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Hey Greeks Hey Turks Would you consider JUST FUCKING OFF?

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Hey Greeks
Hey Turks

Would you consider


>ask away
would you consider rejoining the uk
you are not a greek
you are not a turk
>ask away

wait, arent you ethnically greeks?why do you want greece to fuck off?
>tfw overthrowed colonial masters to be attacked and occupied by Turks instead

Never lived during those times so can't answer.
Are you türk? If not, why do you want geeks to fugg off?
>greece coupped our government in 1974 and lead to the roach invasion
>several other shit
99,99% sure
Are you the guy that posts on /brit/
>is 99.99 am a turk when in fact am a Greek
>his cunt actually has more Turks than the entire roach invasion force
Why live?
at best
you are half greek
>greece coupped our government in 1974 and lead to the roach invasion
>several other shit
please tell
also, dont bother responding to that german flag, he is ikibey, a known t*rk living in germany whos trolling and spamming every day, roleplaying as a greek
Greedy fuckers wanted to banish turks from the island and ended up fucking the situation up for both sides
The coup.
The fact that some Greeks are so ignorant of Cyprus I've been asked by Greeks what language do we speak in Cyprus.
Fucking up attempts to unite the island.
Greek nationalism which was the cause for the division, the invasion and all the accompanying suffering.
If Greeks and Turks both fucked off, what language would you speak?
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i dont care if they kill all turks or whatever in cyprus
i dont care much about cyprus at all

are you stupid?
Turks aren't human
>Greedy fuckers
>actually 200 members of EOKA B'
I have no problem with Turkish Cypriots at all.
didnt u make population transfer?why not the same with Cyprus

>Fucking up attempts to unite the island.
dont you want this?
retarded american subhuman

worst about this
is that its ugly
Want what?
ofc a united cyprus is better
i hope you realize that the moment one fucks off the other will absorb you crimea-style
>retarded american subhuman

I am Greek
nobody will fuck off you retarded american

it will become a mixed shithole like turkey
i meant, unification with Greece
isnt Cyprus currently, technically united, both the greek and t*rk part?
Αποδειξέ το
They should gtfo simultaneously.
you are american
Cyprus is Greek, Anatolia is Greek
Noo, the notion of unification with Greece is long dead. Who would want to share Greek debt anyway? Also Cyprus pitta is far superior.
>technically united
No? There are 40,000 troops ready on each side.
no you gypsy scum

not anymore
how old are you?
cyprus is a non country and will never be free
is this that retarded shit whats called "civic nationalism"?
I am Greek.
>not anymore
t. T*rk
turkey is greek too, i don't see a problem here
ok anatolia is not part of turkey and cyprus is not divided
I thought no one aside for t*rks recognizes "Turkish Cyprus"
So, they have their own government, police, army, money, etc?Is there a border between the both?Can you just decide and walk into "Turkish" Cyprus tomorrow if you want?

dont give (you)s to the turkshit, he is doing this every single day
Reminder that bulgaria and romania are 10 years in EU and poorer than Turkey.
Yeah they have their own "country" but it isn't recognised by anyone except T*rkey.
They have a shitty army we can win I believe, but we won't stand a chance against Turkish airforce and reinforcements from the mainland.
They use T*rkish lira.
There is a border, it is like North-South Korea situation. I served their during my army time. Roaches are so uncivilised they throw rocks at you for the lolz at 3am but you can't shoot them lol.
Yes I can visit anytime I want.
Kıbrıs is rightful Turkish clay

Poonanistan can go away

how did we end up fucking the situation for both sides? The South is rich and the North is dirty poor.

Can you imagine living in a place were turks are as rich as you and have the same rights? Are you out of your fucking mind?
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shiet, are you this guy?
>They have a shitty army we can win I believe
turkey will never leave this shithole fight alone
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you're a fucking legend
>There is a border, it is like North-South Korea situation.
Kekd at this part, worst cyprus citizen
>how did we end up fucking the situation for both sides?
You can ask to native cypriots
A Greek Cypriot has an average wage of 1900 euros, is in the European Union and in the British comonwealth, so he can travel wherever he wants freely being part of the first world.

Now tell me about the Turks living in the North, how's life for them?
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You are greek
nobody in this whole board cares
what is happening in this thread
As soon as you cross the checkpoint from the Greek side this is the first thing you see. Pretty silly really
i made that thread
are u macedonian
I seriously couldn't stop laughing both those nights. During the coup night I almost had a heart attack watching the Turks here losing their shit with the riots, panick and deaths.

Those Turks are my favorite posters, I thank them for the moments they've given us here.
i cut my finger some days ago
it was painful
now i dont care
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>turk cypriots get more and more nationalistic
>greek cypriots instantly fall for the liberal antinational propaganda because the mainland is now in debt

who cares, it's your land, your choice.

butthurt turk
they're my favorite sandniggers. god bless
Iki that's you? come to balk man
you are butthurt
get squashed by a semitruck or something
ikibey what happened? your shitposting is weak today, are you all right?
wont happen you subhuman
how would you see the return of your rightful crown rulers under a newfounded monarchy?
Cyprus belongs to the De Lusignan together with Jerusalem, and said family just so happens to have been succeded by the Di Savoia trough marriages and ending of the main branch. So, again, how would you feel about an unified kingdom of Italy, Cyprus and Jerusalem under the Savoia?
the eternal ven*tian strikes again
really weak, like someone drained your shitposting mana, what happened?
pumped my mana into your mother
that's more like it, but still quite weak.

where's all teh "I am a Greek, subhuman" lines?
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>Actual line from Venician officer during the T*rk invasion of 1578
>"We'd rather loose Venice than Cyprus"
>Venicians send no help
>Cyprus get mass raped and pillaged by the Turks
>Venician general was so bad he decided not to engage the Turks during embarking with his Cyprus Cavalry because he sucked at military strategy and was a beta cuck.
almost an hour has passed, will the terrorist attack happen?
whole cyprus should join turey desu
Turkey and Greece have been negotiating about Cyprus like 1000 times.
How come they haven't compromised yet?
they dont think like europeans/faggots
t. ahmed

build a dam
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So what do they think like?
Mind you that they almost had a war over TWO rocks several times of whom one few weeks ago.


They're both ignorant as fuck.
whats the deal with cyprus

is it historical gayreek clay or was it turkroach inhabited since the start
why would WE negotiate?
the only negotiations is between Greeks in Cyprus and Turks in that muslim zone.
Gayreek clay since antiquity
first turks set foot here a mere 500 years ago
kill yourself you fucking shitskin, of course we're gonna go to war over two fucking rocks , no fucking sandnigger is ever gonna touch anything Greek without getting a kebab stick up his ass.

cocksucking faget, I'll kill you all myself if I have to.
like men you bitch
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none of your business you subhuman
i will enter the turkish village tonight and kill a turkish child because of this post
In the case: why haven't they negotiated yet, or did but couldn't compromise?

I'm no sandnigger but mind you that your country is the one that got raped during the incidents. Literally took down a helicopter and got away with it too.

Men would've solved the issue during the first negotiation, not bitch about it and never come to a solution like women do.
the border soldiers will shoot you like a wild dog

they would hit each other until one of them dies
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>north Cyprus will be annexed in your lifetime

How do foreigners feel about this?
1 - i meant a turkish village in bulgaria
2 - turkish border guards are the gayest pussies around
>>north Cyprus will be annexed in your lifetime
What do you mean by this?
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Anon, YOU are Greek.
>turkish border guards are the gayest pussies around
i remember the opposite where you filthy bulgarians had to fuck off
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>How do foreigners feel about this?

>north cyrpus
Literally where?

The average person only knows of Cyprus as "the country where that funny tennis player comes from"
(Baghdadis or however you spell it)
you dont remember shit because nothing happened
my uncle'd friend says they shoot rounds at the border sometimes hoping to kill a random turk
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why do you gypsy think that you are more powerful and superior than turks?
bulgaria is just another filthy useless balkanshithole
Εθνιkό Λαϊkό Μέτωπο?
bulgaira and kurdistan will genocide the turks from anatolia forever

i will take a bath of death turk like my great great grandfather
You have my attention. What is it that you want?
>tfw rich
>tfw richer
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that's a bit deceptive.
why is northern-east Turkey so rich compared to its area?
why is south-eastern Turkey so poor?
what are those two regions in the blue?

also is marmaris region rich? i went there 2 years ago and seemed western europe-tier
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>why is northern-east Turkey so rich compared to its area?
No Kurds

>why is south-eastern Turkey so poor?
your shithole will be finished after 10 minutes

he lives much better than you

i wanted to write they are 10 years in eu and still poorer than turkey without mentioning western part
turkish life will be extinguished at the end of bulgarian knife like in 19 and 20th century
bulgaria wont exist after ww3
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Kill yourself. Bulgaria would destroy you.

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>You have my attention. What is it that you want?
Why not join E.LA.M.?

That guy is directly responsible for the coup of 1974 and the subsequent invasion
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the byzantians couldnt destroy us
mongols couldnt destroy us
latins couldnt destroy us
our neighbours couldnt destroy us
commies couldnt destroy us
we coulndt destroy ourselves

hell, 500 years of you roaches couldnt fucking destroy us

we are here to stay, you filthy mudshit untermensch and there is LITERALLY nothing anyone could do
yeah i bet your gr8 gr8 grandfather was laughing too before 90% of balkans got cleansed of turk strench
my great great grandfather lived in a mud hut in northern iran, all the """turks""" in the balkans were christian converts
I am a Greek

probably because they were busy with real enemies you pathetic subhuman
sshh. dont wake them up. let harem materials believe their own delusions.
>all the """turks""" in the balkans were christian converts
there were DNA tests

the christian converts have a clear identity - pomaks, gorans, bosniaks, albanians

balkan turks are genetically the same anatolian turks
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look it up, cuckmed
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>nationalists do something about ther gobernmend
>enemy of cypriots (greeks) invade
>"hurr the invasion was their fault xDD"
What did you mean by this?
Yuo are not a Greek
Turks are not Greeks.
Turks living in Germany are not Greeks.
Turks living in Germany roleplaying as Greeks on 4chan are not Greeks.
I'm Greek

absolutely based

im not that guy please. Also daily reminder that coup in greece=land loss
coup in tr=no loss
song name? based germans
i bet i am more greek than you
even more greek than all weird mixed subhumans from america canada and australia
they are basically new world scum
Why do Bulgarian girls look like Slavic girls but Bulgarian men look like Turks?
they share a border with turkey
now do the math
It doesn't explain why Bulgarian girls don't look like Turk girls.
Let me when the happenings happen
Does Cyprus have any other regional allies other than the Greeks?

show me a Bulgarian who looks like pic related.Thats what 80% of their country looks like, the t*rks that you've seen are the white north/western ones who are basically balkanians.
cyprus is a non country
they have probably israel
because we don't
>Thats what 80% of their country looks like
there are more whites in turkey
than bulgarians on the planet
you look more like gypsies
same with serbians
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