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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 56

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Oak Furniture Land edition
>instead of deleting the op pic janny deletes the entire thread

end your life custodian
what if there's actually no janny and it's just the mod every time
Absolute state of the janny
why are chokers so mind bogglingly hot lads
>delete thread
>cause dueling news to appear
janny literally cannot do anything right
Makes women look like dogs, and men find having a pet woman attractive
*puts on a choker*

They look like they'd be uncomfortable
a sip from the tip perhaps?
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we need some more girls in here
*widens eyes*
*looks down at your crotch*
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the cide.png
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ideological subversion
me after a night out
business idea: method ham acting
too many man too many man
it's called git
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post yer maps lads
cracking open an early beer
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*gong noises*
ahhh sooo
ah yes, the so called "marxists"
already had 7 cans of stella

feel awful
have another 7
when your gf complains about you "drooling" in her mouth while she gives you a blowie
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>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
Oh dear, janman was not happy it seems
Dated a girl from the faroe islands
She looked like and elf and unironically hunted dolphins growing up
gf wants me to put my willy into her vagina

not sure about it
excellent post

i ususally feel sick after 6 cans but i only had 1 left, got no more

probably going to have a wank then fall asleep because i am off work for 2 weeks
I like that image
think i might do a bit of prayer lads
i ironically hunted dolphins while growing up
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I've got an ugly chart instead
a certain unhappy custodian perhaps?
the most vague and unclear """""rule""""" in 4chan
have to pee

Hmmmm...So this is the power of Australia sport
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Who really won the cold war?
what the fuck are those things
prefer not to say

Fuck me didn't realise there was definitive proof of yank shills

don't do it la, find a boipucci instead
the international taig
fuck's sake accidentally heemed myself
Got banned for voicing a negative opinion of trannies the other day
Ah yes 4chan
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*autistic screeching*
sounds cute

was she pale and shy?
Bad boy who?
You are not part of a bad boy crew
Me and Flipz roll up, tell a boy hold up
Looking like something off of Bad Boys 2
Bad boy Gs in a bad boy shoot (shoot)
You are not a bad boy, move
Shut down shows and the mandem go nuts
All the bad chicks make mad noise too
good post
need a good game to play
ain't had any games to play since i finished the mass effects, and the new one might be shit
Hate this cunt
cab door slide

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Spend 3 hours modding Skyrim then play it for 10 min.
hand hook
need to do laundry but the autistic flatmate has left his stuff in the washing machine ree
die antwoord to be QUITE honest
came across a really good one-player game the other day. you don't even need internet to play it (but it helps). basically the gist of it is you curl your fist around your dinky and pull it up and down until you feel really nice and this tasty goop comes out
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Yep then she left me to move back home to the islands and married someone out there lol
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Whats his name again
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Look, man, you just land out of Felt
You had niggas in your cell, banging them in the shower for about an hour
Come on, man, I know the plan
I know, my cousin Stanaman
He’s told me a couple stories about you

how did you meet her?
can't believe it's march already
Sins of a Solar Empire
>tasty goop
is there a /brit/ factorio server?
>wanting to marry shy girls
>wanting to pass on cultural and genetic tendencies towards shyness to your offspring

rainbow six siege
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wasting youth away on 4chan
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how much money did you give him ?
t. Callum Ward

t. Connor Smith

Brandon Dixon-Langley
Have the chance to lose my virginity to this girl later on. I work with her and she's the same league as me looks wise.

She split up with her partner about 3 weeks ago and has been messaging me non-stop and asked if I wanted to come over tonight. When I asked why she said "We'll see what happens :)".

She doesn't know I'm a virgin. Is there any chance of me pulling it off without revealing my power level?
>not knowing girls inherit from the mother and boys from the father
anyone remember the cuckio meme?
t. Dylan Thomas
>Is there any chance of me pulling it off without revealing my power level?

yeah but if you really want to have a good time it's best to just come clean
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that poo was huge tho
anyone here seen carlos?
eyeing the cidre
>Is there any chance of me pulling it off without revealing my power level?
fap in a condom beforehand. also, willing to give pleasure to a girl makes you beta. do not do it. also, never ever disclose your virignity.
Have a wank 2 hours before, do plenty of foreplay, lick her out, wear a dom
where's jessica hyde
>yanks literally have to shill their own country
remember x
remembre o
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They generally aren't
If the chance comes up to reveal it then just do it, but don't just say it out of nowhere and ruin the mood.
Even non-virgin normie men are shit at sex anyway, don't worry about it.

t. virgin abnormie
>Is there any chance of me pulling it off
yeah deffo, just don't do what you've seen in porn and listen to her breathing. You'll know if she's having a good time and that'll let you know what to do. Also might not hurt to look up "how to finger a woman" or something. Pro tip: you don't need to put your fingers inside, just very lightly brush over the hood of the clitoris.

Good luck lad, don't panic you'll do fine. It's literally the most natural thing humans do
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Woops forgot pic

I'll be too scared to say something, might just have a beer or two

I don't want this to end up like the inbetweeners. Also I know from a conversation she's on birth control so I won't be wearing a condom.

What reason can I come up with for inevitably cumming early?

I want to make her a sexual partner though so I can get better
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Just be confident ;)
tranny tier
is that you or her
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>I want to make her a sexual partner
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we must fight poverty with the greatest weapon the west has ever developed - free enterprise
Not good at this

Do I not put the fingers inside at all then? Or just a little bit but focus on the clit?

It's a bit of a shit picture she looks a bit manly there I'll admit, I'm pretty ugly though, 4/10 I'd say.
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>Woops forgot pic
mate what is that
literally vomited onto my naked lap

NEVER post her face again
>I won't be wearing a condom.
you're retarded
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How to take screenshot.png
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still can't figure it out :(
>won't be wearing a condom
Enjoy lasting LITERALLY 3 strokes. Seriously
looks like the type of girl that makes up for looks by being right dirty in bed

go for it if you think she is your level
we must fight poverty with the greatest weapon the proletariat has ever developed - marxism-leninism
bet she's got a right growler
>Do I not put the fingers inside at all then?
you can do but i wouldn't focus on it too much, you can give much more pleasure by doing the clit
>a bit
you're thinking with your dick she's fucking minging
we must fight virginity with the greatest weapon mankind has ever developed - chloroform
the way he treats /brit/ you have to imagine he was bullied here before he became a janitor
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that's a tranny
the genocide of every single communist on the planet is a blessing from god
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>tfw soft spoken and relatively deep voice
>bender clerk tried was acting flirtatious on the phone when i tried to reserve an item

cant tell if i just enjoyed the positive attention or im a gay
She has the dirty eyes, go for it la
Why would I if she's on birth control? Wouldn't it be weird?

This is what I'm worried about. Do you think I could discreetly pull out and then just go down on her for a bit then go again?

She is about my level so I just have to settle for it because I'm not going to sleep with a 10/10

Hope so I quite like pubes

Ok I will work the clitty
bet this lad is sat there basking in the dim warm red glow of every (You)
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Business idea: call anyone who isn't a stoic nationalist a communist bastard and murder them

>all those (You)s


I don't want marriage or family
Nah if you need to slow down then just slow down. Lad I'm telling you, wear a condom atleast for the first round. If you lose your v card going raw you will cum instantly because it is overwhelmingly amazing
Darthmod is a good mod but what the fuck is this Star Wars autism music in the background
>Why would I if she's on birth control? Wouldn't it be weird?
ever had a sex ed class lad?
>Do you think I could discreetly pull out and then just go down on her for a bit then go again

thats retarded, if you think youre gonna bust, just pull out and get into a new position, should give your dick a 30 second breather
Thats a man baby
need a chubby gf to cuddle
Never trust a woman, wear a condom just in case, a couple of people I know have fell for this before.
But if I go to put a condom on won't she say "Oh I'm on birth control" or something?

Do you always wear a condom if someone is on birth control? No idea
/x/ is stuffed full of cringy bent mongs
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the fucking kikes.

>I don't want marriage or family
le hedonist nihilism

le hedonism

need to genocide the majority of brits lads
With her looks, she might take any opportunity to get pregnant
I never go in raw on a random shag... you dont know her sexual history, whether she has STDs or even a fucking yeast infection

only raw dog long term partners
what do you think about GTA and the Scottish?
Mate don't be a fucking gay cunt just shag her raw like God intended
it's not hedonism


now stop believing in stupid conspiracy theories spread by a bitter defector
literally cannot feel anything with a 'dom

my first time couldnt even get hard

stop chatting shit
It's to keep out diseases too mang

If she asks just say you wanna be safe and leave it at that
Yeah but what if he is just THAT lonely
If I were you I would go down on her after making out and touching for about 5-10 mins if she hasn't already going down on you. That way you can have a closer look at her vag and might help you work out what you should be doing. Also it helps to show dominance if you make that move.

When you're down there just root around softly sort of animalistically and lightly spread her lips with your nose and mouth to help get her wet and work out what her vagina is like. If you keep going up to the top you will probably work out where her clit is (sort of under that hood thing where her pussy lips meet at the top) and you can start playing with it gently. Remember, if you start soft and then slowly get a bit more vigorous you will feel her get wetter and wetter and more horny for your cock. The more of this you do, the more likely she is to come!

Whilst you are down there you can start to finger her as well once she gets wet enough and if you do that it won't be so hard to get your dick in there when it is time to do so. Remember, most girls know that boys won't be able to guide the cock in to the vagina as accurately as they will so suggest to her something like "put me inside of you" when you feel like it's time and if you say it subtly and sexily enough it won't sound awkward at all.

Also remember, she has no idea you are a virgin and won't do even if you are awkward since most boys are a bit during sex anyway so as long as you don't say it and allow yourself to be passionate with her I'm sure you'll have a great time. Good luck!
This. Although whenever I bed a slag I'm drunk, and my biological impulse takes over and I keep trying to cajole them into letting me bareback smash. It actually works a lot of the time. Quite lucky I've got no STDs or bastards tbph
le no god except orgasm
fuck off straight back to hell you hedonistic cunt

erm, fuck drumpf and fuck white people, xox
wonder if i should go for the cute freckled innocent virgin gyally in my friend group
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Cannot STAND this man.
only came to /brit/ in 2016 but i call others newfags and redditors all the time wahey
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If you shag slags with a Johnny you're an absolute wet mong
Not something I'd start telling the town about lad
>with your nose
Stopped reading there
Her brow ridge is legit heavyweight boxer tier. Frightening looking
I have carried on after cumming before and either the girl doesn't notice or is flattered by it. If you can keep going she honestly won't give a fuck since it shows willingness to make her cum.
been browsing several subcultures throughout 4chan (generals tend to have these)

what I noticed was that many generals have occasional or regular female posters

strange that our subculture- the de facto capital of British culture on 4chan, has 0 females. i think we had a yank bird a while ago but that's about it. and Monica doesn't count as a girl

what is it about /brit/ that can't attract female posters? is our culture threatening to them?
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Thanks for advice, feel a bit better about it all now
Are you talking about /vg/?
Might watch the barca match tbqh
Surprised you got that far you unsophisticated, passionless, frigid moron.
fuck this i'm just going to read a book
enjoy your tranny
Are you a lookism lad?
Don't say "put me inside of you", just use your hand to guide it and go slow
not necessarily. most boards on 4chan have generals and subcultures like that now
There's a female British general on /cgl/
>the de facto capital of British culture on 4chan
umm no sweetie, that's Brit/pol/
we dont encourage roasties and their beta orbiters, thats for more pathetic corners of the internet like /cgl/, twitch and discord
get a fucking grip
Have you considered that the female posters here are smart enough to not mention their gender because they know what happens if they do?
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>only true highborn gentlemen such as myself know to stimulate the clitoorus with my snout
>the ladies love having a man's snot hole in their vag hmm yes indeed
*surreptitiously opens /cgl/*
Ah yes costume play
Lads put ITV2 on now, this bloke LITERALLY has no neck
which generals/boards/subcultures have the most women?

I'm guessing the anime boards
>Be me last year.
>Decide to go night-fishing in the canal behind the house I'm living in.
>Truck backed up to canal.
>Blue-tooth playing some youtube videos or whatever.
>Catfish, Carp, and Bluegill are hitting nicely.
>Fucking 95 degrees at 2am.
>Suddenly cool breeze.
>Hear some voice coming from farther down the canal.
>Sounds like someone being choked out.
>Kill my lights, kill the music.
>Hear a voice whisper like it's in the back of my truck "Go home."
>nope the fuck out of there.
>Next morning go back to same spot.
>There's some sort of bloody mess.
>Something tore a duck apart.

>Be me, working at shitty local giant retailer.
>Get off work at 10pm.
>Walking to truck, have to park in the BACK of the fucking parking lt because one of the managers is a dick.
>Fucking 99 degrees at 10pm.
>Dude rolls up to be on his bike wearing a trench coat, beanie, winter gloves, and fat cigar hanging out his mouth.
>"Yo brotha feds are after me, got any change so I can power my way home?"
>Hand him the 38 cents of change in my pocket.
>"You're pretty chill man, careful who you work for, we all work for someone. Off to mars my brotha!"
>He books it towards the main road.
>Never see him again.

>Uncles who have lived in the boonies for years tell me stories of creatures and things in the night.
>One uncle swears he's seen something large and hulking creeping around the Globe Dump when he was a teenager.
>Other tells me that he's seen strange planes/ships in the skies over Superstition Mountain.
>Same one tells us that he's seen a chupacabra on his land, and that it looks a bit like a gargoyle.
Thought so buddy boyo
That's a boot though
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just root around softly sort of animalistically and lightly spread her lips with your nose
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Would only suggest something like that to avoid awkwardly poking around her crotch area the first time. Perhaps saying something more suiting to her mood or not saying anything at all but getting her to do it by hinting physically.

Usually though it shouldn't matter too much. If you are both naked and have been playing with each other, sex will be a certain so even if there is a bit of awkwardness about actual penetration it won't matter since you should be feeling good about being in that situation at all!


Cgl by far
Its like 70% girls
20% benders and 10% orbiters
I regularly do 'get a fucking grip'

From my girlfriends tight pussy lips on my erect cock.
Don't know a single lad who doesn't miss the target occasionally. Life isn't a porno
every single torture in the history of mankind was justified
Feel like brumtown is exploding in relevance over the last little while
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Giving up drinking alcohol for Lent lads

I hope I become a better man
>those zygomatic arches
>that facial stature
>that chin breadth and stature
>that broad neurocranium

Just androgen my shit up familia
A good 3 hours
just witnessed the gf go from normal to laughing so hard she started crying, to bawling her eyes out
Oh, well if there is a girl here then they'd either get ignored or just spammed for tits and even then the conversation would change quickly because of how fast this place is. I mentioned /vg/ because their slow generals are unified by shared hobbies, it's like a sub-subculture where girls can easily attention whore because their communities are kinda small.
>having a perpetually runny nose
>not being literate enough to read 'nose and mouth'
>having no sexual experience to put in any input on the subject except immature primary school jokes

giving up nothing for lent because I'm not a catholic
you shouldn't drink alcohol to begin with
my attempt at dry march ended at 2pm today

How senpai
Ahh yes truly a valuable edition to the workforce
don;t care
you could have stopped this
Legit looks like she blasts anavar
think there are some women here, sometimes they mention it when relevant
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I want to rest my head on a lady's bum lads
Alright boyos.

Just popping in to say hapus Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi from burger land. Sorry I can't spend it with you lads.
what if she let rip a stinker
*gapes arsehole*

how about a fat autistic virgin? will i do?


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*steals your digestives*
*runs away*

man these gimmicks is awfully nasty
and these gimmicks get posted badly
either way theres a new tim today
put your butthole on display and ruin /brit/

and these irishmen posting gays
and these autists keep posting trains
posting all her body bits
photoshop a funny face and ruin /brit/
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good lad
Quite right, also when it's a slightly drunk encounter or just plain excitement both of you are a bit sloppy unlike porno where they are in a brightly lit room with repeated takes and people around them dictating how to do it right for the camera. Sounds like an awful job and experience. Much rather a bit of clumsiness and laughter than that
girl i last had sex with farted several times
Hmm how did you find this
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and another welsh frog for my /brit/ frog collection
a thread in the catalogue
Post your yank toads senpaitchu
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i only have a few
i reckon there's a couple
doubt it

/brit/ is a failed normie general- meaning most of us are average or a little above average looking, just with shit autistic social skills and little motivation, confidence or energy

would apply for girls too
an average looking girl just has to not be a complete cunt to get a nice guy
fuck donald drumpf. we are le enlightened le euphoric le soldiers. we are le significant. le le. le.
gave up wanking

have already prayed for strength lmao
lol why would women come to this shite heap.
*quickly tucks hair into hat*
even better
no sorry lad
there aren't any girls here, don't be silly

*fgm's myself*
you can't generalise, depending on the time and day it can vary from deno/normie central to literal autist retards late at night
Haven't been on 4chan for several years, what's with all the feels good man frogs?
Dont even want to imagine the absolute state youd have to be in as a girl on 4chan
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got loads of them lad
im a girl(male) so im sure there are more here
i love you sugar daddy
who was that lass from kent
never once convinced a girl to send me naked pictures

any tips?
Blacked, Tushy or Vixen; which is better?
if she's on /brit/, she likely IS a complete cunt

would've alienated all of her friends from school and is probably a dry hateful harpy to any deanos that approach her while also hating redditor white knights (her ideal bf would likely be some kind of pretty shy anime boy who don't really exist)
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k e n t

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What books you lot reading then?
/pol/ is the new /b/ mixed with reddit who literally worship sadfrog, who is now called Pepe or Kek depending which board you visit
rained for the whole fucking day
well someone has to mention it

what the fuck is wrong with that toast?
*presses magnifying glass very close to this post*
/brit/ is genuinely shite now
i am a pretty shy anime boy
defo not qt, maybe meh after a couple of snakebites
>visit the /cgl/ britgirl thread
>it's full of eceleb drama

I'd expect women to be like that but to be fair brit/pol/ is exactly like that too.
You're a braver man then I
Used to think it would be safe as the rest of /pol/ went down the shitter until it became tripfag celebrity central.
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time to remind the newfags what a quality post looks like
>trophy wife
>perfect toast

hmmmm decisions decisions
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really makes me think
>t. Shitefart McArseShart
genuinely addicted to tugging off

needed an excuse to try and cut down desu
madting how the only good place on the music board is bleep
Blood Meridian
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don't think I'm getting a 1st this year lads

2:1 masters better than a 1st BSc right?
/brit/? more like /yank/ am I right lads?
Go on, I'm waiting
TRNH /brit/ is 10x's worse
It uses to be totes comfy
>going on /mu/


why don't yanks have their own general? contain them
rowan of rin

NEED to take kentqt and feed her to obesity levels
the weatherman said there was a bad storm coming my way today

well it's sunny and 70

the weatherman is a fucking liar
gave up drugs for lent
gonna be a long 40 days
You can always have lots of sex
If I was a girl and I posted on /brit/, I'd probably never mention that I was a girl.
thats what i was saying
the only ok thread on /mu/
is bleep
everyone would just think you're a trap anyway
giving up the past tense for lend
I'd probably post my feet or whatever to tease the boys a bit desu but they wouldn't know for sure if I was a girl.
forgot how good 5-htp is

been sleeping like an absolute log
business idea: spend the rest of the thread wishing we were girls
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Daily reminder he was your last legitime king
no king or queen is legitimate
have sex once a day/every other day with the gf

still can't stop wanking la
Nothing wrong with the blacks
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>no king or queen is legitimate
Thinking about giving up alcohol for lent but I know it'll be really shit :(((((((((((((((((((
i literally cannot go club unless im drunk at most it'd be drinking coke at pres or pub and coming home, for a month and a half
ah yes, the sound of rain against my window
cromwell tried to save us
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Daily reminder he was our last legitime king
is gta5 online play worth 30bucks
Move on to MDMA lad
Your poor willy..
always feel a bit disgusting after anal

poo juices all over my cock isn't that nice
help help! I'm being hatposted!
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Time to start watching 'nime, laddies.
good post


i'm entrusting it to god now
By inviting the Jews back into England?
old NEW:

>thread wars
Oh for fuck sake I'll just wait then.
Oh just fuck off
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