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Thread replies: 339
Thread images: 60

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America is the most aesthetic country in the world edition
Thread's off to a good start.
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need a bf

Greater London
ah yes, america
the only country to feature sunsets
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Dormer 2bh lads
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everything in America looks great
quick question as i'm not a gamer
why do people on /v/ and the like get so buttblasted when someone other than a brown haired stubbled white lad is the protagonist of a video game?
its pretty dreary irl
if /brit/ was a chinese then the yanks would the spring rolls
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ooptie booptie

*cums on her arsehole*
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Holy shit America is going down the shitter...How long before racists run rampant?
At what point did 4chan memes changing the world stop being a meme and start actually being true?
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>maybe australia

i appreciate the sentiment but good shitbuggery no
Doxxed that wee BT7 TWAT in the last thread

*rings the ra*
they were ledge in 2007 though
miss the space shuttle
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The rolling plains, the sprawling mountains, the gargantuan canyons, the flowing creeks, the scorching deserts, the golden beaches, the dense forests, the snowy mountain peaks, the awe inspiring waterfalls, the massive volcanos, the Great Lakes.

This is America, this is Gods country.
can the Yank post the aesthetic green suburb photo?
Milk is the new, creamy symbol of white racial purity in Donald Trump's America
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Height of sexism
if /brit/ was deano then the yanks would be smithy
hello rasheed
is that real?
i am laterally shaking
Because it's done to appease a section of the population that doesn't play video games and is often forced into the game in a way that fucks with the narrative, world-building or even the actual gameplay of the game.
*preemptively ruins thread for everyone*
meh. it could still be good as long as it's a white female. i know it's a thin line you're walking when you're talking about a female protagonist in a game about murder, robbery and hijincks, but rockstar is good with their characters. if any game studio can pull it off, I think it's them.
Of all the things that happened, this definitely, 100% authentically occurred as described.
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the nature and everything built prior to 1945 is the only thing that keeps me in north america
*picks up*

"hello you've reached the ra"
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America is beautiful
i used to think GTAIV looked fucking amazing in 2008
but i'm black and i play games
because they have autism
I was baptised so I'm incapable of being racist
what game is this
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post chilean girls please
would give my right and left nut to live in America
i remember when the original mw came out and i genuinely thought it was identical to real life, i couldn't tell the difference

now look at it and it looks fucking shite
would like to go on a walking tour of Croydon.
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>ywn live in comfy small town america
>ywn eat at cosy diners at anytime of day
>ywn be able to travel to massively varied landscapes just by driving
>ywn bang Stacey right after her shift as a waitress
>ywn be able to call friends 'dude' or 'man' without sounding like a wanker
personally i'd be cool with a hispanic female but ONLY if she was one of the whiter ones like a cuban or something

a white female wouldn't make sense
Google Streetview its f2p
rillumareitä rytmissä vatkaavat vartalot viinapäiset
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From sea to shining sea
bought a dildo online when I was really fucking horny and regret it now because I don't even want anything up my arse anymore

sat here sucking on it like a fucking twat
Here, go do that wee lad's knees in. Heard he's a bender.
there are no white people left in America, you have to go deep into the countryside to find them
loads of people say man here you mong
can't believe there are people out there who all they do all day is post on 4chan
don't think this "lamb" in my indian has been within 30 miles of a farm
Canada isn't as bad since things are at least well maintained and clean

still, too many blocks of these ugly "warehouse" looking buildings and formless concrete build cheap

I think its improving now though
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dourmor toobeH lids
Haven't got the guts to do big doses of acid anymore
Yeah and they sound like wankers
Black people aren't the demographic that I was referring to. I was referring to white millenials that do social science degrees.

Also, go away nigger.
going to my mates engagement party tonight
God's not real, fag.
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White Anglo Saxon Protestants are an endangered species in the USA,
they're VERY rare and often skiddish around people.
we've been trying to re-introduce them back and set up breeding populations, but habitat loss will continue to play a major part in their decline.

I photographed this large male in the wild a few years ago, his territory likely covers several acres including the organic markets and country clubs he needs to survive.

please do what you can to protect your local populations, remember to separate your recycling properly and support your local craft breweries and coffeehouses if you want these beautiful but almost mythical creatures to live on.
might have a wank in protest
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having an engagement party tonight i hope that cunt doesnt come
wish I wasn't so lonely lads
Excuse you.
not really, it's not a yankism
have you tried being yourself
*kneels down behind you and my mate pushes you over*
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haha lads i did that thing where you shiver when you feel a sudden chill and i accidentally farted quite loudly hahahaha
Been spending money frivolously again lads
*sits on your back like a chair*

Right where you belong haha
>that thing where you shiver when you feel a sudden chill
feminists claim most main characters fit your description (which they don't)
v hates feminists and believe that a game with anything other than that description is pandering to said feminists (which it often isn't)
repeat loop ad infinitum
how lonely are you exactly?
yeah haha

what did you buy moomin
i really want to get me a pair of green jeans but i'm flat broke from buying pairs of other coloured jeans
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LA looks nice from a distance.
if /brit/ was a full english then the leafs would be the black pudding
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>a white female wouldn't make sense
sure it could.

don't completely disagree with your sentiment though.
imagine the size of her clit and how manly her voice is now
she also shaved her face before this shoot
cant even imagine visiting America

so iconic, would be like being in a film
bumped into an acquaintance in greggs today
The Northeast and Northwest should be set up as protected habitats for WASPs in america. Similarly Alabama and SoCal should be set up as ethnic nations for blacks and CHI.
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the parents house. too cold to swim for a few months though.

once posted a different pic of my backyard with exif data and got doxxed haha
fun fact: palms aren't native to LA and without extra watering and care they would all die

during the last few droughts in socal some have suggested stopping the upkeep of the palms
do we get a day off work when prince phillip dies?
£60 for half an hour with a big titted romanian lady of the night aha x
the whole country is basically a film set, every yank is a movie star
Canada just passed P-07 condemning all forms of Islamophobia
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might do a cheeky 'cide

I've been twice, it's pretty boring.
need a poo
Nah we'd be the hashbrowns

Yanks would be the bean(ers)
I earn £40K and have no real expenses other than rent, food and travel, yet I'm into my overdraft. London has become such a joke.
wonder if north koreans got a day off work when jong il carked it
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ah yes this will definitely produce mentally healthy and well adjusted offspring, what a healthy family dynamic ah yes
so the part that only real english people eat?
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Freedom ain't free
that's when the real work begins lad
we all have to chip in to build his pyramid
Do you have a boat
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who /whopper+chickenroyale+fries+fanta+4packofheineken/ here?
presynaptic membranes are gurning
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please be in T W I C K E N H A M
yeah lad. unfortunately dont live with them, so only use it a few times a year
state of that desk
nah they'd be the fried tomatoes
>Experience: my pig is too big
laughed for some reason
See this girl?

She is a fascist
'rents get the graun every saturday so whenever i'm home i read it

only decent thing is the sports section because they droning on about leftie shite in it
ah yes the guardianstein
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>pull the trigger, kill a nigger
need a muscular gf to destroy me
At least you can use it sometimes. How much is the house worth?
ahh yes i know all of those nogs
chicken that was marinating is now in the oven lads x
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reckon that was a hitpiece my mum did on me
i'm a growing boy
can just tell you're a working class cunt just from the state of your desk

lmao. spent half your weeks wages on a fucking meal
might invent a new word lads

something with 4 symbols and a constant
i would become such a fat prick if i got a car

my little town banned chain fast food so all the maccas and A&W and shit are just out of walking distance and have drive thrus rather than being on the high street
really starting to despise women despite being straight
really don't like this picture
going to a gig by myself tonight lads
are people going to point and laugh at me
not thim but they do sound a bit wankery mate

especially "dude"
why are mcdicks chips so superior lads

defies all logic
Can only imagine the absolute state of your body mate
So am I
>babby's first redpill

what are you, 18?
dark chocolate
milk chocolate
large gap
white "chocolate"
looks like she's wearing fancy bogroll
no, going to a gig by youtself is completely normal
Wow so I guess she'll be going to the police, who will contact the local neighbourhood watch and get this whole thing straightened out, right?

She wouldn't just post that online and then bin it. That's blatant harassment, there are laws against that and she has hard evidence right there, so I have to assume she's going to the police with it and we can find out all about how this issue was resolved, maybe in the local news or on her Twitter.
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dark chocolate is for benders
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the gf and I at the con
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>diversity is our str-

I only had a mild dislike of them before
>spotted the rasheed
a lot desu, dad is really rich. im not
don't have a bench press so i have to do dumbbell presses and every time i do i'm afraid i'm going to drop one on my head and kill myself haha

i'd join a gym if i lived near one
i have two dads so technically i'm in the lead on father's day
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was making a post and realises how boring it was half way through so I decided not to post it and post this equally boring but much shorter bit of dribble
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I was thinking more like:
>waaah girls don't want to fuck me they must be cunts
>all the exact same colour
very diverse
don't listen to this guy lad >>71078533

it's pretty weird
my wife's lad just turned 10
>So you don't have a mother?
>There are starving kids in Africa so shut the fuck up.

heard all that normie discourse before
why doesn't europe have a make europe great again type leader somewhere?

seems odd when europe actually used to be the GOAT civilization and now it's shit
i really don't think they'll give a shit mate
how to cop that refugee style

its not really
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>only 45 mins of Logan
the thing is I'm really tall so I can't really blend in
Only non whites are opposed to milk because they can't handle it
but you haven't found a way to refute it I see
not that i have any reason to complain. but having a rich dad who pulled himself up from the lower class has made it so everyone in my family has very high expectations

dad wouldn't let me accept some jobs because he thought they were below what I could do
bed of gayos can fuck itself
wonder what the world would be like today if we didn't have those two world wars
Was with you up until the fanta and Heineken, fuck's sake mate.

That guy NEEDS to be gassed sharpish.

git gud
If you've ever been you would quickly realise it's a fucking shithole and want to get out ASAP, not to mention there is fuck all to do there. Literally just full of homeless people, spics and niggers. It was probably nice 50 years ago, but like the rest of America's major cities it has gone to shit thanks to you know what
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What the hell is wrong with this povvo cunts shoes? And that girls feet are massive
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Strewth lads looks like its gonna be another boila
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>this red pill is a lot stronger than I thought it would be
run out of my pills and can't sleep haha

been awake for 44 hours
delete this post you racist !!!
the mother wants to take a trip of europe when she retires in a couple years.

I've been warning her off it. wouldn't want her to get TRUCKED or something
see if you can find all the other people on their own

pro tip: you won't

no one will know you're alone
What if I hate women because they will have sex with me?
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>people on reddit are starting to mock people who think there are only two genders
opinion on horses? are there still any wild ones in the UK like there are in the US
won't engage in an argument on a Saturday afternoon. i'll never convince you, you'll never convince me
What uni do you go to (or did you go to) brit?
Went on holiday to France and a policeman raped me
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2nite lads
its over
uni of life
This. San Francisco is a little bit better. The best parts about California are literally the scenic drives along the pacific coast, Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada mountains. The towns and cities are fucking awful
only place she's getting TRUCKED is back to the crackhouse
I went to Huddersfield

it was okay
lots of chinese and arabs though

great film, anyone got the webm of the forgery scene?
Birmingham City University

took a course in call centre management
there are no wild ones left here
you have to go back
Lads which would you choose for a gf?
>Girl who only had 1 bf but his cock was 12 inches
>Girl who had 20 sexual partners and none of them were bigger than 7
imagine getting footjobs from her
just realized there was an easy jump over a crack that trivializes it

It's because there literally aren't only two genders

it's relatively rare but conditions like this don't really fit either male or female perfectly

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>believing in genders
baby girl quit all the banter
come round and come take this banana
sekrit club xD

Its good for porn and hr pics of stuff
Cargo cults are simply conspicuous consumption in a pre industrial society
theres a protest outside my house

that or drunk slags
got the 'tism lads
>Klinefelter syndrome (KS) also known as 47,XXY or XXY, is the set of symptoms that result from two or more X chromosomes in males.
>in males
You're a dipshit.
>You don't have a date on valentines day? There are people without mothers!
>You forgot your wallet? There are people without mothers!
>Your car won't start? There are people without mothers!
anyone can play this game, it benefits no one
yeah apparently it's going to be 39 degrees here today

not sure whether or not to preemptively turn on the aircon because i don't want another big power bill but i also don't want to melt later haha
this wouldn't really come into the decision 2bh

>how attractive is she
>what's her personality like

that's it tbqh
a sjw lass fucking yelled at me once in class for using the term hermaphrodite

still fuming about it months later
It was on starterpacks cba finding it

you know what they mean though
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like pottery
it only affects males
There's three genders:
and Special Snowflake that isn't really sure what they are and probably requires a slap
just finished lads, had to give half the whopper to the pup. not bad for £10.50 all in.

all dose doctors
all dose PhDs

Bump lads

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it's just me and my g's
we ain't running from neeks
yeah we running from police
genders a spook

there's three sexes, male, female, and genetic mistakes

relative privation fallacy
>the call to prayer sounding from a minaret is now as ubiquitous a part of English culture as drinking tea and taking a keen interest in football

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stay in your containment board
burned my hand haha
what am i like haha x
Is it true that virgins release a different pheromone to alpha males than women can sense?
Lads what is the motivation behind using hair gel/products? I immediately assume you're a wanker if you do btw
this 2bh.

gender comes from the word for generation (ie it has to do with reproduction). gender is just another word for sex.
doing a no gf
smug reply fallacy


>he has the virgin smell
go on

feeding the hair care jew
yankee doodle went to town
riding on a heater
stuck a feather in his cap
and burnt his little weiner
>of all the things to get worked up about THIS is the pressing issue troubling the mind of the yank
>fuck the first gf 2 years ago
>suddenly lots of more matches on tinder

i think so
>Triple messaged a girl

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it signals to other gay people that you want a willy up your bum

but the body language difference is a more important signal

read up on reichian muscular armouring
Hey guys, I'm here from r/4chan!
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>containment board

>>>/r/politics awaits, m'sir!
looks like the ex except she has a 3rd leg
just pointed my runt detector at this post and its going wild
pathetic really

shouldn't you be over at pol praising kek and capping stuff for /r/4chan?
please be porn
freud tier psychobabble
>anti-whistleblower laws
here we... here we... here we fucking go!!!
people call owne jones a cuck
but he's gay.
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Pineal gland status: calcified
I started a bait thread and this Swede started arguing with a bunch of south Americans. Sad!

what the fuck is this shit

fuck off
>if you're not a far-right race-obsessed lunatic you're a leftist xDDDDD praise kek

fuck off
you're the self-admitted redditor here so I don't know why you think I would use the same website for 12 year olds as you
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REALLY get off at the notion of some withered old hag dressed in full no-fun-allowed victorian-era attire chiding her ridiculously slutty granddaughter for wearing next to nothing all the time

like I just imagine Ariana Grande's grandmother (who is probably about to hit 140 by my mathematical estimates) is flicking through the music channels one day (as I assume they do in those nursing homes) and she comes across that video where she (ariana) and those other sluts are on the exercise bikes, and starts blessing herself and banging on about how much of a harlot she is how back in her day they dressed proper and blah blah etc

why is chavs in the bin?
>race-obsessed lunatic

yawn, another attempt by leftards to pretend that most white people don't want muzzies and wogs to fuck off back to where they came from
reddit actually used to be great like 5 year ago. as with everything when it went mainstream it went to shit
>drake copped a chain with a huge gold stone island pendent
why is he such a britaboo?
/pol/ was unironically good when it was first conceived
cringe middle class white kid

it was even worse you faggot haha da narhwale bacons at minuit

stone island are italian
>looking at book on amazon earlier - £8
>look now - £10
>look at same page via TOR - £8

What kind of jewry is this lads?
fuck me youre such a weirdo
fuckin saradomin pendant lmao
you keep replying to me with this but i'm working class you fucking posh bellend
don't care
british casual culture
I wasn't around then, but wasn't it initially called /new/ or something?
>why is he such a britaboo?
You thick cunt
you do really though. Mongs that cry about it use the donald and r/4chan
Maybe he's just a Seattle Mariners fan
only runts can read this post
niggas a goof

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I miss Lord Inglip and his Gropaga cults.
never heard a single drake song in my life to my knowledge
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Listening to Portishead
lol grime is so cool xD river island fa.m!!!

you're far better off
>I use reddit so everyone must too
you seem to be projecting
For people with such a bad history with chains, blacks sure have an affinity for chains.
The community was always shit
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>implying he's not trying to act like a london roadman
Biscuit is their best song imho
weirdo with an inferiority complex
saw them live and i touched her hand :)
Stone Island isn't exclusive to Britain, you thick sack of shit
my woke black yank cousin posted this on social media
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the chicken's almost ready
can't wait lads
t.found his way over here from r/thedonald after reddit shunned him for his political views
watching rise of the footsolider, really cringey movie 2bh.
Why are niggers obsessed with tacky jewellery?
the only reason he's wearing it is because of his affection of britain you clueless cunt
went to a chinese restaurant the other day and used one of them hole in the floor toilets

let me tell you lads, that was the greatest shit of my entire life
I can't even tell if this is supposed to mock those who enjoy chains or embracing it.
ruby murray should be here soon lads
its a cutting social commentary on african american culture
meet me outside camel I'll batter you into next week mate
I like america 2bh
>because of his affection of britain
You fucking retard. What are you not getting here?
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t. self admitted redditor
why do micks post in this general again?
fingered a girl outside camel once
you are the retard, you probably don't even listen to drake nor have been following his obsession with grime and the UK over the past two years to be able to put 2 and 2 together

fuck off
Stone Island is expensive as fuck how the fuck do your chavs wear it? If I saw someone wearing it here I'd double take probably.
he's that paki who argues on here 24/7. don't bother with him mate
something to do with jews influencing them to release their wealth immediately with material possessions instead of investing it.
>randomly hear lalo schifrin's danube incident
>wait, let me just check portishead's sour times

True story.
you're really cool because you don't use a certain website

absolute spanner
They either sell drugs, or spend 80% of their disposable income on frivolous shit like that whilst living with their family.
ive been listening to grime since iw as in year 10 back in 2007/8 and i been listening to drake since 2008/9
Sounds sad t bh.
fakes or they spend 90% of their warehouse wages on it.
What? I've been into grime for ages, since 'that's not me' mate.
every time i snort a line of cocaine, i feel really good and like everything is fucking amazing. why is this?
yeah there are
It's a shame because it's truly a high quality brand. At least in America it has no negative connotation.
here it's either
>30yr old football hooligan
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