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/balt/ + /ausnz/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 80

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fuck anime and fuck everyone who watches that shit edition
nothing wrong with hentai
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fuck russia and fuck anime
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Anime is baltic culture.
where is lceland
It creates unrealistic standards, so every 3d qt looks ugly
Hail Putin, hail the Soviet Union and hail anime!
this triggers my autism and enrages me
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Just got out of bed and doing a poopoo in my toilet right now.
I feel uncomfortable around Caucasus alpha males, you're probably way too cool for me.

We kill off all of our desires through masturbation here, rape is out of the question.
little metro on that beat ayh
that just made you sound like a 3d qt ;)
it's good you got out of bed to do that today not like your usual routine xD
aik šikt
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dergītun ests
Haven't seen hide nor hair of him for some time.
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Thanks, r u a grill?
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yes lets do the /balt/ meet up so that I could kill you all at once
master plan
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i think you know the answer to that qt pie.
Oh no, now I definitely won't go
Actually I usually wakeup make a coffee and shitpost for an hour before now. I slept in yesterday and today.

What's this mean?
"Go shit"?

Let me know when so I can get work off.
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>tfw the only one fluent in baltic prussian
labīngis seīli
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Go take a shit, yes
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for real.png
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Oh Anon, I wish I was as smart as you
woah so fluent literally using dictionary made by vdu proffesor which publicly available
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don't be afraid everything is alright I'm just joking..
>Let me know when so I can get work off.
just ate like half a pack of chocolate because apparently i enjoy being fat and unhealthy
Where did all the latviai and estai go?
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>posting ani*shit
they crawled back to their holes like the rats they are
>need to eat curd
>still feel like the chicken isn't fully digested
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nḗ argumēnti
>calls his reaction picture "lmao.jpg"
>over 20 IQ
pick one and ONLY one
Aussies, is your animation industry dead like ours?
where are the tits?
ole vait lits
I'd pay 20 euro cents to watch you two fight over it
that's twice as much as i pay ur mum to succ it
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hold the fuck up.jpg
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ise oled üks KURADI lits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So eloquent! :^)

I'm serious, if I had the time I would make it to a balt meet up. I speak with you guys more often then my real friends sometimes.
Haha nice post, the corner of my mouth slightly moved.
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You know why Estonians rank so highly in those student performance statistics? Because they only give the results from their best school and claim that its like that everywhere, chinese do the same thing. This is all true
t. knower
i just want ONE friend
sending friend request
en summai arwis
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Awful thread so far desu
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post yfw when you know that these anime watching autists will die virgin
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>I'm serious, if I had the time I would make it to a balt meet up. I speak with you guys more often then my real friends sometimes.
so you would fly over here just for the meet up?
thats insane
Not true. We are 50% down because of state funded Russian schools. And even like this we manage to beat Finland, our retarded bros.
you got me
>be lithuatvian
>be retarded
this is a multiple answer question where the correct answers are both
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>what's wrong anon, are you having trouble finding a girlfriend?
I think its always been dead.

We had a few good cartoons like blinky bill and lil' Elvis and the truckstoppers but usually all other tv shows were with real people. I have no idea now because I don't watch tv anymore.
who was this directed at btw and what was meant by this
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>debunk estonian propaganda
>n-Not true!
It isn't, they can actually afford this, maybe even save money, depending on how long they stay here, because everything is 11x times cheaper here than in Spiderland.
that's a nice fanart
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Imagine if Lithuania only gave the results from Vilniaus Licėjus we'd be first in those statistics.
I hate those kids. They always go to Ozas during their breaks and I have to deal with retarded teenagers shitting up the queue in front of my Pizza Hut.
>from tiny village school where everyone is surprisingly pretty smart
>go to big city for university
>most coursemates are from big-shot elite schools/gymnasiums
>perform miles better than 90% them the entire way through uni
>finish it up while ~ELITE~ coursemates still have 1-2 years left

elite schools are such a fucking meme baka
Nah, the statistics shows we are only dragged down because of foreign entities within our cuntry.
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Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.
Yeh, but I would hit up a few different countries and make it a European trip.
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n-notice me senpai
>>73140085 hey bitch
Finnish girls named Tatu have a thing for us
quads confirm
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not you
what the fuck is wrong with albanians and bosnians
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Probably the retards from Senvagė, kind of strange how the best school and the worst school are both next to each other
asians r smart
Same thing in Australia. Rich parents want successful kids and send them to prestigious and expensive high schools. Just because the school costs more doesn't mean you're going to make your child smart.

That's said, I went to a private school and excelled. Too bad I put no effort in at uni.
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Yes that is possible
What do you do at a uni?
School is better for learning.

My chad cousin told me you go there for networking and shit, but I just can't socialize.
even turks are well above them
I didn't realise Estonia was full of geniuses. Why do none post here?
I just browse /balt/ while listening to lectures and hide in the toilet during breaks, so people think that I'm actually chilling somewhere with friends.
why would genius come to 4ch
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You live next to Ozas?
look at the state this general is in. ffs i'm only posting here because i'm full blown drunk right now (and full-chan is still handling the hacking issue)
So it's basically a waste of time.

I should have joined the army.
Easy to pretend to be dumb, can't pretend to be smart.
To look down on us and bully us for being dumb
(Except me because I'm not dumb and I will probably become good friends with the genius and we will call you all clever and insulting names)
You too brother? Fucking hell man, I wanna brofist you so much right now. Fuckin Australians man. They should shag kangaroos because they're a prison colony.
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>estonian intellectuals

epically memed my friendo
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No, but it has the only Pizza Hut in the city so I go there quite often. I live in Antakalnis.
We have a pizza hut here?

Saw a guy unironically browsing /int/ on his phone in a trolleybus yesterday
He was small
You've obviously never been on /lit/
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step aside brainlets
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>hello im estonian intellegentsia
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>both faggot weebs are from Wilno

Not surprised.
i wasn't referring to the aussies itt, more like the fucktard weebshit crew
People judging books are perfect example of dumb people pretending to be smart. Hemingway wrote books while drunk and they find meanings out of nothing. Oh man.
There's 3 of us, I think
Not a surprise.

Even as someone slightly left leaning I find the city way too faggy.

The architecture in the old town is nice, though. It feels good to walk around the places that you saw in history books.
Mida jood, vennas
haha spooks xd read tha greekz
> look at us, we're wasted on a Monday night
> we're actually very intelligent and not degenerates.

That was me.
>Even as someone slightly left leaning
This doesn't even deserve a (You)
we're all on /sci/
come join us sometime

oh wait you're a fucking kangaroo and can't into anything that doesn't involve shitposting
alexander + saku kuld ale
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make it 4
full of undergrads desu
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Its good that you don't live nowhere near next to me then, I only go to Ozas rarely to eat because its close to me, at the KFC imo Pizza hut sucks ass too much grease, Antaklanis always seemed like the most depressing part of Vilnius, maybe except maybe for Naujoji Vilnia
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dont giv eme those eyes
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Why can't be purge liberals
>I think leaving the EU and NATO isn't a good idea

>haha, libfag

I'm used to this, desu
fuck off leftie
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stop pretending to be me and posting my OC
You don't understand the intellectual way of life. You can not see within yourself and find that only you can determine your perception of reality which has been corrupted by past experiences in a similar fashion as a virus attacks the cells.
Saku kuld was at a discount today ha ha ha. Me too.
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rate this oldschool meme
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nice strawman
i bet none of you losers actually played brood war
Do it at the same time we purge conservatives
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Why do normal people shun me?
Lol but I already browse /sci/ from time to time.
Honestly, its pretty shit. Guys asking for help with homework, people shitposting with some reference to science and everyone else pretending to be smart because they can quote info off Google.
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>not going to Vilniaus Licėjus
You have zero excuses for this
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ale as in 'ale' the type of brew not ale as in 'ale' aka 'alennus' aka discount ;)

but the vanilla kuld is nice too
I turned on airirang once and they were airing broodwar tournaments on the tv.

Gooks are cool.
but who will purge the purgers
agreed, fascism is the only proper ideology
you're a tosser m8
But how do we know reality even exists and is not just a series of electrical pulses being sent to our brains by a computer?
Communism tier, kys.
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rate this meme too
you're a tosser m8
That's deep
you're a tosser m8
Konata is so based
you're a toaster, m8
you're a tosser m8.
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Fascism is also retarded. All -isms can burn in a fucking pit
I will
you're a tosser m80
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>Its good that you don't live nowhere near next to me then

>I only go to Ozas rarely to eat because its close to me
Meh, so you live in one of those blocks? Must be boring, though I supposed you have very good infrastructure in the area, with Pramogu Arena being just a few steps away, a Lidl nearby and, of course, Ozas and Akropolis.

>Antaklanis always seemed like the most depressing part of Vilnius, maybe except maybe for Naujoji Vilnia
I live on the outskirts of it. It's very green and not depressing at all. Just takes a bit longer to get anywhere

Also yeah KFC is probably better than Pizza Hut, 2bh even PasTa makes better pizza than Pizza Hut, but Pizza Hut is something special, you know
This guy gets it.
you're a tosser m88
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post your oldest saved pic from 4chan
you toss off too mcuh
you re a tosser m8
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Problem is the electrical impulses have an equal and opposite reaction which means you can't run through a wall. It is a Matrix but you are only aware of it while you sleep, that's why people spend half their lives asleep.
you"re a tosser m8
>Fascism is also retarded.

Oh I see you're one of those centrists in short cuck with no opinion.
youre a toϟϟer m8
I destroyed 2 of my old hard drives because I don't want some creep at the garbage dumb viewing my saved imafges
Why wouldn't he just pee into the roof himself?
Peeing into the scooper and then manoeuvring it onto the roof is absurd and gives the comic another dimension of surrealism. 8/10
you're a tosser mate
>I'm not retarded

>haha, cuck

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idk. this is from 2010? been in this shithole since 2006 btw
no YOU stop
don't reply to me you liberal trash go kiss simasius dick
if you dont wipe your drives at the end of every day then you are honestly retarded
go back to your containment board, you edgy 14 year-old
Take the meh pill already
But what about muh waifu reaction images
wow impressing, must be 2004 or something.
Why the hell are australia and new zealand thrown into this general?
Not him but,
Of course you can't run through a wall because no walls physically exist, and the physics of the "world" are dictated by the computer. So the computer would never send electrical signals that allow you to bend the laws of physics.
you really have to go back dude.
coz fuck you that's why
woah so many buzzwords and projections in one sentence you sure showed me

>14 year old
I'm fairly certain I'm older than you

/pol/ is shit
Why the flipping heck are you here?
why do you question everything you see? accept to live in peace and conform with the reality that surrounds you.
nah i remember those FUUUU shits being popular in summer 2005/2006 or something when i wasn't really posting, but just lurking

shit i feel ancient xd
>I'm fairly certain I'm older than you
Who is the oldest person in this general right now?
I'm 25
/cum/ is pure cancer and is invaded by euros
I'm 25 also.
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Senvagė is full of gypsies and other inbred criminal children that have nowhere else to go you'd fit there right in.
>Meh, so you live in one of those blocks?

I live in Šeškinė, everything is around so its nice.
>I live on the outskirts of it. It's very green and not depressing at all. Just takes a bit longer to get anywhere

Well I've never been to the outskirts, just the clinc, and that area is pretty depressing looking.
23 to be 24 very soon
21 here, only barely drinking age

Feels good being young
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This, tbqh.
You are not ancient unless you remember modems beeping.
>tfw you want to make a joke about being underage but the mods would probably ban you

20 2bh
That's for normies
At least you can see through the bullshit there. I went to cum once and everyone was trying to be an edgy and clever. The cringe was too much for me.
well... i do

and my parents getting angry about the phone being "occupied" by the internet usage
>tfw was on /int/ before the flags were added

also fuck moot and chink moot
it was directed at the OP and I meant exactly what I wrote
>tfw you want to make a joke about being underage but the mods would probably ban you
Fuck I have made that mistake before. 1 month ban.

Looks like we're the eldest, which means we are the boss of the general right now!
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Let it be clear that when Lithuanian says that he's going to kill someone its not a joke.
omg you are a tosser
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but! have you tossed a salad?
i laughed a shitload

you're a cool guy bro, despite the saku kuld i think you know a better way. respect!
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>I live in Šeškinė, everything is around so its nice.
I accidentally took a bus there once, all the buildings looked very futuristic. Do you go to MRU? That would be totally your area

>Well I've never been to the outskirts, just the clinc, and that area is pretty depressing looking.
I'll post some pictures someday when I'll be feeling a craving for attention from my /balt/ internet friends, and then I'll convince you that it's a very nice area.
Well I was that OP and I wasn't trying to impersonate anyone, fuck are you on about? Do you think you have the copyright on images of my waifu? Fuck off
I'll toss your salad if you keep talking like that
5% battery left. Better get out of bed and stop shitposting.
tosser vs wanker
thought it said 100 at first
would've been funny
favorite eesti bear?

i bet you would. i bet.. you would, you homo
Masturbating too frequently is unhealthy.
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pris tat.jpg
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Thread theme song.

Lil Mac must be the youngest one
n-no homo
Masturbating is alright, it's about not cumming. Then you can learn to control to internal energy.
>daft cuck
no thx
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soon you will be going to bed
but don't forget to check under it
my balls start hurting when i masturbate but don't come
like i'm in actual pain
How about some Crystal Castles?

I'm sleeping on a matress in the kitchen.

>dancing naked in my kitchen right now
Oh man I gotta take a piss so hard right now, this is what happens after 6 beers
There's a video of a girl from hegre-art.com doing a Question&Answer while stripping and masturbating and she said her favorite band is Crystal Castles
earcancer. pls delete yourself and reset your shit tier music taste
not cool.
But what if the child consents tho?
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>I accidentally took a bus there once, all the buildings looked very futuristic.
Not sure what are you talking about, a few new buildings that are basically made out of glass don't look that futuristic to me.
>Do you go to MRU?
Not sure why would anyone with half a brain go to MRU, they accept everyone, studying I would never study in Lithuania at all..
>I'll post some pictures someday when I'll be feeling a craving for attention from my /balt/ internet friends, and then I'll convince you that it's a very nice area.
I wouldn't post the pictures of where I live here if I were you.
How about some SOUDIERE?

> But what if the child consents tho?
They can't you dingus
hmm are you planning to emigrate?
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>Not sure what are you talking about, a few new buildings that are basically made out of glass don't look that futuristic to me.
Well some of them were formed like the hulls of big warships or something, with circle windows and rounded edges. It looked nice, though I was there like 2 years ago, so maybe I remember some things wrong.

>Not sure why would anyone with half a brain go to MRU, they accept everyone, studying I would never study in Lithuania at all..
Hmm, yes, fair enough. Also there's a lot of niggers there.

>I wouldn't post the pictures of where I live here if I were you.
Pfff, what's gonna happen? Some autist is gonna come and steal my waifu pillow? Doubt anyone in this general could be a threat to anyone
(But even then I would just post some lakes and forests from the area, not the actual street I live in or anything)
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>not watching Charls stream
I matched a cute guy from Latvia on tinder, what should I say?

Please help, are all balt guys this cute?
Say that you will come to Latvia and suck his dick
are you a girl or a faggot?
girl (female) i mean
I think you know the answer
Nice digits.
29. Sand seems to be shifting though the hourglass without me noticing as much any more.
He's right here


I'm a homo and I love dicks
i aint takin no chances mby i can snipe this latina from some loser
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Shit grandpa, what have you been up to in your life what jobs did you have? Tell us your story.
okay you can fuck off then
What the fuck is a Latvian doing in Chile
more latvians went to chile than to UK last decade
i'm older than you xDDDDDD
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Only for studying perhaps.
>Hmm, yes, fair enough. Also there's a lot of niggers there.
I've also noticed that.
>Pfff, what's gonna happen? Some autist is gonna come and steal my waifu pillow?
Do as you wish.
>Doubt anyone in this general could be a threat to anyone
Ask him what he thinks of Russians and then impress him with your detailed knowledge of Latvia, which I am going to provide you with in a second
>Riga is the largest city
>Jurmala is a beach resort for nice Russians
>Riga Balzams is an alcohol they make and have a hard on for
>Latvian women are the tallest in the world
Once you prove to him that you know all this things he will readily let you fill his ass up with your cock
I just asked that, wtf is he here


Stop being rude faggot, if you want a Latina just go on vacation to Chile for a month or visit the US, but the white card will work better here
Wow dude. You are the boss of us all now.
For real? Why?
only think i checked were those digits
I asked him if he wanted to kill all russians
nah i made that shit up on the go
Just imagine what breathing in all those mold sporest is doing to their respiratory system. what a sad and horribly deprived way to live. I wonder why they look contented. Ignorance?
Hah, funny

Maybe he is from KGB
Do you have oil in Chile?
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>Pfff, what's gonna happen? Some autist is gonna come and steal my waifu pillow? Doubt anyone in this general could be a threat to anyone
yes do it
They don't care, they're high on Putin.
With a few changes to the names all of these could also apply to Lithuania.
Sexuality isn't a choice, unlike your bigotry.
Do you also throw stones at fags like they still do in places with a medieval mindset? Maybe you'd feel more at home there instead of on 4chan.

You're wrong.
/brit/ is the other way
80s coming back, can you feel it, it's the 80s coming back
>an unironic pedo
>in my general
well, at least you're not closeted
whatever pham do as you like just don't fuck anyone's life up

eit is kaming bäkk? no pls, i hated that bitch
I feel like Putin hasn't been in power long enough to weather that picture so significantly.
If Chile has no oil or gas ;__;
don't ever reply to me again


is this what autism looks like
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Very good post.
Don't bully each other! Be NICE
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Lemme guess, you're still a highschool student?

Also you're not one for conversation huh? But that's fine, we're going to be best internet friends anyway
I could go to /brit/ it's become too popular, though, it's full of lefties and anime autists now. so I am holidaying other generals to decide which, if any, to frequent.
and you have a pic on your pc of a horse with a boner
so you should add zoophil on the list
I remember the days when there wasn't a single nigger in Vilnius, and the only "muslim" you could find was my atheist hairdresses who immigrated from the Caucasus.
tho I'm not from Wilno
you have niggers and muslims in lithuania?

Go outside and find a girlfriend instead of finding a general
i guess it's time for depressing eesti music now

yeah like all 50 of them
Mostly exchange students, or students who pay the not-so-expensive tuition fees to get a European Union student visa and then travel the continent and fuck white bitches.
>deleting your own posts
Quite a bit more by now
Even saw a Lithuanian woman with black babies at the Maxima in Dvarcionys the other day.
well if you include all the students and shit there would probably be at least few hundred I think
They're literally handing out visas to Nigerians.
every day I learn new reasons we left the EU
>Even saw a Lithuanian woman with black babies
why specifically to them?
Just means you'll keep on accepting Pakis but the Polacks get kicked out.
Doubt that will have much effect on how many niggers and muslims you have in the UK, but fair enough.

Fucking MRUni.
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I'm outside
i don't want a girlfriend. I had one up until last year. enjoying being single, thanks.
There's like 200 million of them? They're quite a populous country (that's getting more populous by the day, which is startling) and some of these people there apparently made some kind of fortune and then they send their sons here and MRUni accepts them because it would go bankrupt without the tuition fees.
Some kind of uni programs. Somalians, Nigerians, Kenyans, etc. They get full visas and get to fuck your Lithuanian girls. And they're not even part of the EU.
looks pretty good
Looks like a nice place to spend your holiday. Going to meet that Latvian twink?

I hate niggers we shouldn't let them in
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God I hate niggers so much
Actually, quite a significant number non ethnic Europeans migrate here from other European countries with European visas or passports. Lots of third worlders go to other poorer European nations, or simply ones closer to theirs, obtain citizenship there, then migrate around EU member states. Nobody is kicking out the Polish work force lol
It certainly wont change how many we already have, but I think it will enable us to get migration numbers in general down. What really needs to happen is a total revision of how we treat extremists and fundamentals here, and indeed across europe. right now we literally force them to stay here and put them on a 'watch list'. they should just be deported
some of the shitty universities should be closed down and it also should be that it would be harder to get into the universities because now every dumb cunt can get in
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>Lemme guess, you're still a highschool student?
Maybe, maybe not.
>Also you're not one for conversation
I don't trust ironic anime posters, and its very suspicious how friendly you act.
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