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Thread replies: 118
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Stop making fun of Sweden. If this is what they want than let them be.
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Was just listening to that song.

She doesn't have the authority to do anything of the sort though.
What she wants and what is actually happening are entirely separate matters.
Ooga booga.
Where the white women at?
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Near the Swedish border.jpg
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I'm trying to understand why that guy is wearing that bride dress. also notice that other guy with the dixie flag t-shirt, a bit ironic isn't it?
The realest possible talk:

Why do you even do this? Why do you keep trying (and succeeding) to destroy yourself with such passion?
The fact that such a subversive element is allowed this position alone is a massive meme tho.
leftists/sjws dominating their academia and then moving on to the government.
I heard 2 storys.
First is: the africans know its silly and its part of a local comedy movie.
Second is: Congo vodoo says that the spirit of the bullet will not find you if you wear a costume that veils your true identity.
both are funny stories. thanks germanbro
Oh yeah even our mainstream media had it in them to criticize her after this fucking joke of a statement.
the jews did this
Are these French tourists?
Some years ago I always thought that people fake those news about Sweden.
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African movies are pretty cute
u r cute
>criminals shouldn't be integrated back into society
Reminder for the retards out there: if the only use of your prisons is punitive and you condone it, you live in a shithole and have psychopathic tendencies
What exactly do you rather have done with ISIS fighters returning to your nation, fail to integrate and go full snackbar in a packed city street or something?
Countries like Sweden are facing problems in certain areas because people are failing to integrate.
>guy on the right is wearing a southern cross/rebel t-shirt.

>Enemy warriors are criminals

Are you telling me next that ahmed went to the desert for blood, slaves and glory because his mum didnt care enough?
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i'm reporting you to putin
Why do you refuse to address anything anon posted and instead sperg out with a red herring?
Being gay is not a crime in Russia.
>What exactly do you rather have done with ISIS fighters returning to your nation
kick them out?
Its not a red herring as his message has to be seen in context with OP and thus implies that enemy combatants are just another form of ordinary criminals who can be reintegrated into society.
How so? I genuinely wanna know
There are several possibilities:
1. Accept ISIS statedom and declare war in order to applie laws of war to the returning combatants who joined the islamic state, holding them indefenitly as POWs with the lack of rights that implies.

2. Rent some military base in some second world country that does not like islamic terrorists and use this legal grey zone in order to store them indefinitly away from society guantanamo style with low costs.

3. Simply strip them of their right to hold a swedish passport, denie them entry and deport them back into the hands of the syrian government if they get caught trying to enter.
The syrians will then proceed to shoot them in the back of their heads and dump their corpses in some nameless ditch, but that is none of your concern as you are not to be held accountable for what foreign governments do.
I don't get it... How can someone THIS retarded get elected? Is dropping your kids on their heads as infants a tradition that everyone does and that's how Sweden became collectively retarded?
She wasn't elected, she was appointed this position by the government.
well then how can whoever appointed her get elected???
Because the opposing political block had made itself quite unpopular at the time of elections.
I'll just leave this right here
>wtf immigrants make efforts to integrate, how revolting
took me a second
More like you let them in unfiltered m8.
Thats really bad.
Sweden, if you don't see the problem you're really gone down the rabbit hole
It's more like
>wtf there's already more immigrants than swedes using popular apps in Sweden
>wtf immigrants, how revolting
Our ministers said the same. Death to both of us
fucking Paula Risikko should just be fired
where are the social justice warriors to rally in the streets when there's an actual danger to the tolerance they so much love? They're on facebook to defend the very danger that's going to kill them in a couple of years
Why would native Swedes even use this app when literally all of them are already fluent in English?
Besides what does it even have to do with OP's point?
I can only wonder when your IP will be banned.
Do like literally everyone around Sweden and learn Spanish?
What are they supposed to do with them then, especially if they're already citizens?

Keep them locked up for ever? Unlawful.

Send them back to syria? Unlawful.

Kill them? Again, unlawful.

It's the best choice out of a list of only bad choices.

Thank the people who created for creating the breeding ground for ISIS sprung up from, mainly US.
He is trolling or just plain braindead leftist
Not unlike what's happening now.
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what the actual fuck?
I agree with you, but I also think some blame should go to the IS turncoats themselves. Even if we're being nice, and assume they were discriminated against, and weren't just asshole islamists, they were clearly very unrational, emotional people to throw away their chance in a good society. Smart people would understand the position they were in, and made peace with it. They did not, so clearly these are foolish people.
They have strange superstitions.
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>Sweden would still be the only country in that situation if we were not to take English/obvious languages into consideration
>I don't have data backing up by claims but I'll keep making assumptions
Spanish is the most commonly picked language at school. And one more time, what does it have to do with OP's point?
You should deport them all to Syria, that's the best option.

Even Brazil isn't this retarded...
3rd. they pillaged a white farm and are showing off what they got
If they are citizens their rights cannot be taken away that easily.
You're gonna upset all the leftists(aka swedes in general)
Wearing 5 belts and a doll on a chain over his shoulder is still strange
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Oh God I'm so done
Could some swede explaing why this is allowed but speaking finnish was banned by many swedish employers and your equality minister said its "permissible"
Provide context and supporting legislation
In the Netherlands they get prosecuted and risk losing the Dutch nationality.
Most Dutch Muslims also have a Turkish or Moroccan nationality at the side. So if you're convicted you have to do jailtime and then you get deported to Turkey or Morocco.
My sources are in finnish so probably dont understand but uppsala's town banned speaking finnish in every workplace even during the breaks and apparently it is legal and supported. What the fuck are you doing well hope you have better time with arabic
Uppsala förbjöd bruk av finska språket

Uppsala stad har förbjudit sina anställda att tala finska på sin arbetsplats. Sverigefinnarna är upprörda över beslutet och vill att saken ska bli prejudicerande. Sverigefinländarnas delegation kräver att Europarådet utreder huruvida en arbetsgivare kan tvinga alla anställda att tala enbart svenska.
Uppsalafallet utreds också av diskrimineringsombudsmannen i Sverige.
Språktvisten uppstod vid socialtjänsten i Uppsala, där verksamhetsplanerare Tiina Kiveliö talade finska med en arbetskamrat. Deras chef förbjöd dem ändå att använda finska.
Kiveliö ville inte gå med på förbudet och krävde Uppsala stad på en förklaring. Staden besvarade klagan och gjorde i samråd med fackförbundet SKTF:s lokalavdelning upp ett rekommendationsbrev, enligt vilket svenska bör användas på alla stadens arbetsplatser.
Verksamhetsledare Lennart Andersson vid Uppsala stad förnekar att det skulle vara förbjudet att tala finska i korridorerna och på cafeterior. Enligt honom handlar det bara om att hitta ett gemnsamt tjänstespråk. Men enligt vissa uppgifter skulle förbudet också omfatta kaffepauserna.
Finska är fortfarande ett språk som man ser ner på i Sverige.
Vid SKTF uppger man att fackets lokala ombud inte kontaktade centralförbundet i saken. Förbundet har inga allmänna råd för sådana här fall, men åtgärder ska vidtas, rapporterar sverigefinska Sisuradio.
Sverigefinnarna vill i varje fall att Uppsala-fallet ska bli prejudikat. Sverigefinländska delegationens sekreterare Esko Melakari har besvärat sig i ärendet till Europarådet.
Enligt sverigefinnarnas delegation handlar det inte ens om ett enstaka fall. Fortfarande diskrimineras finska språket i Sverige, men många felbehandlade sverigefinnar vågar inte besvära sig.
Det är oklart om Europarådet tar sig an saken, eftersom man i Sverige inte har följt besvärsvägen till
You seriously deserve everything
>Single case 10 years ago
Voi ei, just like another Nuijasota
I looked into it and apparently the local government went back on that and apologized almost immediately.
He's watched too much pirated anime
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Dont you see anything paradoxal in whats happening there and banning their former countrymens language
>Voi ei, just like another Nuijasota
tip-top-tier, stealing this
There is nothing happening. The local government fucked up, realized their mistake and sorted it out.

It's a French/Liberian film: Johnny Mad Dog
Out of all things you could tolerate, you chose grenade attacking muslims against finnish speaking employed people. SAD
>you'll never have a laugh with your mates dressing up silly with your AK's
wasted youth lads
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It's that time again~
Sweden is proper fucked. The Swedes in this thread are pretty much super leftist-pieces of shit who will deny the obvious until they themselves get raped in an alley by some Somali pirate.

The arabs who came here in the past never integrated and created huge suburbs where they live in accordance to their arab ways, the new arabs will do the same thing.

Immigrants make up 17% of the total Swedish population but make up a majority of people serving long-term prison sentences, a majority of the unemployed and a majority of welfare-recipients. And these numbers don't even take into account the SECOND generation arabs who are just as bad as the new immigrants.

''''Utrikes födda står för 17 procent av befolkningen, men utgör 53 procent av dem med långa fängelsestraff, 54 procent av de arbetslösa och mottar 60 procent av de utbetalda socialbidragen. ''

How does it feel swedes will die out and those arabs will take over your country, there will not be multiculturality or tolerance
Noone cares
the grenade attacks are almost always done by motor cycle gangs (who are probably 100% Finnish)
Another lie, the recent murder of a child was in a muslim suburb.
I would tale these kids over ISIS any day
Calm down Mehmet, don't get violent now.
Going to the chapel of love
>(who are probably 100% Finnish)
prejudice and racism, when will the eternal swede learn?
I dont believe you, our news tell that they happen in mosques and in your worst muslims ghettos. What would finns do in there
I miss this reporter.

Are whites dead?
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you're right, they should elect her to the top executive office, PM or president, whatever sweden has
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>It's French
Gave me a good laugh today, thanks
>a message is violence :'(
Swedes are such faggots omg.

You should stop being calm, and fucking do something for your country for once. Complaining won't change a thing.

I'm not gonna do his nazi legwork for him, but

The USA's case is very interesting. Obviously lots of German Jews fled here (and to Argentina) before Uncle Adolf went to the supermarket to buy lighter fluid for his barbecue, and watched the holocaust from afar. Naturally, I can't blame them, they wanted to make sure that such conclusive anti-semitic acts would not happen in their new country.

So they set out to collectively control key points in American culture that would safeguard them against a populist revolt. One is government and lobbying, such as AIPAC ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Israel_Public_Affairs_Committee ) and ADL ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Defamation_League ).

Another is the media. The vast majority of news corporations, television companies, and film studios are owned by Jewish people. You will never find criticism of Judaism or Israel reported on, shown on TV, or featured in a film. Furthermore, you're likely to get the reverse: anti-semitic acts, like swastika graffiti on a temple, are more likely to be shown.

This is all done when Jews are 2% of the US population. In their quest for self-preservation (again, a noble goal, I don't blame anyone for wanting not to get killed) they've bent our system around their knee and are exploiting it for selfish reasons. The banks were bailed out in 2008, even though the financial industry was at fault. Who runs the financial industry? Jews do. "Socialism for me, but capitalism for you."

The Canuck doesn't want to say it, and it's honestly too conspiratorial even for me, but with the level of control rich Jews have over particular Western countries, they might be able to control demographic growth to an uncomfortable degree. It's well-known that educated women have fewer children, and Jews were at the front line of the feminist movement. Blacks and Mexicans remain uneducated, whites decline, Orthodox Jews have 4 children per couple.

Divide and conquer reduces risk.
Watch the video to the end.


immigrants should learn swedish before coming to your country.

a requirement to become swedish should be 'knowledge of the swedish language.'

that is how you keep the lazy people out.

clearly i don't want to spurn people who are just trying to get -better- at swedish than the basic level of fluency required to work and survive, but look at the rest of the world map

the number of """"swedes""" who are learning swedish is less than the number of swedes who are learning english, spanish or french.

think about that. those numbers are not fathomable.
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>is less
fuck, I meant more
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Strip them of citizenship for fighting for a foreign government.


It's not rocket science. I don't want Americans fighting French wars or Russian wars or whatever without the consent of the US government in the conflict. And that's what we did, volunteer brigades to China's White Army, volunteer brigades to Russia's White Army, and you did the same to Finland when it was being attacked by the USSR.

A countryman who fights for another country is no countryman of mine.
This is from a movie. Johnny Mad Dog.

Not to say shit like this doesn't happen somewhere in Africa.
Huh? Is German still spoken on a wide scale in Namibia like Afrikaans is in ZA?
stop lying
Stop being such a strawberry jam sandwich.
I'm not disagreeing with that notion, it's my personal opinion that these people should be treated like any other traitors.
There is just no support for that in our current legal system. That may change but as of now there are no grounds for punishing them.

I'm sure Säpo is cumming in their pants at the thought of having honest to god jihadis on their hands, so they won't lack for surveillance at the very least.
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General Butt Naked did shit like this
Hang them in the middle of town square
ISIS aren't a foreign government and it is against international law to strip someone's citizenship if they have no other citizenship. Treason is charged under the same criminal code as other Federal crimes.
The whole point of all this is that we're better than that. We're better than them. We're better than pretty much anyone.

It's beneath us.
This is from a movie (French one too) about Child soldiers. "Johnny Mad Dog".
Does the Swedish media actually try to blame muslim crimes on Finns? I heard something about this before.

>It's ok to blame immigrants as long as they look white
It's hard to believe that Liberia is actually a real country with shit like this.

Seems like they all just murder for the sake of it rather than for any real reason.
You know they hate us because we have same culture and religion, and theyre jealous since finns arent as ridiculously cucked as swedes
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>be sweden
>take millions of muslims and blacks
>there are terrorist attacks and murders daily in your ghettos
>people wear burqhas on your streets
>promote islam in your schools
<finns are subhumans and we cant let them speak their language
>If you punish the criminals, they win!

I don't know why people call Australians mad, you Swedes are absolutely fucked.
Gee, I dunno, revoke their citizenship the moment they go off to fight for a foreign terror organisation?

The fact people are actually debating this shit blows my fucking mind, the west is such a joke.
Except their method is much better for eliminating re-offenders and criminals in general, it's providing warm humanism and rehabilitation. Ours is better than most but absolutely pitiful compared to such a method. Don't consider it from a preconceived catered perspective, consider what it does and what other systems do, as objectively as your mind can manage.
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