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Thread replies: 434
Thread images: 61

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NHS edition
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i think
What's Huddersfield like lads?
Is it comfy?
don't hurt yourself x
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the snacks
just ate dinner
will watch a film now
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>Northern """"""""""""""""""""""""infrastructure""""""""""""""""""""""""
toilet bog fart
City is shit.
Has some really comfy surrounding villages and scenery though
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london gets £15 billion for crossrail but liverpool doesn't even get enough to maintain a brick wall
You're the one moaning you moron

Ah yes Pakistanis are such wonderful people with an ideology so similar and compatible with our own. We should invite more over.
Could Oprah Winfrey run for president? In an interview with financier and philanthropist David Rubenstein, Winfrey seemed intrigued by the idea
How is tim not sectioned
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>David Rubenstein
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definitely have bladder damage from all those acid trips
NHS are useless
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>95% of graduate jobs outside of London are just recruitment consultant jobs or sales 'graduate' schemes.

Is it inevitable that ambitious graduates have to head to London for at least some time?
big protest in copenhagen right now lads

ten year anniversary that a famous squat house was cleared out
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>£1.2 billion

cannot fabricate

because the tories cut the NHS so much they can't afford to
but London actually has a positive impact on the economy
it DESERVES infrastructure improvements
>Globalist EU loving parliament jews trying to block breggsit


you're not looking in the right places

there are loads of grad jobs outside london too
Other cities would also have a bigger positive impact with even a fraction of what London gets.
found out that the new qt at work is only 20
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>and I’m a chartered structural engineer – I’ve often thought that if I did a structural calculation on those walls, I couldn’t prove they were completely stable.

>That’s not to say they’re unsafe because the Victorians built tended to build massive structures that defied science.
What did the chartered engineer mean by this?
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shes 23
>Net worth of $2.5 billion
>As of early 2016, he normally drives a fifteen-year-old Mercedes station wagon.[12]
ah yes

the audiophiles choice
'iddy 'iddler

Every other reasonably sized city only has graduate jobs that are either accounting or law, accounting is boring and law is ultra competitive.

There's little else.
> Liverpool engineer

Northerners have similar IQs to dogs and cannot speak English either
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Political Leaning.png
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I'm a radical centrist
Feel free to ask me anything
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most SMEs don't have formal graduate programmes

you need to contact them on your own and show them how you would be a good candidate
literal child
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I told you yesterday. If you're thinking of studying there honestly don't bother, it's a a stab multicultural poo sandwich.

Nearest area of natty beauty is the Peak District, but you may as well live in Sheffield for this and have the best of both worlds - decent city and nice surroundings.
So there we go, not decent graduate programmes then.

I'm on about big companies with formal grad programmes. There's barely anything outside of London and it makes no sense.

Half of the companies don't even need to be in London yet they are stationed there.
watching a super slow yank police chase

the guy is going 10 mph max and the can't get him ahaha

Don't know what you're on about as there are shitloads of grad IT jobs outside London.
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>want Dominos
>the one near me doesn't deliver
>don't want to risk driving
looks like they got him
what big, relevant companies exist outside of london?
Do The Arctic Monkeys still live in Sheffield?

Should I support Wednesday or United?

Absolute rip off for what it is and tastes chemically as fuck
White lass on The One Show is fucking P E N G
Think a few of them live in LA now.
no they live in LA

united if you're a scumbag, wednesday if you're a poofter
>wah wah wah I don't like what other people like

fuck off you literal runt
Wednesdays. The Owls.
she looks and dresses like she's 10 you wrongun, dread to think of what lurks in the nooks and crannies of your hard drive you grubby little nonce
you said graduate jobs in your first post, not programmes

either way grad programmes are essentially a luxury that most companies can't really afford
Think Reddit might be more your speed, mate.
Makes plenty of sense

Back to your £2 a pint local in Lincoln you mouthbreather
yeah you have to reverse a bit, he manages to evade them for an hour and a half
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having a really good, really massive cup of tea lads
it's alright
I went there for 3 years for uni
it's a town sweetie xx
>it's a a stab multicultural poo sandwich.
you mean how the university attracts a lot of foreign students?
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Bit of Fredposting, lads.
Found a good way to bait yanks. say clips on instead of mags
Aww man.. I just from there
>go to Reddit as brit keeps talking about it
>read comments
>American university students continually trying to one up each other with Big Bang Theory tier 'banter'
>absolute zero understanding of irony or sarcasm
>having to mark posts with /s/ so they know you're being sarcastic

No wonder most of you mongs post on it, you have to be special kind of stupid to fit in there.
I talked to TWO girls today.

The One Show literally showing how 9/11 was done
back to the ol' /r/unitedkingdom
is the amazon fire a good tablet
did they name (((them)))?
Dublin fookin massive here, try not to get lost when you move to the big city

And lose the grubby accent
having a fag
post pics of your boobies
Cracking body, pig of a face. A bit like XViciousLoveX
just want it to be late enough to feel tired
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100 bishopsgate lads
There are no good tablets
Sucking the bottom of a fag
sick little twat cant imagine what i'd do if i saw one of my mates looking at pictures like this on his phone, would love to drive my fist right through your defective noncey cranium put you to sleep so you can't fiddle with any more kiddies

got those same trainers as her
Looks shit, another eyesore to fit right in next to the shart and the walkie talkie building I take it?

i was considering a tablet since i do 4-5 foreign trips a year, not spending much because it will get tossed about. going to chile and argentina next month and spending 3 weeks in the US in august :-)
looks like a cooling tower except square
Russell Howard is a really funny comedian
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>got those same trainers as her

the city skyline is an abomination
What's the appeal of Ed Sheeran? Fucking hate that drippy, dour shit-tier music
Communism has NEVER worked and has only led to the downfall of societies
nah it'll be by heron tower and the gherkin
I just reread my posts and think I may have had a small seizure whist typing. No, what I meant is that the surrounding area is full of nog and paki enclaves (Walpole and Fartown for example).

Honestly it's not a particularly bad town and the uni isn't terrible, but there's really nothing worthwhile there. It's just so stagnant and un-noteworthy. Can't quite put my finger on it...
goal bf
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will look better in person
his music has no testosterone so it appeals to pre-pubescent girls
fits in with the other dreadful buildings yeah
Will London property prices ever come reasonable?

I've been thinking that they might not normalise, but they might sink because of a few things.

>Brexit scares people off investing in London for the sake of laundering money
>As more and more work becomes doable over the internet and conference calls or working mobile less and less people have to physically be in an office and therefore companies slowly stop buying expensive floorspace.

i'm looking forward to seeing it finished

lack of good scrapers here in berlin
Good tunes
There is literally nothing wrong with the Shard
Got told to go back to my own country today lads

غير سعيد
i am british
woman at work was discussing her teenager daughters bra sizes wtf
22 Bishopsgate got revised lads
He's a nice lad. The live version of You Need Me is also quite good. And he wrote the only song I've heard since the Unchained Melody that sounds like it can be a wedding song.
It's music for people who aren't really into music. If if was a game it would be Fifa/Call of Duty, if it was a book it would be 50 Shades of Grey.
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>his music has no testosterone so it appeals to pre-pubescent girls
Grown women love him tho
i know you're probably wondering if yanks get shartburn and yes, we do
>As more and more work becomes doable over the internet and conference calls or working mobile less and less people have to physically be in an office and therefore companies slowly stop buying expensive floorspace.

people have been saying this since the 80s but it's more complicated than that

people want to live close to each other not in suburban desert shitholes
Listening to Ed Sheeran again lads.

neither of those things will happen
the shard and walkie talkie look fantastic

I once walked past the walkie talkie at 2am in the fog, what a magnificent thing
The British housing bubble will NEVER burst
Yes but realistically, internet is much faster these days and the technology gets better and better.

I can literally Skype from pretty much anywhere these days.
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I hope not, buying a house this year
I got my driver's license through the post today and the letter was already opened. Should I be worried?
Ed, please go
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Scalpel taking form lads
canary wharf is hideous


Can't deny that's a choon lads
Can't deny you're a bellend either
yes but that doesn't matter, see my original post

most people want to live in cities

good post
why do you lads listen to music marketed at pre-pubescent girls?

are you nonces or something?
>I am a 20 something English male who moved to Edinburgh 3 years ago. I have experienced prejudices', discrimination and persecution from many since I moved here because I am English. I hate the commonly used derogatory comment of being a Southerner, which every thinks is okay to say. I am from the north of England. I have now had enough and feel it will only get worse as nationalism is increasing in popularity. I am moving back to England where people are more open towards outsiders moving in.
doss cunt
started this
>It's a modern architecture /brit/ thread

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>you are either at or have passed the highest test levels you will ever have naturally
How does it feel lads? You will never build muscle easier. You will never be more energetic. Everything will slowly get worse.
Sounds good. I could use a manual for dealing with normies.
Why are you so insecure about what other people listen to?

Are you a homosexual or something?
It happens so slowly you don't really notice
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Anybody here work in HR?

What's it really like? I feel like it would be quite interesting and chilled, writing up contracts, sorting out disciplinaries etc.
>The Guardian
>Huffington Post
>The Independent
>Sky News
>New York Times
>Washington Post
>The Atlantic
>The Economist
>Daily Beast
>Wall Street Journal
>Channel 4 News

do you lads actually like any of these outlets?
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the pengest tower
Why is /tv/ the funniest board?
I exclusively get my news from buzzfeed
In love with FrivolousFox ASMR
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>Delivery driver rings up and says he'll be round in 10 minutes
>That was 15 minutes ago

Just end my suffering now
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VERY late reply I was having a shower

>What sort of swords do you like?
>Sabres? Gothic hilted swords? Arming swords? Longswords? Broadswords? Rapiers?
>unfortunately good ones start at £500 so its hard to justify buying one most of the time.
>Yeah, would be too autism to wear it over anything in town but could have it under a jumper or when i am doing something in the woods , dont like having my pockets full of shit-especially when its a torch or something, makes me feel awkward and bulky

I don't honestly know much about swords. But I reckon I like longswords. I've never held any.

Maybe something like that would be good for an axe in the woods
wapo, nyt, atlantic, 'conomist, 'feed, vox, slate and the WSJ are all really good quality

CNN has really been coming into their own lately
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>a bottle of wine is a minimum of £5
>and that's for undrinkable pisswine, anything above that is in the £10 range
what the fuck has become of this country
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>sword lad is here
Daily Mail and the Daily Express here.
>muh alcohol

water's free from the tap mate
having some black tea
do i put milk in it? no i dont
Give up booze for Lent
I watch Sky news only to see the events of the day and not to influence opinion
>Daily Mail
>Daily Express
>The Spectator
>Fox News
>Washington Times
>National Review

true Rorke feeds
shut up you stupid cunts
one under the shaft
sprinkle me mang
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Grey strawberries
ah yes greenwich, a glimmer of hope in a sea of shit
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>used as an axe
please no, you will likely just damage it and then get upset

Swords of different centuries are very different, If you just want to whack stuff then getting a longsword , a broadsword or an arming sword is probably for you. The ones made by Albion are exceptionally good as they are based off of the oakeshott patterns precisely, i hear they are amazingly lively to hold- they're expensive so i havent yet got one

This for example is an 1854 pattern gothic hilted sword
>Financial Times
>Philip DeFranco

radical centrist news
Would love to build the bottom 2 but the council would probably block me as it's not a pebble-dashed ugly block
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the greenwich redevelopment is looking really good 2bh

looks crap
>not liking swords
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Stop trying to destroy europe
It'll never look like that
>the shart
>the shaft
>the buttplug

ah yes london architecture
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Fake news for Yanks, shan't be touching it
they're actually alright, at least the online edition is. Has bad moments (pic related)
>>The Guardian
>>Huffington Post
would rather go over the nipples with a cheese grater then read one article
>>The Independent
tabloid trash
>>Sky News
don't have a TV
>>New York Times
never read it, heard bad things
>>Washington Post
used to be great but did a complete 180 and is now Huffington Post-tier
>>The Atlantic
read a few articles, it's okay
>>The Economist
>>Daily Beast
never thought this sounded reliable
>>Wall Street Journal
never read but heard it's decent
they have some interesting documentaries but their news division is the same shit as Buzzfeed
>>Channel 4 News
see Sky News
never read
never heard of it
constantly in competition with the Huffington Post to be the worst of the worst
have heard of it but know nothing about it
bit like are hitler aha
Bought some strawberries from Aldi the other day and they were absolutely awful

Learnt my lesson
who the fuck will live in these?
or are they office blocks?
Absolutely screeching at concept images. Yeah, because Britain isn't a constantly grey and rainy country. They always end up looking grim as fuck IRL
Ah yes, no Brits anywhere, just the Chinese, Russian and Saudi elite.
vice articles are a bit more interesting than buzzfeed ones though
How can the french of all people, not like swords

Also the guy making them is swedish

infowars more non biased than bbc
nah all of those are flats

mainly professionals and probably some foreign students will live there
It's still grey yes but it doesn't actually rain that much in the south mate
maybe she is for lewds...
ah yes

this will definitely alleviate the housing problem
I like to buy fruit & veg from my local independent green grocer but the stuff begins to spoil within 2 days. I'd rather just go to the Co-op and pay a little more for stuff that'll keep for a few days longer.
How can the rest of britain even complete

it will actually
Yes it does
The BBC reporting is very neutral on most issues, but tends to be biased as fuck on certain issues (particularly on pro-refugees, anti-Assad, anti-Trump, anti-Russia)
no it fucking won't
houses (where british people actually want to live) will still be extremely expensive
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*judges you*
get all my news from /brit/
No one cares
there's several hundred flats in that development

now just think about it, where will the people that will live there go if it doesn't get built?
almost forgot to take my multivitamin but i remembered
the bbc is more biased than /pol/
It was just supposed to be about the French butthurt about Le perfide Albion.
I do love swords tho. Actually thought about getting into knife making and the move on to swords later. I juste love working metal and engraving it. Pretty sure actually forging it will be different but eh, I'll try
What they forget is that the view will look shit because most of the time this country is dull and grey, and even on good days the Thames is a grey/brown shitstain full of rubbish and piss.
the river
people with families shouldn't have to live in flats
why do people continue to employ danny murphy

want to slit my wrists every time i hear his voice
>he doesn't have 50/50 german and scandi genetics
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South east of U.K. Including London doesn't get that much rain mate
why don't those people sort out for themselves what type of housing they want?
Yeah ik

Yeah, been watching a load of videos on the 'tube, looks like its quite possible to get into without too much expense, at least for knives- you need some machinery for swords if you dont want it to take ages, but i really need more space than i have rn. You may have more idk, basically need enough room to have a detatched garage/workshop
>you will never be one of those fashionable billionaire japanese/chinese who walk through Kensington speaking in half-yank accents
spent an hour or so in waitrose, not a milf to be seen desu
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what did he mean by this
switzerland is on a different level
post her lewdest
I piss in the middle of the water on purpose to assert my dominance.

i usually hang around the primary school gates, plenty of them there
did you ever shag one?

If you call it anything other than this, kill yourself immediately.
The bloody tories want to privatise it!
>24 inches of rain per year
>not much

Inbred Northerner with the IQ of a dog
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Really gets the old noggin joggin.
jeremy corbyn
Why not work into it ? That's what I was trying to say but I be French oui madame.
Try finding a tradeschool or something. Most of these jobs are quite niche but are usually well regarded and despite not earning 10k quids a month, you can get some decent amount of money
stop posting these plastic surgery korean mongs
where is the cum
Best thing to happen to the Conservative party since Maggie Thatcher.
best areas are in blue haha
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hmm wow yeah, very interesting
>measuring rain in length

Um, it's a liquid sweety, use litres or gallons.
me with the black nails
ah yes, very good very good
need a 1999 britney spears gf
why will liberals never admit that they were the ones who put the populist train in motion with Obama.

Obama was as much of a celebrity president as Reagan.
Change is as populist as MAGA
Red like the blood of the mexicans that are being lined up against the wall and shot by Trump's death squads
bit racist
So what you're saying is that all white people are racist Trump voters?

the normies used to just tolerate me now they actually like me and invite me to things
laying the foundations for a gf

most of you here will never make it but I WILL
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>wanking to twice cum JOI
>girl tells me to keep "stroking that big cock" after the first cum
>close the tab and open /brit/

shan't be following another word she says
does anyone actually unironically refer to themselves as british
seems like something guilty english women would do any nobody else
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Tits look delicious even if she's ayy lmao looking
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>people listen to this man
Actually I think you'll find petrol pumps in this country sell by the gallon x

it's dinner m8

lunch is what queers and yanks say
Starting to think reality has a rorkish bias
why does everyone prefer right wing ideals more than left?
oh yeah, and ulster '''''''''''''''''''''scots''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Fuck off actual child.
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passing wind
>ayy lmao looking

stop being so picky she looks well up for it
>these are the people NI exports
>identifies as "Northern Irish"
You want none of that lad.
Only officially, I say I'm English to most people.
just the poor and stupid ones
they resent the upper classes and are willing to destroy the country just to give them a hard time
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>Starting to think reality has a rorkish bias
>why does everyone prefer right wing ideals more than left?
Whites make me sick
looks like a twat
alri gramps
you look like a twat
There's a joke in here about the people England imports but I'm too lazy to google "dirty paki child raping scum" to properly execute on it.
proper fit

>tfw left to shag the dregs of POF because i don't have the looks to get with fit tinder slags

went round to a girls house 2 weeks ago and when i got there a kid was watching tv and she goes "oh yeah forgot to mention i had a 5 year old"

her fanny stank too
UK/Britain only exist as designations so that we have 'have our cake'
alri lads
man thought that stormzy didn't sing
fuck off

looks who's here
100 band pull aparts a day lads

no lets fuck on
can't one of you give me a job?
really wish i could spend an afternoon with Nico or Jeanne Moreau
*pays you to clean my house*

also you have to wear a maid outfit
hand or blow?
i can

a blowjob lol
Aye a handjob
This is why no one likes the ''northern'' irish
Pure fucking autism.
when do I start?

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is £20, and I still don't want it.

*whips it out*
Me on the left
t. Eoin McShane trying to make it in London but working in a shitty hotel
don't recall asking
why did you stick your face in it
need a neet gf with a stinky fanny
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Matthew Ludford was unironically offering people a job at his call centre in Wolverhampton before he got doxxed
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>TD Ameritrade reduces online equity and ETF trades to $6.95

really makes you think
wasn't talking to you hun
because i'm not good looking and i want to have sex

only went down on her for a couple minutes
can you put me in touch with him??

well executed tbf
Why can't they just sell cod4 on its own the greedy fucking cunts?
>record transfer fee
>believe your own hype
>fail to deliver
>get outshone every week by Zlat

I don't rate you Pogba... and I doubt you even rate yourself anymore you pathetic cretin.
did you just assume my gender?
Properly grim
>'and' after a comma
fuck off
unironically think britain is an outdated colonial relic from an empire the world forgot about still trying to cling onto far flung rocks in the sea like the falklands and occupying half of ireland


can't comprehend him actually thinking this photo would look good
>trading fees
fuck trump and fuck white people

I actually know an Eoin McShane. I'm still in Belfast though because who the fuck wants to go to a nigger and paki infested hellhole when you can just live in a regular hellhole?
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There you go
autism is one hell of a drug
That's an Oxford comma
feels unethical to call in sick do you can attend an interview elsewhere
fuck obummer and fuck niggers
mental to think about the world wars where you had white people slaughtering each other by the tens of millions. literally nig tier.
you're an oxford comma
any nonce men in
I'm from Oxford, I literally saw her on the Cowley road the other day.
Every day at work during lunch when I'm out walking I pass by a big hole in a pavement on a quiet street. It's like the pavement has crumbled away and there is a hole at least 3 feet deep with metal cable coiled up in there.

Next time I see it I'm going to take some photos of it and report it to the council.
been getting regular headaches since a few months
wonder whats happening
penis willy fanny bum bum
technically it's not ://
yeah there's a northern irish bloke a few posts above you
seems like a pretty common trait in humans. we dont deserve to leave this planet and join the galactic community until we sort that shit out.
VERY good lad
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uni banter haha
massive shit-hole
Why would you speak to me that way, especially when I always said that I haven't got the words for you

All your diction dripping with disdain through the pain I always tell the truth
willy (S) > penis (L) > fanny > bum
I literally already lived through that and made it. You're lagging behind me mate
mental how gay men literally do sex in each other's hairy shitty arseholes and they've somehow managed to convince heteros that this is "normal" and "healthy"
welfare state and consumerism shouldn't mix if I'm honest
>football's on
didn't realise LOL
playing life with a cheat code
two tokens shy of a game over
Depends on the street, but yes compared to Summertown or Jericho it's grim.
hetero people do that too
thank you for your honesty
Saw some lesbos in the train station today on my way home from work. They were holding hands and couldn't have been older than 16/17. Their love is pure.
Gonna have a nice ol' beer :)
>blacked.com is on
didn't realise LOL
>hairy shitty arseholes

most gay men keep their arses clean
they'll shave/remove hair there
they'll do a cleanse before and after anal to keep it clean
it's all very normal

women on the other hand very rarely clean out their cunts, or if they do it's very rarely done properly
Why do people join political parties lads?
consumerism is inherently linked to capitalism and has been installed by the demi gods to create a massive psychosis
>because who the fuck wants to go to a nigger and paki infested hellhole when you can just live in a regular hellhole?
You and me would get on but London isn't that bad in the posh parts.
hetero men dont shag each others arseholes.

unless, you know, you want to. no homo of course...
Because they believe what they're doing will create a better society to live in.
nothing else going on in their life
a cause to cling on to.
because they're fucking spackers
post a pic of bum and we'll see haha
Mate, it costs like 6 grand a week to live in a cupboard in Brixton. I can't even fathom how expensive the white parts of London are.
womens "cunts" are self cleaning you spacker, not to mention they're not literally shit channels so there's not much to clean out anyways
don't care, only hate the ones that leave their containment board on 4chan
nothing wrong with either of them but combination is toxic
shut the fuck up you fat fuck
Want to get their willies sucked
ignorant deluded ideologues.
would kill myself without consumerism

the only mild joy I have in my life is buying myself things
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>welcome home sir

what do?
>womens "cunts" are self cleaning


oh my god yank you're making me laugh too much





because they didn't read the reddit topic about what george washington had to say on the subject
>Mate, it costs like 6 grand a week to live in a cupboard in Brixton
Stop believing the memes, you can get a good deal if you know the right people and aren't idiotic enough to go to an agency.
Allah hu ackbar *detonates suicide vest*

run a bath please and all of you strip down and get in it. i'll be there shortly.
>his arsehole isn't self cleaning

You're still on the chon so you can't be that far infront
*trips you up and sprints past*
wank irl
>Living in some sort of wedding venue/function room
because they're idiots
>British cycling ran a large scale doping program

Typical perfidious Albion again
So does everyone else, we're just the best at it.
sometimes buying stuff that is far from necessary gives me some kind of powerful satisfactionlike im on top of the world à la scarface ending
then 20 minutes later it comes down
have you seen the thighs on the german team

do u think they just cycle really hard every day?
all pro cyclers dope
stir some psyllium husk into a glass of water each day and your bp will be squeaky clean and ready to go at all times

Typical cheat mentality
no they didn't.

They just plunged all available funding into it at the expense of other sports because there's more medals to show off

legit strategy
how do you know? ;x
i don't spend my time looking at mens thighs you bender
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>you will never be a 19th century English aristocrat hunting your lands by day and shagging your Irish housemaids by night
Yeah the funding went to doping programs idiot
We totally did though, the way Bradley Wiggins acts dodgy as fuck whenever someone mentions doping
it's just the word on the street
not seen any proofs
new thread now wankers
pretty gay streets in chester
i am actually next level human evolution

my blood has the oxygen avliability of a turbo-sherper, even at sea level and I have the metabolism of a fruit bat

watch me win the cycling without doping and show all those scummy fucks up
Bradley Wiggins cycled past my house last year
considering finding some really cheap flights and going to a random european city this weekend

dunno what i'd do when i got there though
/brit/ made me develop some heavy anti-pardner resentment
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S-Sir I wouldn't shag you for all the tea in China!
wish I was a southerner
Bradley Wiggins shagged my arse last year
why? i like pards 2bh
how about YOU make the new thread
Then it's the poorhouse for you love.
is this from a porn

looks like daisy
it's the roman influence
What do recruitment agents actually do?

Why do companies pay them money when they could just hire a HR rep and hire people themselves? I don't really get it
pardners are very nice outside but utter wankers here
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>i like pards 2bh
They fill vacancies, then convince the company the new recruit just quit to let them fill that vacancy to. And so on.
Anime edition wouldn't go amiss.
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>vote for brexit
>start learning German
It's much easier to dispose of a temporary worker than a permanent member of staff. They can literally give them less than a week's notice.
fuck off
half the private sector in this country is just recruitment
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We need a /brit/ version
Shockingly lack of OC meta content in these threads now
*grabs you forcefully by the arm*
But who will take your word over mine, dear? A well bred, learned man from a distinguished line versus a mere commoner?
*laughs aristocratically*
/brit/ is a normie genera;

I'm not any clearer, why not just hire somebody as a temp then without going to a recruiter?

Recruiters seem really unnecessary yet strangely think they're the bread and butter of the country.

There does seem to be a very strange amount of recruitment agency jobs going around
browsing grad jobs are we?
Going to bed now

Looks like City have it in the bag

Need to be well rested for work.....not that any of you would know anything about that
might make when of these when the 'tism next hits
new /brit/ OC wave coming soon™

I shall start it myself if need be
oh fuck off
He lives in Lancashire, look it up.
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>when of these
bet you're the twat who does nothing but boring tim 'shops
>when he can't cook decent meals

red flag
like your so perfect
shat be baited by that one
>I'm not any clearer, why not just hire somebody as a temp then without going to a recruiter?
They can do that but the agency will only put people forward who they think are suitable for the role. It saves time.
not a Tim-poster desu, I'm edgy and try to push the boundaries of gimmicks but it rarely sticks
need to buy some food
You contract the agency to fill your vacancy. Saves you the time / cost of finding people yourself, and they're paid on successfully finding a person quickly so they're motivated to fill the vacancy ASAP and first time.
you just we're
put me in your OC < 10/10 autist rating
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technical analysis is essentially alchemy but how did paul tudor jones make so much money then? hmm
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