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Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 69

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Dobro utro edition
Why is the Balkan region so damn poor, is there anyway to fix this? The Balkans were once the bastion of western civilization, it makes me sad to see what has happened to them
>so damn poor
Greece isnt poor. Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey are semi-rich
>the balkans were once the bastion of western civilization
What did he mean by this?
Greece's economy is in terrible shape and Albania and Bosnia are fucking Africa tier
people are saying greece is in terrible shape when in reality no one here is starving nigga
Dobré rano )))

Balkans are the Appalachians of Europe
>Bulgaria semi rich

There are native bulgarians who literally don't have roofs over their head lmoa

Bulgaria is the fucking definition of the rich getting richer and the poor getting wiped
Nigga Bulgaria has the highest rate of home owners worldwide, if you arent gypsy the one thing you have for sure is a roof over your head.
I study in Thessaloniki and went to Bansko for skiing once, the facilities were incredible but the villagers were fucking poor and everything was ridiculously cheap. Your currency is literally shit.
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russian girls love Turkish Cock
Our currency is 1 lev 0.5 eur, its not shit. And yes, with 520 eur average salary here what do you expect, sandwich to be 20 eur or what
I expect you to not present Bulgaria as semi-rich when it's listed 81st in the GDP worldwide ranking kek
first for zelenko crvenkovski
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didn't know they had internet in FYROM
bulgarians are very poor, we used to have chinese exchange workers in my town during the 90. These people were the laughing stock for us...20 years later they are richer than us.
The best of times.
Ahoj :DD

t. goatfucker
It's not the currency, the lev is pegged to the euro (constant exchange rate). It's low tarrifs and low labor cost driving prices down. A bottle of Greek ouzo costs less here than it does in Greece. Explain that.
>says your currency is shit

Don't show your age, underage edgelord, you speak to fellas here like you're Swiss or something

Drachma was shit tier too till the point they let us freeload on the Euro-train (and fuck it all up withing a few years)
GDP per capita is the measuring unit, not GDP. Or is India richer than Belgium?
Хaхa, нe oтнe мнoгo вpeмe aмa

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fill up on serbia empire in 1350 memes
how did those memes start anyway? i first came across one on some other site first, maybe it was even reddit

where did they get started?
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Can someone help me with my economics paper? Do you agree with the chart?
my sides

not sure if I completely agree though. what's the price elastisticy of ajvar?
the perceived fungibility ot ajvar brands is a common mistake. ljuti and blagi ajvar have distinctly different demand curves, while ajvar produced during an especially good year has collector value and is often the mark of conspicuous consumption.
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>667 years
>not 20 years
Turks and Commies
Croats didn't have it so bad under Ottomans and were never fully pwned by them so they are better
Slovenes managed to fend off the roaches, so now they are so good they are not even considered balkan anymore

The worse thing about being under Ottoman rule is not even the rapes/conversions/genocides (most of them are strongly hyperbolized anyway), it's that the conquered peoples did fuck all but farming, taking care of livestock and starting a small commerce at best for 500 years, while the rest of the civilized world was developing at the speed of light, living through wars, revolutions, ideologies, crises and taking note from all they've seen.

And next thing you know, your country that was AFK for five fucking centuries finds itself free in a new world that it has to catch up with, taking technology and ideologies for granted, but never really comprehending how they came to be, because it missed it all. Regardless, vigorous because of smelling the fresh air of sovereignty, your country starts producing an elite, that goes abroad to study the ways of the western world with great motivation, and this elite then comes back and starts building a state from the ashes, using the knowledge that came from years of technological progress. Hell, why not even import some actual westerners that will benevolently help us get out of the septic pit we got ourselves into.
And just when you think that, maybe we are close to restoring a fraction of our former glory, that maybe we are close to becoming a normal functioning country, proud of its citizens and name, that maybe all the bloodshed we endured was actually worth it, enter the communists guns blazing, and execute ALL of that same elite that was pushing this state upwards, since they are afraid a little intellect could topple their regime in seconds. And then they put in charge those same farmers and livestock breeders that have been doing fuck all ever since Ottoman times.
That's why we're shit
It's pointless to blame the Ottomans, 150 years have passed. It's mostly the Balkan Wars and gommunism.
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Zašto yuchan.org zatvoren? Taj je ozbiljan pitanje.

Nedostaje mi svi sakibovi.
>countries completely destroyed after the ottoman invasion
>500 years of nothing but farming
>war with Serbia
>first Balkan war
>second Balkan war

The only way is up they say....
Why pseudo? People vote for whomever they want--Barekov, Siderov...
Pointless yes, however Ottoman rule is the root of the eternally unstable Balkans
There is light, however only time will tell whether we're gonna reach the end of the tunnel or make it collapse over us again
No, the western powers are not less guilty.
If they would have given the serbs the territories promised after BW1, they would not have backstabbed us and BW2 wouldnt have happened. Not to mention, that probably the Austrian King would not have been killed and so WW1 wouldnt have been triggered.
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btw I start to understand durkish butthurt lol
this is how they welcomed one of their ministers after she tried to enter the Netherlands after being denied permission to organize meetings there
the only wrong i see in this pic is that they aren't pointing their guns at the roaches, desu
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Can one of you lads condescend to explain the joke in this picture?
Fyromian diaspora support a Great Macedonia that includes territories from Bulgaria and Greece, from the other side of the world.

Wait so that picture is meant to be all of "great" Macedonia and not just a a general shot of the south east balkans?
it's a complex joke, like the FYROM itself

someone who emigrated thousand kilometers from his shithole still possess a absolutely meme map (it's amazing that such map even exist), thus making him a "anticki" patriot emigrant (wtf?!)

then he uses that map to find a information his relatives back in Macedonia need, that they will most probably use to obtain a Bulgari... i mean disgusting Tatar passports and possibly emigrate as well.
ill send him the image, he will get triggered
There is no ethnicity Macedonians my Australian friend. Macedonians (Slavic) are Bulgarians inhabiting ex-Macedonian (Greek) territory. They never considerem themselves something different than Bulgarian. After Balkan War II yugo commies forbid them by force their Bulgarian ancestry and brainwashed them decades into the understanding of them being the real Macedonians, the ones associated with Alexander.
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Why didn't the Serbs stop the Dutch from massacring the Bosnians in Srebrenica?
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if you notice the lines, they delineate the borders of Macedonia alongside country borders
tuck frump and fuck white people
> thus making him a "anticki" patriot emigrant (wtf?!)

Oh I fully understand that, the less of a national identity a country has the more nationalistic and chest-beating its immigrants. Its the same case with Lebanese

I know that much, used to spend my highschool days triggering wogs by siding with Macedonians during Alexander arguments.
Its nothing easier for the '''Macedonian''' diaspora in Australia to open ANY non-slavomacedonian website and to educate themselves on their ancestry.
oh man, that file size. I hadn't even noticed lol
I just redpilled army generals in the macedonian army that we're bulgarian top kek they all agreed that we have bulgarian origin

They all know about karakacanov and bulgarian vmro
Where do these people think Greek and Bulgarian people came from ???
One of them said "We should just join Bulgaria. We will instantly be in NATO and EU"

They are all seniors at the top of our army
What made all this possible in the first place is that Bulgaria has regional entities and they take pride into themselves. One of these entities are Macedonians. Imagine it like with Saxons or Bavarians in Germany. Now they are Bavarians and Saxons, but in the first place they are Germans. Nobody would question that. However, the regional slavo-Macedonian identity has been instrumentalized by the dirty communists to form the understanding of the ethnicity Macedonian (Slavic). Its very sad, but I strongly believe that history over time gets everything in the right place.
>army generals in the macedonian arm

how did managed to convince albanian that he is bulgarian ?
look, nationalism in Macedonia is a complex matter. you aren't going to get a representative and unbiased account by anyone in here even if the people are generally much milder than most Balkanites on similar fora

you need to read a large variety of books on this topic
Good anon, good, its the small propaganda which works best. Drop after drop, kamen after kamen the house in the end will be built.
Nothing is disputed regarding this topic for any sane mind. The Macedonians who brought fame on this terminology were Greeks, it is nowhere disputed. The Macedonians tricked into this slavo-Macedon ethnicity are Bulgarians, there is no question about that. The leaders they admire fought for an united Bulgaria, their letters prove they were Bulgarians. Now on those leaders this ethnicity has been built, with fake facts of course. What is there to read about? It is crystal clear.
Why didn't Basil the Bulgar Slayer kill every Bulgar?
>educate themselves on their ancestry
>implying they want to, in the first place

They can do the same if they are living in FYROM
It's not like they have the full-blown version of the great firewall of China. They just... want_to_believe.jpg
He was an asshole.
[proofs needed]

weak b8, m8
you're collapsing something a lot more complex into a few facts. we've argued about this before and we aren't going to completely agree now either

either way, all these are about historical matters, not present-day reality
Are modern Bulgarians descendants of the Volga Bulgarains?
he was bored
are modern australians descendants of the aboos?
I just watched like 20 pewdiepie videos wtf is wrong with me.
Why would even bring up this dickhead.
No way the Volga Bulgarians could be that bad.
Both groups have a common ancestor.

You're a fag.
He was being tsundere.
nazi scumbag
Thanks for explaining that map.

Aside from the Macedonians do any of the other Balkan countries have a "WE WUZ"?
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>do any of the other Balkan countries have a "WE WUZ"
haha, fucking everyone, it's only that there wewuzing was invented most recently and is thus the most retarded
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yea everybody has we wuz.
Oh, anon..... Ain't he cute, boys?

Even Bosnians, Slovenians and Montenegrians?
fuck, what Turkish sorcery did this to you lads. Ive never heard of a collection of more self important irrelevant countries and I say this as an Australian.
we're victims of colonialism trying to find our way in a post-colonial world
Tri Moreta
different anon here
fellow malakas>>72318260
is fucking spot on
Well, bulgarian and greek wewuzism is actually justified. The rest of the balkan countries were never relevant.
Even Albanians have some claim with fellows like Skandenberg or that lad who took over egypt but fuck even meme countries like Montenegro and the like are doing this.
>greeks wewuzism justified
we've been sucking so much american cock that it's really not
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>being relevant
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>Even C*rfu had a Serbian gf

What's your excuse for not having one, /balk/?

well done, brother
kek i have the same map but in much smaller size
I used to date this montenegrin girl from Tuz, is it close?
He said and carried his shoes around the house
post pics

>turko-gypsy hybrid
>talking about cucking
top kek, made me a good laugh
shumadian serbhuman, aren't you getting ahead of yourself?
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Is Sofia the only truly cosmopolitian balkan city?

Best nightlife in balkan? check

Best job oportunities? check

HQ for multinational corporation? check

Best universities in balkan? check
WTF is wrong with Czech posters?
what's wrong with you, fyrombey?
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Pic Collage2w.jpg
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Montenegro = sea serbs, so the answer is yes
He said and carried his shoes around his house
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bulgaria that's you.jpg
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What's wrong with you?
he posted whilst carrying his shoes around his house
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i have an enormous penis that scares the qts
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t.Stara Zagora provinicial fugg
On the off chance that you're not being ironic, if we're subhuman why is our country beter than yours in every possible way?


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It was last winter.She could speak(kinda broken) albanian but kept saying she is crnagoran.
post sise
He came to trigger, but then remembered that his shoes needed to be carried around the house.
Im afraid i didnt go that far. In my life i have only fucked an albo and an moldavan grill


>bulgarian space program
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>more serbhumans
This is what all serbs look like
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>typical slurp on the internet
He posted and furiously walked around his house
you don't have anything else to say, eh?
lucky guy, I haven't fucked a slavic girl yet
didn't you atleast made the so called цoмбeнe maneuver?
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>slurp nationalists
why are you furiously shitpost against the weak b8 of the serblad, dumbasses?
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It's funny
>that ratface on the left
my wifu, btw
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>the left one
He said and dropped his shoes out of surprise
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independence for voyvodina
>being this obsessed with a tale about cucking
fits for a bulgar whose women are fucking for 10 euros

how is a gypsy kicking a german woman related to Bulgaria in any way?
He holds a Bulgarian passport.

and this is why civic nationalism is for cucks

citizenship is nothing, blood is everything
Serbs and Bulgarians, why are you such edgelords baka?
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>serbian women

me on the right btw
He angrily threw his shoes against the wall, but then picked them up in order to walk around the house
me behind you btw
>still obsessed with a cucking tale
let me guess, some serb fucked your wife?
pls don't steal my kidney

i only have one left
Nothing better to do.
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we do not understand the word moderation and descend in to endless dickwave fast with the serbs, at the end we call eachother gypsies until the thread dies, it's kind of getting boring desu
that's what a gypsy would say
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we're both retarded

gypsies do not use computers unless they are in serbia, because there the actual serbs are too stupid do do so themselves
if it's something important crate a thread on /pol/ so we can shitpost there about it
>Barekov, Siderov...
Дeбa, кaк caмo нa нaкapa дa въpнa cтoмaшни coкoвe.
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So, has anyone here played the new French DLC on Battlefield One?
t. gypsy
What happened?
you sure know which is the best :^)
He said and silently shed a tear, but then continued to walk around his house
ω Θεέ μου γίναμε ανμπαν
ζήτω ο Ζευς
oh i get it, you're talking about yourself in a third-person all the time...
>playing niggerfield
I found the game boring, it lacks story, and I don't play MP.
>be serb
>its the 10th ottoman soldier in my house now
>my feet hurt from walking around the house
>my shoes are already worn out, except the soles, because I more often carry than wear them
GAZI baba!

Гoлeм cтpyмички ББЦ зa тecни БMПO пизди нacкopo.....
>be turko-gypsy mongrel
>be eternally butthurt about your existence and obsessed about cuck stories because your women sell themselves for 10 euros max
is FYROB on the brink of civil war?
Actually yes, it's a lovely game. You should try it out instead of bashing it

Oh mate, the campaign was actually pretty good and they planning to add more of it in the future

I believe we might get Balkan warfare at some point, after the (released) French and the next (Russian Empire) DLCs
>Balkan warfare
>be a Serb
>run away in Albanian mountains
Or the more realistic version
>Be a serb
>See you'll gonna lose by Bulgaria
>Ally with Greece
>Greece carries you and you win
>ggwp, you won Macedonia
ty greatest ally
Greece itself was on the verge of siding with Germany, before the perfidious bongs applied some gunboat diplomacy.
Whats it about, WW1 and you fight for which side?
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Greece BTFO
i fuck your mothers with my penis
кaжи, флaгфaг
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genes combined alexander.png
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in the missionary position?
/gymrat/ reporting in
resting day today.
very nice
how was your day /balk?
would destroy her saggy ass vagina, if you know what i mean
i dont go to the gym

i train kickbox
Glad we could help


I know, our kings were German and partly that's the reason why we had such political turmoils during those days (and lost Smyrna due to that, eventually)

>Turks spoke how Dutch aided the Srebrenica Massacre
>Turks deny to speak about Pontic, Armenian and all the massacres they've ever committed

really made everyone think
im gay too
lmfao, nobody cares, nerd
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albania should be considered middle east along with turkey
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>pakis that came here illegally murder priest that tried helped them get visas to stay here over money
nice source fgt
>>Turks spoke how Dutch aided the Srebrenica Massacre
>>Turks deny to speak about Pontic, Armenian and all the massacres they've ever committed

speaking about armenians they genocided them pretty much so it's better to be called like that

they escaped to Pakistan apparently
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that priest looked like a straight gangsta dayum
what do you think of the new developements?


im not sure if i like them, they seem pretty seljak, it seems like the communists were much smarter in city development, but maybe im wrong, i have no strong opinion
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i wish I had spent my youth in the 70/80s
people are so degenerate today
depends on the country. in western europe, you had an already more open society, no AIDS scare, drugs, some countries even had legalized child and animal porn for a while

you need to befriend the right people m8
young people today seem almost a bit more conservative in some ways than somewhat older ones. not so much in societal views, they're definitely more liberal about that, but they seem to be less about the drinking, partying, having sex
Indeed, i feel realy old beside my friends, despite being in my 20s. Right now I am feeling like the guy in that "Falling down" film.
>i feel realy old beside my friends, despite being in my 20s
>t. every pretentious immature shit ever

What went wrong.
Gonna need me a chinese gf
seems interesting, bookmarking
70/80s were just better
better cars
better ways of entertaining
better films
better music
better food
better sex
less niggers/chinks
less stuff to worry about
>better sex
>less niggers

pick one and only one
t. Shitspozed

Mad he didn't have tinder and snapchat
better sex for the guy
t. shqip
This kind of attitude and way of thinking is why Balkans is shit
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if you hate it that much, why don't you leave shqiptaria...sweden is just few thousand km away. and you don't have to worry about your old lands, someone will surely take care of them
>*wink, wink*
Your part of the balkans is shit

And the part in shitgaria. Here it's great
This kind of attitude and way of thinking is also why Balkans is shit again
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i agree 100%

i think it's not degenerate enough

i wish i lived in 70s/80s NYC
turkgaria ayyy
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what are you saying
it's perfect here
look at this and tell me it desn't look like japan
t.absolutely not cenko
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>albania and bosnia
>africa tir
educate yourself burger
Are you gonna post bike paths now?
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>Are you gonna post bike paths now?
mainstream af
do they have first world painted cabins all over city like us
>just like my animu
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>painted cabins
qt. now get on our level, sqipboi
I wonder how many from across jack off to her every night
>lets paints some walls
>no Tarkovsky
>no Bergman
>no Fellini
>no Cassavetes

Kids nowadays, I swear....
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>not jacking it to this instead
Mr. Bean and Donnie Darko are classics, the guys you mentioned did boring outdated black n white shit
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you win this round tatar
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>masturbating anywhere near that abomination
This kind of attitude and way of thinking is why Balkans is shit
>that one unique snowflake living in every commieblock
>not jacking off to this instead
do you even jack off lads?
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abstract art
another proof that albania is first world
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Hardmode: jerk off to this, and keep eye contact.
haha. the ones you mentioned do have a lot to offer in terms of graffiti

a girl I'm trying to nail called Stalker boring trash the other day
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I prefer the real deal
too animu
first is better
is she subtly offering me her pussy
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No, she is offering bread to the guy next to you. Loser.
Her left hand is Chloe tier.

Succubus hands.
maybe she's implying she has a yeast infection
You dodged a bullet there, bud.
how many of you have black hair here?
mine is a very dark brown that looks black under certain lighting. are you trying to doxxxxxx?
Really dark brown here
I know a park with similar trees. Those colors don't last for long.
second question
when are you going back ?
t. Sklavos Gothikos
Darkbrown is the colour of Illyrians hair. Why do you think one of Bardhylis commanders was called Leshmurrmi?
I'm just pulling your leg, you Euro like us now.
rat (gym)
Lel, I've never heard of this. Source?
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Po u tallje?
Not just black but curly black

But I'm jewish so it's expected
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How are you alive?
obligatory latin post
Only niggers have black hair.
Hey it's not my fault he decides to make up dumb stuff. With all those wewuz books we have it'd be no surprise.
t.dunce that cant realise ironic posts so blames some books
t. genjen per tu dukur interesant
What about the Chinese and shiet?
learn some real history, sheeple

Leshmurrmer and shiet.

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illyrjan banter.png
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are you pic related?
she mi go goltash tashakot we
zdr ko pr preoteli zasto ne spite
te shtom syrbite sa cuckvali, sigurno i nas sa ni cuckvali :(
>naked feet

the only one of these that are jerk-off-able
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A bit ashamed to admit, but Erdogan looks exactly like my father.
Tayyip is unstoppable. Tayyip is indomitable. Surrender to Tayyip. Assimilate into Tayyip. Become Tayyip.
this happened one hour ago

>15:30, go for my morning walk
>young sister comes from school
>when I return I found out that someone has been on my PC
>she deleted one of my doujins folders (didn't find the other three)
>it was actually the biggest of them, having like 300 doujins saved in 3 yrs

fuck that slut how isn't she breaking the NAP?

meanwhile mom gets mad at me if I throw a misogiynistic rant at her
take her virginity for punishment
oh haha, chad took it when she was 15

and well, she has changed five chads by now when she is 18
>implying she's a virgin
o meriti
such a progressive girl, you must be proud of her!
chad stole your flag too
>Chad beat a Romanian to his sister's virginity

damn, even Romania is ruined now smdh
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papagalule, mars pe facebook, cum te-ai infiltrat?

I don't care about them and I had a chat about NAP and tried to enforce it on her but she seems not to listen

next time I'll delete all her messages with chad#6, I can't wait to see chad angry trying to pick a fight with me but not proceeding since he is 178 cm

anyway I am kinda fearful, but since he is 178 cm he will be more fearful of me

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what the hell is a "doujin"?
cant you guess? probably some hentai of some sort
Legal Anime porn
sper sa iti stearga toate desenele animate din pc moldovene
Oh damn

Hentai then? Is there illegal Hentai too?
holy fuck
No.Hentai is just Anime porn,while doujin is Anime porn written in manga form
I'll pretend to know the difference baka desu
>trusting a Romanian with a link
>trusting a Bulgarian with a link
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you are just a newfag, "baka desu"

c-cum ai ghicit?

all the anime porn is legal here

hentai manga
Make new faggots
I'm browsing this site for a long time but I never was an anime/Hentai l/whatever person
oh, sorry then

I found it hard to stop watching 3dpd porn so as to start being aroused by hentai only, but I succeeded with the aid of my despise of (real) women

also anime is better, it makes me happy, it's escapism

most of the days go like this for me:
>wake up at 15:00
>breakfast then morning walk (a solitary walk in the park nearby)
>get home 17:00
>watch anime
>eat family dinner 20:00
>watch anime
>eat my dinner 1:00
>go to bed 2:00

pentru ca voi astia din moldova sunteti majoritatea homosexuali
thanks for making a thread with a tranny looking 3dpd, you faggot


familie, sunt 100% heterosexual, nu am niciun doujin yaoi
b-but we wuz tsars n sheeit
besides, niggers get away with blaming everything on colonialism, so why can't we?
>serbs constantly talk about kebab removing
>literally did nothing vs turks
>have the lowest IQ in Europe
>even have a lower IQ than turkey

isn't the iq scale considered obsolete nowadays by the scientific community?
aren't serbs considered obsolete nowadays by the balkan community?

as for the IQ scale, that's just to justify niggers for being dumbshits
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fucking greek bring the punchline
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