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I don't respect dutch people. They don't create anything

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I don't respect dutch people. They don't create anything new, they don't care about best practise. They just colonised a fucking swamp until they can shit out another bland crappy cultureless country that doesn't do anything.

Fuck Holland
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Fucking this
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I don't respect australian people. They don't create anything new, they don't care about best practise. They just colonised a fucking desert until they can shit out another bland crappy cultureless country that doesn't do anything.

Fuck Australia
Thats toothpaste lite
wtf i love australia now
>they don't create anything new

Didn't the Dutch create a bunch of new land by reclaiming it through a dikes and dams over decades?
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Yes, it's full of farms and has a theme park.
Excuse me but we did invent orange-coloured carrots

>Through history, carrots weren’t always orange. They were black, purple, white, brown, red and yellow. Probably orange too, but this was not the dominant colour. Orange-coloured carrots appeared in the Netherlands in the 16th century.[68] Dutch farmers in Hoorn bred the color. They succeeded by cross-breeding pale yellow with red carrots. It is more likely that Dutch horticulturists actually found an orange rooted mutant variety and then worked on its development through selective breeding to make the plant consistent. Through successive hybridisation the orange colour intensified. This was developed to become the dominant species across the world, a sweet orange.

Think twice before you start ridiculing us next time.
don't forget inventing the first major speculative market crash
we also invented the chicken
>Luxembourg flag
Agreed. Fuck WilHELM Alexander and fuck watergermans.
I prefer the term swamp jew.
I prefer the term swam Jew.
I prefer the term swa jew.
I greatly respect the dutch for many reasons and here are the reasons:

1. They founded New York. Without the Dutch there would be no New York, and I like New York.

2. They invented apple pie. Apple pie is nice.

3. They have this super cute girl named Ella. How can a country that made something so cute be anything but wonderful?
You make some good arguments.

do not care for them
But they gave you RVP and Van Nistelrooy. I thought the English loved those guys.
You been rused, friendo.

Swamp jews are ok though.
ahh yes the famous yank intelligence at work
Came here to post this. Good man.
*Judios de agua
I'm sorry, I thought they were very popular athletes in your country and that they would have positively influenced your opinion of their nationality.
very rude
a nail bomb has been dispatched to your location

please stand by
Oh shit, I just realized that you might not be English. I wish 4chan would let English/Welsh/Scots/NIs have their own flags, it would avoid so much confusion.
Dutch invented the term "Yankee"
Which was based of two popular Dutch names "Jan" en "Kees"

Therefore we had the first Banter towards you Yankees :^)
No, it's funnier that Scots get lumped in with the English.

Regardless, you're not going to like Van Nistelrooy if you're an Arsenal fan. That's why he's being so obtuse.
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Where does the term dutch comes? Srsly. We call you holandeses (pl), and holandés (sing). Why the fuck do they call you dutch and netherlands and all that shit is beyond me. It just feels like you are that kid that everyone calls "hey you" because everyone calls him in different ways. And your women are taller than your men, and they rock mustaches. Man, You people are just confusing af.
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>No, it's funnier that Scots get lumped in with the English.

I really do feel guilty about making this mistake sometimes. It's easy to forget how strong the different identities in Britain are because the whole place is so small.

>Regardless, you're not going to like Van Nistelrooy if you're an Arsenal fan. That's why he's being so obtuse.

You're right. And RVP too....I should have mentioned Bergkamp or something.

Joke's on you, we love the word "Yankee". We even call our most successful sports team "The Yankees" and they play in "Yankee Stadium".

Also, fun fact: When the USA was first founded and they were deciding on the name for our new country, one of the names that they proposed was unironically "The Republic of Yankeelia". Just imagine that shit.
I dont know mang
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>Why the fuck do they call you dutch and netherlands and all that shit is beyond me.

I actually have the answer for this! Ok, you know how Netherlands people are ethnically similar to German and sound kind of like Germans? And the Germans call themselves "Deutsch"?

Well when people from the Netherlands started to settle in large numbers in the USA, we called them the "Pennsylvania Deutsch", because they sounded like Germans but were a little different and lived in Pennyslvania. Over time, this became "Pennsylvania Dutch", and eventually just "Dutch". So that's why we call everyone from the Netherlands "Dutch".
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Thank you based burger. It's all clear now. Do you have an explanation for the mustache thing tho?
I was reading a magazine once in which Bergkamp unironically made himself No. 10 on his dream XI. He must look for different qualities than I do, because I'd want a forward who can play in away games that require a plane journey.
but this is new zealand
>And your women are taller than your men, and they rock mustaches.
The Dutch invented capitalism you commie piece of shit
It's weird, right? Guess what, the Dutch are also the people who invented the phrase "ok"! We had a Dutch-American President named Martin Van Buren (his first language was actually Dutch), and part of his campaign revolved around his family home called "Old Kinderhook", or "OK". So the phrase "OK" began to appear in our newspapers as a shorthand for "it's fine" or "it's all good".

>the mustache thing

I don't know what you mean. Could you explain?
That's the reason we call the Amish Pennsylvania Dutch even though they're Deutsch (they actually said "Deitsch" because they spoke Pälzisch), but calling people from the Netherlands "Dutch" far predates that.

We call the Dutch "Dutch" from the Old Low German word "dutsch," cognate with "deutsch," refering to the people, language, and derivatives. When the Netherlands became independent in 1579 they adopted "dutsch" as their official language, hence the Brits calling them "Dutch."
>I don't know what you mean. Could you explain?
Women with mustaches. Think nacho libre, but a dutch women version.
I think to become a player as great as Bergkamp, you need to have total and unwavering confidence in yourself. Any sane person, looking from the outside, would say, "well obviously Maradona and Zidane are better #10s", but think about it, if Bergkamp didn't believe that he was the greatest #10 in the world then how would he have gotten anywhere?

>because I'd want a forward who can play in away games that require a plane journey.

Kek, good point. He'd be a massive liability for any club with Champions League ambitions, although I suppose you could always just drug him before plane flights. This is actually what the US National Team did for our star striker all the way back in 1950. We needed him to play in the World Cup, but he was afraid of flying, so his teammates just gave him so much whiskey that he passed out, dragged him on a plane, and made sure he didn't sober up until they were already at their destination.
Ive never seen a dutch girl with facial hair
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Oh, seriously? I was always given the other explanation by my history teacher, and I trust him on these things. But I guess your explanation makes sense too.

Either way, the point is that it comes from the use of the German word "deutsch".

I still don't understand. Is he saying that American women have mustaches or that Dutch women have them? Because I've never seen facial hair on either.
>I Ike newyork
Hello tyrone
fuck off i love aquafresh
Dutch women in general have facial hair. Maybe you don't notice it because you are used to it, but is noticeable af. If you want to meme about this, k, but it's a fact. Maybe they think they get away with it because it's just some peach like hairs or something, but no. It's common knowledge.
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>largest corporation in the history of the world (VOC)
>first megacorporation
>first publicly traded company
>first share certificate
>first market-based economy
>first stock market
>first IPO
>first short sell
>concept of corporate governance
>concept of foreign direct investment
>foundation of investment banking
>first european bank note
>concept of technical stock analysis
>concept of behavioral finance
>first mutual fund
>cocoa powder (foundation of chocolate)
>pendulum clock
>first mercury thermometer
>telescope (optical)
>telescope (aerial)
>first cell discovery
>first discovery of microorganisms
>foundations of chemistry and biology
>foundation of reproductive biology
>discovery of photosynthesis
>concept of gaseous state
>concept of the gene
>concept of centripetal/centrifugal force
>blood cells
>sperm cells
>some of the first voyagers to various parts of the world (first Europeans in Australia, NZ)
>function of fallopian tubles
>first blood bank
>first artificial heart
>first metronome
>speed skating
>fire hose
>first navigable sumarine
>first car with four-wheel drive
>first national anthem
>discovery of the rings of satern, titan
>Discovery of galactic rotation
>first fairtrade certification
>Python language
>the atlas
>continental drift
>holstein dairy cows
>brussels sprouts
>orange carrots
>modern oil painting

If you ain't dutch, you ain't much
They mapped out Australia and the East Indies, plus a bunch of other irrelevant islands
New York is an incredible city. I know it gets a bad rap sometimes because it's sort of "cosmopolitan" and we blame it for the financial crisis (I've heard the British feel the same way about London), but it's like nowhere else I've ever been in my life. I was fucking blown away the first time I visited, and every time I go there I love it even more.

It truly is the capital of the Western World, at least temporarily (London, Paris, and Rome, have all held that title in past, and I know NYC won't have it forever), and there is something legitimately magical about it.
OP posted a Luxembourg flag and started complaining about the Dutch.
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very rude of him desu

How would people in Luxembourg feel about reunification with the Netherlands
rather that than unification with the garlicchewers or the krauts
Fair. Still, the Dutch are just Germans who think they're not German because they smoke weed.
Truly our greatest ally
I love naked Dutch
So the stereotype about the french eating a lot of garlic is true then?
Are there schools in Ireland?
Yes. The teachers go on strike a lot, though.

What was your point?
Is there wax available in dutchderlands for women to remove facial hair?
Why? Is your mother coming?
You are thinking of your own women. Only spanish, latino and italian women have facial hair
kek actually funny. Going to quote you when I tell it. I'm sorry about having to quote you in the same post with this retard but it's late.

hur dur get out more often. Latinas and italian overdo their shit to the point of no recognition. Why is it you burgers always ruin things? Ugh
>mad i exposed him and his mustached women to the world
And thats why every single flag laughs at you. Srsly. Read your post.

Toma, tirate un paso negro. Alegrate:
Back to your caveman women paco
Thats true
He just translated it
Maar dat is oké
it is
I wantt to hug all canadian people :3
wtf i HATE d*tch people now
Proud to be a gromperekichelcher eater instead Jempi?
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B-but we luv funlan
Kanker op
Sorry baarn, net ne randstad
kuddelflëck oder naicht,chrescht
Why wouldn't he be
>fuck Holland
lol you still like the rest of the Netherlands
>Everyone defends NL when it's mocked
I love you guys
The Netherlands is an odd country, in fact I'd go as far as to say it is a country that perturbs me deeply. I do not hate the Netherlands, I actually love it (though against my better judgement).

The problem with the Netherlands however, is that it is a harmonious place, but to an excessive extent; it is a place where life is ritualistic and clinical, a sterile country without any scenery, instead a featureless flat expanse where any semblance of originality or character is destroyed through universal adoption and duplication as part of the pervasive norm and uniformity.

This is not a spatial observation of the monotony of this land, but also of the people, a measured and homogeneous group. Amongst the Dutch all deviations from the norm are measured, yes you can have a silly haircut, provided there is ample other people with it, yes you can like a certain type of un-mainstream music provided there is a general counterculture trend that goes along with it. It is a clear culture, mundane yet not moribund, a malaise of monotony.

Even their most heated and contentious issue is a contrived and pointless affair, a yearly debate where the exact same arguments are dished out even more enthusiastically as the last. In fact, I feel as though Zwarte Piet only exists for the sake of having something to argue about, in a land where everyone agrees with one another.

The thing that disturbs me most about this 'country' (if such a thing exists in the way that we've previously conceived it) is that this is recognised, the maladious and boring place is in fact celebrated on those virtues. It is this repetition that the word 'gezellig' captures.

I say this full of admiration for the Dutch, they are a successful land, however their success is rather bittersweet, in exchange for success they've sold any flavour and love from their land, they are truly automatons going through life in a barren and bland setting.

I pity the Netherlands.
>It's a "some American thinks the entire world revolves around them" post

The English word 'Dutch' existed before your country
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>your women are taller than your men, and they rock mustaches.
This post makes me sad
This was a good thread.
That's not New Zealand.
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"Dutch" is just a mental projection or a label in your mind.
Netherlands doesnt exist. Any country doesnt exist. Just drawing some lines on a map doesnt make borders appear.

If I have a plant in the garden and I say that's "my plant" the 'my' part is just a mental label that I project as a property of the plant, but from the plant's point of view it does not belong to anyone its just a plant.

Then if the plant dies I become sad because on the basis of saying that plant is my property I feel like I now lost some property. So my sadness is just a illusion, because in reality the plant was never mine, it's nobodies. You cant lose something that isnt yours.

It works the same way with a country's territorium.

Dutch comes from the dutch word for german wich is 'Duits', wich comes from the german word for german wich is "Deutsch".
I thought it came from "dutsch" which meant "Low German"
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>without any scenery
Well, it's not that bad, but you are right.
I have a love/hate-relationship with this country myself. But I realize I can't move, because all my family is from here.
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Fuck me that's an old pasta
I genuinely hope for your sake that you're baiting
den inselnegger war rem fuewenblann an huet sech am fändel geirrt
>2. They invented apple pie. Apple pie is nice.

Apple pie is also English.
I don't speak Luxembourgish or German or French... but yes, your observation is correct.
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Can you even call yourself dutch if you dont have wavy or curly hair?
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Can you even call yourself Dutch unless you own a bike?
you make me very sad
Objectively no
But I'm not Portuguese :((
Do you need a hug?
You call that piece of shit a bike?
i'm not sure if i want to know what you are
you don't have to hug me just make me a favor and try to learn luxembourgish , it feels lonely on this site without a /gen/
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I own 3 bikes kraut
I have a beach cruiser, mountain, and a moped.
Get fugged
Can you call yourself Dutch if you dont even fish?
Just join kanker or kraut board pleb, you rich snowflake.
>replying to yourself
either way , make an effort
*hugs you*
Make one for yuro micronations like Lux, Lichtenstein, etc
Lux is 28 on this list... this country is not micro, it is comfortably compact.
>this list
Yeah but at least you'll have some sort of general
Please stop
You will never be Dutch
I would rather eat dutch coconut biscuits with french apricot jam than shitpost in a mongolian cartoon board.
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Bist du wuetend? :^) ich werde sein
I have spent two years of my life on 4chan, but today I'm going to leave it. You gave me a lot of support in tough times and I'll never forget that. Perhaps we will meet again.
I welcome my American-Dutch brothers.

het programma had een paar willekeurige stad vlaggen en geen regionale vlaggen
forget this wrong thread
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Dank broeder
More of the senpai
Good for you. me too. Fuck 4chan. fuck this board. fuck me, fuck you, fuck everybody.
You posted the flag of luxemburg
refer to>>70003692
...i meant>>70003724
i should really stop drinking on a monday evening
A couple of those are ours (by current geography), though they are from a time when we were indistinguishable
Come home, white man.

Except if you're a Walloon.
>Except if you're a Walloon.

stfu, Walloons are based
Its funny that this is coming from a Swede kek
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>walloons are based
Just neck yourself
t. Niklas Wallon
you'd think differently if you had to share a border with them , i must admit that the flemish tend to exaggerate a bit but walloons still aren't better than the french , but that might be because i've only talked to the luxembourg region walloons and no "real" ones
VERWIJDER KRULBROODJE verwijder krulbrooje
jij bent slechtste waal. jij bent de waal idioot jij bent de waal stank. ga terug naar frankreijk. aan onze frankrijk neven jullie mogen naar ons land komen. je mag in de dierentuin wonen….ahahahaha ,duitsland wij zullen je nooit vergeiven. nvu schurk NEuk kont neuk kankerwaal stink duitsland dietser duitser..waal genocide beste dag van mijn leven. neem een bad van doode waal..ahahahahahDUITSLAND WE KRIJGEN JULLIE NOG WEL!! vergeet niet wo2 .dueietsland wij vermoorden hitler , wallonie ga terug naar je dierbare frankrijk….hahahahaha idioot waal and franse stank zo erg..wow ik kan het ruiken. VERWIJDER KRULBROODJE UIT DE OMGEVING. je zal gepakt worden. rusland+amerika+italie+canada=vermoord duitsland…jij zal ww2/ andre hazes levend in nederland, andre maken album van nederland . snelle volksliederen hazes nederland. wij zijn rijk en hebben goud nu hahahaha ha dankzij andre… jij bent arrm stinkwaal… jiij leeft in een hut hahahaha, jij leeft in een krot

Every Walloon I know have been based as fuck, Negerländers on the other hand are all cunts.
>The Swede is protecting the lazy leeches that live off welfare and hard work of Flemish people

So tolerant
nee domme koe, het komt van "diets"
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>the D*tch calling anyone lazy

No wonder your country suck so hard
Work smart, not hard ;:^)
Why do you think we were into slave trade
>Why do you think we were into slave trade

beacuse you are the biggest cunts in the known universe?
And yet we are in every way superior to Sweden kek.
How does it feel having a HDI lower than fucking Singapore?
kys youself
Old Low German, not modern. Also in some dialects of Low German it's düütsch iirc
And yet we are still richer.

>GDP - per capita (PPP)
$40,900 (2013 est.)
$40,900 (2012 est.)
$40,800 (2011 est.)

>The Netherlands
$43,300 (2012 est.)
$43,200 (2011 est.)
$41,600 (2010 est.)

Stay in our shadows, Swedecuck

You are only slightly better off, who cares. I still wouldn't want to live in your flat shithole, filled with ugly women and shitty arrogant people.
Stay jealous, Swedecuck. Don't forget your evening prayers.
I am not jelous of your pig faced women and ugly language. You have impressive history, but in the modern day negerländerna is by far the worst northern european country
>the worst northern european country
Oh the irony.
Last time I looked you where taking in shitskins by the boatload too.
fuck off you cuckold faggot, ill take dutchland over sweden any day of my life

ive truly never met a decent swede in my life
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friendly reminder that the netherlands is a nice country for nice people
Dont forget inventing the great depression.
I also like Sweden tbqh. Sometimes you are a little weird, but I still like you.
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Great post.
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Good thread
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