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>there are people who are not Greek

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>there are people who are not Greek
Ye you
but I thought you were from Kazan, tatar subhuman
Μαλάkασ :ΔΔΔΔ
I am a Greek
I'm just emulating him, hush
Do I get good boy points for trying?
Helens are extinct you slav cuck
I am not Greek
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I am a Geek
*bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar*
i am grek
Is it because I have no debt?
i am greek
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I am greek
εἰμί Ἑλληνιkός
Fuck off gayreek. Id rather be albanian
you already are a subhuman you ugly sandnigger
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Nah im actally a high iq yellow masterrace unlike you shitskin barbarian.
asians are trash too
you are darker than turks
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>falling for the greek meme
I'm happy with being a barbaric savage tbqhwy
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According to Varg greeks and other southern europeans look the same as arabs.
arabs mixed with Mediterraneans and some look like South Europeans
his mother got ass slapped by Greeks
Βλέπουμε όλοι Survivor;
>Ziad Ahmed is a 18-year-old senior at Princeton Day School. He is an American-Muslim, Bangladeshi, and passionate social justice activist. Ziad founded a teen organization, redefy (www.redefy.org), committed to furthering equality. Redefy has grown immensely with over 250 students internationally on the team, over 3,000 likes on facebook, and over 60,000 hits on redefy.org. His work has been commended by President Barack Obama personally, PBS, CCTV, and other notable sources. Ziad has also worked for the Martin O'Malley 2016 Presidential Campaign, holding the role of Co-Head of YouthForOMalley. As he hopes to further his political engagement, he has also interned with Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman in her district office. He has also interned for the US State Department as a VSFS intern. Furthermore, he also volunteered for the Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential Campaign, focusing on Muslim Outreach efforts. As an aspiring entrepeneuer, Ziad has co-founded JÜV Consulting Inc. (www.juvconsulting.com), which is a youth consulting confirm. He serves as the CVO of the company, and is excited to further the platform that seeks to empower teens with the opportunity to communicate directly with businesses about what exactly appeals to youth. Additionally, he was invited to give a TEDxTalk in Panama City, Panama that can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3c66GFN6qA. Overwhelmingly though, Ziad is just your average teenager trying grappling with identity, struggling to balance it all, and pursuing his passions.

If the most notable thing about his cause is the number of likes it got on facebook, it's probably just a fucking slacktivist blog that he writes or something. But he's got amazing connections and there was no way he wasn't getting in even before he wrote that application.
still retarded
the pathetic west is finished
>is so embarassed to admit he's albanian he pretends to be asian

Ἕλλην εἰμί.
File: i am greek.jpg (206KB, 420x595px)
i am greek.jpg
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I am Greek
Thread posts: 33
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