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/cum/ Canada USA Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 75

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CUM general10.jpg
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Spoils of war edition
I'm the USA
This really isn't funny anymore.
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Hello again
do you guys prefer shaved cunts?
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Only the gay ones.
Leave some at the top, please, thanks.
Shaved is better

t. sex pro
It depends on the girl 2bh some girls can't maintain their fuzz on other girls it's great
Baja is a virgin lmao
So I've just spent quite some time looking at walking videos of various 3rd world cities, and it really is insane just how much of a disgusting filthy shithole ALL of Africa is.

Even Egypt, which is Europe-tier by African standards, is incredibly filthy at a street level. Even fucking Laos looks MUCH better at a street level. Fucking LAOS (a country which has a much lower HDI than Egypt and literally only half of the GDP per capita).

Forget the whole "but it's because of le poverty and le colonialism!" maymay, there is clearly something wrong with Africans on a much deeper level. Even the Arabs who live in North Africa live like fucking animals compared to how they should be living considering the ressources they have.
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name things that will never happen
Will CB get dem nipples
servey says
ding ding
no natural is the best
As long as it isn't an unkempt jungle I don't care.
>not animals

Where have you been?
What can you expect Islam fucking ruined ancient Egypt my friend went to El Cairo a couple of months ago and he said that only touristic places were kept in good conditions but he was treated nice apparently.
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I grew up watching and reading my uncle's old porn vids and mags
bush for me please
Not just Arabs, ALL Africans. That's my point, there is something seriously fucking wrong with that continent which cannot be merely blamed on external factors.
Baja is a dumb bitch
>just finding out they are animals

Where have you been?
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Where is John Connor.
sauce on that art bud?
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Can Mexicans be programmers as subcontractors of American enterprises?
or Are Indians in India more useful than them?
Just stop it
Everyone knows you aren't me now that I got a trip
all me
subscribe to my blog
They are genetically engineered organic life forms only to serve as slaves to the ancient aliens that left earth. they need that alien mainframe up and running to actually be productive
That image is stupid and not funny stop using it
Oh, also, forgot to mention South Asia seems equally as disgusting as North Africa.
everyone is better than the indians at talking that is for sure.
Indians are cheap that's why they get hired but that doesn't mean programmers don't exist here you often see students in uni wanting to create Indie games and shit.
This image is relevant and funny keep using it
Yes, where i live there are a shitton of jobs for coding monkeys
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These some Adidas and some Nike running shoes
Bit cool out tonight buds.
(^_^) there was an angry person impersonating me >______<
I barely post 2bh >~> and would never be rude
^^ internet is a free space to express yourself in any way you like though so I really don't mind the h8
You be you i be me (^_^)
Im used to bullying I've been bullied my entire life
<~< i used to care bot now I dont really ^^ (╹◡╹) as long if I'm nice
This picture is really annoying
please stop
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Dutchman please save us!
Red Wing boots.
::glances back at post::
None, unless going out, in that case i wear my reliable leather huaraches
comfy new balance running shoes are my fave since forever^^
(〃ω〃) bot now its wet and icy I cant wear them unless i want wet feet
Omeegash I love docs (*゚▽゚*) ~
I have docs as well ^^
Who /alone/ here
Indians are useful because the Brits taught them English while they were raping their women and spilling tea on their culture
Well, seems like my dutch poster sleep alarm just went off, see you tomorrow
me. Currently trying to correct that by grabbing a grill at uni but my crippling autism has so far kept me from even making an attempt.
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I always liked this one.
Didn't they already have tea as part of their vegan diet?
living under a fucking rock, apparently

I also just found out that Ethiopia and Eritrea had a war a few years ago, which involved hundreds of THOUSANDS of casualties. Do you know why they fought such a war? Because they had a dispute over who controlled a tiny irrelevant impoverished border town with a population of 1500 people. A town which doesn't even have running water, or any sort of real infrastructure for that matter.

Seriously, why does Africa even fucking exist, it's insane just how bad that place is in every single way possible.
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>tfw trying to install a working psx emulator on Windows 10
I've had my docs for 3 years now they are my comfiest shoes 2bh.
I just got my running shoes they are my first pair ever, I have been missing out on so much comfiness, they are light as air
Tea was invented in China and spread throughout Asia and then to Europe.
>Tea was invented
>tea was never invented ever by anyone
>it just came to be
Is this our first marital fight?
Ethiopia is very overpopulated and has always been affected by droughts which regularly cause famines, they kill each other as a means of survival for their own tribe in hard times. Malthusian existence tbqh.

These are regular occurrences.
^^ Ogai.ʕ•̫͡•ʔ you'll be missed!
Lucky you its always sunny where you are >____<
No one invents plants you silly willy
Just download a PC game I gave up with fucking emulators.
I'd like to receive a blowjob from a pretty black woman
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>tea is a plant
Tea requires hot fresh water and a container.
Nature doesn't just kill plants and dump them in geothermal lakes and that lake becomes tea. The Chinese did it for nature.
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>they kill each other as a means of survival for their own tribe in hard times.

Dat UN aid tho
Boots are great passive leg training.
Don't get too comfy.
You can't invent a beverage. You can only discover it
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Is this the official /cum/ map of who's invited and not?
I mean anyone who doesn't like yuri should basically not north american
i still don't get the difference between "were" and "was"

should it be "i wish i were gay" or "i wish i was gay"
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I've been wearing boots for a long time now
My docs are my comfiest shoe
The beverage was already made by the big JC. We just have to find it
People will usually say "I was" but it's "I were" because idk.
Also, I was is past tense or something.
Was = first person / third person singular
Were = second person singular and plural first third person plural
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Goodnight /cum/
Yeah, sure, babe. Now come to bed.
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T-they'll get better, r-right? ;__;
"was" is past tense.

Saying "I wish I was gay" is like if you are reflecting on your life, (the past)

Saying "I wish I were gay" is saying you wish you were gay right now

Or something like that
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i dunno.gif
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Boots confirmed superior, and comfiest footwear.
Post music
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i wish I were gay
Ever hear of Band-Aid? All those celebs in the 1980's working together to make a charity album for the starvin' Ethiops? Well the head Ooga-Booga of Ethiopia used the famine as a political tool to kill tribes he didn't like, for the resettlement of others etc. Then he gets this huge pile of food and money which he basically uses to keep his corrupt nearly collapsed government going.

Africa was a mistake.
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Do you have red hair?
Are you my ex-gf?

You still have my sweater

Bls resbond
My chilean bud says you are a huevonado
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standard past tense

Honestly, I'll use "was" as conditional situationally.
An egg
We have so much in common.
>she's married to an ugly half-paki

What a world.
Me 2
'were', in this case, indicates the subjunctive mood which represents a non-reality

>"I wish I were gay"
>"if I were gay I'd let the next big white bull I see make love to my boipucci"

but you are not actually gay in reality, so you indicate the hypothetical ideaspace where you are gay by your use of the subjunctive

if you don't really get it, don't worry. most english speakers just use the incorrect 'was' and have done so for centuries, so it's not a big deal

t. copy editor
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He's half human though.
he looks kind of canadian
Me with the beer.
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No, France has a 2.01 birth rate and that's purely because of the browns. If they don't shut off the darkie tap or massively increase their own birth rates European civilization will end up behind glass in a museum with a little description.
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my amigo canadiense dice que eres poutine
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i don't get it
i'll fucking kill you you faggot
>pictured in OP: His ancestors

not so fast
*rapes you*
*cuts you in half with a giant dildo*
heh nothing personal kid
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like to see you try
Do actors get hard when they do a sex scene in normal movies?
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Alright this time I'll actually go to sleep
Goodnight /cum/
They wear these elaborate things to hold their dick down or cover their puss.
Can't sleep, brain won't stfu
Night lads :3
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like these?
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im not saying this to be edgy or ironic
i would kill you if you were here
that's africa-tier compared to the boner-disabling technology jewllywood has
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>Jimmies status:
>Not rustled [_]
>Rustled [X]

A fucking leaf?
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cant stop farting desu
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man i fuggin suck at playing snipers :/
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I'm going to have some custom shoes made. Maybe it will briefly fill empty void where healthy relationships should be.
Stayyyyyyyy positive @_____@
Why would they wear a chastity cage in movies?

more like french gayana lol
the only spoils france knows about is spoiled cheese
You too
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>no timestamp
Reminder that prostate play isn't gay and you should try it
Reminder that prostate play is hella gay and if you do it you're going to hell
Why do faggots insist on making everyone else a faggot?
I'm not a faggot
But stimulating your prostate is great
Because it makes people like you ask stupid questions
is it gay?
t. megagay
I hate it when I can't sleep
I really WANT to devour hairy male nipples
That's why I'm the one you should trust

Sort of
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>trust someone who's already set on going to hell
First off dude that joke isn't getting stale
Second that message was meant for Aidsy a girl and I wouldn't mind devouring her nipples
why are black people so obnoxious after 9:30 PM?
brits are too reserved to rape anything
if they did indians probably would have chimped out
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they're nocturnal
look at the color of their skin
>First off dude that joke isn't getting stale

i know
Wrong, I would mind "devouring her nipples"
Please stop impersonating me and saying disgusting things
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Reminder its actually gayer to refrain from prostate play since its arguably the most sexually sensitive place to stimulate on a man.
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>brits are too reserved to rape anything
You've never met them when they are drunk as it seems. They are the only ones that are able to compete with our absolut worst trash that goes to Mallorca every year.
I thinks poos tell themselves this so they can claim white ancestry.
Don't listen to him, bud
He's an imposter
I meant it is cunt

I don't even know how to add a trip code so stop trying asshole
Reminder that if it's something that you wouldn't ask your wife to do to you then it's hella gay
>tfw no wife
Stayyyyyyyy HIV positive @_____@
haha -20 and im going to the woods
>tfw no gf
>tfw no bf
Dude get the fuck off her back
That shit isn't even funny
Please stop copying me
You're starting to get on my nerves
It totally is tho lol
Stayyyyyyyy positive about used needles @_____@
>charlie "Id drag my dick through 20 miles of broken glass just to hear a dutch man rub his nipples against a walkie talkie" brown
It's childish
Can you get your laughs without doing it at the expense of a cute girl? Are you a jealous virgin?
Not true thus not funny
>tfw South Dakota didn't say goodnight
>It's childish
I do it 4 u
like 70 posts too early your script sucks
>Charlie "Id take 20 dicks in my ass just to text chat with someone Ive never seen and is 99.9% likely a dude" Brown
It really isn't funny yo make fun of sick people
This is just rude please stop bullying me
what have I done to you?
I'm sorry if I like someone but why do you guys give me so much shit?
If you liked someone I wouldn't insult you and your admirer constantly. Don't you have any manners. Please stop being rude to us
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>It really isn't funny yo make fun of sick people
It is when >she did it to >herself
post something that motivates you
It really isn't though
>bought a 12 pack of top ramen for 12 dollars
>make a couple packs, mix in some hipster peanut butter
Tasted pretty good desu, maruchan is better though
I can't post porn here
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the only thing that motivates me is fear.
People have accidents
I never blame your parents for you
*2 dollars
Wew I should go to bed
It really is tho

Maybe you should. Maybe I should

>12 pack for $12

wut the fug, $1 a pack is a ripoff, bro
There's something weird about Top Ramen
Why don't you ever give Baja shit
She's stupid
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qt French girls
Because Baja doesn't post emoticons
Shut up, you idiot imposter
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I ate some spicy ramen two nights ago it made me shit fire
>Charlie "Whiteknighting for a chance to lick his dutch prince's nipples" brown

>after 9:30 PM?

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Pic related.
Still haven't found one tho.
You're the idiot impostor
The "dutch princess" is nice, but I would never do that
But she's does avatar which is just as bad if not worse
You guys gave me shit for avataring when I first got here but you don't tell her anything
Top > maruchan
Nice digits
It's proof that I'm the real CB
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I'm not seeing an argument here
>_______< now to think of it my ex bf was clean and nice
<~< i had been raped before earlier so i think it was that
@____@ needle rape whatever
(〃ω〃) Im always p o s i t i v e
Please stop trying to make Bajachan think I hate her
I just want to be friends
Baja is a dumb bitch who is worse than Aidsy
>Charlie "if I close my eyes, he's a she" Brown

How can you say that? The noodles are the same but maruchan broth is way tastier
Where's the argument?
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>AB with the quints
Why do you let your thread get fucked up by one shitposter? Just ignore him instead.
Stay positive it makes you adorable:3
Why? I'm not shitposting.
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i got something to tell you.jpg
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Which one?
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It also makes her unfuckable
You aren't being funny
Can you post a pic of your yard? We had some snow but I feel let down
>aidsy "got HIV for being an heroin vaccinee" chan
only have one from my car driving but okay hold on I ll take one right quick.
She still has sex appeal idiot
I would if I ever got the chance
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Your cunt has committed heinous crimes against this general
ty senpai

>he hinks foot"""kraut""" is actually german
>Charlie "a girl's attention is worth the infection" Brown
>___________< this general isnt really positive @____@
You're positive enough for all of us
I think affection would've worked better than attention but otherwise 8/10 post nice work amigo.
I'm sorry aidsy, but these guys won't stop impersonating me
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all of them.
>aidsy "Ph.D. in getting HIV" chan
I am the only real CB holy shit I would never use a tripcode I don't even know how to make one
You assholes are all making me look bad
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^^ haha thanks. >____< it was nice being a guest here bot I'm kinda busy ~
<.< there's acshually a lot of positive things going in my life
^^ for instance I'm engaged
Pic related is my ring
I'll make your asshole look bad
Please just shut up
I had to start using a tripcode because you keep copying me
Please stop trying to make bajachan hate me.
You're the only glimpse of positivity we have
I've taken off my name but know it's me I'm the only one who is friendly with you
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wait so who's the bigger cuck
cb or the loser who married an hiv+ slut?

cb by a mile
I'm not a cuck
Do you even know what that means?
If it's real good luck I guess
<3 he is a doctor
Yes I know ^^
Disgusting fingers
That's a nice ring
I'm happy for you
Erm, footkraut's posting style is identifiably german.
Wirklich so.
I hate beingB unmotivaded
lmao tuff luck chuck yer a cuck, now doesn't that suck?
as you see not really anything. was fun drifting in.
You are really dedicated to this whole act.
Enjoy your nippleless life now, Autismo Brown

That's not much more than we got
Good job he's a lucky guy
Please still come by, this place would be boring without you
I'm not a cuck
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Sanks! Yes it's real! >~< i really couldn't believe it myself why a 8/10 young doctor would want me
U_______U bot he says he likes my personality a lot @____@
╰(*´︶`*)╯ ^^ we'll marry in spring or summer

You're both very lucky
I hope you're happy together
yeah dont worry. the big snowfalls will come in late winter. they only come when a weather system comes from the gulf of mexico.
When are you going to tell him about your whoreing days and your AIDS

I vote that you tell him during your honeymoon
does he like wearing 4 condoms?
Honestly one of the best posters we have.
Fly on, but not far, dutchman!
maybe he wants to use you as a laboratory rat for AIDS research
Are we reaching bump limit?
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I'm so fuckin mad rn
you guys are so annoying that id actually take haitiano over you
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^^ yes I'll try even though my life is extremely busy by now >~<
「(゚ペ) ??
How new are you bud?
cool I hope he's ready for what you have to bring
Pls don't leave
does he know you sucked a black cock for drugs
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That's a very brown thumb there. I thought you hated Arabs?
>tfw I've been here for 6 years and never learned the bump limit

I'm slow.
>not magic-tier survivable
>socialized medicine
>some sort of doctor
Think "they'll" be alright.
Though we're just getting awesomely timed re-runs here, I'm sure.
Does he know that you have HIV?
I'm honestly curious
fug, its already almost 1:30
Is he a bug chaser
im not but i deleted the photo anyway so those weird stalker anons that harass me dont have it.
anyway off to studying and watch chinese chartoons
its 1:20 you dumb retard
That's cute I guess but we'd really believe you if your posted a timestamp

hence 'almost', you idiot
^^ he thinks there will be a cure sooner or later acshually
>____< rumors that aren't true
^^ haha there's no place for h8 in my heart acshually.
╰(*´︶`*)╯ he has blue eyes, light skin etc... bot he tans a lot becoz he went on vacashaan

^^ thnx for nice comments every1
What are you studying lad
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It's 4:20
shut the fuck up moron i dont care about your almosts
Does he know you post "Nudsies XD" to random people online? Would he still marry you if he knew?

how about you say that to my face and not online, you asshat
spanish and orgo
I'm the real CB
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Guys I just got home and I don't know what the fuck to do help me the fuck out

>Best friend wants me to party with him to help me get over my shitty gf dumping me
>Just wanted to stay home and shitpost but accepted anyways because we haven't seen each other since I left for Uni last semester
>At the party my best friends sister calls me and asks where the party is at so she can come
>Tell the address blah blah, and she shows up about 30 minutes later with some friends
>Hang out with them for an hour or so
>I go outside for a little to catch my breath
>She comes out from the house, tipsy at this point
>Sits down next to me, and puts her head on my shoulder for a moment
>Not really thinking anything is unusual at this point, she's always been kinda touchy, especially when she's had a few drinks
>Grabs my face and moves it so I'm looking towards her
>Runs her hands through my hair and tells me that she likes how curly it is
>I laugh and sip my beer
>She stares into my eyes for a moment
>Tells me she loves me and always has since we were younger
>At this point I don't even know what say
>She kisses me on the cheek, gets back up, and leaves
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Perhaps we're all wondering why someone who posted pictures of their face unconcealed would blur out their own face in the couple photo?
sure but i'm not going all the way up to bumfuck nowhere buddy
how bout you come down here and i show you whats what
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smug trump.jpg
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being this dumb should be a crime within itself.

so I can get stuck in traffic and mugged by CHI's?

no thank you
Don't fuck up your syntheses.
What's that homie you was expecting a fair fight
nah you getting jumped
thats what i thought

placer is a pussy ass loser
and a big nerd
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Coin flip.gif
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Fug her, your friend isn't getting your cock wet.

Alternatively be a decent friend and tell her to piss off.
she a thot bruh

fuck and dump

you come up here and say that, you smog sucking dork
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Rain finally started back up here, buds.
Lookin' forward to a Wet 'N' Wild Week desu.
*sets comfiness level to HIGH++*
(●´ω`●) as long if my face isn't on the pics he doesn't care, and that was before I engaged with him or even dated him
^_^ besides he said I can have sex with a woman while we're married but not with a guy <~< for idk what reason
Bot I'm straight so I wont do that >____<
He made me more classy and fixed me ^^
I'm an engaged woman now! ^^"
.-. Besides I wont uncensor it he has a career
so i can die of boredom in the drive there?
no thanks
Fuck her in front of your best friend. You need to establish your dominance in this friendship.
Im on the stupid alcohol reacions
really fun
now it is fucking 6 degrees outside
>he said I can have sex with a woman while we're married
wannabe cuck
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>live next to a gigantic fucking desert
>average Southern California commute can be 2 hrs
>complains about drives being boring
When can we squash the fifth column communists in our country?

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Well here you go then.
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>>I laugh and sip my beer
whatever penishead
im done arguing with you
cant even square up right



I'll consider it. Still sure how to deal with the love bullshit.

Was not interested in flirting, as stated before, I just got out of a shitty relationship and I'm not feeling up to par at all.
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6KB, 270x187px

I said come up here and fight me, bitch ass ho
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