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What's it like living in or visiting a third-world country?

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What's it like living in or visiting a third-world country?
That map is too optimistic.
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>ugly girls
>slow internet connection
>boring alphabet
>shitty climate
>people from third world countries can freely move there without applying for visas
>no solange rivas
retarded map.
>your life sucks

Who made this map?

Shitty climate how? You have like the entire spectrum in your long ass country. You can have whatever climate you want.

Norway has shitty climate. Nowhere in the country will you find acceptable summer temperatures and hours of sunlight.
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But you have this
That's better than sun
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>You'll be fine here
>slow internet
That's just you being poor
obviously someone who values GDP before GNH ;).
hello luksic
>you have some troubles there
>SOME troubles
Libya is Somalia tier nowadays
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Map discarded
Into the trash it goes
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fixed 2bh
>t.doesn't know anything about bhutan
Have you tried "not being a spoiled brat"?
That works.
>you'll be fine here
>you'll be fine here
>you'll be fine here
>you'll be fine here
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>"You'll be fine here"
>more of 30.000 homicides every year
This isn't really bad lifestyle quality, it's just retarded people being retarded and doing bad choices, you can find those in richest first world countries too
Why are you focusing on that rather tan the fact that it may become a failed state
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>You have like the entire spectrum in your long ass country

>too hot or too cold
Just go to the middle regions you whiny fuck
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Because the high homicide rate in a clear symptom of how bad the country is.

A country where the law that rules is the one who handles a weapon, and not the same laws written in the constitution, is a failed state. Mexico also gets into this problem.
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All of those have good temperate climates
you either put both argentina and chile in dark blue or neither, they have an extremely comparable quality of life

>light blue
consider suddoku
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>Check Em

Set eastern European countries and Chile as "You'll be fine here" and it's good

Sure thing, Ahmed

I'm a common man just like everyone else
when you stop comparing statistics and compare what you see when you visit both countries, you'll realise someone is lying
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world country statistics.png
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ah yes
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>buttmad 2nd worlders
>you'll be fine here

In that case, Portugal and Greece shouldn't be dark blue either.
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Wtf I earned 6 times that at my first job when I was 16
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welcome to my life. this country is hell on earth
Just move to another EU country lmao
I confused you for Bolivia lol
At least your african flag correlates to something
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you are not lithuanian?
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But this is my mother land. I mean I love my country, it's just it's almost impossible to legally earn a decent amount of money here. I want to contribute to this society and be good at what I do. I know that I won't be fully accepted in another country, I'd be just another unwanted immigrat doing some dirty ass work. Believe me, UK is full of Lithuanian immigrants and they do all the shitty work the locals won't do
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never had any job desu. i'm about to graduate college. always wanted to be my own boss and start a small business maybe. .
are you living under a rock?
fucking seriously
I envy third world countries for their cheap as fuck groceries
>you will never live in a country where local grown veggies are cheaper than processed shit
then i guess we are first world because processed shit is cheaper than processed, not by much but they are.
FUCK i meant natural is cheaper than processed
Post examples
Jesus christ
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hahaha what a joke. Europe and Murica are getting razed to the ground. Life in Asian countries (China, India, Japan) is wonderful, and we even have a future kek
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Have anybody ever seen a non butthurt Indian poster? I sure haven't.
Depends which 3rd world country are you from desu.Some 3rd world like us are improving where as some are stuck in a loop desu.
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Nor have I.
This is fine
yeah yeah ok
what are you studying btw?
btw your map is wrong
>slow internet connection
>i can't afford fiber
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Designated shitting OP, he was a cool namefag on /po/ that was pretty funny, and made some threads about "redpilling /pol/ on the ceramic jew".
Pretty funny guy.
i live in santiago and fiber doesnt get here.
anyways, comparing to europe you must be paying a lot more for the same kek
>What's it like living in a third-world country?
Living in here is romanticizing the struggles of life, we're self aware about our violence, our griefs and our made up lashes that pull us down. We all have some kind of identity we try to keep close to us, our family is the centre of anything, educationally, economically, politically, everything revolves around family.
We laugh and cry with death because what else can we do but perceive her as our long time friend, when everything is down the only thing that is left is a smile and hope for the future, our world is both huge and small at the same time, the brick walls that enclose us together have stories, stories of happiness and sadness, everything has a meaning but at the same time nothing outside of our little world seems to affect us. I've seen indigenous people living in mud houses being happier than those living in the exclusive neighborhoods in mexico city.
I've seen people working 80 hours a week having a meal with their family all with happy faces, I've seen the struggles of people losing their minds as no one takes care of them.
We don't censure ourselves or anything around us, we portray death as what it is and we portray happiness the way we like it, people dance in the street, people kiss in the street, people cry in the streets. We're crude people with nothing to hide, we present ourselves as what we are.
The united states was pretty fun so I guess it's fine
holy shit
you fucking rich piece of shit
Are these from Latvia?
I'm pretty sure no eastern euro country is 'lottery of life winners'. For example in Poland the air sucks because they burn trash in the winter in the cities.

I'd go as far as to say that Spain/Italy/Greece may be light blue tier too. And Ukraine probably isn't on the same level as India.
t. consultancy copy/paste codemonkey
You're welcome?
Pretty shit, you have to work your ass off.
You already live in one.
Wrong map, it should be red here.
Then you had a very good salary for a 16 yr old. I'm 25 and I make about €14.5/hour, which is about the same as your first salary.

Sure My salary is utter shit but still..
I've been in India, that country could develop for a 100 years and it would still be twice as bad as Russia to live in.
That is utter shit mate. But it was an evening job during the summer so I got my salary * 1.125 (semesterersättning) * 1.5 (OB tillägg) and the fact that I only payed like 4% in taxes (jämkad skatt).
That's bullshit.The countries are extremely comparable.
Saudi Arabia ? you'll ve fine? oman? blue ?
It's even worse when you are living as a poor guy in a rich area of country, so you have to look at all the people around you, your friends, your classmates your gf living a first world life while you sometimes don't have money to eat.

>really anon you've never took out your gf to a restoraunt, I was her i wouldn't be dating you, you are so cheap
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Basically you aren't even considered poor, since it's a third world country, so you beat yourself from work, you look at your father working 16 hours a day, but since the standard here is high, and pay is still third world, you work like an animal and at the end of the day you have nothing.
that jelousy, I can taste it
true patriot
I'm proud of you
The only thing that is really bad is the violence. Everything else, you kind of get used to it. But leaving your home and not being sure you're going to return because some crackhead may shoot you over your watch is like living in a dystopian movie.

Of course, I think that because I'm middle-class so I don't deal with poverty, lack or sanitation or shitty health care.

Well maybe if you're not an political opposition for Putin.
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Northern Canada
>posts an extremely remote place where less than 7000 people live

He didn't say it had to be justifiable. I just wanted to post that picture because it amuses me.
it's ok lads, let me translate this for you into non-monkey:

>The only thing that is really bad is the violence. Everything else, you kind of get used to.
>But leaving your home and not being sure you're going to come back since some crackhead may shoot you because of the way you look at him is like living in a dystopian movie.
>Of course, I think that's because I'm middle-class, so I don't have to deal with poverty, lack of sanitation or shitty healthcare.
>fight centuries for the greater good
>make unfathomable sacrifices that bleeds cutting edginess
>with problems settled everyone else in the world expect you to do the dishes

Really makes you think. Dark blue best countries forever.
It's actually from the sun mehmet
most of them eat meat they can catch anyways
It's literally only noteworthy the first two times you see.
>latin american
>calling someone "monkey"



>First world





>knowing how 2 vote

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Are there that many Croats in Chile that there are stereotypes about Croat-Chileans?
Nah, not really
I have a friend with Stambuk as her surname
nobody really cares about where those surnames come from
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>being this much of a triggered monkey
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Typical Brazilian.jpg
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Argentina is better than this shitty country in every aspect. They're not flooded with niggers, their GDP per capital is higher than ours, they've got a higher HDI as well. And they've got better food, everyone respects their barbecue. You cannot make this shit up, jealous Chimpanzilian.
Actually there are
people in punta arenas are muh croat heritage
while others in my region are muh german heritage
and so on
A question to all the third-worlders: how common is it for people to fuck their maids?
>not the hell on earth

I wonder who made this map?
Everyone on 4chan is a huge Russiaboo now, just accept the love.
>third world

there's a lot of equality here, which means we're all as poor as the next guy.
India should be in the red.

buena, sos re forrito!
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