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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 88

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america btfo edition
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the stars and stripes will fly over Ottawa's capitol building before the year is over

mark my words
delete this
that's the joke
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Recycle this thread later
>a country annexing another country that has literally 1/10th the population
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>this is what the perfidious american actually believes
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Justin Trudeau has always been based.
the handshake that saved the free world desu
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trudeau the great.jpg
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What will you tell your kids when they ask you, "Where were you when Trudeau the Great was coronated as First Emperor of America in Washington D.C, know known as Trudeauia?"



rightful clay
>the stars and stripes will fly over Ottawa's capitol building before the year is over
Wrong, because Ottawa's capitol building will be a pile of rubble
Fucking his wife in front of him
I'll say "I didn't vote for that cunt, fuck him."
because parliament hill will be relocated to washington dc, after the american capitol is burnt down (again)

1812 will commence again
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>mfw I realize that Justin Trudeau is actually behind 9/11
>he did it because he wanted the Americans to invade the Middle East, which in turn would cause instability and lead to the rise of insurgencies
>this lead to the refugee crisis, and he decides to prioritize women
>he did all of this because he has a fetish for Middle Eastern girls
Justin is a mastermind
Hiya all.

Any high quality post(s) I missed today?
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>1812 will commence again
So you mean we're going to burn down Ottawa again? And then the Brits will take their armies from Europe and attempt to invade from the south, burn down the capitol building, and then have their invasion repelled? I'm in. Hopefully the Brits burn down the entire city this time as well as the surrounding area so Virginia and be red again.
imagine how hard trudeau is fucking melania's ass right now

bet trump has a tiny little boner too
I'm a cuckold
Justin isn't attracted to white women, you fucking faggot. He only likes brown girls. His wife is a cuckquean and fingers herself while she watches Justin fuck refugee girls.
> these are the evil refugees we are banning from this country
really makes me think..

Im thinking either a subaru

or a honda civic
justin isn't a racist, he gives all hot women the pleasure they desire
Get the Saburu if you like having throbbing cocks inside of your anus
500d backgammon
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curls before girls

whats gay about wanting good gas mileage/trunk space
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So you're saying you want to store more things inside of your 'trunk,' eh? Maybe these "Placer is gay" memes are true after all.
wtf I love math now
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delet this

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delet this
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frog gun.jpg
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some nigger got my mobile carrier rangebanned for posting blacked porn
Our PM is so fucking sexy my god
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You in Texas?
Sorry bro, but I just can't help it.
more like annoying when you search the catalogue for the general
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jesus christ who made this game
>trump is afraid of stairs
>Trudeau is throughly immune to them
Keep going burger.
post your city's mayor
Placer's not gay you take that back!
weedman is the cringiest world leader till today
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Im 102% heterosexual
I wonder what Trump's going to do next time he sees Justin
I'm guessing he wants revenge
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I have $6, don't get paid until tomorrow. How do I get drunk tonight?

that definitely was not me
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Maybe he will try to fall on him.
what game is this?
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cower in fear of the MIGHTY LEAF
Trump was already leaning in though
Watch the video bud
Just grabbed his shoulder to stop from being pulled in
He's like a male model have mercy
Two men completely unqualified to do their respective jobs elected for bullshit reasons. What a time to be alive.
Why so salty? The Trump family loves him.>>71165747
desu Trump at least has business experience, while Justin really has no relevant experience for the position. All he has is "my Dad was a rich politician"
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>*blocks your path*
Now I want to see them shake hands.
To see how hard that orange weirdo YANK'D that prettybois hand.
justin aka "sex symbol" won the handshake against drumpft
>he doesn't know
Trudeau destroyed him on the handshake. He shut down his autism pull before he had a chance.
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>I taught drama, you know?
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>Trump will never shake his hand

how's the corruption scandals going over there bro
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So Canada and the US invented some shit to get women in business even though there's literally nothing preventing them from doing so.
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>tfw spending valentines with my gf (male) tomorrow
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Forget Mayweather, way hasnt McGregor called out Justin yet?
The best part is, that unlike your wall, we literally got you to pay for it!

it's nothing

these arrests are just for show, basically people who lost their support and are being taken as scapegoats
We pay for a ton of your shit so you can prop up your shitty socialist medicine.
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Based Blair 4.jpg
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Gonna Go To Bed Now :-D
Wake Up Tomorrow At 6 And Take A Shower :-D

Good Night :-D

Too Bad I Won't Make It To New England This Year...
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Makes sense desu.
You're goddamn right you do. And we will continue to.

how does it feel to be cucked by the powerful leaf?
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Justin may have stopped Trump's handshake, but he's not gonna stop me from engaging in sexual intercourse with a Canadian girl
would annex Alaska and those Vermont qt's. don't want the rest.


there's a Canadian girl at my university, but she's ethnically Indian
both so goddamn good looking
anyone like bloodborne

s' pretty gud

wouldnt buy a PS4 just for it though
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I wouldn't mind having Justin become Emperor of North America if he married an American woman 2bh buds for a couple of reasons
1. America would still dominate the politics because there are over 300 million Americans and only 30 million Canadians
2. We're economically and militarily more powerful than Canada, which would again mean that America would be dominant partner in a union
3. He might have DC razed, which would be great
It'd be like the Lithuanian duke becoming king of Poland. He may have been Lithuanian but Poland was the dominant partner.
This girl is French Canadian, so it's even better because Justin's also a frog

smug cunt
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How do I avoid to screw this?
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Business idea
This of course includes the massacre of all Haitians as revenge, though
>America would still dominate the politics
This is why a North American Union would be bad for Canada, we'd gain nothing and lose everything.
>This of course includes the massacre of all Haitians
I don't see a problem
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Eugenie Bouchard.jpg
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I want to breed a 6'0ft + tall flat-chested french-canadian


It would also mean Americans could cross our border. That border keeps out so many shitty people. It wold also destroy our health care system.
It's over. Americans cant post in this thread anymore, they cant recover
>Quebec gets Labrador
Worst meme tbqh
*posts in this thread*
From what, that Dustin guy coming here and bending the knee?
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what do, lads?

she's literally made for strong southern-european seed
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>All those illegals coming for the "free" healthcare
tell them to speak English.

transplate pls, amigo
It looks like he's grabbing Trump by the balls. And enjoying it.

Trudeau clearly has total control of the situation

I forget how disgusting spanish is
I ask her if she has free time tomorrow.
She tells me she does.
Ask her if she wants to meet me, she tolds me that after she eats and meet a female friend.
She agrees to see me.
She tells me she will write to me when she got the time.

I'm a KV bro and just met her last friday.
Yep. They'd just have to move here and apply for a care card in the province they wanted treatment and then move back home afterwards. It would literally bankrupt our system.
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I wake up free.jpg
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>60 mph winds
>cold as fuck
>everyone else is speedwalking
>everyone around me shivering and freezing while I can take a 10 minute walk with no issue
>at worsk, have a runny nose for two seconds
From now on, refer to me as Uber Connecticunt
Good morning, /cum/
Frick off


sounds lie you're golden then
*braps gently*
mornin' Showa
Yeah, that's what happened to the UK when the R*manians got access to the EU. Bunch of gypsies sucking the NHS.
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We've been compromised.
dai mudda

morning, burger
>be from California
>die of frostbite in 50 degree weather

how dare you accuse me of being from Socal
*sits in the corner and listens to your conversation*
Soon all of California will be Socal
*emigrates to the US of A*
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over my dead body it will
*eats dog*
*sodomizes a dog*
hmm my trips say otherwise blood

Conan Exiles.
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California is ok?
waiting for Post Canada
Northern Californians think they're different from southern Californian folk but in reality that they're saying is "hey, I'm a giant douche but take a look at that mountain."


we evacuated people
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better version.

you can literally see the exact point Ivanka's pussy gets soaked
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>I'm going to rob this cuck blind
they wanted water
they go it
t. Pablo Shaquille D'flavious Enrique Lamarcus Tyrell
>taking elective
>quizzes are all online, no special browser required, can do them anywhere you want
>midterm is also exactly the same
>got completely perfect just because i googled everything

Nice way to boost the gpa, but seriously. Why is this even allowed
The Bay Area automatically makes NorCal irredeemable. It's the epicenter of cuckdom.
>trumpfag """humor"""
>watch foreign movie
>subs go out of sync halfway through
Well Ivanka is Jewish so I wouldn't put it past her.

I disagree. Silicon valley is driving the sjw's out of the city, and gentrification is driving the dindus inland
let's play chess

are they can't escape from their city?
>Why is this even allowed

Profs are lazy and those kind of classes are a joke.
His sperm bank maybe.
Notice how the Californian flag shares many of the same colors as the Mexican flag
really, really interesting
You ever notice how israels flag has a Star of David in it? That's a Jewish symbol and proof Israel is a Zionist nation.
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notice how the grapes are crushed under the powerful teeth of the bear

truly fascinating
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really makes u think
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>captcha asks for the stopsign
>there is no stop sign in the picture
>the right answer is to not click anything

wew, computers are so advanced these days
why do people associate jews with leftism? there's jews in pretty much everything except nazism
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Who /peessittingdownhere/?

Pic related.
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provincial names.png
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Rate this, buds
I can't think of a name for the province with Iceland and Greenland
The Jews have their claws in everything.

We all know the JQ. Now we just need to know the JA.
God he's so hot it drives me bonkers

not actually green-land
Sometimes I wish I had a tiger
I'd dress it up in battle armor and ride it around like He-Man
>less commiefornia
If your state flag doesn't have blue it's a shit state 2bh B)
New York City should be its own state.
>>less commiefornia
>these "people" colonized Brasil



The Jews in Albany are corrupt and holding us hostage
yay im not shit
hey, is there a dish down there where the chicken comes out green? My dining hall served some green chicken breast and said it was "Brazilian style"
How long do you think Trudeau was practicing his handshake?
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how does /cum/ feel about small hands?
>a fucking glop of toothpaste with a seal on it
NYC has more Jews than literally anywhere else in the world except Israel....

Doesn't ever politician have to shake hundreds of hands every day, especially when they're campaigning? I'm sure he's got it down.
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what is most your favourite gun?
my favourite gun is Colt M1911.
thats a best handgun over the world.
I did actually make California smaller from what I had originally so Desert wouldn't be landlocked.
Don't know if I posted that one.
Look pretty average to me. Look giant next to Dustin's.

bang bang john wayne cowboy
Feel bad for Trump now desu. Trudeau was being a smug asshole.
I'm talking about his handshake with Trump. He obviously had a plan. You can see him actually grab on Trump's shoulder and that his arm wasn't relaxed because he was using it to avoid being pulled in.

never heard of it
Some kind of "Eco-Modernism/traditionalism" will replace the highly Urbanized consumeristic, hedonistic postmodernism. It is Neurotic and abusive, careless, confused.

To be putting the essential end of money on the table (UBI, electronic money etc) will mean that the potential to misdirect and waste (Pro-fatty, pro-cosmetic surgery as human right, "they" do the jobs others "won't" because you are all pigs America) of resources will be high. Some form of discipline is needed. People need to stop "advocating" like a Californian Hipster trying to score points and actually engage.

- Location focused (possibly with environmental aspects)
- Sublimation (including more meaningful relationships)
- The education system to focus on objective success and skills not emotional daycare.
- Services over planned obsolescence for producers like apple.

Ccontrolled depopulation (giving the option and presenting the benefits) is a positive step too.
well, it tasted good, 9/10
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province names.png
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Did a 12-year old make this lol
Also I originally had California border all of the land around the Gulf of California, but I made it smaller before I posted the first map.
he's like 9
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next target?
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>implying Jews in nyc and Albany aren't the reason we are not out own state yet
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>New Leon
>All of the other Mexican states in pseudo-Spanish
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rate my gf
>New Holland
I fail to see the logic behind this
probably us
>tfw didn't get the five dark sigils before going to the catacombs and now can't get married in DS3
I wish they'd overhaul their npc questlines
I want to keep exploring but don't want to accidentally fuck over the story
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I was going to name it Nuevo Leon but that's too long to fix on the map without it looking like shit
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This is how Justin shows people his hand.
rightful dutch clay
>cuckbertans can't deal with the orange clown being humiliated today
Fifth columinsts is a proper term for you guys.
>New Scandinavia
Delet this we're no cucks
wow suicide?
Ontario is Fifth Column. Alberta isn't competent enough to undermine anything.
Classes that give homework that aren't "read this shit" annoy me, buds
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my gf
They undermine their shitty economy every five to ten years.
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*Violently playing banjo punk*
I called him first.
>it's another "let's shit on alberta" episode

They're jealous of Alberta's superiority desu
someone mod oblivion for me pls, this shit is confusing
It's just autists trying to imitate the American regional bantz.

where's the screenshot, faggot?

he's my honeypie
I continue getting matches on Tinder buds
Talked to a couple of the more qt ones and they weren't bots
Guess my lack of gf is because I'm socially retarded
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Train in a lesbian monastery for ten years.
revelstoke > crowsnest pass/waterton > golden > jasper > canmore > cranbrook > banff > trail

refute this (you can't)
Lick her vagina and stimulate her clit, desu.
How is it confusing?

you hold her hand while the bull pumps her with cum
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What are you listening to atm?
prep the bull as best you can

first people tell me to use nexus MM, but one of the mods isnt compatible with nexus

so I have to install everything manually with OMM

but I dont know where to put some of the files because they have to be installed differently, or after Ive already run the game

and even when I supposedly get the mods installed, faces dont show up
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>The EU has formed a military


there's nothing sexier than sucking the bull's cock before he fills your wife's pussy
Not a fan of this "Brazilian" cuck posting.
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Freedom Face.jpg
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What the fuck Wisconsin, why didn't you tell us you had good food?


hahah stay mad, blue collar suburban retards will never understand

cucking is the thinking man's fetish

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Hi Rick.jpg
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>Taking the nuclear football casually around his resort
thought my queen was my king the entire game of chess
boy was my face red
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>Canadian intelligence
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I want to live in a castle

a corn castle, so you can be closer to your corn god Cornholio?
british and irish teens keep adding me on snapchat
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>tfw I have extra flags but will never set up a regional flag for myself
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>Californian engineering
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>Produced by Vancouver and Toronto
Why am I never surprised
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His name is Cornelius and yes
Paha Sapa, are you a homo? Is that why you're flirting with Plasser?
i believe that my visits to the midwest and the utter lack of trees there had a severe effect on me and it is one reason why i do not trust people from grasslands or deserts

anyone who lives so far form forests is no to be trusted
I'm bisexual and Placer is Gaycer
He's (((bi))) lmao
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>American engineering
I'll engineer my foot up your ass, leaf.
well now nothing even shows up when I start the game

fucking Todd
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>Donald Trump doesn't know how to tie a tie
Really makes me think

fuck off Todd, you cheeseburger garling manlet
Alright Flaggots, tell me
Who's the best poster from each state
All me
sup, faggots

I'm the best poster from my state t-bh
Ah yes, another thing for us to pay for.
Yeah you Americans seem to have experience with cracks
Probably the other Conway bud
I'm undoubtably the best poster from my state
Traps are gay
um no?

wahey, I think weve got a new best CT poster
>be Woodstock
>have wood
>not gay
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the concept of a spook is a spook
Not so fast faggot >>71170178
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if you get a bull to fuck your trap gf's asshole while you hold her hand it's objectively not gay
s-shut up
If I didn't have to go do a lab I'd heem all three of you
The post pertaining the statement that the concept of a spook is a spook is a spook
If you have sex with any human with a penis, regardless of declared gender, you are committing a homosexual act.
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There is no such thing as sexuality, only fetishism.
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just fuck a boy.png
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what if you are a qt girl?

HEAVILY edited pic
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>/cum/ devolves into a Trap thread
Still gay. All sex with a penis is gay.
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>one of the girls I want to fugg in my calculus class
>she seems shy
>reply very few to me
>thaugh she was shy and introvert
>be me
>she ask about the number of a girl I'm talking to
>say: I will give you the number if you promise I can see you this week
>she says: then no.
There are no girls on the internet, his statement still stands.
Reminder that rat traps are inhumane and you should just use cage traps
how can girls be real if Ive never had a gf?

checkmate, spooks
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I could be your gf
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage

File: Grills on the internet.gif (2MB, 304x228px) Image search: [Google]
Grills on the internet.gif
2MB, 304x228px
>on the internet
>therefore cannot be a girl

Sorry, this reasoning is bulletproof.
File: he does it for free2.jpg (32KB, 680x453px) Image search: [Google]
he does it for free2.jpg
32KB, 680x453px

Janman hasn't been doing his volunteer duty lately.
this one still has a few bumps left in it
Really makes you think...
well im the only poster from my state here, so
File: Bump.jpg (26KB, 600x480px) Image search: [Google]
26KB, 600x480px
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