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/cp/ - Culture Pals

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 63

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Redhead qts Edition!

Welcome to Culture Pals! Find QTs around the world, meet Ukrainian and Russian QTs, argue with them about the loyalty of Crimea, feel bad for the Canuck who got cucked, gawk at the looks of our beautiful prosecutor :D


OP pastebin:

Old- >>70854567
First for a mail brides.
second for sleepless nights
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Dumping some HT screenshots.
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'Thanks for everyone helping me with German'
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top censor job right there
Why do many women list "romance/flirting" then make a big deal in their profile about how they don't want flirtatious messages?

Is it just
>you must be THIS attractive to flirt with me
>women being women
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what site is this?
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kek. Too late now.
the first one
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>you must be THIS attractive to flirt with me

This applies to pretty much everything when it comes to women.
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It's a smartphone application called 'HelloTalk' but they are pretty strict about their 'no dating' policy and come down hard banning on any flirting.

So if you actually want to """""learn a language"""" use this instead of interpals.
True that.
why are censoring the names tho?
it's also fine for flirting as long as it's not your top priority and you're not an autistic creep about it.

t. got some buttpics there last night
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shit forgot mai waifu
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Well, it's a fine line and since I'm actually using it to find language exchange partners It's a 100 times more valuable for this purpose than just to score some nudes. So I'd like to avoid getting banned. Just one report and it's over.
>actually trying to find someone to practice Vietnamese with
>message a few people
>they look at my profile but don't message me back
I don't get it.
Why do you want to learn Vietnameme?
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why are you talking alone, answer me

>wanting to learn vietnamese
Teach English there. Idk what to do with my life but travelling to some place with tasty food and teaching English seems cool
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Why not? Why are you avatarfagging?
Why doesn't Spain make it into the love heart?
because it's redhead edition and she's mai waifu.

im open for redhead qts on IP, send them my way pls
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You wouldn't be able to see the heart anymore.
Have you tried Ireland and Scotland?
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there are no qts there, just horsefaces but if you find someone pls send
what's up, Bruno?
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ffs im not bruno, check the flags
>disgusting salami nipples
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shut upppppp
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I'm not gonna share with you my qts. Irish accent gives me boners.
>Irish accent gives me boners
wew lad
rude.... i found 2 irish qts that I liked one not online since a few months, the other one seems a fake profile but ill message her anyway.
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GOOD LAD, didnt have that one
What's her site anyway?
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don't know I think you could find easily on google, all the pics I have from her is from some imgur album that I downloaded as zip.
I've been talking to an Irish qt redhead. Message me and I'll send you her profile.
what were you doing? adolf frankenstein
Hello :)
HelloTalk is weird. It won't let you sign up without a picture but then they have a specific pop-up if you tap anyone's pic saying that HT is a language learning platform and don't allow that
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translate this for me pls :)
>tfw going to a foreign country to teach english was my best chance to escape being neet thanks to slow job market
>tfw I was too autistic for it
Thanks mate. I was laughing every time she said "teabag", am I normal?
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just a tidy bit of autism :>
who's this semen demon
how can you post that and not the link

I see a nipple
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I want you all to edge until the end of the thread :> ill post after


scroll up dummy

This French QT and I have had nonstop conversation the past 3 days. I don't think I've ever gotten so many :) :D and ;) from anyone else before (other than the Italian)
I had 3 messages from real humans and not spam bots when I first logged on this morning. Feels good.

what countries?
lads do you believe in love at first sight? /ilariaaya94

gl bro

>lads do you believe in love at first sight?

Two from Turkey, one from Tunisia.
Oohhhh shiitt niggas.

This cute as fuck Russian/Kyrgyz girl might be moving to Canada for study.... Toronto is only a 1hr 30min flight away... ;)
>tfw they only ever come to toronto and vancouver to study

My university only had mainland Chinese for foreign students, feels bad man.

Fuck I hope she doesn't go to Vancouver... im gonna tell her to go to Toronto
Gratz on finding a French girl not obsessed with Korea.
Bonne chance.
Mainland Chinese are scum

She's from south west France. Is that good?
Agreed. They've ruined this country desu. They're why normal people can't afford to live in Toronto and Vancouver anymore and I'm sure they'll be doing it to other cities soon.

Also the Chinese students at my university were annoying as fuck. When I'm in the library trying to finish up a 20 page research paper that's due the next day, the last thing I want to hear is those fucks shouting in mandarian at the person 2 feet away from them.
They're a fucking plague at my university. Don't speak English, don't respect my countries culture, don't interact with the locals, huge superiority complex, walk around in gangs, nuisance at the library... I could go on for days
>new wall post
>oh boy i'm so excited who could this be
>another 4/10 philippina

really inquires you to think
I (female) want to touch you (male) very much.
fuck you found my qt
There's so many of them in Sheffield they've got dual signage in the city centre.
I'm from Bradford so pakis are my problem
my condolences
flips have fucking terrible white fever. They seem to avoid me though thank fuck.
>keep getting russian and ukrainian guys viewing me

any other native english speakers get this?
if most of them weren't so hideous i wouldn't even complain, but yeah
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>complaining about having views

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Thanks man, just want this place leveled
one of my first qts that I talked to on IP is from bordeux, back in the days when I didnt know fuck all about how to talk to girls
kek fun times, I still have our convo
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That's pretty good. Bordeaux is a comfy city. Not too many undesirables. High chance she's a leftist, tho.
It's fine. People are nice and welcoming, with a good mentality. The food is great, the wine too.
It's easy to go to as well if you ever plan to visit. I was worried she could be far west of Bordeaux, since it's very remote. It takes longer to reach the sea from Bordeaux than to come from Paris to Bordeaux.

Well, I have been wanting to do a International trip sometime this year. If things continue like this for another month or so, then I might make a visit. There is a lot I want to see in France anyways, so either way, the trip would be worth it
What do you want to see?
I passed by bordeaux once by car, the city seemed pretty, worth a few days imo.

I'm thinking if I actually were to go visit her. I'd fly into Paris, spend 5-7 days just exploring the whole Normandy area, and going to Calais and Dunkirk. Then going back to Paris, and flying down to her city for another 5 days. Before flying home. I'm a WW2 nerd.
It's faster (and normally cheaper) to take the train from Paris to Bordeaux, but if you really want to fly there, here's an idea.
Or if you get your license and the proper qualifications, you could rent a plane, but it'll be a bit more expensive.

no such QTs

Oh ok, well I'd train then. But, I will have my private pilots license by April or May! :)
Anyone ever come across a lonely cute that willing to pay for everything for them? Or just any "sugar mama" in general?
If those existed they wouldn't be trolling IP

The dream 2bh
What do slavs mean when they use "))"? Is it like a Cyrillic exclamation mark? An emoticon?
Its not slavs, its russians, it means :) but : is too far from ) on russian keyboard

I like to imagine it's like a week doing this ~
Alright cheers m8, I guess it's a good sign then
its not because of that >>70922488 but russians believe showing your eyes in text brings bad luck and traps your soul. so they just put )) instead
Is it weird to have male friends on Interpals?

I'm talking to this Russian dude and he seems pretty nice though I don't want him to get any weird ideas because I'm not a faggot, I have nothing against faggots but I'm not a faggot myself. I hope he's straight because I don't want to get friendly with a gay person and have him target me.
There's no such thing. We are just lazy af ))

Just call the Russian authorities if he's a gay boy lol

This Russian dude has been messaging me too. He seems cool tho, he's telling me about his time in the Russian Army
I talked to some slokanian guy he was pretty chill but he always gave a gay vibe so I blocked him
Pretty sure my only qt lost interest reeeeee

Ya do it to yourseellff, you dooo
And that's what really hurts
Ya did it to your self
It's trueeee
>talk to cool af canuck chick
>cant help but feel like im getting catfished

if it's one of you faggots i'm gonna hunt you down and shove a pack of crumpets down your throat

What's cool about her?
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How do you find a slav boyfriend on here? They're hard to find.
This worries me with my qt, but I'm clueless to know how to tell
reverse image search
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Why don't you guys use tinder?

Uh, there is a Serb and a Russian here on /cp/ that in sure would love a green card..

Because Tinder here sucks dick. It's nowhere near as good as what you have
WHo this bitch??
No facebook.
pretty good banter between us, sort of /int/ tier banter though so I got suspicious pretty quick. Carried on the convo for longer and yeah she was amusing but there's no way i can carry on with it knowing some dude could be fucking with me. she sent memes and shit like that too, i've been on this site for like a year and never spoke to someone like that before so didnt trust her immediately

We spoke for like an hour solid, good banter, was one of the more entertaining convo's i've had for a while but it was too good. didnt want too proceed so told her im not gonna message again till she takes a photo of herself with a shoe on her head. she says she doesnt want to cause she's in her pj's, as if that's an excuse, but also it's afternoon on tuesday in canada so it was a dodgy excuse
Does the script not like work anymore?
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account names? Do they like vidya games?

>tfw no russian or serb bf
To be fair I've been in my pj's all day, even when I briefly went outside
But then again I don't see why that specifically would stop you putting a shoe on head
no its dead move along leave my qts alone

I don't know their accounts Tbh.... just pay attention here and they will post!!

They are cool dudes Tbh
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qtcrawler, google it

the serb hasnt posted in a while and he didnt have IP profile
bost profile
well im croatian and thats almost the same as serb
post profile
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entirely dependent on and limited to location obviously

Live too close to a city with many ultra liberal sluts, also hate always driving into the city for a half as date that she probably only agreed on to get a free meal.
I live in a hick town where the only girls here that are single are swamp monsters.
Do we have a gay russian here?
I haven't seen him in a while given how every time he posts people encourage him to get gulag'd
there's an american with russian flag that doesnt even kiss his gf I think that's the closest from a russian faggot we have here
I really don't like British girls
Me neither lad haha
what cunt has given you the best luck?
She just wants to teach me her language and learn more english now dangit

Belaruse, but if you like Asians then that's probably the best bet

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Hi all, me report for today


last message 20 days ago
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what happened man, you can't be that ugly
korea, but asia in general applies as well

>that feel when too much of a beta to attract an Eastern European
amazingly taiwan

Update your pictures. I used to get 0 views.
jealous tbqh
None, they're all equally bad for me.
they are pretty based

>mention their pig blood on a stick snack
>automatically acquire a conversation
>>70927275 here, thinking about it >>70927533 is right. Asians are the only ones to message first (aside from overly friendly Turk guys), it's just that I always message Eastern Euro girls
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im sub-averarage

last message was from lithuanian girle btw =)
>Asians are the only ones to message first
Asians never message me. I'll occasionally get first messages from Slavs and turk girls though.

was she a nice girl?
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ok i have done something horrible
>tfw want to update my picture like people advised me too but can't take good pictures to save my life
>Slavettes and Roachettes
Pls pls trade profiles

btw if anyone wants to acquire Asians, I won't say in how but my picture is kind of 'cutesy/funny' as far as it goes for men. I'm not learning Korean or any of that shit though
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i only get views from russia poland and korea

but none message me

yes but had to stop talking to her when she got too complicated =(

i try
Will taking a pic with my cat gain me points?
You don't want my profile, I barely get messages. Someone might message me first once every two weeks, maybe 1 out of 10 will actually respond to me if I message first.
I used to have a pic with my cat. I got a shitload of messages, but most of them were more interested in the cat than me.

What did you do to the train girl...
have lots of sunlight and a flattering myspace angle

also have freshly cut hair
>I like to talk with you)

Go on

I'd have thought that it can't do you any harm, go for it my dude

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For 2 years I've been seeing these kinds of threads on /int/ and they just strike me as white betas trying to get laid by brown / asian chicks who don't know any better. have any of you autists succeeded in this endeavor?
>canada in the winter

Guess no new pics for me until spring then lmao
no places nearby with snow that reflect tons of light? Sad!
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well you know i talked about heeming her yesterday(ironically) and when she showed up in class today she had broken her leg or something. i'm think this is my fault
i've fucked around 12 chicks since last year thanks to interpals only

You used your wizard powers and inflicted pain about the QT you obsess.

You should help her with her books
literally getting married because of it

what you posted is completely true though
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Are you the guy who's QT is scared of Trump so wants to get married?
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I am definitely a beta, and white, but I'm going for mediterraneans, magyars and slavs who don't know any better

Wew.. that's a high number
perks of living in paris. they all want to come visit, and i offer them to stay at my place for a weekend instead of hostels and whatnot
for you
I actually did it boys, I blocked krautland because of the spammer. I don't get any views or messages from real German girls anyway so no loss.


>There are people in this thread RN who don't listen to Kacy Hill's music while fapping to her pics.

She's actually a pretty good singer



I'm black, not a beta and i've fucked 4 girls from this site.
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>black brit
you'd absolutely kill it out here
You'll be able to apply for her nationality after 3 years of marriage and one year of residence in her country, if you're interested.

I'm quite handsome, do well with my grades, know spanish, and go to a great college.
I also am actively attracted to women where it is hard to pay attention sometimes. Have dated before when I was in high school, etc.

On one hand, I want to "mature" into the dating/relationship life.
On the other, sometimes no matter what, I just don't care to get any closer.

Anyone know this feel?
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... no
>I'm quite handsome
That's cheating! No fair! Get out of Paris and stop hogging all the qts


Being in a relationship =/= growing up

Don't fall for the lie, fuck qts, do what you enjoy and you'll be infinitely happier.
women are just a meme you can put your dick in, don't bother man
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Let's just say the top of this pyramid doesn't exist in my view.
Oh no
Wrong word

Centro? Oragne.
>women are just a meme you can put your dick in.

That was strangely profound
>word no comprensible

I understand that
I don't have the word for what I want to say. Maybe ¿"dating"?

I don't think maturing = needed to do X
I just used wrong word

¿Is everything a meme ?
nah not really
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meh I prefer her body :> she also voted hillary because #imwithher

i'd choke my best friend as I look the life wash away from his eyes just for a chance to sniff her hair

>im quite handsom
Please don't use the retarded inverted question marks when making questions in English, k thanks.
she has such a weird face
Also have this redhead Puerto Rican, she's not 10/10 but she has a nicer face than the Bridgewater bae you keep posting
Who is this semen demon
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I know but there's a cuteness to it I find

>6 hours ago
how do you find these? thanks anyway

lê o fio reee

>tfw you find someone so perfect you're afraid to message them
what happened to jefferson

why does this femboy has mans shoulders?
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>you have that wild -angry -barbaric look in your eyes .its very beautiful.i ould quess that you are from turkey .sorry if i sound flirty or smt like that i dont mean to,i just say what i see

I-I'm not a barbarian..

Turk lives matter тbh senpaitachi.
(╹◡╹) woah!!!!!
Wawaweewaaa ~~~~~~ >_____< nice song! Thnx for sharing
.-. Feels like months since i last posted on int desu
What the fug?
lmao didnt you say you were going to stop with the personas?
and to this day I STILL do not know what to talk about after we've discussed all our favorite things
._. ehm i didnt i said i tried to stop posting because im engaged
^^ so far was going good. Came just here to say hai and bai :333
Hai and bai (●っゝω・)っ
h-hai and bai I guess...
Yep, at that point you're reminded why you have no friends or girlfriend in real life
really man? anything, ask her what is she doing right now and go from there, discuss current events, talk about your day, share life experiences, talk about what you like and/or dislike, "what is your opinion on x?"

you can do this, burgerfriend
I get lots of messages
go to sleep jack
>ask her what is she doing right now
that just seems creepy to me Tbh
>discuss current events
i dont want to discuss trump any more than I have to because it will lead to the conversation likely ending
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no you made a thread saying you were also mona and some other personas with proxies kek

go to sleep jack
i don't find it creepy, but you can word it differently like "what are you up to today?" or something of that sort

don't have to talk about trump only, dicuss what's happening around you, what are you excited for, maybe there's a local festival you can't wait to go to or something, think for yourself my man
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just leave me here.gif
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>think for yourself my man
i've been on this site for almost 2 years now and have barely managed to keep conversations alive for more than a month. and the one that actually did last more than a month ended abruptly since she just apparently disappeared and never logged in again

What are you studying in school?
That's why you add them off interpals
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Jesus christ

Does qtcrawler view the same profiles twice? It says it doesn't but is it relieable? I don't want to be stalking unintentionally.
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Amerithots are pig disgusting
How do you filter out a certain country in qtcrawler? I want to autoview all of Europe but I don't want a horde of Turks zerg rushing my profile every time I do it
You messed up with qtcrawler

This Tbh
>tfw reading through the conversations I had with my favourite qt
I miss her a lot ;_;

I know the feel
What's worse is reading the letters and cards she sent over the years. Lots of cute stuff, heart stickers, drawings, her telling me how she's waiting for me to visit her (which I never managed to do), poems in broken english...

Yeah... I know exactly what you mean
I'm new to this thread. Is it all dudes just hungering after one woman, like in the /cum/ general?


Try to get her nudes
But she isn't attractive, why get her nudes?

no, we all find different QTs


She's gross

Russian, there was a femanon looking for you earlier, that is, unless you were the same Russian who responded to her
In this thread? No, never been here before. Also >femanons. I don't believe in fairytales.
>feel bad for the Canuck who got cucked


Who got cucked?
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>messaged by a jailbait qt

aw sheeeeeiz
/cp/ is really living up to its name
literally 1 button away.
interpedos amirite
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>get cat
>take profile picture with cat
>write "let's exchange cat pictures on snapchat" in bio
>falling for the lanegirl meme
>talking to a walking meme
what is this meme
damn. i want my cock in her poo hole
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borderline suicidal from what I heard

are you john? ;_; he was the one only that also did redhead editions
>no writing "let's exchange pussy pictures" instead
go away with that disgusting salami nipple monster
>that feminine bulge
why aren't redheads this attractive irl?
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desu lads /cigdemmm90


Keep it in your pants until she's 16 you fuck.
Big country, you can't hate them all
>Viewed 0 times this month
yeah RIP
Do you ever view/message people? Do you have a picture?
>Do you ever view/message people?
Almost never, so yeah there's that. The conversations tend to be a lot better when others message me first, though. But of course there's much less of them.
>Do you have a picture?
I have a couple, but it's been a long time since I added new ones or changed my profile.

It sounds like there's some pretty simple steps to take then. I practically never get messaged first, I think in general even if you're a chad, girls still expect a male to be the active agent, while they wait and look pretty
how's life? you been away
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Everyone in this thread literally looks like John Meme
impolying you wouldn't fuck john greene

We missed our DJ Serb
a spanish dude and one from those irrelvant islandS keep on viewing me

Why not talk with some Falklanders?
>I don't usually write first because I'm just too goddamn awkward
>messages first

The Koreaboo is strong in them
Koreans are cucked
What's with all the Koreaboos on IP? I don't get it.

They like the yellow penis
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>she wants to tell me about the nazis

She German?
this is no laughing matter, ivan
actually no, she lives in Belarus. disappointed Tbh, would like to hear what the germans have to say about the nazis

What was she telling you?
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>16 yo trying to flirt with me
nothing yet, I didnt answer. I have like 800 other messages to go through
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>800 other messages

is this site working like shit again?

I've sent messages to 3 qts like 1 week ago and suddenly all of them replied
I believe so. Will check the site and have no new views or messages. Check again an hour later and will have 20 new views.
Everyone on this site wants a tiny Asian dick owo
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>▶Also if you are a big fan of "Mass Effect", "My little pony" or "Star Wars", don't hesitate to write me immediately!

I'm so fucking glad this French QT I'm messaging with isn't a Koreaboo
write immediately
>isn't a Koreaboo
for now (•¯ ∀ ¯•)
Shoo shoo off with you
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For all my searching today, they've been either catfish or braindead koreaboos
I don't believe any of the people I message here are real people but I still have convos with them anyway cause at least that's something to do
So, French girl is being cute, and we are talking about Google and Google Translate as if they were real people. I joked and said "yeah Google Translate has been screwing me over with Translations... she's jealous I'm talking to this cute French girl.."

French QT replied

>"well I will make sure to tell her to be helpful to this kind and funny person ;) "

This is good right?
/jetaime-lancoli changed her username, she's /lendos1994 now.
Why-ever not? gj m8
kek, she probably thinks its another french girl

lol I hope not. But to be fair, I haven't really started flirting with her yet, since we are still on IP. I'll start that up once we talk on Whatsapp or Skype so I have more of a base. Plus, I've only seen 1 picture of her. So I want to see her more before I say "you know, its a shame we don't live closer, I'd probably ask you out on a date"
no messages in 6 hours

slightly concerned lads
site is working like shit as usual, i received 3 messages from qts i messaged like 1 week ago
Is afuckingleaf still around?
Opening incognito shouldn't be a view, right? And opening in one tab and looking back to remember their bio is just one view, surely? Cause if these are all views then wew I'm basically Turkish

it won't show your picture under their "viewed by" section like 50xs. It'll just bump you to the most recent view
just take a screenshot of their profile if you're really into them
Lads I'm starting a profile. I need some examples though, link yours?
me /garmo
some other anon /Frenchconnected

new thread when?
this is mine, i've been on interpals for a few years now

New thread pls

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