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Thread replies: 347
Thread images: 66

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Still can't believe Trump is president edition
fuck off
Praise Allah
would shag the SS lass on the right

Get in before the runt does
hairy men are gross
I've said it before and I'll say it again

not sure if i should do something about my hairy chest lads

on the one hand im quite hairy and think when it gets to summer season the lassies might like it less hairy

on the other hand i dont give a fuck and it grows in a fairly aesthetic T across my pecs and down to my pubes

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hop in lads

wtf is this
t. gay queer tranny

finally just had my first ever wank to traps. Was hot seeing them get pounded and so turned on by cock. They are sluttier than girls when it comes to dick

Hoping this isn't the start of it all
Anyone who likes anime should be marched into the gas chambers
>caring in the slightest about body hair

Deano detected
Women HATE bodyhair

Get a full body wax that's what I do

r u qt scandinavian grill? because if not im not looking to get you nuzzling up to my bod xx
An advert for toys
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Encountering these types more and more here as of late, whereas most lads used to enjoy having a game

Wondering if it indicates a further decline in /brit/
Do you have a nice muscular body? if so then a hair chest will look top.
>giving a fuck what women think

i will OF COURSE disregard the opinion of yanks, as it seems to be a genuine requirement that every single american is completely hairless
yeah, do what the guy who just wanked to traps tells you to do

>life as a possibly passable girl with a penis
>life as a child sized adult man
nobody could ever want to just be normal when you can be either of those
Alex Jones barging onto the set of the young turks was one of the funniest moments of 2016 2bh
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its alright, noticable mooskles when im shirtless and the right v shape with obvious delts.

im not like crazy hairy, but im probs more hairy than most guys
fantastic trailer, love those little guys! got any more?
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Yeah they completely lost their shit
Really rate disturbed's cover of sound of silence 2bfrank

Thank u nigel owens for making it normie on desert island disks :@
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Anyone live in Cambridge?
I'll give you pleasure
an entire series on cartoon network
never liked it but some friends did
No but I go to university there
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What's with that generic shitty lady gaga or whatever the fuick song halfway through
Why do all trailers have this now
yeah quite a few people do, like over 100,000 lmao
hehe ruined all those auscunts gay little chess games. pissed him off good
alri will
I'll play
If you're muscular then, I don't think having hair will make much of a difference actually in that case, I have a muscular Chad friend among others who shaves his bodyhair and I have to say that regardless of the year women love muscles and appearance first and foremost, I'm just jelly because I can't grow hair

Who in here /expectedahillarywin/?
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ma man osborne fittna bosh a 30 yard free kick a la CRonaldo
Don't be jealous being hairy sucks
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'm really tired lads haha might take a nap

I hoped Trump would win but I never thought it was possible

I think it's hilarious, despite the fact that I probably would have voted for Clinton myself
Deepy unimpressed by Vice's so called "news" and "journalism"

Their shit on the Islamic State like 2 years ago was good. Now some bint keeps telling everyone what her tinder matches think of various news items and frankly I think the whole "network" should do one
just saw a handbag that was to DIE for
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I'm super hairy and virgin because of it
shame you didn't.

die I mean
they were really really good about 5 years ago, peaked after the islamic state documentary
now they're just fucking shit, occasionally put out the odd /comfy/ doc but 90% of it is buzzfeed tier
Actually my name is Alexander
You from the north? You're about 2 years behind on the trend of hating Vice and knowing its a shit company
are you like Mexican/Italian level body hair? Aka back hair and chest hair that joins your beard and so on?
Himmler and his goons were fucking nutjobs
does sharia law allow shaving?

you should see their Martin Shkreli interview
the guy 100% shagged the interviewer after the video
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Beautiful posts

I'm super hairy and non virgin because of it
unless you're a wolfman it's not the hair, it's your personality
nah, from the south as it happens. I've thought they were shit for a while but another of their shitty articles just got suggested to me on facebook and it really got my goat, if you catch my drift.

this one is about some dickhead asking everyone for their "most embarrassing yoga stories"
get fucked vice
It's different down there in Mexico than it is here
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Why is there not a night version of Google maps/streetview
Hi lads :3
facking poof
Is it bad to be facetious once got called (behind my back) it by my older brother?
>So the Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep.

Why was Donald Trump so based in 2000?
because you wouldn't be able to see anything
nah, being a man is being a man no matter where you're from
most girls might say hairy guys are disgusting, but they don't mean it and those that do aren't worth it
shaving is a feminine thing to do
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its ok m8

i have a friend who's italian ancestry and his qt gf loves him nonetheless.

In fact he is so hairy that we have laughed before at the fact she must actively like it, there's just too much for her to be only "ok" with it.

just bee urself ;)
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WTF I want mass migration from the 3rd world now!
It's synonymous with sarcastic so yes it is
might see how many ghost peppers I can fit under my foreskin
He doesn't have an ideology he just wants power to enrich himself
lol just downloaded tinder and didnt touch it for a few hours.

came back and swiped right and got like 30 straight matches

why the fuck wasnt I using this earlier. Only have a 5 mile radius as well
*puts the ball in your court*
Can I move to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne?
*puts my balls in your mouth*
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>tfw no hairy bf to let me stroke his chest hair
drinking tea at 9PM while listenign to techno, having a real party over here lads

i'll NEVER sleep hahahahhaaaaaa *sweats profusely*
Why should you be even concerned about the presidency of trump?
fingering the so-called bumhole
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RIP grandad x
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had an argument with the so called "friend" this eve about mass immigration

i told her it was obvious people dont like it and thus it is not a viable long term policy

she said people only didnt like it because they were not educated about its benefits

i said that didnt matter, because they still didnt like it, so it is being imposed on an unwilling society, so we should expect a response in the votes. And besides, people arent just worried about economics, everyone in the world just doesnt seem to like people who are very different from them

she said something about people furthering an old colonial narrative and i basically decided to never speak to her again
I don't even have any Italian or Mediterranean ancestry so there's no excuse for me it's just bad genes

I'll probably just kms but thanks anyway lad
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not a bad post this
Wikipedia's section on Orca's social complexity is relevant. Think of how similar to primitive humans this sounds.
They travel in families of up to four generations their entire lives. A daughter, her mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
The families within a pod all speak a similar "dialect", and use it to socialize, it's not just random noises.
Transient pods in unfamiliar territory will remain silent, and utilize their echolocation far more rarely.

Killer whales are notable for their complex societies. Only elephants and higher primates, such as humans, live in comparably complex social structures. Due to orcas' complex social bonds and society, many marine experts have concerns about how humane it is to keep these animals in captive situations
I'm the rocking son of ghenghis khan desu lads
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>drinking tea at 9PM while listenign to techno, having a real party over here lads
A real techno party involves drink driving and blasting that shit out of your Citroen Saxo while everyone's getting their rave on.

Fuck your tea drinking bullshit.
don't know who that is and probably won't care
Kill him lad
really dont think we should be keeping them in captivity desu

also have problems with keeping oceangoing species of sharks in captivity but they are not so clever so fuck me right?
good choice lad

she can enjoy mass immigration when she's being gang raped by rasheed and ahmed and abdul
seems like you're the ignorant one should alwaways listen to opposing arguments and challenge you're own beliefs and you shoudn't disown a friend because of politics
>she said something about people furthering an old colonial narrative and i basically decided to never speak to her again
But did you fuck?
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Can't believe it's only 2:00 am I'm not usually this pissed until 5:00 am I think my life is looking good lads
The so called tolerent right
This may sound like some crazy hippie shit, but science writer George Dyson (an acquaintance of mine) was profiled in Kenneth Brower's book "The Starship and the Canoe". George talks about his epic kayaking journeys along the Alaskan and BC coasts. He would paddle day and night for weeks on end. He got to know the ebb and flow of life along the coast as well as any native fisherman.
So anyway, George liked to kayak at night. The seas were often calmer and he enjoyed paddling in the moonlight. He got used to sound of the orcas singing. It was common. What blew his mind was hearing a call and response between orcas and wolves. The whales would sing their song, and the wolves would respond from the rocky shore with collective howls. This call-and-response would go on and on through the night.
These apex predators knew each other. One on land, one by sea. It's really quite awesome.
People who think orcas are just fish to be tamed for our amusement are, in a word, fucked.
im with you, but much more certain that i definitively will not care.

i have absolutely no doubt that i don't care who that person is
>Swede flag not Finland
You ain't no Mongol bruv.
dam u woke son. wish i was woke like u senpai

have done previously. she has nice boobs
Are you NEET?
>an acquaitance of mine
interesting story Mr. Dyson
Who here /notNEET/?
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>he's 28
*takes the bogpill*
Not being NEET is pretty neat.
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>he's also 28
You named your penis after John Fashenu?
why are brits fat?
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I want a gf with a big head

*takes the boganpill*
gonna hit the old hay shortly I think frienderinos. Quite le tired tonight
>why are brits fat?
Because they're second rate imitations of Yanks and can never reach that level of morbid obesity.
miss u already luv xx
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alot of british culture follows american culture
just lost the 'ginity
cannot stop listening to DJ Muscleboy if im being honest and frank boys
How much did it cost you and would you recommend her services?
DJ gayboy hahahaahahahahahaahahahaha
Christ, eating Fox's crunch creams and it went down the wrong hole
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I'm so jealous of girls and make up t b h

I see so many close shots of girl's (who are pretty) who upon closer inspection have a significant amount of acne covered by no-makeup makeup.

In fact, girls likely have much more acne than guys because makeup is generally awful for your skin.
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Also they don't wash
>cannot stop listening to DJ Muscleboy if im being honest and frank boys
This sounds like homosexual deviancy. Pray to based Nige and UKIP to deliver you to normalcy.
gonna do an ol' 'cide
Why were you putting biscuits near your bumhole?
Women are actually disgusting by male standards often. I see so many girls eating messy things in class and just wiping the crumbs on their jeans.

Many girls also do not shower in the morning and so variants of that Reddit 'nopoo' thing (where you never shampoo) which really just gives your hair a permanent appearance and feeling of greasy.
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they almost never shower in the morning.

i take public transportation and you can see all the grease in their hair every morning.

could not get out of the apartment without a shower in the morning
http://www.strawpoll.me/12299493 http://www.strawpoll.me/12299493
http://www.strawpoll.me/12299493 http://www.strawpoll.me/12299493 http://www.strawpoll.me/12299493
http://www.strawpoll.me/12299493 http://www.strawpoll.me/12299493
Put them in to see if it would come out of my mouth
breathe the pressure
come play my game I'll test ya
>could not get out of the apartment without a shower in the morning

alri battyman
That's kind of hot
Shower every day and use body wash, but I honestly only shampoo about once a week

Its really not necessary. I also constantly get complimented on my hair and get it cut every 2.5 weeks
think the hairy brown yank is trying to convince himself
most male celebrities wear makeup
you can also move to South Korea where men are feminine and wear makeup too
please learn british slang before you try and use it.

i mean in the sense that it wakes me up
no it fuckiong isn't you well rank fuckin stank pillock
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having immense difficulty pulling in clubs
My sister never showers in the morning
She always showers in the evening before bed because 'I don't have time in the morning'
Fucking lazy cow
This is despite me telling her repeatedly that you sweat buckets during the night

Disgusting women enabler
You are why roasties get away with so much
I really only deep shampoo twice a week and my hair is very dry and fine but believe me when I say that most advocates of reducing shampoo are disgusting mopheads.
>I also constantly get complimented on my hair and get it cut every 2.5 weeks
Homosexual detected. Enjoy your 8 years of Trump.
maybe it's because you're a mentally ill yellow fever twat
Extremely comfy
i KNOW you aren't referring to the most respected DJ in the world?


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need to spaff on that bow
You shouldn't be getting your cock out and cracking on out in a club anyway.
>Telling a trump supporter to enjoy trump

Ummm... ok
*spaffs in your mum desu*
bootin up the ol' 'ream'ast
gonna play me some 'ake 'ena
Does anyone notice that their hair gets super greasy when they spend the night at someone else's house?
Now that you mention it, my sister goes has at least 3 days a week where she doesn't shower, never really thought about it, scruffy cunt. I can't stand not having a shower in the morning, feels disgusting.
*daily reminder the best DJ in the world is skinnyfat*
>DJ Muscleboy

that's pure jibber jabber jabroney
> I can't stand not having a shower in the morning, feels disgusting.

alright battyman
Fatboy slim
might go for a swim
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>i KNOW you aren't referring to the most respected DJ in the world?
>you can also move to South Korea where men are feminine and wear makeup too
Saw some lad using his phone camera to sort his hair out on the train today. It was a fucking bowl cut, no amount of preening is going to make him look like his Mum didn't cut his hair.

I also want to slap the shit of every cunt wearing the stupid John Lennon style glasses. They make you look properly special. I've no idea why gook fashion is so shit.
there was a fit italian bird at my old work who never used to "have time" to shower in the mornings

multiple times she came in literally reeking of sweat and BO

that and the fact she definitely shaved her arms made me rule out her pretty face and slim body when it came to decided if i would or not.

conclusion is i probably still would, but only under extremis
>just whiteboy things

It's a horrible feeling not showering

I guess the female 'I'm a perfect fucking princess' impulse overrules that
kind of glad guns aren't legal here lads

reckon I'd have shot myself long ago if they were, the mental image of putting a .44 in my gob and shooting myself right in the sweet spot makes me somewhat happy desu
fucking faggots. do you think when your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandad was rooting your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmum he was put off by the sweat and hair and grease and odour that would have been present given that people only bathed a couple of times a month back then despite doing backbreaking manual labour all day?

no, if anything he got off on that shit and that's why you exist today. stop being brainwashed by the soapy jew and embrace your inner caveman.
I've literally have not met a person who advocated some form of reducing general hygiene conventions because they're unnecessary or unhealthy who did not have noticeably poor hygiene.
Fuck off disgusting whore.

Yeah they'll still get shagged regardless desu.
sorry, when you said the best dj in the world, i thought you meant the best dj in the world

so this is

the power

of the '''united''' kingdom
i'd be disgusted but i only shower like twice a week at the most because i'm lazy and neet
>your inner caveman
>AKA smell like shit
I want to smell your sister's underwear after she's not showered for a while
liked the smell of her sweat when doing the sex that time

was good smell
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>scottish "independence"
christ youre a cringeworthy cunt
the line starts behind me motherfucker
like the smell of when girls take their shoes off at the end of a long day
watching trainspotting and regretting wasting £15 watching an overated squekual
prefer thinking of it as English independence 2bh
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>you will never smell this smell
No. That's just shit. Try this real hardcore shit instead.

rate the gf
>The Poonited Sharts of Arsemerica
You realise it's the 21st century right?

I knew America still had this weird individualistic 'let's pretend I'm still an isolated 19th century frontiersman' thing going on, but surely bathing every morning is now a reasonable expectation for someone?
scotland? more like arseland haha
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>let's pretend I'm still an isolated 19th century frontiersman

People who act like this are just romanticizing nihilism.
if i ever get a gf i will DEMAND that she not shave ANY part of her body
was mixed in with the perfume so was like a sweet peppery smell. something like that. was nice
fuckin 'zilians know how to gyrate y'know

>The POOnited Kingdom
Get it?!
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>Canada is ready to retaliate in trade war, Freeland warns Washington

Chrystia Freeland is the woman who went on Bil Maher to make jokes about le DRUMPF XDDD and broke down crying on TV after CETA did not pass.
women who shave their pussies are revolting

unless you have a 10/10 vagina with no folds you should make that region of your body as obscure as possible
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england land
Pressed against her face I could feel her insecurity
Her mother'd been a drunk and her father was obscurity
But nothin' ever came from a life that was a simple one
So pull yourself together girl and have a little fun
I'll bash yer fookin ed it
you want the hardcore? this is the hardcore
*Messes up your mojo*
me on the right

you on the left
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tinder made me realize i might be handsome
Top 10 messes in my mojo brought to you by watchmojo
A virgin like you ought to be happy with any pussy, hairy or not.
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fuckin cheese greater aye
Going to bed now
Night dudes
what did you mean by this?
Only paedos like shaved fannies.
>fuckin cheese greater aye
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whats the biggest beast everyone reckons they could have in a fight?

i reckon i could beat up the following with ease:
Small deer

The following would be a challenge:
medium sized deer and antellope
mid sized monkeys

the following would probably beat me up:
large deer

These would leave me dead:

willing to answer specific ones if anyone reckons they can think of one they arent sure i could beat up or not based on this list
are there actually any girls on /r9k/?
He/you are a virgin and ought to be happy with any pussy you can get. Only fags who get no pussy are picky fucks.
hmmmmm interesting this

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which one of you is this
Your mum's a beast. I'd fuck her up (the shitter).
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just realized "great britain" is the name of the island and that means that everyone who lives on it is inherently british
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lemme get that pillow for you anon
does this lad ever stop breaking balls?
>tfw no native briton celt gf

interesting thesis and fight technique. she is quite small and middle aged so you probably would have the edge in a battle
attracted to 50+ year old females (and any others)
somewhat true but if you ever feel the need to lick said fanny, a mouthful of hair is far from pleasant
america is such a fucking shithole
he is making the most of his time in korea, dont bully, he wants to come away with no regrets, having really done things out there that he will never forget
keep crying while watching princess mononoke
objectively nicer than your country, so can't imagine yours
i would never want to fight a primate
its not that bad, you dont lick the bit above the snatch where all the hair is. the actual clit n slit is never hairy
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>there are people who literally thumb through tinder for more than two hours a day only to have a single false positive that day on average

I've only met genuine Chads who don't need Tinder at all who actually get girls who aren't disgusting on Tinder.
>medium sized deer and antellope
>mid sized monkeys

Any of these I reckon could easily fuck you up


imagine going to South Korea and spending your time on 4chan

jog on chad
watching Blackfish

makes me sad
im not saying i would want to fight any of these things, I like animals. Im saying if it came down to it these are examples of ones i could layeth the smack down upon
bed time
bed time
time for bed
i could fight a small platoon of chickens & other poultry birds
Lads I work in a call centre and I admit it's a shite job with 10 hour shifts for 8 quid an hour but something happened today which made it all worth it. My job basically involves taking phone calls about traffic tickets issued in London and today some black "aw naw u di-ent" woman rang up and claimed she can't POSSIBLY have a ticket because she ASKED a traffic warden and she has TWO WEEKS to pay congestion charge. I informed her that she had until midnight on the following charging day, and that she must pay her ticket immediately. I then asked her what difference someone telling her different would make, some week after the ticket was issued. She started screaming at me then I told her as a driver it was her responsibility to be aware of the rules, and could I take her card number please? She then started crying about how her boyfriend just left her so I asked her for her card details and she slammed the phone down. My dick was rock hard
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>call center
>synonymous with dead end low pay labor for over-educated people

know people who make 70k+ in call centers who barely work at all
dunno man, i reckon i could beat the deer/antellope by going for its spindly front legs

the monkeys i have alot of reach advantage, if its just one hed probably run at me and try to bite me, one good boot to him and hes done

the badger would be hard, reckon id have to try to tackle it to the ground and choke it out. not sure i could punch it much. maybe a good kicking though

as i said though, theyd be a challenge
imagine going down on a girl

does it get any gayer
Eating butt?
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how much of a fuckin loser neet would you ave to be to be here at this hour lmaoing @your lives desu senpaitachi
If a girl wanted me to eat her and stipulated nothing else would happen I would still do it to be quite frank.

good fight that. would pay to see.

would you rather fight 10 horses the size of ducks or a duck the size of a horse?

>duck the size of a horse, because if i can beat it and train it thats like a sick pokemon but real life
didn't mean to make you cry
if I'm not back again this time tommorow
carry on, carry on
cause nothing really matters
fell in love with an actress from South Korea whilst she was in England and she's going back in a few days haha

a-at least we had a nice time together while it lasted right
crazy how well negging works

>make a girl feel insecure about something
>say you like that about her anyway
>she immediately feels comforted

works like a charm

What the fuck could 10 duck sized horses do to me?
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never really understood this may may

why is it gay?

>is an hour ahead
>is an hour more pathetic

u sayin wat u son of basterd bich?
fuck off to 4chan twat
Shit posting is a fun way to pass the time on trains. At least I'm not on 4chan when I should be asleep like a NEET.

this is the best funeral song i've ever heard
very passive aggressive bio from her. tell her im not impressed by people like that
fed up literally beyond words of going into the kitchen and having any clothes i have on absolutely fucking stink of curry permanently after

so utterly fucking grim how do they put up with it
The uk is such a fucking shithole jesus christ
fancy her i do
how does one wank cheekily
pozzing neg holes
>>she immediately feels comforted

That's not the point you stupid nonce. In fact, mindlessly placating a girl makes you look less attractive. Negging, in theory, regardless of morality or efficacy, is making a girl feel insecure and thus lowering her standards to make you seem a better choice.


Self-help book tier stuff for /r9k/.
well its risk vs reward innit. thats low risk but afterwards you've just beaten up 10 small horses, who cares?

the massive duck on the other hand is high risk but great reward
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girls are gay as fuck

imagine someone slobbering on your cock and loving it

that's gay

women are fucked

who the fuck would want to spend the rest of their lives with a hairy dude with a dick, except a gay person?
>know people who make 70k+ in call centers who barely work at all
That's always the case in call centres. The plebs who work the most get paid the least and the big money goes either to sales or management people who do fuck all.
oh i don't want to do that, seems nasty
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"It was a convention of obscenely comic verse that oral sex caused bad breath that was nearly toxic.[617][618] "Whores of the alleyways" are contaminated from giving oral sex; Catullus refers to "the foul saliva of a pissed-over whore."[619][620] The urinary function of the penis makes oral sex particularly repulsive to Catullus, who elsewhere reviles a Celtiberian for brushing his teeth in urine.[621] Martial jokes that a fine perfume turned to garum, fish sauce, when it was sniffed by a man whose breath was putrid from oral sex.[622] In another of Martial's epigrams, a fellator breathes on a hot cake to cool it down and turns it to excrement.[623] The bad breath and rotten teeth that are attributed to performing oral sex represent moral decay and a general corruption of the mouth's positive functions as the organ of a citizen's persuasive speech.[624][625][626]"
Looks like a wife-tier girl, but I'd rather have my lasses on meth than on tinder

Would still bang though
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My god why does /brit/ like this normalfag hiphop shit.

Urban teens and young adults who wear banded pants, floral patterned shirts, Stan Smiths and the latest variant of the hitler youth cut and listen to hip hop NEED TO FUCKING LEAVE
neg my dirty poz hole bby
Because of the stigma attached to providing physical pleasure, a man who performed oral sex on a woman was subject to mockery. Cunnilingus typically appears in Roman art only as part of a reciprocal act, with the woman fellating her male partner in some variation of the "69" position.[627] A wall painting from Pompeii, however, represents a virtually unique role reversal in the giving of oral sex. The woman who receives cunnilingus is tall and shapely, well-groomed, and brazenly nude except for jewelry. The male figure is relatively small, crouching subserviently, and fully clothed; he has an anxious or furtive look.[628] The situation is so extreme that it was probably meant to be humorous as well as titillating; other paintings in this group show a series of sex acts, at least some of which could be seen as transgressive or parodic.[629]

fuck off yank
Get your cock out in a Nandos.
is old vs young lesbian porn the most redpilled lesbian porn?
are you serious

it's fucking queen

typical yank
>ah yes, I have defeated a horse sized duck in battle
>hmm.. right, we'll call you by monday if you've got the job
Well old dude and young girl porn is pretty much always going to be bluepilled.
you fucking idiot
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A duck is between 20 and 30 inches, let's say 25, that's up past your knee. Imagine a rear kick from a horse the size of a collie (pic related).

I reckon that could fuck up your kneecap. And once you're down, all those hard hooves, the size of your first two knuckles, smashing into your head.
planning to wank then sleep soon mate
the fuck does that have do to with anything you rice krispies eating protruding eye sockets chink fuk
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>red pilled
>Old guys need viagra joke
Mohammed, you need to learn some fucking English.
I'll be honest, that went over my head.
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>lesbian porn
that joke was way too far fetched, back me up here lads
just found a girl thats friends with my oneitis and she has INCREDIBLY hips and thighs and arse
Nipples are sore
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this is one for the ages
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me in the mid
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what the fuck lads

this movie is so sad
new fucking thread please
came across an edgelord with a nazi flag on his wall on omegle
It'a a pretty simple pun Ahmed. Not my fault you can't handle the bants and chimped out.
reading some more about romans, and turns out if you fucked a mans wife, the most common form of retribution if you were captured was being raped by the husband
not a fan of my lower back hair
oh fuck off
Bit gay
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you on the left
that was a great joke





You should be tolerant and respect his diverse beliefs.
for romans only the one being fucked was gay, regardless of circumstance

if you were the one fucking you were completely masculine and straight
What movie?

I just finished The Chase (1994) and am now watching Pretty in Pink (1986). It's a Kristy Swanson double-bill.
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Yeah that looks depressing.
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