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What are their secrets, /int/? Why have they been successful

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What are their secrets, /int/? Why have they been successful regards life standards?
black metal and weekend binge drinking as a healthy emotional coping mechanism
No. Definitely no.
>What are their secrets
That's a secret, sorry.
White people.
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Protestantism and it's educational drive. Everyone was able to read in every nordic country way earlier than any catholic country since protestantism headstarted public schooling. Also small homogeneous populations to which easily build upon.
Inbred and weak infrastructure
Weak infrastructure despite of shit tons of oil and worse islamized than us
Irrelevant and literally high autism rate. Never met a fin that isn't autistic.
The only decent country in scandinavia
population density of norway: 15.5 per sq km
population density of iceland: 3.2 per sq km
population density of germany: 227 per sq km

hmmmmmm i wonder why their infrastructure is lacking... . ... . . ..
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You've never met a finn.
Sweden and Denmark have a well built infrastructure, especially Sweden. Norwegians are lazy fucks. Company once sent me there and I almost went crazy because people don't do their work over there. They don't ever bother getting to work on time, I'm really not kidding.
Everyone knows that Finns are autistic. They even joke about it in Formula 1.
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They joke about us being cold and antisocial. That's not autism. That's preference of personal space. You've never met a finn obviously and:

>literally high autism rate.

Yeah right you can just go to jerk off to your superior autobahns in germany since you're so autistic about infastructure.
That's weird, I have the same experience with Germans.
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Norway is ranked ahead of Denmark in infrastructure somehow.
That's why the whole world hires German people I guess. Ever been on an oil platform in Norway? They're full of German engineers and workers because after all these years bathing in oil you still can't manage to create skilled workers. You don't produce anything worth to use, contrary to Swedes.
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No that would be because foreign workforce is generally cheaper and more cost-efficient in lowpaying jobs. That's why we use poles and estonians to do our domestic construction. Why have yourself do the dirty work when you can get it for cheaper if someone else does it?

I dunno if you're just dumb or really fucking dumb.
90% of Norways infrastructure probably consists of oil platforms. Ever tried to use public transportation in Norway? Event in Oslo it's cancer. Streets are in horrible conditions, it's like driving through Kazakhstan
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>They're full of German engineers and workers
This is where you gave away that you've never actually been on one.

Why are you so absolutely assblasted about Nordic countries?
Help me understand.
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They can only beat us with oil shekels though.

t. Dutchman in the country of millionaires
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>mfw this autistic German is massively asspained about Nordic countries, because everyone looks to them at models and not Germany
Probably has something to do with good education systems and economic planning but who knows.
Success breeds jealousy?
Lmfao. So why aren't they hiring engineers from India, or any other European country? By the way, they pay German engineers a lot to work there because their own engineers suck so hard. Money in most definitely not the reason you autistic mongol inbred
Yes, I've worked in Oslo. Didn't have any problems with the public transportation really. Pretty much the same as in Sweden. A few delays here and there, but no big deal.
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Kek, this assblast

Hans, you're shit and your country is average, deal with it.
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Not according to this.
USA USA USA #1 #1 #1!!!

On the real though I find it super retarded that we have social groups aimed at eradicating autism but frown upon anyone making fun of an autistic. Not that making fun of them solves the issue but cmon.
You can read about it anywhere, stop denying it. I'm not assblasted about Denmark and Sweden. At least Sweden delivers technology.. Norway delivers nothing. You are white arabs. Your nation could die tomorrow and nobody would notice.
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>Why have they been successful regards life standards?

Because there are no Brazilians here.
It's called human commitment and a strive for better life standards for yourself and your future.

This is something other nations don't have. Only people from the north have it. However this has resulted our retarded part, the leftist and etc to exploit this matter and try to "share" it with others, however it will never work because everyone else is not even humans in such regards.
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You realize you're embarrassing yourself, right?
I am going camping in Iceland this Summer will I like it? Will you all be nice to me?
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Don't travel into the center of the country
There is a reason why all our towns are by the coast
My sister has worked on five different platforms in the past 12 years, and what you're describing is simply false. Here's also an article in Norwegian that states 89.4% of the platform workers are Norwegian. The % is higher now as foreign workers were the first to lose their jobs when the oil prices dropped.
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Just stop dude.... It's embarrassing at this point.
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Successful in what, please? Only Iceland and Norwegia maybe have a sucess, but Legoland and Cuckland - no. Especially the last country.

Finland is fine
My cousin has worked on five different platforms in the past 12 years, and what you're describing is simply false. Here's also an article in Norwegian that states 89.4% of the platform workers are German. The % is higher now as foreign workers were the first to lose their jobs when the oil prices dropped.
We are just driving around the coast yeah.
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Not so fast, friend.
Keep talking out of your arse.
I'd say just Norway
Everything in Iceland is way more expensive than it needs to be, because there is literally no competition to keep the prices down.
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Tbh that text looks more like swedish.
I deleted it because i wrote ergative instead of aggluntative. I meant what I said.
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ok bud
The worst part of, events kebab tastes like shit in your country.. Eventually though Oslo city in literally Islamabad 2.0
You are unique by your culture and language
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It's not bullying. I was just pointing it out.

True autism then.
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Post more like pic related pls

I want further evidence for the superiority of socialism
Fucking autocorrect.
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Well i tried to pronounce what he wrote in finnnish and it sounded awful. But when i tried it in swedish pronounciation it sounded almost like a real word. Especially the end part.
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No I tried it too and it did not sound anything like a swedish word, too many Ä.
>You are unique by your culture and language
Hahahhahahahahahah what's unique about Icelandic culture? Feminism?

>muh Vikings
All Danes. Icelandics are inbreds who got kicked out of Denmark
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Oh no, I seem to have been absolutely BTFO
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>From Denmark
Pic related
Its you
Why is the German anon so ass blasted?

Is it because they're even more cucked than the Scandi cucks?
>Well i tried to pronounce what he wrote in finnnish and it sounded awful.
Of course it sounded awful. Finnish is a shitty Altaic language lmfao. Sing a mongol song for us
Just a friendly reminder, for my danish friend: FemFrenq is danish

but I like your language and Emmelie de Forest is a pretty good singer, but she has to release a song in Danish
Dude I don't deny were cucked but the cuckery in Scandinavia us a whole different level. You don't know what you're taking about.
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That's rich coming from an Icelandic whose country has a literal problem with inbreeding.
You have more shitskins per capita than any of the scandi countries

What's your excuse? Go suck Merkels tits you filthy cuckboi
More like https://youtu.be/p_2U9w_2cpg
No we don't.
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>Post factually incorrect shit
>Get corrected and called a retard for it
>Try to use "muh inbreeding"
Even if I was "inbred", you shouldn't point it out when you're being TOLD by that person.
Its like getting having every bone in your body broken by somebody that only used his fists and then calling them a weak
You're only making yourself look worse
Oh yes you do you disgusting cuck
Why is Northern Europe so much richer than Southern Europe. Why can't medshits be as successful has Nordics? Do their sandnigger genes stop them from doing anything right?
You're not making anyone mad here apart form yourself btw. The rampant butthurt is pretty funny.
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Haven't you seen the latest memes? It's obviously protestantism, not "muh genes"
>Scientists are astonished about Iceland's inbreeding
>Icelandics mad and claim to be special
You're the kind of person that after losing to someone in a battle of wits, you'd call the person that beat you retarded.
The only real God of the protestant is the currency so yes basically this

He pretty much already did that ITT.

Never seen a German sperg out so hard. It is like 1933 all over again.
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Oh yeah because Icelandic people are infamous for being riddled with genetic defects and being known as one of the most unattractive people in the world
Oh wait
>o-oh yeah? Well here's a picture to prove you right! so hah!
Well this is an interesting discussion.
T. James Gustafsson
The only real God of the protestant is the currency so yes basically this>>72601924
Finn tourists here are not that aspie and can bang girls quite well. Swedes on the other sides are literally socially retarded
T. James Gustafsson

The pic isn't proving him right. That's just the statement of an Iceland boo but the real reason they research them in indeed inbreeding. I didn't know they eventually have an app to approach the problem hahahahahhahahahahahah
The information provided there is accurate though, so yes, it would.
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Who hurt you?
Were you molested as a child?
Did some Icelandic guy fuck you so good that you fell in love with him and then you never heard from him again?
Was some Icelander mean to you?
What is it that happened to you that generates so much irrational hate?
>still denying it
That's when you know shit us true https://www.google.de/search?q=iceland+inbreeding&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUg6z_tenSAhWnKJoKHTqxAnsQvwUIFigA&biw=412&bih=604&dpr=2.63

You dream of fucking your sister at night?
Visited Berlin a few years ago with my school, and man, it must surely be the only city west of the Iron Curtain in such a shitty condition. Aside from a few areas the entire city seems to be stuck in the 70s. About half of the buildings look like they're about to collapse, all the aint had faded and is coming off. Housing with tin roofs looking like something straight out of Mogadishu. Antifa-members running around howling on the streets as if it was 1992. Suffocatingly bad air quality full of exhaust, and no(!) places have air conditioning. People pay with cash and not VISA like they do in Africa. Their English is absolutely dogshit. The underground is from the 50s. Smelly turks everywhere. Apparently Germans are rumoured to be good drivers, but fuck no, agressive driving and honking rivalling the poo in loos.
>You dream of fucking your sister at night?
You don't have to dream about that in Germany, Achmed.
You guys do it all the time.
At least when Icelandic people are "inbred" we don't get genetic defects or become ugly like your people.
You claim to by successful event though you aren't. My superior German work ethic gets triggered by inbred icelandics
>literally a link to the most generic google search
I once dated a German girl
She said she hated Germany/German culture because you people were mostly all braindead drones
Lived for your work and thought of nothing but that.
Good thing I'm from Bavaria. I couldn't care less about Berlin. BTW stopped reading after 2 sentences.

>implying London is any better
You can't event leave your bike on the street because it will get stolen
>I once dated a German girl
He dated a German citizen with the name Huliya Yilmaz
>shitposting this hard at 8 am on a Laotian comic book collectors message board
>He dated a German citizen with the name Huliya Yilmaz
The fuck does that even mean?
London might be a shithole, but unlike Berlin it's a shithole worth visiting. Berlin redefines shithole in the Western European context. Should've nuked it.
>English "engineering"
>German """"engineering""""
>implying christianity is still relevant
Nobody gives a shit about christianity here. It's way more likely to meet a neo-pagan here than a chistcuck
>thinks bombing a city of a country that fights against three superpowers at the same time is an achievement
Tips fedora
>It's way more likely to meet a neo-pagan here than a chistcuck
Nice meme. Never met a pagan in my life.
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start shit get hit
no corruption
Just because we're corrupt in a different way doesn't mean we don't have corruption.
protestantism better than catholicism, it's a path to atheism
You can't avoid corruption.
The main thing with nordics is that we value hardwork, helping each other and the nation and improving stuff. But this is easily exploited by the jew and which is why we're going down now.
I doubt you have met a finn
There was a huge corruption scandal on Iceland last year IIRC.
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non country population
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many people who have met finns
write that they are retarded
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Why write

Are you that one certain turk?

Qualities of the race, and homogeneity. None of which is now valued, hence the rapid decline, and downfall
I do not associate with Turks.
Our infrastructure is awful. If we made it into 21-40, that's really depressing.
Give some examples of what people have written negatively because I only find people with praising finns
"German work ethic"
You're shitposting and getting emotionally invested on an anime imageboard.

Your "work ethic" comes from being on the spectrum, not from your culture, race, or nationality.
they have a bunch of oil and just a few people
>Your "work ethic" comes from being on the spectrum, not from your culture, race, or nationality.
Wrong. What the fuck would an aboriginie know about it? Ugh uga uga
This desu
How the fuck are we not succesful, ivan?
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>Did some Icelandic guy fuck you so good that you fell in love with him and then you never heard from him again?
kek'd hahahha
People also forget there was a period when Scandinavia was the shithole of Europe. They mimicked the Germans and the French (who were more civilised) and became civilised themselves. Before the 1800s, there were a lot of negative stereotypes about Scandinavians, like we have about Russians and the Chinese today. Through the 1700s they adopted Western European culture.


And that small country above Brazil
> an actual argument from a Finn
I don't think I've seen a non-shitpost from a Finn before.
what is the easiest to move to, Japan or Finland
> that small country above Brazil
It's called Holland.

They used to have an Empire and control East India.
In your case, Finland because EU. Also we speak English
i think it means retarded
Go fuck yourself.
It's crazy that this tiny South American country controlled all of Indonesia and a sophisticated trade network all across the world for transporting spices.
Scandinavians are white niggers
>t. I am Greek
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You're just mad that your country (the Netherlands) was under the Empire of Holland (now known as 'Suriname').
At least he ain't mongol
Socialism tbqhwy tbch
This gives 'banana republics' a whole new meaning.
no devastation by war
even finland was spared twice
not alot of ppl
natural resources

protestantism is a bad meme
they dont like to work, easily indoctrinated aswell, kinda sheep ppl

it is why they are getting filled by foreigners and have backwards ideas about it
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>no devastation by war

Heh, we lost our industrial centers, 12% of land, had to migrate one third of our population out of the lost areas and got lappland completely burned down and Many cities almost bombed to ground. Prior to ww2 we had a devastating civil war we killed each other and then mass murdered the other side by putting them to internment camps where they starved. So that's a poor excuse.
>no devastation by war
In WW2 it might've been accurate except for Finland and Norway, but we've had other wars where we've had a lot of destruction/devastation as well.

Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it never happened.
I'm starting to think that this "German" guy is just an immigrant that didn't get his asylum accepted in Norway, and now are stuck in Germany.
>nordic countties
>almost all the means of production are privately owned, private property exists heavily
>literally capitalists with a massive welfare state

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Marxist dicksuckers always do this shit pham. They point to Sweden as a successful example of "socialism". Even Hernie did it to Denmark, and their PM had to say that Denmark isn't socialist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Sweden

>Approximately 90% of all resources and companies are privately owned, with a minority of 5% owned by the state and another 5% operating as either consumer or producer cooperatives.[20]


Cooperatives are socialist because the workers own the means of production. The vast majority of Sweden's GDP comes from private companies operating for private profit.
Whoops https://www.thelocal.dk/20151101/danish-pm-in-us-denmark-is-not-socialist

Socialism = public ownership of the means of production. None of the Nordic countries are this

t. Ahmad
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>replying to obvious bait
Because we are superior.
>Scandinavian master race.
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Because Knugen. That's why.
>nordic countries arent socialist
>but liberals are and the ussr was!!!1
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ITT: germany mad that they will NEVER be Nordic™
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>high autism rate

that's pretty rich coming from a german, my guy
Grazie caro amico!!!!!
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I am a Greek
its still nothing compared what happened in the eastern front
you didnt have mongols or 30years wars or ottomemes
or ww1 at all
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I am a Greek, not a shitskin.
You are shitskins to Greeks.
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>greeks are so poor they attack nords because we work hard and keep order instead of leeching from EU
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Kek. stop. You've got nothing

We have like 5 different names for historical occupations of Finland by russians, in most of these we were almost killed to extinction by famine, plagues and occupation policies where cossacks and troops were allowed to kill anyone they wanted to and sell anyone who they wanted to ottomans. In many of these times russians burned and slated our lands. We've had it rough for the most of our history and some slav speaking a uralic language tells me we have had it easy. Kys.
>or ww1 at all

We suffered by the shortages and general impairement of russian empire in ww1 and shortly after independence as the guy before you said spiraled into the most devastatign civil war in europe by then only to be succeeded by the spanish civil war.

Since you seem to know absolutely fucking nothing about our history why won't you just shut the hell up.
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pay denbts
yes you had it easy no matter how much butthurt its causing pekka
we are the real finno ugrics unlike you russian and swedish rapebabies

the only reason you lot feel so strong about it is because thats the only thing you know
>le ebin finn education
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>Mix of turk, Slav, German, and uralic tells a finn they're just a mix of swedes and russians whilst bashing their education system

I know i'm bad at irony but this is very obvious, right? Now, what do you have even in common with other uralic languages other than exactly that, language. Since surely you seem to have less uralic admixture than damn turks.

Get real. Hungarians are the saddes most pathetic country i have ever seen. Just a bunch of cryptogypsies larping turks. And the only praise you get is from is from retarded alt-rightist who praise your "dictator".

Have a nice day btw.
I genuinly wonder why the German guy in this thread feel so insecure about his country.
It's a well established fact that Germany is one of the most well-funtioning countries in the world.

There isn't one single cause to our succes, and different people will of course give credit to different things. But I would say that it was the politicians after WW2, that laid the fondations of the Nordic countries you see today. We realized that we were small nations, and to tried to compensate for this, we invested heavily in the education and wellfare of every citizen. The idea is that if everyone is a healthy and skilled worker, we could increase our general output as a nation.

This is an expensive system though, and requires high taxes. Everyone will have to do their part for it to work (Paying all their taxes, being a part of the work force, etc). Our system wouldn't work if the people didn't work with it.
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>we work
>we work
Functional autism
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Only with nokias and memes
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Show me yours Sven.
The reason Nordics have so high debts on average, is because it's very common to own real estate. It's mostly only young people that rent property.
Most of the debt you see in that statistic are mortage loans with 2,5%-5% interest rate.
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and beating sweden in 95 hockey wc
Yeah that diagram shows that we work harder for less hours and you have to compensate same work with more hours, thus you're less efficient and worse and that reflects the economy.
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this. southern yuropoors and greeks especially won't understand that.
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specially this one
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>typing something is hard work in sweden
thats why arabs fuck all your women
>he couldn't handle it so he went on with personal attacks

Excellent work there.
investment in domestic and international propaganda

these are all failing states and dying peoples

any unbiased investigation will reveal this
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but you started lying
and wrote that you work harder
which is a lie
because whites are weak
thats why germans imported thousands of workers
We Greeks just have better families.
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>I am a Greek, not a shitskin.
>and wrote that you work harder
Work harder != work more hours
You seem to be very bad with english and with understanding concepts.

Germans imported more workers because they wanted to dump payments and increase revenue of their companies.
But then again you didn't seem to go to school either eh? Since this is basic economics
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>U.S. bureau of the census
Uh huh go on....
>telling you our secrets

the northern cabal will never reveal its methods
didnt read
because everyone knows that people work harder in poorer countries
you are just jealous at Greeks
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Opposite day? Finns are literally the most autistic nation on the planet.
ive seen you ppl work
that is not working
your dads and previous generations might have worked hard but you fags dont know whats working anymore

submitting a report about your sales is not efficiency, it just means someone did the actual working for you
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its because they included usa too

sweden is a dog of america
bark dog
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>The only decent country in scandinavia
You have made an enemy for life.
I don't know why you're butthurt now.
I am a software dev and I enjoy my work and I put a lot of time in both my interest and my companies interest. This is something I guess you guys don't understand.
in denmark
transsexuals are not mentally ill people
>didnt read
We didn't expect you to, we already know you're illiterate.
No, that just means that your shitty country doesn't have enough work for all the young turks (greeks), so you all live in your mom's basement until you're in your 30s. Sad!
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I can see why that'd appeal to you, but I'm sure they have plenty of other reasons to consider you mentally ill.
most Greeks, Turks and Arabs here could easily live alone but they stay with their family until they get a girlfriend or marry a woman.
>Greeks, Turks and Arabs
We just call all of these Turks. Yugos too.
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>We didn't expect you to
>didn't expect you to
>expect you to
>you to
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danes are mentally ill faggots
Right. Is that why you consider them the only decent country in Scandinavia?
i dont care what new platform you are implementing for candy crush, the meme about productivity is a bad meme
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Pathetic. Your parents didn't look over you for 20 years for nothing. It's time to grow a pair and take responsibility for your own life
ok but keep in mind that Greeks are not Turks.
And Greeks are better than Turks, Arabs and Yugos.
>Greeks are not Turks
I think Sweden is the best country in Scandinavia.
but sweden
is still shit

i wrote here
in germany

>le responsibility
what do you mean you retard?

Everyone knows that Greeks are better than Turks.
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>Greeks are not Turks
and sweden is the cucкest nation on the planet
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Aren't you the ones forced to learn their language?
Seems like you're the cucked ones.
Greeks are Greeks
>i dont care what new platform you are implementing for candy crush, the meme about productivity is a bad meme

I work for astrazeneca and my main workload is to maintain and work on present and future medicine simulations and etc.
You can stop posting now, Ikibey.
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Normennj er naturlig overlegne !!!!!!!! :-DDD
He isn't Finnish he is russian.
A finn wouldn't meme that bad stuff, a real finn doesn't give a shit about swedes.
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Uh huh I'm with you
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Dette fåvæ.
>Butt-blasted Greek that throws a tantrum when someone dare imply that Greece isn't the perfect country

Obviously, I know there are things we could be better at. But you aren't interested in exchanging ideas and point of views. You just hate the idea that another country could be better than yours at something. So you decide to angrily throw quasi facts, and cherry picked statistics in an attempt to insult strangers on the internet.
You are a disgrace to the Greeks I've met IRL.
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Wow.. the asspain on the german guy is on new level. This thread is great!
He's appearently Greek
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Oh my
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Good thread boys. So much assblast
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some real butthurt
You really crushed him.
Ota tää.
he has real mental issues, he makes posts like this 24/7 on here for a long long time
I am a Turk
This is what I was talking about in >>72610520
You need to find better ways to insult us, because to us, you're only embarrassing yourself.
Norway has oil, Sweden and Finland are Swedish, but I can't really say why Denmark is successful. They're not innovative nor particularly industrious, logic suggests they should've crashed an burned ages ago.
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>Sweden and Finland are Swedish

Uhh ok, but what has that do with your statement as a whole?
your countries and people are really boring
i dont care about your shitholes
He is baiting you guys
ah so you are the haplogroup autist
havent seen you in a while

yea the language is more important than what your made up statistics tells you, now go learn some swedish
>I dont care about your shitholes
Yes, it really shows
maybe they have big shipping industry like greece
with non country population
>i dont care about your shitholes

..says the guy who just wrote a hundred post trying to mock our countries but makes an ass of himself.
have you ever seen me making threads about your countries?
just because it is a highlight for you
doesnt mean that it has to be one for me too
fuck you and norway
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Thank you. Keep posting. Please.
>Implying the rest of Europe wouldn't starve to death if it were not for Denmark
>Implying Denmark didn't make it and export shit-tons of all sorts of things, even though we hardly have any natural resources
Call us unsuccesful just one more time...
Last i checked i wasn't, don't really care about them but is should tell alot that you don't even have your original genetic origins anymore in your genetic makeup. That's really the extent of my haplo knowledge and interest. Just found it funny you are calling yourself true finno-ugric whilst your language in general is wordwise just slavic. and it's even disputed if you even are Finno-ugric at all.
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Hey we're above average guys!
Homogenous society combined with a strong discipline and a respect for authority

sadly none of these points stands today
greeks are too poor to afford rope
>What are their secrets, /int/? Why have they been successful regards life standards?
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Abin al Abdullah bin Mahmoud BTFO
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They don't need it.
>strong discipline and a respect for authority

that's Japan 4u
oscar price is more important than this meme
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yes, that's why the nips must be protected

not an argument
stupid t*rkroach
sweden is shit
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Sweden has a chance of redemption, AFD will never win in krautland, you'll be stuck with merkel or a worse alternative, let's face it, germany is doomed to become the brazil of Europe
most people here dont even believe in god anymore
sweden is pathetic

god hates fags
prof at uni actually explained this one. for norwegians atleast, it's because we're extremely efficient; when we work, we work. we're germany-tier. work smart, not hard, that's for shitskin countries
god hates successful countries that aren't on the verge on economic collapse
high gdp, low population, little geopolitical threat, and a culture centred around helping one's community (i.e. janteloven)
1. Higher literacy rate than the rest of Europe since the 17th century.
2. Part of the Atlantic economic boom since the discovery of the New World
3. Linguistically and religiously homogeneous.
4. Stayed out of WWI
5. Not destroyed by WWII
>A real Finn is an obedient, submissive cuck to the Svecomans and their cause
Fuck off, Cai-Göran.
Doesnt apply to finland and its still in top 5 countries in world in everything
Was very close to respond to you. Stupid idiot, a real finn focuses only on finnish matters and nothing else. So naturally they don't give a damn about anyone and specially swedes.
You don't get to define that. A real Finn wishes to see Swedes genocided for their sins, and rejoices at the sight of their current decline.
>You don't get to define that

Neither do you
I have more right to it than foreign imperialists like him, that is for certain.
which nordic to learn pls
And what exactly makes your word better than his? Now for real.

And i'm not saying you either have very good opinions
>foreign imperialists
You're thinking of the Russians.
in rich countries
people become degenerate subhumans
norwegian kills many children
and now he lives better than most people on earth
The fact that I am a purebred, ethnic Finn. It by default makes my view on Sweden and its relationship with Finland undistorted.
Swedes aren't native to these lands and expanded here in their megalomania, so you are foreign imperialists.
>The fact that I am a purebred, ethnic Finn. It by default makes my view on Sweden and its relationship with Finland undistorted.

Well somehow it atleast makes you fucking obsessed about them either way. I guess i'm too much of an some mememutt by your standards to really care for this holy cause.
>i'm too much of an some mememutt by your standards to really care for this holy cause
Not necessarily, you're just passive like the rest of the masses. Which is unfortunate.
>Swedes aren't native to these lands and expanded here in their megalomania, so you are foreign imperialists.
There have been several major migration waves into what is today known as Finland. If you only call the first wave "native" and the rest "foreign", then the population of Finland is probably something like 90% foreign.
We can split hairs for eternity, but the truth is a lot simpler. Finland is made up of various Finnic tribes, and said tribes constitute the natives of this land. Germanics are foreign, as are Slavics. You and your language don't belong here.
Breeding with slaves from invasions+sami+Khan, economic freedom, good weather and awesome ass landscapes. Fuck, i am not norwegian... Why live?
You can tell yourself whatever you want, but you are no more native to Finland than Swedes or Sami are.
It doesn't matter, none of it will be of any use to Brazil.
And somehow still we're only less than 2% swedish by genes. Were those migrators just really bad with women? Or is the situation a lot simpler where most of the migrating swedes only stick to one area and in those especially monolingual areas are notorious for extreme inbrededness ie. Närpes.
>fuck off nobody's really native to anyplace anyway waaaaahhhhh
Cultural Marxism and Swedish imperialism compliment each other very well, I'll give you that.
But that's wrong you fucking retard, Swedish settlement here doesn't go back further than the 13th century whereas Finns have been here for thousands of years.
Nation states didn't exist thousands of years ago you dumb arse


>a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own

Did ancient finns have a government? Didn't think so, you were just wild animals.
Yes the respective tribes had their territories which you had to conquer if you've ever read history. But i won't go deeper in to this discussion since you seem as stupid and obnoxious as our Kang here.
I wasn't talking about nation states, but the area that constitutes the modern Republic of Finland. Swedes are foreign intruders, and must be purged.
And PS. You were just wild animals with a kings boot to lick. so don't sugarcoat yourself you cunt.
There's nothing obnoxious about wanting to purge imperialist influence.
You can't steal territory if nobody else has claimed it. In that case you stole Finland from the neanderthal while exterminating them and deserve everything coming your way.
Scandinavians are the true master race. Thats why their cunts work so well.
they are subhumans

No. The rest of europe are subhumans. You know this to be true Hans.
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Says the Greek (aka pseudo turk)
Well our ancestors lived there defended those lands from raids and traded there, i'd say that's pretty claimed. And now we've reclaimed it. And since we're an nation state in a land where we finns have lived for thousands of years and it's universally agreed upon by the nations of the world that this spot of land is sovereign territory of Finns who come from certain ethnic backround and speak a certain language. our granparents have bled for this land and built it from ruins just so some swede can throw stupid accusations and larp a vikingnigger from 1300s?

I'd kill you where you stand if you'd say that to my face you rotten being.
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>I'd kill you where you stand if you'd say that to my face you rotten being
Before you establish civilization you don't own shit. You cannot deny this.

Your people wandered around the globe and would've left on their own had we given it another decade or two, killing each other more than "repelling" any "invaders".

God you're obnoxious
No you're being quite obnoxious petty and extremely opinionated on the stance where your hatred of finns reeks to here.

That's all it's not like you're trying to even hide it.

t: Other
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finns are literally human trash
Do you know about Lynn?
Ever talked with a Bosniak?
He's a mentally ill greek (turk).

Don't bother with him.
we are cool and also innovative u scumfuck
Never mind, I just remembered that Denmark has oil too.
Don't feed the troll man. Also, I love that gif
I like Finns, except those so autistic that they hate me for no reason. So all of /int/.
I like you.
Stop trying to falsify history by downplaying the extent of your imperialistic fervor. It got 1/3 of Finns killed, after all.
I wouldn't hate you if it weren't for your holier than thou attitude, and the false pretense that Swedes dindu nuffin.
Hatred is a strong word. What you describe shouldn't be the cause of anything more than mild annoyance for any sane and balanced person.
It's real cause for hatred when your ilk still try to define Finns through Sweden, in fact that is the basis of our Nordic pseudoidentity. When Swedes acknowledge that Fennoswedes don't deserve their current privileges then there'll be progress.
But we literally have no say in how Fennoswedes are treated in your country though, why should our acknowledgement of anything be of any importance to you?
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