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How do we make Japan more liberal and multicultural like other

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How do we make Japan more liberal and multicultural like other western countries? They also need more immigrants to raise birth rates and remain competitive in the global economy.
Japan is already multicultural country, you know

- Berserkers culture
- Kawaii culture
- Otaku culture
multiculturalism only applies to white countries. no one other than third world SEA migrants give a fuck about japan or asia. stay on your side of the globe and don't come to the west
Little Japan must accept chinese immigrants or half its population will be seniors by 2050. Wow!

It economy has decline since 1980s, partly because of little Japan's very aggression towards the China.

Worst Korea played nicer and has seen better economy in those years. But Japan went from economic capital with technology to a sad angry country filled with insurgent anger and militarism. And pathetic men who play video games and jerk their little dick to drawings of childhood girl. And dream about going back to school.

It's a sad future for little Japan and I am not sad.
You do realize it's not that hard to immigrate to Japan if you're a skilled worker right? They hate laborers but welcome intelligent cunts who know Nip.

"not that hard"
>have to learn Japanese fluently if you want to be anything other than an english teacher
>have to learn their highly specific office culture perfectly
>you will still always be an outsider, no matter how well you master their culture and language
>at best, you'll be the cool outsider they want to take pictures with
>you'll still get kicked out of bars for being gaijin and have to show your passport
>they only let you in reluctantly because they don't want their local bureaucrat to disapprove of racism when conducted against a citizen
>you'll never be seen as "Japanese", never ever, no matter how hard you try
why would you ever care about fitting in with a bunch of ugly slant-eyed midgets in the first place
Wew lad.

The first two are the same here.
The third and seventh one is the same for most non-New World countries.
The fourth, fifth and sixth one is bullshit.
>t. Jap girlfriend who's planning on immigrating to Japan in a couple of years

And I was talking about MOVING there. Not any of the customs thing.
I will take up the duty to impregnate all the fatties and ugly jap women no one else wants
Go back to leftypol, underage.
My country is for JAPANESE ONLY
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As a filthy gaijin I fully support these Japanese Republican Nationalist groups.
jesus even their natsoc vans are adorable
Atsugiri Jason is trying to have social revolution in japan and trying to put American common sense into Japanese society.
Support atsugiri Jason.
Your jap girlfriend is going to help you move there, you mean?
you are correct

we basically welcome rich highly skilled guys
Fuck off Soros. Don't you have economy to ruin or LGBT movement to fund?
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nope, you are just a chink descendant
>Berserkers culture
tell me more about this culture
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I also admit that i like anime, so shut up and keep drawing.
Give her some time. Most 30yo or younger Japs I met are more open-minded than this website tries to make believe.
>you'll never be seen as "Japanese", never ever, no matter how hard you try
Yes, and?
Would be good, and it's obviously inevitable as globalization at all (movement of people and capitals, etc), but it wouldn't happen in a nearest future by number of reasons. Japan is extremely overpopulated. Their population is aging, yes, but there are 160 millions on a tiny island. Of course they could do something with their economy stagnation with inviting people, but they would face even bigger overpopulation then. Also they have really difficult language. On the other hand, Southen Korea is small to but has many immigrants.
Lel. Process of globalization happens due to natural reasons, it was predicted by Marx. Your skin color does not matter. Capitalists have become international class rulling transnational corporations who need free flow of resources and people worldwide. Capitalists are the rulling class everywhere, so globalization is inevitable process.
go drink yourself to death, piece of shit
there some weeb shits includes.

the actual problem is, gaijins generally suck at japanese. to japanese people their "fluent" japanese that they brag about sounds just like the english that comes out of japanese english learners as you can see here.

the only grand master of japanese, as far as i know, is Thane Camus. hes totally a "Japanese" man, completely utterly a japanese, due to his perfect japanese. the point where he has reached can even automatically make him look like a japanese, even though hes white, regardless of his nationality.

all in all, those smug learners and expats arent even remotely close to him, or nothing like. imagine those speaking shit english claiming that im "Canadian". that would be an answer to you, maybe.
>you'll never be seen as "Japanese", never ever, no matter how hard you try
no shit, only way this applies is to people who move as young children or are born in japland and are mistaken due to their appearance. That's when it matters and one would care but why would anyone care moving there past 12? What kind of insecure cretin wants to be known as a "true" version of a group. Especially if you're moving as an adult, you will be solidified in your country of birth. I'm not seeing a situation in which someone would want to be seen as a true Japanese.
>who know nip
No one knows nip apart from weebs, and a few people who just happen to have learned it.

Very rare.
t. Zhang on the angry mode

Fucking Chinks

inb4 stupid Chink mods who want to delete my post
Why would I be a chink?
It's true.
All asian languages are totally useless to learn.

They are only spoken in one or two countries, and with english already being lingua franca, why would I even bother.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, learns japanese who isn't a weeb.

A businessman or a tourist, will only learn so much to get through a day, and they won't really get too into it.
Czhzhech is butthurt about ryssa? Expected a pole or a Finn but not you. Oh well, welcome to the butthurt belt I guess.
Dumb knee jerking Chink posters like you can go fuck yourself

inb4 Those Chink mods defending any kind of Chink shitpost including violating ones
Give me a good reason to even bother opening a Japanese textbook.

Also, consider that learning a language takes possibly years, and is a huge commitment. Sometimes only complete immersion can assure proficiency, and requires also learning the culture to a great extend. Now, illuminate me. Why would someone even bother learning Japanese? The culture is nice and all, but a summer trip can fix that. No need to dedicate years. Only a true weeb would dedicate so much time.


These are truly internal languages. If you learn one you can communicate with peoples of all over the world, numerous countries, doing business, and everything. Lots of reason to learn them.

Also, western languages don't sound hideous. Asian languages are terrible sounding. Japanese not so bad, but the rest. ew
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Japanese hating liberal actually.

liberal is cause of corruption of society.

Japanese like family, not selfish love.
>more liberal
>says who elected Trump
Trump is right

liberal is cancerous. admit it already
How can I prove you I'm not a chink apart from my face?
I'm not posting my face in this shithole.
Arabic and Chinese is more relevant than German
Dump the Proxy, wang.
Maybe don't live in Tokyo and people won't treat you like a zoo animal

Tokyo is one big containment bubble for gaijin house-niggers. Anybody who chooses to live there deserves whatever he gets
t. same fagging Chink

dont blame that on me

you stupid Chink started this shit and i just took it
Not seeing you as japanese is not a bad thing

They will see you as culturally japanese, but acknowledge physically you are different etc etc

If you are a positive net contributor, they will look to you as an insight into how other nations might think, etc etc
That's not one language. There is numerous dialects. Cantonese, Mandarin and others.
If there was one chinese language, then I guess there would be some worth to learn it for businessman and the like.

But desu. Chinese is a hideous language. No one is learning it for the beauty of the language or anything like that.

Also, countries that "speak chinese" also have other official languages and most of them use English to do business.

Singapour uses english, Hong Kong is cantonese, and other areas use different dialects within china. Really not worth it.

I left that one out. I guess that one is a good one to learn. Not too ugly, but I also wouldn't really bother learning it. Apart from a few small countries like Qatar, and other areas. There isn't much of a reason to learn arabic, apart from history, or just number of countries that speak it.
I don't understand why anybody would want to be treated as Japanese.

I have an ethnically Japanese (but fully American) co-worker and they are far rougher on him than they are me, even though his Japanese language abilities are worse than mine and he is greener in general. They just assume that his name and nationality mean he should understand everything already even though he's American.
So you say if I learn hard and my Japanese becomes near native level people would be more likely to accept me?
How am I samefagging?
I'm obviously the same person. I'm not acting like I'm different. Yes, I'm asking you the questions.
How do I prove to you I'm not a chink outside of showing my face?

Apart from perfect english, not that broken asian shit, I don't know how to prove it to you.
Yeah, people forget the work life culture that is pretty bad there
you guys need to lighten up desu

maybe people think animu is close to reality (Although my dad is probabbly right that its for escaping reality)
But why would someone in their right mind would dedicate so much effort and time to be accepted into Japanese society?

If you married a japanese person, and went to live there, then sure. I can see why you would want to be accepted. Apart from that, WHY?

Why do you or anyone cares so much about the Japanese opinion? Only an obsessed weeb would be so dependent on the opinion the japanese give him.
prove for what? i dont really have anything that i want to prove on this board. no matter whether you are chink or whatever, i dont give a fuck

blame those shitty biased mods and acutual american chink posters who get the "freedom" for nothing. im just doing this shit on purpose
yes but you dont always have to be able to speak japanese like him. what i described is merely one easy example against that shitpost of the canadian.
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Japan is model of country.

liberal is most stupid culture ever.
yeah we only want to double people as well informed as average Japanese with standard views.

in addition

>Koreans ×
>Chinese ×
They are nothing but risk no matter how skilled they are. because their countries are fucked up
piss off you stupid jap netouyo proxy

you are as trashy as those chinks
You fucking moron.
Here you are telling people to stay away from certain regions while on the Internet, of all fucking places. Do you "stay away" from websites hosted using services from around the world? Hint: you're using one of those right now, on the international board, of all fucking places.
You see, the problem with Americans is that they are typically ignorant as fuck, dumb as shit and have the self awareness of a bulldog.
What do you think about foreigners that come to America barely speaking English and not giving a fuck about your customs?

I wouldn't consider myself a weeb, but I've always been interested in Japan and it's culture so I considered working there for a few years.
Even if it's only 2-3 years or something I would still want to be accepted and adjust to the "japanese mind" because I know how it feels if foreigners come to your country and do what the fuck they want and be like "calm down yer stupid germans"
> lock them up in camps where they are forced to live among themselves
> years of oppression when they live anywhere near you and boycotting their goods
"liberal" isn't a culture, you braindead mongrel.
to Japan don't need immigrants like you.
yeah, stupid something
Force liberal to Japan.
Liberal means anything is not forced.
Liberalist can't force anything if you are really liberalist.
your dumb english is so obvious that everyone recognizes you as that shitty netouyo who always posts with boring shit images and terrible englsh
i don't know who talking about, but i know you also right side guy.
>further dumb shit

anyway you wont even a single moment to use english outside of /int/. not only because of your english which is by far shitter than japanese koukouseis but also of your autism.
go back to your home kim. lol
Liberal is fascism, dude. look at most of the Germans and half of you Americans. Liberal supporters never admit those who support any principle other than Liberal.
Japan still has one of the most "liberal" constitutions on the military aspect.
also, there are less hate crimes compared to “western countries”.
ooooo daium nigga dayym
fucking netouyos
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why can't you just practice your own words?
Conservative is fascism, dude. look at most of the Russians and half of you Americans. Alt-right faggots never admit those who support any principle other than Trump so do Putinbots.
thats my line. what an ill-informed cunt
Sage this /leftypol/ trash
Liberal is not fascism you radioactive fucktard. Liberal is individual freedom while Fascism is loyalty to state.
fuck off to /pol/ or /r/the_donald newfag

thats the place where you belong
>you liberal shit proves that '''''''''''Liberal'''''''''''' is wrong
whats even the point. you dont even prove anything with that
i don't even have to hover or open this thread to guess the flag of the OP.
pure ignorant garbage
t. Le Gentleman who is being paid Soros bucks to shill cultural marxism hard and failing, wondering why he cant get poon
Liberal no longer works for expansion of individual freedom. this is why you fuckers must be turned
I apologize, Americans on /int/ are the most horribly informed people about Japan. The sad part is, I can't tell if they're trolling or actually this pathetic to believe Japan deserves their cultural Marxist beliefs that won't work anywhere.
They are not white so they are already multicultural.
>individual freedom
what do you even mean by this. please explain the further definition
Because you are big nose white
You have to go back
Just because those shitty proggie who advocate open border and socialism shit such as subsidized welfare call themselves a """Liberal"""" doesn't mean they are a Liberal
you dare make me annyed you really shithead. like you totally believe political correctness helps everyone. I'm pretty sure you didn't hear the news femi nazi took Mario run problematic
at least alt-right (one over here, too.) are not so softhearted that they can believe that technically fake liberals are not liberals because both liberals help each other.
What about about gaijins who are married to Japs and have children with them? Still not Japanese?
lol. if you wanna talk about such topics in an edgy way in which you'd believe, learn more about american politics and identity politics at the very least. you are too ignorant to talk about it.

in the first place, what are you talking about? about japan? about america? feminazi? where are the feminazi cunts in japan as goobers, as the opponents of liberal/sjws in general, show respect in the opposite way to the idea you have.
the gaijin is a mentally-ill beta and the jap is a race traitor
easier can get citizenship than gaijins without Japanese wife/husband


>too long to explain

well commonly Japanese people never think that those who don't look Japanese are Japanese regardless of citizenship. we call people with Japanese citizenship Japanese in manner, however They are Gaijins to death.
You demanded a point but YOU are pointless as fuck this why liberals are cancerous
This is literally the case everywhere else except the west in the world, and used to be like this everywhere.
When in Rome, do what the Romans do. And why do you even want to be japanese so much? Your birthplace will always be a part of your identity no matter what you do.
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>learn more about american politics and identity politics at the very least. you are too ignorant to talk about it.

That's because Japan isn't entitled to usurp the horseshit that makes up neoliberalism, Mr. Redditor English Teacher. Maybe if you took your long nose out of their business for a second, they might not hate foreigners like you and I.

Respect for other cultures is gone, and its you leftist cunts that are the true perpetrators of this.
>edgy fedora intern getting battblasted

thats all you can do for now. read more articles and opinions in english other than 4chan in disregard of whether or not its the liberal that makes you such a salty child. you wouldnt be able to grow out of your short sighted idiocy and even be edgy or a fedora otherwise.
>calling others edgy fedora interns
>uses the word "idiocy" in their posts

>you need immigrants to stop your population ageing
Unsustainable. It requires an exponential source of migrants to replace the earlier ageing arrivals. And soon the global population will begin to decline as Asia and Africa develops economically. If you want to pay for old people, increase productivity. Don't start a population pyramid scheme.
to be honest too lazy to read your post so I just reply gibberish
automation will render that argument completely moot anyway
>They also need more immigrants to raise birth rates

Doesn't Japan have a population density of 340 people per square km or some shit? Think they got enough people.
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>oy vey japan does not have enough immigrants, RACIST!
>oy vey muh overpopulation dey cant accept more gaijins can they? RACIST!

You can't fucking win
kill yourself
>They also need more immigrants to raise birth rates and remain competitive in the global economy.

we're entering the age of the robots
But how will we get more votes for big government goyim?
This person has it right. I'm white as fuck but I've never ever been refused service or treated differently, because I speak Japanese very well (better than any other white person I've ever met aside from people who've been raised here). It's pretty much all about speaking the language. You can more or less get by in Anglo countries speaking shitty English, I guess, but you have to speak very good Japanese to live here comfortably.
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why would anyone care about fitting in with a bunch of fat fucks in america?
Whittu piggu go home.
I was just kidding, I'm not white, I'm actually a slav
why would anyone care about fitting in with a bunch of spaghetti niggers in shittaly?
Russian hacker go home.
why would people obsess about learning English properly?
that's the same question
>inb4 hurr durr but it's the world language
go to France and try it kek
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>finns in your goverment
Which is why all the women are working, and nobody is having kids

Really makes you think
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