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/cum/ Canada USA Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 80

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CUM flags.png
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Improved /cum/ flags edition.
being gay is wrong
What are you talking aboot?
Being gay is A-OK
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patrician chocolate bar
same 2bh
Wish I could lick a twinks ass right now
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>eating roaches
>the big joto culeado

weew lad.
Canadians being mean to me led me to looking up my county on Wikipedia and that led to my town. under notable people the most famous person was a failed baseball pitcher who played 6 games and lost 5 of them. he's my 6th grade teachers son.
I wish communism could work
It's so aesthetic
mac demarco is from my city
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intcraft when

what a shitty city
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Hey (you).png
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Hey you, I saw you on TV last night.
your county looks comfy as fuck desu
I like to fuck the ones who like to fuck women
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Last night.jpg
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>Last night
Classic India
I didn't like Pride
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He's alright but I can't stand the followers he's amassed
What's /cum/ listening to?

mercury rev.
reminder that there are thousands of Canadians living illegally in Minnesota
We don't care about white illegals.

and some of them, I assume, are good people
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>nobody noticed the flags
>nobody gave me those sweet (OP)'s
Speak for yourself you cuck
I'm listening to Salad Days rn wew
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it is pretty comfy. there's some really pretty hiking areas and it's right on the water. also if you like raspberries it's a cool place to go because we produce 75% of the country's raspberries so that's cool
my mom just invited me to go with her and my aunt to go up near a mountain to watch bald eagles hunt for salmon tomorrow morning which is something you can't see everywhere
I will visit you next time I go to Seattle put your address in your regionals

i did but idk what it means.
Mexican superstar Shakira
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>somali opinions
Current 93 and Burzum
You mean there are thousands of chinks living illegally in Somalia.
What is this 1000 degree red hot knife meme about?
Well, you didn't even give USA baja.
No dots for you.
the freshest youtube bait since the hydro press meme
>northern ontario

They're either white or gas huffing natives
you'll still have to drive north for another 2 hours
also what are you talking about crazy guy?
you can't have washington
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I want (OP)'s not mere dots, do you know what (OP)'s are trading for right now?
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>freshest 100% reddit 1000% certified jewtube meme
I'm sure that's what you meant.
Little too rich for the quality of your edition, that's what.
>We are starvin' Syrians
>any help will do! Please halp!
>You can go to this cunt, you will only get 10 euros a week and very modest housing.
Why would Portugal even take refugees? Their country has been decimated by socialism and corruption since the 1980's
Not to mention they were colonized by Muslims at one point.
bagged milk is stupid
I want to make a game about the 15th century textile industry in europe
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oh well cums dead, goodnighty then.
Not sure, striped ones definitely, maybe some others too.
Just need to find where to order them ;_;
hmmm, maybe
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U Jew mark.jpg
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>he pays the kosher tax

Kek, cartonfags.
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t. jew
yeah it is. is it only a thing in canada

your milk costs over double ours so stop
baby come back!
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Off work and a tad drunk.
Post some good tunes, lads.

$3.99CAD for 4L (gallon) of milk in my area

not too bad compared to other places in Canada
>4L of bagged milk
>2L of carton milk

rly meks u tink
wow ded thrad
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cum beast.jpg
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Wed night/Thursday morning seems to be the slowest time of the week.
wow ded thrad [2]

i wonder why
I can't decide if I want my pawn in Dragon's Dogma to be a tank bro or a qt healer
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Cug'd by de /cum/ beasd :DDDD

be a heal slut!
talking about gallons boyo
$2-2.50 US for me
w0w dea d thrad
its nose looks like a horse cock
There's a giant, red lump on my leg lads. It hurts when I touch it. I don't think it's a pimple, because I tried squeezing it and nothing happened. What do?
Whoah, deead thread.
Any economic expert can tell me how does milk prices go up? It's not like cows are going extinct
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>all these posts in a dead thread

show me its body
nice lump
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Cow Worship.jpg
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Indians keep worshipping them, making the demand go up.
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She was murdered.
Nice try, kid
wew dis thrad is dad
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Black with green bows, or full white?

You know what I'm talking about.
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>not using the term "lad"
Betcha don't say cunt either, bud.
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i killed bajachan AMA
I'm it an econ expert but I live in an area with lots of dairy production and I know a lot of diary farmers
it's mostly due to increases in regulation. when cows poop it produces methane gas and a lot of places are trying to force farmers to do things that offset that, which costs a lot of money.
also milk is cheaper in the US because the gov subsidizes milk production
also agriculture is becoming less and less profitable for smaller scale farmers so a lot of people who traditionally would run their family farm are instead going into other fields which lets bigger companies control prices
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well love, imo white goes with a lot more...things!
I use "cunt" as a severe insult.
Was Baja a real grill after all?
did you actually kill my mother
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Does /cum/ know any veterans
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wtf I hate mexican murderers now
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Fuck what everyone else says, this show was great.
I say cunt in casual conversation with my mum. Step up, senpai.
my great grandfathers were veterans in WWII. would you like to hear about them?
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RIPDEP Bajachan

inb4 CHI
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who else was /cub scout/

Had a terrible troop leader.
The list grows.
I think you'd be able to see through them, and that's not good since I have some tattoos I want to hide for optimal cuteness
My grandpa had a rifle that was used in the mexican revolution

is that good enough
I want to BLEACH.
As long as I can share too
My grandfather was sort of a veteran, he was a pharmacy tech in Korea

My great grandfather though was an ambassador for Italy and had to run around a lot to the Dominican Republic to avoid getting killed during Mussolini and Hitler's rule
Why do people keep saying Israel is our greatest ally? Is this some lie out of habit?
What happened
It's an American "conservative" meme.
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They are cool but France will always be best ally
Israel is the most fucking embarrassing error in policy by western government in the last 80 years.
Seems pretty important strategically, plus the whole "jews run the America show" conspiracy.
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Now is a period of mourning.
Every night I say a little prayer that i and nobody i care about gets back problems or any kind of chronic pain.
RIP Bajachan

Of all the namefags you were the most tolerable.


hrm...that's a possibility

it depends on how silky they are. the really silky ones are a bit see through, but the thicker they get you can't see anything
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Why is Baja gone if everybody loves her?

cause i hate him, get over it
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My fathers father was in the navy or coast marine he drove landing ships on several islands and was wounded. My mothers father was coast guard. Rode a horse on beaches to look for subs also tested shark repellent.
Uncle was a field medic in the Korean War.
We had a family member in ww1 but we don't what he did because he never talked about it
just let me suck you off
don't post my waifu without my permission you son of a bitch
I genuinely wish I could just die in my sleep

i'll let you suck me off

nohomo tho
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>December 29th, 2016

this fucking year has flown by
I would love to hear your stories
there's cool stories about two of my great granparents in the war.

>great grandpa in the army
>training in the us
>shot himself in the leg or something
>sent home instead of the Europe
>his entire battalion died
>become huge alcoholic

>other great grandpa
>in the army
>2nd armored division
>that division was the first in africa and later was in normany(not on d-day)
>according to his enlistment papers he was a semi skilled driver so he probably drove an armored vehicle
>the story goes that in italy he was also general Eisenhower's chauffeur but I can't verify this
>got some medals that I can't remember the name of
>the building that had the info about it burned down so there's no way to find out about it
>never told anyone anything that happened
>not even his wife
>when asked about his medals he would say he never did anything great in the war but he saw a lot of people that were heroes
>his will didn't mention his medals or anything of his army things
>his will gave my grandpa his old saddle because that was a lot more important to him
my guess is that he drove an armored vehicle because of his driving experience and he had survivors guilt because he was safe inside the vehicle while he watched people being shot on the outside

I was a bear scout

I either won the pinewood derby or got disqualified because they thought I cheated on my car

which I didnt
it goes to the 31st you dumb weenie
I became a Star scout and then left in high school when word got out I was a scout 2bh
Don't be suicidal cali-anon. I love you.
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dont enable him

y-you too
Has she shown up yet?
His eyes are very red in that photo.
Yeah sucked my dick real good, fuckin fine ass "woman" 2bh
Don't enable him to live or don't enable him to whine endlessly about killing himself on an indonesian claymation forum?
I learned how to tie many different knots
Sweater god I'm gonna put on a proxy and start name fagging if s/he doesn't come back.
Serious question is Baja a guy or a girl?
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>cant remember any of the knots or survival tips from the handbook
>still remember the handshake
a girl(male) is what I've heard
You guys obsessing over an Internet "girl" is so pathetic and sad lmao
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I need a cute girl to suck my cock
>come to this general every day like everyone else (don't argue, I know you do)
>don't miss on of the only bright spots when it's gone
That doesn't exist it's one or the other

Here's mine>>69204822
> then I don't know what it what anymore

that's really interesting about riding the horse to look for subs. it's a shame the WW1 guy wouldn't share
Question: Is Greenland North American?
We're all going to make it brother. What's your goal for the week?

force myself to play video games again
I have ancestors/relatives who've fought in the Vietnam "conflict", korean war, ww2, ww1, spanish american war etc. We have the death certificate of my great great uncle from ww1 talking about how he died valiantly saving a bunch of people, forget the name of the battle.

Only person I've talked too about the wars was my grandpa and he claims his nickname was the shadow, he was working on a book about Nazi Germany and WW2 before he died
What did you play? Why do you have to force it?
are the kiwis prepared for the war against Israel?

played Sun on the train back home. I force myself because Im a NEET with no social life whatsoever
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now I feel bad. I'm sorry he is great and that's really cool that he was writing that book
Why don't you do something else m8?
If you have to force yourself, maybe it isn't for you.
Real bajamanian girl
It was based off some radio show character that was big at the time. He got the name by leading a bunch of his men through a storm and he reminded them of this character in the darkness

test 2

I have tried other things

guitar, movies, TV shows, same result everytime
are you the crime investigator califronia?
>is it you
>i blew it

give me a kiss bitch
My uncle who was the field medic has never talked about it.
Have you tried putting work into learning something academic- an art or science? I picked up a couple languages and decided to learn programming as a hobby recently and just doing that has been really good for my depressive issues.
that's actually real cool

what about a job or something?

as a field medic he must have seen some really messed up stuff
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haha, let me save you the trouble of hearing my attempts at learning programming
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Awful lot of dots for two letters.
what yall on
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this is the exact opposite of what i requested

I have a job and its awful

gonna stop blogposting now
its because arkansas isnt here to gay it up
>I have a job and its awful
sorry california

ok everyone I need to go to sleep goodnight
Have you tried working/schooling or spoken to a doctor about this recently?
goodnight honey
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that 4-5 hour shift is quite literally my entire day
Waking up an hour and a half or less before you have to commute?
How tall are you?
5 10
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Need a good dicking desu
My boipussy is SO ready

Come to the prairies and fuck me until I can't walk
stop exprssing yourselves
is it easier for a canadian for get an american gf or a american to get a canadian gf?
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How tall are you?
Equivalent exchange.
Shan't be doin that now, shall I?
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thank you
Are you collecting heights of cum posters? Wouldn't a poll be better for managing this?
How do I make it as an artist
It's a list of the physical characteristics of cum posters with extra flags.

I can post what I have so far if you're interested.
What's mine?
I don't have you yet.

What's your height, weight, eye color, and hair color?
Sounds like a good incentive to ditch reddit flags.
Post it.
I don't have much yet, I just started it as a joke earlier today.

Montana - 6'2" - 185 pounds - green eyes - dark brown hair
Arkansas - 5'9" - 140 pounds - blue eyes - dark brown hair
Montreal - 6'0" - 155 pounds - blue eyes - blonde hair
Sinaloa - 6'2" - 198 pounds - brown eyes - black hair
Whatcom, WA - 6'0" - 180 pounds - blue eyes - brown hair
California - 6'2" - 135 pounds
Ottawa - 5'7" - 170 pounds
BritColumbia- 6'0"
Los Angeles - 5'10"
Connecticut - 5'8"
Toronto - 4'3"
Cana-chan - 5'11"
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>as a joke earlier today
>already extorted half the thread of personal info
Really wanna bust inside a some boipucci 2bh ladd
Pretty sure I posted this earlier, but I'll probably keep this to myself for a while longer. (FYI the resident autist also has a spreadsheet for every poster ITT.)
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>6'2" 135 lbs

More than one BC lad here btw.
>the resident autist
which one
please give me a (you)
I asked a few questions without my state flag. I got tons of replies and just put it in a document.

I honestly don't know who the resident autist is. CIA or LMM?

I just added your info. I don't have any form the other BC.
Are you seriously adding peoples info to a spreadsheet?
Do you think she'll come back?
What's wrong with that?
I think it's CIA. I get CIA/LMM/NAD confused all the time because they don't really have defining personalities.
I always thought NAD and LMM were the same person.
oh shit
I remember learning about the coast guard guys
we were driving around the coast and saw all the mg nests
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What to listen to?
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I really like him. His music's perfect car-music if you have company over.

I don't even know. There were other people in the IRC channel (CSIS? it wasn't CIA), but they were all reacting against something (anime, Swedyke, etc.) and never really contributing. Watching them make conversation after Swedyke left was like watching a car crash.
I'd say Liars but I never got into Drum's not Dead listen to WIXIW instead
play this game, it's $10 on the steam sale

I think CSIS is a Canadian.

Doesn't CIA post with a swiss flag now?
>Doesn't CIA post with a swiss flag now?
Or whatever flag he gets from his vpn.
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hmm, that song is pretty good desu
I like all of their albums a fair bit, so yes.
I only really play roguelikes, but that track is pretty top-notch.
>Back to school next week
Fuck this shit
I'm really waiting for them to drop a new album and go on tour again
I've been following them on instagram but they haven't been doing shit as far as I can see.
thats not any of them just some random faggot from /brit/
>not enjoying school
It's better in-game my bud.

Tbh I don't mind CIA as much anymore. I don't want to make it seem like I resent anyone here.
I'm still happy since Arca, Clarence Clarity, and Blanck Mass should be dropping something early this year.

Chance of any of them aside Blanck Mass coming here is pretty much dead nil though.
You in high school/secondary school?
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Highly recommend you to watch this thing if you haven't.

''Hidden gem'' I think it's the right word for it.
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>it's already 2:30 am
and here I thought I fixed my sleep schedule fug

only problem with small indie games like that is I only ever play them for a few hours and then never touch them again. Starsector being the only exception
Can you canucks view these auto-generated topic videos?


fun album
>not having 3:00 to 7:30 as your normal schedule
Not without using a VPN.
It's not a long game; it shouldn't take you longer than 10 hours to finish the campaign (although there is an arcade mode). But I sort of get what you're saying. Most indie games are terrible and Steam has become something of a dump (not that length has any correlation to quality, imo).

That's unfortunate

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very good album

I guess I'm going to sleep at 3:00 again
Kinda wanna suck a dick です。
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nn anon
>Mexico was once called ''New Spain''
What went so wrong
Are you a qt girl from Ontario?
your beauty is that of the moonlight
I think I read that on a fortune cookie once
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whats good homboys.jpg
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whats good homboys
You the American living in HK?
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yeah what's it to ya
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nothing, what's the haps?
let me get a smooch
met a paki drug dealer the other day who won't stop texting me
saw some qt azn girls dabbing on a pier
waiting for Flip Flappers to release so I can watch that along with Kizu and Hibike Euphonium tonight
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>Flip Flappers
Only two episodes left, right?
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>paki in HK
you lost me
>saw some qt azn girls dabbing on a pier
referring to BHO or pic related?
I'm reading Welcome to the NHK can you guys reccomend me something else that will want to make me kill myself?
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Why would you want to end your life
I don't
I just haven't found an anime that I where I have been so invested in the story for a long time
This and Catherine are the last anime I remember enjoying
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as in pic related, it was fucking LIT

Today's episode is the very last ;_;
also the Chungking Mansions are fucking full of pakis and africans lad. It's wild, you can't walk down the street without a dozen brown people walking up to you to say "my friend, bro, you want hashish? coke? weed? I have very good prices bro." They make some damn good curry in that place though and it's fun to just chill and people watch
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (watched the anime, haven't read the manga)

You're fucking with me. Aren't Chinese drug laws draconian?
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why thank you
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No one cares dude the Chungking Mansions are an insane concrete maze of illegal 3rd world immigrants, illegal restaurants/guesthouses and fire hazards. It would take a very long time to clean the place up so no one touches it
So it's like Dredd?
thanks bud
The dub isn't too bad either.
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>there are anons browsing right now who dont know what it is like to have a (You)
with better curry
Pass me the css code please

I don't have it on my smartphone
a.ql-track::after {
content: " (You)";
That one doesn't remove the dots...
you could always install 4chanx
you are welcome
nobody ever replies to my posts
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I'm doing my last faps of the year I'm cutting back 2017
There is literally nothing good on this entire website to jack off to
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Here ya go
I have the code that removes the dots but it's on my laptop and I don't feel like getting out of bed
File: 1I8Haod.jpg (384KB, 1315x2048px) Image search: [Google]
384KB, 1315x2048px
Maybe one day.
good luck
*throws carrot*
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579KB, 1258x1920px
Why can't I sleep?
Here's to another night without sleep
Because you miss her
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is it true that canadians are closer to americans than brits now?

canada come back, he's no good for you
I don't have anyone lol
wish i could give you a nice bj before bed so you could fall asleep easier
Post UK Garage
New thread when?
That one is good
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