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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 373
Thread images: 54

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Strange edition
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>Hi, we're here for the job interview
business idea: travelling freakshow and hire these ^ guys
Strongly considering a 'cide
Business idea: learn archery
french hip hop lads

my days consist of chowing down on xanax bars and smoking american spirits and listening to vapourwave
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Which one, /brit/?
i rep the borough b l u e
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Business idea: bring back krumping
I can think of worse ways to pass the day
Business idea: work out regularly starting tomorrow
both dressed terribly and look like grade A cunts
business idea: get a job
good lad
it's what cavemen dreamed of when they looked up at the sky

how lucky we are
Ork detected
Business idea: throw buckets of ice water on homeless in winter
Any holidays you've never celebrated?

Boxing Day and Valentine's Day for me
Uses next to no resources at all desu
Would just like to thank my ancestors for getting laid
business idea: buy a 50g, roll it up and sell rollies
going to 'mit 'cide this week when my mum and dad are out of the house. was nice knowing you lads.
>Call Centre jobs would be eliminated or automated. No need for such consumerist bullshit.

It was an example, the argument still prevails for non-automated sectors

>Also the capitalist concept of "vacancy" would be replaced by the maxim of satisfying social demands.

Man's wants are endless

>Working hours would be vastly reduced. But given that all your needs would be met in return for performing socially necessary and social work, there would be no shortage of labour.

Great, so we don't keep up with demand and have shortages and a cliff edge fall in productivity. Bravo.
Goodbye lad
i wonder if kids at school still talk about what they saw on tv last night
literally everyone of your female ancestors got fucked.
let that sink in for a moment
what to buy the chinese gf for valentines last minute lads?

having a spot of dinner
didn't even know about castling and en passant in chess until today
Business idea: development of weaponized memes to be sold to governments
>tfw am a full blown-normie

feels good senpai

Would you fuck her?

Wonder if any were rapes 2bh
Who knows
en passant is a meme move desu

I'd say most
bit runk tobh lads ppelase be gentle
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satan was red too.jpg
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better dead than red
he's got my vote!
josie? post butt either way
Chess is a meme game.

GO is for true intellectuals (such as myself)
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That feel lads

That feel
most likely could at a nightclub

the whole point of rollies were they were cheap, but now this 50g minimum shit, fags are going to be harder to come by in clubs and people will pay far more now
Business idea:smell things that smell nice to a disproportionately large female audience and tell them it supports farmers and is cruelty free

that train has come and gone. Me and my cabal hold the exclusive government contracts for weaponised meme creation
ho whas my potential ddifecreeaed gto this omg

I used to have dreams fgoddsamit
all top tier flags
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/pol/ autist.webm
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Nice autism pants
business idea: pick up drunk girls outside of clubs and then rape them
ah yes, let's waste another childhood on a meaningless game
i fucking hate trump so much

are those vibergs?
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trump trudeau.webm
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not so fast!
not clicking that virus
work tomorrow :(

ex gf just posted this
>government contracts
>implying they won't have meme corporations compete to drive down costs and increase memetic innovation

Rorke btfo
>Being proud of Cuckdeau

howling. fucking HOWLING
the man's a fucking legend
god china and vietnam were lazy with their flag designs

fucking gooks and their lack of imagination
Watching Trump read stuff he didn't write at press conferences and add little bits on is so fucking funny. He's ridiculously autistic.
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dude weed.webm
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*gets on the dancefloor*
>valentines day tomorrow
>work in a call centre full of women

Just kill me lads. Today was bad enough
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True Dough Boy.jpg
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>tfw Canada got literally everything it wanted and Trump looked like an idiot rambling and stumbling when he tried to pull his "80s power shake" gimmick

Trump is a paper tiger
this.. thing that everyones been talking about in here. doing a 'cide? i've decided to try it out....

might be makin' a 'cide soon
oh god autism yank is here
*closes the thread*
>It was an example, the argument still prevails for non-automated sectors
In which case the work would be shared out, reducing the burden for all. Eventually the productive forces will be so high that everyone can be provided for.

>Man's wants are endless
No reason that wants can't all be satisfied. Capitalism has already created the necessary base, but it will never meet everyone's desires because it is not profitable and keeping people locked in poverty is necessary for it to survive.

>Great, so we don't keep up with demand and have shortages and a cliff edge fall in productivity. Bravo.
Demand would be controlled by rational planning and scientific allocation of resources. Productivity for the sake of it is pointless. As evidenced by the environmental destruction wrecking the world. I'm sure that productivity will be of great hope when hundreds of millions across the world are drowning. But really, productivity would increase due to the use of technology and a motivated, happy labour force.
Autism is using whatever can get you off the planet to get you to work.
Literally can't stand yank posters

*takes a seat*
*dances with hans*
so she's a paedo?
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that Indian girl with the big tits is qt
Why is he seen as some right wing god.

That's a pretty fucking left wing speech.
t. cuckstamp with a copypaste of the new Zealand flag
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I don't like how most schools these days make students wear blazers

kinda miss the cheap jumper aesthetic from years ago
look much more state school-like
whereas trudeau is a paper butterfly
*shags josie's missus
Business idea: produce really hot tranny porn, bust people filesharing, demand settlement
Fuck off autist yank
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>copypaste of the new Zealand flag
at least we managed to get the southern cross right
This is a yank thread friendo :o)
Fur suit no knickers is the new British moto.
but i haven't even posted yet

just woke up and i've been lurking for a few minutes
kind of feel like I need a poo but them also feel like it's not going to come out and I'll have to push intensively

is this because I don't eat enough fibre?
How wealthy do you think he is?
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Trudeau walks softly and carries a big stick
But the best poos are the ones that require some effort la
5 weetabix straight up the shitter should sort you right out cus

Fascism has always used somewhat anticapitalist rhetoric to appeal to workers, then when it gets power it immediately crushes unions and socialists

The entire ideology is built on bluster, insecurity, lies, nostalgia and slavery to the capitalist system


>Fur suit
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t. cuck stripes
heard your footsteps you fat cunt

Always helps to eat more fibre x
>be short
>have had plenty of gfs

>browse 4chan
>apparently it's impossible to get a gf if you're short
I think you guys must be doing something very wrong
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the 'wb
t. literally stole their flag from a corporation
Nice filename.
Sorry, I'm tired.
not a weeb but the japanese naval flag is incredibly aesthetic
Mosley is far-left. Definitely closer to the socialist origins of fascism than the big business kind of national socialism that Hitler espoused.

He was a pan-European, but probably would have disapproved of the EU
Why are yanks so obsessed with us? They have their own thread in /cum/ but they come here every day to beg for our attention. Pretty embarrassing 2bh
How long does it take to work? Might have a bowl now and try and poo before bed
What are some good high fibre foodies?
losers blame their physical/genetic makeup since it can't realisticly be changed so its presents a convenient excuse

that being said manlets never learn
>Mosley is far-left.
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yeah my old school is trying to look posh despite being shite
It's a reference to goatse
eat 3 now and 3 for breakfast and you'll be right
thanks. random numbers don't make it not mine. especially considering I saved it off 4chan from when I posted it before from the archive.
this sort of sentiment is infantile, it lets trump off the hook

"oh he's just senile bless him"

no, he knows exactly what he's doing

the actual far-left gave him a drubbing at cable street
The 12345678 strawpoll get is approaching

we must secure this for /brit/
Just had some pineapple juice ready for tomorrow lads
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haven't added any new songs to my phone in 2 months
t. Nervous leftist

my school was full of future members of the underclass and we wore jumpers
nowadays though everyone wears a blazer despite being mostly the same stock of future underclass
When do I poo though
t. clueless paki
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you arrive in hackney 2004
No, the Anarchist Left gave the Authoritarian Left a drubbing at cable street.

Mosley's ideals aren't that far off from Strasserism, which is essentially national socialism with emphasis on the socialism.
Just saw some mong drink some pineapple juice that I gobbed in
hmm impressive
*jots some notes down*
very impressive
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The trouble with the United Kingdom’s flag, when you come to think about it, is that it is really quite ugly. I have every sympathy for the designers who removed it from the British athletics team’s vests for the imminent World Athletics Championships in Beijing. Olympic long jump champion Greg Rutherford has complained that “it isn’t a British kit any more” because it hasn’t got the union flag, but the decision makes sense aesthetically. The new vest is an elegant flowing dance of red, white and blue – the flag’s colours, remember – and has Great Britain written on it in big letters. It just doesn’t have that jagged, explosive, aggressive flag.

I don’t mean the union flag is aggressive because it embodies an imperial arrogance or a coercive union that keeps Scotland in its place. No, it just looks as if it does.

Look at it, if you can bear to. With its cluttered burst of both right-angled and diagonal radiating lines, the British flag is heavy and overbearing, forceful and strident. On a battlefield it would make sense. Sure, this virulent standard served to rally regiments at the Battle of Waterloo. But today? At sporting events? It looks crap. Instead of suggesting unity, its sharp-angled divisions imply fragmentation. In fact, the relentless dynamism of its design evokes the shock and shatter of a cannon ball smashing into a French ship at the Battle of Trafalgar.
the chorus on this tune is spectacular

*goes to pirate radio and makes it big in the grime scene*
so you're here for the job interview?
im a lefty in all things but socially. hate mass immigration. dislike overt degeneracy. love traditionalism (to an extent).

what am i? BNP?
Wakey wakey Jess haha
>what am i
A person
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Watching X-Files with no lights on
an autistic person
Is Beyonce just a Jewish "muh strong black woman" forcememe? Never really liked any of her songs and he gets regularly outsold by a lot of other female artists but still she's depicted as some juggernaut of pop music.
the chorus on this tune is SPECTACULAR
all of that corporatist/third positionist ideology is just a mask for capitalism

nothing mosley proposed, even in his later years, would've abolished the system of capitalism, private property or wage labour

it's just social democracy, or social fascism as stalin put it
a normal person who found 4chan several years ago
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Help us
Just saw Maddie's fanny lips when she bent over

>In which case the work would be shared out, reducing the burden for all. Eventually the productive forces will be so high that everyone can be provided for.

Exactly my point with productivity. In a highly desirable sector, lots of jobs are government allocated. Output per worker per time period falls since surplus to requirement workers are employed to keep everyone happy.

>No reason that wants can't all be satisfied. Capitalism has already created the necessary base, but it will never meet everyone's desires because it is not profitable and keeping people locked in poverty is necessary for it to survive.

So how do you explain middle class utopias like Norway and Switzerland? And if it is not profitable, then how come dubai and china have turned from rags to riches in a few decades?

>Demand would be controlled by rational planning and scientific allocation of resources. Productivity for the sake of it is pointless. As evidenced by the environmental destruction wrecking the world. I'm sure that productivity will be of great hope when hundreds of millions across the world are drowning. But really, productivity would increase due to the use of technology and a motivated, happy labour force.

This can never work with the volatility of the stock markets needed to keep countries afloat
Fascist like the vast majority of people who aren't lying to themselves
If you're spitting in drinks then you're the mong.
>im a lefty in all things but socially. hate mass immigration.
hmm yeah this sounds like me
>dislike overt degeneracy
bet you're some bible bashing mong
just dunked my nob in my mates tea
>wanting a new Hitler

He was shit at actually running a country.
*bets on greece winning the euros*
think i've spotted a bender
why does putting your nob in warm liquid always make you want to wee?
Just realized that if the Universe is purely a physical place and all consciousness is matter then reincarnation is not only definitely possible but logically the most likely scenario upon death.

a few of these are still going

Britain First seems to be the most popular on social media despite having no electoral power

Nice try, Rorkey boy
Cos she gets her flange out and sings about muh feminism despite pretty much every aspect of her music being created by men.
nah just like to dabble in the ol' drugs and binge drinking

>Trump, Trudeau to discuss women in workforce
what is there to discuss
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can you even imagine a country where the goyim were left to roam free?

would be a world full of ketchup on steak, operas based off videogames, socks sandals and shorts in the winter, and movies about animals with happy endings.

can't be havin that
that isn't overt degeneracy to me.
You travel back in time to 2012. You retain your knowledge about what happens in the world. What do you do?
having some cheeky banter discussing which ones in each of their offices that they would bang
Because the majority of people don't actually know what fascism is, it's just a buzzword in most people's minds
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>billions of cells came together over years to form your identity
>somehow those billions of cells survive and still function together
Not logical at all
Place a £500 bet on Trump winning the presidency in 2016.
Trudeau is certainly gay though.
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put a bet on trump to become president and leicester to win the premier league

boom, instant millionaire
no he wasn't, he pulled germany out of the great depression

last beyonce song i remember is crazy in love and that was what 15 years ago or some shit
don't care
the term 'overt degeneracy' is turbo fedora
>only £500
buy 1000 bitcoins

sniff my own bumhole
kill myself so i didnt live through 5 more years of suffering
Given enough time, those atoms would reconfigure in exactly the same way as before.
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People know full well what it is, hence why they oppose it.

Contrary to the far-right's belief, ordinary people are not brainless drones with no agency.
I think he means in an infinite universe where the creation on (You) is a proven possibility, it WILL happen again due to probability
>two completely normal words are 'fedora'

ok then
I don't think that's overt degeneracy in the UK, that's normal.

Overt degeneracy would be windmilling a long rubber strap-on cock at children and old ladies in public but it's okay because it's part of a pride parade.
Wanna bum Rochelle Humes.
Wonder if lads with attractive sisters ever thought of jamming their willy in their fanny
What has made pepe such a resilient meme?
break up with my ex before she had the chance to break up with me

2bh ;_; will always be a blow to my pride that she did it even tho i have a better gf now
Only because he stopped paying Germany's debts.
Normies and phone-posters.
anyone know that 70s/80s song that was about treasure
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>ordinary people are not brainless drones with no agency.
nah people who do that have something wrong with their brain. humans are wired to be disgusted by it as incest is results in genetic atrocities.
Ahh yes guess that's why almost all polling shows most people are socially conservative and left wing economically

I guess the 70%+ of people who want immigration massively reduced are secretly internationalist communists
i've had dreams about it 2bh

really disturbing
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the true alpha male made this mouthbreathing mong look silly

It's not that normal people aren't aware of what fascism is, they are very much aware of the violence it can bring.

However, they're just very ignorant about the truth and horrors of communism.
no that'd be weird

mind you my sister isn't that attractive
or maybe that's just my brain's way of saying "DO NOT STICK YOUR DICK IN THIS"
>ordinary people are not brainless drones with no agency.

Could you BE any more calcified?
>I guess the 70%+ of people who want immigration massively reduced are secretly internationalist communists

immigration has nothing to do with internationalist communism

the ussr didn't have mass immigration
>Given enough time, those atoms would reconfigure in exactly the same way as before.
Unlikely, since already a pack of cards is already a huge number, 52!, so a billion cells factorial number would be probably more than it's possible to exist in the universe. But that could be part of your conjecture, that you have a number of cells that form consciousness then they rearrange themselves so you become 'reincarnated'.
Even trump must give a submissive hand gesture to this alpha. How much test do you think Trudeau has? Probably over 1000mg/l. Natty.
the jewish takeover of Russia in 1917 was literally the biggest event of the 20th century and changed the course of global history forever
The left are more fascist than the right these days
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went to bed hungry

just woke up

all i have to eat is cup-o-noodles
yeah ok lad, i'm sure you're so much more enlightened than the rest of us plebs huh

how dare the poor think for themselves
"the fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists"
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"ordinary people"

oh you naive worm, theres no such thing as "ordinary people"

there are swine and swine that think they are in control

you're the latter I see
Ahahaha ahh yes internationalist communist believe they want a global revolution and then strictly enforced border control don't they you fucking mug

The reality is if you simply explained the policies and outcomes of fascism vs communism without using the buzzword names communism wouldn't have a hope in hell
that picture is unsettling
pls delet

that kind of snack is goat lad wolf it down
Funny how people on 4chan believe that races aren't equal and cite iq differences between whites and blacks to prove this, yet ignore Jew's higher iq or Asians. Really makes me produce neurotransmitters
Wonder if girls with chad brothers ever though of having their brother's cock deep inside them
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>Why don't I get matches on tinder, the competition couldn't be that go-
gatti che parla
assassination of mateyboy was more important, and more random imo
>not £500 on leicester to win the premiership
>not then putting the winnings on brexit
>not then putting those winnings on the cubs to win the "world" series
>not then putting THOSE winnings on trump
Good year for bookies, I'm guessing.
sisters teach each other how to masturbate
>more than it's possible to exist in the Universe

Would you accept that the Universe is infinite?
jews are white
mateyboy = archduke franz
Went on a date tonight lads
Nice strawman, Asians having high IQs gets mentioned regularly
>Ahahaha ahh yes internationalist communist believe they want a global revolution and then strictly enforced border control don't they you fucking mug

Again, no. You fail to understand the nature of immigration and what internationalism means, as expected of a fascist.

>The reality is if you simply explained the policies and outcomes of fascism vs communism without using the buzzword names communism wouldn't have a hope in hell
Fascism is not to be debated, it is to be smashed. Hitler himself admitted as much. Fascists only care for fetishistic violence and anti-communism.
my favorite churchill quote
reminder lead in petrol set back humanity about 40-50 years
You've posted this a couple times now yank. Let me tell you, I simply don't care about some vile little slug on tinder who has had his photos professionally done like some fucking nonce.
Is it though? Doesn't *seem* infinite to me, regardless how big it really is.
oughta put some lead in your dome ngl
he always calls into LBC and gets perpetually BTFO by James O'Brien

Kinda hilarious
What if space is finite but time is infinite?

jews tend to be smarter because only the smart survived the holocaust
thanks hitler

chinks aren't smarter though because they all cheat on tests and their parents beat them until they become a mathematical machine
anyone could do that
ill probably post it 30-40 more times
meant for >>71171152

Churchill was a reactionary, racist, warmongering piece of shit that hated the poor. Shame he was ever born. No surprise his flabby little hands got in a tither over antifascists.
show arsehole
good lad
Oh, OK..

*Walks away and talks to someone else*
Maybe but there's some widely held belief (albeit more so on /pol/) that it isn't controversial that there are many whites on boards of directors, but it is controversial that there are many Jews. That doesn't make any sense.
If all forces of matter cease to exist with the big freeze, will time exist?
would love to meet PJW
mental that I could just go into any general right now and tell different people from all over the world to fuck off
>Hard Brexit happened because of Trump
>Trump was boosted and might have won because of Brexit
>Brexit happened because the Tories won and allowed a referendum on Europe

imagine how different the world would look right now had you only got around the negotiating table in 2015
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What if when the Universe reaches critical mass, it crunches down to the Big Bang (singularity) and the whole thing starts all over again, as time is what space is expanding into?
doing a poo
Disproportionate representation.
Might have a cheeky nandos
it's not a racial thing with east asians, it's a cultural thing
"western new england university"? never even heard of that. and ieseg? literally what? this guy is an absolute runt and i guarantee his job at goldman is in hr or something equally plebby.
that realisation when no matter how much everything has gone to shit, at least we don't have that fucking mongoloid spastic for a prime minister
antisemitism is the cry of the fool looking for someone to blame but having the finger pointed at the wrong target by devious manipulators
There's 200 million white people in America and 6 million Jews, why would it be normal for there to be equal amounts on boards of directors? That would be a hugely disproportionate amount of Jews
doing a wank
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good lad
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Really made me think.
So they have a culture of learning? Fail to see why that is bad?

Same for Ashkenazim.
the jewish spanner is making some new rubbish

HR is a great gig desu.

I'm an HR business partner that makes 68k because everyone in HR has no qualifications and you can easily work your way up. Got a raise less than 14 months in
love a good sausage
>trump tried to pull trudeau

Yeah but the same can be said for white men. Yet the average /pol/ user will accept that entirely but simultaneously propose that Jewish over representation is a massive conspiracy of some kind. It's a non sequitur
Life idea: Spend £200 on all the necessary drinks and ingredients to fill a cocktail bar and make myself a cheeky cocktail each night.
ITT: bunch of nonces
yeah, we have a mongoloid spastic women who only listens to what the daily mail says

so much better innit
(look at his little feet)
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just look at their facial expressions
trump is a fucking beta bitch boy
never understood the point of a single drink, if i kept booze around i'd probably drink 5-6 so i could at least catch a buzz.
Trump is so hilariously insecure

Typical fragile masculinity
>shit hair
>no chin
>baby feet
>ill-fitting suit

>perfect hair
>beautiful face
>strong jaw
>big feet
>well-fitting suit

makes u think.....
not a fan of unironic natsocs but i cannot abide luvvy lefties being in this thread

fucking hell, wish the economically illiterate would just DIE
you guys are like teenage girls about this stupid manufactured drama

i also say this as someone who fucking hates trump
It literally is better than listening to the Guardian and moving the Calais migrant camp to our side

He's definitely in shape but hench is a bit far hahaha
>200 million whites
Lmao. Anyway, read
Trudeau is an embarrassment to anglo nations though
Jews are ridiculously talented and intelligent and have a culture of striving and hard work.
the resident Jew has gone fucking insane

he has gone full out mental. embarrasing
not exactly

we just like having lots of money so we like to get good jobs/positions that earn lots
What are the two best/worst areas to live in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, in your opinion?

I think Birmingham is the wors area of England
The southwest in general is the best. If I had to pick a county it would be Devon.

Birmingham is a disgusting shithole in basically every single respect
couldn't find the walking dead on netflix so i pirated it

and yes i know it's a pleb show but we all have our vices
*drops a shekel*
Jews have higher IQs than white people combined with second generation immigrants generally being the most successful group which most Jews are combines to make it not that surprising

Btw Indian Americans are on average even richer than Jews
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Both can be overrepresented retard. I bet you also believe that men being overrepresented is no problem at all (which I am not disagreeing with). I'm just confused as to why selectively it's only an issue when Jews are overrepresented.
You're a Nazi
imagine being as well adjusted and self actualized as Trudeau
worst: birmingham, liverpool
best: london, bath
>economically illiterate
dont understand this meme desu, aren't most economists leftist?
But the OFFICIAL best place to live in England is less than 10 miles from Birmingham
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>infinite growth
>on a finite planet
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Drink a can of monster energy zero every single morning aha
Trudeau seems really thick desu, proper pretty boy with nothing going on upstairs.

Watching him and Trump at the press conference was mad. Two brainlets yet somehow they've become rich and powerful and influential through sheer luck and nepotism. Mad.
Jews, East-Asians and Africans are racially superior to Europeans in various attributes.

What makes the European race so successful? It's essentially the Jack-Of-All-Trades race, meaning it finds success in every branch of society in a way that other races struggle to do.
What makes that official?

>wors area

mong detected, opinion discarded
Would you lads rather live in Manchester, Sheffield or Nottingham as a masters student?
>USA is 69% white
>boardroom is 70% white

>USA is 1% jewish
>boardroom is 100% jewish
>just a coincidence! how dare you make such anti-semitic assumptions!

They're not conservatives either.

Liberalism is not left-wing.
Economics is probably the least left leaning of the social sciences

What is it for 2017
So not fucking Birmingham then you fucking spacker?
worst: bradford, birmingham
best: edinburgh, york
Trump is really smart
Drink a different flavour of monster every day
>european race
okay, firstly: no such thing

and secondly, europe's environment is very good for building empires in
he has the best words, tremendous words
no evidence for this at all
You just pulled those stats out of your arse mate. Anyhow even if whites weren't overrepresented white men certainly are.

sheffield is grim
nottingham's full of trannies
(mind you so's manchester, but it's bigger and got more stuff going on)
justin trudeau was grown in a test tube by jews to be the perfect globalist communist shill
might become an undercover copper
Not released yet
Solihull is Greater Birmingham
I live here and I identify as a brummie
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>this jealous goy
*teleports into the next thread*
he convinced millions of people to vote for him and is a billionaire
/pol/ memes and stereotypes have come true through the Jew that is typing utter shite on /brit/ every single fucking day
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Now it's about MEN being overrepresented!

Yep, massively overrepresented... in prison! Funny, isn't it, how when black people are overrepresented in prison it's evidence of "institutional racism," but when men are overrepresented in prison, it's evidence that men are evil.

Hmmm. Pic related.
>I cannot win this argument
>Hmm better call him a fucking Jew yeah hahaha that'll do it
*grabs onto you*
confirmed for jew
he has YUGE intelligence
>this victim complex
That man has a different opinion to mine? Surely not? This must be a conspiracy! It's the jews again!
Solihull isn't Birmingham in the same way Darlington isn't Middlesbrough.

Solihull might be a nice place, but it isn't fucking Birmingham, you thick cunt.
>and moving the Calais migrant camp to our side

That's 100% happening once we leave the EU though

France aren't going to keep the UK border on their side of the channel

there are some interviews on youtube with him from before he became a meme and he actually came across as smart and knowledgeable. he's just a manufactured walking meme now like danny dyer
>he convinced millions of people to vote for him
Hillary convinced millions more and her brain is literally rotting away
>and is a billionaire
inherited - he would have made more if he'd put all his father's money and let the interest accrue. most things he tried failed. he is a reality tv star like paris hilton or kim kardashian.

bit boorish, probably a manc.
It's a fact men commit more crimes same with black people 2bh
can i blame the jews in my dissertation?
>/pol/ retards proving my point instantly
Very easy to out you runts

historically maybe. if you are a millionaire maybe. other than that, nah. bath is lovely though.
i have been to many of these places and this list makes no sense to me

disgusting architecture. dickensian houses and factory buildings mashed together tacky modern monstrosities. horrible accent that could make even the most educated person sound like a fucking mongoloid. pakis and mosques absolutely everywhere, airport is a circus of othodox middle eastern pyjama wearing throat singers and oil baron. you tell me what it has going for it. because i'd honestly rather live in slough
>hillary isnt smart

not taking this bait.
You're on 4chan, you daft paki
>if you don't conform to my twisted logic then it's because you have a victim complex
Gone right off at the deep end now mate.
*kicks u into big hole*
because their hormones cause them to take more risks
*blames the Jews*
Whew almost had to take responsibility for something close one
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life isn't elder scrolls, lad
>*kicks u into big hole*
Ur mum's pussy m80?
*starts raining*

lolno. The Calais agreement is completely separate from the EU. Plus the camp has already been destroyed
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this cup-o-noodles is very delicious
So? Relationships sour, through negotiations it will be conceded

Gonna have to prepare for the influx at Dover
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