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>you be living in comfy rainforest >suddenly a couple

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>you be living in comfy rainforest
>suddenly a couple of amerindians totally oblivous of civilization and 3000 years of human history come in contact with you speaking an unindentifiable language
wat do?
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STOP ripping off Qurumiña
cough on them
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>his country got "humans" stuck in 4,000 BC
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>his country hasn't got "humans" stuck in 4,000 BC
pretty boring 2bh

Never realized how tupi sounds like a Mix of Turkish with Arabic. At least in their "accent".
it isn't tupi, it is some random language, the amazon got tons of isolated language branches. Nheengatu (Modern Tupi) is only spoken by like 30k people in Rio Negro
How easy would it be to acquire a harem of these women or become a tribe leader?
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we just got "humans" stuck in 600 bc instead
>stuck in 4,000bc
>guy is carrying a big metal knife

Oh, still. Pretty weird how it sound, idk if that's the normal speed to be spoken.


You're gonna die before you even reach them, stop dreaming faggot.
*ad not bc :^)
Actually after but whatever.

Maybe they hit the bronze age finally.
pretty easy, the portuguese literally that to the point of passing the blood of the first portuguese allied chieftain to the nowadays queen consort of Sweden
he stole from a farm, they don't know how to make it
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mad ting. i wonder what their societies are like
>sao paulo
Accurate? can anyone from sao paulo confirm?
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yes, there are 16 million kuruminhas here

Yes, that's my cousin on the left.
Do Brazilians eat bananas in the rainforest?
Looks like a nice lad
I would trade electronics for slaves.
Why do they paint themselves?

Are the girls cute?
So exactly what was the argument about? A helicopter ?

I think so, some farmers fly around it sometimes.

It's funny how the military does the same but they don't seem to mind.
about guns, and if someone was using on them, the native guy even knew the word in portuguese for shotgun, espingarda. Some wood extractors kill the natives to extract the wood from their land. These guys probably are from a government institution for protecting the natives and teaching acultured natives their language and studying/protecting the ones that are isolated from society
I would be scared of those arrows, damn things were as tall as them.
>you will never live innawoods with 5 different nude dark skinned qt as your wives

why live

I doubt they are any stable.
Colonists had it good.
Seems like they have had contacts with brazilians before
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>his country got "humans" stuck in 4,000 BBCs
yeah, but they probably don't have a clue what's going on lol

Yeah saw that. Military usually doesn't let anyone get near their areas, too fucking dangerous, if they see you getting near their tribe you're dead.
what's shara btw they seem to say it all the time is it like peace or friend?
how does it feels in the 1500s m8?
I don't know lol, I think it is, they are from FUNAI, Fundação Nacional do Índio, probably something in native speak from the region. In the second video they try to speak tupi with them, but them don't get it except for the word "Peru", which they think is Pero, which is Portuguese man in tupi
Can someone post some cute native girls from the jungle?
try to cinvince them of my divinity by showing them stuff they can't comprehend
if they attack me I shoot them, should achieve the same effect
Give me a couple hours.
with 400 food you can advance to bronze age
ahmed please don't reply to me
you bet your ass they know their way around the jungle better than you and that there's a spear or an arrow lodged in your skull before you even squeeze the trigger of your gun
Ah yes the European way of making friends
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I wanted to see naked women, I admit.
I worry since they are so few, if they arent too endogamic and inbred.
In Manaus there are tons of mixed ones with pretty black long straight hair 2bqf
>I wanted to see naked women, I admit.
this, my inner colonial instinct is strong tbf
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good post
Genocide them
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bit funny actually
I sometimes wish I was brown. I'd probably be fucking right now instead of posting here
>a couple of amerindians totally oblivous of civilization
>They have modern metal knives
Lol, no

Also they tried to steal those guys house, lol
So they aren't uncontacted if they know what Pero means
They aren't fully uncontacted, but they clearly don't know how things works, I mean they didn't even know they were in Brazil/Peru border, also Pero is the word for a Portuguese man since the 1500s, which is the name of Pero Vaz de Caminha, one of the first explorers of Brazil, and it got passed down until today it seems, even to other native languages
All i see is 2 skinny Indians trying to speak with one fat Indian
Still no hot native girls posted...
now if you could get them in a porn with a white brazilian, i kinda have that fetish ya know
what a bunch of fucking dicks stealing tools like that
I bet if you touch them you go straight to prison
well they probably don't even understand the concept of private property 2bqf
How rude of them!
they probably could understand that walking in another tribe and taking their shit wouldn't be a good way to start a relationship
What would they take from them? arrows? things you can find anywhere in nature? I mean I think it's just a different mindset 2bqf
I have no idea. to investigate what they think about that would be really really interesting.
First you would need to understand each other tho
2bqf, I studied some tupi at USP, and one of the most interesting features of the language, was that every nature-derived noun can't be possessed in their language. Like you can't say my tree, our rock, his banana and other stuff
jesus fuck
I wonder why the gommies don't use their culture as an argument often.
because they don't know lol, I mean these things were recovered from literally the 1500s tupi grammar written by José de Anchieta. And it was schematized and documented for modern portuguese by a phd usp language expert just recently 2bqf. He also released a dictionary of XVI century words of tupi
Where can I read more about this?

This seems pretty neat.
It's kinda hard to find it in english, in portuguese there are some books, like grammar and dicitionary for learning it, but no pdfs yet. I guess in english the wikipedia is pretty much the most complete thing you will find lol
Thanks, that is some interesting reading. I'll probably read up on this a little. A pity nothing much is in english.
yeah, i mean tupi was literally forgotten in the memory of brazil too for centuries, it is surprising what this researcher did, I mean him alone is revitalizing the language, or at least creating the background for it. I can tell some interesting stuff too. There are only numerals for 1 to 4, to the point they use 2 hands and two feets to count 20. Also there are no moods, there are like 4 words for visible and non-visible "that" and "this". Also it reminds a lot Asian languages, because it relies on particles a lot. There is an inclusive and exclusive We pronoun, if you belong or not to the tribe, also a universal pronoun to every living thing. There are no F, L and rolling R sounds. Also there is no present, future tense, and the verbs tend to be cyclical, like you use a particle to determine future or past, like "soon to be", "before be". And other stuff that I don't remember lol
So underrated.
Buy a gun.

No such thing as noble savage with amazon niggers.
They love to kill and rape
Any update on this?
He is probably hunting the natives give him some time
appreciate the love lads
I really really want to fap to some hot native girls
C'mon all the good things take time
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Gonna dump a few now
Do go on
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If it comes to it, I'll make a thread on /s/ since mods consider this NSFW
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I want to marry her!
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rape them
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top fucking kek
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Done for now, will post more later
>plastic bags and smoothly rounded metal pots
she is pretty cute
Thanks my fat friend, these are just what I was looking for.
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Many contacted Amazon Indians and Yanomami do have some Western influence. Some of the women and men wear shorts and sometimes a shirt there, metal equipment and some making trips to civilized areas or activists bringing goods is not uncommon these days.
>Some of the women and men wear shorts and sometimes a shirt there
Which also ends up killing a shitload of them

they look like children and their mannerisms resemble a sassy black woman

bitchmade race of people lol no wonder colonists ran train on the continent
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Back with some more
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Body of sin, face of repentance...
Anyone want to explain the clothing the males typically wear that looks like they have their genitalia tucked between their legs.
shit looks uncomfortable as hell
>that feel when you fantasize about tribal life but you would be even worse at it than civilized life
Use my linguistic skills I guess
It's sorta the same scenario for them too.
They find our lives fantastical and shit but for the few that come to
live in civilization it's just too alien for them and stresses them out so they just go back to the amazon
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You have become a man and must choose your first wife. 1-6 from left to right. 7,8,9 applies to the first 3 as well. 0 means you get to choose. Dubs gives you 2 wives of choice. Trips gives you 3. Go!
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Same here.

>Live by your means
>Run around nude your whole life with only what nature has to offer
>No social class, no 8-5, only worries is food for the day and fucking your wives
>Loyal wives who are nude 24/7 and is willing to accept your dick at any time

But on the downside there's tons of bugs and it's literally a green hell for us and it will get boring eventually
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>No social class
They look a little old to be unmarried in that culture
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In Some Amazon cultures you marry older women and can marry girls of age as you gain status or get older.
That makes sense, but how do they end up becoming old without getting grabbed?
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They do get grabbed, just men share wives or simply gave them away. Women's rights in these cultures are far different than that in Civilization. Not really Amazon but some Oceanic cultures had initiates marry older women so they can learn how to please a woman.
best post so far 2017
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I want to learn more about this now.

Are there any resources?

Good job wall man.
the amazon is fucking australia, how the fuck they survive totally naked?
plus these guys are skinny fat, no wonder they got rolled by europeans
bravo mexico
good post
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>finally manage to stop fetishizing east asian women
>find out about brazilian native women
the ride never ends
thats literally what they all look like, dunno where all this sexy jungle lady shit comes from.
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Funny, I was just playing EU4 as Albertoland, I have couple of colonies in Africa right now and I'm gonna make couple of them in Huezilia as well. If all goes to help in Yuropia, I'll just relocate Albertoland to Brasil and conquer the continent.
goes to hell*
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>His "country" got "humans"
Models actually
we have sentinels stuck 70000 years ago
okay let me try
>his country hasn't got heads stuck in humans
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Well, "marry" one of the natives and have so many bastards they create their own country.
Why the quotes?
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