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File: Northern-Ireland-Map.jpg (111KB, 472x371px) Image search: [Google]
111KB, 472x371px
Please, we need money urgently
Fuck off
just reunite already
the uk with ireland that is
And the UK with canada. Please. The entire country needs an adult
Heh. Classic /r/4chan material right here!!
I dunno do you promise not to mug me on the streets for being white
No dude, just the Irelands.The UK is a meme nowadays.
why not the uk with the us while we're at it? rest of the commonwealth too
At that point we might need to rename earth "The anglosphere"
Can I be an anglosphere-man like you guys?
Why is ireland even a country?
They are just retarded anglos.
Ireland is basically a part of africa that got put in the wrong place and had the wrong coat of paint
t.Irish American
Fortunately no.
Northern Ireland is %98 white, silly yank
ireland is a useless shithole
i would pay Ireland to take NI off our hands its more trouble than its worth

I'm gonna have a blast in Belfast.
irish are useless scum
the ira sure did
I could visit those stepping stair rocks of yours

I wouldn't be against this DESU
I'm planning a trip to the UK this year and, aside from London, I want to visit another city with easy women.

How easy are NI birds?
>The entire country needs an adult

I don't know, I think we're too small to be leading the UK.
When will northern ireland be returned to it's rightful owners aka the irish?
File: Nov-14_Web-5.jpg (323KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
323KB, 1024x768px
When Taigs outbreed the huns. So probably about half a century or so
>implying we've ever been united
>those borders extending past the natural river boundaries.

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