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Recently, many Japanese teens get shocked that foreigners hate

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Recently, many Japanese teens get shocked that foreigners hate Japan as they read the translation blog.
Because Japanese can't read English, they tend to think that foreigners are racists.
That's funny lol
Why do they read the translation blogs then?
We own your country.
- Signed Muslim Man
I agree it's funny
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i am still thinking>>70900353
What blog?
The translation blog
who cares
your people don't make a effort to learn other people you only know about america and everyone else is close minded thinking every wester is a american and evil in fact there is so much content on bad westerners i could replace the new york phone book with 10 more just with the racist undertones of japan.

yet everyone loves you.
that said alot of normie westerners don't care about asia and there is little in the way of possive interactions.

fuck off they don't allow muslism you idoit and so should all christain countries you don't belong and can't repect western values.
fuck japan
All Jap males should be retained and circumcised without any anaesthetic to symbolize how they're no longer allowed to enjoy sex as us gaijin fuck their women.
insecure japs... >>70867027

We have to ban all the access from Japan to 4chan.
>That's funny
thats good

only weebs will cry
what the fuck is translation blog
Slopehead monkey
Nips are filthy manlet subhumans
it translates pages from different sites like this and puts them as pages on a blog

there was a dude who make his own site translating posts by hand from /int/ i didn't save the address
some losers make money by translating /int/ and uploading it with affiliate ads on their nasty blogs
the visitors are mostly netouyos as japanese alt-rights/maga moecrap fans
What translation are they reading that makes them think anyone but China hates them? At least here in America, left loves them because they're just another minority to them, and the right loves them because they are honorary whites.
blogs about the chink internet already exist. some beggars translate it the same way as this. tho thats somewhat informative compared to 4chan garbage because theres no such an information at least on the western internet. thats you can never see in the west, and its not so biased toward hate articles.

they read literally your /int/ garbage. since this is full of socially inept beta loser whites, thats what it is.
>on this site

wew Andrew
U mad?
Slow day at school huh english teachers?
nobody cares you gooks
>Women on 4chan
They're clearly soldiers at a military base
>not being able to read a language makes you racist

well fuck
this desu
Bastards should have screen capped me too.
jpen supor anme
This post includes so much prejudice and his wish.
Link me the archived one in English.
Translation blogs are cancer.
Those who comment on those blogs are literally retarded desu.
>western values
>some loser make money by hosting /pol/ and littering it with affiliate ads. The visitors are mostly alt-rights/maga American manchildren.
Sounds like a shrewd business man. Why if he had a special posting pass on offer, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
> they read the translation blog.
what's that?

Also yeah, japs are subhuman monkeys. Fucking nazis too
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This Japanese obsession with what does the world think of them is pretty weird.

>On the evening of the 17th of December a four-hour special was broadcast: “The Japan that Surprised the World! That’s Really Amazing! A Group of Observers” (TV Asahi). Labeled as “Foreign Journalists Want to Tell the World! The Top 50 Great Things about Japan,” they introduced Japan’s trains, toilets, and vending machines.1 Such shows follow a typical pattern of Japan receiving praise from foreign people.
>The show is always aired during a one-hour time slot on a Saturday evening. “Having newly discovered the ‘wonders of Japan and its uniqueness’ that even Japanese did not know about, this is a variety show that will make you love Japan even more.” The show is promoted thus. According to the Video Research Company (Bideo Risaachi Sha of the Kanto Area), the average ratings for this show are 12.9 percent, the seventh highest rating in the category of “Other Entertainment Programs after ‘Shōten’ (Nippon TV) and “Bura Tamori” (NHK).”2
>During the new years holidays the “Great” programs are in full bloom. For 29 December, TV Tokyo has scheduled a three-hour special entitled “The World! Cheering on People Who Want to Go to Japan,” entailing close coverage of foreigners who adore Japan.3 On 3 January, a two and a half hour special by TV Osaka will be waiting for us.4 It is entitled “A Head Family, Japanese Style,” reaffirming what is good about Japan through culture and human feelings.

We're just the most narcissistic country.
More like beta.

You also only act according to what society tells you, that's why you're so interested in what people think about you.
Did the Japs have any good things to say?
holy fuck, japs are sick
No, it's just a by-product of economic stagnation. This "Jap is great!" phenomenom has resurfaced in the 1990s after the asset price bubble burst.
>foreigners hate Japan

The country by itself is US in a more disgusting individualistic way, it's clearly not a place I want to live in. But japanese people are not bad, they're just weird (children looking for insects? WTF), and there are a lot of interesting thing in japanese culture, like the mythic samurai, and you have a pretty unique history (but Japan is self-jerking with sengoku era in a disgusting way).
What are they talking about?,Can you translate it?
I just keep seeing Korea and Korea kek.
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>Japan itself is US in a more disgusting individualistic way
>children looking for insects? WTF),
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wow i had no clue mentionings culture was so deeply rooted there.
Japan seems really terrified of having its culture erased by the ever-growing tsunami of western culture and the hegemony of the English language
I hate Japanese because they're two faced, they're nice with someone to his face and then talk about him from behind.

Some westerners are obnoxious cunts but at least they're obnoxious cunts to your face and you can tell them that they're obnoxious with no problem

They're cowards
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The posts are cherry-picked KEK
They sure seem terrified of eating KFC in Christmas

Yeah they didn't translate the first post about killing all the royals
Americans are pig disgusting. Truly scums on the earth.
That's not what they are saying.Talking about Korea and shit.
Eating KFC at Christmas isn't a part of western culture, neither is eating KFC in general
thats purely an ancient meme m8. its probably from the 50s or so and made up by japanese themselves. koreans still manage to tell themselves that tho.
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>neither is eating KFC in general
>literally named after a part of the USA

Sorry Jaquandrius, you're Americanized as well.
Kek. People warned me about the japanese that way when I was drinking on a beach in the philippines.
lol japan's flag looks like my sister's pad
Sure it's hard to understand if you don't know how individualism and collectivism work
Leave Japan alone, if they want to live this bubble of theirs - let them be.
I'm sure you're saying that with tongue in cheek but in case you're not: American culture is a subset of western culture.
Translation blog is used as propaganda by foreignes in Japan.
So Japanese don't care with it.
Then Americans are even more disgusting than Koreans. Truly scums on the earth.
I'll use google translate then.
I just wanted someone fluent to help me out.
>there exists a meta version of /int/ where people analyze what we've typed and talk about our comments

It's like being part of the Truman Show, except the show is only popular in Japan
To be honest, I didn't want this shameful stuffs to be known to foreigners and I know this is also " the world think of us" thing.
There are very few teens reading the translation blogs.
Most of the readers are in their 30s and 40s.
They overlap with 2channeler.
all-nationz.com is known as the website of probaganda in japan
I wonder if I'd translate everything on 4chan about Israel and Jews.

Hiro's house getting nuked in the next minute? (Israel doesn't have nukes btw, it was just a figuratuve way of speech)
Why do they have to be women to be english teachers?
Ohh Jew!
Jew just confesed that Israel has nukes
wew japs sure have a lot of free time
Link collection of translate blogs
By the way, I found there are a ton of videos about "what Japan think about country X?"
It's not our unique thing.
Anyways, >>70900329, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>70900329, should just stick with today's special.
I refuse to believe that adults are posting such stupid comments on those blogs.
I wish I could blast you Auckland cucks with gamma rays
Originally that kind blogs have metouyo readers.
Posters who criticized Japan infuriate netouyos and are recognized as a Korean or a Zainichi using a proxy by netouyos one after another.
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maybe he gets paid for this

janitors should take notes
>Japanese people think Westerners are racists

Love japan!
And OP is zainichi.
Japan loves world people so don't worry world. Pls love japan back.
I love Japan, but you shouldn't be so needy. That's unhealthy.
It's like you've never watched porn. All Japanese teachers are female.
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You may not believe but there used to be a japanese shitposter on /int/ who is around 60 years old, and was always spamming infantile shitposts like "Koreans have micro penis! Koreans drink poo wine! bla bla bla" literally 24/7. And the most surprising thing is he has a PhD degree in Medicine.
Korea has a much bigger pains than jap monkey war criminal t b h
Why are you so obvious even behind proxy?
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>Americuck talking about butchering other people's dick

Wew, i can feel the salt from here, good post goyim :^)
Japan greatest country in the world.
All other countries are run by little girls.
Japan number one exporter of pedophilia.
Other countries have inferior pedophilia.

Kazakhstan home of Takeshi masturbation device.
It’s length thirty millimeter and width six millimeter.
Filtration system a marvel to behold.
It remove 80 percent of human social life.

Japan, Japan you very nice place.
From Plains of Osaka to Norther fence of Kimchitown.
Japan friend of all except Korea.
They very nosey people with bone in their brain.

Japan industry best in the world.
We incented sushi and chastity belt.
Japan’s plastic sex dolls cleanest in the region.
Except of course Korean’s

Japan, Japan you very nice place.
From Plains of Osaka to Norther fence of Kimchitown.
Come grasp the might phenis of our leader.
From junction with the testes to tip of its face!
Holy mother of run-on sentences.
Pls make a song of this.
I would've liked this if you weren't Israeli
lol at this 60 year old psychopath jap as always
It's like being part of the Truman Show, except the show is pure shit
ahh i want to be capped too
Why are most asians so autistic about being openly xenophobic. At least do it in a way that isn't funny as fuck or childish.
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I remember seeing a translation blog which did a /his/ thread about aesthetic historical armours, its not just an /int/ thing, I wonder what else they translate.

Are a bunch of japs reading my /v/ shitposts? Really makes me think.
They don't even understand what "racism" is
Sneaky and malicious racism is white thing.
At least we do not genocide our own kind, japs are just chinks on an island.
Its... beautiful.
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Genociding continentals #justislandthings
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>At least we do not genocide our own kind
Wait, when did Britain genocide continentals?
Sure, you genocided the Irish and Boers, but that's probably not what you meant.
what the fuck lol

I am Davido-kun, back in Japan.

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