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/sino/ - China thread 中文

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孔子 edition

The thread for posting in Chinese and discussion about the Chinese speaking world

>Resources for Learning Mandarin:

>Resources for learning Cantonese:

>Smartphone dictionary (supports both Mandarin and Cantonese):

aforementioned resource credit goes to 一路順風

>set strokes straight
Post pictures of china
Does anyone know how to open Yin-Yang Eyes (陰陽眼) so that I can see gods and ghosts?
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It was pretty hard to find a nice picture that I hadn't yet posted on Facebook.

My supervisor allowed me the first few days off to get over my jetlag. I used them to visit as many interesting places as possible, because seeing the sun is important when recovering from a jetlag.

On one of the first things I did was fetch a bicycle. Dutchmen can feel quite a bit lost without one, it feels really strange to not be able to bike anywhere. You can literally access any place in the Netherlands by bike within a day, so I really had to buy one.

Bikes are very popular in Kyoto, because the city doesn't have quite as advanced an underground railway as most cities, and the buses are a bit old and slow.
They didn't quite have my size though. The bicycles that sell in Japan as regular bicycles would sell as kid size in the Netherlands, so I bought a small one.

On the next day, I biked to 南禅寺, and walked along 哲学の道 to 銀閣寺 where I think I remember taking this picture
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You should try this
Advantages of learning cantonese over mandarin?
>Advantage of learning a dialect over a standard language
Try evaluating your question based on this

It' s like learning Schweizerdeutsch instead of Hochdeutsch
Mainlanders are niggers.
Taiwanese speak Mandarin too
>Kanton is not the mainland

Thanks for clarifying. I have zero knowledge of both, so I'm asking which one should I study


I remenber reading here that are some differences
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no pollution
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and pollution
[post intentionally left blank to signify that there are no advantages to learn Cantonese over Mandarin]

>I remenber reading here that are some differences
Many of them also speak Hokkien, which is another dialect, but if you want to go to Taiwan you should learn Mandarin.
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1 the dao (reason, explaination) of da xue, great learning (not university per se)
2 at understanding (literally to be enlightened) the bright de (nature)
3 at loving the people
4 at aiming at absolute perfection

5 when you know when to stop you have stability
6 when you have stability you have traquility
7 when you have tranquility you have ease
8 when you have ease you can deliberate
9 when you can deliberate you can attain aim

10 things have roots and branches, affairs have end and beginning, when you know what comes before and after you are closer to the way
Looks like my city
>peace is a lie, there is only passion
>through passion I gain strength
>through strength I gain power
>through power I gain victory
>through victory my chains are broken
大学 is older than the sith code
The sith code was written down about 6900 years before the Battle of Yavin, I wouldn't be so sure about that
Why do Chinky girls go hiking in heels
it was created by writers working with the back story of the film created by gl
To hike with glamour and style
So I can understand most normal speech but every so often when watching tv or something someone just seems to make up a chengyu or 对联 out of thin air that isn't in any dictionary and it makes no sense
how do i git gud so i can understand what they are saying
Why do chinky people eat with chopsticks of all imaginable eating utensils?
It's because only noobs play life on easy mode.
you must know a lot of historic drama
that's how they get their passion for making them up too

most though are just variations of folk wisdom
Anyone here own any Chinese company products? I'm thinking about making my next phone xiaomi or zte?
Everything is made in China.
I don't know what you are scared of?
I have a large pot of original chinese 香片 tea that hasn't failed me once
Xiaomi or huawei
Classic of Poetry is pretty good.
I will have to get my hands on a bilingual english-chinese one for sure.
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Different views on QC between Chinese makers and those who only use the Chinese workforce to assemble their products probably
Just because iPhones and whatever high end smartphones are assembled in China doesn't mean all phones from China hold up to those standards
I have a OnePlus 2 and a few Xiaomi powerbanks
The factory is owned by a Chinese company

As I said Xiaomi and Huawei make good electronics.
I'm just trying to say that China isn't the same plastic melding backwards quantity over quality producer that it was in the 70s-80s-90s.
It now has an enough experience and a well enough educated workforce to produce on it's own.
I personally can't wait for the epic future when Donald Trump brings manufacturing back to the United States and we get a Chinese owner company manufacturing iPhones in America to import to China
Nice meme.
Funny thing is, many of them are already 'exported' to China.
When one of us is stupid enough to buy an iPhone, we pay for a Chinese kid to put it together, for a shipping company to bring it to our continent, and we pay for the brand, design, and commercials.
When a Chinese person buys an iPhone, they basically send a bunch of money to the US not even for producing or shipping it, but just for providing the brand, design, and making the product popular through commercials.
REALLY made me think
Sounds relaxing. I didn't know the Netherlands is that small.
Only if you're planning to move to Hong Kong or like HK entertainment.
Dutch people have the same thing, they do not underdtand how big the US are and cannot fathom why you are so obsessed with cars and have little bikes and public transport.
It's probably the same exchange student from HK I was replying to
It also helps that our country is really flat, and therefore easily traversable by bike.
>tfw I don't even know how to bike
I think I will never visit the Netherlands...
Thanks, we have too many tourists who don't know how to bike yet try to do it anyway, being a severe traffic hindrance in the process.
I see many Chinese students here but they never have a boyfriend
Why don't they want boyfriends? I need a rich Chinese gf
it is not possible all female chinese university students have bfs

it is the male who very often do not
Well they often don't because most Chinese males aren't homosexual.
have gfs*
Rich is enough for me dbh
I don't need a rich Chinese GF.
I need one with QT toes.
lol yeah I don't understand the obsession with cars either. I wish there were more underground train systems in the US.
I don't care about feet, they could even be binded and I would still not care.
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binded feet was feet fetism
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More like ones with QT legs.
There's a permanent /g/ thread for this if you want more info
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One last memory before dinner (Chinese eat dog)
>that feel when lack the discipline to learn Chinese
Don't worry homie they're going to start making a bunch of anime-style mobile games packed with moe to hook lazy weebs into learning the language
>explaining the joke in the same post
cantonese is not a dialect retard
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Freakin dictionaries man
I push my fingers into my EYEEEEESSSS
Why don't you grow a nutsac? My parents are German and my girlfriend and my brudi's gf are both adopted Chinese.
would you rather lick her feet or save the dog
Oh no, it's die deatscher füss feige
eat the dog
dialect of mandarin is still mandarin
Should I take a calligraphy class or is it a joke? confucius institute thing, has anyone tried?
Liberal arts is a joke man. Do STEM.
calligraphy is no joke
but what do you expect to get from it
you won't be a millionaire obviously
I'm doing computer engineering, it's just a 1 month class on wednesday nights I can take for 30$

The description tells me "Students are expected to acquire an understanding of aesthetics of Chinese calligraphy and insight into Chinse culture too." so it makes interested
*1 semester
not 1 month, closer to 4
that's what calligraphy is about, aesthetics
they won't teach you the more varied styles but they will make your characters look nicer at minimum
okay I signed up, at worst I'll probably meet some more learners I guess
not sure if you need your own materials though

brush paper ink stuff of that nature
Yeah calligraphy is actually not easy
You might gain an appreciation for the art
And depending on the environment you might even feel a connection to the ancient Chinese
The car culture is a result of Americans being spread out across the country and the whole idea of the American dream during the 50s. The interstate highway system was a major factor that resulted in many people moving out of cities into suburbs and consequently purchasing cars. Even in major cities like NY, while there is adequate public transportation, it doesn't really compare to other countries' public transportation because Americans who live in suburbs don't really support public transportation since it won't really benefit them, so as a result public transit organizations are underfunded and inefficient.

Car culture and suburbanization has been increasingly criticized by urban planners and younger Americans in recent years because it has caused major damage to formerly prosperous city centers due to people moving out of cities.

wow i sure love memorizing literally thousands of boring idioms
chinese culture sure is cool ;)
of course
chinese is not like the west it doesn't rely on material to propagate it is all about the literature, literal or figurative
if you don't like idioms you don't like china
light sensitive diode?

I have enough Chung Hwa pencils to last a life time.
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Calligraphy seems like a thing you need a teacher and equipment for.
t.anon who was dumb enough to try it alone
>m-muh language
>h-hong kong is different I s-swear
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Nice figures

No one is going to dox you my lad.

Did you use the Randen tramline in Kyoto? I thought it was super comfy (t. /n/) and was able to shoot a video from the front window. Visited the city for I think 3 days in August.
Who are you to judge?
It's a really sensitive subject which requires quite a lot of experience and knowledge.
Do you have that?
Is that even a question
HK are chinks what's there to judge
They were cucked by Brits for a while and that's that now they think they have some special snowflake status that somehow makes them different from chinks 20km across the border
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>5 hour bus trip to Kaohsiung to visit gf's parents
>when you can only speak beginner Mandarin
>when they speak Hokkien so you can not practice your listening
At least they are really nice.
ask them to speak mandarin
hker are not the only people that speak cantonese
majority of Cantonese speakers live outside of hk
>special snowflake status that somehow makes them different from chinks 20km across the border
remember elsaß-lothringen
HK is just one place that speaks Cantonese

though they are the only ones I've met who get triggered when you speak mandarin to them
Anyone on /int/ ever teach English in china?

been watching laowhy86 serpentza prozzie and adv china videos a lot lately and they make it seem like it might actually be a cool experience for a year or two.
It's halfway to becoming it's own language.
Of course it's more than a dialect.

I know that.
It's what thr southerners speak.

Because more than a hundred years of separation doesn't cause cultural differences,right?
Just look at East Germany or Austria for that matter.
that seperation is only political
Not completely true. They also got infected with Tipping Culture. It's enough to make me think they should stay quarantined on their island desu
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For anyone who has been to China, what are some good locations to visit for your first time?

Other than the great wall I mean.
china has great nature too
it depends what you want to see
I have been learning Mandarin and wish to visit sometime next year. I have already been to Japan and South Korea so I am just trying to get a feel for what people recommend seeing while there. I would like to experience a little bit of nature and civilization if I can balance it out.
it's difficult to recommend because they are place i want to go but never been

i have been to places that you might not necessarily want to see like the great wall forbidden city, porcelain tower, li river, putuo mountain etc touristy spots

i have always wanted to go to shaanxi gansu xingjiang but it's quite poor and far so idk man
>shaanxi gansu xingjiang

Actually that would make for a really cool trip to be honest.
South Korea is like China only a bit cleaner
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kind of excited about the unexcavated tomb of qin shi huang

shows how superstitious chinese still are
>inb4 BaCuSi2O6

So btw anyone actually speak chink?
it's chinese not chink

You can check out some mountains. 张家界 Zhang jiajie. These mountains were used in the avatar movie.

黄山Huangshan is another mountain. Some buddhist history with it. Its ij the province of anhui.

Biased cuz i have family in zhejiang but hangzhou is a nice mid big city. Has west lake 西湖, dragon well 龙井茶
should i learn Cantonese or Mandarin? i do like Hong Kong but i fear its gonna go to shit because Britain gave it up
Guizhou is the only correct answer

>So btw anyone actually speak chink?
A lot of us in this thread are qualified® Chinese speakers™

Whichever one you're more interested in

Also keep in mind Canto isn't just spoken in HK but also in Macao, Guangdong, and many overseas Chinese communities.
im doing it for buisiness ventures into hongkong but its good to know about the others. is it absolutely incompatible with Mandarin when speaking?
>is it absolutely incompatible with Mandarin when speaking?
The pronunciation and grammar are completely different. But when a mainlander and a HKer both write in formal written Chinese, they can understand each other, but if a HKer writes in informal written Cantonese, the mainlander probably won't understand unless they speak Cantonese themself.

If you're wanting to deal specifically with HK, you should probably start out with Canto, but realistically, for business purposes in HK you'll probably end up wanting to learn both. One step at a time though
中国 is the new 中国 by the 道
stfu and kys
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Quick question, for those of you who know more about Chinese culture: is it normal or acceptable to wish someone a happy Chinese new year before the actual new year? I won't be talking to some of my Chinese friends until at least a few weeks after, so I figure I would just send them my good wishes now. But I'm not sure if there is anything in Chinese culture which would forbid this.

Shay-shay, my niggas.
its not normal but its not a taboo
you can say happy new year whenever you like its no big deal
no big deal
like a early greetings
china is so terrible now.

since these chinks became rich the hottest girls will only date chink males who will drop 10 grand usd a month on them like it's nothing. all the foreigners i know can only get ugly fucking girls. place is literally only good for making money. even though it's getting more expensive to live in but it's still a 3rd world shithole

why do you white bois still want to come here in huge numbers?
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But I want a hanfu-wearing, high iq weiqi-playing, dragonboat-rowing, tea-drinking, ancestor-respecting, buddha-worshipping, tai-chi-practicing, baozi-eating, lunar-celebrating, caligraphy-writing, lantern-lighting, feet-binding, pipa-playing, pingpong-smashing, PLA-serving gf
it's expected because the proper celebration is for 10 days before it

actually the proper name is the spring festival, 春节, so to make some cultural sense it is called the “chinese” new year in western countries to denote why it is so important

in china it is usually refer to as the spring festival as the celebration and 新年 as the time frame
>moving to china
Why would I want to go there?
"Cambodia is technically a third world country and is one of the poorest nation's in the world. About a third of its citizens live on less than a dollar a day."

Some of us can probably afford the lifestyle a little easier anon.
You want a lot of things anon.
I know what I want

You will never in your life get a girl like this in China. They will not pay attention to you, they don't care anymore. They have hundreds of chink orbiters that will give them thousands of dollars for nothing.

Go look up laowhy86 on youtube for the ugly monkey gook girls that white guys can only get in china these days.
Ever since I read The Journey to the West, I've wanted to be an immortal god.
Doesn't Vietnam celebrate the lunar new year as well? Or are they still too communist for that?
>I can't find a copy of Journey to the West in hungarian
>antiquaries don't have it
>Librarian says they don't have many chinese books because of the low interest
>I don't want English ebook
>importing English print is expensive
Why can't they reprint these things?
Most stuff is
>published in 1980
>published in 1970
It's suffering.
How is it in Sweden?
I read the revised edition of Anthony C. Yu's translation, the only Swedish translation is a translation of Arthur Waley's abridged translation.
I see.
The Hungarian version is supposedly a full one directly from Chinese.
How is Swedish sinology anyways?
I suppose it's quite good since you have high living standards and good education
I don't know really, I don't care since English-language sinology exists.

I know there's a direct translation of Water Margin though.
Is it easy to get english books in Sweden?
Yes, and if it isn't available in a local bookstore like Adlibris, I can order it from Amazon.
Seems like a dream.
When I look at English sections it has shitty bestsellers only.
It's only one shelf usually, conatining twilight and other wonders.
I use BD if I want something English.
Saves the shipping costs.

These are the times,that make me feel third world
Then I remember that I have better than 90% of the world and I'm content again.
>When I look at English sections it has shitty bestsellers only.
>It's only one shelf usually, conatining twilight and other wonders.
that's pretty sad desu
I just want to make enough money to fly bourgeoisie class to third world countries like China.

I won't even stop there. I just want to have enough money to pay off the pilot enough that he satisfied and won't kill me by divebombing the plane into some mountain range.

Also enough money to pay off the mechanic so he won't be sneaky and disable some important part of the airplane.

Also enough money to pay off the super hacker so that he won't disable the engine functionality mid-flight and cause the plane to plummet into an iceburg

Also money to pay off the all-female attendant crew to provide massages and say nice things about me in my safe space for the entire duration of the flight

Is this too much to ask for?
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China is second world.
Don't forget to fly with Vietjet.
Might have been a little exaggaration.
I did buy a hardcover of Alice in Wonderland for 8~ bucks but otherwise the selection is pretty barren.
I went to one of the largest bookshop and they didn't have Ulysses in the foreign section.
What's left?
>No RoTK translation?
Canterbury tales is expensive even when used?

>I really wanted the LoGH books
>Check shops that say "We carry international stock"
>Everything is 3-4 times as expensive
Fuck paying more than 25 bucks for a 300~ page paperback which is a part of a series,they are expensive as fuck already.
So I imported.
>Canterbury tales
good choice. especially if you read it in middle english.
I am never flying to Vietnam unless everybody on that plane is a Chinese or Vietnamese-Chinese

Would have slight difficult trusting Vietnamese-American more than a Vietnamese-Chinese though, I think
>China Thread
>no Chinese flag
Why? Did your father get rekt in Nam?
Can't have that, Chinese flag on the net is a sign of 五毛黨
He was busy rektifying your gook mum
I only own a translation.
A partial one at that.
But I found a cheap one online,so I'm happy.
you can read it online for free. quite nice
I don't really like Ebooks.
Only use them if I must.
And it doesn't matter now.
I'm picking up the complete English text tomorrow.
Goodbye crippled Hungarian version.
How does China rank so high?
it is a "designed" cities ranking, of course China will be there, there weren't big cities in china long ago, it was planned in the last fifty years
>Mandarin Chinese
>Useful language
Pick one
I guess it's ok for you since there's some mutual intelligibility
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May I ask where this photo was taken.
Eh turns out the wumaos just post cheerleading stuff during holidays on government sites and weibo. I get a little triggered whenever someone accuses someone if being one on the English Internet because there is a 0% chance they actually are-- shows the effectiveness of counter-propaganda imo
Speaking of weibo, does anyone here who actually speaks mandarin browse it? How is it?
I want to weibo to creep on the qts but I don't feel like creating an account
That's the only reason why I use it. All you need to do is supply a phone number and you're good to create an account.
Giving my number to a company logging my creepiness seems like a baaaaad idea
Nothing wrong with just looking at pictures of people you're following.
Yes we do. Tết is near senpai.
>Journey to the West
good taste
Easier to learn Mandarin after learning Cantonese first.
Cantonese will give you a better instinct for words of Chinese origin in Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese.

You'd want to learn Mandarin if you plan on going literally anywhere in China but the southern coast though.
The 1996 cantonese series is the best adaption of Journey to the West.


Prove me wrong (hint you can't)
>no subtititles
fuck me, I have to start learning soon
No it is not, it is the worst the one in the 80s is the holy grail of all chinese historic drama, if you watch it the land (your spirit) will be reborn with you


the spirituality of the novel is lost in later dramatization, sad!
Right lads

How do I get a job in Macau or Hong Kong?

About to finish my masters in statistics, and was thinking of going for a PhD scholarship at a HK university and then getting work afterwards.

Any tips?
>ball-shattering screeches

no thanks
the title of the song is why must you journey west

and near the end the monk is contemplating because the nubile woman, daughter of the old man, is displaying her form in front of him etc

and westerners say chinese has no soul, some people i swear
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foreign culture is suppose to make you uncomfortable other wise it's not foreign foreign
3 4 6 9 10 12 13
Beijing Language and Culture University
Tsinghua University

These two are ones I know are very highly ranked for language.

Idk about the rest.
UK has some of best unis why go halfway around the world
year abroad innit
Are there even jobs in Macau? I thought it was a casino "city" that exists only got corrupt officials to gamble away the people's money. Not being ironic btw
>normal university
Doesn't that just mean teaching college
Living in Macau must be hell. It's so fucking crowded
师范 is not an easily translatable word
technically it means pedagogical or teaching

but it is not a teaching university per se, it's more of a specialized university hence focus of being taught
>hong kong flag

You need to brush up on your chinese
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>Universities for Normies
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t. G*rmany
Good observation
Well there is one "university" that's ranked like 500 on QS, so it's clearly a pretty shit city for anything other than gambling. Still though, looks like a cool city to live in desu, and a ferry ride away from HK
How do you master or become more familiar with pronouncing and hearing the tones in Cantonese?
Watch HK tv and movies. That's really the best way desu. Textbook Audio is fake as fuck and wont get you far.
Do I need to watch ones that subtitles in English or nah?
Gotcha, thanks m8
The solution is to find hot girls that are already rich. That's what I did. This bitch buys so much shit for me it's unbelievable. She has rich Chinese (and foreign) guys more handsome than me macking on her all the time but she stays with me because she already has money.
The better solution is to be rich yourself
I don't know what the fuck that guy was thinking. He could have easily found a much hotter girl than that. I regularly fuck girls hotter than that. I don't have money.

Yeah these hot Chinese girls have orbiters but they'll never fuck them. They still want to be with actual men who will fuck them and not put them on a pedestal.
too much work
It's difficult to do and it's nice knowing that a girl isn't with me because of money.

If I'm rich then she's going to expect me to buy shit for her. I'd just be a wallet.
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>Journey to the West
That is what Chinese girls want though
you show that you'll be able to support a family with money and she will help manage the house and raise your kids well
Being together for sex or "love" or personality will eventually wear off and your marriage will be bad
Being rich is also kind of fun, you just need to be smarter about your spending and investing, not working more
The girl I'm dating right now has a very rich family. She also owns her own business that brought in over 100k USD her first year.

Every girl wants a man that can provide but if she's already rich then she's already provided for.
Rich girl family probably wants a rich man right?
You need to have her family respect as well
Being rich is a educational thing as well so you know how to manage family finance, you do not want to leave it all to your wife
it's a fictionalized account of a true event but so is the dramatization of the novel about wu ze tian, sanguoyanyi is the fictionalized account of san guo zhi and so on

so can you not pls
That could be a problem. I don't know yet.
Have you met her family yet?

She's the one chasing me in the relationship. I'll wait and see what she wants.
>精尽人亡 jīng jìn rén wáng to die from excessive ejaculation
it's an expression but it's metaphoric

chinese have a lot of anatomy related metaphors for morality, to westerners it is absurd so just pretend you are an ancient sage
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np heres the rest for today so far
that last one is very nice

卦 refers to the bagua from the book of iching
to change the gua or it has changed means the changing of destiny
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I see thanks, makes sense
I see. Are you planning to move back or settle down in China?
and the 5th 化缘 is not just any begging by any begger it must be the buddhist monk doing his vow of poverty because that 化 in that context doesn't mean chemistry or even transformation, it is the dharmic translation and yuan is the chinese sub for fate
Good well gents.
File: Chinese_lu_symbol_-_禄.svg.png (339KB, 4096x4096px) Image search: [Google]
339KB, 4096x4096px
<--- Can some Chinese tell me what does it mean?
bro ask after you tried first

you good
night up good
Most of these expressions are useless
they can't be useless because i saw them all while watching tv
Are the Koreans trying to do this to Japan by directing bukkake movies?
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