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>neighbourhood is slowly becoming more diverse

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>neighbourhood is slowly becoming more diverse
Time to move
Time to take part in white flight
>neighbourhood is quickly becoming more diverse
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>tfw the only foreigner in my neighborhood is an Estonian with a master's degree in electrical engineering

Feels A-OK man
Head for the hills

t. rural gippsland dweller
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>neighborhood is no longer diverse
Are you his lawyer?
>live in liberal part of time
>lots of college kids living in area and some rich people
>some building gets forced into low income
>brown, blacks, refugee types move in
>crime rate ticking up
>grocery store has iffy groups of 40 year old black guys hanging outside to stare at college kids
>store has to put up no loitering, no panhandling signs, remove benches and hire security
>another sign saying an empty lot will become low income housing
>locals keep voting in liberal candidates who keep volunteering the area to get fucked over
jokes on the home and business owners whose property value will tank I guess
Yes, Finland police no longer fucks him
>that feel when your city council is in cahoots with the slumlords
they already ruined one part of town which is known for gangs and gun crime now. now they're trying to spread the cancer.
That's the standard procedure here too
>people vote liberal
>Brown people commit crime
>liberals are outraged that "nazis" are blaming brown people
>they get even more radical liberal and cycle continues
we have too much in common
I love it too when liberals accuse you of being racist or too prideful of your group but infantilise minorities by seeing their culture as some funny cosmetic flavourworld that could never ever have a drive to sustain and act for own interests and ambitions contrary to our own.
Can't living with parents currently.
Enjoy your live-action redpill my lad x
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>imlying all of australia isnt methland
delet this
>all these strawmans
sell and get the fuck out before the value goes down ffs
fuck off chink
I sure hope you don't do this shit
Burn their houses down.

are estonians really seen as foreigners or just 'foreigners'
I know I build a strawman there but I have experienced it irl too often. Like "diversity" as an argument for not closing salafi mosques.
Or people being genuinly suprised when turks are pro Erdogan.
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I probably commit less crime then your family will over the course of your lives, you dumb bogan

Literally me
They're 'foreigners'.
Our languages are close enough to each other for them to grasp Finnish pretty damn quickly, and after they've lived here for a while they're almost indistinguishable from the native populace
Yeah I'm going with this. They aren't useless rapefugees, they're mostly skilled workers who often have quite a lot of money. In other words, good for the country. Certainly better than autistic NEET bogans on 4chan.
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>tfw 0 foreigners in my neighbourhood
Why good?
I want to culturally enrich your ass desu
>Diversity hinders between-group cooperation at both the one-on-one and group levels.


>The best chance for peace in Syria is better borders (intrastate or through the creation of new states) “suited to current geocultural regions”, and tribal autonomy.


>Using data from US states, study finds a negative relationship between ethnic polarization and trust.


>In Australia, ethnic diversity lowers social cohesion and increases “hunkering”, providing support for Putnam’s thesis finding the same results in the US.


>After controlling for a self-selection bias, study finds that ethnic diversity in English schools reduces trust in same-age people and does not make White British students more inclusive in their attitudes towards immigrants.


>In Germany, residential diversity reduces natives’ trust in neighbors, while it also reduces immigrants’ trust but through a different pathway.


>Ethnic heterogeneity [diversity] explains 55% of the variation in the scale of ethnic conflicts, and the results of regression analysis disclose that the same relationship more or less applies to all 187 countries. … Ethnic nepotism is the common cross-cultural background factor which supports the persistence of ethnic conflicts in the world as long as there are ethnically divided societies.”

Not a homo, sorry
I don't mind smart and dedicated diversity. The black and brown foreign students I've met are all very stable and integration-happy.

The refugees don't want to integrate one bit. They form their own cultural islands. They themselves segregate and form immigrant ghettoes. Funnily enough the new economic migrants are more integration-happy. They're opportunistic responsibility evaders but that makes them likely to want to blend in anywhere.
>I probably commit less crime then your family will over the course of your lives,
Well I would hope that one person doesn't commit as much crime as a whole family of people. Bit of a low bar to shoot for isn't it?
Diversity increases social adversity. http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/201/4/282.abstract?etoc

A 10% increase in diversity doubles the chance of psychotic episodes. http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/201/4/282.abstract?etoc

Diversity reduces voter registration, political efficacy, charity, and number of friendships. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x/abstract;jsessionid=279C92A7EB0946BBA63D62937FC832A9.f04t03

Ethnic diversity reduces happiness and quality of life. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x/abstract;jsessionid=279C92A7EB0946BBA63D62937FC832A9.f04t03

Diversity reduces trust, civic participation, and civic health. http://www.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/?page=full
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>neighbourhood was 99% arab ghetto
>it's gentrifying
>kebabs have been replaced with hipster bio food shops hipster sushis and a literal jewish falafel restaurant
is there any better feel ? get fucked arabs go back to your 3rd world suburbs
I don't know what my neighbours are like, it's quiet so I assume they're fine
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I looked up the paper you gave me out of curiosity.

The actual essay makes it a point to discuss social capital and social networks, and the fact that social capital is probably the most important thing in regards to successful communities; not simply the level of ethnic diversity.
What we're probably seeing is that communities with high levels of ethnic diversity usually have lower amounts of social capital, due to things like immigration status, language barriers, discrimination, economic status, etc. And
>lower social cohesion
A vague thing.
Final reply, instead of just criticizing ethnics isn't it more about the quality of immigrants you get and whether they want to assimilate or not?

Trust in Singapore for example is substantially high for such a 'diverse' country: http://www.edelman.com/post/trust-in-singapore-2014-edelman-trust-barometer/

Their elections also turned to be 93% in the previous election: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Singapore#2015_general_election_results
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Iktf, it feels first world
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