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Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 59

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Yanks edition
Don't capitalise the brit you yank twat
>JK Rowling's new book is called "Lethal White"
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>Haeli Noelle Wey, 28, had sex with one student more than 10 times after joining his family for a ministry trip to Africa in 2015.

tfw no horny maths teacher to sex you
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This is the real thread


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new gibiasmr
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Take this test lads, find out how masculine or feminine you are


Casually Masculine.

58% vs 39%
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r8 my gf
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new commie gf

a turk in sweden
Are there any swedes left in Sweden
Why didn't the Germans focus more heavily on the battle of Britain?

>britain utterly btfo in france
>had to retreat at dunkirk leaving most of tanks and anti air weapons
>have a tiny island of soft rolling hills easy to conquer
>all germany needs to do is beat the raf and get a landing and conquering the island will be easy
>give up before finishing the job
>invade the soviets
>now have to fight a two front war and deal with constant bombing of civilians by eternal anglos

Could someone explain this to me?

Why did the Nazis give up before finishing the job?

What made beating the RAF so hard?

Also do you agree with the statement "Churchill couldn't have won the war but he could have lost it"?

Thank you for your time.
if your'are less than 75% then you're not a real man
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i only dislike it because the blatant pandering is pretty fucking offensive. she's not there based on merit but because she's a midget
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damn, where were all the sexed up teachers when I was in school
Only the best boys get teachersex!
*eats a burger near you*
Royal navy was an equally big problem to any invasion

And the Luftwaffe lacked naval bombers
Less than 75% of what?
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how do you stop /pol/ thoughts creeping in lads?

i don't want to be even angrier and more depressed than i already am

i don't want to hate people
pls delet this racist image
You can have /pol/ thoughts but not be depressed. I'm guessing you never go outside because the average person isn't SJW-tier.
Oh sorry I don't visit external links. 4chan.org only for me
Here's a fairly long pastebin if you're actually interested

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Hitler thought the Brits and Churchill would capitulate/be reasoned with.

He was a retard.
>no sources

Radar, goering being a mong as usual and the fact that even if they'd gained air superiority they didn't have enough ships to land enough men to actually take the country
Dose I take daily, a daily dose you could say

There's at least one website and one book mentioned as sources if you actually read it
*whips it out*
They couldn't have won the Battle of Britain and they couldn't have successfully invaded even with total air superiority.

I have genuinely no idea their plan was to deal with the UK other than to defeat the Soviets quickly and then hope for the best.
Indeed, one of his reasons for invading the Soviet Union when he did was to make Britain "come to its senses"

It's easy to forget that most of the world (including the Germans, the British and Americans) thought the Soviets would collapse in a couple months.
Sargon is so much better than molymeme
*does a 360 and walks away*
molymeme is more entertaining though

He is the world's greatest living intellectual

Less testosterone = more cuck
Bored and not likely to fall asleep for quite a while lads
Do these people talk about anything other than yank politics?

cheeky wank?
Started buying those effervescent vitamin c tablets because they taste so nice

Only about 70 pence for 20, and tastes better than squash
fucking hate that girl but she has great tits


neurons firing like a gau-8
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enjoy some oasis then
pill dick
Do something then lad.
British music in the 90s was goat
That beard...
still is goat desu
Alri deano

Alri gav
emma watson leaks underwhelming
wtf is wrong with his facial hair

Trump's tax returns coming up
Can't really given that it's 5 past 1 desu
yer grime is piff ting innit senpai?

bare blad
>tfw Emma Watson will never leak all over my willy
American news people are so hard to take serious, they speak so dramatically and are so animated.
ed sheeran sam smith etc

you lads export talent and culture more than we do
>either of those artists

fuck OOOOOOOFF norman
CNN is fake news
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>a fucking leaf trying to preach to Europe about not being leftist
>beer to counteract mandy to fall asleep

pretty stupid idea in the first place 2bqh
wind is howling and screeching outside

might still go to the store and have a fag though
to /b/!
I bet she had already had a wee in that bath water before she started filming
Cannot stand this stupid twats fake accent

By far the worst alt right mong
Got about a minute in and turned it off

>OMG Europe borrowed so much money and has social programmes, communism??!!!

Does he not know Canada has done virtually the same thing
good to see trumps tax returns getting btfo
russia turning on him and handing out doxxable info
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>What are our duties sir?
>fake accent
it's just what happens when you move around the globe
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i bet it'll be fucking nothing and the leftists will be eternally btfo

his perfect tax returns will be the killing blow
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And kebekers say he isn't French..
>fake accent

What? He was raised in England and moved to Canada, it isn't fake.
1,2,4 fuck off right now

5 rape 3
Russia turning on him was the whole point of them helping him get elected, if you buy into that idea.
>it'll be fucking nothing
doesn't make a difference desu, it'll still harm him
see: muh emails
ughh -_- your post made me ill
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Amanda Seyfried nudes are pretty good m8s
The internet is boring
Wanking's boring
Uni's boring
Drinking's boring
Drugs are boring
Everything is so fucking boring
>Wanking's boring

Gay twat
Ahh yes that molymong defence force has been deployed

He plays up his stupid fake voice because he thinks it makes him sound intelligent
I do buy into that idea, it's a fairly conventional intelligence practice to get favourable and weak leaders in power in rival states
would be good if i kne who amanda seyfried was
stupid girl from mean girls
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I'm not a fan of him outside of him being a great mememachine but his accent isn't fake, it's like yanks saying Sargon fakes his accent to sound clever.
Be more attractive
there was a lot of bad stuff in her emails though. it was used against her in the 2nd debate and that's when trump started winning
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i felt the same way la

then i discovered hockey
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>Granddad, what did you do during the great British race war?
>lot of bad stuff
like what? didn't the /pol/ weenies realise there was literally nothing bad in it and decide that they must be running a secret pedo network from a pizza shop?
she seems to be in a lot of dribbly normie films
fugged ur miohter
Music isn't though.

Give this a shot bub.

just check /b/
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i don't have time for your questions, fatimah nazhil khalad aisha al-husseini, now go do your homework
It's also common to imply that you influenced events which suit your ends even if the outcome was merely serendipitous.

Mind you, it makes no real difference actually does it.
GOOD lad.
just did

and u were right
mean girls is kino

shagged your fit ginger grandmum
Lookit all those gook getters
Ahh yes the classic shill line >I'm j-just like you, I don't like him n-normally!!

And anyway it's absolutely nothing like that you stupid fucker
don't think anyone's claimed to have successfully installed donald trump in the white house, who's going to benefit from that?

yeah i guess you're right, people don't really care about the truth these days
soz man, listening to Nina Kraviz' Edinburgh boiler room atm

might give it a listen afterwards
I also post the PJW meme because I think it's funny, does that mean I respect him too?
when did all this fappening stuff resurface? just got home from uni
Give the politics a rest lads

Arguing with strangers on the internet won't achieve anything and the political wheels will continue turning regardless of your beliefs or actions in life.
>boiler room

State of the crowds there anytime there's a video of the set.

But anyways, if you're into downtempo and trip-hop at all you'll enjoy the duo I posted. Cheers
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literally the GOAT sport
>Only one cigarette left
>slightly rolling

uh-oh boyos

i use legacy captcha
umm how else did the alt-right get drumpf elected??
what if you assassinate the archduke of austria-hungary
He's another example of alt right mongs faking or overemphasising their voices in YouTube
not even going to dignify this schlock with an appropriate response
>slightly rolling
what does this mean
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it's new stuff
Few hours ago when someone posted that blonde girl from mean girls sucking dick on a boat in the ocean with the sun in the background, kino
its a wednesday morning for fuck sake
>State of the crowds there anytime there's a video of the set.

It's quite funny people watching in the videos

There's a lad standing behind Nina the whole time who's clearly on enough ket to sedate a stable. Would be cringing like fuck if I were him after it.
shan't be scrolling up that far to see if this is a reply to me
Awaiting the day Britain becomes a Hockey power to rival us, the Russkies, and the Nordicks/
you reek of pakiness
Instead of heading out I took a quarter with my flatmates and we just sat watching Rick and Morty and chatting for a few hours

Can't sleep now

Was going to head out anyway lad
fuck off
fuck off
fuck off
fuck off
GOOD post
fuck off
She was my one of my childhood heroes but she is a feminazi now...
It's impossible to find the truth anyway even you do care desu.

I mean, is Putin a genius master manipulator or just a chancer riding events and hoping for the best?
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exactly what has she done that makes her a hero?
obviously what I meant
bit of both i reckon, clearly knows how to stir up the russians though. I think the FSB is good at its job
Is this the thread where you go 'alri lad' and 'desu' all day?
It's the Ides of March lads
Boiler Room is notorious for shit crowds. It's not that they don't draw good DJs, but the crowd is always terrible.

The dude on K is probably having the best time there, because any other time I've seen the place people look like they have shit under their lip and dance like golems.
We also argue for hours over pointless shit :)
cute dog and the reporter makes it even cuter :3
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Druumpf will NEVER recover
Maddow is now reporting on the two-page tax return, which recently arrived to the mailbox of David Cay Johnston. The document shows that Trump made more than $150m and paid $38m in taxes.

“The first amendment gives us the right to publish this return,” she says, responding to the White House claims that reporting on the returns is “illegal”.

From Johnson’s summary just published on the Daily Beast:

The documents show Trump and his wife Melania paying $5.3 million in regular federal income tax—a rate of less than 4% However, the Trumps paid an additional $31 million in the so-called “alternative minimum tax,” or AMT. Trump has previously called for the elimination of this tax...

Trump’s 2005 return also shows that he’d continued to benefit from the roughly $916 million loss he reported in his 1995 return—published last year by The New York Times. Using a loophole Congress closed in 1996, Trump converted that loss into a tax credit for the same amount he could offset against income.
cums really watery today lads.

oh fugg xDD when are we getting v&
March Ides: assassinate the republics dictator
alri lad
He already released them before her show, Madcow BTFO once again
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she does a lot of stage acting stuff these days i guess

hollywood isn't for everyone

gets heated in the last min
well we've already got an olympic gold which is more than can be said about binland

in all seriousness i hope the khl goes ahead with expanding to london and we see a surge in homegrown talent
*releases my tax returns*
exception: solumon's boiler room
but it might just be because they're all fit as fuck mexican grills

boiler room crowds are proper vice/dalston tier most of the time though. 2 cool 4 school.
There is literally nothing wrong with tax avoidance

Also there's a reason it happens a lot more when you do do ridiculous shit like raising the top rate to 50%
I hate trump but is there even anything of significance here? who cares about this
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i look pretty good today

not going to make me any less autistic though is it
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What was his tax policy?
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tbf he does look like it

I understand at boiler room events there's not really anything going on other than the DJ though, and given that it's normally fairly ambient music I can see how it would get boring after a while if you're not fucked up on something. Not even a smoking area to try and pull in.
we should only tax those above the poverty line

counter this
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>wtf she actually posts her tits
do all women in sweden do this?
also why does she tweet in english
also what kind of turkish name is julia
so many questions
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I think Trumps an inspiration

Why do the media hare him so much
don't understand this gimmick
>15 minutes from the nearest shop

Even on a sunny clear day England manages to look gray
how did you find my house?
it's grim up north
like ur ould wans fanny hair
Googled "Gayest man in England's house"
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me mum

clean your screen
it's just GRRM autistic screeching over lotr
i would defo try to pull here
All that gold from the dragons mountain would have crashed middle earths economy with no survivors, yet another gaping plot hole
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>Gosh Anon you're such a gay twat
>fappenning again
>more butthurt over trump
are the 2010s going to redeem themselves? still have a fun couple of years ahead of us
dont fucking care
not as much as a gaping hole as yer ould wans fanny
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clean your teeth
*looks kinda dumb*
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he's a hero
Take the Irish contribution away from Britain and you're not number 1
You're the evil one

Get help psycho
Quebec is not a separate entity, there should be no Quebecball.
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>Irish contribution
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holwing at trumps taxes

can't wait to see how the left spin this against him
well you're such a lesbian dick
That is stupidly low, the industrial revolution alone is greater than anything else since the agricultural revolution
something something quebec libre
he's a well-known labor shill here

disregard everything he says
Guess we'll take modern chemistry and the splitting of the atom and give em to France

Pretty sure we do this anyway
>bowery electric
tiptop taste tbqh ngl la
hey lads
Wonder what sucking your own nob feels like
Lived in California for a bit and the amount of Mexican jailbait (over there at least, it'd be legal here) is insane.

It was when short shorts were in fashion too
Got a group job interview next week. Probably not going to go after finding out it is a group interview.
How long do you lie in bed before you give up and realise that you're not going to get to sleep?
Would you ride your dad's dick for £1m?
*stops you*
no one will be won over if the contents of trump's taxes are bad but if they turn out to be good then people will mock the media for obsessing over nothing. poor strategy!
probably feels a bit gay
shame irish scientists couldnt figure out that they could fish from the sea instead of starving from no potatoes
ah yes
Looks like we're going to get white terrorists again lads

want a toothpick kid?
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*runs you over with my crew*
tbf it wasn't all singularly down to Watt's engine though

Bessemer process, Haber process etc. all pretty much combined and a lot of those breakthroughs were from other countries after the initial start of the revolution.
I would do a lot of deplorable things for 1m

but that is not one of them
They have advertising slots to sell either way though.
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>irish scientists
Ahh yes, the Irish

Hard border can't come soon enough
What an annoying accent
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turns out trump payed a higher portion of tax than obama.

how are the left going to handle that?
Might call it quits soon lads, try and crack out a four hour wank and get an hour of sleep before my tutorial tomorrow.

Hopefully the dose was low enough I'll avoid the suicidal feeling for the next couple of days

waiting to see how they spin it

they will still paint him as a villain somehow
pretend that fact doesn't exist

it's what they always do
thought i made it clear that i don't care
lol, why did he hide his taxes then? He could have used it as a bragging point.
why did you even take it tonight
Oh god the memes just never end do they?
Ireland produced enough food anyway, it was just largely exported

Potatoes were the crop of farmers who owned their own land. Most agricultural holdings produced wheat but were owned by the gentry
yeah but he's a racis
obama is a disadvantaged african american gentleman, it's okay

trump is a rich privileged cracker

3D scrabble
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For me, its Ryuko.
who /targetingqtsintheirfirsttutorialsofthesemester/ here?
let them hang themselves like they've just done. this guy is truly 3 steps ahead of everyone.
tax everyone except the top 1% i think
48D mancala
Boredom and I'm a fucking idiot

Waste of good stuff
6d dark souls pvp
Would you rather shag Tim in the missionary position, or shag Holly Willoughby from behind, blindfolded and end up getting AIDS?
For me, it's crippling depression.
tulum is a good laugh
Probably aren't going to get AIDS from HIV in the UK in 2017 m8
Thx bruv
mmmm quads
Holly Willoughby isn't that fit, she's overweight and has a mong face
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quads confirm
That's not part of my narrative.
Well, night lads
*unzips onyx blade*
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well better rejoin the uk then love
That's called a road
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post more would you rathers
dw, I'll probably be back on in 40 minutes when I still can't sleep

enjoy your tunes mandem, look up sort it out sharon by wiley/dusky if you're into electronic and grime
who'd have thought we could be lovers?

she makes the bed

and he steals the covers
shagged 3 different ugly birds raw in the past few weeks

dont have their numbers so worried i mightve knocked em up
redpill me on geert wilders

is the election tonight? is he running for PM or president? I know nothing about dutch politics
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Seriously though how do I British accent?
turns out trumps tax returns was a client copy, which means that, trump, himself, leaked his own tax return.

absolute M A D M A N
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I love my president
Go blind or have everyone within a 2m radius of you be able to read your thoughts?
>sort it out sharon
good post
need to go to gum clinic 2bh
i think he's next in line to be king there
its tomorrow

Prime minister
will likely lose by a smallish margin
Why? He's been fucking awful so far?

Have you seen the people he's appointed?

trumpfags are seriously retarded. XD MEMES HAHA!!!!
thanks lad

still banking on le pen winning. would be great to see the eu collapse
this is too easy

no one would choose to be blind
>Have you seen the people he's appointed?

Have you? This isn't even an argument. It's the equivalent of "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE!"

What has he done that's awful so far?
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Think you may be retarded for responding to him. But if giving (You)'s is your thing, enjoy!
Looks like he's doing a lot of what he promised to do.
huh, not heard that before
has a very, for lack of a better word, fabric sound to it
the whole album is quite good
i really like the tune with gary numan
Household Federal Tax Rate
Donald Trump 25.3%
Joe Biden 23.3%
Paul Ryan 20%
Barack Obama 20%
Mitt Romney 14.1%
Bernie Sanders 13.5%

The left isn't going to recover from this
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They'll just move to a new issue and stop caring about his tax returns
How come Clinton isn't on the list.
>rich people paying proportionally more tax
this is what's meant to happen isn't it?
Honestly can you name any of them?

How'd Michael flynn work out? fucking howling
>muh narrative

go away
>Bernie Sanders 13.5%

>m-muh socialism, m-muh nordic model
Assuming you can't leave either country, would you rather live in Tanzania or Uganda?
bernie killed rosa
lefties were screeching about how trump obviously avoided taxes
turns out he's squeaky clean, though he embellished his income
So does that make Sanders the most intelligent one?
This is not a legitimate form of protest.
Why did the GOP run Romney for Christ's sake...

Can I name any of what? His cabinet appointments?

Sure, I don't agree with what Flynn did. I also don't agree with this new healthcare law. But he's already gotten rid of TPP, brought the debt down over $80 billion, and has made many deals regarding keeping jobs in the US

Many more of his plans are still in the works
Cosidering doing a 'cide
>turns out he's squeaky clean
Yes, wonder which comrade helped him with that.
Bannon isnt a conservative coincides with a lot of think trump wants done

Carson has literally no experience in urban development, the only reason he was chosen for the job is because he is black.

He was involved with Soros in establishing OneWest Bank which was part of the problem In the 2008 housing crash, so definitely not a fan

wasting my time as you probably don't even know these people

youre' just in it for the EPIC MEMES AND MUSLIMS HAHAHAH XD
why hasn't this been janny'd? >>72305729
And what have any of them done so far that's bad? You're shitting on these people who have been in office for a month. There's nothing to complain about yet
Because they're man boobs.
producer leaf?

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>Bernie Sanders 13.5%
main stream meteor is in meltdown mode
what the fuck is the household federal tax rate? speak english doc
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>leftists pooperpillaged the rich aren't being taxed
>trump pays more in taxes than basically everyone
>their only excuse is "it's because he's so rich"
google could probably provide you with an exact definition in a fraction of a second

why don't you try there
nah I'm putting my foot down on yanks who expect everyone else to know everything about their fucking country

especially on a British general
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File: Screenshot_20170315-022945.png (1023KB, 1200x1920px) Image search: [Google]
1023KB, 1200x1920px
shouting and yelling
take it up with your countryman who made the post you're replying to then

also you probably have a good idea of what it is based solely on its name
but muh special relationship

this is trump's federal income tax rate for him, his wife, and his dependents that he claimed. It was about 25%, which is a far cry from the 0% that the lefties claimed
cheeky new
oh FUCK off
shan't. fuck anime
alri billy no mates
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