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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 340
Thread images: 58

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plymouth edition
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is shit edition
looks like an alright place
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big day for the netherlands
why is erdogan calling the dutch nazis
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er, because they are?!?!?!?!?!?1
they LITERALLY aren't letting mulims in to their country!
everyones doing a laugh at how retarded he is
you had a good whack at it Nederlads
Because people in London fear them
Because they wouldn't let his friends conduct rallies to convince the Turks in Holland to go home and vote to give him more power.
Mine's a Natwest Platinum

It started off as 5k then they automatically put it up without telling me lol

I only make 30k so desu 2.5k on there already is a bit steep

Also owe 3k to my mum but she doesn't mind how quickly I pay it back. She lent it to me to make investments but then this happened>>72335654

Would have made about £4k by now but as usual 'The man' is holding me down
Plymouth, Massachusetts is better t;bh

alex jones aja
good to see hope triumph over hate
people who wank to anime porn are literal paedophiles

the appeal that comes from anime girls is the fact that they literally look like toddlers; small "cute" faces, big eyes, relatively large head, tiny nose etc. just plopped on top of an exaggerated curvy female frame

if you wank it to anime you are a NONCE and i am coming for you!!!!
but did you say the party that got elected supports him?
Four Lions is so good aint it lads

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>le brits are le the most handome men meme
delete this mate
looks like only retard An*lo rural and suburban scum vote for far right populists

intelligent and muscular europeans know better
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>Turkey has 400,000 citizens in your fucking country
>Turkey is DEMANDING you allow them to do what they want in your country
>Turkey is calling you LITERAL NAZIS for not bending over for Islam
>Turks proceed to riot because you're LITERAL NAZIS
>Get the chance to vote literally 3 days later to change the dark dark path you're going down
>Vote to go down that same dark dark path anyway
What the fuck is wrong with Europeans?
plymouth is actually an alright place
its such a sick film, but i can tell someone is going to say that it "supports terrorism" or some shite
it's just about the lives of 4 lads and how they're driven to violence, it's pretty clever i think
annoyed by this post
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I would heem you instantly.
people are dumb
>only one credit card

I'd boost my credit limit but applying for too much credit too quickly hurts your credit score

Love it
Second half is a bit too serious through
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final results are in lads
not my problem, i just can't be bothered and don't want to be pressed into why so id like to avoid any talk of it
it's not like Wilders is the only person with the capacity to tell erdowan to fuck off
i would heem you first anime nonce
only racists have a problem with this
you might be onto something
yeah behind all the memes it's a rather sad portrayal of radicalistion and isolation
GOOD post

only bit of the yank election i enjoyed
All groups are ethnically conscious except Europeans

That must change

Pretty good yeah
Did Slavletka cuck you with a Superior Anglo man, Ivan?
>Have the chance to vote for a bigot and ruin your economy and show yourself to be a racist
hmmm wonder why sweetie xx
love this meme
Proper stinks of weed around here lads haha
Fuck sake

City are already trailing
*looks at Trump*
*looks at Brexit*

Again, I ask, what is wrong wtih Europeans?
business idea: spend an entire month's wages on a macbook
It's all the Dutch stoners
would you rather live in a house-share with 4 black people or 4 pakis?

all of them are born in britain, pakis family are from syria and blacks family are from jamaica
>falling for the far right populist meme
continental europe laughing at you rn britain
Waifus waifu will put your down in a heartbeat if you even tried anything.
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black lads easy
Got a little HP ProDesk 600 G2, only got 4GB of RAM the the minute. Proper struggling with 2 4K screens haah
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>" These are racist stickers in Polish all over Dublin mean 'whites only'. Ireland is not an Apartheid state. Let's clean our city of them. "

bizzare considering poles are not white
doing a brown deposit in the porcelain bank
t. rasheed
Their language sounds like someone being sick
abhorrent idea
will unironically heem anyone who claims to be a kike in this thread
I'd like to make a withdrawal please
*hides behind the u-bend with my mouth over the pipe in anticipation*
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>have a girlfriend to be cucked
No, i'm just shitposting
>french "people"
>the hovel of Manchester
they are whiter than you though, what gives?
Poles makeup the majority of any far right movement in Ireland
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What's the best political ideology for a working class straight white man?
whats wrong with us is the question
>2 4k screens
they're probably 3 times the price of the computer EACH
Do Austria and Netherlands confirm the "populist nationalists on the rise" meme was only relevant to Anglos?
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Political Leaning.png
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Radical Centrism
business idea: half and half
Padraig Pearse is spinning in his grave every time you post.
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anti rorke divisions.jpg
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made a little ditty for rorkes, lads
good post

you are NOT a centrist
you're just a "free stuff and pakis fuck off" idiot like the rest of them
James Conolloy is the only 1916 man whose opinion I care for lad
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no, the fact that they didn't win in austria and the netherlands doesn't mean that they havent experienced a massive surge in support
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>98/100 on me midterm
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ONE seat.jpg
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wilders right now
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>pakis family are from syria
It's about idiocy more than anything desu.
pan-antipartyism. its the future of politics.
ah yes that leftist cuck

dont think so friendo
doing a poo
margate is such a shithole, don't know why it's a meme to pretend it's nice now
fuck off jf
Finnegan's wake: epic book.
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Ri? Josie here. Alri? How's it foin? Good? Or bad? How's the weather? Lol
plotting a poo tbqh ngl la

Ah yis
reminder that the Irish invented shitposting before the internet even existed
LOL can i save this post?
bend over you filthy dyke

daddy's home
ugly goy bint
would SMASH the bint on the left
It's a proper load of bollocks.
interesting how lefties immediately pounced on that polish rorke for being sexist but they remain oddly silent whenever a muslim is outrageously sexist/racist/homophobic/fascist

real chin scratcher
fucking embarrassing when women talk about politics

literally everything they do is for the approval of men
fuck off
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Nice examples Jakub
Anyone else noticed how most leftists tend to be very arrogant, selfish and middle class?
>15 March 2017
>wordfilters are still up
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>tfw stale bread for dinner tonight because rosy has all of my money
worth it desu
how was your trip from reddit?
Ah yes you can imagine this 5'7'' 55kg male with poor eyesight giving the fash a real good smash.
>whenever a muslim is outrageously sexist/racist/homophobic/fascist
when did that happen?
anti-angloism 2bh
Fucking try it sonny and I'll discombobulate your knackers with an iron spike

*touches toes*

What's that?
what happens with insurance when you buy a used car at a dealership?

do you get some sort of special thing where it's legal for you to drive it home? or do you have to go away, get insurance then come back and get it?
Can someone post the image of an engligh guy's ass and a scottish man's head eating the shit thanks xxxxxx
*saves it*
wonder how much money brit as a collective have given rosy
anyone else noticed how nobody really gives a shit about politics and would rather just get on with their lives?
about 600AD - present
pay up piggies
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*boils 12 eggs*
*stands on your windpipe*
mind saying that again?
You have to buy the insurance beforehand, or buy it right there on the lot before you leave

Same with the tax, which does NOT cary over between owners.
>Ireland, as distinct from her people, is nothing to me; and the man who is bubbling over with love and enthusiasm for "Ireland," and can yet pass unmoved through our streets and witness all the wrong and the suffering, shame and degradation wrought upon the people of Ireland-yea, wrought by Irishmen upon Irish men and women, without burning to end it, is, in my opinion, a fraud and a liar in his heart, no matter how he loves that combination of chemical elements he is pleased to call Ireland.
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the gf(male)
he's imagining it happening, its a hypothetical polemic i think.
hundreds of western socialists are over in Syria fighting ISIS lad
have you tried tea eggs
they're pretty good
does it affect the price of the insurance if you pay for it before the car?
politics is all encompassing

now matter how special you think you are, you cannot escape it
i would definitely suck her feminine penis if she had one ngl
i boiled like 8 once, but 12? you absolute madman
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Me and my bro.
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>Someone posted earlier about helping to feed the homeless men who are currently under the _______. I made a homemade lasagna tonight and decided to take some over, along with soap, towels and a blanket. My daughter asked what I was doing and took an interest and decided to make a picture for them. My daughter has collected food for the food bank and helped people on the street for charity in the past. We handed over the items to which his reply was this is a sh** picture its f****** horrible then proceeded to tell her she's w*** and needs to take it away throwing it at her. As I took my daughter away he proceeded to.shout abuse towards her. I appreciate its a delicate situation to of introduced my child to but with supervision from two adults I agreed to allow her as we have done this before. We all left in shock and my daughter distraught that she'd done something nice to be treated this way!
>Im sickened, my heart has sunk and im so angry I had to allow this to happen!

fucking screaming lads, someone just posted this on facebook
You give your details to some denno on the phone at a comparison site who then tries to get you to sign up for a long term insurance policy, in return for this they'll give you a 2 week long cover. You can just say no.
No, you put the same date of taking ownership
Nah haveht noti edv

Deletethispostplease or I'll use it as evidence in court
You know Annette? Don't you wish you could scoop her up in "a net"? And dump her in the sea!
politics is mostly kids and twats, kids because they think its what grown ups do and that if only everyone would listen to them the world would be saved. twats because you have to be one to actually put up with being a politician because its such a shit job.
Smash the left
would rather you obliterate my bollocks
she looks like a fucking ayy lmao
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brad 5.png
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why is it always fucking india? all the inbreeding but they dont murder their disabled children like the muslims do?
watching a film about hitler returning
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*eats them whole*
*moves to a cave and avoids contact with all humans*


what now kiddo?
Amazes me how people don't realise that you can only become homeless through choice or by being such a twat that you constantly get thrown out of sheltered accommodation.

They are all complete scum.
lmfao what happens when one pops a boner in the other
legacy of the famines britain caused
anyone else just not give a shit when they show refugees on tv?

genuinely find it baffling that so many people care
Imagine actually having "Seb Dance" as your real name.
Nah only cost me £200 each desu
Pay up piggy I've got mouths to feed
how's it foing?
99% of people who care don't really care. They just want to be seen as caring.
>Be CIA.
>Get photos of Emma Watson in bathing suits.
>Embed special trojans in the images.
>Release knowing every single pedo and faggot on 4chan will open them without hesitation.

>Infect every 4chan user on their watchlist.
because they don't have good enough healthcare to screen the foetus to ensure that it's healthy

combined with a larger population and pollution and these things are quite likely

whereas over here if there's too many defects the doctor will go "nah cunt abort that shit"
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Same goes for the starving African children ones
they dont
>reddit spacing
fuck off
thoughts? musings?

most people have empathy mate
it's a psychological issue to be unable to feel it
had a terrible dream last night, i was at a party and everything was going great, then we all walk outside and we're talking and suddenly theres a massive nuclear bomb that goes off in the sky and next thing we're all living in a nuclear apocalypse
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S.D. Chargers' golden lel.jpg
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>Nicola Sturgeon
I don't know what you mean by that

though you must be a reddit user since you can obviously detect it
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pro gamers.webm
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me and the lads
>implying the cia haven't been watching 4chan for years
>implying they don't have all of us on a list

fuck off reddit
If only that reply had been on your twitter feed so you could have gotten some recognition.
that's not too bad
where did you get them?
business idea: encourage upper middle class people to have more children by providing massive subsidies to them
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UK-Spain Hug.gif
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Why are Spain and Britain so good friends despite all those old wars?
based roy
don't want recognition my man, just to remind you that some (i hope most) people legitimately care about the misfortune of others
Discontinued now though https://www.scan.co.uk/products/236-acer-k242hq-ips-4k-display-monitor-3840x2160-4ms-300cd-m-1000000001-speakers-dp-dvi-hdmi
hello nigger
want to eat emma watsons shit
We like the sun, they like tourism.
why do they do a fucking little "emote"?
why can't they just wave and maybe fist the air
>All groups are ethnically conscious except Europeans
no we just act like we aren't
t. Davo Smithy, Benidorm
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Anyone else got a smartwatch?
Pretty good desu
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>booking an airbnb for may bank holiday weekend for 'all the lads'
>gonna set me back £1400 and I'm paying on the credit card
>everyone says they'll pay back their share

Wait a moment, we don't like British tourists. So... why are Spain and Britain so good friends despite all those old wars and shit tourists?
ah right no worries
I'm not looking for a monitor, I just thought £200 was a bargain for a 4k monitor
don't care
because we admire each other
funny to see the rorkes pretend they care about the working class when they don't give any of their time, money or effort towards helping them either in their local area or internationally
got someone to book the airbnb for our bank holiday in may and I'm not even gonna pay him back haha
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>Anyone else got a smartwatch?
>Pretty good desu
£ € £
want to devour emma watsons flesh
you're not uppity little shits like france, we could be even better mates with them if they werent so snobbish

no idea why you like us though
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I don't get enough notifications for a smart watch so I have a dumb watch
popping down the 'op. anyone want owt?
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*blocks your path*

the till

So did I, saw them on the today only page and got them
i don't think lefties/rasheeds do either
what help do the working class need from locals?

she's so plain
rorkes are working class
>having a fork as a hand

Looks proper bent m8
No. I've got a ten quid casio that I wear at work.
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why does she have the same aloof arrogant face in every photo?
scratching plaque off my teeth
if they're good lads they will pay you back
if you lend money to someone, you should never expect to get it back
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so where tim
42 Amersham Hill HP13 6PQ
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all of your coworkers think you're a pleb
>moroccan crime way higher than natives in netherlands
the evidence is everywhere. what a joke
You consider that lending money to someone?
want to consume emma watson
>if you lend money to someone, you should never expect to get it back

This is why the Jews won the economic war
ugly gremlin
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tu puta madre.gif
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I propose to use £,€, $ and ¥ instead of L, E, S and Y.

£ € £ <--- This is Lel now.
bit worried about the kiwi
should I warn emma
well it essentially is
you're taking out the middle man and buying something for them
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I've got this one
fuck off racist
Emperor's New Clothes situation
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ask a 5'8 balding manlet with a 5 inch cock anything
I am a pleb, and so are all of my co-workers.

Bit flash for me desu.
fuck off
he's got a point though
it's bad to make your plans reliant on people paying you back cos they might not
Couldn't even cum in her if I wanted to. Absolutely zero sex appeal.
my anxiety is very high right now
was going mental that it wouldn't let me modify the list i'd made till i realised i'd accidentally made a tuple

oops haha
feels like I'm invisible to women ;_;
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dont u lads think this general is a bit too fast
will you wear a wig and be my girl boyfriend ?
I got that ginger pepsi

it's nice, not too overpowering, pleasant aftertaste
much better than the cherry pepsi

Fuck off, I really hope you die soon. Scum.
/tv/ need to be stopped
Do you think Timothy Bryne knows that we're posting about him?
Moot looks pretty good now he's working for Google
>dont u lads think this general is a bit too shit

>tfw it will probably take at least 10 more terrorist attacks (which are inevitably coming) to get Mainland Europe to finally wake up

And I wonder how many innocents Europeans will let die purely because they can't stop themselves voting for cuck parties
who are you quoting?
need to grow young like emma
can you stop with the racist rhetoric thanks x
wont be clicking any links thanks
Fuck off
this anti-F.N. woman is sooooooooo articulate r.n. (!)
easy saying all that shite in comfy Maida Vale
Ian Payne giving her far too much time.
>she genuinely just sayed "we need to get rid of Assad"
i dont even have yen on my keyboard
fuck off, bolshevik
neither a borrower nor a debtor be
same lad

would suck her toes
I wish for a purely Brit /brit/. JFs are fucking awful.
Suck your nan amer you pissy pussyole
cuz you're using a UK layout QWERTY keyboard lad
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top of the day to ye

bit snowy out
poley can you go and do us all a favour and commit some powerful terrorist attacks and get it all blamed on islam?
By your logic it's then impossible to book a holiday for more than one person.
There is a direct correlation with open borders, pro mass-immigration governments and terrorist attacks
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all pakis should be killed

Tim (the Meme) and this other guy are not the same person. Physically both are the same, I know, but Tim is a character, a myth, an archetype, like Jesus Christ or Buddha, and this other guy called Timothy is a real and therefore defective man.
>attacks happen
>world leaders cry
>light up some buildings with the attacked country's colours
>general populace put a flag filter on their profile pic
>nothing changes
hotpocket man will earn his pay with this one
*blows up in your face*
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Alright laddo
Seen any Pornhub plows yet?
want to snap josie's neck like a twig
there is NOTHING remotely British about cats
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give us the scientific study then x
i dont have euro either
My name is MONICA!

Only if my bf asks

No there isn't

See Sweden


>tfw rorkes literally WANT terrorist attacks to happen just to feed support for their toxic ideology
mad, you guys are so much more like extremist muslims than you realise haha
>fewer the poor

these ukip lads are alright
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anger joy
ahhh yes, the so-called intelligent left must have made this image
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Labour Quash.jpg
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>banned form /sp/ for posting half time slags
>smear children
well gee ok
Tax the Polish

ah yes
june kind of fucks it all up
fuck off you rancid fucking paki
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no need to be upset rasheed
Fewer the NHS

doesn't make sense mate
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no, I'm janny's bitch here's a pic of us
>more happiness
>more children
>more people of colour
>more joy
>more the polish
>fewer the poor
>fewer the homeless

someone didn't think this through
I don't want terrorist attacks to happen. I want Islam to be eradicated without the need for terrorist attacks to wake people up to the reality of Islam.
not a fan of this post reddit
My neck is like that of an Otter - slender, short, unassuming; but densely corded, and packed with fast twitch fibres to withstand the mightiest stroke.

Havodad, Legolas.

Do u still wear the chastity cage on ur malnourished wee caramel ribena tap
cannot imagine how fucking strange that relationship must be jfc.
pigeons, dogs, lions and plenty more animals are more British than cat vermin
>islam to be eradicated
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the state it of it


reckon they've already done that
clear you're the paki, neck yourself
Convince me to go to class today lads, pretty comfy in bed right now
more like shrivelled dog turd
does really make you think
narrow-minded fuck
do a new
>muh parties
open your (three) eyes mate
My neck or amers neglected todger?
oh so through the murder of innocents?
sounds like an act of terror to me haha
ahh yes

anime ruins another board

My testicles are too small/gone and I can't become erect
nope suicide is a sin in christianity

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Donald.....get the jumper cables.jpg
299KB, 2000x1000px
>My testicles are too small/gone and I can't become erect
>people always call me Amir even though they can see the spelling is clearly different

Amer = Ah-mur
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