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Thread replies: 92
Thread images: 40

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Yall need jesus edition
Fuck off whiteshit
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Lili is best girl.webm
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2nd for anime
Reminder that all the greatest empires came from non wh*tes
I'm not white
Stop watching anime
Back to Twitter you fucking faggot ass nigger, no wonder this is the worst general. It's polluted with shitheads like you. I hate all you filthy sand niggers
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ss is best pair.jpg
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Never, anime is the one true faith.

Heaven is a world of 2DQTs, and those who remain faithful to anime will be awarded entrance to its glorious paradise.
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Not enough! The world is not enough for the Turk!
The four corners of the world, the seven continents are not enough for the Turk!
If we went to the moon, the moon would not suffice!
A single teardrop of a Turk,
would obliterate mountains and rocks!
The headache of the enemy,
We will tear down the skies!
Let the snow melt drop by drop
As spring comes
Prepare the coffins
For we will enter and leave them once more
Let our anger shake the world
The Bozkurt are marching
Let our anger shake the world!
We shall write VATAN on the foreheads of all traitors, fraternizers and bastards!
Let the blood of the enemy flow,
Long live Racist Turkey
Let the blood of the enemy flow,
Long live Racist Turkey

Fucking spergs
i like this
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First deal with your demographic problems before you try going full Bozkurtlar.
calm down friendo
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If you hate us so much then stop coming into our general
Can classical arabic be used for conversations ?
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The voices of the fathers have become wounds
Where are you Bozkurt? O Bozkurt!
Young as old inhales drugs
Sister-Aisha has become whore-Aisha
The thoughts of the children, enveloped in worry
Where are you Bozkurt? O Bozkurt!
White foe, black foe
Darkness, the dark night has settled
White foe, black foe
Darkness, the dark night has settled
The mothers are once more
Struck by hopelessness
Where are you Bozkurt? O Bozkurt
/mena/ is maximum comfy except for the occasional bullies, such as you and egyptian Mona.
I'm sorry, p-please forgive me senpai
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you forgot the occasional kurdboo eternal beta fuck
you admit there is a problem
so you wont mind a genocide then?
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>Finally decided to upgrade from EU4 to V2

Anyone who's played this mind telling me what I'm in for?

>that pic


>so you wont mind a genocide then

No, but better yet, a population exchange between Kurds in Turkey and Turks in Iran. Solves two problems at once.

Might result in more problems in Iran though, depending on how bad your Kurds are.

In Iran Kurds don't cause many problems, although being Sunni, they occasionally cry "muh oppression".

huh no
It's micro management limbo don't even bother my dude

I don't mind desu, I think I'm autistic enough to handle it.

EU4 and HOI4 are both getting a bit boring for me, so I figured I'd try a different Paradox game.
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iranian kurds are angels compared to the total cancer that is """turkish""" kurds, good luck with that. turkish kurds are tribal goatfuckers practicing honor-killings and generally make sure that whereever they go, there can be no progress or civilized society. we're talking about a people that physically assault you for wearing jeans as a male (yes really)

Iran would reach the same conclusion as us
Install mods or something you can't enjoy V2 unless you have terminal autism
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>turkish kurds are tribal goatfuckers practicing honor-killings and generally make sure that whereever they go, there can be no progress or civilized society. we're talking about a people that physically assault you for wearing jeans as a male (yes really)

Sounds awful, do they really still have actual tribalism?

Fortunately for us based Reza Shah stamped out tribalism by force long ago (Kurds and Lurs both revolted because of this I believe, but he put them down), so our Kurds are just known for having funny accents and clothes, and for being the source of illegal smuggled alcohol.


Their pants are pretty popular in some parts of Iran.

What do you think will happen in the near future between Turkey and the Kurds there? Obviously the current status quo is unsustainable given their birthrates and terrorism.

I installed HPM, is that a good mod?
>Sounds awful, do they really still have actual tribalism?
of course
>Fortunately for us based Reza Shah stamped out tribalism by force long ago
this reza? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S7gvVYF3qA
>Their pants are pretty popular in some parts of Iran.
they are comfortable, but should not be worn out of pure spite.
>What do you think will happen in the near future between Turkey and the Kurds there? Obviously the current status quo is unsustainable given their birthrates and terrorism.
Turkey will keep subjugating them, and whenever they chimp out, TSK will come and raze an entire city to set an example. This is in accordance to Turkish geopolitical interests. A Kurdish state under an Apoist banner shall not be realized so long as Turkey exists. This will continue until either a) Turkey is invaded by NATO/US and partitioned again, or b) They gain autonomy by a gavad government

both are unlikely, though to elaborate on A, kurds are inherently treacherous, and as such should Turkey be invaded, even by aliens, they would side with the enemy and give them their asses.

Who is the girl
I'm told liquor factories are good to have
Rojbin Kizil :3

Thanks anon

Yes, the based Reza Shah, unlike his faggot cuck of a son he knew how to rule properly.


And yeah, the Kurdish problem in Turkey is unsolvable except by ethnic cleansing or separation (which no Turkish government would do, for obvious reasons).

Perhaps in a different world, Kurds would have been assimilated into the Turkish identity like the Laz, Greeks, etc, but it's far too late right now.

I think in Iran's case, most Iranians are worried that any Kurdish state would become a free military and airbase for the U.S. to begin messing with Iran.

While separatism is weak currently in Iran, things may heat up if the U.S. and/or Israel begins funneling arms and support to separatist groups.

I wonder if Turkey and Iran could cooperate in the future, since both countries have to deal with similar threats, despite their current rivalry.

>tfw no Neo-Seljuk union that stretches from Bosnia to the Indus river

Is that actually true, or just memes? For now I just have to try and westernize before I can do anything else.

I'm not sure I was never good at the micromanaging part of the game and just kind of cheated.
>neo seljuk union
most turks have no idea how tightly knit the history of Oguz Turks of Anatolia and Azerbaijan is with Iran. Largely because the average anatolian zombie does not comprehend that there were Turks before the Ottoman Empire (of which they know little to nothing of as well)
don't bully biji wiji leafy!
Lel I think it's Yaoshua or some like that
hey that wasn't me who was being mean to you -.-
>turkish nationalistic shit
>lives in denmark
really fires up the neurons
I have no feet but I can run. I give you health and give you fun ...
What am I? ^^
my benis
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>Reza Shah
>banned hijab to forcefully westernize Iran
>had his police tear them off the heads of the women who still wore it
You really need to kys
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Go norway.jpg
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So? I'm a Norwegian nationalist who happens to live here.
I don't happen to see a problem desu
region or geographic location of an individual is irrelevant so long as he or she is loyal to the eternal cause of the Bozkurt
This pretty much
>Reza Shah
>was a British cuck puppet (((((((JUDEN)))))))) who handed over Iran's oil to BP
>tried to implement western faggotry in alpha Middle East
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RT this rare 100% pure Islamic bedouin qt descended from Muhammad
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>Built Iran's first modern university
>Built the North-South railway
>Created the first Iranian national bank, removing Iran from the financial slavery of the British (The banks up to that point were owned entirely by the Brits)
>Responsible for most of the reforms that would be later built upon by his son and later the Islamic Republic
>BTFO Islamist faggots

He was 100% based, shame your Khomeinist ass cares more about an arab desert cult than Iran's economic and technological development. He was the closest thing Iran had to Ataturk, shame he was deposed by the British.

>was a British cuck puppet (((((((JUDEN)))))))) who handed over Iran's oil to BP

That was the Qajars you idiot, Reza Shah tried to renegotiate the previous deal multiple times, succeeded in raising the Iranian share from 16% to 21%.

>British puppet

The Brits were the ones who deposed him because he was getting too friendly with the Nazis.
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Hello /MeNa/

Did you know Saudi women are actually hiding a lot under their burqas?

Pic related average Saudi woman Rotana Tarabzouni.
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>was a Jew
>was a Jewish puppet
>liking (((Atacuck)))
>it's okay be a literal beta country as long as the Jews give you shekels to "improve" the cattle
I'm not a Khomenist, I just know a Western-cuck who sucks Jewish cocks when I see them. He was just a Jew only helping the upper class aristocrats and not even a real nationalist.

The Nazis were also "Islamists" btw
>pic related
Meiko kun you talk about women as if we are things. "even royal family imports them"
About your Q i have to say that beauty has nothing to do with nationalities, but genetic. Every country has beautiful women, although I agree that egypshaans are most so beautiful in general.
Of course there are women not that much beautiful also, as everywhere, but one thing is true, in general arab women have the most beautiful eyes in all the world.....may be followed by spanish women from the south, as Andalucia. Can be that bcoz of the arab stay there 700 years and messed up with local pple? As you can see....it's genetic too.
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Trash desu, put her back in the burka. Here's a much more genetically superior Islamic waifu
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The Islamic Republic has done more for education and advancing Iran than the monarchist pigs could ever dream of.
Also Reza Shah was a nazi apologist who was buddies with Hitler and trying to separate us from our Muslim brothers
All this lightet face powder and foundation and prob ps layers too
To look lighter skinned
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>Muh joos

I have no problem with Jews, it's quite clear that the countries that are "Jewish controlled" are considerably better off than the countries that are controlled by islam.

As for Ataturk he was responsible for modernizing Turkey, hence why it's leaps and bounds ahead of any other islamic country currently, in terms of economy, social development, and military.

As for Hitler, he was an incompetent retard, his autism is 75% of the reason why the Nazis lost the war.


If it weren't for Reza Shah, and if the Qajars had still remained in power, Iran's literacy rate would have probably remained in the single digits by 1979.
Dummy THE SHAH WAS A DICTATOR!! HE WAS A POPPET OF THE US!!! People of iran hated him all that he did!! And ur friends parents, if they didnt do anything wrong why would they flee??? And yes there was political prisoners in time of shah!! Yes Shah had opposition in prisons or tortured and kept most of the countries wealth to himself.
The basic civil liberties in Iran were no present as your say along with the fact the Shah was installed by UK/USA.
Only reason you had higher literacy rates was cuz you has an egypshaan queen
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>I have no problem with Jews
>Islamic nations invaded and destroyed by Jews are cause of Islam
>Jewish usury and Jewish banks are okay
>Hitler did something wrong
>Turkey is modernized cause of a cuck, not because of US funding during the Cold War
>history revolves around the 21st century
>Irans literacy rate is almost 100% because of an mostly Islamic government
It seems that even in Islamic nations there are leftist cucks
I didn't say any of that... (._. )

you must have mistaken me for someone else because I would never say such a thing :O I love women!!!!!!

How can women be objects if our perception of reality is based on the absurd act chemical reactions and thus nothing can be proven to be tangible and have any intrinsic value whatsoever in this material universe??? Answer me this at the very least Moana-sama!!!
>HE WAS A POPPET OF THE US!!! People of iran hated him all that he did!! And ur friends parents, if they didnt do anything wrong why would they flee???

I'm talking about Reza Shah you idiot, not his son. His son was the one who was installed by the UK, and the one who was deposed in the revolution.


>Muh Jewish boogeyman

>>>pol is there for people like you.
I'm not sure if that quote is real, or if it was made up by an Islamist or an Anti-Theist. I know he did say the last two lines tho
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No there are legitimate times when it is the Jews. Cuck leftist beta males should be purged from the East, they literally are shabbos goyim
The average Israeli Jew is increasingly right wing tho
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Their right for Israel but left for the goyim. They will intentionally spread ideas known to them to weaken nations in goyim nations, but not in their own. Many of them support gay marriage in America, but not in Israel.
May Allah bless Lady Fawzia. She was too good for the Shah anyways. She will always be the last queen of Iran in my eyes (^-^ )
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Forgot pic
Anti Islamic Monarchist pig. Just like the Saudi Royal family.
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Ever notice how all the anti-Islamic cucks happen to be pro-Jew/pro-Israel/Zionists?

>Anti Islamic

Of course, any sane person would be


Not at all, but I recognize a good leader when I see it


خودت را بکش، جنده عرب پرست
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Simply a coincidence goy I mean guy :^)
But it's mostly the left that has become more critical of Israel in recent years. Right wing support for Israel is still pretty high, especially in America.
I haven't really noticed this, both the Democrats and Republicans still suck ZOG cocks
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Anime Merchant.jpg
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I'm the best kind of Jew, though.
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Check this
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Democracts are center left to centrist at best. Liberal Democracs in particular have become increasingly critical of Israel in recent years. Though they aren't the majority of the party yet.
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Time to fire up those ovens, if only Muslims in Medieval times weren't so tolerant to der jude
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When did you become anti-Islam and pro-Jew?
Being at the very least Anti-Clerical and Anti-Zionist is still possible.
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>implying the oven-manufacturing companies aren't also owned by Jews

>implying that Islam isn't just another reskin of a Jewish religion

>implying that allah isn't just YHWH in disguise

You can never beat the eternal hebe, goyim.
>implying allah/YHWH didn't abandon the Jews for being the Synagogue of Satan and killing Jesus for shekels
I rly love Iranians *^___^*
>implying that Islam isn't just another reskin of a Jewish religion
>implying that allah isn't just YHWH in disguise
They all worship the same God in the end.
I never hear much about Iranian Kurds, are they more civilized then the others? Do they have more iranian blood in them then the others?
Kurds are Iranian. Compared to others tho, I don't think the amount of support of a Kurdish state is as high compared to Turkey, Iraq, and Syria. Though there is still a support for such a state among these kinds of Kurds. Shia Kurds in particular are much more pro-Iran than supportive of a Kurdish state.
Have you ever been to Bangladesh?
I rly love Egypshaans (ɔˆ 3(˘ᴥ˘ )
Yeah, why?
top grade, grade A, unfiltered, straight from the tap autism
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Thread posts: 92
Thread images: 40

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