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Why don't these countries make genetic selection with humans?

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Why don't these countries make genetic selection with humans? They can pick the best of each ethnicity and make a super race just like they do with cows.

Muh Christian values?
Good luck with that, we are getting raped by divirsity.

Because none of them are dictatorships. This is impossible in democracy. No go sleep.
Only israel is allowed to experiment with eugenics.

Other government don't have the >muh 6 gorillion card to play it off
There are almost no smart people who want to someone dumb anyway
Because we don't know what determines intelligence.
Whites are already a peak super race
This we are going backwards into genetics.
Not all whites, I'd say maybe 10% is the cream of the crop. With that being said, that 10% is the peak of evolution as it is.


Asians have higher IQ and tecnically west africans are better in running sports.
We have abortions already
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>Liberals in our country say Blacks are better at sports
>Then they say Blacks are actually smarter than whites but are dumb because of socioeconomic situation.
>Then when evidence is presented against them they will say we are all one race and the same on the inside,etc,etc.
There's no winning with Liberals however Jews have an higher IQ than Asians.
It's a negligible difference. Asians generally are shorter and whole lot less attractive than whites. I'd say Asians are the least sexually desired race, curries and aboriginals falling behind you.
I seen some cute Curries but they were really white also. I think they got KEBAB'D in the past.

You are confusin genetic selection with racemixing. No a single ugly people will born anymore. Just compare selected cows with average cows.
Only East Asians. Compared to another Asians whites have better.
cuckservatives stop any kind of genetic research because muh morals

China is probably a 1000 light years ahead of us.
Not all Asians, only Koreans and Japanese. And if you're only going by the best Asian countries, than you have to compare them to the best White countries, and in that case they're pretty much on par.

Also, running and jumping sports are irrelevant when Whites are better at essentially every other sport.
*then you
>muh libruls
Will please shut the fuck up and stop using your meme buzzwords.

Most of the times "evidence" is iconographics being spammed in unrelated threads on 4chan. No one gives a single shit about that stuff in real life, I think that everyone instinctively knows that they are inferior.

Blacks are good at sports however, it's not a meme. Whites are too, but spend too much of the time on internet. E.g. "Chads" and so on.
Yeah, but most of the top tier kebabs and curries in looks look more European Meditarrean than Semitic or whatever.
Yes, but Asians are nowhere near the looks level of whites even with extreme genetic selection. Whites are extremely beautiful, at least the genetic elite. Europeans generally are attractive from what I see, I have no idea how it is in rest of the world.

Whites have a lot of breast cancer, hemophilia and baldness.
>muh ''it's not real if I close my eyes'' meme
I'm sorry you mean to tell me those millions of migrants in America aren't actually real? Those boats coming to Europe full of africans are just actors in some elaborate moon landing tier conspiracy to make everyone look racist?
Baldness is found in all races you mong.
Different ethnicites have different ilnesses.

Most whites do bald, but in most of them it isn't very noticable well into late 30's. Early balding is worse than cancer tbfh. From what I see it is mostly already unattractive people that are prone balding though. It's almost like genetics come in packages.
Why are you rambling about something that is completely unrelated to what I said?

Fuck off to /pol/ if you want to talk about "libruls" and how my country is supposedly overrun with niggers.

My point is that everyone inherently already knows that most non-whites are inferior. Genetic selection is real.
It is most common in whites.
>Different ethnicites have different ilnesses.

Genetic selection fix all of them. Bovine Respiratory Disease is becoming rarer and rarer with genetic selection.
>Lets not talk about a big problem and focus on semantics instead.
You have serious issues. Talking about genetic variations isn't going to do much good when the world becomes one giant brown mess and suddenly you get one race and a million different problems.
Dog bless. Honestly I wish society was more eugenics based, I'm not even a white supremacist, but I do recognise that whites in general have a high percentage of viable individuals. That percentage would drop significantly in Africa and India.

Couldn't care about ethnicity if someone is at least average height, above average intelligence and facially above the "average".

With that said, soon enough genetic engineering will soon become a thing. We truly live in exciting times.
>637. Let's try to view the purported "decline" from a slightly different perspective, so that maybe even some of you retards can finally understand that there's really obviously no such thing. Imagine you were living in the nineteenth century, and someone came along and asked you whether you wouldn't mind tolerating a few "fag pride" parades and some retards on TV screaming that nigger slaves from Africa are equal to you, in exchange for moon landings, relativity and quantum theory, nuclear fission and genome sequencing, as well as countless other mind-bogglingly incredible achievements in all fields of human endeavor including the birth and rise of the greatest and last philosopher himself. What would you respond? — QED, there's no decline, and, as I've already explained, the only ones who are declining here are those who insist there is.
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>t-there is no decline because I stick my head in the dirt.
Anon I'm actually scared for you. You are either purposefully ignoring facts or you actually want a decline and just pretending that there isn't anything wrong.
You're too retarded to understand what I quoted, but that's alright, you're from /pol/.

>American flag
>spouts retarded, incomphrensible shit

If you are so concerned about white race and your heritage, go and reproduce. Oh wait, you are an ugly manlet with severe autism.
isn't it what jews were suppose to be?

But anon, they're ugly as sin. They're smart though.
>Be Eurotard from Tumblr
>Spout stupid shit and ignoring facts as per usual.
Not even really surprised tbqh. If you were a functioning human being and not a fat autistic fedora tipping xe/xhe then maybe you could pay attention.
The main question is: what happens to those that aren't the 'super-race'? And what with those that ends up being a failure, genetics-wise?
>keeps strawmaning and rambling about unrelated things
Tell me more about my country and how I am being transformed into amorphous blob of niggers and Arabs. Re-read that quote once again, there is no decline in relative terms. We're probably going to be on Mars a few decades later, yet you think this is some decline.

>inb4 muh migrants
They won't last forever, you're pretty fucking stupid if you think that people aren't going to react to that, but they already are and it isn't nowhere as bad as you Americans make it out to be. Go look at your own country before you spew anymore shit. Your country is subhuman central.
And, why aren't you reproducing?
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>The main question is: what happens to those that aren't the 'super-race'? And what with those that ends up being a failure, genetics-wise?

Virus already do this with humans every decade. HIV, H1N1...
>Elon musk memes!
This shit is getting silly now.
>muh migrants won't last forever.
Your entire argument is based on the idea that one day these millions of migrants in your country will one day magically just go back to their shithole of a country.

Yes America is a shithole but it's also a really good example of how to not do things like invite millions of people and expect them to leave.

Blacks never went back, Hispanics aren't going back anytime soon. Neither did the millions of Irish,Sctos and Germans who migrated.

What is really causing you to ignore all this? It's not being an alarmist when everyone is hitting the alarm at 10.

Because I have 5 more months till my marriage date. Why aren't you working at NASA right now building rockets to mars?
Genetic selection. Ask yourself, what generally happens to inferior species and cultures if you look at the history of the world? Exactly.
Because eugenics goes against ch*istian principles.
But that isn't allowed anymore among civilized people. You can't simply prohibit people from having sex with whoever they want.

Now, if you wanted to create a group of super-resistant humans to travel somwhere in space, them it could happen. You'd have to check the DNA health of every person in Earth able to produce children and them select those who will father the space-humans.
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It's retard. If Europe was full of Nathan Jones with IQ 190, every Eurofag from /pol/ and /int/ would be considered subhumans.
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>muh Elon Musk
Nothing to do with him, but you can't deny everything is rapidly advancing.

There are no millions migrants in my country, almost all of the refugees already left. Most of the "migrants" here are Russians anyhow.

They will leave because they will be deported.

None of them weren't deported and moved to permanently settle. It is retarded to compare them to refugees when they were pretty much welcome to come, even blacks because they were good slave labor.

And why should they? If they have the nationality, they are Americans. Refugees aren't getting passports anytime soon.

I am not ignoring anything, I am implying you and /pol/ in general is retarded. Even if you speak about legit issues, it's impossible to take any of you seriously. /pol/ is even worse in Americans because you spew completely retarded shit without actually ever having seen Europe or thinking through this hard enough. This is what average /pol/ user is like. Notice any lack of self-awareness.

I'm not even going to discuss any of this any further, your original post and my reply has had nothing to do with whatever you've been ranting all along.
Most people don't reproeduce with those who are not viable for reproduction. Eugenics for the most part happens naturally, dysgenics is mostly a meme.

Most of /pol/ is subhuman, so is large portion of /int/.
>I'm better than all of you!
Oh boy the fedora autist shows his true colors.
>/pol/ boogyman
He just doesn't stop!

>I'm not ignoring anything.
You are completely ignoring the facts. While you have your head in the dirt do you mind to find a pond too so you can just stick your head in the water.

It's impossible to talk to a super edgy fedora lord like your self when you are spouting the dumbest shit I seen to come out of an Eastern European country besides ''is it safe to drink gasoline?''.

Please go ahead and fuck off to your autistic imaginary bizzaro world where facts are real if you believe in them hard enough.
>bunch of buzzwords
>imaginary persecution complexes
>not being able to understand whatever I am saying

Nah, the fact is that they are not staying here for good. Again, you pretty fucking stupid and can't think any further than 20 years and think that the current political climate will last forever.

>muh fedurah
>muh Eastern European stereotypes
>hur dur dur

Yup, that's an American.
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