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Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 80

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Please visit sunny scenic friendly Iowa edition
why on earth would I want to visit Iowa? Come to my province to visit. Pic realted
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My date tonight ended with no lewdness at all
Fuck my life
*doesn't flush*
Please stop having people from Sioux City come into South Dakota

Anywhere else is fine

Thank you
i have 2 (two) dates tomorrow in the night and i didnt canseled either
L4> gf 50k PM@ME
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Come visit winter wonderland Connecticut instead

I'll give you 20k and an addy 2h
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lol! theres always next time!
ooooWEEEEOOOOO I look just like Buddy Holly
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>Didn't get any
>watches Chinese cartoons made for little girls
Checks out.

moonman has gone too far
Dates aren't about getting tail at the end

It's about having a good time with people you like romantically

Not everything in a relationship is about sex
Fuck no, the sooner Sioux """"""""""City"""""""""" is depopulated the better

Western SD is best SD anyway
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I sell vaping and vaping accessories!

I need a Canadian gf
I wish I could go on a date with you
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t. woman
Did he died? I hope he didn't break his neck.
what a shorty
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Has /cum/ taken the flat earth pill and decided to accept the reality?
Then at the very least deport them to Nebraska or something

Eastern SD is comfy in the small town sense but holy fug Sioux City leaks like a cancer
They're fucking everywhere over there man
Feelings mutual, I want you by the fireplace
>tfw your older brother is 100x better looking than you

anyone else share this feel
How is des moines?
my girl has a big mouth

all I have is a dumb nerd sister
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If I am a woman at least I'm one who has a man
I wish I could get some comfy snow down here
Redditflags must be banned
I want a black Canadian gf

Never met a black Canadian who was not cool

Im actually the better looking brother.
Extra flags should be mandatory
delete this
Only if you give me a French Canadian gf
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you don't want one bud, trust.
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>located in the little peepee region of the state
well I'm the tallest so there's that
I wish I could go to Arkansas and explore

How would you know who is flagposting without having the mod?
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stop tv.gif
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You dumbass, I ain't single.
t. dumb nerd VIRGIN LMAO
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Why do you always post that boy
Why not? That guy with one in this general isn't having issues (or at least not issues he's talking about).
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you know I'm not 5'9 right
>Then at the very least deport them to Nebraska or something
We're trying nigga, believe me
He will soon enough
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>I mistook the adderall I was supposed to take for an exam with viagra
Will he be stabbed?
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Fight me bitch. I'll heem your ass into a concrete crack.
I got beaned

An illegal immigrant fucked me
I keep hearing how it's going to be the new hipster capital of the U.S. in like 10 years but I don't see that happening

It's basically a slightly larger Cedar Rapids, I can't think of anything it has that CR doesn't, or Iowa City for that matter.
Explor what qt?
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ima cutcha.jpg
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Don't try me unless you want to become a veggie tray
Why do people talk like this?
you can only go up from here
Do they even exist? the only black people in my town are immigrants from DRC
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Downtown Toronto
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Weak beech.
Decent couple matches there, although come to think of it the idea of playing chess with some of you degenerates is a bit unnerving.

Dont worry.

If /cum/ was a house id have already beaned like 80% of the americans here.
fucking manlet
you wouldnt even reach my shoulders

I can hear the muslim chanting from here
The mountains, caves, rivers and hot springs, Arkansas must have a lot of nature

I also want to visit Little Rock
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*Charges my thrust attack*
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Death to everyone except myself
Please tell me why French Canadian gfs will be trouble
The nature is pretty nice. I love camping

Why would you want to visit Little Rock tho
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You stop that.
wah wah wahhhhh

haha FAG
I hate it
i wish malthus's original projections had came true
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I like Little Rock because Little Rock has a lot of history and I like rocks
I'm not cool and i can't chill

dumb peruANO poster
>Little Rock has a lot of history
It's all been destroyed by blacks
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>placer is literally going to be stuck in college until his 30's

delet this

They are literally latin americans.
More like PALE ASSER
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Okay i'm back

Where is SD? I wanna no more about his plans for the future
Placer is a kind and intelligent person
thanks ;)
Yeah but they're cuties and speak a cute language

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literally him
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Remember, Slavs and Russian would rule the world as AnCaps if it werent for the Turks and Mongols. Eastern Europe had a 70 percent literacy rate in 900 AD when eatern Europe had like 10

I know you like to hear the details about guys asses, but all I'll tell you is thats not what mine looks like

It still has rocks though, so it rocks

There's also the Timberlands and the Piney Woods, and there's the mountains which are beau
Holy damn

/pol/ is filled with so much underage

What the hell happened?
sure bud
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You're plans are dyng? I thought you wanted to be politician who saved the us?
If I got extra flags, it'd be another Californian poster
Kiev was one of the biggest and richest cities in Europe until the Mongols razed it
I love the mountains
popular youtubers hopped on the right-wing (actually centrism) train
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scale of 1 to brotherly how gay is this?

join the cali gang, senpai

more bears = better /cum/
What's up with your reddit flag bud
It's the counter culture now.
that's gay

No gay at all.

top gun/10
Brotherly, brotherly love cannot be explained until it has been experienced
I wish I had a brother to love
>tfw home on a friday

fuck being an extrovert
Mongols taught Russians to be autocrats, you are smart man my friend. Eurasian slav empire would be ruling the world with eastern orthdox if it weren't for asian hordes
Nobody told me the problem with French Canadian gfs
so super gay
I want to fuck the mountains and reproduce with the plants, animals, and the nature
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>not france ;^)
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It depends

If it appears that the US will have a civil war by the time I graduate I'm most likely going to fight for whichever side my state aligns with

The US was meant to be like Rome wasn't it? Eventually it will fall apart and I'm determined to have the Dakotas independent from foreigners should the US balkanize

Ideally keeping the union together would be better but I can't help but dream about what could be if the US became more European in that particular aspect
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>Top Gun

t. low test beta
Brothers do not have to be from bloodline, it is a bond formed by friends, you both treat each other with respect and you understand each other's problems
t. cum guzzler

t. chief fagzoo
Flyover confederation soon brother
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>tfw no brother to go fishing with
if the us has a civil war im join whichever side is more willing to commit war crimes
My fishing trips were usually lewd
I just want to kill some southeners like the great men before me

Ive never tasted cum

YOU on the other hand...
tfw my brother hates fishing
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>tfw no sister to go fishing with instead*
kids that had no siblings were spoiled af senpai desu
and maybe have my way with a household or two
that's what they all say
I want to fuck a buffalo and make a Minotaur
My date ended in the most awkward pre-kiss process I've ever gone through but it's ok because the kiss was nice and from now on they'll be much better

My brother doesnt know how to fish and he is one of those "i read an article once so now and im expert" types of people so i really dont enjoy doing things with him.
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kek, we arent nearly in as bad a state as Rome, I study Economics and Classical studies so you can trust me. Follow your dreams man, become a voive for the people, I see with your posts here that you're as mart guy and people will be attracted to you. You're also cute too, no homo ;^)
hey man, don't use their hateful words. we northern boys
anyone else do this when they were kids? the doorway to my kitchen was perfect for it
>he has a bother
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Are you drunk?
union soldiers stole my family's silver that had been passed down for generations

the north can never be forgiven and i cannot wait to publicly exicute northern civilians

a-am I going to jail
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>he's never eaten his own cum
you just might be southern
>be virginia
>get YANKEEd
lmao, i'm such a whore and you're all virgins
pls stop talking about north vs south


and i dont wanna feel left out
t. virgin
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crying kitty.gif
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>tfw wasn't allowed to climb stuff as a kid
People who compare the US's current situation to Rome before the fall are sensationalists. They aren't even comparable
Yes, I just noticed that there were a lot of spelling errors please excuse me. I would become politician but I'd rather waste my time exploring the world instead
lmao turboweeb
I am NOT

Let's talk about how the US is going to occupy and Marshall plan you and give the world the Mexico that it deserves
we'll get to you eventually, don't you worry
no guns in the house. I couldnt get a fucking water gun till I was like 11
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It's okay, what you wanna discuss sinoala? Pix not related, it's the first turk
>Dates aren't about getting tail at the end
>It's about having a good time with people you like romantically
>Not everything in a relationship is about sex

I was allowed to shoot guns since I was 7, I just wasn't allowed to leave the house, visit friends, or climb trees.
Holy fucking Christ

/pol/ is so rage inducing

Out of curiosity
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Fucking burn ban issued the day before my camping trip. NOT MY GOVERNOR. Oh well, we can just post up on the lake shore instead.
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What would you wanna be a politician, is so boring.

So many people i see, is so boring, they are not even that smart.
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sounds terrible, why?
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I'm not a sensationalist for having aspirations of independence or greater autonomy from an increasingly centralized federal government
sexual orientations are a modernist concept
>American flag

but anyways, 15cm master race
t. commiefornia?
punch his cunt
don't deflect you shrimps
I'm filing you under 'gay'
That's not what I said you silly billy
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>1 vote
hmmm i wonder who this could be
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>sexual orientations are a modernist concept
I'm not sure.
I know my father hates Mexicans and there were a few in my neighborhood.
There was also a bit of a pedophile/child trafficking scare that my mother's been obsessed with since I was a kid.
Dunno about the trees.
shuddup you have me upset now

fug u
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beats me h-haha
It's ok, I like ditzy boiz
i am of a superior human type evola said so

Ive found just about every midwestern flag that posts in /cum/ is gay
If you fap to traps you should honestly vote bi doe
fucking pedos ruin everything

I couldnt do boy scouts, football, or even boreball becausethey thought I was gonna get diddled
>be american kid
>cant leave house without getting snagged by a mexican pedophile
For power fame, like any other man. Also to fuck aorund with stupid laws and joke with other about it. But i love some people in my country, would not want to hur them, their dreams , their lives

Tell your fathers we hate his kind too.

>im gonna hate pedophiles because of my helicopter parents
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>i am of a superior human type evola said so
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must be the boredom affecting their psyche
/cum/ should be used for a medical study or at least thesis paper
kek brings me back to playing minecraft with a guy from florida that told me he sucked his friends dick while fishing in a swamp
who are you quoting?
>be canadian
>get eaten by a chink
ur parents were pussies

mine did all that and catholic school

When did you discover long island exists???

Bigger population than Ireland btw and we created Trump and Tr Roosevelt so SHOW US SO DAM LOV MOTHA FUCKER
wtf where did you get this picture of me


You, who fucking else.
I like this picture
wtf i hate florida now
I was put into catholic school for a while but then got bullied all the time because I wasn't catholic in the first place (never baptized as a catholic).
Oh I don't know, maybe the other person you replied too stupid
I used to think that Long Island was actually Manhattan
Okay I'll admitt. My Dad is a dective and he says a lot of racist shit. But maybe it's jut be being a fucking millenial, he has a lot of non white friends but he has the balls to joke about race in front of anyone. Privileges pf being 6'6 and handsome as fuck I guess, my dad is a lucky man

I dont remember.

long island is the one with the mechanical rides and shit right?
what if i moved to okracoke island and became a fisherman/sea duck hunting guide or i could run their airfield

might be cool
>you can't join the basketball team I don't want anything bad happening to you

>Oh you want to go to the park for a bit and then roam the streets with your friends unsupervised? Catch you later
like what the fuck
That's Coney Island
Not at all, tow different island but manhattan is very close. We made Roosevelt and trump, so thank us
I enjoyed Dubuque
>New York Islanders don't even play in Long Island

they play in Brooklyn now, wtf!
I love it. Hampton Bay is kawaii
if you were a bodysuit and say whatever the fuck you want and act as retarded as you want and nobody would question ot
all catholic school here are full of protestants

in fact they're protestant majority
That's Coney Island
Being diddled by my priest was the best thing that ever happened to me
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they used to call it...the playground of the world

and they used to let us sleep there, on the beaches. You could sleep there

You cant do that anymore. They dont sleep on the beaches anymore
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Nope, we're the island from bronx to suffolj
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so this is how homosexuals are created

coney island, long island, rhode island, falklands island

who gives a shit they are all the same.
hail doggo
I've moved between states often so it wasn't in VA (though I was born here).
Oklahoma actually
>sinolan opinoins
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SORRY SINOALA BRO!!! From Brooklyn to Suffolk. Trying to talk to a bunch of people at once so i'll mess things up
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Cities skylines?
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The Midterm went ok, honestly if I were a faster writer I'd have more confidence about this
im trying to make NYC bud
jobs on okracoke island:

restaurant person
lighthouse keeper
museum curator
park ranger
hunting/fishing guide
shop keeper
rental person
school teacher
airfield manager
Ho[e you did well bud

NYC, so mayn memories...
Airfield manager
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>grids? preposterous!
I think rectangular grids are fine for smaller settlement. I usually switch to circular plans and traffic circles when I have the wherewithal.
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>you will never be a sheriff




Okay so there is a nazi girl here. Yes a nazi girl at my uni, she hates jews and his aryan. What about the northwest produces such rarities?
yall dumb
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>not editing your game so people use public transit more
>not building your cities in grid style with trams everywhere like the 30s

y'all niggas cant even into urban planning

wtf? I HATE bajachan now!
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>he didnt have sex in Central park twice

2bh dont do it, we got chased out of it the first time barbecue people could here use
smoked weed on the great oval under an NYPD chopper
get this

it's ILLEGAL to pump your own gas in oregon

l a m o
>could here use
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When will the people of flyover country unite and throw off the shackles of our urban cuck oppressors
Thanks bro, probably did, and I'm prolly worrying about nothing, but still.
Is she cute
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I never been to New Yok.

Casually my mom been to New York like 10 times these past few years but is always when i was at school.

What a coincidence.
Moving to Asia to teach English is the best thing I ever did with my life

no experience
>new yorkers
She's getting dicked
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>ywn lead the former Louisiana territory in a glorious revolution against coastie hegemony
>I never been to New Yok.
Lucky you
they literally did november 8th last year
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barring texas, Im pretty sure both coasts outnumber the midwest like 10-1
Yeah, I posted her here. tried posting pic but sorry, too drunk too find. Sprr y man
She might be getting dicked
Fight my dick for control of my body and continue the nofap or just give in to my desires?
You got homework to do
I'm looking for a more permanent solution

It's time for the true Americans to seize the silos in Wisconsin and put an end to the coasties once and for all
First for Cedar Falls

Sorry guys, I'd give netter ansers but I drank so much and it clogs your mind a bit. Sorry
Liberals are afraid of guns
But they don't have guns
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How do we 'fix' Mexico, /cum/?
>economy based on beads
>75% of GDP based on Mardi Gra
>part French

I think we'd kick your fat fuck Cajun asses
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my heart can't take it, buds

>they dont have guns

aw, you're cute
Umm sweetie everyone knows you can't be a leftist and own a gun
>The Louisiana Territory consists of New Orleans and nothing else
Learn to read

aw, he thinks he knows california
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New New Spain when
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Breeding program, no more indio genes.
Louisiana includes the westernmost midwestern states

Iowa, the Dakotas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas

Regardless we have more nukes than you so xD

You're retarded

The Louisiana Territory is the majority of the Central US west of the Mississippi
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>nuking your own country
>Dakotan education
Okay hun. I know you're a little upset sweetie but California has strict gun laws
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You can't.
What is your political philosophy? Can be simple or complex, I wont judge my friend. Also, what do you want to do when you become a man?
Yeh you got a lot of Fat Mans amirite
Coasties are #notmycountrymen

I never said they didnt. You said nobody had guns
Bajachan.. you're cute 2bh, with the pics. You're clever whether you;re boy or girl, good for you
drove downtown in the rain

nine-thirty on a tuesday night
Go suck a dick, fag.
We fixed Japan, we'll fix you

delet this right now
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Stop voting for people who want to destroy the country
oyster """bay""" is getting creepy.
revive this one >>71052090
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My computer is bad
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It isn't my country anymore if I'm revolting

I support decentralized government although I understand that there should be certain limits on private institutions as a means of creating a compromise between public and private institutions through mutual limitation.
Market should be free, unions are okay

I am a young man tyvm

Delet or I will curse the Phillies to lose every game this season

did you try turning it on and back on again?

>unions are okay
Only so long as they're actually unions of workers and not quasi governmental bodies
What do you think about pic rel??? Also, dont be afraid to talk to me. I know I wasnt the best person when we used to talk but it was only becuse I had so much work back the, always busy bakc then with the trivial
>paid maternity
We must promote te nuclear family, it's the center of the nuclear family. oWomen must be payed if she works so she can stay at home and provide for her children
Thread posts: 325
Thread images: 80

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