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/asean/ rate my gf edition

Wheres the uni students? Is it holiday today? Lrt is empty, i cant spoon people if train isnt full.
t. perogol
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PLDT unreliable internet is making me angry.

No students because no school because no jeeps because no drivers because strike.
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Do SEA countries have some local alcohol like Baijiu in China, Sake in Japan and Korean soju ?
Rice wine called Tuak I guess. That shit is flammable lol
seems Tuak is palm wine not rice wine, or are you talking of another beverage ?

Did you ever drink it ?
Nope, tuak is from white rice here.
is it delicious ?
Well some people can't start their day without it.... it's not bad. I can say that drink is pretty brutal.
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Well I'm curious and thirsty now, I have something to look forward to next time I take a holiday.
Stupid PLDT keeps giving me "connection error". Makes it harder to post.

We have this thing called lambanog. It's quite strong though. I tried it when I went to Quezon before and, not being a person who likes alcohol, I spit it out.
From what I read, not much, the drink is usually 40-45°; how does it compare to bourbon/whisky/cognac if you ever had those ?
rip frenchie
died from first shot
I'm used to the Chinese drinking culture, I don't think it can be much worse than that homemade baijiu I drank the first time I went there.
School is cancelled due to strike

That pic
Body language suggests they are friends or gay bffs
some people died from drinking tuak
tuak very dangerous since the alcohol content are above dangerous limit and no one control the alcohol% since its homemade/freshbatch and consumed on the spot
why would you willingly make that kind of drink though ?
some people dont have money and make their own moonshine
they just put everything and hopefully it doesnt kill them
have fun
cant wait to read news on frenchie ded from drinking truak
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well I guess I can't back down
ciu bekonang, arak bali, lapen, rajawali, intisari, abidin (anggur merah beer dingin) lit. Red wine with cold beer
thanks senpai
fapping to her right now
95°, she went full retard
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locon kaname
salam alaykum
Name best food from asean. Going to asean food festival and so far i want to try mango sticky rice
Mcdo Bigmac
Mee hoon
Bifun are just bog standard noodles you can get anywhere. Was wanting to try something different
Lechon or Chicken rice. I'm not fond of adobo but if you get the chance, go ahead and try it.
roasted dog meat.
I used to have chicken rice all the time when i lived in singapore. I'll have a look for the other two, the pig thing looked delicious
Kolo mee ah

Brunei Empire will rise again
CINA _ _ _ _
MELAYU _ _ _ _ _ _
INDIA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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xth for best girl
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CIMB bank
And who on earth thought a creepy octopus is a good idea for a mascot?
Instead of study, why don't you dressed up as a girl and seduce your teacher with your cute round dick?
As an Australian Citizen I consider it my right to spread my seeds throughout the ASEAN region
T. Ching ming uy
I want a malay gf
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Ilocos Bagnet, how the pork breaks inside your mouth is heavenly.
That's Kevin Ming Uy to you
Kengsom, somtam, kerabu, paprik, dodol , kuih seri muka, rojak, roti jala, lempeng pisang (banana pancake).
Is one of the reasons given for our nationwide transport strike today (against phasing out of jeepney's aged above fifteen) stupid?
>wanting a terrorist
Keep your genes Christian.
It's a legitimate one. Many jeepney operators can't afford to buy new jeepneys, which means if the plan is implemented, they'll be out of business.
>literally just lechon kawali
Bicol Express
is it true that most jeeps in manila are so worn out that the floor is rusty and have holes in it?
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>he never tasted one to know the difference
Jeeps in manila are 2nd hand old worned out banned jeeps from province since tagalogs are lax in enforcing laws.
Don't know, I haven't rode on a jeep in about a year. The jeeps in my home province are generally well-maintained, though.
Wait, province jeeps are better? Whew lad goddamnit Manila.
jeeps in moa is still the goat due to being airconditioned
Aren't the Baclaran -> MOA jeeps the small as fuck ones? They're the most uncomfortable jeeps I've ridden. Also the air conditioned thing isn't really great. Some Makati jeeps offer them but can't keep up with the Philippine weather.
Never tried the baclaran
The only one i tried is the one near dfa and it's quite spacious.

>cant keep up with the weather
They just probably too cheap to fix the freon
>implying i wouldnt convert her to become a qt catholic
kek no they are as cancerous and even cheaper 2nd hand
I did it tastes like dirty and too much oil
the ones near malacanang the blue ones are really good feels like a bus
>not Protestant
Enjoy Hell.
i wouldnt do that if i were you
oh shiet.. Kangz Salman.. whats good ??
Any other PLDT peeps here? The internet in my house has been shitty for weeks.
Just call 172 you lazy fuck
not much, just getting breakfast and shitposting a bit after al fajr

how about you brother everything good?
I think we get more 2nd hand jeeps here in the provinces imo they just repaint and refurbish things together

they both taste the same to me literally the same dish
unless one or the other makes it spicy
>transport strike
>Manila decide to suspend classes instead of providing commuting support to the students
At emergencies such as this I'm now more afraid if my tax that goes to Manila is being spent properly. It's like supporting idiots while being an idiot at the same time.
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rate my ancestry
>Only Quezon and Erap have no common elite ancestry with everyone
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>Duterte is somehow distantly related to Jose Rizal
>Marcos and the Aquinos are relatives through marriage
As far as I know it also happening in Cebu, Iloilo and Rizal

kek blame Duterte and the DILG they would rather set up a concert in luneta :^)
Hi there, Jim. Care to disprove that claim?
That pic is a pic of disbelief though, not a pic of questioning.
yaa gomen gomen

some LGUs are offering free rides but

But its not enough to encompass the schoolfags
only the workfags
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Worry not your turn is next.
Why is Filipino TV so bad
Having scripted shows every day instead of once a week leads to rushed or padded writing.
There's terrorist attack right now in Bandung, here live coverage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhfZsRJscgg
because they dont try to appeal to you

and they never will
I think you mean duty.

Are there any good channels or do I have to stick to Netflix
non cable?

State TV kek no hing but circlejerk news

there's also a INCuck channel showing their charities and shit without mentioning they encourage you to convert to get more gibes me
tulong po
stupid FAILipiN

>no casualties or motives
You sure its not a firework prank?
i have literally been raped by 3 pinoys

in a video game
and now 4

*unzips dick*
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If a white girl gets screwed by a pinoy,is it still RICED or is it BROWNED?
malaysian terorrist attacked us again this morning
i'll show you rape syafiqah

*unzips dick again*

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dako akong oten
Gamay imo oten
pls no
>I did it tastes like dirty and too much oil
peelipin cuisine in a nutshell
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kek,post more syafiqahs
>College of Arts major
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What uni is that?
>Black and Yellow
I assume it's UTOT SABAY TAE?
TIP. I recognize the ID lanyard she's wearing because I'm from the same uni.
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who is that
why are all syafiqahs so cute,abang?
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I don't know, I just search Syafiqah (typical Malay girl name) on Facebook because of this >>71682777

Hmm, i heard they are going to get Arab's money soon, so it's probably chinks agent to scared the king's off. Not to mention the whole scene is fucking weird.
>Shit bomb
>In the middle of quiet park.
>At this fucking time
>tfw no qt syafiqah to convert to cathocalism
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wtf how do i get a syafiqah
Syafiqah is too chinky. Huda is better.
chinky is good
Have any thats a shade darker? Brown skin is literally the sex
wheres her tudu tho
different person
>some people dont have money and make their own moonshine
>they just put everything and hopefully it doesnt kill them have fun

You are making shit up, citiboy. It's traditionally brewed, not because they don't have money. Do you think rice is cheap?
No. Just settle with your bogan wife.
Someone answer my question
I think the answer is B
whats the most typical flip girl name
I choose D. D for Denmark
tfw dated more asians and hafus than whites, what does this mean?
Nicole, Maria, Angel, Angelica according to google.
white girls are overrated desu
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>tfw every male flip I know has an autistic obsession with blondes
wellllll to be fair,white girls are exotic in the sense that most flips never meet one,so im not surprised they'll go gaga over one
It's kind of nasty because many just settle for flips with bleached hair and blue eye contacts. Not a good look imo.
are you living in vancouver?
No, I'd be talking about chinks who brag about their +6'0 white bf's instead.
...and I don't have any white bf..
This, it's rare desu. I'm pretty sure it's mostly the Filipinas who go for western foreigners.
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Yeah, but that's mostly uglies grabbing the low-hanging fruit.
Go to a tourist area or a white country then.
Do they have a club gathering or something lmao
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ugly white males + ugly /asean/ females = ????
looks like it lol
i dont think it's two friends groups partnering, that's too convenient
It was from a Pinay meet-up in Michigan.

Why are hapas so insecure
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The ones I've met irl are usually autists or hipster-chad types. Not nearly as insecure as the memes suggest.

Like Chad Warden? cool
>transport strike
More like comfy commute
Are there any extremist Tagalog groups that you guys know
They're not really. It just some people have unrelated insecurities that can be compounded by being mixed. Hapas aren't inherently insecure but them being hapa can be used as a point for insecurity development. Elliot was a result of shit parents and mental illness.

if you have a car

at noon it was so comfy
yeah every flips here
>half-Mexican half-Filipino

I don't think that even counts a race-mixing kek.

I dunno,Mexicans can be pretty qt plus they know how to cook unlike bitches here
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>Mexicans can be pretty qt
Are you saying flips can't?

>they know how to cook unlike bitches here
Since when is this a thing in Flipland?
fucking chinks
why is your gf white but you're not?
I dunno,Its hard to find a flip girl here who i think is attractive
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You need more half-white qt's. I v-volunteer to help make some.
but I already said I dont like white girls :c, halfies dont do it for me either desu
Filipinos are part spanish therefore we have white genes
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No, you misunderstand

1. I breed flip grills
2. hafus born
3. ????
4. Profit
kek,carry on then,start with Ylona Garcia
But we already have enough filipino-chinese halfus
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I have no desire to go to bogan jail.
Rude, I am >white.
Fucking kek. There are no extremist Tagalogs because Tagalogs identify themselves as the Philippines. Manila extremist maybe. Not our fault Bisayans are so butthurt.

Maybe enter as a contestent for PBB? plenty of qts there
It probably means you are lying
what a goddamn awful language. most austronesian languages may be quite ugly but this one easily takes the cake. so shiiieeettttttttt
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What do Muslims do with pigs anyway?
Kill and burn?
We sold it to you.
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they don't even raise one
Surprised you guys still want to make profit out of it.
Senpai praised me ~
What part of Islamic Philippines do we kafirs still have in us
This is probably why being christian is best, I can eat what I want. The funny thing is that I had a Christian friend who wasn't comfortable with me consuming pig blood because muh Old Testament. I simply told him to stop eating pork all together if he is going to be like that

I bet even our pig farm is more modern than the one in the Philippines. We breed 250,000 pigs at a time.

Tfw Im a pussy to start an agribusiness cause of gommie rebels.

Wonder what modern piggery looks like?
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watch your tone boy
our methods are leagues ahead of yours
our pigs have gained sentience
isn't that haram?

but then again its probably just your Chinese who does that
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Soldiers in hazmat suit comes to mow them down with M60 machine guns.
As for boars just call the local Volunteer corps to get a gun to shoot them and call the nearest chink/thai to pick it up.
haram for muslims. non-muslims basically can do whatever they want.
>tfw no malay-chan bf
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ikr its our president now
Why hazmat? Is it because the pigs were infected with some disease?
yes,if you read the caption
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kek whats with the dutdut chimpout this time

is it because delima's case are being motion to be move in the SC?

its not a guarantee tho
Shit. RIP piggies, never forget the pig holocaust
Japanese encephalitis

115 people died and as a result, over 1 million pigs were culled
>The virus appears to have originated from its ancestral virus in the mid-1500s in the Indonesia-Malaysia region and evolved there into five different genotypes and spread across Asia.
If you voted for our President, I want you to reconsider your choices.
They just stripped one of the better senators of their positions and this is your fault.
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The first ever appearance of the Nipah virus occurs at Nipah river but at that time nobody knew about the virus other than the profile matching JE virus which is transmitted by mosquito breeding near pigs until the virus was identified 6 months later and by that time 1 million pigs are dead.
With outbreak so close to Klang Valley and a major shipping lane with no known cure the only action left was to purge every bovine. Usually the normal procedure is to bury the whole lot alive like Korea did but for the sake of mercy they shot the pigs to end them first hence the saying one pig one bullet at that time.
Nobody thanked Malaysia who went piggycide for saving the world from said virus.
Literally a piggu holocaust
>do nothing but obstruct
but we care <3
Nipah ~
>Commit adultery by fucking her driver
>Get bribe money from druglords
>Better senator
I didn't know how butthurt liberals can display
I love it when they mention buzzwords like anti-intelletualism, propaganda, martial law, drug addicts are good bois
>they're chinese
at first it was funny but now it's just...idk
>he didn't get comments from at least 3 different race for every facebook status update like syafiqah >>71683220

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There are people right now itt whonever tasted pork
when bisayans are given a time out by their tagalog masters and they derail the thread by spewing pro-duterte shit
Enjoy your bypass surgery by age 40.
Chicken are better.
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I don't get any comments/reactions/likes at all
do you?
As opposed to bayaran, dilawan, adik ka adhoms? They're equally worse. Can't even bantz properly when confronted in a rally.
thats because Jim is an actual literal dilawan which the other protesters in EDSA hates for riding the Aquinos
On Instagram only people trying to sell diet and height supplement like my picture lmao
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But we did it to save the humanity from killer migratory fruit bats.
This is the face of evil.
I'm more surprise the LP senators had their positions for this long since they are the minority now

That lascanas must be hiding something bigger
that they will fell threaten like this
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yeah and the duterte youth are just....

So when they're actually confronted by the enemy they use as a boogeyman, they can't say shit? Fucking kek.
Those evil Nazis! Piggus dindu muffin
I love to when the buthurt tryhard conservatives(are they even that?)

goes apeshit with destabilization, peace? Hacienda EDSA

and tbf the dutdut admin are now protecting literally druglords

Nazi are not evil.
>be shill
>doesnt know his liberal party is only in name and that they are the conservatives
be gym bros with me
Why is marcos not a hero movement only just popped out of nowhere after aquino?
Why are they silent during aquino making him a hero?
Sounds paid protesters for me
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They will get away just because of the cute factor and batman.
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What about the Monson Gruppe in Penang who didn't pay for rubber/ tin /tungsten/rare earth they took?
Where can I hire female bodyguards?
What would you do if you woke up a girl?
Cebu didn't suspend anything during the strike today. Most of the transport groups here are afraid they won't be able to come back to business again if they do that.
You wake up as a girl everyday, what do you usually do?
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More like why did pro Marcos revisionism and bullshit shilling in the internet are more active with dutdut?

The "medal"was given to him during the sixties unless you can travel back in time and stop it, tho now we know military records are bullshit
Having that medal dosent mean he has right to be burind in the LNMB they're are criterias that he didn't pass

Why can't shills understand this?
Buy a hijab
Weak Cucks

Kek Watch them blame Imperial manila when they can't compete anymore
Batman is a vigilante who accidentally kills. Just see Gotham Knight where he literally drowned a bunch of criminals in the sewer
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China's Yunhai security
>blame Imperial manila
I don't know about that. We have a lot of buses here already and most people now use bikes.

Transport groups here are afraid of the incoming new government transport projects such as the hybrid train which will be operational in May.
The drivers the will lose their jobs
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Do redditards here support De Lima's war against democracy?
>The drivers the will lose their jobs
Gee, I wonder about that. Manilenos are such cucks to jeepneys despite having LRTs buses.
jerk off like everyone else
The Medal of Valor was awarded to Marcos when he was a Senator back in the 60s.

You have a 6 month window in which to contest the validity of the honor. It was not, and the Medal's awarding stood pat.
In which now we know his military achievements were questionable

The AFP Hall of Heroes is a list of everyone who's ever received the Medal of Valor. It's a literal truth that Marcos was awarded it. The AFP can't not include him in the list, barring a posthumous and exceptional challenge to the medal's merit.

To put it another way, Aquino allowing Marcos's inclusion into the AFP Hall of Heroes because he was awarded the Medal isn't analogous to allowing him to be buried in the LNMB since Marcos already had the medal.

It'd be more like if Marcos was already buried in the LNMB, and we're quibbling over whether Aquino should have allowed an obituary to be run in the papers.

Further, the Aquino Administration explicitly stated that they were against the burial of Marcos in the LNMB, as proof of their intent and feeling towards the former dictator.
Its the drivers that are weak cucks for letting imperial manila do his to them
Even more so apperantly in cebu
Watch them blame it for taking away their jobs as usual for those retards cebb
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Marcos is already buried, stop this anti & pro Marcos bullshit & just move on & help build the country forward
Duterte does as long as its his cronnies
Nice, I wish I could afford it.
Yeah kek buried like a shit dump sneakly
Like the thief he is
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Nice edit
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Gabriel, prepare to die!
No shit Jim was the most active campaigner of roxas
And open as fuck about it

Duterte youth on the other hand
Sneaky sneaky...
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I meant your edit
do nothing
Of what Duerte? knows these druglords

You don't believe in colongcos crime?
Morning insta selfie.
Record make up tutorial
salamu alaikum,mane boleh aku beli pompam mcm adik kau
[citation needed]
The Duterte Apparatus shills (including the admin, and all of its non-gov't moving parts) has maintained a hard-edge double standard when it comes to political discourse in this country: "When we do it, we can cuss and be crass and it's YOUR job to adjust; but when you do it, you have to be respectful, mind your manners, stop destabilizing me, recognize the proper procedures, etc."
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>sedihnye tak de cina gf

He was arrested for draft but bailed he did admit his daughter had a relationship with colangco.
Its like the mining fiasco
Are they providing new jobs for them they will end up as drugs dealers.

I doubt those drivers are qualified to go to Japan which are now hiring flips
Sorry, I've only had a big brother.
So you're the imouto?

Can I buy you instead :3 >>71690770
Taken and engaged.
Top kekers
I get that things can change every admin does this
The LP senators probably did not put up a fight because they knew they didn't have the votes, and because they knew it was a naked power-grab

Education is now Escudero, do they want us to talk like him?

Agriculture is now Cynthia Villiar her specialty is turning farmlands to subdivisons, I'm guessing more imports for Luzon while only Mindanao gets to export

Health is now Ejercito, what the fuck has he done other than gamble
You can buy me :3
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>apk wala na ang pagmamahal sa pagitan mo at ng kasintahan mo
Wahai pujangga cinta
Biar membelai indah
Teladani kalbuku
Jujurlah pada hatimu
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didnt know indo lang is keling
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Ada apa dengan cinta
Perbedaan aku dan engkau
Biar menjadi bait
dalam puisi cinta terindah
>tweet is real
wtf, I thought ilani was a good girl.
Andai bumi terbelah dua
Biar kita tetap saling berpeluk
namaste yoga?
Wow, that's a solid evidence you've got there.
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159KB, 308x306px
I don't know,I don't meet many indians okay
Sudah kubilang jangan terlalu yakin
Mulut lelaki banyak juga tak jujur
Bila sakit hati wanita bisanya nangis

Sudah ku bilang jangan terlalu cinta
Kalau patah hati siapa mau nolong
Seperti langit dan matahari tak bersatu lagi
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not today old friend.jpg
15KB, 320x320px
and this is a solid cock i've got here

>tfw all my besties were chinese and indian
>now we all grew apart due to distance and i've to changed my personality just to be friends with malay
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berdua lebih baik.png
318KB, 632x262px
Berdua denganmu
Pasti lebih baik
Aku yakin itu

Bila sendiri
Hati bagai langit
Berselimut kabut
How many pages is the ideal doujin manga?
hmmm https://gfycat.co/BaggyAngelicBelugawhale
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503KB, 1161x665px
the best doujin ends with 238
Aku tak mudah mencintai
Aku tak mudah mengaku ku cinta
Aku tak mudah mengatakan
Aku jatuh cinta

Senandungku hanya untuk cinta
Tirakatku hanya untuk engkau
Tiada dusta sumpah ku cinta
Sampai ku menutup mata
free palestine?
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55KB, 217x236px
I can be your friend
Indons are all banned so we can talk shit about them.
How many people in that pic died?
close to half of them did on the news so I bet half of the people in this pic don't walk this earth anymore
Can't watch from that link. Alt link?

Rephrase, an ideal number of pages for a one shot story doujin manga.
you don't have to be rude just because you can <3
Selamat tinggal sayang
Bila umurku panjang, kelak ku kan datang
'tuk buktikan, satu balas 'kan kau jelang
Jangan menangis sayang
Kuingin kau rasakan, pahitnya terbuang
Sia-sia, memang kau pantas dapatkan

If I was your boyfriend, never let you go
Keep you on my arm girl, you'd never be alone
I can be a gentleman, anything you want
If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go, I'd never let you go
Bunch of sluts.
hi Jefri Bolkiah
Dari awal aku tak pernah percaya kata-katamu
Karena ku hanya melihat semua dari parasmu
Terakhir kau bilang padaku kau takkan pernah selingkuh
Tetapi ternyata dirimu bermain di belakangku

Saat ku melihatmu kau sedang bermesraan dengan seorang yang kukenal

Kamu ketahuan pacaran lagi dengan dirinya teman baikku
Kamu ketahuan pacaran lagi dengan dirinya teman baikku
Masih adakah cinta yang abadi
Menyatukan dua hati saling isi
Daun pun menari Alam bersaksi
Seindah musim ceri

Kejutan slalu terjadi
Takdir slalu tersembunyi
Cinta bukan ilusi
Inikah awal cinta abadi
Di setiap hari yang akan kujalani
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48KB, 798x450px
are you happy now?
even just a bit?
jealous of the way
these digits are for us
i bet you also believe in fox news
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8KB, 193x261px
have my pick too
is this a meme
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I like it because its a cute song
do you?
Tertutup sudah pintu .. pintu pukiku
Yang pernah dibuka waktu hanya untukmu
Kini kau pergi dari hidupku
Kuharus relakanmu walau aku tak mau

Berjuta warna pelangi didalam hati
Sejenak luluh bergening menjauh pergi
Tak ada lagi dara yang suci
Semua nada beranjak aku terdiam sepi

Dengarlah keluhanku suara tangisanku
Ku meraung kena panah batang menusuk pukiku
Ucapkan matahariku puisi tentang hidupku
Tentangku yang tak mampu menaklukan waktu
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Last few posts before the thread goes KIA.

Have some Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 while you're at it.

Need for Speed in your butt
How are you even posting?
i prefer songs that have connection with me

you win

what happen in indonesia?
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201KB, 500x500px
would you connect to my singing?
Therae are many other sources if you can Google
Just make sure its legit news site

>supporting a thief and hailing it as a hero
Enjoy paying those debts cuck?
Pigs are only haram to be eaten.
Thread posts: 327
Thread images: 79

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