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Who would win in a non nuclear war? Winner gets the Falklands

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Who would win in a non nuclear war?

Winner gets the Falklands and Gibraltar.
CANZUK hands down winners.
I'm not gonna ally with anyone that isn't Spain or Uruguay.

you can keep those bleak islands.
CANZUK more like can succ lmoa
The only countries with a decent army in the anglo side are the UK and Australia
canzuk would fuck spic shit up
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Spain can't afford to go to war
Spain is in the absolute worst position in this theoretical fight. Aside from the weaker military and lack of expeditionary force, we already have a base there in a majorly important location as well as a million fifth column already in the country.
i don't think gibraltar is spared from destruction at the outbreak of the war.
Because they are connected by land. Spain has little power projection capability.
lol CANZUK easily, not even a question. Most of the yellow countries have very shitty militaries, like 70s tech and poor training while red all have proper modern militaries (UK & Aus having some of the most advanced and well-trained in the world). Actually none of those countries would be able to combat some of the hardware that the UK and Aus can employ. Their only advantage is high population but that doesn't do much when you're fighting an enemy who can slaughter you and you can't combat it.
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With our superior ramp powers, will be destroy all.
>three powerful economies with a decent navy and airforce combined


>debt, debt and corruption
Pretty sure the yellow side would win., they have bigger
>armed forces
I dont will die for protect any of these countries, only argentina uruguay and spain are worth of it, you can keep that shitty islands
lmao we have useless ramps too
With our combined ramp strengths, nothing will stop us.
>implying spics can fight an actual war

Spain and Mexico are a fucking mess and everyone else is irrelevant.

CANZUK would fucking annihilate all of them.
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If falklands is on the line, we will not lose. If anything else was at stake, it'd be alright and we'd lose. But you've put the falklands at stake and for that, we shall never lose
Why not chilea???
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I hear someone needs some refuelling done beep beep

CANZUK easily wins
The US would also almost certainly funnel supplies and weapons ton CANZUK
>The only countries with a decent army in the anglo side are the UK and Australia
Canadian army is 20k larger than Australian army (50k)
nvm, 5k bigger, but still
You funnel supplies to them, while we, China, Russia and the EU do the same with the others. I doubt your help would make much of a difference.
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Estonia will surely help us.
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the spic army would have no chance of winning
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Depends if they are receiving American aid or not.
Most likely Canzuk though as it would end up in a naval war.
Half of those Yellow cunts would surrender so they could be occupied and get money from CANZUK
what would be the reason for war be
Brazil's love.
I'd assume ownership of Gibraltar and the Falkland islands
Spain has nothing to do with spics though, they are akin to Africa for Britain.
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Brazil alone could take this "Hispanidad" shit if you take off Spain
> entering a war with the eternal Anglo
> with 1M Britons living in Spain
Even if we could block Gibraltar and the Bay of Biscay, which we can't because the Royal Navy is bigger than ours, Brits would enjoy a steady flow of prime intelligence thanks to the horde of weather refugees living here.
easily CANZUK

they have overwhelming air and sea superiority
Good guys already have those.

We'd need to get something new to bother.
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>>with 1M Britons living in Spain

It'll be like dad's army m8.
>i don't think gibraltar is spared from destruction at the outbreak of the war.

Spain has been trying to militarily take Gibraltar for hundreds of years
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Yeah but they haven't tried very seriously for quite a few decades now.
come on, it's a fucking small peninsula, man
irl, just some artillery fire from their mainland would suffice to turn it into oblivion, even though britain can defeat spanish fleet in the open sea.
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Those "South" American crooks are planning something shonky, I can feel it.
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The UK does have permanent albeit small military presence there.

I'm not worried.

>irl, just some artillery fire from their mainland would suffice to turn it into oblivion

The RAF and RN can fire back, though. We have bombs, cruise missiles and other goodies. They can fire on Gibraltar and damage it but they will suffer a lot of damage in return
Stalemate. The Spanish side doesn't have the resources to defeat the Anglos, but the Anglos wouldn't have the manpower to be able to actually occupy so much land while so outnumbered.

It would be a long painful war of attrition and the final victor would pretty much be a coinflip. Probably favouring CANZUK slightly.
>China and Russia
Ahh yes China and Russia really benefit from the Falklands being in Argentinean hands.
This, also
>Amphibious assault in 2k17 lol
The defending country would win.
>The RAF and RN can fire back
And the spanish air force should stop them. It isn't as good as the british but they play at home, and we have a bunch of A2A systems and some AEGIS destroyers.
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whatever side the hispanics are in, will definitely lose.
they'll just defect to be on welfare.
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south america would eat canada in just a week, australia isn't even a problem since they lost every relevant battle in their history, anyone who thinks otherwise is a troll.
Well, we have been using the same planes for the last 40 years, with minor upgradings here and there, and Congress has said that the airforce need to update 20 years ago.
Want to guess what happened during these last 2 decades whenever our government placed orders for planes on companies that had even a minimal connection with the British government?

That's why they've been considering buying Russian or Chink planes. Not because either Russia or China want us to win, but because most Western aerospace companies don't want to make a deal with us
Yeah sure.

You can only use your destroyers if you think you can take out our submarines, otherwise they'll have to stay in port. If our submarines can wander around near Spain, they can take out your anti-air systems with cruise missiles. Probably take out some of your airbases too.

Spain doesn't have nuclear-powered attack submarines. Spain doesn't have Tomahawk missiles.

The RAF can bring fighters in from its bases in the east (like Cyprus) and from the UK, they can be refuelled air-to-air, it's not a large distance. The UK might not have aircraft carriers for a few more years but it can still project air power
lmao literally no country in South America can match our military, not even close.
They would benefit by reducing the assets of an enemy nuclear power and making the war longer, making the USA spend more money in aid.
Also, considering that lately the UK and Russia relationship is a bit tense and that the UK is planning in sending a carrier (Once they are finished) to the sea of China...

that's what americans said when they were literally raped by manlet rice farmers with outdated wepons.
If the Spanish get all that shit why don't we get America and India?
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Listen to this guy. China is too powerful to us to handle
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>literally raped

You have to be 18 to use this site.

please leaf
You guys want to battle it out on middle ground? We'll give you guys Nebraska, nobody uses that state.
We aren't talking about guerrilla warefare though.

Fact is only you and Mexico would be able to put up any real fight against us, but we would still win lel
Even if they stay at port the are A2A ships, they can still do their job. Also, Spain has sea survillance planes, and anti sub helicopters and that means that our coasts should be safe, enough room to move the ships around.

Look, you have 138 typhoons, 46 Tornados and 4 F-35
We have 61 Typhoons and 86 F-18.

There is a large difference but it isn't overwhelming enough to defeat a country with modern air defences.
I 'm not even sure if they do have a bigger economy tbqhwy mate
I have to go now or I would continue this... I'll just say you seem a little over-confident and let you have the last word
Our economy is bigger than theirs. Hes just a silly chimp living in denial.
I'm not overconfident, I just believe that nowadays the defending country has so many advantages (Especially in this case where every side is in a different land mass) that the attacking side needs to be overwhelmingly superior to it's enemy in order to beat him.

I mean, there is a reason why the USA has 10 carriers with 80 fighter hets each, 10 amphibious ships (ramp carriers equivalent) and 10 transport docks. It's really difficult to project power i the modern world.
Somewhat remind me of falklands war.
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We Anglos must fear the mighty landlocked Bolivian Navy, surely they will play a decisive role.
Britain always finds a way, my continental friend
Do us a favour Spain and wipe out London with gas so we can repopulate without pakis
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>If the Spanish get all that shit why don't we get America and India?
If we include all the territories of the Spanish empire against all the territories of the Brittish empire it would be a stomp in favour of Spain.
Yet history is a stomp in favour of Britain

Really makes me think
kek no it wouldn't
>Yet history is a stomp in favour of Britain
>Really makes me think
Britain lost 6 wars against Spain tied 3 and won 2. 2 of those victories happened when Britain/England was in a huge coallition
Must be why Spain is such a global power these days

Really activates my almonds
>70% of the US economy
>All the pacific army+ the control of the Panama channel
>Way more nukes
>Less manpower
>Better equipment
>More industrial output
If all the Brittish empire united today it will be still weaker than the US...

Hispanoworld overwhelming win.

In fact it would suffice with a few ones:

Colombia btfo Canada with their gorilla army+FARC+ELN+narco death squads. No quarter given, not a single canacuck left alive.

Peru and Chile team up for once to devastate the aussie butt and enslave them into the salt mines of the Bolivian altiplano. Not a single aussie left not in chains.

And finally, obviously, Spain and Argentina go after Perfidius Albion. A simple case of a proper application of the right number of Exocets and Harpoons to make our way to the beaches, and after that it's walk in the park. Burn London, gas the queen, etc. You're welcome, rest of the world.
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I think you're forgetting about the literal billions in the indian subcontinent and the fact that two of them are nuclear powers
>I think you're forgetting about the literal billions in the indian subcontinent and the fact that two of them are nuclear powers
1st The East coast was alredy independent during the peak of the empire.You could have included memes like Iraq in that map
2nd Those literal millions could do nothing as the Pacific navy alone is bigger than all the navies of those countries combined
3rd.Only in the midwest and the pacific there are more nuclear heads than in all of those red countries.
As I said. If the Spanish empire at its peak reunited today it would just be a stomp.
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assuming that spain would get the most of America's fleet, which they wouldn't
you'd need to spread military power across on a population or revenue basis, and in that case Britain would come up trumps
>assuming that spain would get the most of America's fleet, which they wouldn't
The fleet is not located where people live Austin Powers.
United States Fleet Forces (HQ [[Norfolk]], Virginia)
United States Third Fleet (HQ San Diego, California) – East Pacific
Would be on Spanish hands
United States Fourth Fleet (HQ Mayport, Florida) – South Atlantic
Would be on Spanish hands
United States Fifth Fleet (HQ Manama, Bahrain) – Middle East
Would be on Brittish hands
United States Sixth Fleet (HQ Naples, Italy) – Europe
Would be on Spanish hands
United States Seventh Fleet (HQ Yokosuka, Japan) – West Pacific
United States Tenth Fleet (HQ Fort Meade, Maryland)
This is talking about the peak periods of extension

>Navy goes to Canzuk
>Airforce goes to us
>Army goes, massively, to us

No land borders though, so Canzuk is spared from invasion.
Your only actual advantange militarily is manpower.
more like manlet power, amirite?

By numbers I'm pretty sure we have superiority in jet fighters, helis, armor and artillery and massive superiority in combat troops.

You just have the Navy, because apart of Spain, only Chile and Peru have a somewhat decent navy.
Why? Either way the navy would be the most important thing as those territories are spread out.Only Spain has carriers and Australia has a massive fleet as well.
There's only one country in the entire game that has power projection and that's the UK mate. Face it you would lose
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We lose, betrayal.

I won't fight for any of those countries though, espacially Spain and Argentina.

Britain helped Uruguay to become independant when Brazil and Argentina wanted to annex the land after Argentina betrayed us so we've always had a good relationship with them and they've always had influence here.
Currently we have good trade with the Falklands helping them out because an apple can be worth 1 dollar over there since they don't produce jack shit, they get stuff from the UK but it's a long trip and it can be very expensive, they come to expos every year which makes argies butthurt.

Now that doesn't mean we like them(we don't really like anyone that's not Uruguay) but it means that we won't fight in a war for neighbors that were never our allies, Argentina always breaks agreements with our country and tends to impose trade restrictions whenever they get pissy with us, they've been doing it for more than 100 years because we depended on them.

Don't fall for the meme that we're "brothers" we are not, Argentina just thinks that they own us because they're arrogant pricks, but every day we depend less and less on our neighbors and more in ourselves.
>people think that countries under war are somehow static

Ah yes, the industry output and general war production of the USSR stayed identical during. Thus it is completely reasonable to decide who would win a war based on how large their army and budget is now.

underaged fags shouldn't post here, the confict has nothing to do with gibraltar itself but the water around it.
>Airforce goes to us
We have the best airforce in Europe, the only nation that compares is France.
>Army goes, massively, to us
Spics are worse than us at fighting plus your equipment would be horrible and we wouldn't let those fat brown manlets enter Spain
nice fake map 132321st largest empire

why are the spanish so bad at colonizing
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You people on here posting small and thus useless maps really rustle my jimmies.
>ywn be stationed in colombia, big booty metizas throwing themselves at you everywhere you go
>ywn run a train on a thicc colombian slag with your commonwealth bros

why even live
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>why are the spanish so bad at colonizing
The Brits are even worse
Read up on what colonising means. Every country on that map where the British have physically gone to and settled is prosperous. More so than any country where the Spanish settled.
Third world vs First world*


>no country in South America can match our military

>Every country on that map where the British have physically gone to and settled is prosperous

here we go....

>Antigua and Barbuda
>sierra leone
>Sri lanka
you're not too good at the whole 'reading' thing are you dear
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Does the ex-Spanish colonies get together once every 4 years for a bit of sporting banter? I think the French do but I've heard it's pretty shit.

By us I meant the spanish american countries and Spain, nigel.

By raw numbers ofc. I grant Canzuk the quality, because most latinamerican countries still fly a lot of junk the sort of old mirages, F-5, F-4, IAI kfir, mig-21/23... and a limited number of F-16, Mig 29, Su-30 and modern mirages.
Ireland is not a subject of the Commonwealth ?
We can't be held responsible for the ethnic or indigenous people of those lands that we did not settle in. The Empire often gave them the tools to succeed with infrastructure, parliamentary democracy and the English legal system, and yes sometimes made it hard for them, but after we ceded power they're on their own.
France would win

seems to me that you only read what convenient for yourself and considering that I left a bunch of tiny shitty Island countries out that the ex United Kingdom wasn't as good as you painted it.
No they terminated their membership when they became a republic, but they are allowed to rejoin if they so wish.
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I read the Gambia is rejoining and Boris is flying out there now.
the guy you replied to said
>read up on what colonising means. Every country on that map where the British have physically gone to and settled is prosperous. More so than any country where the Spanish settled
and you replied with a load of countries that were not settled by the british

fucking mong
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You look specially pretty today, Peter. Happy Valentine's day for you.

every single country in that list are territories formerly ruled or administered by the United Kingdom or part of the British Empire, you obviously only cared about the successful ones.
the guy said settled
s e t t l e d
i refuse to believe you are this dim

so as I said you just read what's convenient to you, who cares about settlement? you ruled those countries for hundreds of years and each one of them is a shithole, now you just sweep them under the rug as failed experiments that shouldn't be mentioned or see the day light.
>I read the Gambia is rejoining and Boris is flying out there now.

Yep the new Gambian President used to live in the UK. He is a former Argos security guard and big Arsenal fan. He likes us.
because all England did was exploit them for their natural resources

Zimbabwe and South Africa were probably the only failed colonies where the British actually gave a fuck and they all imploded after becoming republics

Not this guy. But anyway... We are not responsible for the Amerindians and Blacks in our ex colonies as the British are not responsible for the Indians and the Blacks in their ex colonies.

Criollos (descendants of Spaniards that were born in the Americas) were and still are a prosperous ethnic group, probably more prosperous and rich than most of British Australians or British Americans.
Hispanidad would win.

and this is why your scenario is shit
also South Africa's demise came once the afrikaners took control back from the anglos

>probably more prosperous and rich than most of British Australians or British Americans


Nope.But it would be pretty lame with Spain winning 70% of the medals,Cuba 20% of the medals and the rest would go to Argentina and the boxing medal to Mexico or Puerto Rico.It wouldn't be fair for the manlet mestizos to compete against not not as much of manlets none mestizos
>also South Africa's demise came once the afrikaners took control back from the anglos
Apartheid South Africa was more prosperous than Brittish rule SA
Yeah, but it laid down the foundations for the shit show that is modern South Africa

The British sent many farmers, peasants, and poor people to America and Oceania. Spain practically did not send settlers, but aristocratic families to govern the Indians. That is why today the descendants of the Criollos are still so rich.
Rich in their South American shitholes. I could waltz my middle class Australian ass over to any country over there and live like a fucking king.
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>I could waltz my middle class Australian ass over to any country over there and live like a fucking king.

This is totally true, but you could never live as a Criollo elite.
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>He is a former Argos security guard and big Arsenal fan

Living the Gambian dream.
>Spain practically did not send settlers
Depended on the region.Chile,Colombia,Venezuela and Argentina were majority Criollos and Mexico had 1M Spaniards/criollos in the XVIII century
>Chile,Colombia,Venezuela and Argentina were majority Criollos

Sure, that's why Chileans look like Peruvians and Colombians/Venezuelans are Blackindians.

Argentina is a different case, many Italians and Spaniards emigrated there during the XX century, but those were not Criollos.
>that's why Chileans look like Peruvians
They mixed with Mapuches which weren't part of the crown at the time
>and Colombians/Venezuelans are Blackindians
Lots of castizos and criollos in those 2 countries
ITT: people who don't know shit about either side.
I am a hispaniboo but also a manifest-destiny-boo and I think these things are impossible to reconcile
I always hear like "aztlan was mexican once and should be again", and I'm like hell yeah but then I remember I'm a white american and muh western frontier and muh culture and such
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