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how comfy is your room?

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Thread replies: 153
Thread images: 53

how comfy is your room?
Mine is just average yours looks really nice.
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Not very.
Why is Russian using Argentinan proxy?
My dorm is shite

So. I can see that you enjoy heroin.
not mine T B H just googled comfy room

you need to clean that shit m8
my room is literal third world tier
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poorfag reporting in
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Not very comfy
wtf why russian
Do you have socks?
you need to turn that bed and face the tv, you gon get a stiff neck

Why do you choose to live like this?
yes, wolly christmas socks that I got from my nan
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I only watch it when I'm laying down, otherwise I just watch tv in the living room because the tv is much better
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Not very comfy but it's cheaper than a lot of the places in the area
lol who decorates your shit? Persians?
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It's not that bad - It's actually pretty alright imo
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Very comfy
We just got this house from my great aunt who was very old and cuban.
are you a uni student
No, a NEET.
ahh, that makes sense
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>tfw my new apartments aren't finished yet
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Not so comfy but it does the job

Is that a fake fireplace? Get the fuck out of here. God damned faggot retard.
It's good during the winter. Sorry I don't live out in the forest with nothing but my wife's bull to keep me warm.
cant have a comfy room without carpets
that's a nice picture on your wall
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rich sandnigger here
Apparently, you have no money to buy a wardrobe
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Cozy and Comfy... I might just have low standards though.
Why is there toiletpaper on your bed

>lawn chair

son, come on now
It is a damn comfy lawn chair.

Dude, clean it or pay someone else to do it.


I assume you don't spend too much time in your room


Seems like a nice place to fuck


Man, I would love to have a room like that


Seems nice if you usually get visits.
I'm the only friend with his own apartment, so yes.
So fucking stereotypical lol
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Spacious, a bit bland, slightly messy
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Outside view is just a bunch of woods

One of the comfiest of this thread.
>el sucio
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What do you do if you spill some shit on that whole floor carpeting?
It's like a picture of my life.
new house
If its water then no big deal, if its soda or anything with sugar then you need some detergent
Nice minimalistic decoration with gym theme. 3/5
Thanks, m8
Are you studying functional analysis?
Holy shit, what state are you in, lad?
Close, reviewing DSP
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>tfw no comfy room
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I live in the North Georgia mountains
this looks just like taken from primitive technology.
No cumfy room but good taste in women.
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Rate my shitty cabin.
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Also my old apartment.
My room has only bed and wardrobe in it, I spend all my time in another room where my computer and work table are standing. My mom don't allow me to relocate computer into my room :( I'm 21 year old, please help.
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move out anon
How do you sleep on the ceiling?
im not entirely sure what you are trying to say
I miss this view.
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whats going on here

im actually confused
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You smoke too much, anon.
I took the photo upside down like a sperg
Just rotate it
>not Satsuki

Shit taste. As expected of Plebs.
Early Cuyler?
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very comfy desu

I also have a roof window where I can watch the stars at night but it's covered in snow now
that's pretty comfy
not bad lad
thanks m8s :3
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Living life as a poor uni student. Not pictured is another wall and a closet.

I actually like how plain it is.
>tfw no furniture
>tfw sleep on floor

I'm not even going to bother posting a picture.
r u poor?
Minimalist and clean. Not bad desu

Post it
looks so comfy
I envy you.
I long for attic.
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the youtube channel
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why the file deletion?
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Comfy. It's messy but not filthy. I can tolerate messy but not fucking dirty. 7/10
That's some nice shit
clean n nice at least
it's passable.
my god that floor....
Is that your room or is it like a studio apartment? Either way very cosy
Nigger are you serious? 10/10
Comfy but goddamn it open some curtains or turn on a light
What's with the pic quality? 7/10
are you in a literal basement?
not yours
holy shit attic room. Comfy as fuck why do medpacks always have so good? 9/10
At least it's nice and clean
How the fuck do scandanavians have it so good? there's literally nothing but snow and oil up there....!
>How the fuck do scandanavians have it so good? there's literally nothing but snow and oil up there....!
Exactly. They're all rich oil barons.
motherfucking oil lords
god damn that's so comfy
Link for the clock?
That's only Norway
Being a sharter aside, you could never get me to remove my shoes in there.
What's with the """""fireplace"""""? Your computer is right there? Btw gj on choosing a Swedish chassis.
Bit cluttered but ok
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I'm a NEET.
>le epic pro gamer chair
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I think so.
Heter inte Jonte.

What did he mean by this?
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>tfw another Yank who fell for the Switzerland meme
It's not fair, everything in your country looks comfy.
Best post.

Now that's comfy
>that sticker on your computer

It was almost perfect but you had to ruin it.

Kill yourself/10
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aku antaa tää.jpg
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it's fucking shit tier (and i need to clean up)
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>that cat

>tfw want to take a photo of my room but it's too fucking dark here even when I turn the lights on
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thats where you keep the kids huh?
I share it with six other people, the stench of farts in the mornings is unbelievable and there's always dried mud dust on the floor even when we clean up twice a day
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Kids? I dom't know any kids.
Your walls looks very Russian.

show it
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>be jew
>get GASSED by room mates
I'm not there atm desu senpai

Fun fact the last time Jews were forced to sleep in tight quarters, share bunks and work in forced labour was in polish fun camps
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That window needs plants, what a waste of space.
Can't load this image, please make it smaller.
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>australian internet
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why is there a sniper toy in the room?
it's probably real and for planned use on his school
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You're fine


wtf is that box tv? do you live in 2000?
Yes ;_;
that trump stickier is going to keep you from getting laid, screams rapist.
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Europoor fag, I don't have the time and patience to clear the shit up all the time. And I'm moving out of this place next week, so, that's it.
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View is pretty comphy
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better photo
bretty gud view leaf
Are you a bat?
Photo was taken by a australian
anyway,your city is nice desu.
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This is the room I shitpost from.
>Target: the room
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just moved on
still empty af
Why 50% of int live right under the roof? Is this european thing?
not everyone here are orphans :^)
Take it anyway.
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Do you take a picture with your phone and upload it to your comp or something? Must have some top tier cameras for that shit
Are you that anon with chickens in the room?
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This is the room I shitpost from.
I rate it Cyкa/Блят
Thread posts: 153
Thread images: 53

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