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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 371
Thread images: 68

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Greater London is an immigrant edition.
Creasing at this thread, pakis have some good banter

>>>/his/2562898 l
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the gf
It's pretty easy to prove m8.

You know when an old building is threatened with demolition and everyone is up in arms about it? They're having protests, writing letters, moaning in the local rag, etc.

Well, no one did that for the buildings you apparently miss so badly, despite never having seen them.
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oi lads remember the stawpoll i made earlier about shagging an eastern european prossie?
off to donate £50 to this bint at 1:30am haha
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the /brit/ gf
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*Flashes my cash at you*
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doing gooning to rosy lads
a leaf
What are the essential self-improvement books lads
>yank girls
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the 'abs
really like this song

christ she really does look like a tranny
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where do i get a girl like this in the uk??

im even willing to, dare i say it, go to londonistan
One person has been seriously injured and more than 20 others hurt in a suspected gas explosion on Merseyside.
Emergency services were called to a collapsed building in Bebington, Wirral, at about 21:30 GMT.
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service said the building, thought to be a dance studio, was in Boundary Road, Port Sunlight.
Twenty four people are confirmed to have been injured and have been taken to hospitals in Merseyside and Chester.

might make a coffee and have some rice
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this time in 40 minutes my willy be in this bint i[ve only ever viewed in pictures
the internet is a mental place
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just having a chat with the lads
only London
g'wan my son
Seeing an increasing number of mulattos lately.

They all dress the fucking same. Awful accents/voices too.
fucking mentioned
i've been to that castle
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would scotland be part of the commonwealth if they seceded
>greetings from germany :> :) :D XD
Every bastard time.
Milk in first, and lots of it
Two sugars
Perfect tea

it's the proper term.
tiptoe by the window is such a scary song
four lions shit kek
>it's the proper term.
don't care

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7 February 1906

"The Latest Thing in Nightmares"; allegorical representation of President Theodore Roosevelt's signature smile haunting the peaceful and restful dreams of the Senate.
sad that prostitution is illegal in the land of ''''''''''''''''freedom'''''''''''''''
the market is so competitive here i can shag a FIT eastern european bird for cheap
Whenever you see clips from Syria they're always chanting snackbar, no matter what faction

fucking unbearable
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Should I become an english teacher in Cambodia lads?
tfw no pink haired /brit/ gf
it's tiptoe through the tulips you spanner

tiny tim died while performing it, did you know that?
interesting question tbf
if Independence did happen (it won't) then joining the commonwealth wouldn't be the top of their agenda but it would be pathetic if they didn't
Women do not understand the value of silence
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not a single (You) in hours

going to go to bed
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2 May 1906:

President Theodore Roosevelt depicted as a volcano erupting and spewing a dark cloud labeled "Tax on Wealth",
business idea: go downstairs and get a glass of apple juice
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sorry lad, she's already been #CRUSHED
I think britain has a lot more freedom than most places
I was surprised to learn that in a lot of places you can only buy alcohol from specific shops, whereas over here you can buy it from literally anywhere
also right of access thought private land
lovely nipples
hope (you) sleep well x
It's legal there? How the fuck are you guys passing legislation against porn yet have legal prostitution?
Better luck next time
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Remember lad
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Here is your (you)
Sweet dreams
hello you cunt
*notices bulge*
OwO whats this?
>Looking to couchsurf in Newcastle
Do you think this guy is good enough?


>Clocks about to go forward
>Sleep pattern about to get even more fucked up
hate that feeling when the booze is wearing off
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all according to plan
goodnight my friends
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31 August 1904

President Theodore Roosevelt sitting in a chair labeled "Presidency" with a fasces behind his left shoulder. He is looking at a spirit of himself from 1900 when he could speak freely.
hello woman
brothels aren't legal and neither is pimping
but prostitution is legal

and "brothels" are just "massage parlours" to get around things
(it also means that any prostitute in a brothel has to get a certificate in massage parlouring or something)

the porn laws are really just theresa may being silly and not understanding how the internet works
(also most isps/routers will have inbuilt parental controls)
*time travels 1 hour forward*

Not liking how the world looks lads
what's his instagram again? Also who is this girl and why is /mu/ or /tv/ or whatever obsessed with her
>Wahhhh wahhhh I'm so fucked up!
>wahhhh how will I ever get my shit together!

>I think britain has a lot more freedom than most places
this 2bh we have full freedom in the right places
i don't want a gun anyway
the law is quite specific
street prostiution is illegal, brothels are illegal
it's technically only legal if the girl is independant and advertising via the internet
there's loads of websites here with unlimited prossies in city areas so it's not a problem
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24 August 1904

T.R. as an imperial president, with near dictatorial powers
I think it's all like that.

Remember that video where they're shouting at Abu Hajaar, it's like the Three Stooges.
>Not liking how the world looks lads
Yeah, I was hoping Ireland wouldn't be in it
Think I just blacked out for a whole fucking hour
Can all the anime posters post here >>72729417 please.
We are tired of some normie there that refuses to accept that anime doesn't belong in 4chan..
Do that for your best allie
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It's grim up north

me on the right having a jig on the tree stump

That does it
No longer replying to brits
Abu Hajaar dindu nuffin
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it was 00:59 and now it's 2:00
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>tfw no pink haired robot gf
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my eyes look like this all the time
is that collina?
i think the emotions that i felt when i first came privy to that knowledge was the first time i realised i might have autism

theres still plenty of japs in the uk r-right??
>less than 25,000
did the clocks just go forward?
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Brexiters btfo
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/brit/ is an anti-nonce general
moot's intentions in 2003 mean nothing today
Fuck, I've never been awake for the clocks all changing automatically before.

need a jeep to run through the runts
Ugly girl tbf
lol like Brexit will be like the iron curtain or something. Meanwhile terrorism will literally divide them into itty bitty bits.
>completely forgetting that the clocks went forward an hour and being very confused when it seem like 2 hours had passed since I last looked at the clock on my computer

It was 12:58 a second ago, scared the absolute piss out of me when it said 2:00AM
can easily tell this is glasgow just by the women

she's the girl from kero kero bonito, a pop group that are sort of a j-pop ripoff

autists got upset when they found out that their ditzy hapa dreamgirl was getting pounded by a big gymrat chad, and better yet for the rorkes, an asian chad

>I've never been awake for the clocks all changing automatically before.

Fuck off normalcunt
Same luckily the lads here tipped me off ;)))
Clacoka hven oyan foraddo
Its London you fucking retard
Yes yes that clock thingy that happens every single year has happened again, fascinating isn't it?
doing a mock theory and just has these two questions, one after another

>Q. What is the biggest danger to new riders?
>A Inexperience and overconfidence

>Q What can you do to maximise your safety?
>A Anticipate what other road users will do

tells your you're retarded one minute then that you can read minds the next
>anime was almost blanket rated 18 in the uk before
We need to go back to when we controlled degeneracy
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look exactly like I thought they would
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ahh no fascism
You must be fun at a party
not a person on that road i could not floor with a swift right to the jaw
Denisovan here. AMA

>Happens every single year

It happens twice a year you cunt
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>mfw Scotland will be free in our lifetime
why do so many non white women bash white men but seem to want to date them
>not being southpaw
Could heem the fuck out of you
Yes, going to bed early on a Saturday night.

The normie life, ree.
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take it back
>tfw now have to re-plan my whole day because I've got to factor in an extra hour of sleep so I get my 6 hours
This can't be happening... I'm in charge here!
He didn't say once a year you dumb fucking retard
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Forgot that's its not 2016 and we're in 2017, time flies
From the arms of Britain into the arms of the EU
drinking the ol 'eakstons

the ol 'culier to be precise
did it just go from 1am straight to 2am?

exactly what my sleep pattern needed.... thanks god
dumb paddy frogposter
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tryna figure out that pepe lad
cringe when english people use their slang on the internet

>Staying up late is normie

I really want normies to leave
>kero kero bonito
just did a listen, fucking migraine inducing shit
can see why anime nonce cunts would like it though

White people are an easy target and non-white men are generally terrible
Watched hot fuzz and now Shaun of the dead

Magnificent representation of British culture
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>went to Bacelona for a few days last week
>went on Tinder for a laugh
>get matched with loads of lovely, classy, inteliigent Spanish women
>come back her
>get matched with idiotic pig-women doing duck-face with a dog-face filter on (as if they need it)
Why God why?

>Da Goyim Know

Why are /pol/tards so fucking spergy?
watch kidulthood next
there are many sides to britiish culture
Wtf is happening there?
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Yeah, people go out on a Saturday night, that's the day the clocks always change.
do Bronson next
I say blame the yanks

Exported their degeneracy to English speaking places
Pro Trump rally in SoCal
if quads ban all australiansfrom 4chan for a week
where's thairunt?
looks like a load of trump supporters found a lone anti-trump lad
shan't be bestowing any (You)s upon thee
its fucking woeful isn't it lad
pit of despair
Trump nutters
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Just heard gunshots lads
Seen it

Seen that one

>double check to see if its my post
>it's not
>whew (sign of relief)
Yank parents force they kids to get they wisdom teeth out even when there's no need

you'd like me to think that wouldn't you
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i like her doc martens
they also cut their dicks off at birth
you sure they weren't cumshots lad
still in bed probably
Talking all the day
With true friends who try to make you stay
Telling jokes and news
Singing songs to pass the time away
Watched the Galway salmon run
Like silver dancing, darting in the sun
Living on your western shore
Saw summer sunsets, asked for more
I stood by your Atlantic Sea
And sang a song for Ireland
the ol' former gf (fat) coming over to my new apartment and bringing chili tomorrow
>those gravity-defying cheboobies
imagine having a daughter and her growing up to do that
gonna need a name
fucking twat

he promised me a stream this weekend
>rip his fuckin ass off his head
I suspect that her father wasn't about much
americans microwave their cats
did a double sex with no jonny with the gf earlier lads
is it risky to do a sex the second time? i might have left some sex wee in her bagina
absolutely [issed off of 1.5 litres pf 7% cider and one 0.5 of 4.5% lads LOVE eing a lightight
yankish assumption
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Would love to kick lefties in the head
he's probably going to fuck his gf when he gets up then go shopping or some shit. he's a giga normie
surprised millennial woes can afford fags
everyone else seems to smoke rollies these days
Vocaroo us a sea shanty la
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>>72768920 >>72768945 >>72768946 >>72768975 >>72768979 >>72768980
No excuse to type like a mong nor brag about your femininity
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>Would love to kick lefties in the head
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>Would love to kick lefties in the head
You're a woman, a child or a paki if you're this hammered off something a she-paddy would give to her infant for a toothache.

Sort it
post choons lads
Would love to kick lefties in the head
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"would love to kick lefties in the heads"
why is he popular all of a sudden?
why would i take a man with a girl's name seriously?
How do you watch that shite

YouTube pseudo philosophy is ballix
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what time is it
>Would love to kick lefties in the head
sorry its genuine micky man
im 19 desu and also a non nromie who doesnt drik much
times a social construct bro
would love to drag leftists out and hang them from the lamp posts



The yanks/jews
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are there any other good bjork songs?
they are white when it fits them
peterson is a pseudo intellectual hack, no wonder the right loves him seeing as right wingers have lower iqs and are less educated than left wingers.
just kinda put him in the background while gaming and stuff
hes actually quite levelheaded compared to your average alt right
probably because hes not a yank
wtf when did they remove the flags
Brave, very brave

Couldn't drag your finger out of your Arse spastic

fuck you jordy we can't all get gf's (male)
Would love to kick rorkes in the head
Literally had half a litre of whiskey and i can type perfectly fine. We're the same age and I'm 10 and a half stone. State of you
but stefan and pjw aren't yanks and they're awful
The Breakfast Club is my favourite film
time to cream myself
Is this what white trash North Americans like? Slipknot? This? NASCAR?
vids like this get my heart beat going and blood pressure up. am i beta?
I'm just busting your balls big lad, enjoy your buzz x
>It's a your sister comes to ask you relationship advice and you have to dance around the fact that she's far more experienced than you despite you being a uni graduate and her being in Year 12 episode
do rosy's paypigs actually get her nudes
stefan is a proto yank because he emigrated to canada at a young age
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Alri lads

Having a poo 'eer
Nah he's a funny manlet who got banned from the USA for smuggling drugs or something.
would fucking love a white magnum right now lads I fucking swear like
drinking straight bourbon on a sunday morning

this is the life
ahha you're light af mate I'm over 12 stone. Like i said though I dont drink often
Born in Ireland

Claiming him now even though he's a creepy sadlad who loves a cry
Just realised that in san junipero the song they dance to is called "fake"

"you're a fake baby, you can't conceal it"

and they are likecopies loaded into a machine

What is he thinking about?
i dont put my finger up my arse you bender
Wouldnt give this beer to anyone
need a latex gf
Good retort bender

Ahha whacky dude
Really like this choon

how would she be oblivious to that?
Don't ever reply to me again with that negative energy
He said he was descended from the "good irish" because his father fought in ww2 against Hitler and the other irish were cowards plus his mother was a jew
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wonder if stefan supports the ra
because you want it all to yourself?
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>2:30 already
oh my days
the old apres cigarette poo
Zulus are 'bout to come.

my sister's doped up on anti-psychotics so she just sits in her room all day
saves me the trouble really
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reminder the best years of your life are nearly over and you STILL haven't had a gf
shaka zulu shaka zulu...
drinking coors light

come at me, the mountains have turned blue to signify that its damme cold
Psychotics are anti-highs, literally mate. Hardly "doped" up. They deplete your dopamine
sheesh kebab
shawshank redemptions
very reddit image
Her collar should say "Slag" so everyone knows what she is
oh is that what doped means
best years of my life ended 3 years ago when i left school
Fuck him the bald cunt lol
my foreskin is pretty tight, not phimosis tight, but tight enough to where i can't cum if it's pulled back
does the clique thing actually exist in yankland?
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Gonna enjoy the extra hour in bed
Going to partake in normatode activities tonight

Going to try my hardest to bring home a QT
dude rasta beats and hard autotuned vocals lol
>there are people who actually say "lol" instead of laughing
Took a Valium earlier and it did nothing for me tbqh
french indo-china
Any Irishman who fought in WWII should not have
*barks at you*
if you take blacks and whites sitting separate is b/c of cliques then yes
What dose?

I need to take 28x10mg to actually get high on them
>people in their thirties playing schoolkids

The fucking beeb even had a 29 year old play one in that show.
How in the fuck do you wank if your circumcised

How do you wank without a foreskin

Like you rub your actual raw bellend? Fuck that
*poisons your water bowl*
Sorry for the strong language re lefties lads just surrounded by people whining about bloody tories and andnwjfndjejjjr and the ifnore myngnnng and they ignore my every sensible radical centrist retort to their silly ideological opinions
it was a thing about 5-8 years ago

seems to have died out now though
enjoy your withdrawals
They look early 20's to me desu
*growls and bares my teeth*
have had 5 serious gfs and bedded over 20 fair maidens
its an hour less in bed lad

28 valium? fucking hell lad you have a serious problem. seek help
you stroke the shaft and not the bellend
Have absolutely gigantic mantits. It's such a problem for me that I have depression.
Enjoy your sad worthless existence
used to think hippos were the pussy version of rhinos but it turns out the opposite is true
20? how old are you? if you're out of university then that's not a lot... that's like 1 every other month lol
I've gotten more BS wearing my Cam Newton jersey than I have my MAGA hat. Granted, I'm in the South, we we're still sane for the moment. But with Liberals invading from the North, illegals from the South, and Indoctrination Centers corrupting the youth from within, I've doubts to our future.
thats why yanks cannot wank without lube lmao

state of their lives

*kicks you in the fucking head*
Friend group at school had a more diverse membership than this
Full on neeks to full on deanos, even a token paddie rorke and couple of lovable sheeds
Sounds shite
i have to use baby powder but that's between my thighs, not on my pee pee
yeah most of my time was taken up with like 1-3 year relationships but i do alri and i'm in 3rd year
Havent took them in months. I just binge every so often. Last time I binged I went through 30 bars of xanax in two days. My GABA receptors are probably fried though
you pull the remaining foreskin up and wank around that
or you lube your hand and wank it that way

t. has given a circumcised tranny a reach-around
A lot of people seem to really hate him for some reason. I've never really seen this level of hate for any player in my 15 years of watching football.
spez: The football media back when the Panthers had that great 2015 season used similar 'fake news' tactics that I saw in Gamergate before, and Trump after (on a much smaller scale, of course). It's really weird. I get the other two, but why the media wanted to undermine Cam I'll never know.
>"Yes, Mr Steinburg will be with you shortly"
Marley is only 16
>was having a wonderful time at the bar with friends, clocks suddenly skip an hour and then get kicked out because it's 2am

Fuck's sake
Buy yourself a compression shirt lad. Helped me, really boosts your confidence, makes them look smaller and like abs
I'd like to imagine my mother fed me a steady diet of benzos every time I became upset from ages 6-14

Probably why my heads fried
what are those gay massive rings you always see yanks wearing if thye did good in the military or win a "football" game
*puts you outside*
Eat shit and die JFs.
My Dad used to give me morphine. Not even lying. He's dead now
cock rings cos they're only worn by cocks
Have the clocks gone forward? I'm so confused!
Poo wee fart bum Willy
mad cunt
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*dances gracefully in your presence*
*kicks you*
I remember my first wanks. My dick was too small to even grip. What I did was sort of create a bubble in the foreskin, pinch it and go to town. I didn't even pull the foreskin back. The first time I pulled my skin back I was astonished at how far back it went. I was scared doing it and it hurt because my entire life it was always covering the head.
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Bit gay
You wish you were on the sesh with me really big man
>tfw you first peel your foreskin all the way back
it hurt right?
*sways from side to side*
business idea: scrap daylight savings time because it's pointless
post that video of the "manly" greek dance where they spin in circles with their arms out
big ones?
Strange story keep it to yourself weirdcunt

Aye you've a problem there
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>tfw circumcised
They're both equally ugly at least
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Nothing gay about admiring another man's body.
feeling runty
i do yeah

been itching for some benzos a while now
wouldn't mind watching some young women do ballet. modern dancing is so embarrassing to watch
me on the right

(Jan disclaimer: not really)
Just find any chav and he'll sell you valium
Don't remember
Yeah but u posted some ancient Greeks and those lads bummed each other flat
why it's not illegal to mutilate male newborns in america

Unless he's gay that kid is gonna grow up to be the next Elliot
is that the paki dance where they're dressed effeminately and the boys all get molested by the older men?
New fucking thread PLEASE

I've got a post to make, to which I am hoping I receive many (You)s


Your one shot at a benis and it's ruined
who wears a shirt and tie when you've no uniform
fucking nerd
here's one in advance
r-really? are you sure they wont accentuate them? summer is a very difficult time for me because summer clothes more clearly display the goods than hoodies i wear in winter.

and i mean they are massive, as in i can hide my entire hand under there or a pen lengthwise
I like to wear my Trump t-shirt where he sort of looks like Napoleon.
Wearing political gear is pretty unusual in Toronto.
Our former Prime Minister had to tell us to cheer in Vancouver 2010 as Canadians are not confrontational.
Except War, maple syrup and hockey.
the best posts are always made approximately 200 posts into a thread
They're not ancient Greeks, looks like fucking Fonzy
are you a jew?
File: 819TEJNVJDL._SY355_.jpg (32KB, 355x355px) Image search: [Google]
32KB, 355x355px
Business idea: Kidz Bap; it's like Kidz Bop, but for black kids.
sue your doctor
why the hostility anon?
male privilege
Do what you want with my body
Smells like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarse
there's a trump for prime minister bumper sticker in my town
you already posted this
Was watching the cricket but it's raining now
absolutely love watching thunderstorms
I know many a chav, just no one legit m8 of mine kept getting them loose in a tub and they were dodgy as fuck and left the worst taste in your mouth (i know benzos leave a taste, but this was fucked)

unless they're in a sealed blistapack I'm not interested
Well for that size I dunno you'd want to do some research yourself but they're worth the shot, better than nothing, have you talked to a gp about surgery?
wish i had better parents
No I'm American.

triple linking because >>72769937 is a mong (and you're all mongs)
I guess you don't get Kidz Bop in Australia, but they take top40 chart hits and have kids sing them and sell it to parents.

Kidz Bap would be the same, but it would be narrowed down to just HipHop/RnB/Funk/Reggae hits, and heavily targeted to black parents.
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