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Do you know that in Finland, you can lose your job if you don't

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Do you know that in Finland, you can lose your job if you don't speak Swedish?
truly a great nation
Truly a shit nation.
I will start using my swedish skills when Nordic Federation is in place.

Also posting some swedish PSA's and shit, rikssvenskars rate the dialect - I have a heavy autism for them:
Did you know you can't speak swedish past 8pm because angry finns will stab you to death.
I heard that they learn Swedish at school, but do they really speak it? Do Finns watch Swedish media etc?
No, and op's post is bullshit too
No. There are a handful of Sweeboos (my uncle) but to most it's like high school Spanish to Americans. We even speak English with the minority, just like Americans.
t. Spede
Did you know that you can lose your job in Sweden if you do not speak Somalian? Such an awesome country.

You mean we speak Finnish with them?

We speak better English than Swedish.
OK, last qustion - do you have some Fennoswedes in your government/parliament who only use Swedish?
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>working in northren europe
>not just sucking welfare off

Doubt it. Maybe a parliamentary representative from Åland wouldn't speak Finnish.
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It's ILLEGAL, I repeat, ILLEGAL for a company to not be able to give service in SWEDISH

they wouldn't get any airtime to shill their cause if they didn't speak finnish you dummy
Literally every RKP/SFP-party member. Some of them speaks swedish sentence first and then the finnish.
Fucking time wasters.

Embed related:
Only retards fight against learning Swedish
No it's not. Company's don't care for archaic rules that would hinder them cause some swede could get his "feels" hurt.
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If it's on bilingual area, they must have some kind of service in both language.

I live in god-tier Häme so no coast jew anywhere.
No its not. Come to any other place than west coast and you wont even find anyone who knows swedish

If a company doesn't provide service in Swedish, AN OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF FINLAND, they can and will get SUED

Finnish children must also learn Swedish in school, to protect and serve the Swedish minority in Finland
>tfw the entire population of Finland arrives to reply to your thread
>If a company doesn't provide service in Swedish, AN OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF FINLAND, they can and will get SUED

Why do you lie? You cant even get sued. Some fennoswedes whine about it to yle and thats it.

>Finnish children must also learn Swedish in school, to protect and serve the Swedish minority in Finland

No, pakkoruotsi is just a relic and we are getting rid of it at the moment

I have worked in a police station granting permits and passports and I can't speak Swedish excluding a few basic sentences. They didn't even ask me about my Swedish skills.
What exactly do you try to achieve by this
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Refusing to use an OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF FINALDN in service is ILLEGAL and will get you SUED

This is not anything else but FAIR since Swedes built Finland, and therefor Finns must have GRATITUDE and serve Swedes
About the bilingual service part, again, wrong.

>get SUED
Only if the service provider where the incident happened is located in bilingual municipality/town.

It's true that we must learn swedish in school, now even from elementary school up to university which either shit or not, depends you.

Finnish kang(s) vs. Swedish kang(s)

Whats it gonna be?
Why are Swedes so obsessed with Finns?

You see various threads like this on a daily basis.
Helo the proofs? Other than your feeling about finns. Youre lying and all finns know it
he's from the Swedish thread. he literally only wanted to b8 you all since some finns were talking shit in our thread and he suceeded
You'd have to be a really daft person to sue a company on such basis, you'd get months of trials and then in the worst case would have to pay for the court fines and the general waste of time of the company and the court.

Oha and it's a swedish kang thread. Let's summon ours and pit them against each other.

It's a lonely NEET who has nothing else to do, much like his Finnish colleague.
Laughing at finns is the only thing they have left as swedes are drowning in niggers and feminism
Kang has been in sverigetråden for a while now.
Lmao both your countries are trash, anyway
The weapon autist? I don't think he's a kang. Just doing the g' old townfoolery in there.
Because imagine if, lets say for example, Friesland broke away from the Netherlands

Not only did they break away from the Netherlands, but they also started to claim that "HOLLAND DINDU NUFFIN WE BUILT OUR OWN COUNTRY, HOLLAND HAVE NEVER GIVEN US ANYTHING"

Then they also start trash talking Holland and its people EVERY SINGLE DAY

Then they also start discriminating Hollandese people living in Friesland and claim that they are ruining Friesland

That's the Sweden-Finland relationship
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We could turn this kind of autism fighting a new global sport. Imagine all the profits.
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Finnish speakers are jealous of us because we have generational wealth that trickles down from our parents and grandparents which puts us at an advantage over them.

We don't try as hard as them in school because we know daddy or uncle will get us a job.

We don't have to worry about university places like Finnish speakers do because we have our own Swedish speaking universities that cater to our community. If Finnish speakers weren't so hateful against us, they would put more effort into learning our language and enjoying some of the benefits that comes along with it.

t. Cai-Göran Andersson
>this is not anything else but FAIR since Swedes built Finland
Swedes made us slaves. Honestly the russians were the people who started building the Finland what you see today. Literally Helsinki is a copy of St. Petersburg with bilingual route signs.
>Then they also start trash talking Holland and its people EVERY SINGLE DAY

That's not what the Finns do. That's exactly what you're doing.

Thread theme.
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oh yeah,,, enjoy that bilingual svenska väg signs,,, yes
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Based Nederlands is rightfully bullying Sweden. Thanks.
This, we dont make threads about them, we dont talk about them irl and pretty much just live in harmony in finland but obsessed swedes wont fucking leave us alone in real life and in here
>Then I guess we can take back everything else we've given you, ungrateful fucking filth.
You're welcome to try :^)
>inb4 R: 310
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I should exactly like that also I loved watching BUU-klubben when I was little
Come to Sverigetråden, there's finns shitposting there every day

also any thread with Swedes, Finns come shitposting and trashtalking Swedes

What we are doing is simply retaliation

this is what finns actually believe
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Then come and take it boy. You talk big but i see no actions.

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Maybe if it's a Swedish language small company in a Fennoswede area
and here comes the autist
I'm just b8 yur kang, don't ruin it.
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>I visited Helsingfors and I could tell that people wanted to kill me when I spoke Swedish with them.

Did you try that new Rinkeby mama oogaboogas's stew or why are you so deep in your psychosis?
Helsinkians do not hate swedish speaking people. Helsinki slang is based on the swedish words which has spread up north and east.

Hagnäs for dig.
Whenever we talk swedish we get at least 1-2 people shouting ''PUHU SUOMEE VITUN HURRI''
Plenty of fights also because of this in pubs/clubs.
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Still just talk. It's quite boring actually. I thought there was some fire in you.

>claims to be master race
>cant do shit except screech in autism

top lel. 5/5 bants Björn.

Have you considered moving to Sweden?
Holy shit Swedes are buttblasted
Maybe just get the fuck out of here then?
see >>70995246
why would we retreat?

is Sweden to Finland the same as Emus to Australians?
>Finns are fucking psycopaths.
Honestly your butthurt isn't making your countrys reputation that better.
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Well your oughta die out soon anyway. I hear plenty fennoswedes just don't care for swedish anymore.
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it's sooo fucking good!!!!

Sweden is just tsundere.
>Just die off
One of the greatest people in northern europe, we should just die for you forestfinns right.
many such cases.
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Based turanbro.

Every year the percentage of Swedish speakers in Uusimaa drops and the total amount has started dropping too.
Soon the Svecomenace will be restricted to the shithole known as Ostobothnia.

When will you Swedes start slaughtering us then?

All I see is talk. I want to see some action, not just talk hour after hour, day after day, year after year. That's what women do. They do nothing, just talk.

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We still respect our superior white North-Germanic overlords for the culture they gave us, despite our unfortunate independence. Finland would be NOTHING without Sweden and that is a good reason to give the Swedish language special protected status.
Eh, could be worse. We could be as tolerant as Sweden
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no u
>Soon the Svecomenace will be restricted to the shithole known as Ostobothnia
Kek this. Rather a fist in my ass than doing anything in Ostrobothnia. Northern Finland is so shit.
Having Swedish as an official language allows former Finns who were born or raised in Sweden to return home.
You unironically expect them to do anything?

It's just their silly power fantasy. They've been doing this since I first came here.
>Slavs carry germanic blood wich allowed them to build their own civilization
>swede talks about civilization
Weren't you forcefully civilized like less than a 1000 years ago?
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Your doing it for yourself. As i said you people don't care for swedish anymore in increasing numbers.

t: "fennoswede" whose family did the right thing and abandoned a fake identity that only destroys our country's unity by creating baseless differences in the population.

I was born to one of the best countries on earth that has achieved many things in it's short lifespan and every finn is my brother. I only get mad when there are people like RKP or other baseless idiotic parties trying to divide our great nation.

Alas pakkoruotsi!


I've seen plenty of Finland-Swedes in Espoo.

They don't look much different than Finns.
Not like Swedes at least.
When I hear them babbling in their broken Swedish I just can't help but think it's some kind of collective psychosis.
atte atte han är här
based af tbqh
>what is hyperborea
oh boy
strap yourselves in
here comes we wuz atlantians n' shit
Traditions must be kept, western finns and eastern finns don't have them, or culture at all.
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posting in good thread
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>When I hear them babbling in their broken Swedish I just can't help but think it's some kind of collective psychosis.

Fennoswedes speech is just a mixture of secondary school swedish and finnish words. Common words include ''kiva'', ''Hesa'', ''mopo'' and ''faija'' etc.

Swedish language in Finland has lost the original Swedish roots. Nothing common with Sweden-swedish what-so-ever.
Hol up... So you be sayin, hol up hol up, so you be sayin you were kangz n shit?
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FINNS are the result of ATLANTOID and ASIAN-CAUCASOID interbreeding

They are mongerels, which is also why they're all alcoholics with depression
You spit on the memory of fennomans if you think like that. Actually ou spit on the memory of every fennoswede who ever did anything for this country as a finn. Only think your kind does is divide. When the earlier fennoswedes did nothing but unite.

Modern fennoswedes are a spitting image of their forefathers.


Finland-Swedish traditions

1. speaking broken gibberish which mixes Finnish and Swedish words
2. making sure all your relatives vote for RKP and if they forget to vote you don't talk to them for a year
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this finns are so easy to bait
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I don't know why people dislike people who speak that weird fennoswede patois

I think it's really cute
I want a qt fenswe boyfriend
Posting in epig beit :D
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Don't be too confident.

It's all talk today, but you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow.
aiihht mang
the fenno-swedish fennomans fought for a future where both fenno swedes and finns are equal, if we're getting destroyed culturally what do you think they would do?
t. sauna and ice hockey

Snellman and Yrjö-Koskinen would have been fine with it.
It's just the natural course of things.
Focus on bigger matters instead instead.
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here's a ES for (you) all buttmad niggers
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Most of the fennoswedes fought for the upheaval of Finnish language and culture. YOu just spit on that heritage few messages ago and cry bcause fennoswedes are nowadays embracing that said culture finally.

You're a silly one.
Anyone learning Swedish is a retard. It sounds like an autistic drooling Anglo-German down-syndrome retard trying to sing.
Finnish is obviously the better language even though I hate cases myself and they have tens of them. It wasn't by accident that Tolkien used it as an inspiration for the Elvish language(s) in LOTR for example.
We've focused on bigger matters, some of our politicians are the driving force of brussels liberal agenda.
Thank us for making finland nordic first.
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lol a swede tryhard


Be grateful we're not like Serbians when it comes to minority relations.
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>Watch out we can be violent, we're forest finns afterall
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The fuck?
Finland belongs to Sweden.
>Be Finnish
>Can't speak Swede
>Expelled from country
>Sweden takes him in as a refugee
Shit really? I always thought it would be cool to move to Finland but if I have to learn swedish I dunno if it'd be worth it.
No, not really.
It is, fuck off beaner
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