do non normies really think normies go out only on fridays and saturdays?

drinking and wishing for the sweet release of death
What happened to the cumster with his 1000$ sexdoll from China?
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Grooving out

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tfw no silicone gf.jpg
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i wonder how big his balls are
quintessential Orange county post
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>drinking and wishing for the sweet release of death
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ah yes.png
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He even curls his toes
Must be close to climax
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>Placer and Orange county are tsundere lovers and Sacramento is their child
>LA is the cooky neighbor
California sitcom: /cum/ edition
There is only one breed worse than chink grannies and that is spitting old chink guys
Fucking disgusting pieces of shit
eating sweet cornbread with melted butter
look how big the censor just for his nuts are
dont tell me you dont want to know
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l m a o

I used to like cornbread a lot so I ate it too much and now I'm tired of it so I don't like it
could HEEM orange county if I wanted to
this gives a better idea
t. never been in a fight

I was literally expelled for a week in 1st grade for getting into a fight, dork
i thought taiwan is first-world?
The Sacramento posters are the alpha Chads who scream "NERDDDDDSSSSS" at them as they pass by
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tfw spending my friday night looking at pictures of chinese male sex dolls
>thinks baby fights count

God what a shitty thread

I only mention 1st grade because from then on out, the code of the schoolyard made it so nobody snitched

you werent a SNITCH, right?
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Brother is hinting at proposing to his gf after he graduates high school
What a cuck
Yeah but I'm in this tourist hellhole now and it's 95% Mainland tour groups
And they're all fucking village chinks with their shitty purple dyed hair and those disgusting heeled sneakers
Bet that marriage is going to last a long time and won't end in divorce.
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>after he graduates high school
laugh in his face and never stop laughing
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Already am desu
>fighting on campus
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I'm tired

Just kill me brothers
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what does this mean?
Kill yourself houwboutda

>being too much of a pussy to stick up for yourself on the blacktop

I bet you were the kid who got hoisted up the flagpole by his underwear
I'm a good poster
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I'm going to travel around america in a van and then marry a southern girl
in 7th grade this kid challenged me to a fight. I think he was actually retarded, I think he was put in the special program later. he told me to meet him in the place where I usually am at lunch anyway so I was already there. he didn't show

this just further confused me
Fuck off Taiwan
Sliced my thumb on a tuna can, buds.
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I had a daughter called her annabelle
She's the apple of my eye
Tried to give her something like I never had
Didn't want to ever hear her cry
>being afraid of pocket sand
they always miss
Also one fag tried swing around a telephone pole (the thicc wooden ones with nails) and fell on his side
Thread posts: 314
Thread images: 99

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