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mulattoes are the best looking asian (yellow) are the smartest

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mulattoes are the best looking
asian (yellow) are the smartest
blacks are most athletic and with largest dicks

what are whites, arabs and indians(dot and feather) best at?
>mulattoes are the best looking

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>tfw no mulatta gf
Why even live?
Life isn't an rpg you dirty hun.
Whites have the biggest dicks in my experience.
t. Manwhore faggot in multicultural city
not an argument
>t. Peter Smithson
Nobody believes you small dicked peckerwood faggot
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The OP pic is disgusting. Does she have a skin condition or what?

>indians(dot and feather)
It's called freckles dweeb
And it's fucking disgusting.
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Anybody with freckles is immediately ginger tier and thus subhuman.
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How can someone have such a bad taste?
Most mulattos look like shit
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>mulattoes are the best looking
hapas are the best looking girls
southern europeans are the best looking men

>asian (yellow) are the smartest
wrong, asians are the most intelligent and whites are the smartest
asians are more intelligent but lack the creativity/cleverness to take full advantage of their intelligence

>muh dikk
fetishes aren't anthropology you faggot

go drink some gasoline and pass out on a highway
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>tfw no mulatto gf
>asians are more intelligent but lack the creativity/cleverness to take full advantage of their intelligence

that's just a meme. whites need to face the truth that they aren't the best in anything

blacks are the most muscular and have the biggest dicks
east asians and jews are the smartest
east asian women are the cutest
southern european men are the most handsome
aboriginals have the best eyesight and are the best trackers
pygmies are the shortest

whites aren't the best in anything, just middle of the road failed experiments

Shh. First worlders are talking, mehmet.
I only see US and Canadian flags
Not true, look at the major weight lifters etc.

Do you see many blacks there?

Ps: Jews are the smartest.
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>"whites aren't the best at anything!"
he writes using a alphabet invented by the Romans
using the language of the Anglo
using a machine invented by a Englisman
in a network invented by Anglo-Americans
in a website in created by a Amercan
>invented by the Romans
Invented by Indians, adopted and altered by Arabs, adopted and altered by Greeks, adopted and altered by Romans, adopted without alteration by the english causing silly spelling.
Werrl , you forget Zuse etc.

Reminder the Hues claim the first flight dor them.

Similar to how light bulbs were an old hat and edisons true sucess was making them live longer.

But yes, western inventions.
The only thing in our language we owe o the arabs is our numbers and a few words but NOT the script. Don't talk out of your arse.

Arabs? You dumb mate? You're thinking of numerals.
mulattos and redheads should be gassed
Asians contribute a lot to the field of computers and networks. A large number of PhD holders in USA are of asian origin.
And all this wouldn't have been possible if Europeans didn't learn advanced(for the time) mathematics from Arabs.
>some poo in loos had a language kinda like this and never mind that they were cannabalising each other and raping their own daughters until a few hundered years ago they are the ones who are really to thank for it not the whites who learned from it, improved on it, bettered themselves from it and gave the world 90+% of all major revolutionary inventions from the past 1000 years.

The Brits alone are thought to be responsible for over 75% of the worst revolutionary breakthroughs throughout history.
so whites are all-rounders then ay
>he writes using a alphabet invented by the Romans

Romans werent white, Joaquim.
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romans were the whitest people to inhabit the planet, kuruminha
Oh woops. Indeed. How did I make this stupid mistake?

The Phoenicians then, from who the Greeks took it and then the Romans.

Anyway, my point is that the Romans did not invent their alphabet.
the Romans were southern european
the English language is Germanic but also has a considerable Romance element
Jews and Italians had plenty to do with the development of personal computers
4chan is a Japanese rip-off

nuff said, wyte boi

today most cutting-edge in R&D in the USA and Canada is done by East and South Asians
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mostly wrong
still white, but wrong
how is this a good thing?

Of course not, look at this fucking negroid. A true Kang.
this is a gypsy or a turk

this is an abo

this is a nigglet in athens or thessaloniki (i don't remember which city)
these are the people shitposting with cuck porn and talking about how the starving manlet africans are somehow most athletic and with biggest dicks lmfao

these are the type of people you meet on the street and you beat the fuck out of them and they'll start crying
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but southern europeans are white you ignorant turk

white != snownigger
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how come roman emperors were white but the average roman wasn't?
>"""southern europeans"""
>not just black haired white people with a tan
you are both white like me you poor deluded souls
t. southern european
you know this in't true

oh, of course, i forgot 100% of the roman population were emperors, my bad
ah yes, average roman was manlet shitskin and emperors were white aryans
the romans adopted from the greeks initially, but also developed it over the years. the old italic script would be virtually unrecognisable today.
we southern europeans aren't white. Portuguese in particular don't even have derived light skin alleles at 100%, pic related. also funny that you call me a Turk: Greeks have 0% Turkish ancestry while the Portuguese are 2-3% sub-Saharan African

it's been proven that blacks have more muscle and less fat and that they have bigger dicks

East Asians and Jews have been proven to have higher IQs

East Asian women are the most preferred on average

Southern European men aren't white and they're far more handsome than nordocucks

what I said about Aboriginals is a fact, you can look it up

no one said it's a "good thing" but even there, whites lose!
Yes, this is not the same as inventing something.
>gypsy calling others subhuman
oh the irony

>whites lose by not being manlets

Ah yes, the famous Greek mastery of logic on display.
memes aside both jews and southern euros are white so actually white people win in 2 categories
jews are not white, they may appear white on the outside but they are not
t.all my knowledge stems from /pol/ tier memes
the pygmies were selected for lower height in their forest environment. white lanklets would perish in days. whites BTFO

whites are jack-offs of all trades, you could say. always second at best
What are they on the inside then ? Reptilians ?
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They are nonwhite they are JEWS
jack of all trades > specific skills

We get it. You're butthurt at Anglos.
keep saying that. meanwhile Australia will be majority East Asian in the future...
it'll be 3rd world by then

God damnit you're right, you've convinced me. My envy of the noble pygmy race burns. Time to go get my femurs shortened.
That's not the only gene that determines skin colour, and if you'd bother to look at your map you'd lots of other european populations aren't 100 percent fixed for that allele.

No they don't, not all blacks are the same btw.
No they don't, not all east asians and jews are the same btw. Israeli and ethiopian jews tend to lag behind european populations, same with viets, etc.
No they aren't lol.
They are white, their negro admixture is fairly recent and alot of it is recent.
You realise there's many different aboriginal populations right?
You gonna start citing mortality rates next?
But this woman is fucking blonde, genetically she is just some sort of Polish/Russian/German
*is fairly minuscule
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this girl is sandnigger not white
it isn't but it's one of the major ones in western eurasia. also yes, some northern europeans aren't fixed for it, either, unlike some southern european non-whites. funny that

with blacks, I obviously meant West Africans. East Africans are highly admixed with Eurasians anyway

Vietnamese are actually very intelligent, look at their student performance. almost third world and doing better than basically all of Europe. Ethiopian Jews are just Ethiopian converts. we're talking about Ashkenazi, and even Sephardic to an extent, Jews

taking all male averages, East Asian women are the most preferred on dating sites

sub-Saharan admixture in southern Europe is a nordocuck meme. at most 2-3% in Iberia, less in the rest. we're still not white

all Aborigines share that characteristic

mortality rates: East Asians do best. whites lose again
>we southern europeans aren't white
xaxaxaxa dumb fucking lying little nigglet

come to bulgaria i'll prolapse your little black ass
the Hadid sisters are half dutch, half palestinian. they probably cluster with ashkenazi and sephardic jews...

Jews are half levantine and half southern european. nothing white about that

Bulgarians look like Greeks. you aren't white, sorry
>blue eyes
>not white
kek i'm sorry but no, you have to be objective sometimes
TIL a blond, blue-eyed Afghan who is genetically South Asian is "white" while Rowan Atkinson isn't
>blacks are the most muscular and have the biggest dicks
they're skinny as fuck and weak as fuck
blacks are built for running, nothing else
bulgaria has bigger average dick size than 90% of measured african countries
>east asians and jews are the smartest
>east asian women are the cutest
>southern european men are the most handsome
who gives a fuck gay faggot
>aboriginals have the best eyesight and are the best trackers
>whites aren't the best in anything, just middle of the road failed experiments
whites are physically stronger and athletically superior than other races

No, Romans(capital indeed) were more like mulattos. A werid mix, if you will.


Flight, X-ray, credit cards...


Bring the photos, originals, taken from those times, in southern Europe. Can't claim it.

White -is- == snownigger, Joaquim.
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>this is white in France

you are really gone inshallah
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>a blond, blue-eyed Afghan who is genetically South Asian
are you on drugs tyroneopolous
man, you're one dumb poorgayrian. strength isn't just dependent on muscularity. it also depends on fiber type, CNS efficiency and other factors

west africans are the highest in type II fiber and have less of a tendency to pack on fat. that's why obese african-americans suffer so much more from all sorts of dysfunction and that's why blacks make the best bodybuilders
check where pathans and kalash plot
lmfao you're talking shit, whites are much stronger than west africans physically

look at wrestling, look at weightlifting, look at bodybuilding, look at strongmen

if blacks are better than other races at anything it's running, that's it
AAAAAH you dumbass

east asians are the strongest, pound for pound
blacks are the most muscular

whites lose in both categories
lmfao i bet you're some 160cm tall 11cm peepee nigglet m8

pass through bulgaria pls, i guarantee someone will prolapse your ass
>descendants of alexander
thanks for clearing that up thanks
why come to Bulgaria when all the Bulgarian cuties come here. they love their first time with a black man in Thessaloniki

I guess your ancestors were conquered by whites or something? Is that why you're so butthurt?
yeah i'm sure they'd love a staving anorexic autistic beta from nigeria lmfao

black girls that pass through here get some big bulgar cock though, you can't argue with that, chocolate pussy is pretty good
>relaying anthropological facts

pls. it's whites who can't accept those that go against them.

So the answer is yes. I understand man, but I recommed working through your feelings of inferiority, not lashing out online. It's healthier.
absolutely disgusting
finally schizo
>chocolate pussy is pretty good
No it isn't. They're shit in bed. North European tourist girls are best.
>post facts like East Asians being smarter and blacks being more muscular
>whites get butthurt and deny them
>y-you're just butthurt

>spend an entire thread sperging about whites

White people live in your head lol
The sub-saharan meme. Can't believe this shit still passes
>whites bring up something wrong
>non-white shoots it down
>y-you're just obsessed, unlike us who have an entire white nationalist board on 4chan

Well, I've met some Portuguese folks and they got brown when in the sun. This reveals you North African blood running in you veins, João. You are mix of Celts and North Africans.
east asians may be smart but blacks being muscular? what the fuck are you smoking

have you seen real blacks? 99% of the time they're either skinny 40kg manlets or skinny 40kg lanklets
>You are mix of Celts and North Africans

neither seem to have made a huge impact in Iberia

it's like...wait for it, actual scientists run studies that control for factors your personal experience doesn't
>it's like...wait for it, actual scientists run studies that control for factors your personal experience doesn't
it's like... wait for it, no actual scientists have run studies on that and you're just pulling shit out of your ass because you're an insecure skinny little nigglet who's mad whites enslaved blacks

Iberia were conquered by Isalms, for centuries. Of course it has a huge impact on their culture.
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>some Portuguese folks and they got brown when in the sun

Man, stop taking 55chan memes too seryously.
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We are by far the strongest. OD Wilson is the only non-white to ever have a pdoium finish in WSM and he doesn't even count because he pulls sumo.
you mentioned "North African blood" first, now culture

all studies show blacks have greater muscle mass and lower fat mass than whites, pound for pound. blacks have greater bone density too. that's one of the reasons they don't do as well as whites in swimming

This was my personal experience, and I know what I've saw; brownish Protugues at the beach.
all studies shows whites have greater muscle mass and lower fat mass than whites, pound for pound. whites have greater bone density too. that's one of the reasons they don't do as well as whites in running
>than whites

the point is you're just pulling shit out of your ass lmfao, actual africans are east asian-tier fuccbois
Oh that's right? Cool, take a look my pic related in this post >>68586405
at a brazilian beach? you know how hots our beachs are, right?
and white people can tan too, you should take a look at the pic I've just posted
also, always remember: abaixo do Douro, só tem mouro

Both, blood and culture.


"In general, blacks have a greater bone mineral density and body protein content than do whites, resulting in a greater fat-free body density"

I hope you can understand what "body protein content" means
this is just like in my video games
Whites are best at war. That's the only thing that matters.


why can't you nordocucks have a decent degree of reading comprehension?

muscularity and strength aren't the same thing

anyway, east asians are the strongest pound-for-pound, this has been established in studies. whites are just bigger in size on average so they have greater absolute strength. also strongman is kinda niche compared to both bodybuilding and olympic weightlifting so things might change in the future

>Steam announcement: Your friend Shlomo is now playing "World domination".

Let's play together, friend. I'm João.
show me the part where it says blacks are more muscular

blacks in USA are among the fattest fucks out of all minorities
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>why can't you nordocucks have a decent degree of reading comprehension?
I understand excactly what your wrote, I just decided to interpret it as something practical. If negroes have more muscle and less fat what is it good for? Not strength anyway.

>east asians are the strongest pound-for-pound
Idk, I'll take you on your word. But they are smaller on so obviously they will be stronger pound for pound on average. But pound for pound strength doesn't matter. Absolute strength matters (even if lower weight class).

>also strongman is kinda niche compared to olympic weightlifting so things might change in the future
Yeah, it might. But afaik whites are good at that weightlifting too.
>super heavyweight
post the one with all categories
lower weight will have asians dominating I bet
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What's the point? OP claims asians are smarter. Do you want differentiate between brain weight classes when measuring IQ?
nah bulgaria is top3 i think in weightlifing gold medals

or 4
>show me the part where it says blacks are more muscular

"greater body protein content" = more muscular. do you even know what muscles consist of?

>super heavyweight

exactly as I said. also note the non-white Caucasians :)

>If negroes have more muscle and less fat what is it good for? Not strength anyway.

the claim was still correct. powerlifters are stronger than bodybuilders too
>blacks are most athletic and with largest dicks
>believing the memes
Are you retarded OP?
Wait you're bulgarian of course you are
I was responding to
>also strongman is kinda niche compared to both bodybuilding and olympic weightlifting so things might change in the future
I wasn't sure what that was about.

> also note the non-white Caucasians :)
I'm sure they didn't have their DNA scanned.
Oh nice, I knew eastern europe was strong.

Yes I didn't claim it was incorrect I just laughed at its irrelevance.

But why are you bringing up bodybuilders? Of course they are not going to be stronger than someone who competes in strength sport, bodybuilders compete for show.
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Buglarians are brainlets.
>I'm sure they didn't have their DNA scanned.

we know what Caucasians and Iranians are like genetically. even Southern Europeans aren't white and they're far closer genetically to Northwest Europeans than Caucaso-Iranians are

Bulgarians are genetically southeastern European. very close genetically to Macedonians, Greeks, Albanians
>Bulgarians are genetically southeastern European
aka Balkans
romanians, serbs, bulgarians and north greeks are close genetically but central and southern greeks are different

fyromites are just bulgarians
It's a major one but not the only one, and i don't know if you noticed but virtually all europeans and west eurasians are nearly fixed for it.

Not all west africans are the same either, in fact some have a degree of eurasian admixture too. Besides, there's more too africa than just east and west.
Vietnamese actual have lower iqs and pisa scores than most european populations, same with pretty much all neighbouring populations. All jewish populations are significantly admixed with their "host" populations, ashkenazi jews are basically southern europeans with significant levantine admixture.

No they aren't, and that's not a concrete way to measure global preferences either.
Sub-saharan admixture is minimal in all european populations, but larger portions tend to exist in southern europe, and in particular, greece.

What aboriginal populations? Not all are the same you know.

Pretty much the majority of countries with the longest lifespans are european countries or countries with the significant european diaspora.

Are you a turk by any chance?
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I'm not sure what you're trying to push here """Greek."""
he's not greek

he's a starving west african manlet in thessaloniki
>he's a starving west african manlet in thessaloniki

Where is Poseidon to sink these motherfuckers' boats?
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nah, Balkan Greeks are all very similar to one another, from the Peloponnese to Macedonia. the bigger difference in Greece is mainland vs islands

but yes, southeastern Europe is genetically different to northeast Europe but both are non-white in the nortwest European context

yes, but my point was still relevant there

West Africans have minimal Eurasian admixture compared to East Africans, it's mostly evident in Y-DNA, like the Southern European or West Asian R1b-V88

Vietnamese have higher PISA scores than most of Europe, despite being much worse off. just check it out

my whole point was that Ethiopian Jews (who are basically Ethiopian) don't share recent evolutionary history with Ashkenazi Jews (who are basically Levantine with significan southern European admixture, you got it backwards)

wrong, sub-Saharan admixture reaches a maximum in Iberia. Greece has very minimal, comparable to the rest of Europe. check the SSA in pic-related

all Australoid Aboriginals

erm no, East Asians have the longest lifespans, controlling for health care. Southern Europeans come close but not Northern ones
>anyway, east asians are the strongest pound-for-pound, this has been established in studies.

sauce for this

Hardly scientific terminology.
>nah, Balkan Greeks are all very similar to one another, from the Peloponnese to Macedonia. the bigger difference in Greece is mainland vs islands
north greeks are almost identical to bulgarians, while the southern parts are different
albanians are closer to the southern parts
>you aren't the absolute best at anything

yup, we're second best at everything making us the most effective overall (behind ashkenazi jews)

east asians also might catch up or over-take us in terms of world domination and success.

But africans?
lmao come on.
wrong, both north and south mainland greeks are closer to Albanians than Bulgarians and they're very similar to one another. I've looked at both southern and northern mainland samples and don't go by "feeling"
>don't go by "feeling"
You're not going by science either. You lump Vietnamese with "yellow" people, while they are roughly as genetically distant from Han chinese as are Parsis from Irish. The definition of "white" suits whatever agenda you're trying to push.

Whites are the best at world domination
>not having resistance to frost for being a Nord
Lmaoing@ur race
white isn't a scientific term in the first place, doofus. obviously Europeans are more related to each other than anyone else on average but southern and eastern europeans are still not white

the vietnamese are mostly east asian with some southeast asian admixture
No it's not, by your logic orcadians and hungarians aren't white either.

Regardless it can still persist in various populations, and not all west african populations are the same, again.

Not really, they actually lagged behind poland and estonia in 2012 iirc.

No, all jewish populations have significant admixture with their host populations, no matter where they are. Ashkenazi jews are basically southern europeans at this point, the only thing that separates them at this point is their levantine (and ssa) admixture.

Lol ssa isn't even shown in your euromemes map for greece, dummy. Meanwhile moorjani et al in 2009 estimated ssa admixture in greece to be around 1.9 percent, which is higher than iberia in your euromemes map (which is not an actual study btw).

So australians? New guineans? Torres strait islanders? Negritos?

Not really, majority of countries with highest life expectancies are in northern/western europe or the anzac countries.

Turk or black?
>white isn't a scientific term in the first place, doofus.
I said so here

You're a brain dead nigger. Stop mixing "white" into your verbal salads that include haplogroups.
The further back in time you go, the more white Indo-Europeans get. Remember, Persians use to be blonde/red haired and colored eyed.

Not all Romans were "Nordic" looking, but they were surely white.
lol is this some reverse stormfag trolling or something? in what world are southern and eastern europeans not white?

>the vietnamese are mostly east asian with some southeast asian admixture
jesus just stop, you have no idea what you're talking about.
wow i had no idea moroccans and yemenites were white.
>both north and south mainland greeks are closer to Albanians than Bulgarians
wrong, north greeks are closer to bulgarians than to albanians
pic related Moroccan woman

Looks white enough to me
yes but greeks and eastern euros totally aren't. be sure to keep that in mind.
hungarians aren't white yes.

it didn't persist. west africans have basically no detectible eurasian admixture

poland's 2012 score was an outlier. and yes, Estonia and maybe Finland. so most of Europe does less well than Vietnam as I said

some jewish populations have more host admixture. Ethiopian Jews are basically Ethiopians while Ashkenazi Jews are still majority Levantine, despite living all this time among Central and East Europeans

SSA isn't shown for Greece because it was 0.0X% i.e. noise. Moorjani found

N Italy 1.1%
Greece 1.9%
Spain 2.4%
S Italy 2.7%
Portugal 3.2%

(though the methodology had some problems) so my claim is still correct. they even removed the 8 Greek samples because they showed some discrepancies in their averages, my guess is that some Cypriot samples elevated the result

lol @ calling Negritos "Aboriginals". I obviously meant Australians

"northern/western" is meaningless. Japan, Spain, Italy, Israel, Malta...higher than the most white countries. you're just reaching here

no one's talking about haplogroups, retard. white is a social term obviously but basically dictacted by distance from northwest europe
>The further back in time you go, the more white Indo-Europeans get

the further back in time you go, the less white Indo-Europeans get. Yamnaya and the most ancient ANE samples are dark

you're clueless. I've seen autosomal samples while you're jerking over Y-DNA haplogroup maps

>jesus just stop, you have no idea what you're talking about.

the Vietnamese are genetically half-way between East and Southeast Asians and they speak an Austronesian language. you're retarded, m8
>the further back in time you go, the less white Indo-Europeans get. Yamnaya and the most ancient ANE samples are dark
I doubt this since early IEs like Alans and Tocharians, in areas that are today brown as hell, were demonstrably white with red and blonde hair.
>hungarians aren't white yes.
lmao retard
Then I guess Slovakians, Croatians and hohols arent white too since we are practically the same with them genetically.
They may have been slant-eyed Uralic steppeniggers upon arrival, but they became pretty white after settling into their basin.
later steppe cultures and some early samples from Karelia are light but early ANE and Yamnaya are pretty dark. steppe Iranians and Tocharians were lighter (but probably still darker than modern northern Europeans) but they are...later, not early steppe

of course they aren't. are you northwest european? no
Could you link me these sources? Everything that I've read on early IEs points to them being fairly fair.
don't take my word for it since I might be misremembering stuff too. it's easy to find via google, though
from memory, considering the populations that contributed to IE

Mal'ta = dark
Samara = light
Karelia = light
Satsurblia + Kotias = dark
Eastern Yamnaya = dark
Andronovo = in-between
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>hungarians aren't white yes.
Hahaha ok now you're trolling.


No it wasn't retard, vietnam lagged behind many northern european countries. Most of the poorest performing euro countries were southern europeans.

Ashkenazi jews are not majority levantine, their maternal lineages are almost entirely european and their paternal lineages have significant european input. They're basically italians with levantine/ssa admixture.

Ssa wasn't shown because your euromeme chart isn't a real study, looks like you read from the 2011 where they excluded the greeks from the pca.
>Using methods that can infer admixture proportions in the absence of accurate ancestral populations, we estimated that the proportion of sub-Saharan African ancestry in Spain is 2.4 +/- 0.3%, in Tuscany 1.5 +/- 0.3%, and in Greece 1.9 +/- 0.7% (1 standard error). We also studied the decay of admixture linkage disequilibrium with genetic distance, which provided a preliminary estimate of the date of African gene flow into Spain of roughly 60 generations ago, or about 1,700 years ago assuming 28 years per generation
It's minimal, but it exists, same with north african mixture.

So are negritos not aboriginal to their environment now? You're being very vague actually.

>north/western is meaningless
Except you seem to be under the assumption that those are the only regions that are white, thus the comparison is valid. Spain and israel are not higher than most northern european countries either.
whites = anglos and related


again, in PISA 2015, Vietname outperformed most European countries, including most northern European ones. in PISA 2012, it did even better lol

the chart is based on real autosomal analysis, even better than Moorjani et al's. also, you seem to be retarded since I mentioned Greeks. notice how the Spaniards and Portuguese have higher admixture just like I said?

words don't have just literal meaning, dummy

actually yes, Spain and Israel are higher than most northern european countries. Spain is 4th in the world, Israel is 8th. Japan, Singapore and South Korea also are more long-lived than most of Northern Europe. southern Euros + East Asians = most long-lived, controling for health systems

erm, no, northwest = white. not "north/west" which you used to include Spain, Italy and France who are all long-lived
>whites = anglos and related
Ok so you're just retarded then.


Again, most of the poorest performing countries, and they still did worse than countries like poland, belgium, and denmark.

Lol no it's not, your euromeme chart is good for entry level shit but pales compared to actual studies, inferred admixtures etc. It's generally accepted anyways that greeks have a small degree of of ssa admixture, likely due to their higher north african admixture, like other southern europeans.

And it's still lower than countries like switzerland and australia, judging from your chart. Doesn't change the fact that the majority in that list are northern or western european. Spaniards and italians are white europeans anyways so i don't know why we're even mentioning them.

>erm, no, northwest = white
According to whom actually? Did you just read sergi and miss the point?
she fucks that paki cunt so she is tainted anyway who cares if she is sand nigger or white
i think he mentioned he was a negro in thessaloniki
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that's white white means


in that case, all of europe is "poor-performing". Vietnam did better than the white UK, both in 2012 and 2015. same with most of northern europe

it uses different methodology to Moorjani but it's still a proper analysis, don't get so butthurt. my point was that Iberians have the highest SSA, which you showed too. Iberians > South Italians > Greeks > Central Italians > North Italians. Greeks don't have particularly elevated north african admixture like Iberians but near eastern like Italians (Anatolian)

Switzerland (not that white) and Australia (very Southern European and East Asian) are just two coutnries. fact is Southern Europe and East Asia have longer life span than Northern Europe on average controlling for GDP per capita etc.

that's what white means, anglo + closely related. even bavarians aren't really white per se

Guess he's asking for links to actual articles. I'd like to see them too. Seems like someone gets the point finally.

Something in google academic I can take a look at? Legit curious.

Thx in advance.
all studies, professional and amateur (frequently just as good, depending) show that Europe has a possible maximum SSA of around 3% in parts of Iberia. if that's what you're asking. i'm not going to look for some right now, it's not like i bookmark them for posterity

Moorjani's study had some methodological issues so it's likely that it over-estimated those percentages though the existence of some admixture is real. see the comments by Lazaridis


the Sardinian estimate, higher than the southern Italian one was to a large degree just elevated early farmer ancestry...
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No it doesn't, it's been accepted for a long time that white = european, I don't even think blumenbach tried to push your definition. Besides most brits decend from the pre-anglo, pre-roman inhabitants of the isles so i guess they aren't white too.


Lol no they aren't, european countries are consistently amongst the best performing countries in the world, even poorer countries like poland.

It still can't compare to a good study, entry level shit. I never denied the fact that southern europeans have african admixture, in particular higher levels of north african which contributes to ssa.

Lol how is that chart supposed to support your case? It clearly shows the majority of southern european countries have significantly lower lifespans. Also switzerland is actually higher than italy.

The rest of your post is simply too idiotic. Bavarians aren't white? Swiss aren't white? Australians whom are mostly british are southern european? Lol are you on crack?
Denial is not healthy.
He doesn't have any, he's just a blogger.
long time? actually white still mostly means Anglo and related to most white Americans. Blumenbach was more interested in actual anthropology than social definitions. and yes Brits are mostly pre-Roman but also around 1/3 Anglo-Saxon + other Scandinavian


poor Vietnam outpeformed the UK and most other European countries. East Asian supremacy

Moorjani's studies had problems though. anyway, we're agreed for a max of ~3 SSA in Iberia for Europe. I proved your earlier statements wrong

not the actual southern european countries like portugal, spain, iberia, greece, malta, cyprus but the more slavic-influenced ones. controlling for HDI/GDP per capita, they do much better. southern europe is more long-lived m8

australians are mostly anglo but also south european and east asian. that increases their lifespan. and yeah bavarians aren't really white, to me they look more like greeks than brits phenotypically lol
No it doesn't you moron, stop taking /int/ memes seriously. White has been synonymous with european for ages and blumenbach was amongst the first to employ such distinctions. Brits are essentially entirely pre-roman, the occupation barely had an impact on their gene pool and most of the anglo genetics are on the east coast of england. Minimal.


Considering european countries included greece and spain it's be pretty embarrassing if they didn't at least come out mid tier. Still managed to do worse than slovenia and pooland btw.

No you haven't, all you've done is try skirt around the fact that greeks have statistically significant ssa admixture, which also shows in their elevated levels of e lineages, possibly by way of their increased na ancestry. I don't know why you're even contesting that since you seem to have a hardon for not being "white". Meanwhile i've shown you actual scientific studies.

Haha so now you're cherrypicking which southern europeans you want to consider for your comparison. Didn't you say eastern europeans weren't white earlier? You're mixed up dude.

>that increases their lifespan
Prove it you utter moron, the vast majority of australians are british, irish or some other form of northwestern european. Keep in mind most southern european countries have lower life expectancies than other europeans.

>and yeah bavarians aren't really white, to me they look more like greeks than brits phenotypically
Mm yes, very scientific. I look forward to seeing your finding published in nature.
>a fucking non white subhuman calling other gypsy
I'm not talking about /int/ memes, it's the truth in general. non anglos are just starting to assimilate to a white identity and the move isn't complete. there's a reason why a lot of white americans can't exactly pintpoint what "white" means in the first place, not just /int/ who does meme a lot


no, Brits are mostly pre-Roman but they're also very Anglo-Saxon and Viking, about 30% on average, higher in the East. the English specifically also have some southern ancestry (maybe Norman?) that pulls them down towards continental Europe, unlike the rest of the Brits

i'm not Greek but Nigerian. Greeks do have some SSA but like I said earlier lower than Iberians and South Italians, that was my whole point. also whether E is ultimately sub-Saharan or Eurasian is still uncertain (D in East Asia, we now know that a lot of Eurasians spread into sub-Saharan Africa, even in the West with R1b-V88). Greeks themselves are mostly E-V13 which is Neolithic in Europe, not like the E lineages in Iberia which seem of recent North African spread

er yes east europeans aren't white but they aren't south european either. duh

actually southern european countries are the longest lived on average, controlling for GDP per capita. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Malta, Cyprus

Australia is around 14% Southern European + East Asian. considerable

Bavarians are genetically and phenotpyically inbetween Brits and Greeks. not that white
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What are you talking about desu? despite being poor Vietnam Pretty much defeated most of rich western country in new PISA ranking...
>pic related
What truth? Literally no one outside of /int/ memers or roleplaying stormfags believes that shit. No one considers germans or fucking swiss to be non-white.


No they're not, literally all of those invasions had minimal, if any, impact on the british genepool and they're almost entirely localised too. The genetic foundations of the british isles and europe in general were largely set by the bronze age.

>i'm not Greek but Nigerian
Haha fucking called it. No greek or european would fight so hard to be non-white.

E is most likely wholly african in origin and it's presence in europe is fairly recent, most likely from the neolithic expansion by way of the near east. Southern europeans also have an increased level of ssa derived e lineages too, likely by way of their increased na admixture.

All of those countries are still southern european retard, whether or not you think they speak a slavic language.

No they aren't, and even you're own map shows that southern europeans have much lower lifespans on average. Even your cherrypicked top performers tend to do worse than countries like switzerland and australia (almost entirely british btw).

Prove it boosts the average then dummy. Australians are predominantly british. Besides, both the uk and burgerland have high levels of asians and southern europeans yet lower lifespans.

Lol no they aren't retard, and we've already established most brits aren't anglo so you're going to have to find a new yardstick to measure whiteness. Bavarians are wholly european and germanic so i don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
actually a lot of 'white americans' aren't sure what white means. i've met a lot who wondered whether southern germans or italians or finns were 'white'


you're behind the times. recent studies have shown that Brits received some extra Anglo-Saxon and Viking input, the English more than the rest. around 30% on average

DE is most likely Eurasian and E in Africa could be a back-migration, nothing is certain there. E-V13, the majority subclade in the Balkans is Neolithic in Europe (it has been found in Cardial Spain). on the other hand, a lot of French and Iberian E lineages are of recent North African ancestry. again, not so the case in the Balkans. update your knowledge

they aren't as southern european as the ones i mentioned

Italy and Spain are at the top of Europe. Greece, Malta and Cyprus are at Northwest European levels. Portugal is still over Northeast Europe. controling for GDP per capita, Southern Europe is the most long-lived. probably due to extra farmer and lower steppe ancestry, like the rice and wheat farmers of East Asia who are so long-lived. give this one up, nordocuck, you know I'm right

Italians, Greeks and East Asians live longer than Brits despite having lower HDI/GDP per capita. you can see that even on the map I posted. they boost Australian lifespan

all Brits are part Anglo, 30% on average like I said. Bavarians are barely "Germanic", just in language. they are central european non-whites and barely like the Nordic Bronze Age Germanics
Yes you've met alot on /int/, we know.


You're behind the times retard, the english = anglo thing is outdated as fuck. It's generally agrred that all the invasions of the isles had minimal impact on their genetics.

DE is possibly african actually, and e is most likely wholly african, it's presence in eef is probably by due to limited african ancestry which was present in some eef populations, try again. Alot of it in southern europe is recent too.

They're entirely southern european you dumb boat person.

All of those countries are below dutch levels anyways, and southern europe has some of the lowest life expectancies in europe as even your own chart has shown.

All southern europeans, including sardinians, have significantly higher level of farmer ancestry yet have lower lifespans, try again jungle bunny.

Bavarians are entirely germanic, they speak a germanic language and decend from the same germanic tribes as other germans.
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I am disappointed in you, /int/
redheads are objectively the best girls, disregard anyone who says otherwise
>dirty hun
Shut the fuck up leaf.
in person and outside /int/ online too


you are behind the times, as I said. Anglo-Saxon + Viking 30% isn't minimal

E has been found in Natufian and E-V13 in Cardial Europe. it's pretty old in Eurasia, even if it were African which is far from settled. only A and B arose within Africa for sure

not really, they are intermediate in many ways and very slav influenced genetically

like Spain and Italy? or Cyprus which is basically the same? you can't read. also it's the Slavs who have low life expectancies, not the Meds. Finland has lower life expectancy than Cyprus and the same as Greece despite the higher HDI and GDP per capita lol. same with Denmark, the UK, Germany and so on

Sardinians who are the most anatolian farmer like have a lot of very long-living people. same with aegean islanders, it's pretty well-known, nordocuck

wrong, Bavarians are significantly pre-Germanic. look at Danes and southern Swedes, then look at Bavarians lol
That's a quadroon
Does she have skin cancer?
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It's called freckles
>yfw whites fight to prove their whiteness
Even if it were true, it's still wrong since white is synonymous with european. For example, you're not white thus will never be european.

All brits are not 30 percent anglo and viking dumbass, it's incredibly regional and even then is overshadowed by their older ancestry.

Lol is this a joke? You realise the natufians had statistically significant african ancestry, right? It's presence is largely intrusive.

Southern europeans are southern europeans, regardless of whether or not they speak slavic languages. They all have similar levels of eef ancestry.

Greece, malta and cyprus are all below the netherlands, as is most of southern europe. Spain and italy still largely lag behind australia and switzerland.

Not as long as other various europeans evidently, and neither do most other southern europeans who all have similar levels of farmer admixture. Curious how anatolia also has low life expectancies despite being the source of the european neolithic. Try again, jiggy.

Lol wtf is pre-germanic? Bavarians have the exact same mixture as other germans.
>wine colored eyes
>credible source

fuck off
you have to go back monkeyman you will never be greek

>White people is a racial classification specifier, used for people of Europid ancestry, with the exact implications dependent on context. The contemporary usage of "white people" or a "white race" as a large group of (mainly European) populations contrasting with "black", American Indian, "colored" or non-white originated in the 17th century.

>It is today particularly used as a racial classifier in multiracial societies, such as the United States (White American), the United Kingdom (White British), Brazil (White Brazilian), and South Africa (White South African). Various social constructions of whiteness have been significant to national identity, public policy, religion, population statistics, racial segregation, affirmative action, white privilege, eugenics, racial marginalization and racial quotas.

>The term "white race" or "white people" entered the major European languages in the later 17th century, in the context of racialized slavery and unequal status in European colonies. Description of populations as "white" in reference to their skin color predates this notion and is found in Greco-Roman ethnography and other ancient sources. Scholarship on race generally distinguishes the modern concept from pre-modern descriptions of collective difference.

no, white isn't synonymous with european, it means anglo and closely related basically

Brits are 30% Anglo-Saxon-Scandinavian on average. some regions more than that

actually the Natufians have been found in their recent genetic study to have NO sub-Saharan ancestry despite what older anthropologists thought

slavic speaking southerners have a lot less, they're very slavic-influenced

re-read the map. also as i said, controlling fro GDP per capita and HDI. you didn't do that and even then southern europe is more long-lived than most of northern europe, especially the less farmer northeast europe. long life = farmer genes

modern anatolia is very different to the early farmers. Sardinians are closest

nope, Bavarians are very distant to Nordic Bronze Age proto-Germanic samples

looks like politically correct wiki description. see here for example for the truth


some alt-righters don't even consider the Irish or Germans to be white per se
based GREECE
white ppl are so delusional lmao
>white people with a tan
Nice meme
Everyone knows that real white people can't get tans
are you seriously to dispute the fact that white means europeans with /int/ posts?
I'm starting to believe whites are the most insecure race...
they express a common sentiment, they were just convenient. not sure why you guys get so weird over it. no one in Europe seems to care about being white anyway
Yes it is, it is never used to refer only to anglos you dumb monkey.

No they're not, east coast england maybe but not for the rest of the isles. Even most of the "anglo" populations are predominantly not anglo so there goes your theory.

Natufians have considerable ancestry with a population called basal eurasian which may or may not be associated with african ancestry. The study only ruled out a direct ssa origin of the natufians due to the fact that ssa don't share anymore alleles with them than with other eurasians. Regardless, it didn't rule everything out and even stated that e was of likely ultimate african origin.

The differences in any country are not significant enough to affect lifespans, even albania has a high level of eef ancestry yet low lifespan.

You didn't control for anything, you posted a map which showed southern european countried having worse lifespans than most europeans, even including central europeans and balts, and now you're trying to say they aren't true southern europeans because they don't fit your personal definition of what a southern european is.

Modern anatolia still has significant neolithic related admixture, same with other countries.

Bavarians are germans retard, they have the exact same three way genetic makeup as other germans, who can ultimately trace their genesis to nothern europe.
they're assburgers shitposting on the internet. everyone knows europeans = white. stop being such a negro.


holy shit i'm crying

i fucking love greece unironically, btfo'ing wh*tes so hard ITT. god bless khakisvelli
it means mostly wasp, give it up

>By this measure the East England samples are consistent with 38% Anglo-Saxon ancestry on average, with a large spread from 25 to 50%, and the Welsh and Scottish samples are consistent with 30% Anglo-Saxon ancestry on average, again with a large spread

glad you agree with me: no SSA admixture. if it exists, it's minimal. also again, the origins of E are uncertian, it could be a back-migration to Affrica, see e.g. www.nature.com/ng/journal/v48/n6/full/ng.3559.html

lol Albania had massive nutritional deficiencies until recently, among the worst in Europe and even then it does better than other Eastern Bloc countries. if you look at more recent data, it fares even better, better than some northern european countries that are better off economically. genetic differences are part of the picture

i already defined who is southern european so i didn't move any goalposts

yes and? it also has considerable turkic admixture and those guys were pastoralists until very recently. sardinians, greeks, basques have high early farmer and they all live long

bavarians are ethnic germans but genetically they are germanics mixed with pre-germanic locals. proto-germanic = nordic bronze age, they're a lot more northern than bavarians are

BTFO'D. Will the wh*tes of /int/ ever recover from this greek madman?

seriously this guy is a fucking legend

>Consistent with previous proposals, a parsimonious interpretation of the phylogeny is that the predominant African haplogroup, haplogroup E, arose outside the continent. This model of geographical segregation within the CT clade requires just one continental haplogroup exchange (E to Africa), rather than three (D, C, and F out of Africa). Furthermore, the timing of this putative return to Africa—between the emergence of haplogroup E and its differentiation within Africa by 58 kya—is consistent with proposals, based on non–Y chromosome data, of abundant gene flow between Africa and nearby regions of Asia 50–80 kya.
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Leave my board
What the romans thought of as "blond" isn't yellow.

blond could mean straight up brown hair too.

dude, ur marginalized sport doesn't mean shit

blacks don't compete in strongman as nearly as much as whites do so you can't hold that as a measure of strength between races

it's like saying that whites are better skiiers than blacks... well duh, because blacks don't fucking ski.

fuck off
>greeks have 0% turk ancestry

so do turks
Based Greek anon..
Turks have considerable Turkic ancestry
like how much? and in the regions that count?
it varies a lot even within regions because it's a very recent element but all anatolian turks have some. 15-20% on average maybe

this, lmao

what a fucking thread.

>this is the mentality lying behind the face of every white man in America

jesus christ get help
Why are whites so fucking stupid?

>canada that high

It's amazing what a non-Prussian model education system can do for a population. We always have one of the highest average human-capital indexes.

No it doesn't, read above. White has been standard accepted nomenclature for europeans for ages now. It is not now, nor will it ever be used to refer only to wasps, and no amount of negro rage will change that.

And? How does that contradict what i said? British populations, even "anglos" are still predominantly non-anglo. And they came to that conclusion by comparing shared alleles between dutch and other europeans.

It doesn't say that, it rules out a direct, recent ssa origin. In the study they even stated that e was of most likely african origin. The jury is still out on the makeup of basal eurasian.

Lol so did many other countries, even parts of northern europe were poor for a while. Meanwhile albania is worse off than virtually every northern european country.

Southern europe is southern europe, you don't get to define it.

Most anatolians are non-turkic with significant neolithic ancestry.

Not as long as other european, especially with the greeks who lag behind the germans. You still have not provided any evidence that increased farmer dna = longer life.

Bavarians are entirely germanic, they speak a germanic language, have the same makeup as other germanics, practice germanic culture, decend from the same germanic tribes, etc. They're germanic.
>The Y chromosome Alu polymorphism (YAP, also called M1) defines the deep-rooted haplogroup D/E of the global Y-chromosome phylogeny [1]. This D/E haplogroup is further branched into three sub-haplogroups DE*, D and E (Figure 1). The distribution of the D/E haplogroup is highly regional, and the three subgroups are geographically restricted to certain areas, therefore informative in tracing human prehistory (Table 1). The sub-haplogroup DE*, presumably the most ancient lineage of the D/E haplogroup was only found in Africans from Nigeria [2], supporting the "Out of Africa" hypothesis about modern human origin. The sub-haplogroup E (E-M40), defined by M40/SRY4064 and M96, was also suggested originated in Africa [3-6], and later dispersed to Middle East and Europe about 20,000 years ago [3,4]. Interestingly, the sub-haplogroup D defined by M174 (D-M174) is East Asian specific with abundant appearance in Tibetan and Japanese (30–40%), but rare in most of other East Asian populations and populations from regions bordering East Asia (Central Asia, North Asia and Middle East) (usually less than 5%) [5-7]. Under D-M174, Japanese belongs to a separate sub-lineage defined by several mutations (e.g. M55, M57 and M64 etc.), which is different from those in Tibetans implicating relatively deep divergence between them [1]. The fragmented distribution of D-M174 in East Asia seems not consistent with the pattern of other East Asian specific lineages, i.e. O3-M122, O1-M119 and O2-M95 under haplogroup O [8,9].
>"haplogroup CF and DE molecular ancestors first evolved inside Africa and subsequently contributed as Y chromosome founders to pioneering migrations that successfully colonized Asia. While not proof, the DE and CF bifurcation (Figure 8d ) is consistent with independent colonization impulses possibly occurring in a short time interval."
>Fine-scale genetic variation between human populations is interesting as a signature of historical demographic events and because of its potential for confounding disease studies. We use haplotype-based statistical methods to analyse genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data from a carefully chosen geographically diverse sample of 2,039 individuals from the United Kingdom. This reveals a rich and detailed pattern of genetic differentiation with remarkable concordance between genetic clusters and geography. The regional genetic differentiation and differing patterns of shared ancestry with 6,209 individuals from across Europe carry clear signals of historical demographic events. We estimate the genetic contribution to southeastern England from Anglo-Saxon migrations to be under half, and identify the regions not carrying genetic material from these migrations. We suggest significant pre-Roman but post-Mesolithic movement into southeastern England from continental Europe, and show that in non-Saxon parts of the United Kingdom, there exist genetically differentiated subgroups rather than a general 'Celtic' population.

>Two separate analyses (ancestry profiles and GLOBETROTTER) show clear evidence in modern England of the Saxon migration, but each limits the proportion of Saxon ancestry, clearly excluding the possibility of long-term Saxon replacement. We estimate the proportion of Saxon ancestry in Cent./S England as very likely to be under 50%, and most likely in the range of 10–40%.

>In particular, we see no clear genetic evidence of the Danish Viking occupation and control of a large part of England, either in separate UK clusters in that region, or in estimated ancestry profiles, suggesting a relatively limited input of DNA from the Danish Vikings and subsequent mixing with nearby regions, and clear evidence for only a minority Norse contribution (about 25%) to the current Orkney population.
>Archeological and paleontological evidences point to East Africa as the likely area of early evolution of modern humans. Genetic studies also indicate that populations from the region often contain, but not exclusively, representatives of the more basal clades of mitochondrial and Y-chromosome phylogenies. Most Y-chromosome haplogroup diversity in Africa, however, is present within macrohaplogroup E that seem to have appeared 21000–32000 YBP somewhere between the Red Sea and Lake Chad. The combined analysis of 17 bi-allelic markers in 1214 Y chromosomes together with cultural background of 49 populations displayed in various metrics: network, multidimensional scaling, principal component analysis and neighbor-joining plots, indicate a major contribution of East African populations to the foundation of the macrohaplogroup, suggesting a diversification that predates the appearance of some cultural traits and the subsequent expansion that is more associated with the cultural and linguistic diversity witnessed today.
it isn't negro rage, it's a lot of white people who use it that way. don't be butthurt, are you Italian or Irish or something?

I said they were 30% on average and you responded with "no, they're not, east coast england maybe". also, no, they didn't come to that conclusion just by that. they sequenced original Anglo-Saxon and pre-Anglo-Saxon Briton genomes lol!

you're saying exactly what I said...

not northern european countries that are as bad as it is, like east slavs. today Albania has even higher life expectancy, probably due to farmer genes

few people traditionally include Romania in it lol

all Anatolian Turks have a good chunk of Turkic ancestry and they aren't even that close to Chalcolithic Anatolians that have been tested. hell, Balkans Greeks are closer

Germans and Greeks have basically the same life expectancy, 81 years as average for both sexes, despite Germany being richer

no, Bavarians aren't entirely proto-Germanic at all. look at the genomes

not sure why you're quoting a 2008 paper when I quoted a 2016 one. yes, I already acknowledged some people think DE is of African origin. I mentioned that paper to show that others think a Eurasian origin is likely too and in 2016...
>talks about mulattos
>posts quadroons
It is negro rage, half of the thread is you grunting about whites like an orangutan or something. Literally no one outside of 19th century strawmen or /int/ memesters believes that definition. Western society has concluded at large that white = european.

And i was right, most of the anglo saxon ancestry is on the east coast, brits are predominantly non-anglo, anglo saxon ancestry proportions show significant regional variance.
No, they sequenced the number of shared alleles between different european populations, compared them with the dutch who were found to share alot with the saxons, and used that to determine ancestry. If you noticed, when they removed changed their method and removed that individual, the number dropped to 35 for east england. Leslie et al also gave a similarly low figure.

Nope, read it again. The study ruled out a direct, recent ssa origin for the natufians as others had proposed, due to the fact that ssa didn't share anymore alleles with them than with other eurasians, but concluded likely admixture due to the fact that e is of most likely african origin.

Northern european countries weren't born rich bud, neither were baltic countries man of whom are still struggling. Still waiting on that more farmer = greater life expectancy citation btw.

Most people aren't you.

Most anatolian turks are decendants of local populations. The turkics that invaded were most likely a ruling class that imposed themselves on the population. Fyi, there's also greeks in turkey.

Germans pull out ahead of greeks actually, despite the lower farmer blood.

Bavarians are the same as other germanics, in any case "bavaria" didn't exist that far back.
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i made this for you
yellows aren't that smart, they are just applied. white woman are best looking. yellow monkeys don't even have double eyelids plus their woman are flat af.
>white woman are best looking.

Not at all. They just have the media establishment going for them.
african origin is more likely tho
>Recently, it has been proposed that E3b originated in sub-Saharan Africa and expanded into the Near East and northern Africa at the end of the Pleistocene (Underhill et al. 2001). E3b lineages would have then been introduced from the Near East into southern Europe by immigrant farmers, during the Neolithic expansion (Hammer et al. 1998; Semino et al. 2000; Underhill et al. 2001).

>The three main subclades of haplogroup E3b (E-M78, E-M81, and E-M34) and the paragroup E-M35* are not homogeneously distributed on the African continent: E-M78 has been observed in both northern and eastern Africa, E-M81 is restricted to northern Africa, E-M34 is common only in eastern Africa, and E-M35* is shared by eastern and southern Africans (Cruciani et al. 2002). Given the strong geographic structuring observed for the four subsets of E3b within Africa, it is possible that different E3b lineages also have different frequency profiles in western Eurasia and that the evolutionary events underlying the introduction of E3b chromosomes in this area from Africa were not as simple (Rosser et al. 2000; Richards et al. 2002; Jobling and Tyler-Smith 2003) as previously proposed (Hammer et al. 1998; Semino et al. 2000; Underhill et al. 2001).
>Western society has concluded at large that white = european.

There's white then OG white.
shooting your arguments down is the exact opposite of grunting. white = WASP mostly

that's exactly what I stated and you disputed it, now you're going back on it. you're all over the place my Irish-Italian friend

the jury is still out

you missed my point

most people keep to the strict definition i do

there are no Greeks left in Turkey. Turkic ancestry is about 1/5 on average, very considerable. Balkan Greeks are closer to Chalcolithic Anatolians than Turks are...

no, check the latest WHO data, the exact same life expectancy despite Germany being much richer.

nope, Germanic is just a linguistic term. Bavarians are more closely related to northern Italians than to Swedes lol. proto-Germanics were a lot more northern than Bavarians who are considerable pre-Germanic

they're smarter than whites. white men prefer asian women to white women on dating sites, look at the okcupid 2014 data

the jury is out. we now know R1b-V88 definitely went to Africa with early Eurasian farmers. we'll see
You aren't shooting down anything, you're stating your personal opinion of what definitions mean vs accepted nomenclature. And your definition of what constitutes as white sounds like some 19th century stormfag parody. That other guy who posted the wiki definition already bested you. You're basically arguing against reality at this point.

You said white referred to anglo, I pointed out that even most "anglos" are predominately not anglo and that anglo admixture in britain is highly regional and mostly concentrated the east coast. And even a change in samples and methodology can alter percentages, hence other studies giving a lower average.

On basal eurasian? Yes.

Not at all.

No they don't.

Wrong again, greeks may ne a significant minority in turkey but they're still around. Particularly in istanbul and the coasts.

Which is similar to the amount of steppe ancestry present in southern europeans, thus shouldn't be enough to offset the neolithic ancestry by your logic. Even in greece discontinuity has been noted.

Not according to the u.n.

Germanic is an ethnolinguistic term, and bavarians meet all the requirements. There are germanic decendants in italy too, there were also plenty of germanic kingdoms that ruled over southern europe. Like the visigoths in spain for example. Your spat with bavarians is retarded anyways since the anglo saxons would've essentially been of the same stock, which according to you, is the sole determinant of whiteness. Pre-germanic? There are no pre-germanic speakers left, lol.
>we now know R1b-V88 definitely went to Africa with early Eurasian farmers
lolwut? the TMRCA for v88 alone predates the neolithic expansion, and there is no evidence of that.
>The root of the Y haplogroup tree is the so-called "Y-Chromosome Adam," the most recent patrineal ancestor of all people living today, who is believed to have lived 60,000 to 90,000 years ago. He was not the only man living at that time, he simply was the only man with an unbroken male line of descent to the present day. The A haplogroup is thought to have been defined about 60,000 years bp. The BT haplogroup split from the root of the Y haplogroup tree 55,000 years before present (bp), probably in North East Africa. The CF(xDE) haplogroup was the common ancestor of all people who migrated outside of Africa until recent times. The defining mutation occurred 31-55,000 years bp in North East Africa and is still most common in Africa today in Ethiopia and Sudan. The DE haplogroup appeared approximately 50,000 years bp in North East Africa and subsequently split into haplogroup E that spread to Europe and Africa and haplogroup D that rapidly spread along the coastline of India and Asia to North Asia. The IJ haplogroup characterizes part of the second wave of emigration from Africa that occurred via the Middle East 45,000 years bp and defines two branches I and J that emigrated northwards and eastwards into Europe. The J branch subsequently split again and contributed to the current North African population. The NO haplogroup appeared approximately 35,000-40,000 years bp in a region east of the Aral sea; subsequent branches spread to North Asia (N) and another branch (O) to South Asia via North India.
>We obtained an estimate of 25.6 thousand years (ky) (95% CI 24.3–27.4 ky) for the TMRCA of the 509 haplogroup E3b chromosomes, which is close to the 30±6 ky estimate for the age of the M35 mutation reported by Bosch et al. (2001) using a different method. Several observations point to eastern Africa as the homeland for haplogroup E3b—that is, it had (1) the highest number of different E3b clades (table 1), (2) a high frequency of this haplogroup and a high microsatellite diversity, and, finally, (3) the exclusive presence of the undifferentiated E3b* paragroup.
>Our data show that haplogroup E3b appears as a collection of subclades with very different evolutionary histories. Haplogroup E-M78 was observed over a wide area, including eastern (21.5%) and northern (18.5%) Africa, the Near East (5.8%), and Europe (7.2%), where it represents by far the most common E3b subhaplogroup. The high frequency of this clade (table 1) and its high microsatellite diversity suggest that it originated in eastern Africa, 23.2 ky ago (95% CI 21.1–25.4 ky). The network of the E-M78 chromosomes reveals a strong geographic structuring, since each of the clusters α, β, and γ (fig. 2B) reaches high frequencies in only one of the regions analyzed. Cluster α is largely characterized by the otherwise rare nine-repeat allele at A7.1 (we found only 3 such alleles out of 800 E[xE3b1] chromosomes analyzed [present study; R.S., unpublished data]), often associated with the uncommon DYS413 24/23 pattern and its one-step neighbors. When compared with the other clusters in the network, it displays marked starlike features, with three central haplotypes accounting for 26% of the entire cluster. This cluster is very common in the Balkans (with frequencies of 20%–32%), and its frequencies decline toward western (7.0% in continental Italy, 7.4% in Sicily, 1.1% in Sardinia, 4.3% in Corsica, 3.0% in France, and 2.2% in Iberia) and northeastern (2.6%) Europe. In the Near East, this cluster is essentially limited to Turkey (3.4%). The relatively high frequency of DYS413 24/23 haplogroup E chromosomes in Greece (A.N., unpublished data) suggests that cluster α of the E-M78 haplogroup is common in the Aegean area, too.
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how many times has a yellow chimp won an international beauty contest?
what does TMRCA have to do with the date of spread to a particular location...jesus

keep up with population genetics, friend:


Sardinian-like populations brought up R1b-v88 to Africa
link fix:

not denying that r1b is eurasian but saying it spread in africa with the neolithics isn't 100% agreed upon since there's no concrete archaeological evidence to go along with it in addition to the relative absence of v88 in east africa when compared to west africa, despite west africa having lower levels of eurasian admixture.

i think cruciani at one point placed it at 9200 ka at the oldest and linked it to the spread of chadic languages.
She's hot but those painted or whatever eyebrows look fucking stupid.
>open thread to see mullatos
>nothing but autism
God, white people are pathetic
all empty statements with nothing to back them up

except maybe the asians because of IQ
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This desu.
IQ not really.
thanks m8
Actually on average Amerindians have the biggest dicks

Also Caucasians (whites, arabs, poo in loos) are the best at war so get cucked by our mountain man cocks faggit
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