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Would you eat Brazilian meat, /int/?

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Would you eat Brazilian meat, /int/?
I heard saying that beef represents the soul of the nation.
No thank you, I don't eat meat
>inb4 faggot
>Uruguay is now the only country in the world with a completely computerised traceability system - meaning consumers at home and abroad know exactly where their beef comes from and how it was raised.


Brazil should adopt this shit.
I think Brazil should be carpet nuked, but thanks for the advice.
Fuck you and get out of my country.

it didn't damaged [a lot] the exp, tho
most of the products regarding exp are inspected twice [one time here and again in the destination country]
the problem is; if those gringos inspectors are in the middle of all this, cahoots with this scheme
We should sanction brazil for this and ask for reperations for healthy expanses
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Only from my state.

that is already happening
those companies are fucked up
the impact in the international market is already colossal
it is most likely, e.g., that BRF will broke

but Czechs but those meats?

*buy those meats?
>ma bought some canned meat from brazil
>threw it in the trash
No, but I hear russians can't get enough ;)
There is some Brazilian restaurant a couple of blocks away. I am never going to eat there. Thanks.
>but Czechs but those meats?
You exported them to the EU market so they were kinda everywhere in some form or another.
Gonna be shitty time for your exports though, considering that you seem to have pissed off EU.
The EU is far far away from our biggest market tho. The problem is China being pissed.

Its cheaper than local
I hope both China and EU project sanctions against Brazil, or at least some massive embargoes.
Unironically wish I had your discipline m8

Meat is bad for you, it's literally the protein jew
i'm a vegan, so i just don't care :)
We get some of our cheaper meat from Brazil and Argentina now, so I probably ate some of this shite.

Thanks Brazil
>tfw you will never retire to Uruguay on a small ranch
I've been a vegetarian for aprox. a month and I'm quite proud of myself, at first it feels like dieting but then you'll get used to it
>tfw gringos will now die of food poisoning

Huehue 7 x 1 dumb gringos

obviously the exp will fall down, with reason
and i hope those companies be brought to ashes and be replaced by many others
but the exp are the least affected, as i've said
plus, this only impacted part of the production, not the whole of it


and how is cheaper than local? considering all the cost of transportation n' shit


EU surely will do that
China as well, but those chinks have ceiling glass; their meat is worse than ours
It also affects smaller businesses abroad >>72463132 >>72463231

It might be 4chan but that's exactly what the average person will do. That's what I'd do myself tbqh. Boycott all Brazilian and Brazil-related businesses.
>eating processed "meat"
You reap what you sow

>It also affects smaller businesses abroad

yes, it affects every thing; it is like throwing shit in our already tainted image

>Boycott all Brazilian and Brazil-related businesses

bad ideia
we must boycott specifically those companies, whose used the state to establish them as a monopoly [JBS supported Dilma campaign, e.g.]
>JBS supported Dilma campaign, e.g.
you fucking dumb bitch
these giant companies support EVERY candidate with a chance of winning

yes, i've just used Dilma as an EXAMPLE, retard
still my point is; boycott those assholes, no matter who they support
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I just watched this yesterday and loved it. Absolute police state kino.

What do you hues think of it?
>Meat is bad for you

this one is good
the second one isn't
I wouldn't eat any meat coming from somewhere else than France, except if I'm in another country of course.
it's a masterpiece. try the elite squade 2. it's good as well.
Please buy our lamb
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>3rd thread about this
>same flag

Jesus christ do you guys have some masochist complex?

>hurr durr look how shit my country is pls spit on me

Also this shit only affects our internal market since exported meat get's inspected twice.
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I bought kiwis from NZ because I thought they were from France

the second is shit
Thank you mon ami. I will keep buying French cheese :)
I haven't eaten imported meat since Canada tried to pull that shit on us like 15 years ago.
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Oh boy, I sure love brazil fucking up Mercosur's economy and RUINING the trust in the relation with the EU that Uruguay has been working on for years.

Thank you brazil.
>the protein jew
It's not the poor choices in life which kill you, it's the memes.
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I didn't eat brazilian meat before(it's hard and dry) so even less now.

It's not like the US is any better though so i'm not going to give brazil shit for it, luckily our products are better.

>China as well, but those chinks have ceiling glass; their meat is worse than ours
Ahh yes systematic corruption in at least 33 food safety officials in cahoots with 5+ companies to export literally rotten meat.

Even Chinese aren't that disgusting, or stupid enough to think it would work.
There's no fucking chance a meat of quality shit enough to be described as "rotten" would pass EU import restrictions. If anything can be trusted about EU it would be the fucking beaurocracy around it.

We most likely avoided the shittiest part of it.
France exported salmonella meat and killed 20+ spaniards in the 90's.

Fucking french
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we've been putting roadsalt into meat products exported to czech republic for years before they figured it out.
the funny thing is they buy it en masse because our shit is just cheaper than theirs.
Actually, the EU and Mercosur have a food safety agreement (on most foods) where if one side verifies the safety, the other side only checks the basics.

Hence why the Brazilians were able to get rotten meat past the detectors.

Even the fake chemicals they used will be noticed if the EU didn't have that agreement.

I bet it'll be dropped now.
>meat is bad for you

This is 3rd world as fuck.

Actually, the 3rd world couldn't have gotten away with this for so long.

This is 3rd world mentality in a 2nd world country.
Do argies buy their beef from BR? is that why they cook the meat until it's charcoal?
I don't really care desu. I can stomach it easily.
I remember when the US spread that mad cow thing in here and fucked us up for a couple years in early 2000's.

We should "thank" them though, our meat is now traceable because every cow has a chip and we're basically in the top 3 of the market because of quality and sanitary reasons.
He's not wrong, eating meat is proven to lead to heart disease
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>buying meat from fucking brazil
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B-brazil is commie?
yes and eating bananas is proven to cause potassium poisoning
They do that with us too. Claimed we had aftosa cows, and held the ban on meat 10 years after it was proven the last ill cow died.
They seem to be a little too protectionist with their food manufacturing
what do I need to do to move to a first world country like uruguay? do I need to have a degree or something?
Same here

They use their military/economic force to pry open the EU market.
The EU is so cucked.

Worse. Formerly Commie shithole
>Step #1: be human

Born to fail.
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feels bad man
It's easy because mercosur. People from Venezuela are coming a lot lately, a lot of brazilians come to study since it's free.

People tend to prefer Buenos Aires though because there's more stuff to do.
The difference between bananas and meat is that people eat much more meat in their lifetimes than bananas but if you want heart problems, higher blood pressure, acidity and rapid aging go ahead and disregard our warnings
>studying in Uruguay when there's literally dozens of better universities in Brazil
>not studying in São Paulo
>move to slum paolo to study in a so-called "elite university" that struggles to even remain in worldwide university rankings
>get shot
Funny you blame "commies" because both PP and PMDB were the ones behind it and those are right wing parties behind the current president of Brazil(that took the government with a coup by the way, something we said last year but brazilian media made fun of us).

t. jelly monkey who failed vestibular
if I'm even considering settling for a rank 250~300 university, I might as well just go all the way with "not caring about ranking" and go for one in an actually safe city where I'm not likely to get shot in the 600+s
Buenos Aires university is the best in latin america.
every ranking institutions put the UBA wherever they feel like. I've seen it as the top in SA, the 10th place, and literally not even on the top 50, according to who made it.
>"studying" in the shitty half of the planet
You're going to live and die here, why study anywhere else when you'll be able to get a good job with local education?
>"They used acid and other chemicals to mask the aspect of the product. In some cases, the products used were carcinogenic," the police said.
>In other cases, potato, water and even cardboard paper was mixed with chicken meat to increase profits.

>three BRF cargoes tainted with salmonella are still en route to Europe.

Revenge for 7-1.

it was only a part of the exp goods, minimum damage
the main problem is the image, which is tainted
chinks don't care for food hygiene at all, and their gov't is more corrupt than ours. so, yeah!, do the math

there two inspections, one internal and other external
the external are done by the gringos themselves
so, and if this corruption scandal extend to them as well? why didn't they detecte this issue in the meat?
of the two, one:
i. or they are corrupt and let this issue pass
ii. or they haven't saw any issue while testing the meat quality

we have nothing to do with that
this scandal will affect only us
The US helping ilegal stuff that benefits a US backed coup doesn't seem unlikely >>72471394
>Spics blaming the evil capitalist America for everything again
I expected better from you, Uruguay.
T-thanks brfriend. People do that too often on /int/. It gets to be hurtful.
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brb i will eat some rotten meat right now
Get an argie to cook it for you so you don't get sick
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i can overcook it by myself
As long as you stay safe bro
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i will die soon. the brazilians you see here on int won't last long
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pls no, they're some of the nicest posters. take the germans instead please ;_;
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it is not me to decide our fate. we will all die slowly by eating rotten meat or be murdered by a favelado
please take care so that doesn't happen
>Absolute police state
Did you forget that part of the video where the drug lords are in their territory doing some honor killings?

Damn, I wish all libtards died
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i will try
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