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Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 70

gugu edition
fuck anime
Keri Sable 2bh lads
this thread has been claimed by the honorable kingdom of Swadia
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marry anime
i will drink from your skull
business idea: scandinavian union
the gf
is that dan schneider
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Ever get the feeling you don't belong?
business idea: democratic confederalism
this is racist
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How is Indonesia even a real country? It's so random. Can't wait for that super volcano to remove it
think my dads gonna die
he's breathing really heavily all the time
*asks the experts*
sorry mate not profitable enough
blame the dutch
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watch it chrissy

She looks like an Asian caricature of a Jew
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>Check Amir's blog for the first time in months
>He's STILL obsessing over the polish slags
>Bragging about how he makes more money than them
>Someone in the comments shows how even if they were still entry level they'd be making more than his wageslave job
I would blame the dutch if I were you
tired lads
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Relaxing with the ol' Great Dane lads

Just got some pet insurance
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Has she gotten out of prison?
think turtlemong has fell out with me
don't know if I could live in a world without wyoming
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found a political compass i did in 2015

*stomps his head*
I think his trial is delayed again. What a tragic life.

Oops, sorry anon-san (´・ω・`)
must have been egg roll from last nite
good dog
A Great Dane could kill you

he weighs like 180lbs
Really got to wonder what overwieght, dead inside beast makes these posts.
Really gets the veins frying.
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not really, rorkes aren't welcome here comrade
Is he still planning a mass murder/suicide?
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brapposters need to be culled

a volcano hasn't destroyed and entire city in ages
who's a good dog?
a triangle has 3 sides
*libertarianly enforces socialism*
ugh feel like telling a yank to f*ck off

U like dat pink boi?
Damn. They should try therapy.
don't think turtlemong is present
*enforces your head*
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the ol bik'.jpg
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Washing the ducati and the porsche lads

might sell it
business idea: disown my Norwegian grandma for saying nigger all the time and not remembering who I am
you're a good dog
*pats your head*
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*federally allows market socialism*
the reasonable goal
>adult section on hotel tv
>no gay porn
'planning' yes. We both know he's too much of a coward though, otherwise he'd have done it now. His life is so shit, the breaking point has been
Would unironically rather this happen to me than this
go to the reception and ask them if they have disabled gay porn
How do you guys learn how to open and run a company in the UK?

Regarding accounting, marketing, finances, legislation, business plan. I mean, the step by step, practical knowledge of how to open and run a business in your country, what you have to do, who you have to talk to, what government agency to talk to, what documments you have to have and make.

Do you learn it in school? Do you learn it in some agency of small business and entrepreneurship?
>Finish at 1
>Get the train
>Get home at about 2:30

Ahhhh yes the famed "half-day"
Agreed. Haven't heard from him in awhile so I'm trying to get caught up and his writing is terrible so I'm not reading his blog.
only rorkes learn that from their daddy

You would have to look it up online
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*builds a bunker*
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hehe there's a good prole
business idea: copy business ideas from the last thread and hope no one notices
syndicalism lads
What's the last thing you remember? I could probably sum up the interesting parts in a few lines.
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Comrade Tito, I'm Sigurimi

GOOD post
Black brits are so cool with their slang

these are what my dad's compass looks like
made some delightful french almond cakes. they're honestly fucking amazing. shame i dont have a gf to impress with them. ah well.
really need a poo but there's too many people around

can only poo when it's quiet
He got a job working at the post office sorting packages during Xmas.
He was pissed that he didn't get back into Uni and was planning his murder/suicide cuz "women were out to get him" cuz the panel was three women
business idea: state-sponsored immigrant gfs
its already being ruined though
you ever hear an american say it?
are there any other presidents that so thoroughly have ruined their own reputation, credibility and favorability within two weeks of getting into office?
your dad sounds like a good lad
I heard the USA's Small Business Administration is responsible for that, they have distance learning courses. I am doing classes in SEBRAE, which is a brazilian "company incubator" that also teach this kind of stuff. I am an sperg who doesn't know shit about practical things, how to do stuff on my own. And I was curious if you have something similar in the United Kingdom.
upper right>lower right>upper left>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lower left
business idea: female only immigrants.

all the shit jobs get done by unskilled low-paid workers but none of the associated social disharmony is imported.
Literally never heard of this

what does 'mandem' mean

mad men?
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They said the same thing about Bush. The right tried their hardest to do it with Obama, but they don't have the same cultural influence as the left [read as jew run media]
commie brit is best brit desu
Sound lad
business idea: kazakh immigrant only females
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>reputation, credibility and favorability
Trump had none to begin with, that's why he was elected, because he doesn't care about favouritism politics and was just less of a lizard person than Hillary
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Two gay men on a tandem bicycle - Mandem

In use:

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I'm a team leader at Argos

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So what you're saying is that straight men are the root of all evil?
Mandem (a group of males)
i like it
>He got a job working at the post office sorting packages during Xmas.
He ended up getting sacked from there and is now doing cold-calling at a call centre.
>he didn't get back into Uni and was planning his murder/suicide cuz "women were out to get him" cuz the panel was three women
Kek. He spammed them with sarcastic emails, one which implied he was going to kill himself. The police went and took him under custody again and his poor folks were embarassed again by the paki. Got charged for something.
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Martello Lakes.jpg
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the goal

bush was intensely disliked towards the end of his second term but he was still taken seriously at the beginning
Really arousing how all these 'immigrants' are 20-30 year old vigiourous men who fuck 16-19 year olds while cucks sit there and defend them. God bless England.
the car goal
sure they do
alri leafo


Bush was called an illegitimate president on day one
What are the political tenets of Rorkeism?
not talking about legitimacy here
off to reading with you sunshine
tell you all types of moves you don't do, say it's all in the tongue and the finger, coach you.
t. Foreign 20-something your old brainwashed soviet rape baby who read this on reddit
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the goal
yew kipp
Good little cuck, defend them like rotherham. God I love this country.
[citation needed]

No one took him seriously. He was called an idiot clown on day one
you think we will look fondly back on these cars? I really don't, and I like most modern things so I'm not some le everything was better fag. But new cars just don't drive me crazy. We peaked in the 90s
alri yanko
To be fair, Rotherham wasn't 16-19 year old girls. Maybe 6-9.
Howling at all the thinly veiled racism itt. Typical rorkes
>I only hate immigrants because they rape our women!!
WRONG. You discriminate solely based on their race.
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don't you dare repeat my gimmick, i did not give you permission pond dweller

someone posted a picture where you were supposed to find 3 words in a pond of words and those 3 words would define you

i found "secret made hate", in that order

really made me think
Business idea:trade racists for muslim immigrant men
B-But refugees are still welcome, there is no reason why we can't build even more mosques here, it's what the queen would want I'm sure :)
Fucking screeching at this

>92% of left-wing activists live with their parents and one in three is unemployed, study of Berlin protesters finds

wrong because its racist, doing a really hard think
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my laptop is giving my hand RSI. was probably inevitable due to the amount i use it haha. be careful folks
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how many hours are you going to spend on here today, rasheed?
generals gathered in their masses
caterwauling and somersaulting
>Obsessing about Yank politics/problems in Germany and France while pakis rape white children here daily
Ah yes, very impressive seeing the mongrel try to do a think.
>capitalists gouge rent endlessly
>haha why can't u move out lmao

thats a big frog
*lifts up the settee looking for a fuck to give*
sorry mate, think I'm all out
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business idea: bait the Irish
this lad at work just turned 20, i think of him as being really young and immature and then i realised my gf is the same age

concerning lads
so it's bad to be a champagne socialist but it's also bad to be poor and the system to have failed you?
Alri lads my car didn't start yesterday but it will be resolved later in the week. Thanks for your concern
feeling a bit wank lads
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Business idea:all males in a country are forced to emigrate upon reaching 18 to another random country. I think the first round should immigrate here from Pakistan
arise ye prisoners of starvation
bang him
get A JOB
stop making sense

Just like witches at black masses
feeling a bit yank lads
there aren't any lad
>Working class thinking they're not poor
I cringe everytime.
Russell Brand is a bit of twat but he was spot on regarding hypocrisy, regardless of whatever he truly believes

>"When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I'm rich and I complain about inequality they say I'm a hypocrite. I'm beginning to think they just don't want to talk about inequality"
no, you're just useless
get well soon
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champagne socialists should just give me some of their money because i'm lower in the food chain than them
can't argue this logic
that's socialism
I can afford to go to holiday at presthaven every 2 years
how is THAT poor?
get on your bike
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>Bluetoothing songs to mates on their phones so they could listen later

2007-2009 was a beautiful time period
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>Fury as migrant anglers 'eat the fish'

>Officials armed with batons, handcuffs and body armour are patrolling riverbanks and lakes as tensions rise between anglers and eastern Europeans. The migrants have been blamed by fishermen for contributing to declining fish stocks by illegally keeping their catches for the dinner table rather than returning them to the waterways.
Haven't wiped my arse properly.
the rich should just give the poor their money so the poor can be rich
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>feeling a bit yank lads
they literally are voting and campaigning for that to happen, even donating money to parties who will then redistribute their wealth even further
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>he willingly subscribes to an ideology
anyone else convince themselves theyre getting a really shitty haircut, stress about it until you get home, wash it and then style it like usual and realise everything is okay

it just looks so shitty in the shop for some reason
wait, anglers in britain put their fish back in the water?
Why do borders exist lads? Literally imaginary lines between THE SAME land mass. Crazy how people in need from africa and the middle east cannot come here to survive but barry down the road is obese!
had that phone
How do communists suppose we create the capital to give to everyone?
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>not eating from the trashcan of ideology and, in a way, enjoying it

If it's too small, yes
why don't they actually give their money away though
like right now
cringing at myself for liking something he said
At licensed ponds/lakes, yeah.
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know that feel
>paying for someone to use basic tools to cut your hair
>using products from big pharma which fuck your endocrine system
>Unit_1337 is currently recruiting new members
Lads a girl I know is sending me foot pics saying "lool I don't have feet on my onesie"
I have a GF should I let her do it?
what the fuck?

why do they even go fishing then? half the fun is cooking and eating your own catch
need 47% average this year for a 2:1

Am I the only Constitutional Monarchist on /brit/
>Literal random migrants can wander into a country and manage to feed themselves in a random place
>Few spuds go off in Ireland which has a massive coastline and they can't work it out

Truly subhuman

I know right? We should be about to go to the middle east and take all the oil! They don't own it!
I haven't paid some retard to cut my hair for years lads, trim it myself. Also haven't used shampoo in 6 months and hair is looking better than ever.
it's not about free stuff it's about giving everyone the same opportunities particularly in provision of basic human needs e.g. healthcare, education and the justice system, which is best done through a state systtem
every single fucking time lad

i'm sitting there smiling and say "yes great thanks" whilst screaming inside

i never learn
*closes TurnItIn for maintenance on your submission day*
nice try, kid
be it actually looks shit and you have 0 self-awareness.
business idea: stop taking your medication and instead drink copious amounts of alcohol
wow this thread gets a lot better if german flags are filtered

Why the fuck would you eat carp or perch?
I legitimately spend £34 on my haircut
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this actually happened last semester but i emailed tje lecturer and she understand
we're all german
post picture
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t'am to intelligent to lift heavy things
>I haven't paid some retard to cut my hair for years lads, trim it myself. Also haven't used shampoo in 6 months and hair is looking better than ever.
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>get in an argument on 4chan
>start to realize my argument is dumb
>dig myself deeper
>post my final argument
>immediately close the thread and never go back it out of shame
speak for yourself harry hun
Got a promotion today. Off to the Audi dealership.
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How many roads must a man walk down,
Before you can call him a man?
Get complimented on it daily and lose none of the essential oils like all you lads do.
t.brainwashed runt
keep forking out money for all that hair product mate, very masculine!
under the tories i became the first person from my council house poverty family to go to university, graduating this year with a 1st in physics
opportunities mean nothing if you don't motivate the runt hordes to actually work hard, free handouts encourage being a lazy piece of shit like my benefits parents
thank you anonymous
I spend $25 + $5 tip (I know)
But I get a free beer or whiskey while I wait
mine costs 11 quid and then i tip the lad 2 quid
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Rover 800 (14).jpg
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early 1990s british company car culture is fascinating
>under the tories i became the first person from my council house poverty family to go to university, graduating this year with a 1st in physics

if you started in 2014 that was the coalition government
I haven't had a haircut since 2012
and I buy the cheapest shampoo I can get
that's still less runty than you avoiding the "soapy jew"
I miss the ex-gf who'd cut my hair for free
Is it weird that I write reports
>paying for toxic chemicals to put into your hair and lower your test
what the fuck is that?
because i caught it?

it's like going hunting and just leaving the deer to rot
Just use shower gel everywhere instead of shampoo desu
coalition government = tories
clegg was a miserable worm that did nothing when big economy dave stomped him
Patrick Kielty
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alri newcunt
back from the gym, unfortunately didnt fail a rep and get killed by the barbell
oh well, always next time
men hundreds of years ago didn't use all these hair products and did just fine, why would I fall for advertising?
No it isn't. You don't kill it.
the fish aren't killed you fucking moron

I did it for a month and it fucked my scalp up. Had to get a prescription for a special shampoo from my GP.
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need 66% this year for a 1st

uh oh
Perch is fucking delicious you heathen
can't stand Neighbours
awful accents
my scalp gets really irritated if i dont wash it every day. i wouldn't mind waiting for the grease to disappear but the itchiness is too annoying.
t.awful diet
a character called gondola
who's alri?
Haven't even washed my hair in a month let alone shampoo lol
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Found some EXCELLENT erotica lads


>Ty opened the door to the hotel room and was greeted with Scarlett in her red bra and panties, laying down in a rather suggestive pose, with four burritos by her side.

>Scarlett: *grabs one of the burritos, devours it in seconds* Mmmm... "PHHHHHHHHHHBBBBBBBBBBBTTTTTTT!!!!!" *fans the fart into Ty's direction* So... you ready for some fun, Ty?

>Ty: *smells her fart* Yes, I am! *locks the door*
I've been doing no poo for like 4 years now
Is there anything worse than 2000-2008 """fashion"""?
need over 70% for a 2:1 this year lads
hold me
mine are extremely south welsh and they are up yelling until 2am every night and they have a toddler which is up every day crying at 7am
can't fathom how people deal with this shit
>tfw 6:15-14:15 shift tomorrow

really hate these ;_;
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best meme of 2016
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that's Gondola lad
No shampoo as in just using soap or literally not washing your hair?
poo or shampoo
good luck lad

my arsehole
fucking mong, you're supposed to still thoroughly rinse your hair
im doing no shampoo, have been for a few months and my hair has unironically never looked better
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Ironic how I'll be blasting on this on the day of the rope. All communists will hang. RWDS

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got a sore throat
*coughs pathetically in your direction*
i eat well and i'm healthy enough

no shampoo is fucking dumb

Sad! Low energy!

m8 that's not even a real hahahha you're never getting on work. Good job, wagie
Does it smell and what length hair
I'm talking about the Australian soap opera you melon
If you're going to use it, at least buy natural stuff and not the ones full of chemicals
why does it has no torso
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joms boxtor.gif
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I did rinse it with water

you'll be fucked eventually
RA2 version is better
the nude picture of my gf that i wank to the most is the one where i can see her bumhole

hmm think i need to suggest anal
i live in swansea, they translate it into south welsh down here so the locals can understand it
I'd like to give you my tip, if you know what I mean ;)
cos its a made up character
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>Ironic how I'll be blasting on this on the day of the rope. All communists will hang. RWDS
thats a cute horse :3
Jodie Marsh
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>i'm socialist
Fucking dumb Kraut.
can we see it?
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Would you, lads?
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nah doesn't smell. Grade 2 back and sides, quite short on top (but long enough to touch my eyebrows)
I use Shampoo like one a fortnight and my hair is fucking gorgeous mate, sort yourself out.
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who knows

gondola is melancholic

post it runt
You're a fucking Abo though. You'd eat a fucking rusty exhaust pipe.
>Last year, 6'3, XL T-shirts fit me fine
>This year, the same XL shirts are noticeably shorter on me

Haven't measured myself but additional growth is possible at 20 years old rright?
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gondola cafe.jpg
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too comfy for a torso
shampoo doesn't make a difference really
you either have good hair or you don't
at the point now where seeing attractive women just makes me really sad
hate my life
Would absolutely ravage the woman on the chase
nah your shirts just shrunk in the wash
Blackburn is worse than Luton?

Fucking hell. What's the 32.4% next to Bradford, surprised Little Pakistan wasn't first.
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the absolute state of peru
fo homophobic y
reading is for normies
i rate bugzy 2bh
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On this day in history, 7th of February, Benjamin Franklin gave his "An Imaginary Speech" in London in 1775

A British cabinet member sayed, "the Americans are unequal to the People of this Country in Devotion to Women, and in Courage, and in what, in his Sight seems worse than all, they are religious"

Franklin's Response

>No one, Sir, feels the Odiousness of Comparisons more than myself. But I am necessitated to pursue, in some measure, the Path which the honourable Gentleman has marked out. Sir, let the rapid Increase and Population of America, compared with the Decrease of England and of Scotland, shew which of the two People are most effectually devoted to the Fair Sex.

>Sir, I am at a Loss to conceive upon what Facts the Gentleman grounds his Impeachment of American Courage. Is it upon the Capture of Louisbourg, and the Conquest of Nova Scotia in the War before the last? Is it upon their having alone taken Crown Point from the French Regulars?

>I had almost forgot the Honourable Gentleman’s Charge of their being too religious. Sir, they were such Religionists, that vindicated this Country from the Tyranny of the Stuarts. Perhaps the Honourable Gentleman may have some compassionate Feelings for that unhappy Family: Does that sharpen his Resentment against the Americans; who inherit from those Ancestors, not only the same Religion, but the same Love of Liberty and Spirit to defend it?
Yeah surprised me too, never think of Blackburn as a Muslim city

For ones with multiple numbers it depends on how you define the boundaries of the place
what is this
wish modern armies were as aesthetic as the Wehrmacht.
Didn't read this post
Can't stop thinking about the autistic friend
Might be in love with her lads
I need to use it every 2 or 3 nights or my hair gets greasy

Yeah it's possible but more likely your clothes shrunk in the eash

shan't be reading this
wow what an exciting post

haven't read a book in almost 10 years
Need a DEFINITIVE answer on what is acceptable on /brit/. When you want to make a new line is it

>Line one
>Line two


>Line one

>Line two
single line
Hitler simultaneously saved and destroyed Europe.
File: LRDG.jpg (165KB, 700x375px) Image search: [Google]
165KB, 700x375px
I like the aesthetic of the long range desert group desu
wew throwback
>Peru (Gay)
i do both just to fuck with autistic freaks like you. kill yourself.
bit gay
>Line one
>Line two

Then delete your post you fucking unfunny runt.
read beavers towers mate
nah don't wanna get banned
File: 87656789876569.webm (77KB, 499x206px) Image search: [Google]
77KB, 499x206px
read and enjoyed every word
How about instead of using 'ddit formatting, you just formulate an actual sentence?
upload it somewhere else then
am ocxmpelte ly unable to rwad and wtri4w but stil manegedc to find mey way 8uneto this obritish chat foruem on 4chan

ahh yes
gimmicks for this feel lads?
File: Anonymous.gif (2MB, 312x250px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 312x250px
>How about instead of using 'ddit formatting, you just formulate an actual sentence?
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